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24-year-old won four times for a while! NBA Salary Expert: He will be the first Mr. with an annual salary of 80 million.

There are only five places in the NBA every year, and it is not easy to be selected for a while. Some superstar players have never been selected for a while, such as Anthony, Carter, Pierce and Ray Allen. However, there are also some talented players who have been selected for several times at a young age. For example, Duncan and Durant have been selected for four times before the age of 25.

In addition to these two talents, there is also a young player in the NBA who has achieved this feat. He is 24-year-old Dancsics. At present, Dancsics has played in the NBA for five seasons. Except for the first season, he didn’t win the honor of the best team, and he won the best team for four consecutive years from the second season. For today’s Dancsics, it’s common to average 30+7+7 per game. With his data, as long as the number of appearances reaches the standard, he will be a strong candidate every season.

The new NBA season is about to begin, and Dancsics should continue to play explosive data in the new season. As long as he doesn’t suffer serious injuries, it should be certain that he will enter the best team in the 2023-24 season. According to the analysis of salary expert Bobby Marks, Dancsics is eligible to sign a five-year super-maximum salary contract of $318 million, but he can’t renew it in 2024, because his participation period is less than six years. He can sign a contract renewal in 2025 and it will take effect in the 2026-27 season.

Furthermore, Bobby Marks said: If the salary cap increases by 10% in the next three years, the total contract value of Dancsics will reach $367.5 million in five years, and the annual salary of this contract will be $83.6 million in the last year. Dancsics will become the first player in the NBA with an annual salary exceeding $80 million.

In addition to Dancsics, Tatum’s next contract will be very amazing. Bobby Marks analyzed that Tatum has been qualified to sign a contract worth $303 million in 2024 (according to the salary cap’s 5% growth forecast). If the salary cap’s 10% growth forecast, Tatum’s contract will become $338 million, which will be the largest contract in NBA history. But when Dancsics signs a new contract in 2025, it will break Tatum’s record.

Plant a football seed.

"Go to Beijing to play football." Xu Jiajia fulfilled a dream of her own.

On July 8, Beijing Workers Stadium, like many famous players who play football here, photos of Xu Jiajia and a group of small teammates were hung in the players’ locker room. On this day, the U13 youth football team in Southwest Guizhou Province and the U12 echelon in Beijing Guoan mixed the competition.

Four years ago, with the help of poverty alleviation cadres, Xu Jiajia entered Luguan Primary School in Xingren City with more than 1,200 students from a rural school in Southwest Guizhou Province. There, she met a teaching policeman from Beijing, was selected for the football team, played well, and was promoted to a key middle school in Southwest Guizhou under the leadership of a "police coach". Last week, she flew to Beijing for the first time and kicked the football into the Beijing Workers Stadium.

On July 8th, the youth football team in Southwest Guizhou took a group photo with the players from beijing guoan football club. Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photo

This is a story about a girl’s dream in an ordinary mountain village, but behind it is a story about a group of people helping another group to ignite hope.

In March 2021 and September 2022, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau sent two groups of 40 policemen with professional expertise to Xingren City and Pu ‘an County in Southwest Guizhou Province to teach football and English for three years. Among them, two groups of 24 football teaching policemen (four remained) continued to popularize campus football, and a total of 22 campus football teams were formed, which led the campus football teams to achieve excellent results in competitions held in the country, Guizhou Province and their counties and cities.

Driven by the planning of the teaching team, the government of Southwest Guizhou established a youth football training base in Xingyi, the capital, and established a "full chain" promotion channel of "primary school-junior high school-high school-university-employment" for outstanding football talents in Southwest Guizhou.

Thirteen-year-old Xu Jiajia has a bigger dream, "Go out of the mountains and go to a better place to study." The teaching police planted a seed in the hearts of children.

On July 5, in the friendly match between the youth football team in Southwest Guizhou Province and the Beijing youth team, Xu Jiajia and his teammates embraced and cheered after the goal. Beijing News reporter Wang Ying photo

"I’m going to play football in Beijing."

In June in Guizhou, honey plums are in full season, and the branches and leaves of plum trees are pressed by fruits. When the wind blows, they sway gently with the rustling sound.

"I’m going to play football in Beijing." Children’s cheers came from the distance. Xu Jiajia, with neat short hair and a tanned face, ran home, followed by two "police coaches" from Beijing.

The yard was lively in an instant. Mother Lin Yi-fen rubbed her hands nervously, and her feet were busy, bringing washed plums for a while, touching eggs in the chicken coop, picking bacon from the beams, and then diving into the kitchen to get busy; Father Xu Shenggui told the two coaches that he had a strong accent and a fast speech, and repeatedly said, "Jia Jia has bothered you."

The 13-year-old Xu Jiajia is the only child in the village who went to Xingyi, the capital of Southwest Guizhou Province, to attend a public junior high school. She got good grades and was selected for the U13 women’s football team in Southwest Guizhou Province, and will soon go to Beijing to participate in the youth football summer camp. More than two years ago, she often skipped classes, was the "big sister" among children of the same age, and was also a "problem student" that made teachers have a headache.

In those days when she felt ashamed and regretted in retrospect, Jia Jia met Song Xiaochuan, a policeman who came to teach. He is like a light, shining into Jiajia’s life.

In 2021, the children who have just been elected to the football team are training. The former one in the picture is Xu Jiajia. Photo courtesy of respondents

On March 18th, 2021, the first batch of 18 teaching policemen from Beijing Public Security Bureau went to 6 schools (3 primary schools and 3 junior and senior high schools) in Xingren City and Pu ‘an County, Southwest Guizhou Province, and started the fixed-point assistance and teaching work. Song Xiaochuan and his partner set up a football team in Luguan Primary School in Xingren City.

Song Xiaochuan found that Jia Jia is a good prospect. In the fifth grade, she runs fast, has good physical fitness, is smart and has a strong understanding. She was not only selected for the team, but also selected as the captain.

After more than a year, these children, who didn’t even know what football was at first, sweated day after day on the training ground and learned to pass, dribble and shoot a little bit … They represented Luguan Primary School in Xingren Campus Football League and won many championships.

Xu Jiajia was selected for the training team in Southwest Guizhou, together with 15 male players and 11 female players brought by the teaching police. They can go to Xingyi, the capital of Southwest Guizhou, to attend junior high school.

The opportunity is just around the corner, but Jia Jia’s father is in trouble. When he received a phone call from his daughter, Xu Shenggui was blinded. He was working in a rubber factory in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, and he needed to do a good job.

The Xu family had five children, and Jia Jia was the youngest. Including her, three children were studying at that time. Reading needs money. His wife Lin Yifen has liver disease, and seeing a doctor needs more money. A family of seven lives by farming, raising pigs and Xu Shenggui doing odd jobs. And to go to Xingyi City to study, you have to spend an extra sum of money every month.

On July 1, Xu Jiajia’s mother Lin Yifen (first from the right) talked about Jiajia’s going to Beijing, smiling. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

Without hesitation for too long, Xu Shenggui quickly called Jia Jia back. "Go, you have to endure it at home no matter how difficult it is." In the depths of this mountain, reading is a top priority for ordinary farmers. Xu Shenggui has always regretted that she couldn’t go to junior high school because she couldn’t afford the tuition in 90 yuan, and felt even more sorry for her eldest daughter who was admitted to the university but voluntarily gave up choosing to work.

Xu Jiajia is very lucky. She met many "distinguished people" on her way to school. In the third grade, the resident poverty alleviation cadre and Xu Shenggui proposed to send Jiajia and her brother to Xingren City to study, and helped them contact the school. The two brothers and sisters just entered the city, and Jia Jia also had the opportunity to become a student of Song Xiaochuan.

"Go to a better place to study." It is the hope that the children of this family will walk out of the mountains. Jia Jia has gone further and further, and can go to Beijing to play football. Her parents are not at ease and keep telling her, "Listen to the coach and don’t get hurt during the game."

"Show them the outside world"

After teaching for more than two years, the "police coaches" from Beijing have established a football team from scratch in their respective schools, and they have also gained good results.

The police promoted the establishment of a football association in Pu ‘an County, achieving the goal of having a football association in the whole state of southwest Guizhou. Xingren Phoenix Middle School established the first high school women’s state-level team in Southwest Guizhou. At the 11th Sports Meeting of Guizhou Province held in August, 2022, it won the sixth place in women’s group A, which is the best result in Southwest Guizhou since the resumption of the provincial sports meeting in Guizhou Province. In the 2022 Youth Football Invitational Tournament in Central and Western China, two U12 football teams led by teaching police won all four games, and stood out among 20 teams from 9 provinces and won the first prize …

Walter WANG and Zhang Jinan led the women’s football team of Phoenix Middle School to participate in the competition on behalf of Southwest Guizhou. Photo courtesy of respondents

At the beginning, it was difficult to find a few children who had been exposed to football in the school. The brand-new playground, the newly-sodded standard football field and the shiny metal goal were just places to run and climbing tools in the eyes of children.

In order to set up the first high school women’s state-level team in Southwest Guizhou, Walter WANG, a policeman who teaches teaching, and his colleagues drove from place to place to find someone, and accumulated more than 5,000 kilometers of mountain roads. Finally, 28 junior high school graduates were selected in Xingyi, Xingren, Anlong, Zhenfeng, Wangmo and other counties (cities) and arranged for them to go to Phoenix Middle School for study and training.

Most of these children’s academic performance is not excellent, their family conditions are also very difficult, there are many brothers and sisters, their parents work outside the home all the year round, and even some children have taken on the burden of raising their brothers and sisters. Bellome is one of them. After being elected, her family didn’t allow her to play football.

"What’s the use of playing football?" Teaching police have been questioned more or less like this. They patiently explained, "There are many different paths in life, and football may open a window for children." When they have time, they will also visit their homes to persuade parents who are worried. With the joint efforts of the coach, the Wangmo county government and the staff of the Education Bureau, Bellome finally appeared in the training ground.

Walter WANG on the training ground is strict and unsmiling. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

Being a teacher is a big challenge for the police. Cai Shuo, a policeman who teaches at Longxi Shiyan School in Pu ‘an County, has a "headache" student named Chen Jinfang. The little girl is a versatile player with good physical fitness and strong explosive power, but she is too introverted and shy.

For a long time, Jin Fang never looked up, didn’t talk and didn’t respond to the coach during training. Cai Shuo was anxious to ask a few words, and she cried. Cai Shuo, who was less than 30 years old, was helpless in the face of such a small child.

When he first arrived at Longxi Shiyan School in Pu ‘an County in 2021, Cai Shuo was guiding the children to train. Photo courtesy of respondents

A year and a half later, Cai Shuo learned about her psychological state at that time in Chen Jinfang’s letter to him. "I don’t know anything about football, I don’t know how to play, how to stop the ball, and how to defend, just like a baby facing a fresh world …"

In this brand-new football world, coaches teach children the rules and skills of football hand in hand and take them into a broader world.

Walter WANG and his colleagues tried their best to "beg for alms", helping the children with clothes, football, backpacks and other subsidies, adding meals to them by stewing beef and chicken legs on weekends, and also raising various expenses such as transportation, accommodation and so on when going out for competitions. "Take them to see the outside world."

"I can do it!"

Football training is a hard job, and the ultimate pull of body and perseverance can be exchanged for progress.

Every training, Xu Jiajia tried her best to run on the court. "She dares to fight and rob," Song Xiaochuan said, which is Jia Jia’s advantage.

Xu Jiajia (right) and her teammates strengthened their training in order to welcome the friendly match of Beijing Summer Camp on July 4th. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

She still has an indomitable spirit. When she first entered junior high school, Jia Jia underwent two operations on gastroenteritis and appendicitis, and her training and study fell behind a lot. The former captain of Luguan Primary School was no longer conspicuous in the "master as a cloud" state team. Shi Miao, who is the physical fitness coach and life coach of this team, can see that Jia Jia is a little frustrated, but she is still trying to catch up.

On June 29th, in a training on the eve of going to Beijing for a youth football summer camp, Jia Jia started a low-grade fever, and her face was red and sweaty, but she still didn’t want to take time off. "I can’t delay any longer." After biting her teeth for two hours, she was still exhausted and almost fainted in the turn-back running event at the end of the training. When Miao forced her to have a rest, she sat on the sidelines and drank water to cool down. Jia Jia gasped and watched her teammates training, and her brow twisted tightly.

Xu Jiajia once said that since joining the football team, life has become more specific. "Fight hard and win."

Every time after training, Walter WANG is often hoarse and exhausted. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

But "winning" is by no means the only thing that the coach wants to pass on to the children. In addition, there are self-confidence, persistence and faith.

No team is sure to win or lose, especially for the newly formed team, losing is inevitable. Falling down and conceding goals again and again are all regarded by Bellome as a ditch on the road to success. If you get up and cross over, you will always make progress.

In the 2021 Guizhou Football Association Cup Youth Football League, the Phoenix Middle School Women’s Football Team won the eighth place, and seven players won the national second-class athletes’ places, including Bellome, which is a great help for her to get into a sports professional college in the future.

After Chen Jinfang was selected as the goalkeeper of the state team in Southwest Guizhou, it was like a different person. Cai Shuo was sure at that time that Jin Fang’s past performances came from his lack of self-confidence. "Until she participated in the selection in the state, she found that she was still the best, and she really never cried again. In the past, I made a detour, but now I dare to’ provoke’ me.’ Coach, you can’t run, so you’re not as fast as me.’ "

In the summer of 2022, Chen Jinfang (3 from the right in the back row) was selected to the Southwest Guizhou Women’s U12 Training Team, and the team members took a group photo with coach Tang Yongxin. Photo courtesy of respondents

The little girl crying on the football field is gone. Chen Jinfang is very hard-working in training, which she attributes to her childhood exercise. She has three sisters and a younger brother, who is born dumb. His parents take him everywhere for medical consultation. Young Chen Jinfang has to walk alone for more than an hour to go to school every day, from dawn to dawn. Since the third grade, she has to wash and cook, feed pigs and chickens when she comes home, until now.

In the past, Xu Jiajia would cry when she cut off her shoulder-length hair. Now, in order to facilitate running, she severely cut her ear’s short hair again, exposing her ears and forehead.

"I can bounce more than 500 balls in a row." "I got the seventh place in my class in this exam." Xu Jiajia constantly reported good news to Song Xiaochuan. "When she first started training, she couldn’t jump a ball. She had to practice for three or five consecutive times for a long time." Song Xiaochuan didn’t ask Jia Jia how she worked hard to reach this level, and Jia Jia wouldn’t pull him to complain and be tired.

"Look, I can do it!" The children proved themselves with solid achievements.

The baton of dreams

In July 2022, 14 of the first batch of 18 policemen returned to Beijing after teaching. Song Xiaochuan left, too. Before he left, he handed Xu Jiajia over to the remaining Walter WANG, Wang Haonan and the second batch of Shi Miao and Tong Jixiang who came to teach.

The coach was catching the bat, but the training never stopped. Walter WANG on the football field is a "tough character". He is uncompromising. He starts training at six o’clock in the morning, but the thunder can’t move. It rains in winter and turns into ice, and it is humid and sultry in summer. But he insists on "being late will be punished", and girls will be more demanding when they complain that they are tired. It seems that he will never be satisfied with their performance.

At 6 o’clock every morning, it is still dawn, and the girls have appeared on the playground of Xingyi No.5 Middle School. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

In Chen Jinfang’s eyes, Cai Shuo, her first coach, belongs to the type of "keeping things quiet", Walter WANG, the coach of "King", is like a strict "old father", and Wang Haonan, the coach of "Xiao Wang", can understand her without saying much, and always speaks a word in her heart at critical times … She sets the funny photos of the coaches as her own mobile phone screensaver.

Many of the concerns of "old fathers" are in places where children can’t see them. In private, Walter WANG talked about the difficulty of children when everyone met. "I learned to wash and cook when I was very young. I didn’t have parents to take care of me. My family’s conditions were not good, and my nutrition couldn’t keep up. Look at this calf muscle. Going out to compete is a lot worse than others."

After leaving southwest Guizhou, Song Xiaochuan was entrusted by his friend to deposit 300 yuan money in Walter WANG every month as a living allowance for Jia Jia. He repeatedly told Jia Jia, "Just rest assured, study hard, and don’t fall behind in football and culture classes."

Jia Jia couldn’t bear to part with him. She watched the video produced by Song Xiaochuan when he left after teaching. Every frame in it was a memory of training and competition together in the past. She buried herself in tears and made an agreement with her coach: "I’m going to Beijing to go to college, and we’ll see you there."

I didn’t expect to meet you so soon. On July 6th, just after the friendly match with the Beijing team, Xu Jiajia saw the coaches who were hiding off the court and wanted to surprise them. She rushed to Song Xiaochuan and asked him repeatedly, "Did you see that we won the game?"

July 6, Beijing,Song Xiaochuan (left), Tang Yongxin (middle) and Zhang Jinan watched the children nervously outside the stadium. Beijing News reporter Zhang Jingyu photo

Song Xiaochuan doesn’t talk much on weekdays, unlike children who express their emotions so enthusiastically, but he will still "break the defense" for such a moment. He looked at the child in front of him, who hadn’t been eager to "take credit" for him for a year, and saw that she had grown taller and made progress, which was very comforting.

On the title page of the English book for Xu Jiajia, Song Xiaochuan wrote the following sentence: "I hope you will stick to your dream and make efforts to realize our agreement. See you in Beijing in the future! "

He knows that the seeds of hope have been sown, and these seedlings are stubbornly absorbing nutrition and striving for progress.

From March 2021 to now, with the relay help of two groups of teaching policemen from Beijing Public Security Bureau, and with the strong support of physical education and public security departments in Guizhou Province and Southwest Guizhou, two players have been rated as national first-class athletes, 38 players have been rated as national second-class athletes, 6 players have been selected into Guizhou Youth Training Team and studied in Guiyang Experimental School, and 45 players have been selected into Southwest Guizhou Youth Training Team and studied in Xingyi No.5 Middle School.

Children’s dreams have taken on a more concrete shape. Cai Shuo’s students said to him, "Coach, my life has never been so wonderful before you came. I will go to college like you, be a policeman and teach football."


7月10日,夏令营临近结束,孩子们在天安门广场观看了升旗仪式。仪式结束后,一个女孩张开双臂迎接朝阳。新京报记者 王嘉宁 摄






新京报记者 张静姝 编辑 刘倩 校对 张彦君

Burn! Strong military cup basketball final


  Recently, the final of the third "Strong Military Cup" in the Eastern Division of the Navy came to a successful conclusion in the indoor basketball hall of a naval detachment in the theater. This is not only a "trump card confrontation" between the needle tip and Maimang, but also a "deep exchange" to enhance the friendship between comrades. Inside and outside the stadium, the officers and men honed their skills in the game by making friends and helping each other, and enhanced their feelings in exchanges. (Chang Le, Li Kai, Chen Zesheng
, Li Henghui)


"Football Commentary Conference" was launched to find different young people.

  I am afraid that only those who love football will understand and love football. What kind of ability do you need to be a football commentator? How can I become a football commentator? There are often such discussions on the internet, but it is limited to this. The public’s explanation of football still stays in the TV era.

  Nowadays, in the era of Internet, everyone is holding a commentary microphone, and everyone can explain the football match and make a sound for loving football. In the year of the 2018 World Cup, PP Sports made great efforts to create the Football Commentary Conference, and selected excellent football commentators through competitions. The birth of this program made these young people who love football commentary stand on the stage to realize their dreams, and also made the commentary break away from the football game for the first time and become the protagonist.

  Every era has its own cultural characteristics. The once neat and single mainstream youth culture has gradually disappeared, and diverse youth cultures with individuality and differences as the main features have sprung up, such as secondary culture and teasing culture, in which every young person can find his own recognized cultural values. It is precisely because of this that today’s young people are more willing to express themselves differently from others, so football commentary should also be diversified. Football Commentary Conference is a platform to show diverse youth cultures with variety shows as the carrier and football culture as the support.

  National "Hot Search" Looking for Different Youth

  "rustic youth", "Buddhist youth" and "empty nest youth" have been labeled with more and more different identities. In the Football Commentary Conference, these young people will appear in front of the camera as "loving football". They are practitioners from all walks of life, including anchors, hosts, students, doctors, and even crosstalk performers and storytellers.

  Players skillfully combine their own life experiences, cultural values and football commentary to form their own unique commentary style, which provides unlimited possibilities for the style of football commentary. The public may hear a teasing explanation through the program, a modern explanation of China’s traditional flavor, and a cute explanation of online celebrity’s anchor … Each explanation more or less represents a contemporary youth culture.

  These players, who have different styles but love unity, all come from the eight-month hard search of the program group of Football Interpretation Conference. The program group hopes that this is not only to select excellent football commentators, but also to let the public know the hard work and persistent love behind the football commentary industry through the program.

  In order to make the contestants’ explanations more free and true, the program fully respects the contestants’ wishes and will not interfere too much during the filming process. At the same time, the panoramic shooting method without dead ends is adopted to record the dribs and drabs of the players outside the stage. Many players are still preparing for the war in the early hours of the morning, and some players are still arguing about the content of the competition because of their explanations. And the stories behind these programs will also be presented to the audience.

  Compared with other sports variety shows, the link setting of Football Commentary Conference strives to provide more space for young players to play freely. For example, the first phase of the 150-to-60 competition, which will be broadcast on April 18th, has adopted a brand-new form. Players stand in the center of the stage and use a three-minute talk show to express their "joys and sorrows" about football. They don’t know who will decide whether they will be promoted, eliminated or yet to be determined, and they don’t know what the criteria are. Everything is unknown. In fact, a group of instructors composed of Huang Jianxiang, Han Qiaosheng and Dong Lu, who explain the golden coffee, has been sitting in a hidden box to observe the performance of the players through one-way glass.

  Mentors also admit that apart from the most basic professionalism, there will be no fixed standards, just hoping to see more styles of football commentary. During the recording process, some players are really amazing.

  Strong resources to build a broader platform

  The rapid iteration of media technology has greatly broadened the platform for people to show themselves. From the earliest square speech to radio broadcast, from TV broadcast to live webcast, the expansion of the platform means the expansion of audience and the enhancement of influence. At present, PP Sports behind the Football Commentary Conference has rich copyright resources and related self-made programs in five major leagues in Europe, such as the Champions League, the Super League and the AFC Champions League. Through the interactive experience of mobile, PC and OTT platforms, it provides users with the ultimate sports content and experience by using graphics and texts, short videos and live broadcasts.

  The champion of the Football Interpretation Conference will directly sign a contract with PP Sports. The powerful event resources of PP Sports mean a broader expression platform for the participating players. In fact, in the process of program production, it is also organically combined with these superior resources. For example, if there is a major football match during the recording of the program, the innovative mode of "live broadcast of top-level matches+real-time production" will be adopted, and players will walk into the live broadcast room of PP Sports for live commentary, which is also part of the competition of program players. This model changes the previous "propositional" routine and directly tests the professional skills of the players. This open link design not only increases the difficulty of the competition, but also gives players more space for self-expression.

  The new era has its own youth culture, so football commentary should also have its own culture. Football Commentary Conference has become the trend vane of youth culture by accurately grasping youth culture and taking football commentary as the carrier.

Live football 2021

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Harden completely missed the Clippers, and Ballmer decided to give up the deal and pack George Mann for a new core.

According to a number of experienced NBA trading experts and reporters in Los Angeles, Clippers owner Ballmer has completely given up Harden. He has clearly told the rest of the management that the team will not be obsessed with chasing him. On the one hand, he does not want to see Harden put pressure on himself in renewing his contract, and on the other hand, he seems to change his mind and stay in Philadelphia, and then send out the plan after Philadelphia and the new team discuss the deal.

There is no doubt that the beard can’t be sent away by Philadelphia, and his agent has begun to push him back to the team training and make sure that Philadelphia will find a new team for him at this time. The Clippers are unwilling to bear the pressure of renewing their contracts, and they must definitely disconnect from George Cam, which is very clear to Deng Ge’s agent.

After completely missing James Harden, the Los Angeles Clippers will have to look for a new All-Star player. Judging from the suggestion report of some directors, it seems that everyone has an idea about Zion, and if he really gets him, the contract renewal problem of Cam can be solved, matching his annual salary of more than 50 million and adding Pang Hu to build a dual-core, which is absolutely strong. The league has stipulated a new policy and there should be restrictions on the rotation. Therefore, Tyrone has to be limited.

If you want to get him, the team is expected to send Paul George Gammann or Powell, and analyze the matching of transaction value and maintaining the fighting force lineup. I estimate that Ballmer will also ask for CJ mccollum. If so, it is enough for the team to send them both, plus the draft pick, Powell and Covington. If you want alvarado, you can also send a round and add some cash.

The Clippers have created a starting combination of Wei Shao, CJ mccollum, Zion, Leonard and Zubac, and with the assistance of batum and others, they definitely have a chance to enter the top four in the West. If there are no injuries, I think this combination can go further. Of course, it is important to improve the reserve strength.

After George and others go to Pelican, they will face the problem of renewing their contracts. Pelican can take this opportunity to ask for as many first rounds as possible in this transaction, and Clippers can also give them. Of course, the most important thing is that with Mann, the team can still guarantee its combat power in the future. Hylander is a good player, and the Pelican can take it. In the final analysis, if you want to ask for the opponent’s draft pick and young players as much as possible, your own young cornerstones will not work. If you can, I think it is king to exchange Varanciunas for the opponent’s Zubac.

On the whole, this trading scheme is very good. Pelican can solve the problem and meet the Clippers’ challenge. However, I think both teams need to hire coaches who can arrange defense reasonably now. The Clippers have many players who can defend, but they just can’t do it well. Telunlu has not changed this problem for so many years. If Pelican defends well, it won’t matter.

Harden’s situation is more complicated, so we don’t have to pay attention to it all the time. He will not be traded for a while, and the Clippers are not willing to spend more with him. Let’s look forward to the development of each team after the start of the season!

After Yang Ming left, Guo Ailun announced his sad decision in the middle of the night, and netizens blessed him one after another, and Liao Lan feared regret.

On September 18th, Beijing time, the Liaoning men’s basketball team has lost their best and meritorious coach in the past three years, Yang Ming, who won three championships and one Asian perfect score for the team.

At midnight, we witnessed a player with the deepest affection for Yang Ming send him a farewell, that is, Guo Ailun. The affection between Guo Ailun and Yang Ming is really deep. Compared with Zhao Jiwei and others, he worked with Yang Ming for a longer time. When his teammates all sent their blessings, Guo Shaoyi kept silent.

But now it turns out that he may not have digested the emotion of seeing Yang Ming leave, and his heart must be mixed and very sad, so Guo Ailun is the latest to make a statement. In the middle of the night, Guo Ailun gave Yang Ming such a sentence: "13 years of comrades-in-arms, hug, Kiss kiss."

Although there are only nine short words, you can feel the affection between Guo Ailun and Yang Ming. It is no wonder that at the time of the championship ceremony, Guo Ailun went directly to Yang Ming’s collar with champagne to celebrate. We compared the last time Liaoning men’s basketball team won the championship. At that time, Guo Ailun seemed very calm, very calm, and even a little lost. He said that winning the championship was nothing special, and he felt very dull, and he didn’t feel this kind of excitement.

This season, according to the contribution from the field, Guo Ailun’s contribution is actually not greater than the last time he won the championship, because he missed three of the four finals games this time, so he went up for five minutes at the last minute of the third game and gave a performance to the fans. He didn’t attack or score. He scored 24 points after going to the fourth game and played well.

Only one of the four games contributed, which was completely different from the time when he won the championship the previous year. But this time, he was very excited and had been interacting with Yang Ming. The two of them were still taking various selfies. It seems that he may have expected Yang Ming’s departure. For this situation now, Guo Ailun is absolutely empathetic in his heart. At one time, he also had the idea of leaving the Liaoning men’s basketball team, and it was also very stiff at that time, which even led to Xinhua News Agency’s personal statement. He released the news that he wanted to go through this authoritative official media.

Some netizens shouted: "You leave with Yang Ming." "Leave the Liao basket, there is nothing to miss." Now that the Liaoning men’s basketball team doesn’t want coach Yang Ming, you might as well leave, which just breaks their last thought about the Liaoning basketball team. Guo Shiqiang left, Yang Ming left, and if Guo Ailun left again, it should be said that an era of Liaoning men’s basketball team is completely over. Of course, Guo Ailun didn’t reply to this netizen’s words, but he could feel that when netizens sent a blessing, some of them were dissatisfied with Liaoning’s decision that they didn’t understand or support it.

China women’s basketball players: shouldering a great sense of responsibility and mission, the goal of the Asian Games is to win the championship

Li Yuan: Through the difficulties in this circle, the god of luck finally stood on our side. Our team, the goal of the Asian Games is to win the championship.

Pan Zhenqi: I think everyone is the same. As long as we play for one minute, we have to fight for 60 seconds. We all fight for honor and country.

Zhang Ru: When the national flag is raised and the national anthem is played abroad, I feel a great sense of responsibility and mission. The more everyone reaches the critical moment and the difficult moment, no one shows great fear.

Zheng Wei: Of the 12 people who participated in the World Cup last year, eight of our players were not on the team, and only four of them really stayed on the team. These were very difficult times.

The Clippers officially gave up the deal, Harden! American media analyzes bearded reality: reconciliation with 76ers is the most feasible.

On September 18, Beijing time, the famous Windhost said that it was the Clippers who proposed to end Harden’s trading negotiations. Earlier, it was reported that the 76ers insisted on asking for a high price, and the teams including the Clippers were unable or unwilling to meet it. In the end, Harden’s trading negotiations broke down. Then the question is coming. It seems that joining the Clippers is hopeless. What should Harden do next?

The US media said that Harden had too few choices. "The disgruntled defender strongly urged to leave the 76ers, but his choices were obviously limited due to a series of related factors."

An important constraint is the new labor agreement, which may have a great impact on Harden’s career. If he chooses to refuse to report to the 76ers training camp, he will be severely punished, which will cast a shadow over his future career and even pay a high price.

It is understood that refusing to play for the 76ers for a long time will deprive him of the right to sign and negotiate with any team unless the 76ers approve it. In essence, 76 people have the absolute initiative.

So what should Harden do next? The US media said that the most feasible way for Harden at present is to reach a settlement with the 76ers, fulfill the contract, and strive to achieve mutual respect and understanding. Considering the high asking price of the 76ers and the limited number of teams interested in Harden, the deal seems unlikely. At the same time, any persistent resistance will lead to an unfavorable situation, which will not only damage his financial prospects, but also affect Harden’s reputation and future career.

Harden has already torn his face with the 76ers executives, but if the deal can’t be reached, he can only reconcile with the other party, which is also the most pragmatic solution. How Harden should deal with this situation, let us wait and see. The opening day of the 76ers training camp is getting closer and closer. Will Harden show up on time?

Amazing! Liaoning team’s new foreign aid performed well, and Yang Ming took action and partnered with Molander.

Many fans have doubts about the level of foreign aid in NBL league, especially when Hudson can easily score more than 40 points per game. However, we should not ignore some players in this league that are worth looking forward to, such as Gyllenhaal of Shandong Men’s Basketball Team and others. In addition, the performance of the new foreign aid introduced by Liaoning team recently was also excellent. He contributed 18 rebounds, close to 40 points, which helped the team win at home and relieved Hudson’s huge burden.

Indeed, Hudson, as the top foreign aid in NBL league, has always been the scoring champion and offensive core of Liaoning team. However, it is very unhealthy to rely on one person for a long time, and no team should rely solely on one person’s scoring ability. Such dependence will bring great risks to the team, because the opponent can launch strict defense against this player and suppress his scoring efficiency.

MEK’s joining has brought new hopes and choices to Liaoning team. He showed excellent rebounding ability and scoring ability, which added powerful firepower to the team inside. The arrival of Mack made Liaoning team’s attack more diversified, and the opponent could no longer simply pay attention to Hudson, which also gave Hudson a chance to rest and reduced his pressure and burden.

In the daze of Liaoning men’s basketball team, fans began to look for the candidate who could fill the vacancy of inside strength. As a foreign aid of Fujian men’s basketball team, MEK has always left a deep impression on people. He has a height of 2.11 meters, which most fans know, but his flexibility makes people admire him. He can even pull out and shoot three-pointers, which is really remarkable.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this all-round performance that Yang Ming should not hesitate to inspect Meike. With Molander’s partner, the inside strength of Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team will be greatly strengthened. Once they really cooperate, their opponents will be at a loss. Holding high the banner of MEK, the inside of Liaoning Men’s Basketball Team will become strong and invincible.

However, at this critical moment, problems began to emerge. The biggest problem of Liaoning team in NBL league is that the inside strength is too poor, which is naturally a fact that can be seen by the naked eye. They tried every means, constantly changing foreign aid, hoping to find the right person to fill this vacancy.

They chose Meck, or more accurately, Makor Meck, which became their light of hope. He is the cousin of Fujian men’s basketball team’s foreign aid Meike, and this blood connection is really exciting. The two men are similar in style and figure, which undoubtedly brings more expectations to the fans.

On this stage of basketball playoff, the inside strength of Liaoning men’s basketball team has become the focus of attention. Han Dejun and Li Xiaoxu, the veteran team, have gradually shown signs of fatigue under the erosion of years. Wu Changze’s leaving the team on loan cast a shadow over the inside strength of Liaoning men’s basketball team. Molander’s injury problem also makes people worry. At this time, it seems that the sudden appearance of Meck gave the team a brand-new hope.

Meck’s height is remarkable. The height of 2.11 meters can almost sweep the audience, but it has unexpected flexibility. He can not only grab a strong rebound inside, but also pull it out to make a breakthrough. This combination of height and flexibility is like an unstoppable basketball giant.

In addition to his height and flexibility, Meck also has a fairly good three-point shooting percentage. In this game, he scored 2 out of 4, which is quite rare. This kind of performance has amazed the fans outside the stadium, and calling Meike directly is the third foreign aid that Liaoning men’s basketball team needs.

The new season is coming, and the inside strength of Liaoning men’s basketball team will definitely decline. Veterans are getting older, and injuries often plague the team. Under such circumstances, as a cheap basketball player, MEK is undoubtedly a new supplement to the team’s inside strength.

Under the close relationship between Yang Ming and NBL Liaoning team, he naturally paid more and more attention to Meck’s performance. Once, Yang Ming was there to cheer for the Liaoning team, and this relationship also provided convenience for him to visit Meike. Therefore, in the face of MEK, Yang Ming must not hesitate. Otherwise, not surprisingly, other CBA teams will definitely take the lead and bring MEK into their ranks.