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Looking back on the first part of the NBA draft, 08 is comparable to the golden generation in 03, 96 and 84.

The NBA draft injects fresh blood into the team and ensures the sustainable development of the NBA. In the past 15 years, many talented players have emerged, such as the leader of the small ball era, the baby-faced assassin Curry, the three pairs of crazy turtles Wei Shao, the god of death Durant, and the streaky Jokic … Among them, the quality of the draft in 2008, 2009 and 14 was high, which set off the NBA small ball era and changed our understanding of the past basketball.

Back in 2007, it was a draft that attracted the attention of fans all over China, because there were two China players in the 2007 NBA draft, Yi Jianlian was selected by the Nets with the 6th overall pick, and Sun Yue was selected by the Lakers with the 40th overall pick.

Today, Durant has the highest achievement, but it is definitely not the one with the highest talent. Durant was only selected in the second place. In front of him was Auden the Great, a favored son of James at that time. Even if you choose the No.1 scholar 10,000 times, it will be Auden, not Durant. Unfortunately, injuries destroyed Auden and made Auden a passer-by in the NBA. However, this draft still produces four all-star players, one mvp player and two best defensive players, and five players still play in the NBA.

Even in the past 16 years, there are still 6 rookie players in the NBA in 2007.

All-Star Players: MVP, FMVP Kevin Durant (2), Al Horford (3), Best Defensive Player Joaquin Noah (10), Best Defensive Player Mark Gasol (46).

Active NBA players: Mike Conley (4), Jeff Green (5), Thaddeus Young (12), Kevin Durant (2), Al Horford (3), and Allen Tucker (29).

China players Yi Jianlian (6) and Sun Yue (40)

the year of 2008

In 2008, no matter the quality and quantity of players, the rookie was comparable to the golden generation in 2003, 1996 and 1984. This year, two mvp players were produced, among which Ross played the MVP level in the rookie season and became the youngest MVP player, while Wei Shao even averaged three pairs in three seasons to keep himself on the honor list in NBA history.

All-star players: MVP Derek Ross (1), MVP Russell Westbrook (4), Kevin Love (5), Brooke Lopez (10), Roy hibbert (17), Sergey Ibaka (24) and De Andrew Jordan (35).

Active NBA players: Derek Ross (1), Russell Westbrook (4), Kevin Love (5), Brooke Lopez (10), De Andrew Jordan (35), Danilo Gallinari (6), Eric Gordon (7) and Robin Lopez (15).

In 2009

From the current point of view, the success rate and quality of the draft in 2009 are not worse than that in 2008. Two MVP stars Harden and Curry were born, as well as the all-round inside champion Griffin, who is proficient in offensive means. Together with all-star players such as demar derozan, Horodi and Jeff Teague, Evans, Lu Biao, Lawson, Jennings, Beverly, Gibson and Darning are important players who have contributed to various teams.

All-star players: Blake Griffin (1), MVP James Harden (3), MVP,FMVP Stephen Curry (7), Demar demar derozan (9), Zhu Holliday (17) and Jeff Teague (19).

Active NBA players: Blake Griffin (1), James Harden (3), Stephen Curry (7), Demar demar derozan (9), Zhu Holliday (17), Ricky Lu Biao (5), James Johnson (16) and Ty Gibson (26).

2010 years

Compared with the talents in 2008 and 2009, looking at the whole NBA history, the 10 rookie can be described as a draft year. Injuries haunt the current players, and most of them quit the NBA stage early.

Guangdong team news: The team will be renamed, Zhao Rui’s contract renewal is controversial, and Zhang Haojia will be reimbursed in the playoffs.

It is reported that the Guangdong team will change its name, Zhao Rui’s contract renewal is controversial, and Zhang Haojia will be reimbursed in the playoffs. We also know that whether qi zhou will join the CBA team now is always a topic worthy of people’s attention.

Zhou Qi can now say that his trading matters are a topic of concern, and even Chris Paul, a former teammate in the NBA, told him, brother, in fact, you can also consider coming to the Warriors. Our team system is also very suitable for you. After all, the Warriors are absent from players like qi zhou now.

Even after he returned to CBA, he also wanted to play basketball well. Now he has learned a lot in overseas leagues, and I heard that when he returned to the team, other players asked him for advice. He also didn’t have any shelf at all. He also wanted to play for other teams and learn something new. Guangdong Hongyuan Team in CBA also came to a new topic.

According to relevant sources, the Guangdong team will change the name of its own team, and the specific name is still unknown. In addition, Zhao Rui may also leave Guangdong Hongyuan team and join Xinjiang with high probability. What do you think of this?

Why did Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team only give Yi Jianlian a one-year Class C contract? Many considerations behind the renewal of contract

Why did Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team only give Yi Jianlian a one-year Class C contract? Many considerations behind the renewal of contract

Guangdong men’s basketball team and Yi Jianlian completed the contract renewal, but the contract period is only one year, and it belongs to the C contract. There are many considerations behind this decision. Although Yi Jianlian has achieved great success for the team in the past, the team must face the reality that his age and physical fitness are gradually declining. In order to maintain the team’s long-term competitiveness, Guangdong men’s basketball team had to handle the contract renewal with caution, and restricted Yi Jianlian’s contract selection. In the past few years, Yi Jianlian has been one of the core players of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team. His joining has brought outstanding performance to the team, helped the team win the league championship many times and won a series of personal honors. His skill and leadership make him an indispensable part of the team.

However, with the passage of time, Yi Jianlian inevitably faces the problems of age and physical fitness. In the past few seasons, his performance on the court has gradually declined, which has aroused the concern of the team management. As a top basketball club, Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team must always remain competitive. With the rise of a new generation of players and the strengthening of other teams, the team must constantly adjust its tactics and lineup. For Yi Jianlian’s contract renewal, the management must carefully consider the long-term development of the team. His contract period is limited to one year, precisely for greater flexibility in the future, so as to make strategic adjustments and reconstruction when necessary. However, restricting Yi Jianlian’s contract choice is not a simple decision.

As a team leader and senior player, Yi Jianlian’s influence and experience on the court are irreplaceable. His guidance and leadership on the court is very important for the growth of young players. Teams must balance the relationship between maintaining competitiveness and cultivating new people. Therefore, the management must find a suitable way to keep Yi Jianlian’s leading position and prepare for the team’s future. In addition to the stadium performance, the team’s financial situation is also one of the factors to consider renewing the contract. As a top star, Yi Jianlian’s salary is naturally higher. The team must carefully consider the salary structure and budget in the contract renewal to ensure the overall financial health. The restriction of class C contracts can also help the team avoid the potential risks brought by long-term contracts.

Although Yi Jianlian only won a class C contract for one year, it does not mean that the team does not attach importance to his value and contribution. On the contrary, it is recognition and respect for his past performance. At the same time, this is also to adapt to the ever-changing basketball environment, so that the team can better cope with challenges in the future. Generally speaking, Guangdong men’s basketball team is faced with many considerations when renewing Yi Jianlian’s contract. His past contribution, the reality of declining age and physical fitness, and the long-term competitiveness and financial situation of the team have all become important factors affecting the decision-making. Restricting Yi Jianlian’s contract term and type reflects the team’s cautious attitude towards future strategic planning and development. As fans, we are looking forward to the arrival of the new season and believe that the Guangdong men’s basketball team can continue to achieve brilliant results in the new challenges.

The Lakers are firmly committed to the post-James era. After the continuous show operation, it is both now and in the future.

After Anthony Davis’ early contract renewal window was opened, Lakers President Pelinka immediately put a three-year $186 million maximum salary contract in front of Davis. Davis readily accepted and tied his peak period to the Lakers completely.

For Davis, who has hidden dangers of injury, renewing his contract in advance adds security to his future. In the next five seasons, Davis’ total salary will reach $270 million, of which the average annual salary of the new contract for three years will be $62 million, breaking the record set by Jay Brown not long ago.

For the Lakers, this is a key part of Pelinka’s layout for the post-James era.

The 38-year-old James has player options in the offseason in 2024, and his choices are very diverse. After keeping Austin Reeves, Yasunari and Vincent on 3-4 year contracts, the Lakers renewed their contracts with Davis in advance. No matter how James chooses in the future, the Lakers can ensure that they have Davis and depth, and there is still room to chase other big-name stars in the free market.

Ironically, after the Lakers won the championship season, when it was most necessary to be steady and strive for progress, Pelinka chose to be aggressive. Coupled with the injuries of James and Davis, the Lakers wasted more than two years.

Before the trading deadline in 2023, Pelinka finally completed the "blocking operation" and successfully corrected the error. In the offseason, Pelinka learned a lesson this time and stopped rushing forward. Pelinka’s series of operations show that the Lakers are not only striving to win in the present, but also planning for the post-James era. After all, James will be 39 years old at the end of December and will have the player option in the summer of 2024.

In the draft, the Lakers chose Jaron Hood Schifino with No.17 and Maxwell Lewis with No.40.. Together with last year’s No.35 show, Christie, the Lakers hoarded three potential new stars under the age of 22.

In the free market, the Lakers gave Bacamura $51 million for three years, gave Reeves $56 million for four years, and hired the Heat to introduce Vincent for three years $33 million. All three of them are in the long-term planning of the Lakers. Russell signed a 1+1 contract, and whether he is in the long-term planning is still unknown.

Vanderbilt has not renewed its contract in advance, but from September 7, local time until June 30, 2024, Vanderbilt is eligible to sign an early renewal contract of up to four years and 75 million US dollars. Considering Vanderbilt’s age and characteristics, it is highly possible for him to renew his contract in advance.

Three new stars have good potential, and four of them are high-quality puzzles, so the depth of the Lakers now and in the future is guaranteed. The next step is to establish the leader of the post-James era. Davis is the undisputed star of the Lakers.

Last season, the world has seen the horror of Davis, who plays center. In the regular season, he averaged 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds and 2 blocks, and his shooting percentage was a career high of 56.3%. In the playoffs, Davis has shortcomings, but the data of averaging 22.6 points, 14.1 rebounds and 3.1 blocks per game is still scary enough, especially his defensive performance.

Buha, a reporter with The Athletic Lakers team, also believes that James’ career is running out, whether the fans are willing to accept it or not, and the Lakers need to make plans early. Whether James retires or leaves the Lakers for other teams in the future, Davis will be the facade of the Lakers’ new era, and he will also be the key for the Lakers to attract other superstars to join.

Aside from the Lakers’ backing in Los Angeles, there is room for salary in the future. Davis’s top defensive ability and offensive ability without the ball make him compatible with any outside star. In the era of Jamey, Davis also proved that he was willing to accept the role of the second master.

The only thing that can affect Davis’ prospects is injuries, but the hidden dangers of injuries have to be looked at separately. It is true that Davis’ attendance is not high, but since the 2016-17 season, Davis has played 400 games. In the same period, Joel Embiid only played 394 games, Curry only played 387 games, Owen only played 362 games and Durant only played 345 games. When Davis’ team entered the playoffs, except for the 2021 playoffs, Davis’ attendance and performance were almost impeccable, and he was absolutely reliable in big scenes.

In addition, regarding Davis’ injury, both Pelinka and Ricky Paul believe that Davis’ injury frequency is more due to his bad luck, and they both believe that Davis’ luck will turn.

Earlier, Paul said: "Davis’s experience in the past two years is very strange. Other players hit his knee and injured him. He stepped on his opponent’s foot when he landed, and he pulled his hamstring or groin before. Any athlete engaged in sports may encounter these injuries, but the outside world described it as if Davis was injured as soon as he played."

Pelinka didn’t expect Davis to avoid injury only by transshipment. He was also trying to help Davis reduce the risk of injury. He signed center Hayes and compared Hayes with Dwight Howard and McKee in the championship season. Pelinka is still planning to sign another center to further lighten Davis’ burden. In the new season, Davis will probably still play as the starting center, but according to the opponent’s counterpoint, the Lakers will be flexible, instead of locking Davis in the fifth position 99% of the time like last season.

The Lakers’ early renewal of Davis is also releasing two signals.

In the Bath family era, the Lakers were a team famous for being kind to the heroes. From Jerry West, Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, James and Davis, the Lakers gave enough respect and treatment to the heroes. "Human touch" is the label of the Lakers, and it is also their strategy to recruit superstars to join.

In recent years, the operation of the Lakers has always been inseparable from Paul, a super agent. James is undoubtedly Paul’s most heavyweight customer. Even if James retires in the future, the Lakers will not give up Paul’s line. After all, Paul still holds stars such as Garland and Zach Lavin. Davis renewed his contract in advance, and Vanderbilt (whose agent is also Paul) is likely to renew his contract in advance. In the next few years, the line between the Lakers and Paul will not be broken.

Overall, this is an offseason that can satisfy the Lakers. What should be left is left, and what should be renewed in advance is also signed, and most of the contracts are signed at reasonable prices. The Lakers have both the present and the future, and the remaining problems caused by operational mistakes in 2021 will be basically solved.

In the new season, the Lakers can rely on their depth to help James and Davis reduce their burdens and strive for a better regular season ranking. As for whether the Lakers can compete for the championship in the new season and in the future, it depends on whether Davis can improve attendance, get back the feel of jump shot and really carry the banner.

Mutual benefit Zhang! Fujian Men’s Basketball Team Official: Li Zhanglin officially joined the team.

Live broadcast on August 4 th, Fujian men’s basketball team officially announced that Li Zhanglin officially joined the team.

The original text reads:

In order to better prepare for the new season and improve the team’s competitive level. Fujian SBS Xunxing Basketball Club reached the following intentions with Shanxi SDIC Professional Basketball Club and the players themselves: Li Zhanglin joined Fujian SBS Xunxing Basketball Club.

Our club will submit the registration materials to the CBA League. After approval and publicity, Li Zhanglin will officially become a registered player of our club and represent our club in the CBA League in the new season.

Li Zhanglin was born on July 29, 1997, with a height of 2.03 meters. He is a power forward in the field. As the scoring king of CUBA history, in 2019, Li Zhanglin was selected for the Olympic men’s basketball team. Li Zhanglin was selected by Shanxi Guotou Professional Basketball Club in the third place in the first round of CBA draft in 2021. He also represented the men’s basketball team of Shanxi Fenjiu Co., Ltd. in the CBA League for two seasons. In the 2021-2022 season, Li Zhanglin played 9.9 minutes per game, scored 3.3 points and 1.8 rebounds, and hit 42.9% from three-pointers. In the following season, due to injuries and other factors, Li Zhanglin only played two games. Welcome Li Zhanglin to join Fujian SBS Xunxing Basketball Club, and expect him to play more exciting games with his teammates through his own performance, so as to help Fujian Xunxing Men’s Basketball Team in the new season.

Thanks to the strong support of Shanxi SDIC professional basketball club, I look forward to maintaining good cooperation and exchanges with my brother clubs and contributing to the development of the club and the league together. At the same time, I also thank the fans for their support and encouragement to Fujian SBS Xunxing Basketball Club. The home team will also work hard and go all out to create better results in the new season!

Official announcement! Lakers Pelican Exposed 3-for-1 Earthquake Trade, and Lillard’s second in charge assisted James to win the championship!

Last season, the Lakers stopped the Western Conference. Many fans said that the main reason for the failure was that the team didn’t have a suitable starting outside point guard. In most cases, the Lakers relied on James to organize the attack, but it was a bit difficult for a 38-year-old man to attack and defend. Therefore, the Lakers hope to get a high-quality perimeter player in the offseason trade, and Pelican mccollum has always been the target player that the Lakers want to trade.

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From the beginning of the offseason, Lakers fans have been paying attention to the King’s Hill. But in fact, mccollum is a better player than Hilde, who can attack with the ball on his own and has excellent ability without the ball. As a starting point of tactics, it can lighten James’ burden, and as a pitcher, it can adapt to the space lineup. Of course, mccollum also has shortcomings. His shortcoming is that his choice is sometimes bad and he feels bad. However, he usually has CIC when he is not allowed to score three points, and every year, three points in the regular season will explode. In particular, the open three-pointer is very accurate, and there are too many strong shots in the Trailblazers. It is definitely more sure that there is an open space in the Lakers.

CJ mccollum entered the NBA through the draft in 2013, and played for Portland Trailblazers and New Orleans Pelicans successively, and was elected as the fastest-growing player in 2015-16. For mccollum, being traded to the Pelican was the worst choice he made. Last season was the season of mccollum’s overall decline, and both ends of the offensive and defensive responsibilities were beyond their capabilities. The middle-distance hit rate is at a new low, and the ability to handle the ball is seriously insufficient.

Anyone who has watched the game knows that mccollum is the second-in-command in the practical sense on the Pelican Stadium this season. It is too difficult for this old man to serve his two eldest brothers. He has suffered shoulder injuries and hand injuries, and played 75 games more than Yingge and Zion combined. Shoulder injury and hand injury are fatal to the players who mainly shoot, especially for mccollum, who has an average talent. Personally, I am not critical of cj’s performance on the court, but also optimistic about Big Brother’s shooting callback next season, and both ends of the offense and defense should reduce the burden on cj.

This is also the main reason why mccollum applied for trading. He did the dirtiest and most tiring job in Pelican, but he got far less than others. More importantly, there was not so much attention and competition here, and it seemed that he had completely missed the championship. So it may be the best choice for him to leave now.

According to sources, if Pelican chooses to trade mccollum, the team that Pelican wants to join most is the Los Angeles Lakers, because he wants to attack the championship at the last moment of his career. The bargaining chip that the Lakers can provide is Russell +2 second rounds.

After getting mccollum, the Lakers will officially welcome the "Big Three" team again. Although the previous Big Three all ended in failure, mccollum’s play is perfectly adapted to James and Davis, and it can also help the team more favorably. On the offensive end, there is mccollum’s organization. I believe the team’s attack will be smoother, and mccollum himself is a dual-capable defender who can organize and score points. Isn’t this the kind of player that James wants and the Lakers want? If Russell was replaced by mccollum last season, do you think the Lakers can still regret being out?

Limit 2 for 3, Tucker and Milton parachuted into Houston Rockets.

Houston Rockets made a 2-for-3 offer with Philadelphia 76ers.

According to espm, the Houston Rockets and the Philadelphia 76ers discussed a 2-for-3 deal. The Rockets sent out Porter Jr. and the first-round draft pick in 2025, and got Tucker+Milton from the 76ers. Tucker and Milton have rich playoff experience, which is very suitable for the current Rockets. The Sixers need them to help Green and others grow up.

US media: Without Damian Lillard, the Heat would be fine!

Will star guard Damian Lillard finally join the Heat? This is his first choice to leave Portland. Although this situation has been delayed for two months, it is still possible to reach this deal sometime this summer.

However, although it seems only a matter of time, all expectations and rumors are to send him to Miami, there is still reason to doubt what the defending Eastern Conference champion Heat will look like if Lillard unfortunately goes elsewhere at the beginning of the 2023-24 season.

First of all, I want to ask what the players who have been rumored to be involved as chips, such as Tyler Herro and Kyle Lowry, will think when the trade comes out all summer. (It is widely reported that a tripartite transaction is almost certainly needed to facilitate the Lillard transaction between Miami and Portland. ) Lori performed well in the playoffs, and the Heat ranked eighth all the way to the NBA Finals. But apart from starting the new season at the age of 37, Lori’s efficiency in the regular season is his worst since the 2014-15 season. As for Hiro, he can explode occasionally, and of course he can score by himself. But no one will doubt his value to the team. Miami was a tough defensive team at its best. Even after the first game of the first round of the playoffs, they reached the finals as a weak team.

We should expect Eric Spoelstra’s team to maintain a tough defense, as they have always done, using defense tactics much more than other teams. However, it is obviously worth pointing out that some key players in the Miami system, such as Max Strus and Gabe Vincent, are now members of the Cavaliers and the Lakers respectively, and they are both important rotation players. Except that they fully understand and adapt to the Heat’s system, they are all 3D players and never question their resilience and defense. Miami has received endless praise for its internal player development-the Heat have seven players on their NBA Finals list who have not been selected-but it is doubtful whether Josh Richardson or Jamie hax Jr. can replace these two players. Having said that, at least Miami is familiar with Richardson, whose career started with this team. )

If the Heat don’t sign Lillard, perhaps the most noteworthy thing is that it may mean that they will still have to rely on Jimmy Butler next season. He will be 34 years old next month. He went to the Eastern Conference semifinals in the playoffs. After spraining his ankle against the Knicks, his speed slowed down obviously. If the lineup stays the same for six weeks, Hiro and Lori will have a lot of ball control responsibilities. If Adebayor makes greater progress on the offensive end, the team will be happy. (Small forward Caleb Martin made a leap forward last season, and his future self-creation ability may become a factor to change the game. ) But if Lillard didn’t come to Miami, Butler would have to shoulder the responsibility of the best scoring organizer again. To some extent, this is not ideal, because if he has a superstar teammate with scoring and organizational talent, his physical strength may at least be preserved.

It’s hard to imagine that the Heat won’t complete the Lillard deal, considering the fact that the All-Star guard openly asked to go there. Despite being the eighth seed, Miami just won the Eastern Conference championship! Most of the core members of this team remain unchanged. Therefore, the club will almost think that they are trading for Lillard, or not, the team still has a lot of good chips. All these circumstances, but it is still worth considering, if the team does not make a large-scale transaction after this transaction, but continues to fight with the existing lineup.

The latest news of CBA! Wang Shouqiang became the coach of Fujian, Huo Nan became the coach, and the veteran of Guangdong returned.

In CBA, Wang Shouqiang is regarded as a legendary player. After all, there is little news since he retired. However, Fujian Men’s Basketball Team officially announced that Wang Shouqiang officially joined the team as a coach to assist Zhu Shilong. For the Liaoning men’s basketball player in the future, it is really unexpected to return to CBA as a coach after many years.

As a former manager of Nanjing Tongxi, Huo Nan had poor performance in the team period, and he also left the CBA last summer. According to the latest news, Huo Nan became the coach of Guizhou Team in Super League Three, and his first show also led the team to victory.

Guangdong Hongyuan’s coaching team has been adjusted a lot in recent seasons, but the veteran Taylor has never given up. Although he has received invitations from other teams, the veteran has decided to return in the new season and give Du Feng the greatest help.

Most of the first CBA players in Liaoning men’s basketball team have become coaches. In recent seasons, Wu Qinglong, Li Xiaoyong, Wu Naiqun, Zheng Yonggang, Jie Jun and others have all worked in CBA teams, but as an important player in Liaoning men’s basketball team at that time, Wang Shouqiang has disappeared from fans’ sight for a long time.

However, in the new season, Wang Shouqiang also returned to CBA as the coach of Fujian Men’s Basketball Team, which surprised many media people. After all, Wang Shouqiang has left China basketball for many years and only coached in the echelon before.

Huo Nan can be said to be an all-round talent in basketball in China. He has been a coach, a boss and a popular commentator. After leaving Nanjing Tongxi, Huo Nan’s exposure was not high, and he often commented on the competition. However, he now has a new identity, that is, the coach of the Guizhou team in the Super Three League.

In the latest Super Triathlon, Huo Nan made his debut and led the team to win the game. For Huo Nan, he expressed his hope to help promote Guizhou basketball and cultivate more three-person basketball talents.

In this offseason, Guangdong Hongyuan continued to adjust the coaching team. Former CBA referee Wei Guoliang joined as an assistant coach, and veteran Taylor also completed the contract renewal and officially returned to the team.

As the technical coach of Guangdong Hongyuan during the championship period, Taylor was recognized by Zhu Fangyu and Du Feng. After last season, the contract between the two sides expired. It is understood that several CBA teams sent invitations to Taylor, but Taylor finally chose to return to Guangdong Hongyuan!

The Xinjiang team brought in the insider, and Fan Ziming was traded to Li Muhao to join Shenzhen, with poor performance.

Xinjiang team is about to introduce a No.4 inside foreign aid, which is undoubtedly a great improvement to the team’s strength. As one of the most competitive teams in CBA, Xinjiang team has always been famous for its strong rebounding ability. This time, the introduction of foreign aid in the No.4 position has injected a boost into the team’s rebounding performance. In modern basketball games, the importance of rebounding is self-evident. Rebound can not only improve the team’s scoring efficiency, but also limit the opponent’s second attack opportunity and strive for more attack opportunities for the team. The addition of foreign aid in the fourth position means that the Xinjiang team will have greater advantages in rebounding. First of all, the height and wingspan of the foreign aid inside the fourth position are usually longer, which makes them have a stronger advantage in rebounding competition. They can take advantage of their height and wingspan to better seize offensive and defensive rebounds, increase scoring opportunities for the team and reduce opponents’ scoring opportunities. Secondly, the foreign aid inside the fourth position usually has excellent physical fitness and strong physical confrontation ability. They can engage in fierce hand-to-hand combat with their opponents in the rebounding competition and win more rebounds. At the same time, they can also limit their opponents’ scoring opportunities in the basket through physical confrontation and provide solid defensive support for the team. In addition, the addition of foreign aid in the No.4 position will also bring more tactical choices to the Xinjiang team. They can play an excellent low-post scoring ability on the offensive end and provide a variety of scoring methods for the team. On the defensive end, their presence can effectively block the opponent’s inside scoring route and improve the overall defensive strength of the team.It is a wise decision for Xinjiang team to introduce a foreign aid inside the No.4 position. This will not only enhance the team’s competitiveness in rebounding, but also bring more tactical choices to the team.

Xinjiang team has strong foreign aid ability, and Farr left to join the NBA. Recently, the news that China basketball community is excited came. Farr, a foreign aid of Xinjiang Blue Team, successfully joined the NBA, becoming the first player to land in the American professional basketball league in the history of China basketball. This news not only cheered the basketball fans in Xinjiang and China, but also injected new impetus into the development of basketball in China. As a foreign aid of Xinjiang team, Farr showed excellent basketball skills and strong personal ability. His performance in CBA has attracted much attention, averaging more than 25 points per game, and his assists and steals are also in the forefront of the league. His departure will undoubtedly bring some troubles to the Xinjiang team, but it also proves the strength of Xinjiang’s foreign aid. Xinjiang team has always attached great importance to the introduction of high-level foreign aid, and their ability and experience have played a vital role in the development of the team. Through the exchange and study with foreign players, the young players of Xinjiang team have got great growth and improvement. This is also one of the reasons why the Xinjiang team can remain competitive in the domestic league. Farr’s joining the NBA is an important milestone for China basketball. This is not only a breakthrough for China players on the international stage, but also an important symbol of the development of basketball in China. I hope Farr can continue to play an outstanding role in the NBA and set up a better image for China basketball. At the same time, the Xinjiang team also needs to find a suitable replacement to fill the vacancy of Farr. This is a great challenge for the team, but it is also an opportunity. By introducing new foreign aid,Xinjiang team has the opportunity to train more excellent players and enhance the strength and competitiveness of the whole team. Xinjiang team has strong foreign aid ability. The news that Farr left to join the NBA brought good news to the basketball circle in China, and also injected new impetus into the development of Xinjiang team and China basketball.

Fan Ziming would have been traded to Beijing Shougang team, but it didn’t happen in the end. This news has aroused widespread concern and discussion. As one of the important teams in CBA league, Beijing Shougang team has always attracted much attention. Fan Ziming is a young and promising player, and his joining will undoubtedly bring new vitality and opportunities to Shougang team. Fan Ziming performed well last season, and his average score and rebounds were significantly improved. His shooting skill is exquisite, his breakthrough ability is strong, and he also shows excellent ability on the defensive end. These advantages make him the object of chasing by various teams. However, the deal failed to be reached, which is undoubtedly a pity for Fan Ziming. Why didn’t Fan Ziming join Shougang team? There may be many reasons for this. First of all, there may be some bottlenecks in the negotiations between teams. The transaction involves many levels of interests and contract issues, which requires in-depth discussion and consultation between all parties. Secondly, the team may have made a decision considering other players. Each team has its own development plan and strategy, and they need to comprehensively consider the overall strength of the team and the matching of players. Finally, Fan Ziming’s personal will is also an important factor. As a player, he has the right to choose his next home, which does not depend entirely on the wishes of the team. In any case, Fan Ziming’s failure to join Shougang doesn’t mean that his career is over. On the contrary, it may be a new starting point. Fan Ziming can continue to improve his technical level and team value through harder training and competition. He can look for other opportunities,Strive for better development space for yourself. For the fans, although they lost an excellent player, they can still look forward to Fan Ziming’s wonderful performance in other teams. It is a regrettable news that Fan Ziming failed to join the Beijing Shougang team. However, this is also a common situation in sports. In competitive sports, every decision will affect the future of the team, and these decisions often need to be weighed between the interests of all parties.

Fan Ziming: The contract amount gap is not my focus. Recently, the transaction between Beijing Shougang Team and Xinjiang Team has attracted wide attention. In this transaction, Fan Ziming became the focus. Interestingly, however, Fan Ziming didn’t care too much about the difference in contract amount. On the contrary, he pays more attention to his playing time and opportunities. In Fan Ziming’s view, staying in Beijing Shougang team will give him more opportunities to play. As a player, getting enough exercise and playing time is very important for personal development. In Shougang team, Fan Ziming has established his own position and played an important role in the team. He is also very familiar with the team’s tactical system and coaching team, which makes it easier for him to adapt to the needs of the team. On the other hand, the Xinjiang team’s signing efforts are very strong, and it is possible to introduce more inside players. Although this means that Fan Ziming’s competition in the team will become more intense, he is not afraid of challenges. Fan Ziming believes in his own strength and ability, and he is willing to improve himself by competing with other players. In addition, the Xinjiang team also has a potential young inside player Qu Xiaoyu. The young player showed excellent performance last season and is expected to become a rotation player of the team. Fan Ziming is full of expectations for training and playing with such excellent players, and he believes that this will have a positive impact on his growth. Fan Ziming doesn’t care much about the difference in contract amount, but pays more attention to his playing time and opportunities. Stay in Beijing Shougang team, he can get more exercise and development opportunities;Joining the Xinjiang team, despite greater competitive pressure, can grow together with excellent players.

Fan Ziming was traded to Xinjiang team, which was undoubtedly a major turning point for him. However, this does not mean that he will stay in Xinjiang for a long time. For a young player, frequent trading is undoubtedly a tiring thing. As a potential basketball player, Fan Ziming’s career has just begun. However, due to various reasons, he has experienced many transactions. This undoubtedly brought him great pressure and confusion. First of all, frequent transactions make it difficult for Fan Ziming to adapt to the new environment and team culture. Every time he joins a new team, he needs to adapt to a new coach, new teammates and new ways of playing. This undoubtedly has a negative impact on a player’s development, because he can’t settle down and concentrate on improving his skills and abilities. In addition, frequent transactions have also brought a mental burden to Fan Ziming. He needs to face the pain of leaving his old teammates and coaches, and at the same time meet new challenges. This uncertainty and instability will undoubtedly make him feel anxious and uneasy. However, Fan Ziming can also learn some valuable lessons from this experience. First of all, he can learn to adapt to changes and quickly adapt to the new environment. This will be a crucial skill for his career development. Secondly, he can learn to keep a positive attitude and stick to it no matter what difficulties and challenges he faces. Fan Ziming’s being traded to Xinjiang team may continue to be traded, which is undoubtedly a heart-wrenching thing for him. However, by learning to adapt to changes and keep a positive attitude, he can overcome these difficulties and succeed in his basketball career.

Li Muhao left Beijing Shougang to join Shenzhen team, which attracted wide attention in CBA league. As a new star in the domestic basketball field, Li Muhao’s transfer is not only an important decision for him personally, but also has a far-reaching impact on the two teams and the whole league. First of all, Li Muhao’s departure from Beijing Shougang means that the Beijing team will lose an excellent defender. In the past few seasons, Li Muhao has shown excellent skills and talents, and has become the scoring weapon and organizational core of the team. His departure will bring certain challenges to the Beijing team, and it is necessary to readjust the tactical system and team lineup. However, for Li Muhao personally, joining the Shenzhen team is undoubtedly a better choice. Shenzhen team has always performed well in the league, with strong strength and excellent coaching team. Joining the Shenzhen team will provide Li Muhao with more development opportunities and challenges, which will help him to further improve his strength and level. Secondly, the transfer of Li Muhao has also had a certain impact on the league pattern. As a member of CBA league, the transfer of each player will have an impact on the competitiveness and strength distribution of each team. Li Muhao’s joining the Shenzhen team will further strengthen the team’s strength in the backcourt and enhance its competitiveness. At the same time, it also brings some pressure to other teams, and it is necessary to introduce new players or readjust tactics to cope with the rise of Shenzhen team. It is a wise choice for Li Muhao to leave Beijing Shougang and join Shenzhen team, which is not only beneficial to his personal development, but also has a positive impact on the league pattern.I believe that with his joining, Shenzhen team will achieve better results in future competitions and inject new vitality and competitiveness into CBA league.

Li Muhao’s transaction value is low, and no team has taken over. Recently, rumors about Li Muhao’s transaction are endless. However, surprisingly, his trading value has fallen into a trough, resulting in no team willing to take over him. This phenomenon has aroused extensive discussion and thinking. First of all, we need to realize the impact of Li Muhao’s poor performance in the past competitions. As a professional basketball player, his performance is directly related to the team’s performance and reputation. However, in recent seasons, Li Muhao’s technical level has not been significantly improved, and he often makes mistakes at critical moments, which greatly reduces the team’s trust in him. Therefore, even if a team is interested in him, they will worry about whether he can play his due role in the team. Secondly, Li Muhao’s low transaction value is also related to his contract. It is reported that there are some problems in the remaining years and salary of his contract. Teams tend to choose players whose contracts are flexible and meet the needs of the team, rather than choosing a player with many contract problems. This is one of the reasons why no team has taken over Li Muhao at present. In addition, we can’t ignore the influence of the highly competitive trading market on the trading value of Li Muhao. Nowadays, the competition in the basketball world is extremely fierce. In order to enhance their strength, teams often choose to trade players who can have an immediate impact. As a substitute player, Li Muhao’s trading value is relatively underestimated. The team is more inclined to bring in star players who can change the trend of the game, rather than a substitute with limited trading value.To sum up, Li Muhao’s low transaction value and no team to take over is not caused by a single reason. His technical performance, contract situation and fierce competition in the trading market have all affected him. However, we should also see that Li Muhao still has the potential and opportunities to improve itself.

Shenzhen team will sign Li Muhao, whose performance in Beijing Shougang team is average. The news caused heated discussion and doubts among the fans. As a young player, there is no doubt that Li Muhao has potential for development, but his performance in Shougang did not meet people’s expectations. First of all, we can’t judge Li Muhao’s ability solely by his performance in Shougang. Every player needs to adapt to the new environment and tactical system, especially when he moves from one team to another. There may be differences between Shenzhen team and Shougang team, so we can’t draw conclusions too early. Secondly, Li Muhao’s age and experience is also an important consideration. He is only 23 years old and has a lot of room for growth. Although his performance in Shougang team is average, it doesn’t mean that he has no potential for improvement. Shenzhen team may have seen his potential, and hope that by training and training him, he can play a greater role in the team. Finally, we can’t ignore the overall strategic arrangement of the team. The Shenzhen team may have their own plans and strategies, and they may have signed Li Muhao for some consideration. They may take a fancy to some of his characteristics, or think he can play a unique role in the team. We can’t know the specific plans of the Shenzhen team, but we can believe that they have their own considerations and decisions. Li Muhao’s decision to join the Shenzhen team has aroused people’s concern and controversy. However, we can’t jump to conclusions too early. We should give him some time and opportunities to adapt to the new environment. Only when he really integrates into the team and shows his strength,We can make an accurate evaluation of this signing.

Li Muhao’s contract is too big and his performance is not good. This is a question that puzzles fans and media. As a top player, he was expected, but failed to live up to his expectations. No matter on or off the court, he seems to have not found a way to adapt himself. First, let’s look at the scale of his contract. Li Muhao’s contract amount is huge, which makes the fans more critical of his performance. After all, a high-paying contract usually brings people higher expectations. However, this does not mean that he should bear excessive pressure. Every player has ups and downs, especially when they are in a new environment. Secondly, we need to realize that Li Muhao may face some challenges. Moving to a new team often takes some time to adapt to the new tactical system, teammates and coaches. This adjustment period is necessary for any player, but it is especially important for an international player. Therefore, we cannot easily deny his talent and potential. In addition, Li Muhao’s performance may also be influenced by other factors. Physical condition, injury problems or the pressure of personal life may have a negative impact on his play. As fans, we should give him enough understanding and support, not excessive criticism. Finally, we can’t ignore the value brought by Li Muhao. He is an excellent player and role model both on and off the court. His skills and experience can have a positive impact on the team. Despite his poor performance at present, we must believe that he has the ability to rally and show his strength.To sum up, Li Muhao’s contract amount is huge, but we can’t just measure his performance by it. The difficulties and challenges he faces also need to be fully understood and tolerated. As fans and media, we should give him support and encouragement, believing that he can overcome difficulties and show his true strength.

Welcome to read this article. The introduction of No.4 inside foreign aid by Xinjiang team will bring great improvement to the team. The importance of rebounding in modern basketball games is self-evident. This introduction will enhance the competitiveness of the team in rebounding competition and bring more tactical choices to the team. Thank you for reading!