月度归档 2024年3月8日

Since June, these new regulations have been officially implemented! Affect your medical care, food, housing and transportation!

  The implementation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Basic Health Care and Health Promotion Law and the electronization of motor vehicle inspection marks will cover the whole country … … Coming into June, a large number of new regulations will be formally implemented, which will affect our medical care, food, housing and transportation. Come and find out!

  whole country


  The first basic and comprehensive law implementation in the field of health

  The Basic Medical Care and Health Promotion Law of People’s Republic of China (PRC) shall come into force on June 1, 2020. This is the first basic and comprehensive law in the field of health in China.

  The law proposes that citizens are the first responsible person for their own health; The state brings health education into the national education system; The state organizes surveys and statistics on the health status of residents; The state formulates and implements health work plans for minors, women, the elderly and the disabled, and strengthens health services for key groups.

  The law also provides for violent injuries to doctors. "The personal safety and personal dignity of medical and health personnel are inviolable, and their legitimate rights and interests are protected by law. It is forbidden for any organization or individual to threaten or endanger the personal safety of medical and health personnel and infringe on the personal dignity of medical and health personnel. "

  The first basic and comprehensive law in the field of health in China, People’s Republic of China (PRC) Basic Medical Care and Health Promotion Law, came into effect on June 1st. The law clearly stipulates that the whole society should care about and respect medical and health personnel; The personal safety and personal dignity of medical and health personnel are inviolable, and their legitimate rights and interests are protected by law.


  Banks may not raise the loan interest rate on the grounds of loan suspension.

  China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission and other six departments issued the Notice on Further Standardizing Credit Financing Charges and Reducing the Comprehensive Financing Cost of Enterprises, which came into effect on June 1st. The "Notice" proposes to cancel the fees such as credit fund management; Banks may not charge credit funds to pay transfer fees; For the credit funds that have been allocated but not yet used by the enterprise, no fund management fee shall be charged; For credit financing of small and micro enterprises, it is not allowed to stipulate liquidated damages for early repayment or late payment in the loan contract, and cancel the overdraft commitment fee for corporate accounts and the credit certificate fee.

  The Notice clarifies that banks are not allowed to force enterprises to purchase insurance, wealth management, funds or other asset management products when approving credit. It is also necessary to carry out credit review in advance, and not to raise the loan interest rate on the grounds of loan suspension, so as to ensure that enterprises with capital needs can obtain loans at reasonable cost; It is forbidden to continue to provide credit support to "zombie enterprises", occupy the bank’s loanable funds and push up the financing cost of other enterprises.


  Improve the efficiency of bank approval

  The newly revised Measures for the Implementation of the Administrative License of the People’s Bank of China shall come into force on June 1st. The method improves and refines the acceptance and approval process of administrative license; Simple procedures have been specially set up for the issuance of bank account opening licenses and other matters, and the time limit for examination and approval of relevant licensing matters has been reduced to five days after acceptance.


  Motor vehicle inspection marks cover the whole country electronically.

  On the basis of pilot projects in 16 cities, the Ministry of Public Security promoted the electronization of motor vehicle inspection marks in two batches throughout the country, providing electronic license services for motor vehicle owners, drivers and related industries and management departments. The first batch has been implemented since April 25, and the second batch will be implemented since June 20, including 15 provinces (regions) of Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Henan, Guangxi, Tibet, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai and Ningxia, achieving full national coverage.

  Motor vehicle owners can APPly for the motor vehicle inspection mark electronic certificate through the Internet traffic safety comprehensive service platform or the "Traffic Management 12123" mobile app. Vehicles that are exempt from inspection within 6 years can apply for the inspection mark electronic certificate directly online. Inspection mark electronic certificate can be presented in three ways: online presentation, offline presentation and print presentation, which is convenient for the owner or driver of motor vehicles to apply in different scenes.


  The whole country will implement the "one helmet and one belt" security guard action.

  Recently, the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security explicitly requested that all localities should steadily promote the "one helmet and one belt" safety protection action, guide drivers and passengers to correctly wear safety helmets and standardize the use of seat belts. From June 1st, the scope of law enforcement punishment is limited to traffic violations of riding a motorcycle without wearing a safety helmet and driving a car without using a seat belt.


  Pension service institutions and employees who have these behaviors will be jointly punished.

  The Measures for the Administration of the List of Joint Disciplinary Objects for Breach of Trust in the Pension Service Market (Trial) issued by the Ministry of Civil Affairs shall come into force on June 1, 2020. The "Measures" pointed out that there are violations of the legitimate rights and interests of the elderly due to the behavior of aged care services; Cheating the property of the elderly by illegal fund-raising or fraudulent means of selling "health care" products; There is a major fire hazard, without undue delay, overdue reform; There are illegal acts involving financial funds such as defrauding government subsidy funds by means of false reporting and impersonator; Old-age care service institutions and employees who refuse to accept or accept supervision and inspection in accordance with the regulations, or conceal the real situation when accepting supervision and inspection, are punished by relevant departments according to laws and regulations, and at the same time, local civil affairs departments should include them in the list of joint disciplinary targets within their respective jurisdictions.


  Implementation of that measure for the administration of mandatory national standards

  The Measures for the Administration of Compulsory National Standards will come into force on June 1, 2020. The "Measures" pointed out that mandatory national standards should be formulated for technical requirements to protect personal health and life and property safety, national security, ecological environment safety and meet the basic needs of economic and social management.

  Among them, automobile brake linings are included in the CCC certification (compulsory certification) management scope. If automobile brake linings have not obtained the compulsory product certification certificate and are not marked with the compulsory certification mark, they may not leave the factory, sell, import or be used in other business activities.

Screenshot of the Catalogue of Compulsory Product Certification Source: Website of the General Administration of Market Supervision


  Network security review to safeguard national security

  The "Network Security Review Measures" jointly issued by the National Network Information Office and other 12 departments came into effect on June 1. The measures clearly point out that if key information infrastructure operators purchase network products and services that affect or may affect national security, they should conduct network security review.


  Some exams were cancelled or postponed.

  According to the news from the Examination Center of the Ministry of Education, in June, all TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, LAST and Cambridge General English Band 5 FCE exams will be cancelled, and the exam fees will be fully refunded. The national CET-4 and CET-6 scheduled for June 13th were postponed and held twice, with the test dates of July 11th and September 19th respectively. The same candidate can only choose to take one exam at the same level.



  Beijing: Promote the use of public spoons and chopsticks.

  The Regulations of Beijing Municipality on the Promotion of Civilized Behavior came into effect on June 1st. The regulations say "no" to 6 categories and 29 uncivilized behaviors, including throwing objects at high altitude, disturbing people by noise, and charging electric car corridors. At the same time, it advocates ordering food in moderation, implementing separate meals, and organizing weddings, funerals and celebrations in a civilized and frugal manner.


  Tianjin: promoting automobile consumption

  Tianjin recently introduced 11 measures to promote automobile consumption, including adding 35,000 personal indicators for passenger cars, promoting the convenience of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and relaxing the qualifications for individuals and enterprises to apply for incremental indicators. The measures will be implemented from June 1st.


  Shandong: 267 acts can be exempted or punished.

  Shandong Province has made a list of matters that will not be punished and mitigated, implemented inclusive and prudent supervision, and guided people to consciously abide by the law. The list makes it clear that since June 1, 267 illegal acts, such as "failing to hang the business license according to regulations", can be exempted from punishment or given a light punishment if they meet the legal conditions after the enterprise or the party concerned corrects them in time.


  Shanxi: Officially implementing garbage sorting.

  The Regulations on the Classified Management of Urban Domestic Waste in Shanxi Province came into effect on June 1st. According to the regulations, domestic wastes are classified according to recyclables, harmful waste, kitchen waste and other wastes. Cancel the garbage bins scattered in the main streets and public places of the city, and implement regular and fixed-point collection and non-landing management.


  Jiangsu: Promote the "Property Ownership Certificate upon Delivery"

  Jiangsu Province has promoted the real estate registration mode of "issuing certificates upon delivery", and moved the registration window to the real estate delivery site, which will realize normal operation from June. Regardless of the mortgage or the full amount, the buyers only need to settle the tax and prepare all the information, so they can register the real estate at the same time when they close the house and get the certificate of real estate ownership.


  Anhui: Promoting the Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  The Regulations of Anhui Province on Traditional Chinese Medicine came into effect on June 1st. The regulations clearly stipulate that each city and county people’s government should hold at least one independent public Chinese medicine hospital; Those who have expertise in learning from teachers and medical skills can obtain the qualification of Chinese medicine doctors after examination; Provincial education departments should incorporate the basic knowledge of Chinese medicine into the relevant courses of primary and secondary schools and popularize the knowledge of Chinese medicine.


  Chongqing: Inter-provincial resident ID card "All Chongqing Office"

  According to the news of the Public Security Corps of Chongqing Public Security Bureau, from June 1st, foreign registered residents who have stable employment, schooling and residence in Chongqing can handle ID card related business at any police station in Chongqing. The time limit for collecting identity cards has been shortened from the current 20 working days to 15 working days.


  Anhui: It is forbidden to eat terrestrial wild animals and their products.

  The revised Anhui Food Safety Regulations came into force on June 1st. The "Regulations" stipulate that food producers and operators shall not use non-food raw materials or recycled food as raw materials to produce food, and shall not add substances prohibited by laws and regulations to food; Prohibit the production and operation of foods made of wild animals and their products that are prohibited by laws and regulations; It is forbidden to eat terrestrial wild animals and their products, as well as other wild animals and their products prohibited by laws and regulations.


  Sichuan: New Regulations on Rural Homestead Management

  The Notice on Standardizing the Examination and Approval of Rural Homestead and the Management of Housing Construction jointly issued by the Sichuan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs stipulates that farmers who have been approved to build houses with land shall, in principle, complete building within two years from the date of application for approval; After the completion of the house, the old houses should be demolished. In strict accordance with the requirements of building new houses and demolishing old houses, in principle, the old houses should be demolished within 90 days after passing the acceptance of the township government. The original homestead should be arranged for use by rural collective economic organizations, and those that can be rehabilitated must be rehabilitated. Farmers who have passed the acceptance can apply to the real estate registration department for real estate registration in accordance with the law after dismantling the old houses and returning the original homestead to the village collective. The Notice shall come into force as of June 1st.


  Gansu: Forcibly bringing pets into public places will be fined.

  The Regulations on the Promotion of Civilized Behavior in Gansu Province is the first local regulation regulating citizens’ behavior in Gansu Province, which will be implemented on June 1. The "Regulations" clarify that those who take dogs out into the dog-forbidden area, fail to use the leash chain as required, and fail to clean up the dog feces in time shall be ordered by the corresponding administrative department to make corrections, and those who refuse to make corrections shall be fined between 50 yuan and 200 yuan. If you don’t listen to dissuasion, you will be fined not less than 100 yuan but not more than 500 yuan for bringing your pet into public places such as hotels and restaurants.


  Shanghai: Increase the punishment for fraudulent insurance.

  The revised Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Basic Medical Insurance in Shanghai will be implemented in June. The "Measures" stipulate that if designated medical institutions and retail pharmacies defraud the basic medical insurance fund by fraud, forgery of certification materials or other means, the municipal and district medical insurance bureaus shall order them to return the relevant basic medical insurance expenses already paid by the basic medical insurance fund, and impose a fine of more than two times and less than five times the relevant expenses paid by the basic medical insurance fund.

  The "Measures" mentioned that a medical security credit evaluation system and an information disclosure system should be established and improved. The untrustworthy information of designated medical institutions, designated retail pharmacies, designated evaluation institutions and designated nursing institutions and their staff, insured persons and other individuals shall be collected in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state and this Municipality, and joint punishment shall be carried out according to the law and regulations.

Documentary "Animal Workers": Revealing the magical jobs in the animal world

Work is an important part of human social life. When human beings drag their tired bodies back and forth between two points and one line, when they see puppies playing happily on the lawn, they will feel a bit sour: "I really envy them that they don’t have to work!"

But you know what? Every species in nature needs to rack their brains and work hard to survive! From January 26th, at 12: 00 every Wednesday, the natural animal documentary "Animal Workers" jointly broadcast by iQiyi and Tencent Video will focus on the outstanding employees from all walks of life in the animal industry. The documentary also specially invited the voice actor Yang Zi to voice the Mandarin version as a narrator and interpret the interesting work of animals.

The university behind the magic job asked

There are 8 episodes of Animal Workers, which introduce small animals in different jobs in a relaxed and humorous way. It turns out that they are not only hunters and gatherers, but also unexpected occupations such as architects, musicians and undertakers! Moreover, their work has also brought very important inspiration to human invention and creation.

Many birds are "masters of architecture" in the animal kingdom, and they know how to build the most reliable safe haven in the crumbling branches and treetops: the lively starlings like to build their houses near their good friends’ homes, which is convenient for them to go back and forth in their leisure time; In order to show its domineering temperament and attract more young fans, the quasi-starling should pursue both space and beauty when building a house; African weaver birds think that safety and speed are the key to success, and usually they can build their own small homes in just a few days.

In the world of bees and ants, architecture is not only practical for living, but also scientific in structure and function. The regular hexagonal honeycomb structure has the highest density, the simplest materials and the largest usable space, which provides many inspirations for human beings in geometry, architecture and materials science. The ant nest above the ground is not only an air exchanger like the lungs and respiratory system, but also a protective clothing for the ant colony. In order to better operate the air circulation system, termites have to live the day of "007".

Interestingly, there are also "rowing kings" in the animal kingdom. They rarely take the initiative to attack, but rely on the labor results of other animals for a living. Black-backed jackals and ravens are the best among the "cute thieves", while scavengers like vultures play the role of "undertakers" and play an important role in the ecological cycle of nature.

Bring people closer to animals.

"Animal wage earners" embodies human’s careful observation and strange imagination of the animal world everywhere, and guides the audience to reflect on the relationship between man and nature, which is of great significance for popular science education.

Take the male satin-blue bowerbird as an example. The production and life of human beings have greatly occupied their territory. Originally, it used bright natural decorations to attract female birds to pair up, but now it has to use unnatural elements such as ballpoint pens, bottle caps and lighters to alert the audience to the urgency of the current natural environment protection work.

At the same time, the novel "Animal Laborers" creatively uses anthropomorphic techniques to quickly establish a "we are both unhappy — to the sky’s end" resonance with the audience through the concept of "migrant workers". On the one hand, it helps the audience to understand the positioning of various species in the ecological circle from the perspective of division of labor, on the other hand, it shortens the distance between the animal world and human society from the psychological level and improves the visibility of the content.

This documentary does not focus on a huge animal group, but focuses on a protagonist in a certain species or group, presenting the diverse lives of animal wage earners in a more concise lens language, which helps to enhance the audience’s sense of substitution.

"Animal wage earners" also gives animals distinctive human labels. The cute and whispering civet cats in the jungle, the musicians with magical cries, and the anti-involution gorillas … Each animal has its bright spots and memory points.

In order to highlight the liveliness and cuteness of animals, the music style of Animal Workers is more flexible, sometimes playful, sometimes quiet, and sometimes dangerous. The jumping music symbols are integrated with the personality characteristics of animals and the natural environment in which they live, bringing interesting and immersive viewing experience.

Easy-to-understand content, lively editing rhythm, humorous dubbing and fascinating soundtrack, Animal Workers is undoubtedly a well-made family fun work, which can not only resonate with contemporary young "migrant workers", but also attract elders at home to learn rich animal knowledge with their children. The Spring Festival holiday is approaching, so let’s make an appointment with friends and relatives to experience the charm of the documentary "Animal Workers"!

Click "Read the original" in the lower left corner of the article to start a wonderful journey!

How to learn English? This article is thorough.

Recently, a video of a speech by Zheng Qiang, a professor at Zhejiang University, became popular on the Internet. In the speech, Professor Zheng Qiang pointed out: "In the past 20 years, we have over-exaggerated the weight of English in children’s growth education, and the wrong learning method has consumed a lot of valuable time of outstanding students, which is a manifestation of cultural self-confidence." This remark triggered a discussion among netizens, and many netizens said that "English is useless" and "English should withdraw from the college entrance examination".
From primary school to university, English has been with children in China, but few can really learn English well. Therefore, the discussion about whether English is useful or not and whether English should quit the college entrance examination has never been interrupted.
Returning to Professor Zheng Qiang’s point of view, it is not difficult to find that what he attacked was not English learning, but the wrong English learning method. He thinks that the wrong English learning method has delayed a large number of excellent students’ precious time.
This is what really needs reflection: how to learn English?
Why do you want to learn English
First of all, let’s think about the purpose of learning English: why should we learn English?
It is to use English for cross-border and cross-cultural communication, and to easily use English to read and absorb rich achievements and nutrients of human humanities, history and culture.
Starting from this goal, it is not difficult to find that if we set a standard for learning English well, the most direct thing is whether we can communicate with foreigners without barriers and whether we can read original English books and information without barriers.
English "Cowboy" succeeds in The Secret Behind.
In 2014, China Education Radio broadcasted such an exclusive interview: an ordinary 8-year-old boy spent four years writing 200,000 words of English novels at the age of 12, with almost zero starting point in English. His experience of English transformation and growth attracted the attention of the whole English teaching community.
The child’s name is Xiao Bowen, and his mother is Professor Cao Wen from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Professor Cao Wen said:
"His English enlightenment began when he was eight years old. He likes the feeling of snuggling up to me and listening to me tell him stories. I told him a story in English for three months, and then he could slowly start reading independently. With the combination of massive listening and reading, he has a very good starting point. "
"He is so happy, so without design, so unconsciously, he never remembers words, never recites texts, has no grammatical concepts, and has no real learning, but he has achieved positive results."
"And I’m still teaching a group of English majors over the age of 18 intensive reading and grammar. I hope they can write a 4,000-word English undergraduate thesis in four years!"
This incident made Professor Cao Wen very emotional: "Children’s English is not taught, it subverts my understanding of English learning, from just staring at textbooks to believing in the power of massive listening and interesting reading."
Coincidentally, in 2016, Anhui Business Daily reported that a 9-year-old boy from a township had been exposed to English since he was 6 years old. In just three years, he was familiar with college English textbooks, and his oral communication was very fluent. He could translate while speaking, and English teachers were afraid to ask him questions in class.
His experience has subverted many people’s cognition of English learning.
The 9-year-old child named Chen Shengjie comes from Baitafan Primary School in Jinzhai County, Anhui Province. It is understood that Chen Shengjie was exposed to English by his father, Mr. Chen, around the age of 6.
Mr. Chen said that the reason why his son Chen Shengjie reached the present English level was entirely accumulated by reading, listening and speaking more.
Mr. Chen mentioned that reading more is the key to improving English. When reading, you don’t have to pick words and grammar. The difficulty of reading can be improved little by little according to your child’s level. While reading, try to let your child express himself in English as much as possible. When the child can accumulate "barrier-free reading" and "barrier-free listening and speaking", he will naturally understand grammar.
Through the above two stories, it is not difficult to find that there are two key points for two children to become English "cattle" children: listening more and reading more.
Many people also know the benefits of listening and reading a lot to English, but they face many obstacles in real implementation:
Where can I find such a large amount of original English materials?
How to choose the original English materials suitable for your own level?
What is the appropriate amount of materials?
How to realize seamless docking of materials and systematic natural listening and reading?
What if parents don’t have the energy or ability to coach their children for bandu?
What if a single family can’t afford to buy English original materials because of the lack of channels and huge cost?
In the face of these problems, although everyone realizes the importance of listening and reading, it is difficult to implement, and finally it becomes a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water, which is beyond reach.
iEnglishPut forward the overall solution to master English simply and efficiently.
IEnglish class mother tongue English learning and training system, aiming at the obstacles faced by massive English listening and reading, puts forward the overall solution of English learning.
The iEnglish native English learning and training system selects nearly 20,000 original English books, massive pictures, audio and video, etc., and guides children to carry out massive comprehensible input and output training, so as to easily acquire English unconsciously.
The native English learning and training system of iEnglish can be regarded as a mobile electronic library. The system selects a large number of high-quality original English materials, all of which are classic contents used by students in English-speaking countries, including picture books, stories, novels, pictures, audio and video, etc., to restore the complex scenes of real English environment and meet the learning needs of children of different ages.
Solve the problem of difficulty level through intelligent push
Just like learning to play basketball and calligraphy, the level needs to be gradually improved in stages. According to the needs of non-native English students for listening, reading and learning English, the iEnglish native English learning and training system sets a grading system of 150 levels from easy to difficult. By evaluating learners’ English foundation, accurately matching the difficulty level, and intelligently pushing the content with suitable difficulty according to factors such as the mastery level, 80% of the content can be effectively understood, and new content can be supplemented, and at the same time, it is smoother and smoother when upgrading, realizing the personalized learning of each student and ensuring the learning effect.
Hundreds of foreign teachers solve listening and pronunciation problems.
In the mother tongue environment, due to age, region, gender and other factors, everyone’s pronunciation is different. In order to better simulate the real English listening environment, the system has hundreds of English native speakers, male and female, old and young, to avoid children’s dependence on a single accent and better train their listening.
Through hundreds of foreign teachers’ bandu and pronunciation correction, the problems that parents are not allowed to speak and can’t coach their children are solved, thus naturally cultivating a pure English accent.
Learning reports keep parents informed of their learning situation at any time.
Compared with training courses and one-on-one foreign teachers, it is impossible to know the progress and effect of children’s learning in time. In order to help parents better understand and master the progress and effect of children’s learning, the iEnglish mother tongue English learning and training system is equipped with a mobile phone parent terminal, so that children’s learning data and status can be synchronized in real time, and the system automatically analyzes learning records and forms reports, so that parents can easily help students.
iEnglishThe effect has been widely verified, and the English learning problem has been really solved.
Since 2016, the learning effect of iEnglish has been widely verified: four-year-old children have achieved synchronization with American seven-year-old children’s reading ability in three years; Seven-year-old children with zero foundation passed the Cambridge PET exam in three years (similar to the difficulty of Chinese college entrance examination); 10-year-old children with a certain foundation passed the FCE level (equivalent to IELTS 6.0) in two years; Students in Grade Two got more than 130 points in the college entrance examination after more than 400 days of study. Officially, because iEnglish far exceeds parents’ expectations, it has become an "artifact" in English learning. More and more parents realize that solving English learning problems requires changing traditional English learning methods. Now hundreds of thousands of children are using iEnglish to solve English learning problems.
IEnglish makes English learning return to the essence, so as to achieve the goal of barrier-free communication with foreigners and obstacles to reading original English books and information.
So that every child can use English for cross-border and cross-cultural communication, and can easily use English to read and absorb rich achievements and nutrients of human humanities, history and culture.
For children’s English learning, we can’t take the old road and waste their precious time on mechanically rigid memorizing words and learning grammar. We need to let go of our inherent thinking, give up the fixed mode of learning only textbooks and start a new method of English learning.
The overall solution proposed by iEnglish-like mother tongue English learning and training system is such a brand-new, simple and efficient new English learning method. It starts from the underlying logic of language learning, and directly attacks the problems in China children’s English learning and parents’ pain points, and finally completely solves the English learning problems.
I believe that in the near future, there will be fewer and fewer seminars on English learning, because more and more students are using iEnglish to overcome English learning problems!

Facing the global university software elite! Registration for the 10th Huawei Software Elite Challenge in 2024 was officially launched.

   [Tianji. com IT News Channel]Today, the 10th Huawei Software Elite Challenge officially started registration and recruited college students from all over the world to participate in the competition. The contest, hosted by Huawei Cloud, will focus on the theme of "Planck Plan". Huawei’s senior expert and technical team will give a topic and invite software elites from universities around the world to explore a higher realm of technical programming and competition, and use the innovative ability of software design and programming to solve practical problems and create unlimited value. The highest prize for the champion of the contest is as high as 200,000 yuan.

    Following the theme of Planck Plan, the contest aims to find people like Planck who are never satisfied with continuous questioning, people who stick to the truth in complex problems, people who work hard in real scenes, and people who use technology to promote world progress. As Huawei’s top competition for software elites in universities around the world, Huawei Software Elite Challenge has been held since 2015. On the platform of Software Elite Challenge, contestants can fully demonstrate the technical ability of software design and programming, enjoy the fun of coding to solve problems and feel the charm of software changing the world. At present, the contest has been successfully held for nine times, attracting nearly 200,000 college students from more than 1,000 universities around the world, among whom over 2,000 software elites joined Huawei through the contest.

    Today, the 10th Huawei Software Elite Challenge officially issued a call-up order to elites from universities all over the world. The whole contest will last until April 27th, and it will be divided into three stages: regional preliminary contest, regional semi-final contest and global finals. Finally, it will compete for the third place in the championship and the best practice award in software development, among which the best practice award in software development includes the most beautiful code, the best large model application and the best software development process. Huawei has set up different reward mechanisms for the three stages of the competition, including the green card for the computer test of the top 32 regional preliminaries, the green card for the interview of the top 4 regional semi-finals, and the global finals prize resource pool of 680,000 yuan, including the champion prize of 200,000 yuan.

    It is worth mentioning that Huawei Software Elite Challenge not only provides a challenging and interesting competitive stage and high prizes for college students, but also creates a platform for empowering students to grow up. The contest will introduce a lineup of experienced Huawei senior experts to provide technical support for the whole event and answer questions for the contestants.

    From now until March 22nd, the preliminary team registration stage will be held. All students in the school can log in to Huawei Software Elite Challenge official website to register for the competition. Domestic students should choose the corresponding competition area according to the city where their school is located, and overseas students from China should choose the corresponding competition area according to the city where they live in China. The contest will officially announce the preliminary contest questions on March 7, and hold an "air presentation" to interpret the preliminary contest questions, share the award-winning experience and answering ideas of previous outstanding players, and guide the contestants.

    For more than 30 years, Huawei has been insisting on technological innovation, constantly breaking through the limits, continuously attracting outstanding talents from all over the world, and promoting world progress with technology. We look forward to more college software elites who have dreams, love software and dare to climb the technological peak, and work with Huawei to promote scientific and technological progress!

    Learn more about the contest and welcome to visit Huawei Software Elite Challenge official website!

Type: advertising

Melon and fruit fragrance | Xichang colorful fresh fruits in early summer "get together" listed sweet and sour and delicious "eat enough"

If the season has a "taste", then the early summer in Xichang should be "fruity", playful, lively, sweet and sour.

With the coming of summer in Xichang, colorful fresh fruits are on the market. Cherry, loquat, mango, grape, bayberry, watermelon, mangosteen … red, yellow, orange, purple, green and blue … are colorful "visual enjoyment" in the eyes, and sour and sweet "taste bud stimulation" in the entrance.

Xichang is located in the subtropical region of 27 north latitude, with abundant sunshine. The fresh fruits with colorful seasons are a gift from nature to Xichang people. The fruits produced here are rich in aroma and sweetness, and all kinds of fruits are dazzling. It is a veritable "hometown of fruits".

Especially in May and June, Xichang people’s "fruit baskets" are more abundant, and a wide variety of delicate and charming fruits add romance and sentiment to Xichang’s summer. Whether it’s red bayberry as sweet and sour as first love, watermelon to quench your thirst, or blueberry and cherries with bursting juice … In the summer season, fruits in Xichang are listed one by one, vowing to leave a sweet aftertaste on the tip of your tongue.

At this time, whether it is in the streets, farmers’ markets or fruit wholesale markets, a dazzling array of seasonal fresh fruits will always arouse your love for life.

In the fruit wholesale market of Chuncheng Road, the reporter saw that in front of each booth were summer scenery pictures of "red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple", and all kinds of fruits were "competing for fresh flowers", which attracted many tourists to "try early".

Ms. Yang from Dazhou said:

"Xichang has many kinds of fruits, good moisture and good taste. Every time I come here for business or tourism, I will pick some from the market and send them back to my family and friends to feel this’ sweetness’ together. Especially in summer, fruits are very rich, and you have an appetite when you look at them. "

Mr. Leng, a vendor who has been engaged in fruit business in the fruit wholesale market for more than 40 years, told the reporter: "Xichang keeps fresh fruits all year round, and the most comprehensive and watery categories are May and June, with dozens of seasonal fruits. Now the blueberries in Xichang are about to go on the market, bayberry and grapes have just been listed, cherries, mangoes, mangosteen and durian are all listed one after another, and the whole market has a complete range of fruits. "

Luoma county magistrate wrote three novels in prison, saying that being an official is walking a tightrope.

  Core Tip: The former county magistrate of Queshan County, Henan Province was sentenced to 11 years in prison for accepting bribes in 2004. In four years, he wrote three novels and became a writer, once again entering the public eye. When talking about his works, he said that the officialdom in the novel had his shadow when he was in politics; Looking back on his political career, he replied that being an official is like walking a tightrope.

Li Jianhua turned his back on the reporter

  On the afternoon of November 20th, Li Jianhua, 48, dressed in prison uniform, appeared to Zhengzhou Customs police who received warning education in the heavily guarded No.1 prison in Henan Province. On the podium, his speech was as cadence as four or five years ago, but he raised his hand and wiped his tears when he said, "How many 11 years can a life have?"

  These days, it took more than four years to write three novels and the news that the county magistrate of Luoma became a writer, which made Li Jianhua "walk" out of the high wall and re-enter the public eye. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison for accepting bribes in 2004, and he was the former county magistrate of Queshan County.

  In this prison where felons are held, Li Jianhua is deeply rethinking through writing and writing after working and studying.

  The reporter conducted an exclusive interview with Li Jianhua based on his works.

  The prison leaders are very supportive of writing in their spare time.

  Reporter: What are the contents of the three novels you published?

  Li Jianhua: The Liberator describes the life experience of an old Red Army from the revolutionary civil war, War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation to the founding of New China and its reform and opening up. Mr. Li Weichang, a book reviewer, said that this novel, which spans 65 years, is "a history book for the liberators of China". "Characteristics of China" is about rural reform. "Warm Home" pays attention to AIDS, and the editor wrote on the cover that "China’s first novel describing the first village of AIDS".

  Reporter: Did you start writing after you came to prison?

  Li Jianhua: It should be said that it was mainly finalized in prison. From May to September, 2004, I was detained in Runan Detention Center, when I was in the stage of investigation and interrogation. I had nothing to do all day, so I began to conceive The Liberator. The story of "The Liberator" was told by my father and his old leaders and comrades-in-arms when I was a child, and it has always been in my mind. The three novels are written in a cross.

  Before the Army Day in 2007, when The Liberator was published, I had already sent The Features of China to the publishing house. When I was reviewing the manuscript of "China Features", I started to write "Warm Home". The publication of China Features was originally scheduled for May last year, but it was postponed for some reason. In October this year, the two novels were published simultaneously.

  Reporter: Do you need to take part in labor?

  Li Jianhua: You don’t have to work in the detention center. You can write all day. In prison, like everyone else, I have to take part in labor, study and education, sewing balls and installing lighters. I spend the rest of my free time or rest and entertainment time writing.

  Reporter: What is the biggest difficulty for you to write a book in prison?

  Li Jianhua: At the beginning of writing, there was no information, only some newspapers; There’s no complete time, it’s just a blind alley.

  Reporter: What’s the situation now?

  Li Jianhua: The leaders of the No.1 prison in Henan Province know that after I write a book, they will provide me with the conditions as much as possible. I also subscribed to several newspapers at my own expense. Newspapers mainly play an enlightening role, and some things in them can also be integrated into books.

  In the detention center, I lie prone on the bed board or write with my knees on the manuscript paper. Six months after I came to prison, my second draft of Liberator was completed. The prison let me use the computer in the classroom, so I can write directly on the computer.

  Sometimes I don’t want to write, and the prison leader, the warden and the police who manage me will encourage me to write. They said that this is to win glory for parents and relatives, and also to hand in a satisfactory answer for their own transformation.

  The officialdom in the novel has the shadow of my time in politics.

  Reporter: How did you think of writing "Warm Home"?

  Li Jianhua: One day, instructor Chen showed me a newspaper with an article about AIDS. I worked as a deputy county magistrate in Shangcai County and Xincai County, and Wenlou Village was also a village I had contracted. After I read it, my thoughts were touched and I felt very guilty, and I began to conceive "Warm Home".

  Another reason is that a writer wrote a book about AIDS, and the people in it were miserable and helpless, as if the government had never done anything. I wrote "Warm Home" to correct this statement and write about the care of the government and society for AIDS patients.

  The protagonist in the book once served as the secretary of the county party committee in Cai Zhou, and was transferred from Cai Zhou when the AIDS problem was exposed. After retirement, he went deep into aids village to help the farmers in the village to cure diseases and produce, and build a warm home. Finally, even his wife, who had always opposed him to do so, was moved to join the help.

  Reporter: All three novels involve leading cadres, especially "China Features" shows the officialdom of a county. How does your experience make your writing about officialdom different from other writers?

  Li Jianhua: Both have limitations. Even if you have experience in officialdom, there are limitations. Some writers who write about officialdom have never been cadres in the county, and there are more fictional elements. I have read a book in which the retired party secretary became the boss of the underworld and hired a murderer. In fact, this is unlikely to happen in reality. The most fundamental thing in officialdom is the problem of thinking, inaction and chaos.

  I graduated from high school at the age of 16 and went to the countryside as an intellectual youth. At the end of 1977, he participated in the first college entrance examination after the "Cultural Revolution", entered the political and historical professional class, and then was admitted to the graduate school. At the age of 32, he became a deputy county-level cadre, and at the age of 39, he was promoted to a county-level cadre. What he wrote was definitely different from them and more real.

  There is a struggle between old and new ideas, between officials and doers in "China Features". Guests, gifts, running projects, the relationship between the county party Committee, the county government and the two houses, are all in the book.

  Reporter: The county magistrate Wang in the novel is a doer. He is a county magistrate, and you have been a county magistrate …

  Li Jianhua: that’s not me. I can only say that there is a little shadow of me. The characters in the novel are typical, but they can’t sit in the right place in reality because there are many creative elements in it.

  Reporter: Is the county magistrate in the novel like what is written in some works? Whoever gives him a gift, he throws it out the door? Are you like this?

  Li Jianhua: That county magistrate is quite strict with himself and will not be so ruthless, but everyone has his own bottom line. I just want to create the image of a grassroots county magistrate through literary works. As for me, I’m far from it, and I have many lessons to learn.

  (Reporter’s Note: In 2004, the Zhumadian Intermediate People’s Court found that Li Jianhua had received a total of 500,000 yuan in kickbacks from the contractor five times during his tenure as director of Zhumadian Commerce and Trade Bureau from April 2000 to May 2001. )

  Look at yourself, besides being an official, what else can you do?

  Reporter: Did you ever think that you would write a book one day?

  Li Jianhua: I had a writer’s dream when I was a student. Later, I was addicted to officialdom and put it on hold.

  Reporter: I heard from the prison leader that your book is going to be made into a TV series?

  Li Jianhua: After The Liberator was published, seven film and television companies competed to shoot it. When Changjiang Literature and Art Publishing House rushed to publish this book, it was because its story frame was good and it could be used for TV series in the future. But there are many big war scenes in it, and the film and television company estimates that it can’t do without an investment of 60 million yuan, and has been hesitating.

  Beijing Bobang Film and Television Culture Company is going to shoot my "Warm Home". I revised the script and their boss just took it away.

  Reporter: How much royalties do you get for publishing books?

  Li Jianhua: The royalty is about 15%. According to the number of prints, there is not much money. Adapted into a TV series, shooting an episode can get about 20 thousand yuan. In fact, what I value is not money, but honor. Honor is more important than money.

  I turned this corner a little steep, and I was not prepared at all. I was depressed when I first served my sentence, but how many 11 years can a person have? I have to face the reality.

  I want to tap my potential and see what I can do besides being an official.

  Reporter: How much influence does your imprisonment have on your relatives and friends?

  Li Jianhua: I was born in a cadre family, and my parents are old party member. My five sisters, the elder sister is the first postdoctoral fellow in the first postdoctoral mobile station in our province, and now she has been naturalized as a professor in the United States, and my younger brothers are also graduates of famous universities. Five of us were once the pride of our parents, and my father was invited by the school many times to give a well-taught report. How much do you think my imprisonment will affect my relatives?

  My daughter is 24 years old. At the age of 14, she went to the United States to study with her aunt. She could have got a master’s degree. Because something happened to me, she once gave up her studies. She comes back to see me every year.

  Reporter: What are you going to do after you get out of prison?

  Li Jianhua: I can have two choices, one is to be a professional writer, and the other is to do business. It turned out that I was in charge of attracting investment and made some friends. After I went to prison, a friend said, "Come out and work with me, and I’ll give you a company to manage." The boss of the film and television company in Beijing also said that I could go to him to write a script after I came out.

  Reporter: What do you think of your political career of more than 20 years?

    Li Jianhua: Being an official is like walking a tightrope … (Today’s reporter Lu Zhiou/Wentu) (This article Source: Dahe. com)

Editor: Zhao Xuanxuan

I knew it a week ago

 6 February

  Cold air ends "fake spring"

  After beginning of spring, most parts of the country are warm, as if spring has arrived, and many places are warmer than normal. However, from the 6th, affected by a strong cold air, there will be a wide range of rain, snow and cooling weather in the central and eastern regions, among which the temperatures in Inner Mongolia, Hunan and Jiangxi will reach 10℃. There is heavy snow in Hubei, Shaanxi and Anhui provinces. It is predicted that with the eastward expansion of the precipitation area, the range of rain and snow will reach the widest tomorrow, and the central and eastern regions will be generally covered by rain and snow. The public should beware of the possible adverse effects of rain, snow and cooling weather on Spring Festival travel rush’s return trip.

  South Korean government may announce Samsung Note7 explosion investigation report

  The Korean regulatory authorities will announce the independent investigation report of the Galaxy Note7 fire incident on the 6th. South Korean regulators will also announce new regulations on mobile phone safety, requiring smartphone manufacturers to report immediately when their mobile phones explode or catch fire.

 February 7th.

  60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Sri Lanka

  China and Sri Lanka have a long history of friendly exchanges. Sri Lanka is known as the country of the lion or Sinhalese in China’s ancient books. In 410 A.D., Fa Xian, a monk of the Jin Dynasty, went to Sri Lanka to study, retrieved Buddhist classics and wrote a book "The Story of the Buddha Country". Zheng He, a navigator in the Ming Dynasty, visited Sri Lanka many times during his voyage to the West. In the 15th century, Prince Si Yi visited China and settled in Quanzhou, Fujian on his way home. He was given the surname by the Ming emperor, and his descendants still live in Quanzhou and Taiwan Province. After Sri Lanka became a western colony, Sino-Sri Lankan relations were once interrupted. In 1950, Sri Lanka recognized New China. On February 7, 1957, the two countries established diplomatic relations. China and Sri Lanka have always maintained friendly relations with frequent high-level exchanges.

  China Foreign Minister Wang Yi paid an official visit to Australia and New Zealand.

  At the invitation of Australian Foreign Minister Bishop and New Zealand Foreign Minister McCully, Foreign Minister Wang Yi will pay an official visit to Australia and New Zealand from July 7 to 10. During the visit, Wang Yi will hold the fourth round of China-Australia diplomatic and strategic dialogue with Bishop, hold talks with McCully and meet with the leaders of Australia and New Zealand.

  Haiti’s elected president, Fanel moise, was sworn in.

  If Fanel moise, candidate of Haiti’s ruling Tekal Party, is elected president in November 2016, he will be sworn in on February 7th. Moise, 48, is a banana businessman with little political experience. In 2015, he entered the political arena and was elected as the presidential candidate by former President Martelli. Local media quoted political analysts as saying that moise will continue Martelli’s ruling policy.

 February 8 th

  The Korean inspection team will interrogate park geun-hye face to face this week.

  According to sources, the independent inspection team in charge of investigating the scandal of South Korean President park geun-hye’s best friend’s meddling in politics is negotiating with Cheongwadae, the presidential palace of South Korea, with a view to interrogating park geun-hye face to face one day from the 8th to 10th of this month (this Wednesday to Friday) to investigate the core part of the scandal of best friend’s meddling in politics. Earlier, park geun-hye was impeached by Congress because of his girlfriend’s political scandal.

  Somali presidential election held.

  The Somali presidential election, which has been postponed several times, will be held on February 8. In August last year, the Somali Federal Indirect Election Implementation Team announced that the presidential election would be held on October 30, but it was postponed several times later. According to reports, the repeated postponement of the election is related to the harassment of the extremist organization Somali "Youth Party" and the contradictions between various tribes and regions.

 February 9th.

  Some passenger trains of Guangzhou Railway were temporarily suspended from February 9 to February 11.

  1. On February 9, 2017, Hengyang-Guangzhou East K6625 passenger train was temporarily suspended; 2. On February 9 and February 10, 2017, Changsha-Guangzhou K6621 passenger train was temporarily suspended; 3. On February 9 and February 10, 2017, the Leiyang-Guangzhou East K6647 passenger train was temporarily suspended; 4. On February 9 and February 10, 2017, it became increasingly sunny-Guangzhou East K6589 passenger train was temporarily suspended; 5. On February 10th and 11th, 2017, Huaihua-Shenzhen West K6580/77 passenger train was temporarily suspended; 6. On February 10th and 11th, 2017, the Loudi-Zhaoqing K 6528/5th passenger train was temporarily suspended.

 February 10th.

  Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits the United States

  Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will visit the United States on the 10th. A number of Japanese and American media reported that Abe will send a "big gift package" to US President Donald Trump, including investing 150 billion US dollars in infrastructure construction in the United States in the next 10 years, creating 700,000 jobs and an infrastructure market with a market value of 450 billion US dollars.

  Communist party, the largest anti-government force in the Philippines, terminated the unilateral ceasefire announced in August last year.

  The Philippine communist party, the largest anti-government force in the Philippines, issued a statement on the 1st of this month, saying that the Communist Party of the Philippines would terminate the unilateral ceasefire because Philippine President Duterte did not agree to release about 200 detainees. Jorge Madeiros, a spokesman for the Philippine Communist Party, said that the government forces also used the ceasefire period to occupy its "territory", and the Philippine Communist Party will terminate the unilateral ceasefire announced in August last year on February 10.

  Uber suspended its service in Taiwan.

  Taiwan’s transportation authorities recently issued a huge fine to Uber, a well-known online car platform company that has been operating in Taiwan for three and a half years, and ordered it to close down. Uber immediately announced that it would suspend its service in Taiwan from February 10. This news caused controversy in Taiwan Province, and many people said that startups should compete fairly; Others think that sharing economy is an irresistible world trend, and existing regulations should not be an obstacle to innovation.

 February 11th

  the Lantern Festival

  After the Spring Festival, it is the Lantern Festival. This Saturday (February 11th) is the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month. Lantern Festival, also known as "Shangyuan Festival", is one of the traditional festivals of Han nationality and some brotherly nationalities in China, which existed in the Qin Dynasty more than 2,000 years ago. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty ordered the 15th day of the first month to be the Lantern Festival. Buddhism was introduced in the Eastern Han Dynasty. In order to expand its influence in the local area, the traditional culture was attached to the Lantern Festival as an auspicious day to participate in Buddhism.

 February 12

  Turkmenistan’s presidential election was officially held.

??? Turkmenistan’s presidential election will be officially held on February 12th, and nine candidates, including current President Berdymukhamedov, will stand for election. According to the new Constitution of Turkmenistan adopted in September 2016, the term of office of each president has been extended from five years to seven years, and the restriction that presidential candidates should not be over 70 years old has also been lifted. Presidential candidates must meet the conditions of being born in Turkey, being at least 40 years old, mastering Turkmen, and living and working in Turkey for the past 15 years.

  The 59th Grammy Awards Ceremony was held

??? On February 12th, US time, the 59th Grammy Awards Ceremony will be held in Los Angeles. Beyonce, Adele and Justin Bieber were shortlisted for the annual production, annual album and other heavyweight awards for their new works. (Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency, China News Network, Guangzhou Daily, etc.)

Spring at 30℃! Will it be very hot this summer? Expert response

Recently, the weather has heated up violently, and many places have "run into the spring". On March 6, more than 20 national meteorological observatories broke through the historical extreme value of the highest temperature in early March. The National Climate Center predicts that this spring, compared with previous years, the temperature in most parts of China is generally higher and the precipitation is less, with the temperature in most parts of the north being 1 ~ 2℃ higher.

It’s so warm and hot in March, does it mean that this summer will encounter extreme high temperature as long as last year?

Screenshot source: The temperature of China Weather Network will soar to a recent high point, and the rare warm and hot weather in many places or in the central and eastern regions is continuing. On March 7, the temperature of 102 weather stations has exceeded the record in early March.

Today and tomorrow (March 9-10), the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will rise to the recent high point, especially in the northeast to the south of the Yangtze River. Changchun, Shenyang, Hohhot, Jinan, Hefei and other cities may record the warmest in the same period in early March.

Before this, warm heat has already appeared. Since February, the average temperature in many parts of the country has been higher than normal. Recently, from March 1 to 7, the temperature in Northeast China, Northeast Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Henan and other places was also very high. Chengdu’s "heat rises to a new height"

On March 8, at 14: 30, the average temperature in Chengdu was 25.5℃. At 16: 00, the highest temperature in the city appeared at 28℃ in Qingbaijiang, a record high this year. From 9℃ in the morning to 28℃ in the afternoon, Chengdu ushered in the day of disorderly dressing.

Not only in Chengdu, at 14: 00 on March 8, the temperatures in Leshan, Ya ‘an, Ziyang, Guangyuan and Deyang all exceeded 25℃.

It’s so hot now, does it mean it will be very hot in summer? Last summer, it cast a shadow on many people. At the beginning of March this year, China experienced a rare warm heat. Looking at the current situation, some friends are worried that this means that this summer will also encounter extreme high temperatures for a long time.

"The current warmth and coldness are not necessarily directly related to the temperature in summer." Hu Xiao, chief meteorologist of China Weather Network, said. Simply put, we can’t judge the heat and cool in the longer summer by the abnormal hot and cold wave process now. Moreover, in summer, there will be high temperature in the area affected by subtropical high, and the edge of subtropical high is usually full of rain. For such a huge weather system as subtropical high, it is difficult for us to predict whether it will affect a place for a long time or whether it will swing, which is the difficulty of climate prediction.

However, we can also see from the recent abnormal warm heat that extreme weather and climate events are increasing under the background of climate warming, and this trend is irreversible. Take the La Ni? a event, which is the most important event affecting our climate, even though the "triple La Ni? a" appeared in the past three years, its impact fluctuated greatly. For example, last year, the Yangtze River basin suffered from extremely high temperature and little rain, but in 2020, the Yangtze River basin suffered from floods. This year is destined to be a year of change. According to the forecast of the World Meteorological Organization, La Nina will end in early spring, and it may even turn from neutral to El Ni? o event in May and June. "For this summer, we may encounter uneven distribution of droughts and floods, and extreme weather will still occur frequently." Everyone should pay attention to the latest news released by the National Climate Center. At the beginning of this year, the National Climate Center just organized a group of experts to make an annual forecast. According to the preliminary results, there may still be some persistent high temperature phenomena in the southern region this year, so the "hot" phenomenon will definitely exist. However, the specific intensity, scope and influence need to wait until the end of March and the beginning of April, and a group of experts will be specially organized to predict, analyze and judge the summer climate. The temperature in most areas such as Sichuan Basin will drop by 6~10℃. Whether there will be extreme high temperature this summer is unknown, but it is true that it will cool down this weekend! According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, from 10th to 12th, strong cold air will continue to move eastward, affecting most parts of China. There are 4~6 grades and 7~9 grades of northerly winds in the eastern part of northwest China and most parts of central and eastern China.There will be dust in the northwest and parts of North China; There is little to moderate rain and snow in northeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern and northern parts of Northeast China, small to moderate rain in Sichuan Basin, Huanghuai, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, northern South China, Guizhou and eastern Yunnan, and there is heavy rain or rainstorm in the local area; The temperature in most of the above areas will drop by 6~10℃, and the local temperature will drop by 12~16℃.

Trend of temperature in Sichuan in the next 7 days:

Rainfall in Sichuan in the next 3 days:

Tips: The cooling rain is coming, so please increase or decrease your clothes in time according to the actual weather conditions.

Cover News Synthesis @ China Weather, Central Meteorological Observatory, Chengdu Meteorology, @ Sichuan Meteorology


Why is the weather complicated and changeable in spring?

Strong winds in the north, severe cooling, rain and snow weather, regional heavy rain and strong convective weather in the south … The forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory shows that from April 1, China has ushered in the largest range of heavy rain and snow weather this year, and a large-scale precipitation process has occurred in the central and eastern regions. On April 2, the Central Meteorological Observatory successively issued a blue rainstorm warning and a blue severe convective weather warning. Why is the weather complicated and changeable in spring? Meteorologists interpreted it.
Fang Yi, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said that the heavy rain and snow weather process mainly has two characteristics: wide range of precipitation, high intensity and superposition of various disastrous weather. "From April 1 to 5, the land area with accumulated precipitation above 100 mm will reach 230,000 square kilometers, which is the largest heavy rain and snow weather process this year."
Sun Jun, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said that April 2-4 is the main period of precipitation and strong winds. In terms of precipitation, from April 2 to 5, there were moderate to heavy snow or sleet in eastern Gansu, Ningxia, northern Hebei and central and eastern Inner Mongolia, and there were blizzards or heavy blizzards in central Inner Mongolia. The main snowfall period was April 2 to 3; There are moderate to heavy rains in the southeastern part of Northwest China, the eastern part of Southwest China, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, South China, Huanghuai and the southern part of Northeast China. There are heavy rains in parts of Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian, and there are local heavy rains. The main rainfall period is from April 2 to 4.
In terms of gale cooling, on April 2, cold air mainly affects northwest China and Inner Mongolia, on April 3, it affects the western part of Northeast China, northern North China, Huanghuai and Jianghan, and on April 4-5, it affects the central and eastern parts of Northeast China, North China, Jianghuai and the south. There will be 4 to 6 winds in the central and eastern regions, with gusts of 7 to 9; From April 2 to 5, the temperature in most parts of the north dropped by 6 to 10 degrees Celsius, and the temperature in the south dropped by 4 to 8 degrees Celsius.
"The land area with a temperature drop of more than 10 degrees Celsius is 940,000 square kilometers." Sun Jun said.
Sun Jun analyzed the causes of this weather process, which was mainly influenced by two weather systems, one was the cold air in the north, and the other was the Jianghuai cyclone from the south. The northern region is mainly affected by cold air. On the morning of April 2, cold air has reached the Hetao area to the eastern part of Gansu, and there are strong winds and cooling weather in Xinjiang, most of Gansu, western Inner Mongolia and Ningxia. Next, the cold air will continue to move eastward and southward, bringing strong winds and cool weather to most parts of the central and eastern regions. However, many places in the south are mainly affected by the Jianghuai cyclone, resulting in a regional rainstorm process.
Sun Jun said that as of April 2, the cold air and the Jianghuai cyclone had not met. Around April 4, the cold air moving eastward and southward will meet the growing Jianghuai cyclone. At that time, the confrontation between cold and warm air will lead to mixed strong convective weather including short-term heavy precipitation, strong wind and local hail, which will affect Henan, Hubei, Anhui and Hunan.
Recently, the weather in some areas has been cold and hot, and this time there has been a sharp drop in temperature. Is it a "cold spring"?
Fang Yi said that in meteorology, "cold in late spring" refers to a weather process in which the temperature drops rapidly in spring due to the influence of strong cold air, and a large range of crops are frozen due to warm before and cold after. "Late spring cold" usually appears from mid-March to April, which generally means that the average daily temperature in Jiangnan area is lower than 12 degrees Celsius for three consecutive days, or lower than 14 degrees Celsius for five consecutive days. As far as this process is concerned, because the temperature drop in the south of the Yangtze River is not severe, the temperature after cooling is close to the same period of the year, and it is unlikely that crops will be damaged by freezing in a large area, so it is unlikely to reach the standard of "late spring cold".
"Spring is the season when cold and warm air meet. The cold and warm air changes. When the cold air is strengthened, the temperature will decrease, but it is still in the process of gradually warming up. Therefore, it is normal for the weather to be cold and hot. The public needs to pay attention to the early warning information issued by the local meteorological department and adjust the dress in time according to the temperature change. " Fang said.
Our reporter Li Hongmei.
Source: People’s Daily

Spring full of mountains

  The scenery of Dahe Town in Tongzi County. Photo by Cheng Yong

  After a night of spring rain, Shan Ye, who had been sleeping for the whole winter, gradually stretched out. In the Dalou Mountain Range, spring is gradually sprouting in the mountains. On both sides of the road, there are peach blossoms, plum blossoms, camellia and rape blossoms … … The colors are intertwined with the green hills, just like a beautiful picture.

  We went to shi niu cun, Dahe Town, Tongzi County, Guizhou Province, to visit the 80-year-old afforestation model Weifafu. Starting from the county seat, the sky is already dawn. The car passed through the thick morning fog, passed the famous 72-way turn, and entered shi niu cun eastward. More than 300,000 Chinese fir trees planted by the Weifafu family grew on Daping Mountain at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters. The sun gradually dispels the morning fog. In the distance, the vast forest of Daping Mountain is as clean and green as washed in the spring sunshine.

  Along the mountain road, we walked into a green ocean. In the forest, the air is particularly fresh and cool, and the smell of flowers, trees and soil is everywhere. On a hillside, the old man in Weifafu was seen leaning over to pick up garbage in the forest with a bamboo basket on his back. When the old man saw us, he stopped what he was doing and came to shake hands with us with a smile. The old man is in high spirits and energetic, with a faint dew on his gray hair and grass clippings on his rubber shoes. His palm is wide and rough, with thick calluses.

  The sun shines obliquely on the straight fir trees from high places through the dense forest. A few birds are jumping on clusters of new leaves, twittering the news of spring.

  "You see, the tree, the bird came. When birds come, there are fewer insects. Bird droppings are rich in soil and trees are growing well. " The old man touched a stout fir tree and said happily.

  "Did you plant all these trees?"

  "More than that, there are more than 1,100 mu." The old man led us to a high place and pointed to the mountains in the distance: "These mountains are the farthest. If you walk, it will take a whole day to get there."

  I looked up and couldn’t see the farthest hill. It’s hard to imagine how hard it took Wei Fafu’s family to plant small saplings into today’s towering trees by shouldering their backs and walking dozens of miles of mountain roads.

  Speaking of afforestation, Wei Fafu has a lot to say. In 1950s and 1960s, due to excessive reclamation, the ecological environment of Daping Mountain was worrying. At that time, Wei Fafu often wandered alone on the mountain, looking at the barren mountain, listening to the mountain wind raging on the bare mountain, rolling up the dust all over the sky, and his heart seemed to be tightly pulled.

  In the spring of 1985, Wei Fafu, then the production team leader, decided to return the sloping farmland to plant trees. His decision was supported by his family. He applied to the village collective for contracting, signed a contract for greening barren hills, and received seedlings subsidized by the county forestry bureau.

  Since then, Wei Fafu’s family began to plant trees. In order to speed up the progress, Wei Fafu raced against time like clockwork. There is only one thought in his heart: "plant a variety of trees and turn the barren hills green as soon as possible."

  "Every day, at dawn, our family set off, and everyone was carrying hundreds of pounds of saplings. Two red marks were pulled out of the shoulders, and water bubbles were ground in a few days. The slope is steep and the road is far away. We only eat two meals a day, and the time saved is used to hurry. At the end of the day, the coat is often soaked with sweat, the pants are covered with dew, and the whole body is wet. " The old man still remembers the scene at that time.

  However, in the first spring, because of the serious soil erosion, low soil water storage capacity and lack of experience in planting trees, the planted trees only lived for a small part. Wei Fafu rallied and ran out of water, so they carried Mizukamiyama. He works in the forest for ten hours every day, and the action of planting trees is becoming more and more skillful. He scraped the soil with one hand and held the seedlings with the other, straightened the roots and carefully put the seedlings into the pit. Fir and pine seedlings are leafy and hard, and often prick their fingers, so he uses soft ant nest soil to stop bleeding and relieve pain. In summer and autumn, he went out early and went back to the forest to pull weeds. Even in the cold winter, he still patrols the mountain forest every now and then. After a year, he has worn out more than ten pairs of shoes. This year, the survival rate of saplings was as high as 90%.

  Speaking of the trick of planting trees, the old man smiled: "Planting trees is the same as being a man. The roots of saplings should be buried deeply and kept straight, so that they can easily take root in the earth."

  One minute, nine in charge. In order to afforest, he opened up a 10-mu nursery, and some seedlings were self-sufficient. He also set up a brick and tile factory to exchange all the bricks produced with villagers for working hours, so as to increase the labor input for planting trees. Winter goes and spring comes, year after year. Ten years later, with the efforts of Wei Fafu, the barren hills of Daping Mountain gradually became green, and the once-cut mountain spring water was restored, which solved the problem of drinking water and irrigation for local villagers.

  Someone once offered Wei Fafu a high price to transfer the forest, but Wei Fafu refused. He said: "for so many years, I have done it for green mountains and green rivers. Trees are my children. Trees are more important than money." In thirty-seven years, under his careful care, the mountain forest has never suffered a mountain fire. Today, the old man still insists on going to the Woods every season. The time with the tree became an indispensable part of his life.

  His contribution is gradually known to more people. He won back the honors of Guizhou moral model and Guizhou labor model. Now he still has a wish, and that is to join the Communist Party of China (CPC) as soon as possible. In May 2021, 79-year-old Wei Fafu submitted an application for joining the Party, which is the oldest applicant in shi niu cun’s history.

  In the distance, the breeze is Xu Lai, and the green waves are rippling in the forest. Listen, the branches and leaves rustle in the wind, as if the castle peak is greeting the old man.