月度归档 2024年8月11日

Domestic products are on the rise, and large kiln drinks continue to lead with real strength

For a long time, the domestic food and beverage market has been occupied by international beverage giants, and the national soda brand once lost its competitive advantage. Research shows that in recent years, the market share of domestic food and beverage brands in mainstream channels has grown rapidly, and the market potential is huge. In the context of the growing popularity of the national trend, consumers have placed new expectations on the national soda brand. As a large kiln beverage of national soda, it has continuously advanced through pioneering and innovation, achieving industry leaders.

Category leadership, big soda

When tradition and cutting-edge alternate, classic and popular collide. If domestic food and beverage brands want to succeed in the highly competitive and homogeneous market, they need to become the king of the category and effectively seize new growth points. Before the big kiln became popular in the market, 330ML drinks seemed to become a universal standard. As a leading brand in the industry, Big Kiln Beverages has a keen insight into this market pain point, distinguishing traditional small sodas, and creating 520ml differentiated products such as Big Kiln Guest and Big Kiln Orange Nuo, so that the creative soda drinking method that is more enjoyable to drink in large bottles can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and meet the diverse needs of consumers.

(Change the picture to a guest)

From local culture to food and beverage consumption habits, Dayao soda is similar to the packaging of beer bottles, which is different from other congeneric products on the market. It is unique in national soda and has a unique cultural symbol. Dayao drinks complement the needs of young consumers with "atmosphere" and "openness", and once launched, they are widely recognized in the market with taste and cost performance. Under the trend of beverage brands chasing conventional products to break the situation, Dayao breaks the homogeneity, creates a "big soda" track, and achieves fast overtaking.

Marketing leads, big marketing

Common brand marketing is very complex, but Dayao Beverage simplifies marketing, condenses memory points, and makes it easy to seize the user’s mind. In 2021, Dayao Beverage and China’s top strategic marketing company, Hua and Hua, launched the super slogan "Big Soda, Drink Big Kiln" according to product characteristics, making cost-effective Big Soda more popular.

Not only that, Dayao Beverage also signed a powerful actor Wu Jing to become a brand spokesperson, which can quickly graft Wu Jing’s attribute of "positive energy representative" onto the Dayao brand, spread the national brand perception of Dayao Beverage, and create a national soda era. The brand slogan of left-hand spokesperson Wu Jing and right-hand "Big soda, drink Dayao", Dayao Beverage landed on CCTV, subway, airport, high-speed rail and other strong media, forming a brand communication effect and outstanding effect. At the same time, taking advantage of major activities to promote and publicize, while helping the brand out of the circle, create a powerful and dynamic brand value sense.

Brand leadership, big future

At the 108th National Sugar and Wine Fair held in Chengdu in the first half of the year, Dayao Beverage participated in the exhibition with its products, becoming the "king of traffic" of the exhibition, shaping brand perception and spreading brand volume.

Not only that, Dayao Beverage has established a super 1.30 million retail end point, covering 31 provinces and autonomous regions, with nearly 2,000 distributors. In addition, Dayao Beverage also gives distributors more room to display, releases many favorable policies, and wholeheartedly serves distributors, allowing partners to have a lot to do, and also sets a good benchmark for National Soda for National Soda Brands.

In the face of the wind and waves, the heart is like a rock, and the tide is not afraid of the wind and waves. When a hundred schools of thought contend in the food and beverage market, the appearance of the leader of the kiln is fully revealed, stemming from its products, quality, channels and other aspects. With true strength, it is natural to dare to try and move forward bravely.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is corporate information reproduced on this website, which only represents the author’s personal views and has nothing to do with this website. The content involved does not constitute investment or consumption advice, and is for readers’ reference only. Please check the relevant content by yourself.

Create a closed loop of STEAM "Learning, Research and Innovation" activities

Under the guidance of the national "double reduction" policy, the task and mission of science and technology education have become more prominent. In order to enable students to acquire scientific and technological literacy through systematic training, more and more teachers have introduced the concept of STEAM education, hoping that under the influence of interdisciplinary and project system, science and technology education can be more effective. However, the development cycle of STEAM projects is often relatively long, and teachers are prone to fall into the misunderstanding of focusing on knowledge over practice, strengthening discipline integration, lacking evaluation with goals, and focusing on form and sparing connotation when designing STEAM activities. In the final analysis, it is because there is no overall view of STEAM activities. Through the practice of STEAM education, we have found that as long as we open up the closed loop of STEAM education from learning, research, creation, display to reflection, the entire STEAM education will be full of vitality, and students will also improve their scientific literacy in the complete STEAM activities.

Designing a future city that responds to climate change is a very interesting and challenging STEAM project. Students need to analyze the impact of climate change on cities and design innovative and futuristic climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies to ensure the health and safety of future urban residents. By designing the curriculum from the perspective of creating a closed-loop STEAM activity, students will have a better learning experience in the activity, generate advanced knowledge and skills, and gain new experience. The following author uses the case of Daoxianghu School in Haidian District, Beijing to illustrate the STEAM activity.


    Building a knowledge system for STEAM activities

Unlike traditional classrooms, the STEAM learning system is not unilaterally set by teachers, but jointly generated by teachers and students. Therefore, when designing activities, teachers should fully consider the interdisciplinary nature of STEAM activities, jump out of the knowledge and cognitive limitations of their own subjects, attract teachers from more subject areas to join the activities, and enthusiastically embrace the various novel ideas of students. Therefore, creating a learning community that connects teachers, students, teachers and students, teachers and students, schools, and even schools and experts will maximize the efficiency of STEAM learning.

When designing future urban learning activities, we first combined the interdisciplinary nature of STEAM, contacted teachers in science, technology, art, and other fields, and jointly designed a learning list from the perspective of a learning guide.

At the same time, we also used parental resources to establish contact with architectural design experts outside the school, and organized the architectural knowledge recommended by the experts in the electronic learning platform and updated it at any time to ensure that students can learn relevant knowledge of architecture at any time during the progress of the project.

Of course, this knowledge is not instilled in the students at the beginning of the project, but integrated into the whole process of future urban design and production. In order to allow students to truly become masters of learning, we have consciously preserved the link of student-generated knowledge, opened an online forum for students to discover points of interest in the process of advancing the project, and guided students to self-study. For example, when we were selecting the site of the future city, a student showed a black and white photo of a valley in the Himalayas 100 years ago. Today, 100 years later, when humans come to the same location again, they are surprised to find that the former valley has become a lake. It turns out that in the past 100 years, the temperature of the earth has continued to rise, causing the glaciers in the Himalayas to melt and form a new water source. Inspired by this event, the students were bold and innovative, and quickly thought of whether the Tianshan glacier in Xinjiang would also melt in a few years. If the glacier melts, some former deserts will also become oases. After this novel idea was born, the students thought of the ancient city of Loulan, which is a splendid and mysterious city in history. But the knowledge of Loulan ancient city is poorly understood by both students and teachers. Therefore, while exploring, the students expanded their knowledge of Loulan’s history, culture and other humanities.


    Lay the theoretical foundation for STEAM activities

As another important activity of STEAM, research is of great significance. What we study, how we study it, and what effect we expect to achieve should be deeply considered in the activity design. The famous educator Dewey proposed a five-step method of inquiry teaching, which we combined with STEAM education practice, and gradually formed four main steps of research: setting goals, asking questions, researching materials, and forming reports.

Setting goals: teachers and students have discussed and agreed on goals around a common theme. For example, by analyzing the content of the project and combining our understanding of climate and future cities, we have formulated 4 goals: 1. Our city needs to cope with various extreme climates, such as very hot or very cold; 2. Find specific measures for each city to adapt to climate change or extreme weather; 3. Present the project in the best way within a limited time; 4. Let our design have more Chinese elements.

Ask questions: After the goal is clear, organize students to ask specific questions to facilitate further research. The questions raised by students may be imaginative or very focused. As the guide of learning activities, teachers should help students sort out and categorize the problems, and gradually combine the questions with the research content. We use online learning platforms to collect and organize various questions raised by students, such as: What is climate change? What is the problem of global warming? What problems will climate change bring to cities? What are some cases of cities addressing climate issues? What are the impacts of climate change in the cities we live in? Which infrastructure is vulnerable to climate change? Which groups of people in cities are vulnerable to climate change? In addition to climate change, what other development problems do cities face? What would be the main form of energy in the future? Where was Loulan? How could Loulan be made unique?… These questions were not preset by the teachers, but were constantly generated during the activities.

Research materials: Research materials help to solve problems more efficiently, and citing authoritative materials will make research more convincing. We guide students to use tools such as Baidu Academic and Wanfang Database to search for topics, issues and content that need to be researched, download relevant literature materials, extract valuable content for research, and form their own database. Standing on the shoulders of giants, research can be meaningful and generate their own innovations. The students found some famous climate change response cases by searching the data, such as Copenhagen’s liveable city, London’s green city, Rotterdam’s climate protection city, New York’s resilient city, Singapore’s sustainable development city… At the same time, when the students searched the response measures of various cities, they also found the powerful drainage system of the Forbidden City – Qianlong Spitting Water. Drawing on the wisdom of the ancients, the students introduced this concept into the design of drainage pipes in future cities, so that the designed city has both the resilience of a sponge city and strong Chinese elements in the face of severe rainstorms.

Form a report: The report is an important form of research and a vehicle for testing the quality of the research. The report can be a thesis, a manuscript with pictures and texts, or a vivid video. Considering the professionalism of this research, we asked the students to write a research paper in a collaborative manner, specifying how to plan and design this future Loulan New Town to deal with climate change. After thorough research and consensus, the students have laid a solid theoretical foundation and pointed out the direction for the next action.


    Exercise mobility for STEAM activities

Creation requires students to apply the concept of engineering management and put ideas into practice in combination with the presentation of goals, so as to form works that carry research ideas. Creation is also an important way to move from theory to practice. How to guide students to create scientifically tests the level of teachers’ activity design. Our usual practice is to be driven by project goals and ask students to make physical objects such as models, posters or display boards. In the process of creation, we use project reports as management tools to promote the orderly progress of the project. In the process of promoting future urban design, we use the form of making urban models, which can exercise students’ literacy in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics in all directions.

Making a model of a city requires students to master various tools, materials, and model-making techniques. In addition to providing students with various tool brackets during the learning process, students will also have various specific problems to analyze and solve in the actual creative process, such as students wanting to build complex terrain, want to make a technology-filled shuttle gate, want to design a rotating device, and so on. These specific problems require everyone to learn, explore, and explore together, and there is no existing plan for everyone to learn from. Therefore, teachers should pay special attention to the creative process and require students to strictly check the innovation, aesthetics, science, and technology of the work. Only through a rigorous creative process can students have a truly meaningful project experience and harvest.


    Verify the level of practice in STEAM activities

Presentation is an important form of sharing and evaluation of STEAM activities. Students present the project works, relevant background materials, project advancement process, ideas, plans, etc. in the form of drama, defense or demonstration. Display activities need to reserve enough time for students to fully prepare.

We mainly used the form of drama, and the students wrote their own scripts. After 100 years, a professor went to Loulan New Town to open a branch school, interacted with tour guides and waiters, and finally realized the city’s futuristic sense and the story of scientific design. The whole drama performance was close to 7 minutes, and the students not only refined the design highlights of the future city, but also fully expressed the ideas and ideas in the project, which played a crucial role in exercising and improving students’ comprehensive literacy and teachers mastering the specific gains of students in the activities.


    Sublimate the Knowledge Connotation of STEAM Activities

Demonstration is not the end of STEAM activities. To form a perfect closed loop, there should also be a reflection session. Reflection requires not only students to review and summarize the project, but also teachers to seriously reflect on the development of the entire activity, so that knowledge can be sublimated and students can think and act. Generally, we will strike while the iron is hot after the demonstration session, so that students can form written reflections, which will help to improve the connotation of knowledge.

In short, STEAM activities are carefully designed by teachers and generated by students. There must be a complete design process so that the activities can be carried out smoothly, and there must be independent generation by students to make the projects more creative. When teachers design activities from the perspective of complete closed-loop STEAM activities, students’ learning will become more autonomous and efficient, and most importantly, real learning will happen.

(The author’s unit is Daoxianghu School, Haidian District, Beijing)

"China Education News" September 8, 2023, 6th edition 

Chen Kexin, Zhou Dongyu, Rong Zishan… How about their new works?

1905 movie network news 2020 is already halfway through, and the good news is getting closer and closer.


In the second quarter, a number of new films were officially filed for approval.

There are such works that have been completed.

There are finished films like "Crime Partners" that will be shown at the film festival;

There are even more works that are being filmed.


Overall, these positive news offer us countless hopes.


According to the public information of the State Film Administration’s filing and project approval in the second quarter of 2020, there are 755 story films in the country, including 630 modern themes (after 49 years) and 125 historical themes (before 49 years).


There are 49 animated films and 32 recorded films in the country. At the same time, among the Sino-foreign co-productions accepted by the Film Bureau, 9 projects were approved.


Overall, the number of filings has increased compared to the last quarter (Quarter 1 2020). So, what movies are we looking forward to in the future movie market?


"Me and My Hometown"

The film "My Hometown and Me" follows the successful model of inviting multiple filmmakers to participate in the creation.


The film is directed by Zhang Yimou, Ning Hao as the general director, Zhang Yibai as the general planner, Xu Zheng, Ning Hao, Yan Fei & Peng Damo, Deng Chao & Yu Baimei, and Chen Sicheng. The five groups will form a director lineup, presenting a relaxed and enjoyable comedy.


Fu Ruoqing, general manager and vice chairperson of China Film joint stock company and chairperson of Huaxia Film Distribution Co., Ltd., has revealed that "Me and My Hometown" will be a film that shows the results of a well-off society in an all-round way.

Compared with last year’s "My Motherland and Me", which focused on history, this new work will presumably also promote patriotism and the Chinese dream in the new era through a more life-like approach.

"Home at One"

After completing the screenwriting of "Winning" and "Winning", Zhang Ji quickly handed over a new work – "Home at One Point".


The film will live broadcast, poverty reduction and other new era cultural elements into one, China film joint stock company general manager, vice chairperson Fu Ruoqing has revealed that the film will show the results of building a well-off society in an all-round way, originally planned to be released in 2020 National Day file.


It is worth noting that another screenwriter of the film, Zhou Yunhai, has participated in Chen Kexin’s production of "Demon Ringling". At the same time, the first producer of the film is the main producer of Chen Kexin’s past works – Jiaying Pictures.


According to the group information exposed on the Internet, Chen Kexin will serve as the producer of the film, and it will be launched in Yunnan in late June. At present, the starring information has not been announced yet.

"Moses on the Plain"

The movie was officially completed in early June.


The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Shuang Xuetao. The content of the novel is more like a group portrait of Northeast China spanning nearly 20 years from the 1980s and 1990s to the early 21st century, reflecting a corner of Shenyang’s social life at that time.


Zhang Ji, as a rookie director, is quite a challenge.

Fortunately, Shuangxuetao himself served as the artistic director, and director Diao Yinan, who was good at crime suspense films, was in charge of the production. He believed that he could serve everyone with a "peace of mind pill".


Of course, for this movie, casting is also crucial.


According to the current "Reuters", Li Fei’s character is likely to be completed by Zhou Dongyu alone (no young actors will be arranged), which also means that the age span of the roles she needs to play is very large.

Judging from her performance in China, she really interpreted this girly feeling very well.


The same is true for Liu Haoran, who has always been a teenager.

Of course, Zhuang Shu has a 12-year age span in the movie, which poses another acting challenge for him.


"Hua Qiangu"

The film has attracted much attention and skepticism since its inception.


The film is adapted from the drama version, and many people have paid special attention to the casting issue. Previously, some industry insiders broke the news that the heroine was intentionally selected from Guan Xiaotong, Di Lizheba, and others.

Afterwards, it was revealed that the hostess chose to lock in as Zheng Shuang.


For a time, Zheng Shuang’s fans publicly boycotted the project and raised many doubts about it, believing that the "Hua Qiangu" project would not benefit her career. At the same time, fans pointed out that the original novel was suspected of plagiarism and other issues.

Now, there are rumors that the heroine has been replaced by Chen Turin. It is false and true. Who will play the role in the end has to wait for the official announcement.

In the face of various controversies on the Internet, the filmmaker Tang Lijun responded in a long post on Weibo.


According to her, in the main creative lineup, producer Li Jinwen has served as the production director of the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Kung Fu", as well as the producer of films such as "Di Renjie’s Tongtian Empire"; director Zhang Chaoli has participated in the "Ip Man", "October Siege", "Journey to the West", "Dear", "Monster Hunt" and other films, and the hit drama "I will wait for you in the future" is also one of his works.


With her long words, the audience hopes that "Hua Qiangu" will be "a high-quality and positive-energy good movie".


"Partners in Crime"

In the recently announced FIRST Youth Film Festival finalists, this "partner in crime" appears in the film list.


The director of the film, Gao Han, is a young director who stands out in the "2018 Penguin Film and Television Green Dream Director Support Program", and director Gao Qunshu is responsible for the production of this film.


"Partners in Crime" was inspired by a kidnapping case.

After 20 years of unremitting efforts, Chen Hanzhong, Dong Feng and his colleagues finally cracked a drug trafficking case covered up by a pyramid scheme organization. They established a strong friendship and witnessed the rapid development of public security criminal investigation technology in our country during the long process of solving the case.


At the same time, the film takes a lot of brushstrokes to describe the northwest environment, projecting the case story and characters’ emotions into the unique temperament of the northwest city.


"Country Girls Basketball Team"

Happy Twist has been very "enthusiastic" in the past six months. Quarter 1 has launched "Attack on Zheng Qian", and this time it has added a new work "Country Girls Basketball Team".


The film takes basketball as the starting point, focusing on a rural teacher and a basketball team composed of rural girls. From the synopsis of the plot, it may be a very inspirational story.


It is worth noting that this time the screenwriting team is not the fixed screenwriting lineup of Happy Twist in the past. One of the screenwriters, Saki Rengui’s past works, are mostly short films with realistic themes.


I wonder if this movie will eventually be an original "happy twist" work, or will it become its transformation work?


"The Boy Who Disappeared in the Old Street"

When "The Boy Who Disappeared in the Old Street" was announced, more viewers may be concerned about the luxury producer group composed of Du Qifeng, Liu Guochang, You Naihai and Zhu Shuyi.


But with the explosion, it may be possible to refocus on this film starring Rong Zishan.

It is understood that the film has been completed, and it was originally planned to meet the audience this year. I don’t know what arrangements will be made in the future.

"When Love"

Let the audience know the female director – Su Lun.


After two years, the new work "When Love" has finally been approved.

From the filing unit, it seems that this time Su Lun did not cooperate with Xu Zheng again, but chose to cooperate with Chen Zhixi, the producer of "Animal World".

At the same time, it can be seen from Tianyancha that the two also jointly founded Sweet Orange Films. I wonder what chemical effects will there be when these two female filmmakers cooperate?


From the perspective of the film’s synopsis, this "When Love", like its predecessor, will still be a female-oriented emotional film.


"Behind the Scenes Winner"

After the "embarrassing" series, Xu Zheng wants to create a "behind-the-scenes" series?


Written by director Ren Pengyuan, "Behind the Scenes Winner" tells the story: Chen Zhijian, as Chief Sales Officer, participates in a business bid, but accidentally falls in love with the female director of a rival company. At the same time, other competitors are also eager. In the face of career and love, he will know where to go.

The most anticipated thing is that this new "behind-the-scenes winner" will continue to feature Xu Zheng as the male lead?



After "Peerless" won both the market and word of mouth, Zhuang Wenqiang finally brought a new work – "Goldfinger".


The story tells that in the 1980s, the Hong Kong-listed company Gali Group went from rise to liquidation in a few years, and its chairperson Cheng Yiyan turned from a shareholder idol to a rat crossing the street. The Independent Commission Against Corruption investigated across borders, evaporating tens of billions of market value, 15 years of investigation, 200 million litigation fees, the entire upper class, and several murders, uncovering the dark scene of the business stage in the British colonial era.


In recent years, anti-corruption works have been well received by the creative market, and the box office of the ICAC series "Anti-Corruption Storm" has been higher than that of the other films. Mak Zhaohui, who co-created "Infernal Affairs" and "Eavesdropping", also directed similar films.


This time, Zhuang Wenqiang also followed in the footsteps of Mak Zhaohui and joined the creation of the ICAC-themed film.


"The Legend of the Condor Hero: Nine Yin and White Bone Claw"

The news that Media Asia Pictures plans to shoot "The Legend of the Condor Hero" has been announced since 2017.


After the changes in the film industry’s internal senior management, the director was also replaced by Zhou Xianyang from the previous Chen Jia, but there was still no progress.

This time, this version of the movie was officially announced to the public, but in this story, the familiar Huang Rong and Guo Jing are no longer the focus, but Mei Chaofeng and Huang Yaoshi are the protagonists, creating a new way and attracting expectations.


"The Shadow Stealer"

The novel The Shadow Stealer is the masterpiece of French writer Marc Levy.


As early as 2016, when he came to China to promote his work, he held a conversation with producer Huang Bin, screenwriter Shi Hang, and others.

At the event, Mr. Huang announced that he was adapting the film, "The Shadow Stealer," which was originally scheduled for release in 2018 and was rumored to feature Mr. Huang and Ms. Zhao.


After many years, this work has not been seen with the audience. After successfully running the movie "The Best of Us", Huang Bin finally put the "Shadow Stealer" project on the itinerary.


How can he localize this French novel and adapt it into a Chinese story? We will wait and see.

In addition, Li Ruijun, the director of "Home in a Plenty of Water and Grass" and "Passing by the Future", has directed the new film "Hidden in Dust and Smoke";

"A Week of Friends" directed by the team of the movie "A Story More Sad Than Sadness";

The movie "First Close Contact" adapted from the novel of the same name by the ruffian Cai and the new work "From 1984" launched by Ning Hao’s "Bad Monkey 72 Movie Project" are also worthy of attention and expectation.

Break Zhou Xingchi Jackie Chan’s box office record! Who is Huang Zihua, the new "King of Hong Kong Films"?

Time Network News The increasingly silent Hong Kong movies have recently exploded again! The movie "Poisonous Tongue Lawyer" (Hong Kong title "Poisonous Tongue") officially broke through 100 million Hong Kong dollars in the first two days of Hong Kong box office, becoming the first Chinese movie in Hong Kong film history to have a box office of over 100 million. Legendary Hong Kong stars such as Stephen Chow and Jackie Chan did not achieve results at their peak, but this movie actually achieved it.

"Poisonous Tongue Lawyer" directed by Wu Weilun, Huang Zihua, **, Xie Junhao and other main *** a case of injustice evolved into a wrestling field between the legal profession, the powerful and the celebrities, and the lawyers pursued justice under many difficulties.

It is not accurate to say that the success of "Poisonous Tongue Lawyer" is completely unexpected, because just last year, the movie "Still Think You’re the Best" (Hong Kong film title "Food and Play"), which also starred Huang Zihua, achieved a good result of more than 70 million Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong, and the box office in the mainland also exceeded 100 million. For a small-budget love movie, it can be described as a remarkable achievement.

Huang Zihua starred in both popular movies. For this name, Cantonese-speaking audiences should hear it well, and even fans have given him the title of "Zihua God". For many non-Cantonese-speaking audiences, Huang Zihua’s name seems very unfamiliar. Who is this suddenly rising "King of Hong Kong Films"?

Huang Zihua was born on September 5, 1960 in Hong Kong, China. His professional identity is very diverse. He has worked as an actor, host, director, screenwriter, singer, and founder of Hong Kong Dongduxiao… As a movie actor, "The Poisonous Tongue Lawyer" and "Still Think You’re the Best" can be called Huang Zihua’s most successful works. In the field of TV dramas, Huang Zihua has already had a masterpiece. In the field of Dongduxiao he created, he has long been a memory of the times in Hong Kong.

Grandfather of Hong Kong Dongduxiao

In 1984, Huang Zihua graduated from university and returned to Hong Kong to apply for the TVB acting training class. But it just stopped that year, so he had to sign up for the only screenwriting class that TVB was still recruiting at that time, and decided to enter the industry from screenwriting and become an actor. After that, Huang Zihua joined the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Troupe, Commercial Radio, and served as a host and screenwriter on RTHK’s "Feature Youth" and "Sex is Good" programs.

By 1990, his career had not improved. Huang Zihua had the idea of retiring. But before retiring, Huang Zihua decided to arrange a wayward curtain call for himself.

Huang Zihua spent nine months writing a screenplay, the manuscript of Dong Duxiao. On the evening of August 30, 1990, in the cultural center’s venue, which can only accommodate more than 300 people, Huang Zihua began his first performance of Dong Duxiao’s "The History of Flesh and Flesh in the Entertainment Circle." A person’s monologue lasted more than 90 minutes, and the audience was thunderous with applause and laughter. Huang Zihua became popular in Cantonese and began his own era of Dong Duxiao.

The word "Dongduxiao" was invented by Huang Zihua, which is a paraphrase of English stand-up comedy. We now generally translate stand-up comedy as stand-up comedy. Dongduxiao inherits many elements of stand-up comedy and stand-up comedy, but it also has its own characteristics.

"Dong Tuk" is a Cantonese word that means "a person standing upright and motionless." In the daily context of Hong Kong people, "Dong Tuk" has a slightly derogatory meaning and is used to describe those who "stand where they do nothing, do nothing, and are stupid."

In the performance process, Dongduxiao usually adapts according to the interaction with the audience under the stage, and the topic is not fixed. Usually there is only a general framework, and the topic is constantly changed within the framework as the thinking changes, telling stories and expressing opinions. Dongduxiao pays great attention to the interactivity between the stage and the stage, and there will be many direct conversations between the performers and the audience, which are usually interspersed with various stage performances, such as dancing, singing, lottery, recitation, etc. In terms of content, Dongduxiao will use humorous language to criticize the current shortcomings, satirize current political figures, expose social phenomena, and reveal deep-seated human shortcomings, so that the audience can think about society and themselves in laughter, and gain something. It focuses on "thought-provoking" rather than simply entertaining for entertainment. The Shanghai-style Qingkou founded by Zhou Libo also has a shadow of Dongduxiao, which imitates Huang Zihua, and can be regarded as the mainland version of "Dongduxiao".

Huang Zihua received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from the University of Alberta in Canada back then. He also worked as a screenwriter and host. He was eloquent and humorous, and Dongduxiao became the most important stage for Huang Zihua’s acting career. Unfortunately, his Dongduxiao was performed in Cantonese, and the context was different, so it was difficult for Mandarin audiences to grasp the beauty of it. This is also an important reason why Huang Zihua has long been "a god" in Hong Kong, but is little known in the mainland.

Created the TVB ratings myth

After the success of the Dongduxiao performance, Huang Zihua’s development in the film and television industry has finally picked up.

In 2000, Huang Zihua and Zheng Yuling’s fashion situation comedy "Love between Men and Women" was broadcast on TVB, and the ratings were popular. The highest audience rating was as high as 50%. It is still one of TVB’s ratings myths.

"Love between Men and Women" tells the story of two people who were originally at opposite ends, walking together by mistake, and their complex and subtle emotional relationships have triggered a series of humorous and lighthearted stories.

The female lawyer Mao Xiaohui (Zheng Yuling, played) is a typical career-oriented woman who thinks highly of herself. Her love, which is proud of her career, is blank, and she is very much looking forward to the arrival of love when she is lonely. After returning from the trip, she saw that the company had undergone great changes. The boss arranged a loose and careless teacher, Yu Letian (Huang Zihua, played), to be her assistant. Although Xiaohui was extremely unwilling, she could not resist the boss’s instructions. Xiaohui thought that Lotte was a lower-level man than her, and Lotte could not stand Xiaohui’s arrogance and confidence, and became a grudge enemy. Finally, they lived together in the mansion sold by the boss due to debt. The bickering and bickering still kept happening. The two people with very different styles bickered all day long, triggering a humorous and funny story.

In the play, Huang Zihua plays Yu Letian, also known as Ah Lok, who grew up in the grassroots class and is a man of the market. He is full of wine and wealth. He is confused and tricky. In fact, he is a micro-observer, has a sense of justice, and has his own opinions. Although he is full of flowers on his lips on weekdays, his attitude towards love is firm and persistent. Started by the messenger, because he was naturally intelligent, he quickly rose to the position of master, but his work style and wisdom are different, so there were many jokes.

Interestingly, Huang Zihua in "Love of Men and Women" is a lawyer in the law firm, and now in "Poisonous Tongue Lawyer", Huang Zihua has finally become a barrister himself. In terms of personality, Lin Liangshui in "Poisonous Tongue Lawyer" is also very similar to Yu Letian in "Love of Men and Women" – lazy and unreliable on the surface, but very righteous in the bones. Both characters found Huang Zihua, which has to be said to be a kind of fate.

In 2013, Huang Zihua starred in the Hong Kong drama "My Lady Sheng", which was broadcast. The drama tells the story of Xiang Guangnan, who was named the "Cult Master". With his unique method, he brought out the advantages of the "Sheng Girl" who had no chance of falling in love, and was praised as the "Savior of the Sheng Girl".

Huang Zihua plays "Cult Master" Xiangguangnan in the play. He goes his own way, is careless, speaks tactfully and is funny, and sometimes acerbic. But he is kind-natured and indifferent on the surface, but in fact he often helps others secretly.

"My Lady" won Huang Zihua the Best Actor Award at the Thousand Star Awards Ceremony, which was the first time Huang Zihua had won an award in the industry after years in the industry. But even he thought he would win the award, so he didn’t even go to the award ceremony. When Zheng Yuling called to inform him of the award, he asked in astonishment: "How many vision gods are there?"

As an actor, Huang Zihua is not only good at funny and slick roles, but also handy in formal dramas. In early 2004, he came to the mainland to star in "Extraordinary Citizen", a historical drama about the last emperor Pu Yi. In the play, he played Pu Yi, Jiang Wenli, Qin Hailu and other mainland actors, and he did not violate the rules.

"Extraordinary Citizen" tells the story of different emotional entanglements and fates between Puyi and five women in the early years of the Republic of China, showing the unknown side of Puyi from an emperor to an ordinary citizen. In the play, Huang Zihua successfully performed different aspects of Puyi as an emperor, puppet and citizen.

"I Still Think You’re the Best" became popular in both places

In the field of film, Huang Zihua is a bit of a late bloomer. Although he starred in many classic Hong Kong films in his early years, many of them appeared as supporting roles. Audiences recognize plays but not people.

As a creator with ideas, Huang Zihua has also tried to direct and act. For example, "A Mosquito Chicken Bodyguard" and "What Generation of Grandmasters" and other works. Some of these films have good box office, while others have less than ideal box office. For example, "A Mosquito Chicken Bodyguard" only 118,000 Hong Kong dollars at the box office, and another comedy "Life is Happy" directed by Huang Zihua. Even the Hong Kong box office is only 51,000 Hong Kong dollars. Huang Zihua sometimes mocks himself as "box office poison".

In addition, just by looking at the title of the film, you can see that most of these works carry a strong Cantonese imprint, so most of them are not well known to mainland audiences.

The work that really introduced Huang Zihua to mainland audiences was last year’s "Still Think You’re the Best". The film became a hit in Hong Kong and the mainland, and it won hundreds of millions of box office at a cost of several million. Mainland audiences finally saw the possibility of Hong Kong films beyond the familiar faces of Koo Tianle, Andy Lau, Guo Fucheng and others.

The release of "Poisonous Tongue Lawyer" may be another test of Huang Zihua’s mainland audience. If "Poisonous Tongue Lawyer" is also recognized by the mainland market, Huang Zihua may have to create a miracle of 60 + becoming popular.

Autonavi map pioneered "good route" Shenzhen was the first to go online, and the optimal navigation received orders, effectively reducing empty driving

  On July 12, Shenzhen’s patrol network integration platform "Shenzhen Rental" recently launched the "Good Route" function, providing taxi drivers with higher predicted income route navigation. According to the recommended route, drivers can quickly connect to the service network to book orders and cruise orders, reducing the empty rate of taxis. It is estimated that using the "Good Route" recommended order route can reduce empty driving by up to 25 minutes per day.

  "Good Route" is an innovative feature developed by Autonavi Map for the taxi industry. Unlike traditional online booking routes, "Good Route" integrates the predicted order volume of online booking orders and recruitment orders. Based on the navigation ability of Autonavi map, it provides the taxi industry with the navigation ability of the optimal order route and improves the operation efficiency of the taxi industry. While increasing the income for drivers, it further unleashes the service advantage of car rental waving and stopping, and enhances the service ability of the industry. This function was first launched in Shenzhen, making "Shenzhen Rental" the first network integration platform in the country that uses digital technology to serve both online and offline taxi demand.

  At present, with the increasing popularity of mobile phone hailing, the taxi industry has gradually built online service entrances to achieve network reduction. However, taxis carry the function of urban public services, and the service characteristics of beckoning and stopping are still irreplaceable. Han Biao, director of the China Institute of Transportation Economics at Shenzhen University, believes that if the cruise car is only "online" but not "patrol", and the demand for disadvantaged group travel cannot be met, it will reduce the social auxiliary force of the cruise car. Good network integration should take into account the travel needs of online car-hailing and roadside recruitment.

  As the country’s first pilot city for taxi "patrol network integration", Shenzhen continues to upgrade the service capabilities of the taxi industry. In 2020, under the guidance of the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau, the Shenzhen Taxi Association and Autonavi Taxi jointly created the official platform for patrol network integration "Shenzhen Rental", which has served more than 22 million passengers.

  Zheng Yongzhi, executive vice president and secretary general of Shenzhen Taxi Association, introduced that since May 2020, when it was connected to the Autonavi platform, the digital transformation of Shenzhen’s taxi industry has been fruitful. Nearly 40,000 cruise taxi drivers have settled in "Shenzhen Rental", achieving 100% online. Online orders have increased drivers’ income and injected new impetus into the integrated development of Shenzhen cruise taxis. (Source: Shenzhen Business Daily)

Andy Lau revealed that he was a "nympho" and called Gong Li "Xiaomi".

group photo of the main creator

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Gong Li was called "big sister" Andy Lau said "I know a woman’s heart"

        Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia’s memoir/Xie Yawei) On July 14, the remake of "I Know a Woman’s Heart" from the Hollywood movie held its first media meeting in Beijing. Director Chen Daming and two heavyweight stars, Andy Lau and Gong Li, as well as creators such as Yuan Li, Hu Jing, Chen Zhipeng, Anya, Pan Shuangshuang, and Zhu Zhu, all appeared. Andy Lau and Gong Li are collaborating for the first time, and they are already very familiar with each other. Andy Lau, who originally called Gong Li his sister, actually gave each other the nickname "Xiaomi". Andy Lau’s role this time has the magical "mind reading". For this reason, he kept chatting with every actress on the set to find a feeling for shaping the role. Self-deprecation was regarded as a "nympho" by others.

Gong Li

Andy Lau

Andy Lau revealed the means of chasing women, self-deprecating and becoming "nymphomaniac"

        Andy Lau played a man with a magical "mind reading" in "I Know Women’s Hearts", and he could hear the thoughts of any woman around him clearly. He dealt with several women, so he was nicknamed "Flower Heart Great Robb". However, for this title, Andy Lau did not agree. "In the film, I just divorced my wife and was in a very empty stage, so he wanted to find women to fill the void in his heart, but he was sincere to each one." Saying that, Andy Lau also accidentally revealed his means of chasing girls, "I think sincerity can impress women, and this is how I chase girls."

        Andy Lau can be called a "heartthrob", with female fans of all ages, and even many actresses are crazy about it. Unexpectedly, he mocked himself as a "nymphomaniac". It turned out that in order to find the feeling of the characters in the film, Andy Lau became a "talker", specializing in chatting with women. "In the film, I can read women’s minds. I keep chatting with actresses on the set every day, and I keep chatting. If I understand more, I can act like a nymphomaniac. Others almost treat me as a’nymphomaniac ‘." To Andy’s disappointment, although he was very enthusiastic, it was still difficult for everyone to tell him what was in their hearts, which made him feel that it was really difficult for girls to understand.

Andy Lau, Gong Li
Andy called Gong Li "Xiaomi" and couldn’t guess what was on her mind

        Andy Lau and Gong Li were working together for the first time. For Andy, it was very stressful to work with Gong Li, "I wanted to work with her for a long time, so I was very nervous when I first met her." When a media reporter asked why Andy was so reserved when standing with Gong Li at the scene, Andy Lau laughed, "Because there were so many people, when it was just the two of us, but she was afraid of me." Obviously, the cooperation for a period of time has made the two very familiar, and even the name has changed. "I used to call her Sister Gong Li, but now I have changed and call her’Xiaomi ‘."

        Playing a man who can "read minds", Andy Lau was asked to guess Gong Li’s mind at the scene, and Andy said without hesitation, "She definitely wants the press conference to end as soon as possible, so that she can continue filming." Unexpectedly, Gong Li said bluntly, "In fact, he guessed wrong, I want to go to the filming quickly, because Andy is leaving tonight, I have to hurry up and spend more time with him." A sentence made Andy Lau laugh and quickly said, "You didn’t give me your phone number, but I still asked the crew for your phone number, and I will contact you more in the future." The two of them said each other, which made the atmosphere of the press conference more relaxed.

Andy Lau, Gong Li

The film remakes a Hollywood classic, Andy Lau was "abandoned"

        In addition to joining the two superstars, the film also brings together Yuan Li, Hu Jing, Chen Zhipeng and other stars. Hu Jing, who plays Andy Lau’s ex-wife in the film, admits that the role is very enjoyable for her. "This character embodies a new concept, that love and marriage can be separated, and if the person you love cannot give a sense of security, two people do not have to get married. As a result, I’abandoned ‘Andy Lau in the film and found a foreigner to marry." Chen Zhipeng plays Andy Lau’s subordinate, who adores the countless "picking up girls" tricks of "idols". When it comes to the role, Yuan Li only revealed that she is a party in a love story with a triangular relationship. The person she loves loves someone else, and the other details insist that everyone go to the cinema to see what happens.

        "I Know a Woman’s Heart" remakes the Hollywood classic "100% Men" starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunter, telling a wonderful love story from the office. Andy Lau plays a handsome, suave and conceited white-collar worker in the film. The typical male chauvinism makes him prejudiced against most women, and the new "boss" Gong Li, her bossy makes Andy Lau angry but unable to attack. There are many contradictions between the two. Lau Dehua, who was ruthlessly ridiculed by the female boss, is at a loss, but finds that he has a magical "mind reading" overnight, and he can hear the thoughts of any woman around him clearly… The film is a workplace magic love comedy, expected to be released on Valentine’s Day 2011.

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