月度归档 2024年3月19日

Home improvement 100 megabits broadband can’t open the webpage and play the game delay! The reason is actually …

  Cctv newsOn May 17th, with the statements of the three basic operators, Beijing began to enter the era of "100 Mbps broadband". However, some users are still using the old copper broadband, with a slow speed of 4 megabytes and 5 megabytes. However, some users who have installed 20 megabits, 50 megabits or even 100 megabits of fiber-optic broadband at home often have delays in playing online games, and sometimes even ordinary web pages are difficult to open. What stuck the "last mile" in fttp? What caused the "short weight" of broadband speed increase? Come to see the reporter’s investigation.


  Once "insulated" optical fiber in high-grade residential areas

  Mr. Pan in Beijing lives in a relatively high-end residential area in the North Fourth Ring Road. The apartment building has its own independent system, and electricity, tap water, gas and communication are all self-contained and provided by the property management. Therefore, the annual fee of broadband used by Mr. Pan is more expensive than that of basic operators, but the broadband rate is only 5 trillion.

  "I want to open the website and watch a video news." Mr. Pan, who hopes to have a faster network speed, went to the business halls of China Unicom, China Telecom and China Mobile to apply for registration, but was told that the residential area was not covered with optical fiber because the apartment was not allowed to enter.

  A similar situation is not uncommon in other communities. In some communities, there is only one broadband service provider to choose from, and even the advertisements of other broadband companies are hard to see. However, the only broadband service provider is often slow and expensive. Mr. Pan wondered that the optical fiber had been laid at the bottom of the residential building, but it was stuck because of this "last mile". Who will protect the rights of the residents?

  100 Mbps broadband WeChat voice chat will be dropped.

  "When we register our children online, we are particularly anxious. A fairly simple webpage can’t be opened." Mr. Hong, a citizen, uses the 50-megabit-rate fiber-optic broadband annual service handled by Great Wall Broadband at home. However, after using it for one year, Mr. Hong felt that this 50-megabyte bandwidth was more like an "embroidered pillow".

  Mr. Jiang has just moved to a new home this year. Last month, he installed 20 megabits of "Dr. Peng" broadband, and the annual subscription fee was 1180 yuan. He said that he originally wanted to install the broadband of a big telecom operator, but the reply he got was that the community was not covered yet, so he could not go to fttp. "The network speed is very unstable. Now our community has only occupied about 40% of users, and playing an online game will get stuck. What if everyone moves in? " Mr. Jiang is deeply anxious about this.

  Mr. Wang, who lives in Yizhuang, said that the 100-megabit fiber-optic broadband in his own community would suddenly fail to open ordinary web pages, or be inexplicably disconnected while playing games, and there have also been cases where voice chat on WeChat suddenly broke. Mr. Wang showed several times the value of online speed measurement. In the case of using the telecom speed measurement web page, the fastest time, the tested bandwidth was only 26 megabits, which was only a quarter of the 100 megabits rate.

  remove a doubt

  Obstruct operators from entering the market for the benefit of property.

  According to Beijing’s informatization development plan, the free transformation of "light entering copper retreating" has been started in the whole city since 2011. Up to now, most of Beijing’s urban residential areas and rural areas have realized optical fiber to the building or fttp. However, there are still a few residential areas that can’t go home for "optical reform" for various reasons.

  According to an operator, some residents are unwilling to carry out optical fiber transformation in the residential areas that cannot be "light-reformed" at present, but more because property companies or property rights units obstruct operators from entering the market. "Of course, the reason for obstruction is for the benefit." According to a person familiar with the matter, in addition to admission fees, some property companies are not satisfied with collecting money at one time, and put forward new requirements such as broadband revenue sharing and collecting maintenance fees every year.

  In this regard, in 2016, the three departments of Beijing jointly issued the Notice on Promoting the Implementation of residential broadband Access for Property Management. It stipulates that real estate development enterprises or property service enterprises shall not sign monopoly or exclusive broadband operation agreements with others. On the premise that the infrastructure such as the equipment room has multiple accesses, the realty service enterprise shall try its best to meet the needs of the owners, at least ensure that more than three broadband operators have equal access, and disclose the relevant information of broadband access to the owners in a prominent position in the community.

  Too many users will lead to insufficient bandwidth.

  "The bandwidth mentioned by telecom operators is all theoretical values." A telecom expert said that in actual use, the download speed is lower than the theoretical value. Generally speaking, fluctuations in the range of 75% to 90% of the theoretical value can be regarded as normal. There are two main reasons why home users often feel that the network speed is not up to standard: the hardware facilities are not matched, or there are too many sharing users.

  Experts explained that in order to make full use of broadband resources, increase broadband revenue and reduce costs, operators will calculate an online ratio and choose how many users to configure on this basis. "In order to seize more business, small operators often attract customers at very low prices, and then configure more users regardless of the online ratio, resulting in insufficient broadband."

  Lack of authoritative third-party speed measuring mechanism

  How do you know how much "moisture" is mixed in the rate of home broadband? Just like Mr. Wang, a citizen, in practice, many users will choose to use speed measuring software to measure speed. However, the third-party speed measuring software on the network, not only the speed measured by each speed measuring software is different, but also the same software often measures different speeds.

   The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has said that the local communication administrations will cooperate with third parties to measure the speed of "fixed broadband access rate" and release it to the public. But up to now, there is no authoritative third-party broadband speed measuring agency in China.

Great spring scenery, you might as well follow the footsteps of the ancients.

Stepping in the spring has existed since ancient times. This spring, many people had to cancel their outing because of the epidemic.

If you stay at home, you might as well have a "spring outing". Those "flowers" in the history of art may give you more beautiful feelings this spring.

In ancient times, spring outing was an outdoor activity that people liked in spring. Especially in the Tang Dynasty, spring outing was an open social custom in the Tang Dynasty, which flourished on the third day of March every year. This activity was recorded in Zhang Xuan’s famous "You Chuntu, the wife of the State of Guo" in the Tang Dynasty. The genius of the painter lies in the fact that the title of the picture is You Chuntu, but there is no grass or tree directly related to spring in the picture. Instead, people feel the breath of spring through the gentle gesture of the fine horse and the thin and gorgeous spring shirt of the characters.

The silk edition of You Chuntu, the wife of the State of Guo, by Tang Zhang Xuan (Song Mo) is 51.8 cm in length and 148 cm in width. It is now in the Liaoning Provincial Museum.

You Chuntu by Zhan Ziqian, a painter of Sui Dynasty, is the only work handed down from generation to generation by Zhan Ziqian, and it is also the oldest picture scroll so far, with the words "Zhan Ziqian You Chuntu" inscribed by Song Huizong. In the painting, the water meets the sky. There are green mountains and lush lakes, scholars riding horse trails or stopping by the lake, and beautiful ladies boating on the water. The wind is warm, the water is microwave-lit, the peaches and apricots on the shore are blooming, and the grass is lush.

Painters attach importance to the mountains and rivers with turquoise, depict the foothills with clay gold, fill and dye the trunks with ochre, take a panoramic view from a distance, and arrange the figures properly, which is the first of its kind in the Tang Dynasty and is very representative in early landscape painting.

You Chuntu by Zhan Ziqian in Sui Dynasty is now in the Palace Museum in Beijing.

The color of the silk book is 43 cm vertical and 80.5 cm horizontal, and it is now in the Palace Museum in Beijing.

Ming Chou Ying’s "Spring Dawn in the Han Palace" is collected in the National Palace Museum in Taipei.

The Spring Dawn of the Han Palace is known as one of the "Top Ten Famous Paintings in China". The picture describes the daily chores in the palace in early spring by hand-rolling: dressing up, watering, cutting branches, arranging flowers, raising, singing and dancing, playing, playing around the stove, playing chess, reading, fighting grass, looking at the mirror, watching pictures, playing with babies, sending food, waving fans, painting empresses, palace moths, princes, eunuchs and painters. The characters were all clothes since the Tang Dynasty, and they were named Han Palace, which was a general term for the palace at that time.

Affected by the epidemic, the "The Truth-Chou Ying Special Exhibition" held by the Los Angeles County Museum of Art in the United States for ten years had to be stopped.

Chou Ying’s You Chuntu in the Suburb in Ming Dynasty

In the Qing Dynasty, Zou Yigui painted the Hundred Flowers Map, which was collected in the National Museum of China.

In spring, spring flowers are blooming. To enjoy the flowers, you can see the Hundred Flowers Picture painted by Zou Yigui, a court painter in the Qing Dynasty.

There are more than 100 kinds of plants and flowers in the four seasons in the picture of Hundred Flowers. The first painting is red plum, narcissus and orchid, interspersed with peach blossom, plum blossom, apricot blossom, winter jasmine, begonia, magnolia, clove, peony, hydrangea, rattan, pomegranate, dandelion, lingxiao, broad bean, rose, poppy, hibiscus, lily, lotus flower, lentil, impatiens, gardenia, oleander flower and petunia. Flowers are arranged in the order of four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter, and according to the time of flowering. Painting techniques combine work and writing, such as chrysanthemums outlined with lines, and flowers such as lotus flowers and magnolia flowers are directly rendered. Dotting flowers with chalk dipped in color, dyed the heart, and rendered with water, making the flowers full of three-dimensional sense.

The story behind "Cloud Supervisor"! Let party flag fly in the front line of the war "epidemic"

  Upon receiving the call from the Party organization of China Construction and Installation Group, they immediately packed their bags and drove across the province to Wuhan — — The construction sites of two specialized hospitals, Vulcan Mountain and Raytheon Mountain.

  Wearing reflective vests and gloves, helmets and masks, they became the operators of "fork sauce", "vomit mud sauce" and "blue forget machine" in the eyes of "cloud supervisor" At this moment, let’s also enlarge the perspective of "cloud supervisor" — — In those dusty corners, every frontline builder who bravely goes retrograde and fights day and night is an "anti-epidemic star".

  Assemble! Party member commandos are the most beautiful retrograde.

  Blue power, condensed under party flag. On January 28th, the first batch of aid construction teams arrived at the construction site in Thunder God Mountain hospital, Wuhan, and fought all night for 12 hours to complete the work of cleaning the grass roots, laying "two cloths and one membrane" and installing drainage pipes. Then, they concentrated their forces to complete the installation of water and electricity in 14 wards and toilets. At present, we are fully cooperating with the mechanical and electrical installation work in the box-type board room. The second batch of construction support teams also arrived at the site on January 29th. After one night, by the morning of January 30th, 30 board houses were all painted and "formed in batches" at the Thunder God Mountain hospital construction site, and the tasks of prefabrication and installation of 14 wards, toilets, 7 buffer rooms and more than 200 meters of drainage pipes in the east area were all completed. Under the condition of ensuring the construction period of Raytheon Mountain, China Construction Installation dispatched more than 50 people to support the construction of Vulcan Mountain. On January 31, most of the prefabricated houses in Vulcan Mountain Hospital were built. Under the leadership of party member Commando of China Construction Installation, 2,600 sections of iron air ducts were transported, and 235 split air conditioners were unloaded one after another. The processing and manufacture of air ducts and the installation of PVC air ducts were planned to be completed in one day.

  The fighting time is only ten days. In order to build miracles and hopes for Wuhan, the "sea of people tactics" is essential. With the emergency of the epidemic and the return home during the Spring Festival, where do the workers come from?

  Su Hong is one of the assemblers of this campaign. On the second day of the beginning of the year, Su Hong, who lives in Taizhou, received the mobilization of China Construction and Installation, and went to Wuhan overnight without hesitation, regardless of the retention of his loved ones. "It is the responsibility of a Communist party member to respond to the call of the party organization and go to Wuhan to support the construction of epidemic prevention and control!"

  "Will ‘ Catch ’ Less than people? " Gu Jianbing, the commander-in-chief of China Construction’s installation of Vulcan Mountain and Thunder God Mountain hospital electromechanical engineering, was vaguely worried.

  "Send the troops to me!" Su Hong, the labor team leader of Thunder God Mountain hospital Project, lived up to his mission and quickly mobilized the resources at hand. In just one hour, he received "invitation letters" from three labor teams.

  In order to ensure efficiency, we decided to collect workers from around Wuhan. "Where is the most difficult place? It’s not that the workers are afraid of difficulties, but that there are too many people signing up. We have to open a certificate one by one to help them come to the construction site! " Su Hong is emotional.

  One side is in trouble, and all sides come to the rescue. After the city is closed, Wuhan is inconvenient to get in and out. To this end, Su Hong issued a construction site requisition certificate, and the workers took the certificate to the villages and towns to stamp, then went to the medical examination, and then went to the traffic police brigade to get a pass to reach the construction site.

  With such strict checks at all levels, 72 comrades-in-arms took the lead in arriving at the construction front line in Wuhan within half a day. Up to now, 123 installation and construction workers of China Construction have been assembled quickly at the construction sites of Vulcan Mountain and Raytheon Mountain, and the follow-up support force is increasing.

  Break! Fighting day and night, no rework.

  Race against the epidemic, to be fast, but also to "work quickly and do fine work."

  The two specialized hospitals have large areas, many functional areas, and the electromechanical installation technology is different from that of ordinary buildings. Diffusively laying cables and connecting water supply and drainage pipelines are all construction difficulties. Especially at night, the lighting is limited. In order to connect the water pipe under the box of the board room, the workers need to lie across the I-shaped steel bracket and concentrate on their work in the cramped space, which is extremely hard.

  Even so, the wisdom of flexibility is still common in the urgent construction process. For example, the construction workers skillfully wire the pipes in the extremely limited ceiling space, which not only delays the important ventilation function, but also raises the ceiling height to make the patients live more comfortably; Based on the construction experience of Huoshenshan Hospital, Thunder God Mountain hospital improved the original way of connecting steel plates with anchors, and connected PVC pipes with hot melt, which improved the construction efficiency of this link by more than 30%.

  Strictly control the quality and put an end to any mistakes. Every time a process is done well, the workers should check themselves first. Within one hour, the team leader and technicians will follow up and check the pass. Step by step is not only a baton, but also a spell.

  "Two shifts, 24-hour wheel rotation. However, since the high-intensity construction, there has not been a rework incident in the installation of China Construction! " Zhang Yongfeng, technical director of China Construction Installation Thunder God Mountain hospital Project, was full of bloodshot eyes after working all night. Tam Hao, who rushed to Huoshenshan Hospital for emergency support, had a lunch break at noon, so that he had a little time to report his wife’s safety.

  Charge! Selfless persistence under the guidance of party flag.

  At the moment, party flag is shining in the front line of the epidemic prevention struggle. At 9: 00 on January 29th, Gu Jianbing, Party branch secretary and executive director of China Construction and Installation Beijing Company, and his party arrived in Thunder God Mountain hospital from Beijing. They quickly held a meeting to arrange the construction tasks until 2: 00 a.m., and then went to the site early in the morning to dock with many parties and implement the deployment construction plan. After eating lunch in a hurry, they rushed to Huoshenshan Hospital for operational command. After many days of fighting, as a cadre in party member, Gu Jianbing’s eyes were red, and his mustache crept up the corner of his mouth. "This battle, must win! This is an important moment for party member cadres to practice their initial mission and show their responsibility! Also take care of everyone’s health! " Gu Jianbing still remembers the entrustment of Tian Qiang, Party Secretary and Chairman of CSCEC before he left.

  More than 300 calls a day, and two mobile phones are out of power for half a day with the help of charging treasure. More than 30,000 steps of exercise is the "Wuhan rhythm" of Gu Jianbing, a pioneer in party member.

  "The country is in danger and the people are in need. As party member, we must rush!" Zhao Bing, deputy secretary of the Party branch of China Construction Installation Beijing Company, also rushed to the front line to play the role of "coordinator" on the construction site. At this time, party member Commandos installed by China Construction Corporation are still growing. They are playing an exemplary and leading role in party member, shouldering heavy responsibilities and ensuring the efficient and high-quality completion of construction tasks.

  "This Spring Festival, although I can’t go back to my hometown in Jiangsu, I still receive the warmth of my hometown in Wuhan." Gu Jianbing said that the timely entry of materials and materials is one of the key guarantees for the construction progress, and the logistics during the Spring Festival is really inconvenient. At the critical moment, a Jiangsu enterprise that has cooperated for many years expressed its willingness to donate a batch of rubber and plastic insulation materials in time.

  "My feelings for Wuhan are unusual." Today, Gu Jianbing is calm and sophisticated in the command of two specialized hospitals. He recalled that in 1998, when he was young, he just walked out of the university gate and joined China Construction Group, which coincided with the flood control in Wuhan. "It was raining cats and dogs, and we all put the rainproof striped cloth under our bodies and lay on the Yangtze River dam to fight the river. That kind of hard work and concerted efforts is unforgettable. The initial intention does not change, and today our fighting spirit to overcome the epidemic is still high! "

  Gathered under the party flag, charge in the first line. The horn of the battle has sounded, and everyone feels no fear at all. They wait for no time and wait for no one, and they are full of enthusiasm. In the cold winter, the frontline of the fight against the "epidemic" shines with the responsibility of the central enterprises, the forceful oath of party member and the heart of all the front-line strugglers. (Wei Wei Hong Yan)

7 am! Good news came from China football: Shandong Taishan made an important decision, and fans praised it in unison.

At 7: 00 a.m. Beijing time on November 3rd, the latest news came from China Football. According to the domestic media Jinan Times, next year, Taishan U21 team will participate in the 2024 League B in the name of Shandong Taishan B team, and this situation has also attracted the attention and discussion of many fans.

"Jinan Times" wrote: "Yesterday, the final stage of U21 League ushered in the penultimate round of competition. The top two U21 players in Taishan, Shandong Province had a direct dialogue with U21 in Shanghai Harbour.

In the end, Shandong Taishan U21 defeated its opponent with a score of 2-1, winning the U21 League championship this season one round ahead of schedule, and at the same time locking in the qualification for next season’s Chinese B League. "

According to the report of Jinan Times, Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province decided to let U21 team play in League B in the new season. Although the media did not disclose more information, the echelon of Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province was able to play in League B, which was not only good news for China football, but also attracted many fans’ praise in unison.

Some fans said: "Yes, we can continue to develop the U series league. The exposure of young players will increase and the development will be better." Some fans also said: "The youth training is well done. If there are 10 Luneng in China, it will not be so. At least Luneng has trained a large number of players such as Wang Yongpo, Han Peng, Liu Binbin, Zheng Zheng, Zhou Haibin, Wei Shihao, Xinghan Wu, Wang Tong, Fang Hao and Liu Yang. Only the Genbao base can compete with it. "

Of course, some fans said: "This is the real contribution to the national football. Some people in the comment area will say that Luneng has trained a few winners. Before asking this question, ask how many winners your home team has trained for the country. If you often pay attention to the leagues at all levels in China, you will find that there are countless players who have gone out of Luneng Football School. At least Luneng has done it and persisted for so many years, which is worthy of recognition! "

Today’s football recommendation analysis score forecast Bologna VS Lazio La Palmas VS Atletico Madrid

In the 11th round of Italian first-class football league, Bologna played against Lazio at home. Bologna’s scoring efficiency is good this season, but there are many draws. In the last round, Sassuolo was tied, and all the away games were tied this season. Bologna has been unbeaten in the last 9 games, with 3 wins and 6 draws, and all three victories were won at home. Lazio beat Fiorentina 1-0 in the league on Tuesday morning, and Inmobile scored a 90-minute penalty to help the Biancocelesti score all three points. At present, Lazio has won three consecutive victories in the league, while 2 wins and 3 losses in the away game, and defeated Sassuolo as a guest to end the two-game losing streak in the away game. This season, the Biancocelesti’s attack is average, with only 13 goals scored in 10 rounds and 12 goals conceded.

Lazio won 1 win and 1 draw against Bologna last season and remained unbeaten. However, in four consecutive seasons, Lazio only scored 2 draws and 2 losses without winning, and even failed to score in the last three games. The data of this game is insufficient for Lazio’s support. After all, as a traditional strong team in the league, the tie is not easy to overestimate when its reputation and status are dominant.

Therefore, the home team, Boluo, is always in Asia, and it is expected that the match will be more exciting than the match 1 midfielder. The right pair is in charge. The performance in the field is stable and has the strength advantage, while Lazio needs to show better performance in the away game to continue its unbeaten record.

Las palmas beat Manakol 3-0 in the last round and won two consecutive victories, in good shape. The team has a strong offensive ability, scoring only 9 goals in the past 5 rounds, but the defensive quality has improved, losing 4 goals in the past 5 rounds. This season, it has achieved 4 wins, 2 draws and 5 losses, ranking 10th in the league. Sandro ramirez, Fabio Gonzá lez and others were plagued by injuries or missed the game. It must be difficult for this field to face the former bitter Atletico Madrid.

Atletico Madrid beat Aravis 2-1 in the last round, and the team’s morale is like a rainbow. So far this season, it has achieved 8 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss, and its performance is excellent, ranking third in the league. In the last five rounds, he scored a total of 12 goals, averaging 2.4 goals per game. The quality of the team’s defense is very high, and he lost 6 goals in the past five rounds. French striker Gleizman scored 7 goals, and Morata scored 6 goals, which was the main scorer of the team. At present, Victor vitolo, Depe, Mandawa, etc. in the team are plagued by injuries or absent from the game. Atletico’s players can always adapt to different competition environments and play well. Their tactical flexibility and adaptability enable them to always have an advantage in away games.

To sum up, I think Atletico Madrid will win on the road. Although we know that the away game is full of challenges, Atletico’s strength, experience and tactical flexibility all indicate that they will win this victory. I believe they will show their advantages in the competition and finally win.

Zhang Jigang lets you see the magnificent scene of "how the Yellow River’s waters move out of heaven"

  "Boom, boom", a deep voice came from the darkness, like the roar of the Yellow River, rapid and powerful. When the light came on, a yellow river covering the whole field of vision suddenly appeared in the air. It came from the sky and poured down in trembling, as if the waves were carrying sediment, rolling the Gangfeng and shaking the Tiangu. At this time, one, two, three, and a group of people "jumped" into the river one after another, went upstream in the rolling of turbid waves, and ran forward in the roar of wild waves … …

  On August 17th, a large-scale symphonic dance epic "Yellow River", which was secretly rehearsed for half a year and directed by the famous artist Zhang Jigang, finally showed its true colors for the first time. The reporter of Shanxi Evening News visited the class exclusively and watched the first official serial of Yellow River in the Yellow River Theater of Shanxi Song and Dance Theater.

  The performance of more than 90 minutes presents a subversion of artistic imagination! The unprecedented expression of stage art has long gone beyond the scope of "viewing", but brought "immersive" feelings. Surprisingly, the whole performance didn’t rely on high-tech means such as LED and holographic projection to present visual effects, and it was all done by manpower and the expression of the actors’ body language, which really achieved — — Return to dance noumenon.

  Dance can jump in the air?

  Can the "water of the Yellow River" flowing on the ground come from the sky?

  … …

  How many fantastic ideas, unprecedented and unparalleled are there in The Yellow River? As the first audience, please follow our line of sight, "fresh" to see!

  "Yellow River" is not only a river, but also a dance epic with a huge vision.

  The opening of The Yellow River is quiet and grand.

  An old ship that has been drifting on the river for nearly ten thousand years, in the form of inner monologue, slowly revealed the huge "vision" of this work — — This is a river of life, a river of heroes and a river of vigorous spirit.

  As a river of life, the Yellow River has nurtured Chinese civilization, is the mother river of Chinese people at home and abroad, and has made irreplaceable contributions to world civilization. Therefore, there are many stories in The Yellow River, starting with canoes 10,000 years ago, matriarchal society 6,000 years ago, and China civilization 5,000 years later. Generation after generation have multiplied their lives and nurtured their growth along the Yellow River.

  As a river of heroes and a river of vigorous spirit, the symphony dance epic Yellow River also has epic emotions. From encountering foreign national aggression to defending the Yellow River, the sons and daughters of the Yellow River have a national spirit and revolutionary spirit of going forward bravely after disasters. Now, at the moment of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the recent Chinese dream, the sons and daughters of the Yellow River are still high-spirited dreamers … …

  Shanxi Evening News reporter saw in the first row that "Yellow River" presented three major movements — — Wan Li Sand in the Yellow River, how the Yellow River’s waters move out of heaven, Dream Catcher in the Yellow River. There are 11 programs in the three movements: Nine Songs of the Yellow River, Wan Li Sand, Lullaby, Yellow River Beach, Pulling the Yellow River, Yellow River Boatman Music, Ode to the Yellow River, Yellow River Anger, Defending the Yellow River, Yellow River Dreamcatcher, Red Silk Dance and Yellow River My People,My Country, in which dance forms such as solo, duet and group dance are interspersed.

  If you are sitting under the stage at the moment, you will be deeply attracted by the 11 stories in the Yellow River, and follow the river from distant history, rushing through the vicissitudes of life, flowing endlessly in the war, and rushing around the world with great momentum … …

  For the artistic theme of "Yellow River", Zhang Jigang made a brand-new interpretation and creation this time. He led the team to travel through time, trying to find the source and soul of "Yellow River" and create a greater emotion of "Yellow River". He summed up the essence of the Yellow River in two sentences — — "Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement; The terrain is Kun, and the gentleman carries things with virtue. " Self-improvement and virtue are also the spirit of "Huang Heren".

  The "Yellow River" falls from the sky, and actors dance in the air, which is an unprecedented stage art expression.

  Zhang Jigang’s Yellow River has a magical "magic" that seeing is believing! For example, you can instantly "sculpt" a "real clay figurine" full of muscles and strength, or you can let actors dance while "going upstream" in the pouring Yellow River water.

  The opening dance of Yellow River is full of muscles and hormones! Let you fall in love with this river and Huang Heren from the first sight. A group of Yellow River men crowded into the embrace of the river, or rolled, or kissed, or played, or swam, and the dance movements were extremely simple and beautiful, with softness and rigidity. Many actions such as stretching arms and bending legs seem to challenge the "stretching" limit and "twisting" limit of human body, and convey emotions and strength from the inside out through body language. After a while, the yellow river man rolled in the sand and instantly became a "clay sculpture", and his muscle lines became more and more eye-catching. Interestingly, these "live" clay sculptures, in the most primitive physical expression, can stir up more swaying and boiling of the Yellow River water … … It also stirred the hearts of the audience!

  How the Yellow River’s waters move out of heaven, the second movement of the Yellow River, is even more amazing — —

  The tune of "The Yellow River Boatman Song" sounded, and the rushing and tumbling "Yellow River" poured down … … Very spectacular! It is worth mentioning that this "Yellow River" is not an illusory image produced by high technology, but a "real" existence. People’s minds can’t help but think of Liu Yuxi’s poem "Nine bends of the Yellow River, sand in Wan Li, waves sweeping from the horizon". What’s even more amazing is that some Huang Heren people have jumped into the "Yellow River" with a steep slope in front of them. They run "upstream" and "downstream" in the river, sometimes tumbling in the air and sometimes chasing in the water, expressing Huang Heren’s attachment, reluctance and intoxication to the Yellow River. When the special period came, helmets and rifles poured down from the Yellow River. At this time, the raging Yellow River and the surging Huang Heren merged into one, showing a picture of vitality … …

  These dances are extraordinary!

  Dancers dance in mud, water and even in the air, presenting a multidimensional space and three-dimensional expression for the audience, which is an unprecedented stage art expression! It also subverts people’s previous artistic imagination! Zhang Jigang said that artistic creation is the most taboo. "When looking at a work, first look at how much new content it has, and then look at the quality."

  "Yellow River" swept through with a brand-new look and growling. Before you see it, you can’t imagine that dance can jump in the air! After seeing it, you can believe "how the Yellow River’s waters move out of heaven"!

  Zhang Jigang’s Yellow River achieved this feat.

  Teacher Zhang’s homework can’t be wasted every minute, so he must go all out.

  After the performance, the curtain call applause of "Singing the Motherland" was still in my ears, and the actors were still panting on the stage, so "Teacher Zhang’s after-class comments" came — —

  Zhang Jigang standing in the audience, microphone in hand, without a word. The theater was quiet and the atmosphere became tense. Actors are very hard, many injuries, all of which are in Zhang Jigang’s eyes. He loves these children dearly, and he knows that countless eyes on the stage are full of affirmation. But there are some problems that must be said now.

  "What is your reason? Too hard! I thought (while watching the performance), just stop, but you didn’t stop. There are three injuries, all of which occurred in this part … …”

  "I didn’t wronged you when you didn’t raise your head in the section of Defending the Yellow River, did I?" "When dancing in pairs, who is the penultimate girl in the back vertical row (group)? You keep moving! You can’t move your head or your feet. "

  … …

  Zhang Jigang, who has always been demanding of his works, is rigorous in every detail of his work and every actor’s performance. He originally planned to return to Beijing after the first platoon, and decided to postpone the plan and stay in Taiyuan to take command, because there were still too many problems waiting for him to solve. Although there is still some time before the premiere on September 14th, Zhang Jigang demanded that all problems must be solved before September 1st. This means that there is only a week left for all the work such as clothing, props, lighting debugging and taking publicity photos.

  "Every minute can’t be wasted, you must go all out."

  Zhang Jigang, who is standing under the stage, has a firm tone. He clearly knows that the children who are resting on the stage need an opportunity too much, an opportunity to change their destiny by dance art. At the same time, it is also an opportunity to change the fate of the theater.

  "The Yellow River" has only 38 actors, which is completely unlike Zhang Jigang’s previous "big hand"! But this time, it is Zhang Jigang’s exclusive work "tailor-made" for the mother group. According to the existing actors in the theater, give full play to everyone’s potential, "38 actors, everyone is a fire, they can burn the audience." Considering the difficulties faced by the literary and art troupes in going to the market, Zhang Jigang thought about this issue from the beginning of the arrangement. "To create short and capable works, the performance time should be controlled at about 7090 minutes, that is, the time for the audience to watch a movie, so that they will not feel tired." He also hopes to change a consumption concept of the local performance market with the help of Yellow River: "Why do people get used to watching performances ‘ Free ’ And? It is necessary to break the habit of sending tickets in the past. " One month before the three performances in Taiyuan, all the first-class tickets have been sold out. Hearing the news, Zhang Jigang’s always serious face smiled.

  In three weeks, the eyes of the whole world will be focused here.

  The muddy yellow river will show its elegance and be famous all over the world with its majestic momentum.

  Written by Shanxi Evening News reporter Li Pei

  Photography Shanxi Evening News reporter Ma Liming

Interview | Behind the scenes of "Save the Water": Xin Yunlai fiercely practiced flower swimming and flipped his nose.

Special feature of 1905 film network After the seven-day National Day holiday, the single-day film arrangement and single-day box office ranking of the film "Five Boys Drowning in the Water" rose against the trend, and many viewers praised the film as "the best domestic youth film this year", and the douban score gradually rose to 7.4 points after the score was opened.

Under the pressure of the government, the film didn’t get much attention during the National Day, and the box office was not as good as expected. However, as the first film focusing on synchronized swimming in China, it still involved the unpopular event of men’s synchronized swimming, which also brought the sport to the public.

Zhang Xi, a former national synchronized swimmer, is the synchronized swimming coach of this film, who is responsible for training five leading actors and designing the flower show in the film.

Synchronized swimming, known as "underwater ballet", is a water sports event that combines swimming, skills, dance and music. Zhang Xi introduced that this is a sport with a relatively high threshold. Flower-swimming athletes need not only the high cardio-pulmonary ability of swimmers, but also the flexibility of dancers, as well as the ability to appreciate music and count beats, which is comprehensive and cumbersome. "Many technical movements may be impossible for athletes to do when they retire."

It is an impossible task for these five young actors who are not good at swimming to learn synchronized swimming in two months to meet the requirements of performance and shooting. During these two months, they trained for about 8 hours every day, basically without rest. Finally, in their efforts, they succeeded in achieving their goals.

Zhang Xi revealed that the actor has the worst coordination among these five people, and he has to complete the highlight action of "back flip". He worked hard during the training period. Every morning from 5: 00 am, he first practiced somersault and then practiced water movements with others, and suffered a lot of injuries, but he didn’t shout bitterness or tiredness. "This is why every time I watch a movie and see Xiao Xin jumping on the rooftop, I will burst into tears." Li Xiaoqian, who plays the swimmer Gao Fei, can’t swim at all. He also learned to swim in two months.

At the end of the film, a group of male high school students finally completed the performance of group synchronized swimming after all difficulties. This big show has three links in total and more than 40 people participated in the performance. Zhang Xi said that the overall movement arrangement jumped out of the professional movements of traditional synchronized swimming, and highlighted the characteristics of "show". First, it was a uniform queue, then it was a hilarious dance on land, and finally it was arranged for the different personalities of the five characters.

In the general cognition of the public, synchronized swimming is a female sport, but in recent years, the situation of men’s synchronized swimming has also developed positively. In the 2015 Kazan World Swimming Championships, male synchronized swimmers were allowed to participate for the first time, and in the 2017 FINA World Championships, China also sent mixed doubles for the first time. Although there is no such event in the Olympic Games now, Zhang Xi believes that it will definitely be included in the future.

Zhang Xi is also the founder of the first synchronized swimming club in Beijing, and has trained many young synchronized swimming talents. She revealed that at present, the ratio of male and female students she leads is only 20 or 30 to 1, and the number is very small. In her view, men’s synchronized swimming also has its own unique beauty. "It’s just not promoted enough, and there is no need to emphasize gender in this project. It is definitely a particularly eye-catching glory for boys to join."

As a third-generation flower tourist in China, Zhang Xi witnessed the difficult development of synchronized swimming in China. "We have worked hard from generation to generation to climb to the current runner-up position, and the gap with Russia has gradually narrowed, which is not easy."

She thinks that the appearance of "Five Boys Who Save the Water" is a good opportunity to let more people know about synchronized swimming, change the prejudice against men’s synchronized swimming, and better appreciate the beauty and beauty of this sport.

[Interview Record]

1905 Movie Network: When did these "five teenagers" start to learn synchronized swimming, and what was the length and intensity of training?

Zhang Xi:From July 5 last year, we made a preliminary evaluation of their water-based and coordination. After the test, we found that strictly speaking, none of them could swim. When we met with the director, we thought it was an impossible task.

We trained for two months at that time, and it was really difficult to reach the level of shooting, but it turned out that we did it. The training intensity in those two months was quite strong, and I don’t remember any rest. Basically, their daily arrangement is 4 to 5 hours of water training during the day and 5 to 4 hours of physical coordination and dance training in the afternoon. In this way, there are at least about 8 hours of land and water training every day.

1905 Movie Network: The climax at the end of the movie is men’s collective synchronized swimming. What is the style pursued in action arrangement?

Zhang Xi:The whole show is divided into three parts. The first part is the feeling of "grand parade", which is neat and spectacular as soon as it comes up. It’s all a big queue and a large square, including the selection of the music "March of Iron and Steel", which is very exciting and exciting. I hope it will give people a sense of visual impact as soon as it comes up.

The second part focuses on the dance on land, which is a feeling that a high school student is relatively active, playful and noisy. When entering the water again, it is to arrange each action for each character separately according to their personality. For example, Zhang Wei, who is the captain, is persistent and hard-working, so the action is relatively serious, and the most lively is Ququ.

We didn’t design the movements so professionally. There are also women’s synchronized swimming and professional teams in the movies, which are all recognized as flower swimming in the traditional sense. Generally, there are eight people in the team competition of flower tour, and there are more than 40 people in our big show. We still have to jump out of the traditional concept of flower tour to express it.

1905 Movie Network: Zhang Wei, the leading actor, has a backflip action to complete. Why did he design this action?

Zhang Xi:At the beginning of the training, the director repeatedly asked me what action was representative in the flower swim, so the back flip was a relatively representative action with certain difficulty. Of course, in the professional arena, this is not a particularly difficult action, but it is also impossible for ordinary people to complete. In the action sequence of synchronized swimming, this is a throw-and-take lift, which is quite difficult, and he has to complete a week of somersault at the same time.

1905 Movie Network: Is it difficult for Xin Yun to practice this action?

Zhang Xi:Very big, because Xiao Xin’s personal physical condition can be said to be the most rigid among the five people, and his coordination is not so good. That’s why every time I watch a movie, I see Xiao Xin jumping on the rooftop, and tears come to my eyes. Because I fully knew how difficult it was for Xiao Xin when he was training at that time, and he suffered many injuries because of training, both his waist and wrist, including his nose, were smashed many times.

He never shouted tired, I can’t do it, I lost my temper, and I had to rest when I was injured, never. In the later period, he worked much harder than others, and others only had to complete normal training every day. In addition to these, he had to practice somersaults himself. From 5 o’clock every day, he came back to practice water movements with everyone after learning, and it took about two months to complete this movement. So he is not only the captain in this movie, but also a leading role among these five people.

1905 Movie Network: What is the training status of others? Did they train for two months before reaching the standard?

Zhang Xi:We were training every day in Beijing. At that time, Li Xiaoqian, who played goofy, was the worst swimmer. Compared with others, he couldn’t swim at all, but he was from a sports school and the best swimmer in the film, so the task given by the director at that time was to practice it within two months. He also worked hard, and it took him two months.

When we were training, there was a sports school team training beside us. Every day before class, I called several players to come and compete with him, so in the end, Li Xiaoqian’s level was basically the same as theirs, including seeing him compete with the swimming captain in the movie, which was all because he really swam.

1905 Movie Network: Synchronized swimming has always been a women’s sport. What do you think is the dilemma of men’s synchronized swimming?

Zhang Xi:Synchronized swimming only joined the mixed doubles in world-class competitions a few years ago, and some boys joined it, but it was not the mainstream. Men’s synchronized swimming is well developed in many European countries, and the event itself originated in Europe. People don’t know it so narrowly, including many competitions, such as the European Championship, where there are men’s single or double events.

The feeling of flower tour in our domestic public is still a feminized project that little girls are practicing, so when selecting talents and recruiting professional teams in various places, parents will think that little boys are not suitable for this.

However, boys have natural advantages in height, arm span and leg length, and the beauty shown in the water is no less than that shown by girls. His sense of existence is stronger, his sense of strength is stronger, and his visual impact is different. So I think we just haven’t promoted it enough, and there is no need to emphasize gender so much in this project. It is definitely a particularly bright glory for boys to join in.

For example, when we go abroad to participate in competitions, many of the opening performances are the fathers of the players. Because they train with their children, they will also do volunteer work in the team, and they will also form a father team of their own. Therefore, it is not necessary to have a particularly high professional direction at the beginning, so that everyone is willing to come in first and think this is a very interesting project.

1905 Movie Network: How many athletes are engaged in men’s synchronized swimming in China now, and has it increased in recent years?

Zhang Xi:There are more and more places, but on the whole, there are only a dozen in the country. Professional teams in various provinces and cities, including the national team, are recruiting all the year round, but the direction is relatively vertical. Instead of recruiting from the public, they go to some professional colleges, such as dance colleges and swimming teams. A few years ago, most of the selections were transferred from other teams, and now they are slowly starting from scratch. It doesn’t matter if there is no foundation for choosing this project. You can train if you meet the physical conditions.

Men’s synchronized swimming is less known in the society, so this film is just right, and when you watch it, it may open up a new idea.

1℃→22℃! Warm and humid air carries rain, so pay attention when you go out on Monday. ……

The weather in Zhejiang is good for two days on weekends.

All kinds of flowers are in bloom.

Travel to enjoy flowers and wash clothes to dry.

Everything can be arranged ~

But the sun shines

The temperature at 11 o’clock will reach above 10℃ in the whole province.

The cold and rainy weather some time ago

It’s completely over.

Temperature difference between morning and evening increases

Friends can use "onion dressing method"

Beware of catching a cold


The temperature rose steadily and reached its peak this day!

But the good weather only lasts until ……

Because Yu Yujun is going to work with us on Monday, it turned to rain in western Zhejiang this evening and spread to the whole province in the middle of the night. On Monday (11th), the whole province will be soaked in rain during the day. Remember to wear rain gear on Monday and go out early in the morning.

The rain will rest temporarily on the 12th-13th, and the temperature in some areas of our province will be above 20℃ on the 12th! The pace of spring is getting closer and closer, the weather changes are more unpredictable, and the rain will come to stay on the 14th to 17th. Friends cherish the sunshine these days.

Zhejiang weather forecast

Today: the western part of Zhejiang is cloudy, and there are showers in the cloudy part in the evening; Other areas are sunny to cloudy, and there are showers in the cloudy part after midnight.

Tomorrow: There will be light rain and some moderate rain in the whole province.

The lowest temperature this morning:

Northern Zhejiang: 1-3 degrees, with frost;

Other areas: 4-6 degrees.

Maximum temperature during the day today:

Coastal areas: 13-15 degrees;

Other areas: 16-18 degrees.

Warm and humid airflow entrains rainwater.

Be careful when you go out next Monday ……

Specific to the weather in Hangzhou, warm and humid air flows have quietly joined the battle. Under the influence of high-level wet areas, there are more clouds over Hangzhou, and the weather will be slightly cooler than yesterday.

March is also the season for the expansion and development of warm and humid air currents.

Although Hangzhou has not yet entered the meteorological spring, don’t worry, spring will always come, and maybe you will hear good news next Monday.

And you see, the charm of spring has gradually emerged, and the next weather process will focus on "short, flat and fast". Warm and humid air currents will bring rain in and out in a hurry, and frequently "send spring waves in secret" to the south of China, and the weather will also quietly bid farewell to winter under the constant attack of warm and humid air currents.

It is expected that there will be a light rain from tonight to tomorrow morning. Although the rainfall duration is not long and the rainfall is not large, it may collide with Monday morning peak.

Monday+morning rush hour+rainy day, friends who have a long commute may have to shake their heads again. Please continue to pay attention to the weather changes and get ready to go out early.

On the afternoon of the 11th, the weather will gradually improve, and it will be sunny again in the afternoon, and the temperature will obviously rise, reaching above 20℃ on the 12th. The next 13-14 days will be dominated by fine weather, and there will be a short shower around the 15th.

Generally speaking, the next week will be sunny and rainy, and the temperature will rise, which is conducive to spring ploughing, spring sowing and spring vegetable picking.

Hangzhou weather forecast

10th (Sunday): cloudy during the day, cloudy with light rain at night, 4 ~ 16℃, easterly wind 3 ~ 4;

11th (Monday): It was cloudy with light rain in the morning, and it stopped raining in the afternoon, with 8 ~ 14℃ and southerly winds of 3 ~ 4;

12th (Tuesday): sunny to cloudy, 7 ~ 21℃, northerly winds 3 ~ 4 and gusts 5;

13th (Wednesday): cloudy, 6 ~ 17℃, easterly wind 3 ~ 4;

14th (Thursday): cloudy to cloudy, 8 ~ 16℃, with a level 3 easterly wind;

15th (Friday): Cloudy to cloudy with occasional showers, 8 ~ 18℃, easterly winds of 3 ~ 4.

Hangzhou Meteorological Observatory released at 11: 00 on March 9.

It is said that "the face of a child in March" changes when it changes. In fact, a major feature of the weather in March is that the pace of weather change has obviously accelerated. After entering the spring in the meteorological sense, the characteristics will be more distinct.

Mao Yanjun, a senior engineer at Zhejiang Climate Center, said that spring is the transitional season between winter and summer. Especially in early spring, winter has just passed, and the cold air force is still very strong, and it erupts southward every few days. In spring, the influence of warm air in the south is increasing day by day. As long as the cold air is slightly weakened, warm air will take advantage of it and the weather will get warmer. This frequent intersection of cold and warm air often makes the weather show the characteristics of hot and cold, rainy and sunny.

The changeable weather is often easy to cause colds. In this season, everyone should add or subtract clothes according to the weather forecast in time.

Original title: "1 C → 22 C! Warm and humid air carries rain, so pay attention when you go out on Monday … "

Read the original text

Behind Xu Wen’s pineapple leaving the circle, Pinduoduo helps the new agricultural model.

Xuwen, Guangdong, the southernmost tip of Chinese mainland, is one of the first small cities in China to feel the spring. It has a history of pineapple cultivation for nearly 100 years, and is the largest pineapple producing area in China, known as the "pineapple sea". Before becoming popular, Xuwen pineapple, which relied too much on offline sales channels, was once blocked by the epidemic.
On February 19th, 2020, led by Pinduoduo, a special live broadcast to help farmers was launched in pineapple fields. At that time, the county magistrate personally walked into the live broadcast room to help farmers, cut and eat pineapples, and spoke for Xuwen pineapple, which attracted more than 300,000 netizens to watch and nearly 300,000 kilograms of pineapples were sold out. This live broadcast also opened up business ideas for local farmers, and live delivery and online circulation began to become one of the main sales models of Xuwen pineapple.
In the past four years, the "pineapple planting army" has gradually grown into a "pineapple selling army", and Xuwen pineapple has become one of the "top streams" of the fruit circle. Pinduoduo platform data shows that Xuwen pineapple sales increased by 60% in the past year. From the purchase area, Zhejiang surpassed Guangdong to become the largest pineapple consumption province in Xuwen, followed by Jiangsu, Sichuan and Shanghai, and entered the top five.
In late February, this year’s first Xuwen pineapple was listed first. It is understood that the planting area of Xuwen pineapple this year is about 350,000 mu, with an annual output of about 700,000 tons, accounting for nearly 15% of the listed pineapples. The price of fresh fruit is stable at 0.8-1 yuan/kg, and the purchase price of large pineapples can reach 1.2 yuan/kg.
The sales volume of fruit is also a demonstration barometer of the price of Lingnan Jiaguo. Luo Hongxia, secretary of the xuwen county County Party Committee, fully affirmed the live broadcast of helping farmers, which was promoted by the cooperation of the government, the platform and the media, at the recent 2024 "Call the World to Eat Xuwen Pineapple" activity and "The First Live Broadcast of Pinduoduo in 219, 2020". Whether in Guangdong or in the whole country, this live broadcast has a very obvious demonstration significance. "
Luo Hongxia pointed out that this action of finding a market for agricultural products online was also highly recognized and supported by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and then it set off a nationwide wave of live broadcast to help agriculture. The "Xuwen model" also became the most popular new model for agricultural e-commerce development in that year.
Luo Hongxia, secretary of xuwen county County Party Committee, summed up and reviewed "The first live broadcast of Tiantou in Pinduoduo on 219, 2020". Photography | Shen Zhao
"The county magistrate’s live broadcast is a beneficial practice for Xu Wen to lead fruit farmers to try a new path of agricultural goods on the Internet, and it is also the starting point for Pinduoduo to help farmers live broadcast. The successful landing of this’ experiment’ also benefited from the creation and establishment of a new model of Guangdong agricultural products’ 12221′ market system. " The person in charge of relevant business in Pinduoduo said that in the future, the company will continue the policy of benefiting farmers such as zero commission on agricultural products, and improve the ultra-short chain of agricultural products by tilting resources such as 10 billion subsidies, 10,000-person group and optimizing supply chain, so that consumers all over the country can eat fresh and affordable Guangdong agricultural products, and help farmers increase their income and get rich and revitalize rural industries.
From "unsalable fruit" to "rich fruit"
In February 2020, it was the harvest season of Xuwen pineapple, but it caught up with the epidemic. "From Beijing to Xuwen, the flow of people along the way is very small." Some buyers recalled at the symposium, "Especially when going to Xuwen by boat from Haikou, it seems that there are less than five people except the staff. There are fewer people on board, and I have a feeling of chartering a boat. "
The opening of the county magistrate’s live broadcast ignited Xu Wen’s vitality and vitality. In just half an hour, it attracted more than 300,000 netizens’ attention. During the two-hour online activity, 30,000 pieces of pineapples were originally sold out, and 20,000 pieces of goods were urgently transferred in the live broadcast room, which eventually drove the sales of pineapples to nearly 300,000 Jin. After the live broadcast, xuwen county local farmers’ Pinduoduo stores accumulated 30,000 fans overnight and sold 51,000 pieces of pineapples in the past 20 days.
This live broadcast is a beneficial practice for Xuwen local government to lead fruit farmers to try the new path of online agricultural goods. Local farmers have opened up their business ideas, learned to live broadcast goods and open stores online for sale. Xuwen pineapple has gradually become a regional public agricultural product brand recognized by consumers all over the country, and the network uplink experiment of Xuwen pineapple is called "Xuwen mode".
In order to increase the market influence of Xuwen pineapple and build it into a "city business card", the local government continued to promote digital marketing and cultivated a live broadcast force that could not be taken away. Nowadays, doing e-commerce no longer needs government promotion, and more locals are spontaneously doing agricultural e-commerce.
After 1995, Xu Wen, a local guy, Zou Ziying returned to his hometown from Guangzhou last year and tried to start an agricultural product e-commerce in Pinduoduo. "Because I found that many friends around me made money from this."
In April-June and August-November, the two peak seasons of pineapple sales, Zou sold Xuwen pineapple in Pinduoduo by himself, and in the rest of the time, he managed local specialties such as Sakyamuni, Apple Banana and Red Heart Papaya. Relying on the policy of benefiting farmers such as zero commission for agricultural products on the platform, in the eight months up to the end of 2023, the cumulative sales volume of stores exceeded 300,000, and the profits also reached expectations.
The diversified consumer demand of Pinduoduo platform makes Xuwen pineapple find more possibilities. Take Zou’s own 100 mu of land as an example. "In the past, big fruits sold well in the offline market, but small and medium-sized fruits were often only sold to canneries or even rotted in the ground; Nowadays, with the help of the e-commerce platform, both Zhongguo and Daguo have a broader market, and the overall output value has increased by 10%. "
Zou, who tasted the "sweetness" of e-commerce business, was full of self-motivation. Just after the Spring Festival holiday, he arranged a new year’s work plan. "We have been stocking goods recently, and we expect to link up around Qingming." This year, he decided to increase investment in Pinduoduo platform, expanding the number of stores from more than 10 last year to 20-30, and strengthening the control of pineapple quality.
In addition to selling his own pineapples, Zou Ziying helped nearly 200 growers around to sell pineapples last year, and the purchase price was generally higher than that of offline stalls. "For every kilogram of pineapples we sell, farmers can earn 0.1-0.2 yuan more."
Xuwen pineapple ushered in a bumper harvest, and fruit farmers were very busy. Photography | Shen Zhao
In 2020-2022, Xuwen pineapple ushered in a high-light moment, and the field purchase price rose instead of falling. At the peak, it broke through 3 yuan/Jin, setting a sales record. The "slow-moving fruit" that once plagued local fruit farmers has turned into a "rich fruit".
At present, the "pineapple sea" industry is becoming more and more mature, and Xu Wen’s "pineapple planting army" has become a "pineapple selling army". Buyers and sellers from all over the country gathered here, and large trucks with license plates from different provinces stopped at the roadside, waiting for the pineapples to be loaded and shipped out.
Leverage big data and big live broadcast to hit the "world pineapple"
Xu Wen pineapple Jedi reborn, had to mention a set of digital passwords: "12221".
In 2019, in order to implement Xuwen pineapple brand building marketing, Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs set up a "12221" special working group and put forward a "12221" market system, namely, building "1" big data of agricultural products, forming "2" teams of buyers in sales areas and cultivating brokers in production areas, expanding "2" big markets in sales areas and production areas, and planning buyers to enter production areas and agricultural products to enter big markets.
In the past five years, the working group has always come to Xuwen in the spring to sum up the key points of the stage, bring thoughts and suggestions, and help fruit farmers sell their fruits. Winter goes and spring comes, and the pineapple harvest in the new season is coming. The blueprint of Xuwen pineapple development is gradually clear at the symposium: e-commerce, digitalization and internationalization will become the key words of the next stage.
This year’s newly released No.1 Document of the Central Committee clearly proposes to implement the high-quality development project of rural e-commerce, promote the construction of county-level e-commerce live broadcast bases, and develop the online sales of rural local products. Xuwen county is also vigorously promoting the live broadcast sales of e-commerce, holding thousands of people training, thousands of people live broadcast and other activities, and striving to become "the first county of live broadcast e-commerce in China".
In the spring of 2020, the first county magistrate live broadcast supported by Pinduoduo kicked off the "Xuwen Mode".
Xuwen county also followed the digital wave and launched AI Pineapple Jun, hoping to continue to deepen Xuwen Pineapple’s "12221 market system construction" under the background of data becoming new agricultural materials, mobile phones becoming new agricultural tools and live broadcast becoming new farm work, and help solve various problems such as pineapple planting, preservation, processing, logistics, publicity and marketing with AI technology, organically integrate data elements with the whole process of agriculture, vigorously develop new e-commerce formats such as live broadcast and short video, and explore.
It is reported that about 316 tons of pineapples have been exported to Russia, Kyrgyzstan, North Korea and other countries this year, of which North Korea is exporting for the first time. On February 29th, a batch of Xuwen pineapples from Zhongli Group was also about to be exported to North America. The appearance of AI Pineapple King provided a platform for Xuwen Pineapple to break through geographical restrictions and become a "world pineapple" from "China Pineapple".
To make Xuwen pineapple industry bigger and stronger, we must pay attention to both production and sales. While unblocking the sales link, the local government also actively promoted the diversification of production, and continued to explore industrialization, food and cleanliness, and launched new products such as pineapple grilled fish, fresh-cut small pineapples, pineapple moon cakes, pineapple rice cakes, and pineapple prefabricated dishes. At the forum on February 29th, the leaders also officially unveiled the "Xuwen Pineapple Prefabricated Vegetable Raw Material Direct Supply Base". This laid a foundation for Xuwen pineapple to improve its industrial chain and broaden its commercial channels.
With the popularity of Xuwen pineapple, "Xuwen Model" is gradually popularized in Guangdong Province. Previously, Pinduoduo signed a cooperation framework agreement with the Guangdong Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs to jointly help Guangdong’s featured agricultural products enter the city, and jointly incubate 50 brands of Guangdong’s featured agricultural products to fully help Guangdong’s digital agriculture "new infrastructure". From Kaiping duck egg, Suixi sweet potato and Lingnan litchi to Huilai abalone, Meizhou honey pomelo and Chaozhou tea, Pinduoduo can be seen behind the rise of these agricultural specialties.
According to the data, in 2020 alone, Pinduoduo launched a total of more than 240 live broadcasts to help farmers, covering 29 provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government and autonomous regions. A total of more than 430 city, county and district principals entered the live broadcast room to promote local agricultural (sub-) products, which generated a total of 670 million orders to help farmers, and sold more than 4.12 billion kilograms of agricultural (sub-) products, helping 1.13 million households.
In the future, Pinduoduo will continue to take measures such as resource inclination and supply chain optimization to accelerate Guangdong goods from villages to cities, and promote the standardization, branding and digitalization of Guangdong agricultural products.

Illustration of rare wild animals in Hunchun | Tigers roar, apes cry, geese fall and fish sink.

"Source of this article: Youyou Jilin"
A magical land
It is famous for its magnificent natural landscape.
And colorful ethnic customs.
Be desired by people.
But what is more desirable is
An ecological environment that has not been touched by the times
With free wild animals
Let’s get to know each other again
It once appeared on the land of Hunchun.
What rare wild animals?
Welcome to the world of wildlife.
Siberian tiger
National first-class protected animals
Siberian tiger (scientific name: Panthera tigris ssp.altaica): Also known as Siberian tiger, it is one of the subspecies of tiger. It is the largest carnivorous cat in existence. The average weight of adult male Siberian tiger is 250 kg, and the head length is about 2.3 meters. The average weight of an adult tigress is about 170kg, the body length is about 2m, the shoulder height is about 1.1m, and the tail length is about 1.3m.. The maximum body length can reach 2.9 meters (including tail length). The body color of wild Siberian tigers is brownish yellow in summer and yellowish in winter. There are many rows of narrow black stripes on the back and side of the body, usually two of them are willow-shaped. The head is big and round, and several black stripes on the forehead are often colluded in the middle, which is very similar to the word "king", so it has the reputation of "king of the jungle".
Living in forests, shrubs and weeds. Living alone, without settlement, with territorial behavior, the scope of activities can reach more than 100 square kilometers. Nocturnal, sensitive, fierce, quick-moving, good at swimming, climbing trees, and rarely attacking humans. The Siberian tiger mainly preys on large and medium-sized mammals such as deer, sheep and wild boar, and also eats small mammals and birds. The predation mode is sneak attack.
Amur leopard
National first-class protected animals
Northeast leopard generally refers to the Far East leopard. Far East Leopard (scientific name: Panthera pardus orientalis) is a subspecies of leopard, and it is a big cat in the northern cold region, second only to the Northeast Tiger, with a small head and a long tail and short limbs. The coat is yellow and covered with black ring spots; The spots on the head are small and dense, the spots on the back are dense and large, and the spots are in a round or oval plum blossom pattern, which is quite similar to ancient copper coins, so it is also known as the "leopard". The front foot has 5 toes, the rear foot has 4 toes, and the claws are gray and white, which can be extended and retracted.
Living in forests, shrubs, wetlands, deserts and other environments, its nests are mostly built in dense trees, shrubs or caves. Camp lives alone, often at night, resting in trees or caves during the day. It preys on all kinds of ungulates, monkeys, rabbits, rodents, birds and fish, and also eats sweet berries in autumn. When food is scarce, they also sneak into the village at night to steal poultry and livestock. It was once widely distributed in the Russian Far East, Heilongjiang in northeast China, Jilin and the forests in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. It has been listed in Appendix I of the Washington Convention and is strictly protected by Russian, Korean and China governments.
Wild sika deer
National first-class protected animals
Cervus nippon is a small and medium-sized deer, with a body length of 125 to 145 cm, a tail length of 12 to 13 cm, a shoulder height of 70 to 95 cm and a weight of 70 to 100 kg. The coat color is chestnut red in summer, with many white spots, which look like plum blossoms; It is smoky brown in winter, and the white spots are not obvious. There is hair on the neck. Male horns are 30 to 66 cm long.
Sika deer are not gregarious. Bucks often live alone, and their activity time is concentrated in the morning and evening. The living area changes with the change of seasons. In spring, they are mostly on semi-shady slopes, and they move to the forest edge of shady slopes in summer and autumn. In winter, they like to live on warm sunny slopes, mainly feeding on grass, fruits, herbs, tree buds, trees and crops. The population is mainly distributed in eastern Russia, Japan and China. It is a national first-class protected animal in China, and it is listed in the Red List of Endangered Species (VER 3.1-Low Risk (LC) of IUCN IUCN)2015.
Original musk deer
National first-class protected animals
The original musk deer (scientific name: Moschus moschiferus), commonly known as the fragrant roe, is an animal of the family Moschus. The original musk deer has small head, big eyes, long and upright ears, short tail, slender limbs, hind limbs longer than forelimbs, no horns for both sexes, and dark brown body.
The original musk deer often moves alone, generally moves more frequently in the morning and evening, is very good at jumping, has developed sight and hearing, has a relatively fixed route of activities and foraging, and has a wide range of feeding habits. It estrus from October to January of the following year, and gives birth in June-July, with 1-2 per litter, mostly inhabiting cliffs and rocky mountain habitats in mixed coniferous and broadleaved forests, deciduous coniferous forests, mixed coniferous forests and sparse forests and shrubs.
National first-class protected animals
Sable (scientific name: Martes zibellina): The body length is about 40 cm, the weight is about 1 kg, the tail length is 12 cm, and the life span is about 8-15 years. It is a small and medium-sized animal with a slender body and short limbs. The head is long and narrow, the ears are short and round, and the sense of smell and hearing is sensitive. Canine teeth are more developed and the cracked teeth are smaller; The upper molars are arranged horizontally, and the inner leaves are wider than the outer leaves; The diameter of molar crown is larger than the height of lateral incisors. The body hair is soft and without markings. 5 fingers (toes) on both front and rear feet; The claws are sharp and not retractable.
Sable is a kind of animal belonging to the genus Sable, which is specialized in northern Asia. It moves and hunts in the daytime. Hunting small prey by smell and hearing, including rats, birds and fish. Sometimes I eat berries and pine cones. Sables mostly nest on the forest floor. When the weather is bad or they are killed, they will hide in the nest and even store food in it. The fur of sable is called mink, which is only produced in Northeast China in China. It is also called "Three Treasures in Northeast China" together with "Ginseng and Velvet Antler". Widely distributed in Urals Mountain, Siberia, Mongolia, Northeast China and Hokkaido.
National second-class protected animals
Mink (diāo): mammal. Also known as "Martes" (scientific name martes). Mainly distributed in Urals Mountain, Siberia, Mongolia and northeast China. Minks are slender, yellow or purple-black, and there are many kinds. Sable is a genus of Carnivora, most of which live in trees. Sable is mainly produced in Northeast China in China, and there are many varieties. It belongs to precious fur animals. I like quiet, live alone, change my hair twice a year, and have a variety of foods, mainly fish. Pet ferrets, such as Angkor and Michelle, are actually ferrets. But the wild mink is a very endangered animal.
yellow-throated marten
National second-class protected animals
Martes flavigula: There are 10 subspecies, with a body length of 56-65 cm, a tail length of 38-43 cm and a weight of about 2-3 kg. It is named after the obvious yellow-orange throat spot on the front chest. The ears are short and round, the tail hair is not fluffy, and the body is slender and the size is like a small fox. Soft and slender, cylindrical. The head is tapering and slightly triangular; Round ears; The legs are short, and the limbs are short, but they are strong and powerful. The front and rear limbs each have five toes, and the toes are thick, curved and sharp. Because it likes to eat honey, it is also known as the honey dog.
It mainly inhabits various types of forest areas, and its nests are mostly built in tree holes or stone caves. I like morning and evening activities, but I often appear during the day. Living in mountain forests or hilly areas, burrowing in tree holes and caves, good at climbing steep trees and rocks, and quick in action. Mainly distributed in East Asia, Southeast Asia and Russian outer manchuria.
red fox
National second-class protected animals
Red fox (scientific name: Vulpes vulpes): It is a canine and fox animal. There are 47 subspecies. Adult animals are 62-72 cm in length, 40 cm in shoulder height, 20-40 cm in tail length and 5-7 kg in weight. The coat color varies greatly with seasons and regions, generally, the back is brownish gray or brownish red, the abdomen is white or yellowish white, the tail tip is white, the back of the ear is black or dark brown, and the black stripes on the outside of the limbs extend to the foot surface. The male is slightly older.
The red fox is well-developed in hearing and smell, cunning in sex and quick in action. Like to be alone. Hunting at night. Usually go out for activities at night, and sleep in the cave during the day. The long tail has the function of moisture-proof and warmth, but in remote places, sometimes it will come out to look for food during the day. Although its legs and feet are short, its claws are sharp and it runs very fast. When chasing prey, its speed can reach more than 50 kilometers per hour, and it is good at swimming and climbing trees. It mainly feeds on marmots and rodents, and also eats wild birds, frogs, fish, insects, etc., as well as all kinds of wild fruits and crops.
leopard cat
National second-class protected animals
Leopard cat (scientific name: Prionailurus bengalensis) is a feline and leopard cat. The head length is 360-660 mm; The tail length is 200-370 mm; The hind foot is 80-130 mm long; Ear length is 35-55 mm; The total length of skull is 75-96 mm; Weighing 1.5-5 kg. Leopard cats are also called "money cats" in China, because the spots on their bodies are very similar to the copper coins in China. It is similar in size to a domestic cat, but it is slimmer and has longer legs. The coat color tone of southern species is light brown or light yellow, while the coat color of northern species is grayer and has dark spots all over. There are spots on the side of the body, but they never form vertical stripes. Obvious white stripes extend from the nose to the eyes, often to the top of the head. The ears are large and sharp, black behind the ears with white spots. Two distinct black stripes extend from the inner corner of the eye to the base of the ear. There is a white stripe from the inner corner of the eye to the nose, and the snout is white. The tail is long (about 40-50% of the length of the head), with a ring pattern to the black tail tip.
Leopard cats mainly inhabit mountain forest areas, country bushes and forest-edge villages. The altitude of the distribution can be distributed from the low-altitude coastal zone to the mountain forest area with an altitude of 3000 meters. Leopard cats’ nests are mostly in tree holes, earth holes, under stones or in crevices. It is mainly terrestrial, but it has strong climbing ability and is flexible in tree activities. Nocturnal, with more morning and evening activities. Live alone or in pairs. Good at swimming, I like to move and feed near water, such as ponds, gullies and rice fields. They mainly feed on rats, squirrels, flying squirrels, rabbits, frogs, lizards, snakes, small birds and insects, and sometimes sneak into villages to steal chickens, ducks and other poultry. Widely distributed in China (except the arid areas in the north and west); From Afghanistan, through the Indian subcontinent, it extends to Southeast Asia, Russia and North Korea.
National second-class protected animals
Lynx lynx (scientific name: lynx lynx) belongs to the cat family. It is cat-like and much larger than a cat. It has a stout body and a very short tail, and its head is usually less than a quarter of its body length. The limbs are thick, long and vigorous. There are black towering tufts of hair at the tip of the ear. Long hair hanging down on both cheeks. The upper body is light brown, khaki brown, light grayish brown or hemp brown, or grayish white with light earthy tones; The ventral surface is light white, yellow white or sandy yellow. The tail is black. National second-class protected animals. It looks like a wolf, also known as a wolf cat.
It is a cold-loving animal, which basically belongs to the product of cold areas in the north temperate zone and also lives in cold mountain areas. Habitat environment is very diverse, ranging from coniferous forest in sub-frigid zone and mixed coniferous and broadleaved forest in cold temperate zone to alpine meadow, alpine grassland, alpine shrub grassland, alpine desert and semi-desert. Like living alone, good at climbing and swimming, strong hunger tolerance, can lie still in one place for a few days, not afraid of the cold. It feeds on rats and rabbits, and also preys on small wild boar and deer. Nests are mostly built in crevices, caves or tree holes. 2-4 babies per fetus. Widely distributed in Europe and northern Asia.
river deer
National second-class protected animals
Water deer (scientific name: Hydropotes inermis): It is a mammal of Artiodactyla and Cervidae. It is a small deer, slightly larger than musk deer, with a body length of 91-103 cm, a tail length of 6-7 cm and a weight of 14-17 kg. Both sexes have no horns, and the canine teeth on the male roe are developed, protruding out of the mouth into fangs. No frontal gland, small infraorbital gland. The ears are relatively large, the tail is extremely short, and it is covered by the hair on the buttocks. The hair is thick and brittle. Young roe’s coat is lined with linear spots, which are arranged vertically.
Habitat in the river bank, lake, lake center grass beach, beach reeds or thatched environment, but also live in low hills and island forest edge grass shrubs. Live alone or in pairs, 3-5 at most together. Actions are often jumping and quick. Timid by nature, with erect ears, sensitive feeling, good at hiding and swimming, it is difficult for people to get close. Males are territorial animals and mark their territory with urine and feces. The staple food is tender leaves of weeds, juicy and tender plant roots and leaves.
It is considered to be the most primitive deer, which originated in eastern China and the Korean Peninsula and was introduced to Britain and France in the 1970s. Slightly bigger than a musk deer. "Compendium of Materia Medica" says: "The roe has no fragrance, but the musk deer also has fragrance, commonly known as the musk deer, which is called fragrant roe". Distributed along the Yangtze River in China and Korea.
red deer
National second-class protected animals
Cervus elaphus (scientific name: Cervus elaphus) is a large deer, which is second only to moose. There are 10 subspecies. It is named because it looks like a fine horse. Its body is dark brown and there are some white spots on its back and sides. Males have horns, which are generally divided into 6 forks, up to 8 forks, and the second fork of antler horn is close to Yu Mei fork. Summer hair is short, no fluff, generally reddish brown, with a deep back and a shallow belly, so it is called "red deer".
Red deer live in alpine forests or grassland areas. Like to live in groups. Summer is mostly at night and early morning, and winter is mostly during the day. Good at running and swimming. Feed on all kinds of grass, leaves, twigs, bark and fruits, and like to lick salt and alkali. Estrous mating from September to October, more than 8 months of pregnancy, 1 litter per child. Distributed in Asia, Europe, North America and North Africa.
black bear
National second-class protected animals
There are 7 subspecies of Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus). The female is 110-150 cm long and the male is 120-189 cm long. The tail length is less than 12 cm; Shoulder height is 70-100 cm. The female weighs 40-140 kg, and the male weighs 60-200 kg. The body hair is black and long, the chin is white, and there is a V-shaped white spot on the chest. The head is round, the ears are big, the eyes are small, the kiss is short and sharp, the nose is exposed, the foot pad is thick, the front and rear feet have five toes, and the claws are sharp and cannot be extended. Strong body. Habitat in mountain forests, generally active at night, sleeping in tree holes or caves during the day, good at climbing trees and swimming; Can walk upright. Poor vision, sensitive sense of smell and hearing; Their feeding habits are miscellaneous, they feed on plant leaves, buds, fruits and seeds, and sometimes they also eat insects, bird eggs and small mammals. Black bears in the north have the habit of hibernating. They lie dormant in the hole all winter, unable to eat or move, and are in a semi-sleep state until they come out of the hole in March-April of the following year. Mating in summer, 7 months pregnant, 1 ~ 3 offspring per fetus. Distributed in the eastern part of Eurasia, Taiwan Province, Japan and other places in the forest zone.
brown bear
National second-class protected animals
Ursus arctos (scientific name: Ursus arctos): It is an animal of mammals and Xiong Ke. Also known as grizzly bear. It is one of the largest mammals of Carnivora on land, with a body length of 1.5-2.8m, a shoulder height of 0.9-1.5m, a male body weight of 135-545kg and a female body weight of 80-250kg. The head is big and round, the body is strong, and the shoulders are raised. The coat is thick and dense, up to 10 cm in winter; Different colors, such as gold, brown, black and brown-black. The forearm is very powerful, and the tip of the front paw can be up to 15 cm. Because claw tips can’t be retracted into the claw sheath like cats, these claw tips are relatively blunt. Forearms are powerful when swinging, and "blunt" claws can cause great damage.
It mainly inhabits coniferous forests in cold temperate zones, mostly moves during the day, walks slowly, has no fixed habitat, and usually acts alone. The plants include all kinds of rhizomes, tubers, forage, grains and fruits, and they like to eat honey. Animals include ants, ant eggs, insects, rodents, ungulates, fish and carrion. Hibernation, during hibernation, the body temperature, heartbeat and detoxification system will stop working, so as to reduce the loss of heat and calcium and prevent hypothermia and osteoporosis. Running speed can reach 56 km/h. During hibernation, they give birth to 1-4 cubs each. In spring, female bears often play with their cubs in the forest. Distributed in Eurasia and most parts of North America.
Spotted seal
Scientific name: Phoca largha
Also known as the big-toothed spotted seal and the big-toothed seal, it is a marine mammal living in the coastal areas of temperate and cold temperate zones. Living in the Pacific Northwest in the northern hemisphere, mainly distributed in Chukchi Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Sea of Japan, Bohai Sea and northern Yellow Sea in China. They have migratory breeding habits, are carnivorous animals, and their food is mainly fish and cephalopods. Spotted seal is the only pinpoda that can breed in China waters, and it is a national first-class protected animal in China.
Jinxiu lobster
Scientific name: Panulirus ornatus
With a body length of 60 cm, it is the largest lobster. There are dark brown and yellow markings on the abdomen, the first antenna and the foot. There are four pairs of warts at the base of the antenna, and the latter pair is smaller. The body color is colorful and bright. National second-class aquatic wild protected animals (wild population only).
Scientific name: Lutra lutra
It belongs to the family Mustelidae and the genus Otter. The otter has a long body, a short kiss, slightly rounded eyes, small ears, short limbs, brown back and grayish brown belly.
Otters mostly burrow, rest during the day and come out at night. Except during mating, they usually live alone. They are good at swimming and diving. They are keen in hearing, sight and smell, and have a mixed diet. They can mate all year round, giving birth to 1-5 babies each. They mainly live in rivers and lakes, especially in the wooded streams and rivers on both sides of the strait, with a very wide distribution range, which is found in Asia, Europe and Africa. It is a national second-class protected animal.
Scientific name: Brachymystax lenok
It is a fish of the genus Lepidoptera in the family Salmonidae. The salmon is named after its small scales, with a spindle-shaped body, a slightly flat side, a slightly sharp head, a blunt kiss, a small mouth, a transverse crack, a sub-inferior position, a thick and free tongue, an obvious maxilla, and a row of sharp teeth on the upper and lower jaws, the vomerosal bone and the palatal bone. The branchial foramen is large and lateral. The intestine is about 2/3 of the same length, and the pyloric caecum is well developed. The swim bladder is long and conical, and the tip of the back end extends through the anus. The back is dark brown, the side is reddish brown, and the back of fresh fish is dark green; There are many oval transverse black spots on the back and sides. Groups that inhabit mountain streams all year round have a green-brown back, dark sides, white abdomen, black dorsal fin, gluteal fin and fat fin, and black outer edge; The pectoral fin and ventral fin are orange with black spots. Individuals are small, and the body length is generally less than 350 mm. Fishermen call them "mountain scales". The salmon that migrates to the big river in winter is large, with dark green back, yellow brown side, black spots and black abdomen. In the reproductive season, the adult fish is dark, the front fin of dorsal fin turns black, and faint red spots appear on the side. Generally, the body color of older fish is darker than that of younger fish.
Salmon is a cold-water fish, which mostly lives in running water with low water temperature and clear water quality. Salmon Lepidoptera is a carnivorous fish, and it is also a kind of gluttony in freshwater fish. It likes to eat fireflies, ladybugs, gadflies, flying ants, Ma Feng, dragonfly larvae and other insects that fall into the water, as well as small fish, frogs, crayfish, rats, aquatic insects and plants. It is a national second-class key protected aquatic wild animal.
Salmon with flower lamb
Scientific name: Salvelinus malma
It is a fish belonging to the genus Salmonidae, and its body color ranges from brown to gray. There are two types: land seal type and migration type. China is land seal type and lives in the cold waters of the main stream and tributaries of rivers for life. They have a wide range of feeding habits, mainly benthos and insects falling into the water, and sometimes even jump out of the water to prey. It is a national second-class key protected aquatic wild animal.
Giant salamander
Scientific name: Salamandrella keyserlingii
The giant salamander belongs to Amphibia, Anura, Siluridae. The giant salamander can be called a "living fossil", which is an ancient rare animal with an evolutionary history of 230 million years ago. The giant salamander is mainly distributed in the alpine region, which is the northernmost species of the family Siluridae, and is distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning and other places in China. The giant salamander lives in humid places and often appears under the grass or in caves in marshes with clear water quality. Usually, the giant salamanders go out for food at dusk or after rain, feeding on insects, earthworms, mollusks, loaches and so on. It is a national second-class key protected aquatic wild animal.
Masu salmon
Scientific name: Oncorhynchus masou
It is the southernmost wandering species in the genus Cannabis in China, with a southern limit of 35 degrees north latitude and high adaptability to temperature, and it is one of the inland domestication targets. It is a valuable economic fish with delicate meat and delicious taste, which is deeply loved by the masses. In recent years, its resources have fallen sharply and are on the verge of exhaustion. It is found in Heilongjiang and Jilin in China. It is a national second-class key protected aquatic wild animal.
White-headed crane
The white-headed crane (scientific name: Grus monacha) is a large wading bird. The neck is long, the beak is long, the legs are long, the lower part of the tibia is exposed, the webbed is underdeveloped, the hind toe is small, and the landing position is high; Wing circle is short; Short tail, no real crop; The vocal tube consists of trachea and part of bronchus; It can form a complex curl between sternum and pectoral muscle, which is beneficial to vocal resonance. Wen Ya temperament, alert and timid. It has dense black bristles in front of its forehead and eyes, and white fur from head to neck. The rest of its feathers are slate gray. Early bird. Inhabits in mudflats, swamps and reed marshes and wet grasslands along the banks of rivers and lakes, and mainly feeds on crustaceans, small fish, mollusks, polypods, insects and larvae such as Orthoptera, Lepidoptera and Odonata, and also eats tender leaves and tubers of plants such as Carex, Polygonum hydropiper and POTAMOGETON, and plant foods and crops such as wheat and rice. The breeding period is from May to July. The nest is built on the swamp where sparse larch and shrub grow, and the nest is mainly composed of hay and moss. Each nest lays 2 eggs, the color of which is green and red with large dark spots on the quilt. Distributed in Eurasia.
It is a national first-class protected wild animal.
northern harrier
White-tailed harrier (scientific name: Circus cyaneus): It is a medium-sized raptor with a body length of 41-53 cm. The male bird’s upper body is blue-gray, its head and chest are dark, its wing tip is black, its tail is covered with white feathers, and its abdomen, flanks and wings are covered with white feathers. When flying, the blue-gray upper body, white waist and black wing tip form obvious contrast. Seen from below, the white lower body, dark chest and black wing tips are also in sharp contrast. Female bird has dark brown upper body, white tail, yellow-white or tan lower body skin, mixed with thick reddish-brown or dark tan longitudinal stripes; I often fly at low altitude close to the ground, and when gliding, my wings are raised in a’ V’ shape and shake from time to time.
Habitat in plains and hilly areas, especially lakes, swamps, river valleys, grasslands, wilderness and open areas such as low mountains, forest swamps and grasslands, farmland, coastal swamps and reed ponds. Mainly feed on animal foods such as small birds, rats, frogs, lizards and large insects.
It is a national second-class protected animal..
Crested bee eagle
Phoenix-headed bee eagle (scientific name: Pernis ptilorhynchus): Also known as Oriental bee eagle, there are 6 subspecies. The body length is 50-62 cm and the weight is 800-1200 g. The feathers at the back of the head and pillow are long and narrow, forming a short crest, which is often obviously exposed. The upper beak has an arc-shaped vertical protrusion, which is suitable for tearing prey and swallowing; The base has wax film or whisker feathers; Strong wings, wide, round and blunt wings, flapping wings and soaring, and the rhythm of flapping wings is slower than that of Falconidae; Most tarsometatarsal parts are relatively long, which is about equal to the length of gaskin. The female is significantly larger than the male. A contrasting light-colored throat block with dense black longitudinal stripes and often a black midline. The flight is characterized by a relatively small head and a long neck, and long and narrow wings and tail. He especially likes to eat bees, mainly feeding on wasps, wasps, bees and other bees, and also eating other insects and insect larvae. He usually lives in dense forests and generally nests in large leafy trees, and the breeding period is from April to June. Each nest lays about 2 eggs. It is distributed in China, southern Siberia to sakhalin island, Japan and Korea, wintering in the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, and some stay in India, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia.
It is a national second-class key protected wild animal.
Black woodpecker
Black woodpecker (scientific name: Dryocopus martius)? Order, Woodpecker Family, is a large woodpecker with a body length of 45-47 cm, a wingspan of 64-68 cm, a weight of 300-350 g and a life span of 11 years. It is the largest kind of woodpecker. Almost pure black; The male’s forehead, head and pillow are all blood red; The female bird only has blood red on the back.
It grows in the dense forest in the northern part of Palaearctic realm and is found in different parts of Eurasia. This bird will not migrate. The flight is not smooth, but it is not as undulating as other woodpeckers. Ants, the staple food, dig big holes when eating. Scandinavia, Poland and Spain, which are distributed in Europe, go eastward through the Baltic Sea, the former Soviet Union, Mongolia, North Korea and Japan, while the south passes through the Balkans, Asia Minor and Caucasus and ends in Iran. Northwest, Northeast, Hebei, Shanxi and Southwest of China.
It is a national second-class key protected wild animal.
Big swan
Cygnus cygnus (scientific name: cygnus cygnus): it is a migratory bird of ornithoptera, Anatidae and Cygnus without subspecies differentiation. Tall, with a body length of 120-160 cm, a wingspan of 218-243 cm, a weight of 8-12 kg and a life span of 20-25 years. The mouth is black, with a large yellow at the base of the mouth, and the yellow extends to the side edge of the upper beak and becomes sharp. When swimming, the neck is straighter than the wart-nosed swan. Male and female are of the same color, with white body and extremely long neck; Elegant posture. The distinguishing feature of this species is the beak. The beak of the big swan is composed of black and yellow, and the yellow area is located at the base of the beak. Compared with the little swan, the yellow area of the beak of the big swan is larger than the nostril.
Habitat in the open, shallow water with lush aquatic plants. Sex-loving groups often live in groups except during the breeding season, especially in winter, and often live in family groups, sometimes as many as dozens to hundreds of large groups. Have activities day and night, alert, timid and good at swimming. Migratory birds, when migrating, take small families as units and form a "one", "people" or "V" shaped team. It is much quieter than a swan with a wart nose when flying. It is one of the highest flying birds in the world (besides the alpine vulture), and it can fly over the roof of the world-Mount Everest, with the highest flying height of more than 9,000 meters. They mainly feed on leaves, stems, seeds and rhizomes of aquatic plants, and besides plant foods, they also eat a small amount of animal foods, such as mollusks, aquatic insects and other aquatic invertebrates.
It is a national second-class key protected wild animal.
Cygnus columbianus (scientific name: Cygnus columbianus) is a large waterfowl of the genus Cygnus, with a body length of 110-130 cm and a weight of 4-7 kg. The female bird is slightly smaller. It is very similar to the big swan in shape, with a long neck, pure white feathers, black feet and webbed feet. Its body is only slightly smaller, and its neck and mouth are slightly shorter than those of the big swan, but it is difficult to tell. The easiest way to distinguish them is to compare the yellow color of the mouth base. The yellow color of the mouth base of the big swan extends below the nostrils, while the yellow color of the little swan is limited to the two sides of the mouth base and does not extend below the nostrils along the mouth edge. Its head to the pillow is often slightly stained with brown, its iris is brown and its mouth is black. Its sound is clear and crisp, with a whistle like "knock, knock", not like the trumpet-like cry of the big swan.
It is a national second-class protected animal..
Swan with wart nose
Cygnus olor: It is a kind of large-scale swimming bird belonging to the genus Cygnus, Anatidae, with a body length of 1.2-1.5m and a weight of 6.75-10kg. The neck is slender and there is a wart on the forehead, hence the name. The whole body feathers are white. When swimming in the water, the neck bends slightly like an "S". There are obvious globules at the base of the mouth, which are larger in males and less developed in females. The eyes are dark brown, the mouth is orange-yellow, the base and ball are black, and the toes and webbed are gray-black. Walking on the ground is clumsy, but very good at swimming. When flying, the head is also straightened, but it rarely makes a cry, so it is also named "silent swan".
It mainly inhabits open lakes, bends, ponds, reservoirs, bays, swamps, slow-flowing rivers and their shores. Taking aquatic plants as the main food, including roots, stems, leaves, buds and seeds of aquatic plants; I eat mollusks, insects and small fish. Nest among reeds, consisting of aquatic plants and soil, covered with weeds and down feathers. In summer, it lays 5-7 eggs, which is the most one among swans. Hatching is completed by females, and the incubation period is 35 to 36 days. Parents feed their chicks together. Distributed in Europe, North Africa, central and southern Asia. Breed in the British Isles, north-central Europe and north-central Asia. Wintering south to North Africa, the Near East, India and South Korea. It has been successfully introduced into North America, where it is a widely distributed species and a permanent resident bird in many areas.
It is a national second-class key protected wild animal.
baikal teal
Baikal teal (scientific name: Anas formosa) is a small duck, which is slightly larger than the green-winged duck and slightly smaller than the needle-tailed duck. It is 37-44 cm long and weighs about 0.5 kg. The breeding feathers of male ducks are very gorgeous, especially the mottled face composed of yellow, green, black and white is very eye-catching. On both sides of the thoracic and caudal bases.