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A male customer and a female employee died in a fire at the sauna center in Shenzhen.

At 10 o’clock the night before yesterday, a sauna center in Shenzhen caught fire, killing one man and one woman, namely customers and employees. According to reports, the fire in Shenzhen Sauna Center was caused by a short circuit of outdoor billboards. According to nearby witnesses, when the fire broke out in Shenzhen Sauna Center, there was a big fire and smoke, and customers fled in haste, and many people even ran away with their shoes. After the fire broke out in Shenzhen Sauna Center, the area began to conduct a comprehensive investigation of crowded places.

A male customer and a female employee died in a fire at the sauna center in Shenzhen.

Yesterday, when the reporter of New Express went to the scene of the incident, he saw that the location of the incident had been blackened by fire. According to the nearby shop owner, the fire was very big at the time of the incident, and a lot of smoke came out. Many fire engines were on the scene to put out the fire, but the fire was quickly controlled. Later, the reporter contacted the customers who were spending money in the sauna center at the time of the incident, claiming that many people had no time to check out at that time. "When I heard that there was a fire, I grabbed my bags and ran out no matter what clothes I was wearing. The corridor was full of smoke, and some people’s shoes ran away." It is understood that there were hundreds of people who fled hastily at that time.

According to the report of Shenzhen Luohu District Safety Management Committee, at 10: 04 the night before, the public security command center received a report that the outdoor signboard of Taipingyang Commercial Building, No.4028 Jiabin Road, Luohu District, caught fire, and 10 fire engines from 4 squadrons were dispatched for on-site rescue. At 10: 18, the fire was extinguished. After on-site search, two people who were unconscious due to inhaling smoke were found in Room 0560 on the fourth floor, and immediately handed over to the ambulance center staff who arrived at the scene for rescue, and died after being rescued.

After investigation, the two people who died were a man and a woman, and the male deceased Zhang Moumou was a customer of the place; Du Mou, a female deceased, is a staff member of the site. The cause of the fire was initially identified as the failure of the power line of the outdoor billboard. At present, the public security fire department is conducting a comprehensive investigation into the cause of the accident, and the related aftermath work is carried out in an orderly manner.

At 9: 00 am yesterday, the Luohu District Party Committee and the District Government of Shenzhen held an emergency meeting on fire safety, demanding that the cause of the accident be found out quickly, the accident investigation and aftermath should be done well, and special treatment should be carried out for lintel signs and outdoor billboards in an all-round way, especially for the electrical safety and building safety of similar advertising signs, and the safety of key places such as various professional markets such as cloth and clothing, three small places and crowded places should be comprehensively investigated and rectified.

Half a month after the implementation of the purchase tax law, 4S shop visits: How much can you save by buying a car?

  【Minsheng investigation bureau

  Editor’s note:

  This is the People’s Livelihood Investigation Bureau, which has never been seen before, investigating the changes in people’s livelihood. Pay attention to what you want to pay attention to and what you don’t, and investigate what you want to see and what you don’t see.

  Chinanews. com client Beijing, July 17 th:Half a month after the implementation of the purchase tax law, 4S shop visits: How much can you save by buying a car?

  Author Zhang Xu

  "There is a vehicle purchase tax concession for buying a car in July!"

  In July, many consumers received calls from 4S stores. The background was that the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law was officially implemented on July 1. Among them, the most striking thing is to cancel the minimum taxable value and pay the vehicle purchase tax according to the transaction price of naked cars.

  Now, half a month after the implementation of the policy, what changes have it brought to consumers’ car purchase?

  Buy 100,000 cars and pay less than 1,700 yuan in vehicle purchase tax.

  "I bought a car with a price of 100,000 yuan after the discount. Because I don’t have to pay the vehicle purchase tax at the guide price, I lost more than 1,700 yuan. Before the 4S shop said that there would be a discount when buying a car in July, it was true! "

  Mr. Chen from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, had heard from the sales of 4S stores that the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law was implemented on July 1, so he chose to hold money for purchase, and the less tax paid made him the first beneficiary of the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law.

  The Vehicle Purchase Tax Law clearly states that the tax payable by consumers to buy vehicles will depend on the actual amount paid, which is also commonly known as the transaction price of naked cars. The purchase tax rate is 10%, and taxable value does not include 13% value-added tax.

  A salesperson of a Buick 4S shop calculated an account for the reporter of Zhongxin. com: Take Buick Hideo 18T automatic elite as an example, the manufacturer’s guide price is 135,900 yuan, the store sales discount is 45,000 yuan, and the consumer actually pays 90,900 yuan.

  Before the implementation of the New Deal, consumers have to pay the vehicle purchase tax of 135,900 ÷ (1+13%) × 10% = 12,026 yuan, and after the New Deal, it is 90,900 ÷ (1+13%) × 10% = 8,044 yuan, which can save consumers 3,982 yuan.

  "Vehicles are generally sold at a price lower than the manufacturer’s guide price, but before paying taxes, they paid taxes according to the guide price. In fact, they paid more money." The salesperson said.

  Compared with the previous Provisional Regulations on Vehicle Purchase Tax, the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, which came into effect on July 1, canceled the collection of purchase tax for expenses other than consideration.

  What is the extra cost? Insiders explained that it mainly refers to the handling fee, transportation and loading and unloading fee, collection money, advance payment, etc. charged to the buyer outside the sales price.

  That is to say, "if these expenses are incurred in buying a car, they will also be taxed according to the previous provisional regulations. Now, canceling out-of-price fees can save money for consumers to a certain extent. "

  Can you save money by canceling the minimum taxable price?

  It is worth noting that the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law abolished the minimum taxable price.

  "Previously, the minimum taxable value was reported by the manufacturer, and State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China checked with reference to the average market transaction price. What is the minimum taxable value for each car? Consumers are not clear. After the implementation of the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, the tax payable is calculated according to the total price paid by consumers to dealers when buying a car. The specific cost is clear at a glance. " Some insiders said.

  Many times, consumers get a lot of discounts when buying a car, and the actual transaction price is lower than the lowest in taxable value, but they have to pay taxes according to the lowest taxable value, which makes consumers spend more money.

  Therefore, whether the New Deal can save money after implementation depends mainly on whether the preferential price of vehicles is lower than the previous lowest taxable value.

  "For example, the actual transaction price of the Mercedes-Benz ELA200 that I sold before July with a manufacturer’s guide price of 269,800 yuan was 209,800 yuan. If the tax was calculated according to the actual transaction price, I should pay 18,566 yuan, but the consumer actually paid 19,000 yuan. This is because before the implementation of the new tax law, if the transaction price is lower than the minimum taxable price, tax should also be paid at the minimum taxable price. After July 1 ST, the minimum taxable price was cancelled, and it is enough to pay taxes according to the actual transaction price. " Mr. Qin, manager of a Mercedes-Benz 4S store in Chaoyang, Beijing, introduced to the reporter.

  Refund of car can be refunded, and the car with 120,000 yuan can be refunded more than 8,000 yuan in two years.

  In order to better protect the interests of consumers, the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law has also added a tax refund clause. Taxpayers who return vehicles with vehicle purchase tax to vehicle production enterprises or sales enterprises may apply to the competent tax authorities for refund of vehicle purchase tax in accordance with relevant regulations, and the amount of tax refund shall not be negative.

  The amount of tax refund is based on the tax paid, and it will be deducted by 10% every full year from the date of tax payment to the date of applying for tax refund.

  For example, if a consumer buys a car with a price of 120,000 yuan and pays a vehicle purchase tax of 10,619 yuan, if he needs to return the car for some reason after using it for 2 years, he can also apply for a refund of part of the vehicle purchase tax, and the refund amount is 10,619× (1-2× 10%) = 8,495 yuan. This is a big plus for consumers.

  At the same time, the new regulations clarify that the vehicle purchase tax is levied once and only in the purchase process. For the purchase of vehicles that have been subject to vehicle purchase tax, that is, used cars, taxes are no longer levied. However, if the vehicle purchased is tax-free or tax-reduced, if it is no longer within the scope of tax exemption or tax reduction due to transfer or change of use, it shall pay the vehicle purchase tax before handling the vehicle transfer registration or change registration.

  The "cover-up method" of unreasonable charges in 4S stores is difficult to work.

  The incident of defending the rights of female owners of Mercedes-Benz in Xi ‘an before made the charging chaos of car dealers appear. One of them involves the "blind eye method" that merchants play when helping consumers pay the purchase tax.

  According to industry insiders, in the fierce market competition, many 4S stores will take the licensing procedures as value-added services, which is profitable. Take a car with a fare of 100,000 yuan as an example. When actually paying the purchase tax, you need to deduct 13% of the value-added tax. The purchase tax should be paid on the basis of 87,000 yuan, and the tax rate of 10% needs to pay 8,700 yuan.

  When the merchant collects and pays the vehicle purchase tax, it will be calculated at 100,000 yuan, and the consumer will be charged 10,000 yuan accordingly. "Consumers generally can’t see the tax payment invoice and don’t know how much they have paid. Many consumers don’t know how to calculate it, and the difference between them is taken away by dealers. " The sales manager of a 4S shop revealed.

  Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the All-China Passenger Transport Association, believes that the new vehicle purchase tax policy standardizes the formulation standards of taxable value, defines the taxable value when consumers buy cars, and effectively improves the problem of high taxable value in the past based on the actual price of cars, which is conducive to protecting consumers’ rights and interests and further reducing the cost of cars.

  However, it also brings a problem: the vehicle purchase tax in taxable value depends on the sales price indicated on the unified invoice for motor vehicle sales. Will there be tax evasion caused by the low invoice price?

  In this regard, the staff of Wuhan Municipal Taxation Bureau said that the collection of vehicle purchase tax has been upgraded from "provisional regulations" to "law", and there is illegal risk for dealers to deliberately write down sales invoices; At the same time, the implementation of the tax law itself means that the risk prevention and control work of the tax department will be more rigorous. The invoice amount paid by the taxpayer will be automatically compared in the system, and relevant risk data will be pushed. The tax department will analyze the risk data and deal with it according to the tax administration law.

  Will car sales increase under the influence of new purchase tax regulations?

  In addition to the implementation of the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, another background of the automobile market in July was that after cleaning up the inventory of the national five vehicles in many places, the national six standard cars became the main products in the market.

  In a number of 4S stores in Beijing, the reporter saw that unlike the vehicles that were still being promoted at the end of June, the new cars are now labeled as meeting the national six standards. "We concentrated on cleaning up the inventory of the National Five in June, and it has been basically cleared. Now we sell all the models of the National Six." The salesperson told the reporter.

  Shi Jianhua, Deputy Secretary-General of China Automobile Industry Association, pointed out that from January to May, the automobile production and sales in China were at a low level, which was mainly manifested by weak market consumption, insufficient consumer confidence and obvious wait-and-see mood, due to the macro-economy and the early implementation of the national six emission standards in some areas.

  Shi Jianhua believes that in the second half of this year, with the increasing number of vehicles that meet the national six standards, as well as the effects of a series of policy measures such as tax reduction and fee reduction, and the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Commerce jointly announced the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Updating and Upgrading of Key Consumer Goods and Smooth Resource Recycling" (2019— The implementation of the Notice of 2020 will play a positive role in promoting the passenger car market, and the production and sales of new energy vehicles will continue to maintain rapid growth. (End)

A number of new regulations will be implemented in July: full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places.

  Zhongxin. com, July 1 ST, a number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies have been implemented, auto dealers are not allowed to increase the price of cars, and the acceptance of ID cards in different places has been fully implemented … … A number of new regulations will be implemented today, which will soon affect all aspects of people’s lives.

  A number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies will be implemented today.

  According to the decision of the the State Council executive meeting, a number of tax reduction and fee reduction policies will be implemented today. In terms of tax reduction, the value-added tax rate was reduced from four to three, and the 13% tax rate band was abolished, forming a three-band structure of 17%, 11% and 6%. The pilot policy of pre-tax deduction of personal income tax for commercial health insurance will be extended to the whole country, and the expenses of individuals purchasing qualified commercial health insurance products are allowed to be deducted before tax according to the maximum annual limit of 2,400 yuan.

  In terms of fee reduction, we will further clean up and standardize the deposit in the field of engineering construction, clean up and standardize the government’s non-tax revenue surcharge in the field of energy, temporarily exempt the two supervision fees of banking and insurance, and reduce the radio frequency occupation fee.

  Simplify the handling of tax administrative licensing matters

  The Announcement on Simplifying the Procedures for Handling Tax Administrative Licensing Matters will come into effect today. The "Announcement" clarifies five measures to degenerate and optimize the procedures for handling tax administrative licensing matters, including simplifying the acceptance of documents, providing agency forwarding services, simplifying application materials, realizing the appointment of consulting services, and improving the delivery methods of documents.

  81 airports opened the "military priority according to law" channel.

  The Civil Aviation Administration and the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission jointly issued a notice to open the "military priority according to law" channel at 81 civil aviation airports nationwide from now on, and encouraged other airports to open as appropriate according to their own conditions, so as to provide thoughtful and efficient services for military personnel in check-in, security inspection and boarding.

  All coal mine safety production work in China will implement the new standards.

  The State Administration of Work Safety and other departments jointly issued the Notice on Vigorously Promoting the Standardization of Coal Mine Safety Production. The "Notice" puts forward a number of requirements, including organizing new standards publicity training, creating an incentive mechanism for standardization work, and coordinating and promoting standardization construction.

  Full implementation of ID card acceptance in different places.

  From now on, the Ministry of Public Security has fully implemented the "three systems" of accepting resident identity cards in different places, reporting the loss and claiming them for loss. The Ministry of Public Security pointed out that public security organs should issue resident identity cards within 60 days from the date when citizens submit the Registration Form for Acceptance of Resident Identity Cards in Different Places. In areas with inconvenient transportation, the processing time may be appropriately extended, but the extension time shall not exceed 30 days; Where conditions permit, the period of making and issuing certificates can be shortened according to the actual situation.

  Handling ordinary passports and underpaying 40 yuan.

  The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance issued a notice to reduce some administrative fees, which is expected to reduce the burden on enterprises and society by 2.6 billion yuan. The "Notice" stipulates that starting from today, the fees for citizens’ entry and exit documents, the cost of motor vehicle driving license, the cost of temporary entry motor vehicle number plate and driving license, the compensation fee for soil and water conservation, the actual (trial) inspection fee for pesticides, and the protection fee for integrated circuit layout design will be reduced. According to relevant standards, ordinary passports are reduced from 200 yuan to 160 yuan.

  Since July, the new regulations on automobile sales have been implemented, and it is clear that dealers are not allowed to sell cars at a higher price. The picture shows the data map. Photo by Zhang Yun, a reporter from China News Service

  Car dealers are not allowed to sell cars at a higher price.

  The Measures for the Administration of Automobile Sales promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce will be implemented today. The measures have made clear provisions and requirements for increasing the price of automobile sales, providing three-guarantee certificates, and indicating the source of accessories. It stipulates that dealers are prohibited from raising the price of cars in all forms, and dealers must clearly indicate the prices of cars and accessories, and must attach certificates with the car when picking up the car.

  According to the "Measures", it is no longer necessary for automobile brands to authorize the sale of automobiles, and two modes of authorized sales and unauthorized sales are allowed to be parallel, and new automobile sales forms such as automobile supermarkets, automobile stores and automobile e-commerce will blossom.

  Travel tax increases

  The tax ceiling for various types of vehicles has generally increased since today. The annual tax standard for large buses will be adjusted from 480 yuan to 660 yuan, for medium buses from 420 yuan to 660 yuan, for small buses from 360 yuan to 660 yuan, and for ordinary cars from 180 yuan to 360 yuan. At the same time, the tax targets have also been adjusted, and all kinds of buses that were originally tax-free will also pay taxes at the same standard as private cars.

  Strengthen the "seller’s responsibility" for securities operating institutions

  The Measures for the Administration of the Suitability of Securities and Futures Investors will be implemented from now on. The core requirement of the Measures is to strengthen the requirement of "the seller is responsible" for securities, funds and futures operating institutions, so that the operating institutions must bear the obligations stipulated by law while obtaining operating income, ensure the equality and unity of rights and obligations, effectively prevent one-sided pursuit of economic interests, and promote high-risk securities and futures products to investors with insufficient risk tolerance, resulting in damage and influence on the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

  Increase penalties for illegal acts of traditional Chinese medicine.

  The "People’s Republic of China (PRC) Chinese Medicine Law" has been implemented today, with five highlights: (1) the important position and development policy of Chinese medicine are clarified; Establish a management system that conforms to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine; Increase support for the cause of Chinese medicine; Adhere to both support and standardization, and strengthen the supervision of Chinese medicine; Increase penalties for illegal acts of traditional Chinese medicine.

  50,000 domestic cash transactions need to be reported.

  The Measures for the Administration of Reports on Large-value Transactions and Suspicious Transactions of Financial Institutions issued by the Central Bank will be implemented today. The Administrative Measures adjusted the RMB reporting standard for large cash transactions from "200,000 yuan" to "50,000 yuan", and the reporting standard for large cross-border transactions denominated in RMB was "200,000 yuan", and for the first time, non-bank payment institutions were included in the scope of responsibility.

  New invoice regulations: only the name of the enterprise can be filled in for office invoicing, and it cannot be reimbursed.

  According to the announcement of State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China, starting from today, the purchaser must provide the corporate taxpayer identification number (i.e. "tax number") or the unified social credit code when issuing corporate invoices, otherwise it will not be used as a tax voucher to handle tax-related business. The announcement also requires that when the seller issues an invoice, it should truthfully issue an invoice that is consistent with the actual business; When the buyer obtains the invoice, it shall not request to change the name and amount.

  Mobile phone pre-installed software must be uninstalled.

  The Interim Provisions on the Administration of Preset and Distribution of Application Software for Mobile Intelligent Terminals will be implemented today. According to the regulations, production enterprises should restrict the sales channels, and should not install application software in mobile intelligent terminals without the consent of users, and all software except basic functions can be uninstalled. The application software of mobile intelligent terminal involved in charging shall strictly abide by the relevant provisions such as clearly marked price, express the charging standard and charging method, and express that the content is true, accurate and eye-catching, and the fee can be deducted only after being confirmed by the user.

  Encourage and support the provision of disability prevention and rehabilitation services for the disabled.

  The Regulations on Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons will come into effect today. The regulations clearly stipulate that the state shall take measures to provide basic rehabilitation services for the disabled and support and help them integrate into society; Prohibition of discrimination on the basis of disability; The state encourages and supports organizations and individuals to provide disability prevention and rehabilitation services for the disabled, donate to the cause of disability prevention and rehabilitation for the disabled, and build relevant public welfare facilities; The provision of rehabilitation services for the disabled shall protect the privacy of the disabled and shall not discriminate against or insult them.

  The lifelong responsibility system is implemented for soil pollution control and remediation.

  The Measures for the Management of Soil Environment in Polluted Plots (Trial) will be implemented today. The method points out that according to the principle of "whoever pollutes will treat it", the unit or individual that caused soil pollution should bear the main responsibility for treatment and restoration. In principle, the treatment and restoration project should be carried out at the original site. During the treatment and restoration, measures should be taken to prevent secondary pollution to the plot and its surrounding environment. The lifelong responsibility system is implemented for soil pollution control and remediation.

What is football? What are the advantages of playing football?

What is football? What are the advantages of playing football?

What is football?

Rugby, a kind of ball games, is popular in Britain, America, Australia, Japan and other countries. Originated in rugby, England in 1823, it was originally named Rugby Football, or rugby for short. It is called rugby in China because it is spherical like an olive. Rugby is a city in the middle of England, where there is a Rugby School, which is the birthplace of rugby.

What are the advantages of playing football?

More effectively improve that function of the respiratory system.

Rugby is a combination of running and leg sports. In the process of running, passing the ball, shooting the ball, etc., the depth of breathing will be strengthened, so that more oxygen will be inhaled and more carbon dioxide will be discharged, so that the vital capacity will be increased and the lung function will be strengthened. This is because the main respiratory muscle groups (diaphragm, intercostal muscle, levator costalis muscle, upper and lower serratus muscle, etc.) and respiratory auxiliary muscle groups (scalene muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle, pectoralis minor muscle, pectoralis major muscle, etc.) strengthen contraction, and promote the development of these muscles, thoracic expansion, chest cavity volume increase, alveoli develop well, respiratory strength increase, vital capacity, lung ventilation and suction (photo) Studies have pointed out that people who exercise regularly have strong physical adaptability, and their breathing appears stable, deep and even, and the frequency is also slow. When they are quiet, their breathing frequency is 7-11 times/minute, while those who do not exercise have a breathing frequency of 12-18 times/minute, and women are 2-3 times faster than men.

Prolong life more effectively.

A ten-year study shows that people who don’t exercise are 42% more likely to die young than those who often play football. 5%。 The reason is that if you don’t exercise, you will accelerate aging in many places, and even get old before you get old. And these people who don’t exercise have lower resistance to cancer, heart and so on than those who play football.

Strengthen the bones of the legs.

Rugby is the best exercise for training legs. In the process of continuous leg exercise, the blood supply of bone is improved due to the promotion of metabolism, and the morphological structure and function of bone have undergone good changes: the bone density is thickened, which makes the bone thicker, the arrangement of bone trabeculae is more orderly and regular according to different pressures and tensions, and the protrusions attached to muscles on the bone surface are more obvious. These changes make the bone stronger and stronger, thus improving the functions of bone in bending, bending, compression and torsion. Insisting on physical exercise can also enhance the strength around the joint, and the joint capsule and ligament are also thickened, thus increasing the stability of the joint; At the same time, physical exercise makes the joint capsule, ligament and muscles around the joint stretch, thus improving the flexibility of the joint.

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Source: 360 Common Sense Daquan. com

Zhongyin Fashion: It is estimated that the annual net profit in 2023 will be 17 million to 23 million yuan, down 68.82% to 76.95% year-on-year.

Every AI newsletter,Zhongyin Fashion (SZ 300901, closing price: 8.71 yuan) released its performance forecast on the evening of January 29th, and it is estimated that the net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies will be 17 million to 23 million yuan in 2023, down 68.82% to 76.95% year-on-year. The main reason for the change in performance was that due to the fluctuation of exchange rate, the company’s exchange income decreased significantly during the reporting period compared with the same period of last year. During the reporting period, the company actively explored the development channels of new retail and new business models in the industrial chain, and added related businesses in the field of e-commerce. Because related businesses are in the initial stage, there are certain losses. At the same time, the company leased two new industrial development bases for the development of new business formats. At present, most of the places are still in the decoration stage, and the rental amortization expenditure is large. During the reporting period, the company launched the employee stock ownership plan, and confirmed the share payment fee in this period.

From January to December, 2022, Zhongyin Fashion’s operating income consisted of: professional technical service industry accounted for 100.0%.

The chairman and general manager of Zhongyin Fashion are Ni Xiuhua, female, 48 years old, with a bachelor’s degree background.

As of press time, Zhongyu Fashion has a market value of 2.1 billion yuan.

1. In the past 30 days, no organization has conducted research on Zhongyin Fashion.

Every headline (nbdtoutiao)-In the face of a maximum sentence of 45 years, well-known rich people pleaded guilty! He’s worth over 54 billion …

(Reporter Zeng Jianhui)

Disclaimer: The contents and data in this article are for reference only, and do not constitute investment advice. Please check before use. Operate accordingly at your own risk.

national business daily


Guangzhou carries out special activities for automobile consumption, and the maximum subsidy for purchasing qualified automobiles is 5,000 yuan/vehicle.

Viewpoint Network News: Recently, Guangzhou launched the special automobile consumption activity of "Guangdong enjoys buying cars in the New Year and being polite" in 2024.

According to the information from official website of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, individual consumers can enjoy the activity subsidy after purchasing a new non-operating passenger car from January 25th to February 3rd, 2024, completing the registration of the new car, and uploading the new car driving license and other materials. The subsidy target is individual consumers who buy new cars from Guangzhou automobile sales enterprises participating in this activity and complete motor vehicle registration during the activity.

The subsidy standard is divided into two grades. The first file: the unified invoice for motor vehicle sales includes tax of 100,000 yuan (inclusive) to 200,000 yuan (inclusive), and the subsidy is 3,000 yuan/vehicle. The second file: the unified invoice for motor vehicle sales includes tax of more than 200,000 yuan (excluding 200,000 yuan), and the subsidy is 5,000 yuan/vehicle. Applicants are required to complete the subsidy application from January 25th to February 3rd.

It is also known that some automobile brand dealers have also introduced various promotional measures. For example, the Cadillac XT5 clearance discount reached 100,000 yuan; FAW Audi A4L, A6L and Q5L also have cash discounts of 80,000-90,000 yuan for individual models; Faw Toyota imported Crown sportcross dual-engine premium edition with a preferential margin of 80,000 yuan.

This article comes from: Viewpoint. com


When does winter start?

Beijing Evening News Five Colors | Author Zong Chunqi
Winter is the coldest season of the year. In winter, "water begins to freeze, and the ground begins to freeze". Or ask: When does winter begin?
According to the climate theory, it is winter when the average temperature is below 10 degrees Celsius for five consecutive days.
Photo by Bai Jikai of Tanzhe Temple
According to the lunar calendar, October is winter. Lu You’s "Making Winter Work": "It’s time to give clothes to the moon, and it’s time to start autumn." September is called the month of giving clothes, and the Book of Songs says, "July is full of fire, and clothes are given in September." On the first day of October, the ancients called it "the first autumn day", and the son of heaven began to wear fur coats from this day. Emperors of past dynasties often gave ministers and soldiers golden clothes to keep out the cold on this day. On the first day of October, Chinese people celebrate the "Cold Clothes Festival", giving "cold clothes" and burning "cold clothes paper" to their deceased relatives. This is also the third festival in a year to remember our ancestors after Qingming and Zhongyuan.
According to the solar terms, winter begins in beginning of winter. This year’s solar term in beginning of winter is November 7th, and October 14th of the lunar calendar.
The ancients attached great importance to the solar term of beginning of winter. According to the Book of Rites, Zhou Tianzi began to fast three days before the beginning of winter. On this day in beginning of winter, the son of heaven personally led all the doctors to the northern suburb of the capital to welcome the arrival of winter. After you come back, you can "reward the dead, sympathize with the widowed"-reward the martyrs who died for the country and pay for their families. There are also a series of sacrificial activities: "La Ancestor, Five Sacrifices". There are different explanations about the Five Sacrifices. One explanation is to worship the five-color emperor in the palace; One explanation is to worship the gods of the five senses: door, door, well, stove and zhongliu; Another explanation is to worship the officials of Jin Mu’s five elements of fire, water and earth: Ru Shou, the golden god, Ju Mang, Xuan Ming, the water god, Zhu Rong, the earth god and thick earth. In short, all the "gods" that can be thought of and used in production and life should be sacrificed.
After beginning of winter, the Emperor of Heaven wanted to let the peasants rest, let the army generals train and practice martial arts, and let the civilian officials collect taxes-"It is the life of the water, and the fishermen collect the water from the spring." Shuiyu is in charge of Chuanze, and the fisherman is in charge of fishermen. The son of heaven warned these officials in advance: "Don’t or dare to encroach on the common people, thinking that the son of heaven takes the blame from the next"-don’t exploit the people and cause them to resent the son of heaven; "if there is such a person, there is no sin!" This is probably the earliest warning to officials that "corruption is not allowed".
Northern agricultural proverb: "If beginning of winter doesn’t cut vegetables, it will definitely suffer from frost." The critical value of Chinese cabbage freezing is-5℃. At this time, if Chinese cabbage is allowed to grow in the ground, it will be frozen.
According to "China Meteorological Disaster Ceremony: Beijing Volume", on November 7, 1968, the temperature dropped by 12.6℃ in 48 hours in beginning of winter, and the daily minimum temperature was-7.8℃. Chinese cabbage in the suburbs of Beijing suffered severe freezing damage, with a loss of more than 100 million kilograms.

After the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development made it clear that the regulation was weak and determined to be accountable, 13 cities introduced a new property market policy within 20 days.

  Since July, the central government has repeatedly reiterated the keynote of "housing and housing without speculation" and the goal of "three stability". After the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development clearly put forward the accountability of cities where housing prices have risen too fast, the real estate market has ushered in a new wave of regulation.

  According to the incomplete statistics of The Paper, since July 22nd, the Housing and Construction Bureau has emphasized to further implement the main responsibility of the city government, strengthen the supervision and guidance responsibility of the provincial government, and resolutely hold the cities that are ineffective in regulation and control, and the housing prices are rising too fast accountable. At present, 13 cities have issued new policies on property market regulation to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

  These cities include: Shanghai, Shaoxing, Hefei, Wuxi, Jinan, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Dongguan, Jinhua, Hangzhou, Beijing, Chengdu and Quzhou.

  In these cities that have introduced the regulation of the property market, it has become an important content to rectify the intermediary’s standardized operation, introduce the guiding price of second-hand houses, limit business loans, purchase restrictions, sales restrictions and crack down on speculation in school districts.

  Poor regulation and firm accountability

  On July 22nd, the State Council held a teleconference on accelerating the development of affordable rental housing and further improving the regulation of the real estate market. The meeting pointed out that we should attach great importance to the new situation and new problems in real estate work, adhere to the positioning that houses are used for living, not for speculation, and do not regard real estate as a short-term means to stimulate the economy, fully implement the long-term real estate mechanism of stabilizing land prices, housing prices and expectations, and promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

  On the same day, the People’s Daily article pointed out that since the beginning of this year, due to various objective factors, coupled with the failure of some cities to fulfill their main responsibilities, the regulation of the real estate market has been relaxed, and the real estate market in some cities has warmed up, and some cities have overheated, which requires urban policies and precise policies to further increase the regulation and supervision of the real estate market. In this regard, Zhang Qiguang, director of the real estate market supervision department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, said that the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development will work with relevant departments to further implement the main responsibilities of urban governments, strengthen the supervision and guidance responsibilities of provincial governments, and resolutely hold cities that are ineffective in regulation and control and whose housing prices are rising too fast accountable.

  Subsequently, on July 23rd, eight departments, including the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, issued the Notice on Continuously Rectifying and Standardizing the Order of the Real Estate Market. The Notice clearly stated that the "policy based on the city" highlighted the key points of rectification, including real estate development, house sale, housing lease and property services. At the same time, the "Notice" mentioned that we will strive to achieve a significant improvement in the order of the real estate market in about three years. Violations of laws and regulations have been effectively curbed, the supervision system has been continuously improved, the supervision information system has been basically established, and the work pattern of joint management by departments has gradually taken shape, and the number of complaints from the masses has dropped significantly.

  5 cities were interviewed

  As soon as the voice of "Resolutely hold accountable the cities that are ineffective in regulation and control and whose housing prices are rising too fast ….." fell, five cities with significantly rising housing prices were interviewed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

  On July 29th, Ni Hong, Vice Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, interviewed the responsible comrades of five cities, namely Yinchuan, Xuzhou, Jinhua, Quanzhou and Huizhou, and demanded that the decision-making arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council be resolutely implemented, that the house be used for living, not for speculation, that the real estate be not used as a short-term means to stimulate the economy, that the city’s main responsibility be effectively fulfilled, and that, in view of the new situations and problems in the real estate market in the first half of the year, the regulation and supervision should be strengthened to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.

  In the first half of this year, the sales price of new commercial housing and the price of residential land in these five cities increased too fast, and the market expectation was unstable, which aroused widespread concern in society. At the same time, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development announced that Yinchuan, Xuzhou, Jinhua, Quanzhou and Huizhou will be included in the list of key cities for real estate market monitoring.

  After the interview, late at night on August 2, Jinhua City Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Zhejiang Province issued the Notice on Further Promoting the Stable and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market in our City, becoming the first city to introduce property market regulation after being interviewed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.

  The "Notice" clearly implements ten aspects, such as residential sales restriction, notarized lottery sales, and requirements for strengthening second-hand residential price supervision, strengthening financial supervision, strictly renaming management, and implementing the main responsibility.

  According to the Notice, newly-built commercial housing and second-hand housing purchased in Jinhua City (Wucheng District, Jinyi New District < jindong district > and the whole area of Jinhua Economic and Technological Development Zone, the same below) can only be listed and traded after obtaining the Property Ownership Certificate for three years. The confirmation time of obtaining the Property Right Certificate is based on the issuing time of the Property Right Certificate.

  At the same time, the "Notice" mentioned that the dynamic monitoring of the listing price of second-hand houses should be strengthened, and houses with obviously abnormal listing prices should be removed in time. In Jinhua city, we will launch a pilot project to release the transaction reference price of second-hand housing in hot areas, and timely promote and implement the application of the transaction reference price in finance and credit.

  Eight cities have implemented the reference price of second-hand housing transactions.

  It is worth mentioning that, in the industry’s view, the promotion of the reference price system for second-hand housing transactions has become the most important policy in the second-hand housing market this year, further embodying the orientation of all-round supervision of real estate.

  In order to cope with the chaotic listing price of the second-hand housing market and some owners’ "holding the group to raise prices", more and more cities began to control the price of the second-hand housing market, and explored the establishment of a reference price release mechanism for second-hand housing to curb the spread of the "virtual fire" in the property market.

  In addition to Jinhua mentioned above, according to the incomplete statistics of The Paper (www.thepaper.cn), eight cities in China, namely, Shenzhen, Ningbo, Chengdu, Xi ‘an, Shaoxing, Wuxi and Dongguan, have proposed to implement the reference price system for second-hand housing.

  In addition to the reference price system for second-hand housing transactions, since the beginning of this year, some key cities have also introduced various kinds of regulation and supervision measures to promote the stability of second-hand housing prices and market expectations.

  According to the incomplete statistics of Yiju Research Institute, at least nine cities in China have focused on regulating and controlling the price of second-hand housing, which involves cracking down on the behavior of owners to drive up housing prices, establishing a mechanism for releasing information on second-hand housing prices, and increasing the verification of price information.

  For the prospect of 2021, the Blue Book of Real Estate 2021 jointly issued by the Institute of Ecological Civilization of China Academy of Social Sciences, China Real Estate Appraisers and Real Estate Brokers Association points out that the real estate industry is still the ballast stone and stabilizer of China’s economy. Real estate financial supervision will continue to be strengthened, and the tone of policy regulation will continue to be "stable", and the regulatory policies will be more refined and complete. The development of the leasing market has been further enhanced by the policy. Affected by the global monetary easing and low interest rate policy, the real estate market will face greater upward pressure in 2021. The market risk is increasing, the differentiation trend is becoming increasingly obvious, the real estate industry is facing a reshuffle, and the tightening of policy regulation will also curb the market overheating impulse.

Zhang Xuhao held a "pit" for four years.

Original liuyong juchao WAVE

Text | liuyong

Editor | Yang Xuran

One day in December 2021, Zhang Xuhao released a circle of friends:

"Our aim is that 2680 yuan must be used in playgolf for everyone to learn golf. In fact, this movement is very simple and very civilian, and it cannot be demonized by past thinking. "

Only then did people find out what Zhang Xuhao had been doing quietly in recent years.

Back in April 2018, he sold "Hungry" to Alibaba for $9.5 billion, and then fell into silence-perhaps this silence is just an external manifestation of enjoying life.

In fact, people found that after he left hungry, he registered several companies soon: in March 2018, he registered Shanghai Puguan Business Consulting Partnership (Limited Partnership) and set foot in the consulting field, but at present it shows that it has been cancelled; In April of the same year, Shanghai Yuduo Business Consulting Co., Ltd. was registered with a registered capital of 5 million yuan.

Since then, he has taken a stake in Shanghai Yangwan Network Technology, which is a blockchain company mainly established by technical backbones who have been working hard with Zhang Xuhao for many years, but there is no following after 2020.

Besides, he once worked as an investment partner in Yuanjing Capital, an Ali-based capital company. But this is not the career he wants.

Until now, Zhang Xuhao, with a fiery personality and a strong desire to win, finally returned to the battlefield with another attitude. It’s just that few people can imagine that his eye will be on golf-it’s hard to be called an excellent track, so that to many people, his second venture is a bit like a ticket game, even a bit like into the pit.


Expensive consumption

A veritable "minority movement"

"Golf is actually not difficult. The small white group only needs 10 classes, which is only 2680 …"

Just like the low-price strategy adopted when he was hungry, Zhang Xuhao still wants to stick to the low-price model this time. He believes in the development potential of China’s sports industry, and thinks that it is not necessary to imagine golf as unattainable. "Golf is actually very simple".

The origin of golf in China happened to be the same year that Zhang Xuhao was born. At that time, for the purpose of providing leisure and entertainment for foreign businessmen, golf courses first appeared in cities where foreign companies gathered, such as Guangzhou and Shanghai. In other words, it is aimed at high-income business people from the beginning.

Golf courses usually serve urban business people.

In the actual stadium operation, from design to maintenance and operation, it also shows that this is a veritable "minority" movement.

Head leopard research institute has calculated such an account:

First of all, the design of golf courses is very professional, but there is a serious shortage of talents in this respect in China, so it is usually necessary to hire foreign designers. Generally, the design cost of an 18-hole standard course is as high as 500 thousand to 2 million dollars, and the design price of celebrities is higher. For example, the design cost of two courses designed by professional golfer Tiger Woods under the name of Beijing Tianan Holiday Golf Club is as high as $16.5 million;

Secondly, the investment in fixed assets and daily maintenance of golf courses are "burning money". Golf courses must occupy a lot of land. The standard 18-hole course is usually about 750 to 1500 mu, and the cost of land acquisition accounts for 70% of the total fixed assets cost. The remaining 30% is spent on paving lawns and importing some professional maintenance equipment such as punching machines and lawn mowers.

At the same time, lawn maintenance also needs a lot of water. According to the report, its average water consumption is 46 times that of cereal crops of the same area, and the daily water consumption of standard courses is as high as 2,000 to 2,500 tons, which is a huge burden for cities with high water consumption costs.

Therefore, the tax authorities in China set the business tax of golf and other industries at 20%, and some areas also levy high water resource use fees on water used in special places such as golf courses, which will inevitably further push up its operating costs.

The agency estimates that it usually takes 14 years for a standard golf course to recover the cost of fixed assets.

The high fixed cost of golf courses has created high prices.

All this is bound to be passed on to consumers without exception. At present, golf in China is basically a private venue, with a membership system, and the individual price is higher. Generally speaking, the price of a membership card is in the range of more than 100,000 to hundreds of thousands or even millions of RMB, and the individual plays a game in the range of two or three thousand yuan.

PLAYGOLF CLUB tries to break such a high-priced convention-the exquisite 20-seat private room of 50 square meters distinguishes the prices of visitors and members. The price of two-hour leisure package visitors is 1040 (weekdays) and 1280 yuan (holidays), and the member is 1000 yuan; The exclusive package for 4 hours (including one extra hour) costs 1560 yuan (weekdays) and 1920 yuan (holidays) for visitors and 1500 yuan for members.

In addition, the training course for "Xiaobai" is 2680 yuan for 10 classes.

Compared with other professional courses, the price offered by Zhang Xuhao is not much different from that of a bowling or tennis game, and it is really very close to the people, which may attract a group of urban middle class. However, the question is whether there are enough consumers, and whether it can help Zhang Xuhao cover all costs and even profits by taking the volume.


Desolate battlefield

Golf has neither a huge mass base nor a future.

Zhang Xuhao has a lasting enthusiasm for sports, and his habit of playing basketball continued until he was hungry.

Obviously, golf has become his latest hobby. He once said that the balance required by golf is his pursuit, and he also tried to turn this hobby into his next career. In order to promote the project, he spent 150 million yuan to renovate Huangxing Golf Course, which may be the biggest investment since he was hungry after selling it.

However, the golf course in China has never been seen in sturm und drang. According to the statistics of Huajing Industrial Research Institute, the size of China’s golf market in 2020 is only about 10.26 billion yuan, up 4.37% year-on-year-which is already a good year for this sport in recent years.

However, this figure is still in sharp contrast with the rapid growth of economy and residents’ consumption expenditure in the past years: in 2021, the per capita consumption expenditure of residents actually increased by 12.6%, reaching 24,100 yuan, of which the expenditure on culture and education increased rapidly, with the per capita consumption expenditure on education, culture and entertainment increasing by 27.9%, accounting for 10.8% of the per capita consumption expenditure.

The ugly data indicates that golf has neither a huge mass base nor a bright future.

Golf is a typical foreign product.

As early as 1997, the State Council issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening Land Management and Effectively Protecting Cultivated Land", which laid the policy tone for strict examination and approval of new golf courses. Until 2003, the then Ministry of Land and Resources regarded the golf project as a local "image project" and demanded that "no land should be submitted for approval".

Since then, this policy has been reiterated again and again. By 2014, the phenomenon of official corruption involving high consumption of golf balls was extremely common, which even stimulated the official to check and rectify the industry.

"Corruption in playing golf illegally" once became a high-frequency word. For example, Bai Enpei, the former secretary of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, was exposed to play golf three times a week and usually played with businessmen. "Playing golf is gambling. If any developer wants to send money to him, then play golf, deliberately lose to him, and bribe in disguise …"

The National Development and Reform Commission and other 11 departments jointly requested to sort out the existing golf courses, of which more than 100 closed down and only 400 remained.

It’s hard to say whether Zhang Xuhao was influenced by his hobbies.

This situation did not basically end until 2016. In the following six years until today, golf has been officially restored as a sport, but in all sports industries, it still hides in a dark corner and becomes synonymous with corruption and luxury. It is divorced from most people’s lives, floating in the air like clouds, but it is not white and beautiful.


start a new undertaking

The "phantom of the policy" has never subsided.

Unlike the hungry from scratch that catered to the rise of takeout and the popularity of smart phones, Zhang Xuhao now faces a completely different reality.

As mentioned above, the fate of golf seems to have ushered in a turning point after 2016, and the outside world is optimistic about the future development prospects. But in fact, the "phantom of the policy" has never subsided, and the construction of new golf courses is still banned.

Even PLAYGOLF is not a new project. It is just that Zhang Xuhao has integrated several golf clubs that were originally subcontracted by Huangxing Sports Park and re-opened them in the name of golf training ground after spending 150 million yuan to rebuild them. Even today, some public opinion still thinks that Zhang Xuhao has played a policy "edge ball".

PLAYGOLF project integrates several clubs in Shanghai.

In fact, the scale of golf industry in China has been hovering at a low level in recent years, which not only has the influence of past policies, but also has the factors of weak consumption.

Statistics show that the number of golf facilities in China in 2019 was 380, down 1.3% year-on-year; The number of golf holes in China is 8,360, down 5.5% year-on-year. Of course, the golf market in China will still grow by 4.4% in 2020, but the main reason may be the investment in youth training supported by the state.

When Zhang Xuhao aimed at the middle-income group of 400 million in the future, it probably didn’t consider the possibility that the situation of this group would deteriorate. Although the total economic output of China has successively exceeded the scale of 100 trillion yuan and 110 trillion yuan, the economic growth rate has rapidly dropped from "9" to "5" in the past 10 years. It is extremely doubtful whether the high-speed growth of first-tier cities with concentrated golf courses such as Beijing and Shanghai will be more unsustainable due to economic restructuring and other reasons.

As a result, the general social anxiety leads to weak consumption, which has become one of the main economic problems facing China at present. From the actual situation since 2020, the urban middle class is becoming increasingly cautious in consumption, and it is doubtful whether experiencing golf will become a part of their consumption list.

Zhang Xuhao is the biggest entrepreneur in the history of golf industry.

What’s more, the short-term impact of the epidemic is like a house leak that rains all night.

Established in 2020 and after more than 300 days and nights of renovation, when PLAYGOLF CLUB announced its "return" in March 2021, the COVID-19 epidemic was still not over. In fact, in the past year or so, PLAYGOLF CLUB has been repeatedly closed for business-of course, there are also reasons for renovation and maintenance.

On April 25th, it said in an article on the official website "When the Pause button was pressed in Shanghai" that it was the 25th day that it was impossible to practice in PLAYGOLF CLUB …

Going against the current at this historical node, the resistance that Zhang Xuhao faced in his new career can be imagined.

In those days, when he was hungry, Zhang Xuhao cashed in billions of huge wealth, and in a few years, he walked the road of many entrepreneurs all his life. This is his success. But I’m afraid the money was not burned casually.


Write it at the end

Most successful entrepreneurs can’t copy their own legends. How many people succeeded in digging up the first bucket of gold in life, but they only stopped at the first bucket of gold.

For example, in the internet field, in the past, there were not a few people who sold their companies and gained huge wealth in the internet field, and there were not a few entrepreneurs who rejoined the business world, but there were almost no winners again.

For Zhang Xuhao, Hungry’s entrepreneurial experience is full of legend, and he has gained the wealth and success that countless people hope to achieve. As a post-80s rich man in the sunshine, we hope his experience can inspire more people. I hope that his golf popularization route is only a temporary misfortune, just like the early days of the take-away market, which is "mistaken" by more people.

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Original title: "Zhang Xuhao held a" pit "for four years | Tide"

A variety of power, plug-in version of pure battery life of 100km! New Golf Family Official Map Released

A variety of power, plug-in version of pure battery life of 100km! New Golf Family Official Map Released

Recently, Volkswagen released the exterior map of the new golf family. This new car is a mid-term modified model, offering a variety of power systems and body forms, including standard version, high-performance GTI model, plug-in hybrid GTE model and station wagon Variant.

From the appearance, the new car adopts brand-new design elements. The headlight group has been changed into a single light source, equipped with a penetrating light strip, and at the same time, there is a luminous Volkswagen LOGO on the lower side. The front enclosure has been redesigned to be more dynamic, and the left front fender is equipped with a charging interface, suggesting that the car may be a plug-in hybrid version.

In addition, in terms of color, the new car has added four new color options: crystal ice blue, anemone blue, oyster silver and black ebony, and provided five wheels with different sizes ranging from 16 inches to 19 inches to choose from. Some models can also be equipped with a two-color body with a black roof.

For the interior, the new car is equipped with a brand-new MIB4 intelligent entertainment system. The control panel of the low version is 10.4 inches, and the high version is 12.9 inches; The air conditioning control system has also been completely redesigned, using the touch slider to replace the traditional physical buttons.

In terms of power system, the new Golf will provide a 1.5T turbocharged gasoline engine, a 1.5eTSI twin-vortex turbocharged diesel engine, a 2.0T turbocharged gasoline engine and a 1.5T plug-in hybrid version. According to different vehicle configurations, the new car is matched with different types of transmissions such as 6-speed manual transmission and 7-speed powershift.

The battery capacity of the plug-in hybrid version has been increased from 10.6kWh to 19.7kWh, making its pure electric cruising range reach 100 kilometers. In addition, the car supports AC charging (maximum power is 11 kW) and DC fast charging (maximum power is 50 kW).