
Spring at 30℃! Will it be very hot this summer? Expert response

Recently, the weather has heated up violently, and many places have "run into the spring". On March 6, more than 20 national meteorological observatories broke through the historical extreme value of the highest temperature in early March. The National Climate Center predicts that this spring, compared with previous years, the temperature in most parts of China is generally higher and the precipitation is less, with the temperature in most parts of the north being 1 ~ 2℃ higher.

It’s so warm and hot in March, does it mean that this summer will encounter extreme high temperature as long as last year?

Screenshot source: The temperature of China Weather Network will soar to a recent high point, and the rare warm and hot weather in many places or in the central and eastern regions is continuing. On March 7, the temperature of 102 weather stations has exceeded the record in early March.

Today and tomorrow (March 9-10), the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will rise to the recent high point, especially in the northeast to the south of the Yangtze River. Changchun, Shenyang, Hohhot, Jinan, Hefei and other cities may record the warmest in the same period in early March.

Before this, warm heat has already appeared. Since February, the average temperature in many parts of the country has been higher than normal. Recently, from March 1 to 7, the temperature in Northeast China, Northeast Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Henan and other places was also very high. Chengdu’s "heat rises to a new height"

On March 8, at 14: 30, the average temperature in Chengdu was 25.5℃. At 16: 00, the highest temperature in the city appeared at 28℃ in Qingbaijiang, a record high this year. From 9℃ in the morning to 28℃ in the afternoon, Chengdu ushered in the day of disorderly dressing.

Not only in Chengdu, at 14: 00 on March 8, the temperatures in Leshan, Ya ‘an, Ziyang, Guangyuan and Deyang all exceeded 25℃.

It’s so hot now, does it mean it will be very hot in summer? Last summer, it cast a shadow on many people. At the beginning of March this year, China experienced a rare warm heat. Looking at the current situation, some friends are worried that this means that this summer will also encounter extreme high temperatures for a long time.

"The current warmth and coldness are not necessarily directly related to the temperature in summer." Hu Xiao, chief meteorologist of China Weather Network, said. Simply put, we can’t judge the heat and cool in the longer summer by the abnormal hot and cold wave process now. Moreover, in summer, there will be high temperature in the area affected by subtropical high, and the edge of subtropical high is usually full of rain. For such a huge weather system as subtropical high, it is difficult for us to predict whether it will affect a place for a long time or whether it will swing, which is the difficulty of climate prediction.

However, we can also see from the recent abnormal warm heat that extreme weather and climate events are increasing under the background of climate warming, and this trend is irreversible. Take the La Ni? a event, which is the most important event affecting our climate, even though the "triple La Ni? a" appeared in the past three years, its impact fluctuated greatly. For example, last year, the Yangtze River basin suffered from extremely high temperature and little rain, but in 2020, the Yangtze River basin suffered from floods. This year is destined to be a year of change. According to the forecast of the World Meteorological Organization, La Nina will end in early spring, and it may even turn from neutral to El Ni? o event in May and June. "For this summer, we may encounter uneven distribution of droughts and floods, and extreme weather will still occur frequently." Everyone should pay attention to the latest news released by the National Climate Center. At the beginning of this year, the National Climate Center just organized a group of experts to make an annual forecast. According to the preliminary results, there may still be some persistent high temperature phenomena in the southern region this year, so the "hot" phenomenon will definitely exist. However, the specific intensity, scope and influence need to wait until the end of March and the beginning of April, and a group of experts will be specially organized to predict, analyze and judge the summer climate. The temperature in most areas such as Sichuan Basin will drop by 6~10℃. Whether there will be extreme high temperature this summer is unknown, but it is true that it will cool down this weekend! According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, from 10th to 12th, strong cold air will continue to move eastward, affecting most parts of China. There are 4~6 grades and 7~9 grades of northerly winds in the eastern part of northwest China and most parts of central and eastern China.There will be dust in the northwest and parts of North China; There is little to moderate rain and snow in northeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern and northern parts of Northeast China, small to moderate rain in Sichuan Basin, Huanghuai, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, northern South China, Guizhou and eastern Yunnan, and there is heavy rain or rainstorm in the local area; The temperature in most of the above areas will drop by 6~10℃, and the local temperature will drop by 12~16℃.

Trend of temperature in Sichuan in the next 7 days:

Rainfall in Sichuan in the next 3 days:

Tips: The cooling rain is coming, so please increase or decrease your clothes in time according to the actual weather conditions.

Cover News Synthesis @ China Weather, Central Meteorological Observatory, Chengdu Meteorology, @ Sichuan Meteorology


Why is the weather complicated and changeable in spring?

Strong winds in the north, severe cooling, rain and snow weather, regional heavy rain and strong convective weather in the south … The forecast of the Central Meteorological Observatory shows that from April 1, China has ushered in the largest range of heavy rain and snow weather this year, and a large-scale precipitation process has occurred in the central and eastern regions. On April 2, the Central Meteorological Observatory successively issued a blue rainstorm warning and a blue severe convective weather warning. Why is the weather complicated and changeable in spring? Meteorologists interpreted it.
Fang Yi, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said that the heavy rain and snow weather process mainly has two characteristics: wide range of precipitation, high intensity and superposition of various disastrous weather. "From April 1 to 5, the land area with accumulated precipitation above 100 mm will reach 230,000 square kilometers, which is the largest heavy rain and snow weather process this year."
Sun Jun, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said that April 2-4 is the main period of precipitation and strong winds. In terms of precipitation, from April 2 to 5, there were moderate to heavy snow or sleet in eastern Gansu, Ningxia, northern Hebei and central and eastern Inner Mongolia, and there were blizzards or heavy blizzards in central Inner Mongolia. The main snowfall period was April 2 to 3; There are moderate to heavy rains in the southeastern part of Northwest China, the eastern part of Southwest China, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, South China, Huanghuai and the southern part of Northeast China. There are heavy rains in parts of Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Guangdong and Fujian, and there are local heavy rains. The main rainfall period is from April 2 to 4.
In terms of gale cooling, on April 2, cold air mainly affects northwest China and Inner Mongolia, on April 3, it affects the western part of Northeast China, northern North China, Huanghuai and Jianghan, and on April 4-5, it affects the central and eastern parts of Northeast China, North China, Jianghuai and the south. There will be 4 to 6 winds in the central and eastern regions, with gusts of 7 to 9; From April 2 to 5, the temperature in most parts of the north dropped by 6 to 10 degrees Celsius, and the temperature in the south dropped by 4 to 8 degrees Celsius.
"The land area with a temperature drop of more than 10 degrees Celsius is 940,000 square kilometers." Sun Jun said.
Sun Jun analyzed the causes of this weather process, which was mainly influenced by two weather systems, one was the cold air in the north, and the other was the Jianghuai cyclone from the south. The northern region is mainly affected by cold air. On the morning of April 2, cold air has reached the Hetao area to the eastern part of Gansu, and there are strong winds and cooling weather in Xinjiang, most of Gansu, western Inner Mongolia and Ningxia. Next, the cold air will continue to move eastward and southward, bringing strong winds and cool weather to most parts of the central and eastern regions. However, many places in the south are mainly affected by the Jianghuai cyclone, resulting in a regional rainstorm process.
Sun Jun said that as of April 2, the cold air and the Jianghuai cyclone had not met. Around April 4, the cold air moving eastward and southward will meet the growing Jianghuai cyclone. At that time, the confrontation between cold and warm air will lead to mixed strong convective weather including short-term heavy precipitation, strong wind and local hail, which will affect Henan, Hubei, Anhui and Hunan.
Recently, the weather in some areas has been cold and hot, and this time there has been a sharp drop in temperature. Is it a "cold spring"?
Fang Yi said that in meteorology, "cold in late spring" refers to a weather process in which the temperature drops rapidly in spring due to the influence of strong cold air, and a large range of crops are frozen due to warm before and cold after. "Late spring cold" usually appears from mid-March to April, which generally means that the average daily temperature in Jiangnan area is lower than 12 degrees Celsius for three consecutive days, or lower than 14 degrees Celsius for five consecutive days. As far as this process is concerned, because the temperature drop in the south of the Yangtze River is not severe, the temperature after cooling is close to the same period of the year, and it is unlikely that crops will be damaged by freezing in a large area, so it is unlikely to reach the standard of "late spring cold".
"Spring is the season when cold and warm air meet. The cold and warm air changes. When the cold air is strengthened, the temperature will decrease, but it is still in the process of gradually warming up. Therefore, it is normal for the weather to be cold and hot. The public needs to pay attention to the early warning information issued by the local meteorological department and adjust the dress in time according to the temperature change. " Fang said.
Our reporter Li Hongmei.
Source: People’s Daily

Spring full of mountains

  The scenery of Dahe Town in Tongzi County. Photo by Cheng Yong

  After a night of spring rain, Shan Ye, who had been sleeping for the whole winter, gradually stretched out. In the Dalou Mountain Range, spring is gradually sprouting in the mountains. On both sides of the road, there are peach blossoms, plum blossoms, camellia and rape blossoms … … The colors are intertwined with the green hills, just like a beautiful picture.

  We went to shi niu cun, Dahe Town, Tongzi County, Guizhou Province, to visit the 80-year-old afforestation model Weifafu. Starting from the county seat, the sky is already dawn. The car passed through the thick morning fog, passed the famous 72-way turn, and entered shi niu cun eastward. More than 300,000 Chinese fir trees planted by the Weifafu family grew on Daping Mountain at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters. The sun gradually dispels the morning fog. In the distance, the vast forest of Daping Mountain is as clean and green as washed in the spring sunshine.

  Along the mountain road, we walked into a green ocean. In the forest, the air is particularly fresh and cool, and the smell of flowers, trees and soil is everywhere. On a hillside, the old man in Weifafu was seen leaning over to pick up garbage in the forest with a bamboo basket on his back. When the old man saw us, he stopped what he was doing and came to shake hands with us with a smile. The old man is in high spirits and energetic, with a faint dew on his gray hair and grass clippings on his rubber shoes. His palm is wide and rough, with thick calluses.

  The sun shines obliquely on the straight fir trees from high places through the dense forest. A few birds are jumping on clusters of new leaves, twittering the news of spring.

  "You see, the tree, the bird came. When birds come, there are fewer insects. Bird droppings are rich in soil and trees are growing well. " The old man touched a stout fir tree and said happily.

  "Did you plant all these trees?"

  "More than that, there are more than 1,100 mu." The old man led us to a high place and pointed to the mountains in the distance: "These mountains are the farthest. If you walk, it will take a whole day to get there."

  I looked up and couldn’t see the farthest hill. It’s hard to imagine how hard it took Wei Fafu’s family to plant small saplings into today’s towering trees by shouldering their backs and walking dozens of miles of mountain roads.

  Speaking of afforestation, Wei Fafu has a lot to say. In 1950s and 1960s, due to excessive reclamation, the ecological environment of Daping Mountain was worrying. At that time, Wei Fafu often wandered alone on the mountain, looking at the barren mountain, listening to the mountain wind raging on the bare mountain, rolling up the dust all over the sky, and his heart seemed to be tightly pulled.

  In the spring of 1985, Wei Fafu, then the production team leader, decided to return the sloping farmland to plant trees. His decision was supported by his family. He applied to the village collective for contracting, signed a contract for greening barren hills, and received seedlings subsidized by the county forestry bureau.

  Since then, Wei Fafu’s family began to plant trees. In order to speed up the progress, Wei Fafu raced against time like clockwork. There is only one thought in his heart: "plant a variety of trees and turn the barren hills green as soon as possible."

  "Every day, at dawn, our family set off, and everyone was carrying hundreds of pounds of saplings. Two red marks were pulled out of the shoulders, and water bubbles were ground in a few days. The slope is steep and the road is far away. We only eat two meals a day, and the time saved is used to hurry. At the end of the day, the coat is often soaked with sweat, the pants are covered with dew, and the whole body is wet. " The old man still remembers the scene at that time.

  However, in the first spring, because of the serious soil erosion, low soil water storage capacity and lack of experience in planting trees, the planted trees only lived for a small part. Wei Fafu rallied and ran out of water, so they carried Mizukamiyama. He works in the forest for ten hours every day, and the action of planting trees is becoming more and more skillful. He scraped the soil with one hand and held the seedlings with the other, straightened the roots and carefully put the seedlings into the pit. Fir and pine seedlings are leafy and hard, and often prick their fingers, so he uses soft ant nest soil to stop bleeding and relieve pain. In summer and autumn, he went out early and went back to the forest to pull weeds. Even in the cold winter, he still patrols the mountain forest every now and then. After a year, he has worn out more than ten pairs of shoes. This year, the survival rate of saplings was as high as 90%.

  Speaking of the trick of planting trees, the old man smiled: "Planting trees is the same as being a man. The roots of saplings should be buried deeply and kept straight, so that they can easily take root in the earth."

  One minute, nine in charge. In order to afforest, he opened up a 10-mu nursery, and some seedlings were self-sufficient. He also set up a brick and tile factory to exchange all the bricks produced with villagers for working hours, so as to increase the labor input for planting trees. Winter goes and spring comes, year after year. Ten years later, with the efforts of Wei Fafu, the barren hills of Daping Mountain gradually became green, and the once-cut mountain spring water was restored, which solved the problem of drinking water and irrigation for local villagers.

  Someone once offered Wei Fafu a high price to transfer the forest, but Wei Fafu refused. He said: "for so many years, I have done it for green mountains and green rivers. Trees are my children. Trees are more important than money." In thirty-seven years, under his careful care, the mountain forest has never suffered a mountain fire. Today, the old man still insists on going to the Woods every season. The time with the tree became an indispensable part of his life.

  His contribution is gradually known to more people. He won back the honors of Guizhou moral model and Guizhou labor model. Now he still has a wish, and that is to join the Communist Party of China (CPC) as soon as possible. In May 2021, 79-year-old Wei Fafu submitted an application for joining the Party, which is the oldest applicant in shi niu cun’s history.

  In the distance, the breeze is Xu Lai, and the green waves are rippling in the forest. Listen, the branches and leaves rustle in the wind, as if the castle peak is greeting the old man.

Eat glutinous rice balls or Yuanxiao on Lantern Festival? Visiting: Handmade Lantern Festival is shaken out like this.

"When making Yuanxiao, you should first make the stuffing, dip it in water, and then throw it into a basket full of glutinous rice flour and shake it. <a

When making Yuanxiao, you should first make the stuffing, dip it in water, and then throw it into a basket full of glutinous rice flour and shake it. Zhongxin. com Wu Tao photo

  Beijing, March 1 (Reporter Qiu Yu) The Lantern Festival is the first important festival after the Spring Festival. People enjoy lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns, and of course, they eat Yuanxiao or Tangyuan.

  Some people like to make homemade Yuanxiao or glutinous rice balls, eat them fresh, and have more choices in the taste of stuffing. So, how is Yuanxiao made? What’s the difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan?

  How is Yuanxiao made?

  On February 27th, Master Yu Bojun of Daoxiang Village in Beijing showed the process of shaking Yuanxiao in a sales department.

  When making Yuanxiao, you should first make the stuffing, dip it in water, and then throw it into a basket full of glutinous rice flour and shake it. Then dip it in water, continue to roll the glutinous rice flour, and repeat it many times to make it gradually round and bigger.

Yu Bojun dipped the stuffing in water and prepared to throw it into a basket filled with glutinous rice flour. Zhongxin. com Li Jinlei photo

  "In the process of shaking, let the Yuanxiao fully collide, so that the glutinous rice flour can stick more firmly. The whole process takes about 15 minutes when making by hand, and the weight of each Yuanxiao is about 25 grams." Yu Bojun said.

  According to him, the glutinous rice flour used to shake Yuanxiao is made of stone grinding technology, which can retain the nutrients and natural fragrance of glutinous rice to the maximum extent. The glutinous rice dumplings shaken out have high viscosity and are soft and strong to eat.

  Homemade dumplings and sweet dumplings are favored.

  Yu Bojun’s live show attracted many Beijing residents to watch.

  "Now shake Yuanxiao see less and less. This kind of Lantern Festival is fresh. I want to buy some and try it to see if it has an old flavor. " A woman in her fifties and sixties said.

"Yu Bojun's live show attracted many Beijing residents to watch. <a

Yu Bojun’s live show attracted many Beijing residents to watch. Zhongxin. com Li Jinlei photo

  This Lantern Festival, everyone’s enthusiasm for making Yuanxiao and Tangyuan is not low. According to the data provided by JD.COM to the reporter of Zhongxin. com, the sales amount of glutinous rice flour increased by more than 80% in the early period of Lantern Festival.

  The data shows that young and middle-aged people and female users prefer homemade Yuanxiao and glutinous rice balls, and the consumption of glutinous rice flour accounts for a high proportion. Specifically, the consumption amount of female consumers accounts for 69%, and the consumption amount of the 26-45 age group accounts for 77%.

  New tastes are more popular with young people.

  The tastes of Yuanxiao and Tangyuan are getting richer and richer. The reporter visited a number of supermarkets in Xicheng District of Beijing and found that in addition to traditional fillings such as red bean paste and black sesame, new flavors such as roses, blueberries and chocolate are not uncommon.

  "Most of the people who buy new flavors of Yuanxiao or Tangyuan are young people. From the perspective of sales, traditional tastes still dominate." A supermarket staff member said.

"The stuffing used in making Yuanxiao. <a

Stuffing used in making Yuanxiao. Zhongxin. com Wu Tao photo

  Yu Bojun said that sweet-scented osmanthus, hawthorn and buttered cocoa are more popular among young people, and yellow rice and calcium milk, yellow rice and red dates, longan and yellow rice, brown sugar and walnut fillings are the new flavors this year.

  According to the data of JD.COM, post-90s prefer fruit stuffing, mixed flavor and fresh meat stuffing, post-80s prefer mixed flavor, fruit stuffing and peanut stuffing, post-70s like bean paste, black sesame stuffing and peanut stuffing, while post-60s like bean paste, fresh meat stuffing and black sesame stuffing.

  Extension &mdash; &mdash;

  What’s the difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan?

  China is known as "Yuanxiao in the north and Tangyuan in the south". What’s the difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan?

  Guo Yaping, deputy director of the food factory of Beijing Daoxiangcun Food Co., Ltd., told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that the production technology of Yuanxiao and Tangyuan is different. Yuanxiao is "shaken" and Tangyuan is "wrapped".

"Data Map: After the boiled dumplings, the surface is smoother than Yuanxiao, and the soup is relatively clear.

Data map: After boiled, the surface of glutinous rice balls is smoother than Yuanxiao, and the soup water is relatively clear. Zhongxin. com Qiu Yu

  They also have different appearances. After the Lantern Festival is cooked, there will be a "velvet head" on the surface, that is, there will be floating powder on the surface. When the rice flour is cooked in the pot, the soup will be milky white. Yuanxiao expands rapidly after cooking, and its size is bigger than glutinous rice balls. The dumpling skin is made of dry glutinous rice flour and water into dough, and then wrapped with stuffing, which has better cohesion, smoother surface and clear boiled soup.

  In addition, from the taste point of view, Yuanxiao is more biting and has a prominent glutinous rice noodle flavor; Tangyuan is tender, smooth and soft, and the smell of glutinous rice is not obvious. (End)

Keep the sunshine in your heart and send the warmth like spring to the hearts of the masses.

  "Spring, son &hellip; &hellip; Hang in there and stand up &hellip; &hellip; Spring will definitely stand up &hellip; &hellip;” Wang Chunchun in the emergency room has stopped breathing, and his father, who is nearly eighty years old, is still mumbling.

  In the first line of anti-epidemic, I fought continuously and went deep into the jurisdiction for more than 20 days without stopping. On February 11th, Wang Chunchun, the fourth-level police chief of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau, Heilongjiang Province, who has been sticking to his post for more than 20 days, collapsed in his post because of overwork when he was performing the task of sealing and controlling in the community. He was only 32 years old and died unfortunately after being rescued.

  On February 16th, Zhao Kezhi, State Councilor and Minister of Public Security, signed an order to posthumously award Wang Chunchun the title of second-class hero of the national public security system.

  At most, check more than 2,500 clues a day.

  Since joining the public security work in December 2014, Wang Chunchun has served as a member of the patrol special police detachment of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau and a member of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch. He is currently the fourth-level sheriff and deputy director of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau. In 2016, he was awarded by the Municipal Public Security Bureau. In 2017 and 2018, he won personal third-class merit for two consecutive years. In 2017, he was rated as an outstanding civil servant.

  "Wang Chunchun is the representative of the police who fought in the front line of epidemic prevention in Qiqihar City. Their spirit of selfless dedication and selfless dedication is awe-inspiring." Gao Deyi, deputy mayor of Qiqihar City and director of the Public Security Bureau, said.

Wang Chunchun was in the process of sealing and controlling before his death. (data picture)

  In 2019, Wang Chunchun, who has been a police officer for five years, became the fourth-level police chief and deputy director of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau, and was responsible for eight communities including Shangpin Park and Jingxin Garden in the jurisdiction of the new site police station. After the outbreak of COVID-19, Wang Chunchun was mainly responsible for the inspection of about 200 buildings in eight communities. The front-line police force is tight. Wang Chunchun has to be on a 24-hour regular shift every three days. He usually has to shoulder the duties of a deputy shift and patrol the "nine small" places in his jurisdiction.

  During the epidemic period, every day, different units will push a large number of personnel information to the police station for verification and landing. The information provided is only the name and ID number, and one person’s information will correspond to multiple phone numbers. The police need to call one by one to ask about the household registration, time, purpose, residence, action track, peers, trains, fever symptoms and other information. When not out of the field, Wang Chunchun has been sitting in front of the computer in the office, checking information one by one, and tirelessly repeating "check &mdash; &mdash; Call &mdash; &mdash; At most, more than 2,500 clues have to be checked in one day.

  On one occasion, when Cui Hongyu, an auxiliary police officer, assisted Wang Chunchun to verify the information, he was upset by various negative emotions of the people on the phone, but Wang Chunchun took the phone and carefully and patiently verified it, without any confusion.

  Wang Chunchun knows that as a people’s policeman, it is his duty and mission to curb the spread of the epidemic, safeguard the country’s political security and social stability, and protect the lives and health of the people. On January 23, he sent his wife and 16-month-old son to his mother-in-law in Zhaozhou, Daqing, and set foot on the front line of the war "epidemic". From that day on, he didn’t go home for more than 20 days and always worked in the police station. "So I have no worries. Please rest assured that I will do all the competent work. " He said to the director Zhang Tiejun.

  On the New Year’s Eve, the community aunt sent a steaming bowl of jiaozi to Wang Chunchun in the police car: "Son, eat jiaozi wrapped in aunt’s bag, just like the New Year’s Eve dinner that mom made for you." Wang Chunchun ate jiaozi, thinking of her old mother who was ill in bed at home and her father’s bony back. Wang Chunchun said with tears: "Aunt, this is the most fragrant and fragrant jiaozi I have ever eaten in the New Year."

  A versatile worker and a pillar of business.

  In the new construction site police station, Wang Chunchun is recognized as the most capable community policeman and public security policeman. He has a versatile job and is the pillar of his business. Whether in the security and stability work, the special struggle to eliminate evils, or in handling public security cases and basic work at the grassroots level, he is always ahead.

  There is a work log on Wang Chunchun’s desk, which is full of architectural plans of the jurisdiction. Director Zhang Tiejun introduced that every time Wang Chunchun went out to visit, he would take this notebook with him, draw the floor plan of the building, analyze whether there were any potential safety hazards, and eliminate them with the masses in time. There are more than 2,000 households in the area under Wang Chunchun’s jurisdiction. He has been to every household, and the people in the jurisdiction know him. He always rushes to the first place in his work, and he ranks in the top five in the overall situation for three consecutive years.

  The story of Wang Chuntian serving the masses is endless. In August 2018, when Wang Chuntian visited the hardware market in his jurisdiction, some merchants reported that the hardware of the wire box in front of his store was stolen from time to time. Although the loss was not great, he had to find professionals to cut off power for maintenance after each incident, and his daily operations were affected. Despite the hot weather, Wang Chunchun endured mosquito bites during the day and at night. After a week of staying around the clock, he decisively attacked and arrested the suspect when he committed the crime again. On December 16, 2018, when Wang Chunchun visited the community, he learned that the residents on the second floor of Unit 1 in a certain community changed their kitchens privately, which caused the oil smoke to flow to the residents’ homes on the first floor, and there were many disputes for this reason. Wang Chunchun patiently persuaded the two sides to resolve the contradictions and disputes.

  Since joining the public security work, Wang Chunchun has actively participated in reception and on-site mediation for more than 700 times, successfully mediating 387 contradictions and disputes, effectively avoiding more than 200 administrative and criminal cases. Due to outstanding work performance, in September 2019, the "Spring Police Office" named after him was set up in the construction community of the new site police station. From the day the police office was set up, people’s praise never stopped. Whether it is freezing in the cold or windy, this police office named "Spring" can always warm people’s hearts and bloom a flower of harmony between the police and the people.

  "Communist party member only feels when it takes root at the grassroots level."

  In 2019, Wang Chuntiancheng was preparing for party member. After returning home, he hugged his wife tightly and said that this was the most exciting thing since he joined the police. The expression on his face was even happier than being rewarded and commended.

  Wang Chunchun is proud to be a Communist party member, and he always demands himself according to party member’s standards in his work. Especially since the anti-epidemic work was carried out, the temperature in Qiqihar has been low, about MINUS 15 degrees Celsius during the day and as low as MINUS 20 degrees Celsius at night. The icy cold wind has not affected his and his comrades’ inspections.

  After more than 20 days of sticking to the front line of anti-epidemic, Wang Chunchun put the photo of his wife and son in the nearest place of the centrifugal mouth of his pocket on the police uniform. When he was tired and cold, he turned out the photo and took a look, as if he could dispel all the cold and fatigue in an instant and regain his strength.

  On the evening of January 27th, Wang Chunchun originally made an appointment with his parents to go home and have a look, but someone in the Shangpin owners’ group of the park in the jurisdiction sent a photo, saying that there was a private car with Hubei license that had never been seen before in the garage of the community, out of fear of the epidemic, the owners’ group exploded in an instant, and they were all worried about whether someone had come back from Hubei to hide their whereabouts. Wang Chunchun immediately took the initiative to investigate. After a night’s investigation, he learned that the owner of the car was in Hubei Province and originally planned to return to Qiqihar in April. The car has been in Qiqihar City. He immediately contacted the person in charge of the community and gave accurate information back to the owner, which promptly eliminated the panic of the people in the jurisdiction and gave the people a "reassuring". The next morning, Wang Chunchun started a new job and never went home again.

  For more than 20 days, Wang Chunchun had almost no rest. He is busy checking whether there are any privately operated shops in the jurisdiction, persuading residents who have to go out for a walk to go home quickly, checking the clues of people returning to Qiqihar from other places, and promoting the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control &hellip; &hellip; &hellip; Every day, Wang Chuntian will inspect the key communities within his jurisdiction at least once.

  "I feel distressed when I look at the child’s working state in spring. During the time when I worked together, I saw the duty and mission of a policeman in him, and I also saw the initial intention and belief of preparing party member. He set a benchmark for all our staff in the front line of epidemic prevention and control. " Sister Hui Fen, deputy secretary of Muhai Community who works with Wang Chunchun, said.

  Because of his good writing style, the sub-bureau asked Wang Chunchun to work in the office several times, but he didn’t agree. He always felt that only at the grassroots level could he exercise himself and temper himself.

  "The Communist party member took root at the grassroots level. This time, I saw that all walks of life were at the forefront of party member. Through this anti-epidemic, I really felt the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist party member." Wang Chunchun said to his good friend Han Qi.

  At noon on February 11th, Wang Chunchun received a phone call from Dong Lina, the head of a community in his jurisdiction, and agreed to work together to resolve conflicts, targeting several elderly people who have opinions on epidemic prevention and isolation. At that time, Wang Chunchun suddenly felt a little unwell. Without saying anything, he and the auxiliary police Cui Hongyu rushed to the community. "Sister Dong, which building are we going to?" At 14: 54, Wang Chuntian stopped the police car to meet Dong Lina. However, as soon as the voice just fell, he fainted. Cui Hongyu immediately called 120. At about 15 o’clock, Wang Chunchun was taken to a nearby hospital, and his father was later taken to the hospital by the police. However, despite all efforts, Wang Chunchun still failed to get out of the emergency room &hellip; &hellip;

  On Wang Chunchun’s desk, there was a box of yogurt and an orange quietly, which was sent by the community resident Lang Dajie on the morning of Wang Chunchun’s sacrifice. Before he could eat it in spring, the work log with the floor plan of the area was spread out, and the police uniforms were neatly hung in the closet &hellip; &hellip; Everything looks the same as usual, but only the policeman Wang Chunchun, who is always sunny, is missing.

Paris Olympic volleyball qualifying group: China women’s volleyball team is in the same group as seven teams including Serbia.

According to CCTV sports news, on March 17, Beijing time, the results of the group lottery for the volleyball qualifying match of the Paris Olympic Games were released. China women’s volleyball team is in the same group as seven teams including Serbia and Dominica. The specific grouping situation is as follows:
China Men’s Volleyball Team is in the same group with seven teams including Poland and Argentina. The specific grouping situation is as follows:
According to the qualification allocation scheme of volleyball in Paris Olympic Games, there are 12 teams in women’s and men’s indoor volleyball. France, the host country, will automatically qualify for the competition, and the remaining teams will be selected through Olympic qualifiers and world rankings.
There are 24 teams in men’s and women’s volleyball teams participating in the Olympic qualifiers. Women’s Volleyball Qualifying Tournaments will be held in China, Japan and Poland from September 16th to 24th. Twenty-four teams will be divided into three groups, with 8 teams in each group playing single round robin, and the top two teams will qualify for the Olympic Games. Six Olympic seats will be produced at this stage.
The other five Olympic seats will be distributed according to the ranking after the 2024 World Women’s Volleyball League. If there is a continent that fails to qualify for the Olympic Games in the first stage, the team with the highest ranking on that continent will get a seat first; The remaining seats will be distributed according to the world rankings.
The competition system of men’s volleyball is the same as that of women’s volleyball. The competition will be held in China, Japan and Brazil from September 30th to October 8th.
Editor Li Jiarong

What is the best life of the zodiac? I feel my accuracy! Look at yours quickly

"Source of this article: Happy Old Man"
pay close attention
The ancestors of China people were very wise, and they used the twelve branches of the earth to assign twelve kinds of animals to mark the year, which is called the Zodiac Chronology.
Every person born in one year has a corresponding animal sign, and after twelve years, he will be reincarnated. From ancient times to the present, no one does not know what he belongs to, whether it is ordinary people or emperors and dignitaries.
Everyone in the zodiac has their own temper and personality, and people in different zodiac signs have different fates.
Rats are smart, have strong insight, always pay attention to details overlooked by others, are good at understanding people’s hearts and seizing opportunities, and have strong environmental adaptability and adaptability.
There is a mortar on the head of the word "mouse", which means "hit repeatedly, but never broken, never exhausted". Although people who belong to the mouse are hit, they can improvise and have tenacious vitality, and one day they will turn over and come through thick and thin.
If rats can know how to be contented, overcome greed, and learn to be tolerant of people and things, the road of life will be smooth.
People who belong to the ox are honest and steady, and never believe in getting something for nothing. No matter how hard it is, they always do things step by step, taking no risks and taking no chances. The career established slowly and steadily when you are young will be smooth sailing and promoted step by step after middle age.
"Look at a thousand fingers coldly, bow down and be a willing ox". People who belong to the ox have a strong sense of justice, a sense of responsibility, and are keen to resist injustice. They hate people who are shrewd, thoughtful and hypocritical, and attach great importance to feelings and righteousness. As long as they are recognized friends, they will be devoted to them.
If people who belong to cattle know how to be flexible, listen to other people’s opinions, and don’t get bogged down, their career development will be more handy.
Tiger people are tenacious, ambitious, have very strong self-confidence, like to take risks and challenges, never bow their heads when they encounter great difficulties, and never give up until they reach their goals.
The tiger is the king of the mountain forest. People who belong to the tiger are born with their own leader’s aura, have the domineering spirit of the king, have a chivalrous heart, love to hoe the strong and help the weak, support the weak, but pretend to be strong when they are injured, and hide in an unmanned place to heal alone.
If a tiger learns to communicate and cooperate with others, consult with others when something happens, and avoid making enemies, his career will be in by going up one flight of stairs, and he will win the support of all.
People who belong to rabbits have keen intuition, have a keen insight into people’s hearts and have a good eye for people and things. Elegant, gentle and kind, with a simple heart, always treats people around you kindly.
In China mythology, the rabbit is an elf in the middle of the moon, accompanying Chang ‘e, and pounding the elixir of life under the osmanthus tree on a full moon night, so the rabbit is also a symbol of longevity. People who belong to rabbits know romance very well, and they yearn for a peaceful and quiet life.
If rabbit people can stick to their initial intentions, be kind to others, accumulate good deeds and become virtuous, good luck will continue, and their lives will be leisurely and elegant.
Dragon people have lofty ideals and strong enterprising spirit, high vision, boldness and boldness than ordinary people, and they don’t like pestering over trivial matters, let alone gossiping, being frank and sincere, and hating despicable and hypocritical acts.
The dragon is the favored son of heaven, and it is blessed by heaven. People who belong to the dragon are blessed with good fortune, and they will come through thick and thin and be happy.
If people who belong to the dragon can have a kind heart, be generous and measure others, life will step into a glorious road, and the rest of their lives will be safe and prosperous.
People who belong to snakes are naturally mysterious. They hide their joys and sorrows in their hearts. Their likes and dislikes are beyond words. Their emotions are invisible, calm and steady, and they can cope with all kinds of situations calmly.
Snakes are also known as "Little Dragons" among the people. People who belong to snakes are naturally intelligent, profound in thought, unwilling to be mediocre, and slowly accumulate strength. Once the time is ripe, "Little Dragons" will turn into "real dragons", which means that "Jin Lin is a thing in the pool, and he will turn into a dragon when he meets a storm".
If people who belong to snakes can be less suspicious, be frank and relative in everything, and be generous and generous in dealing with others, they will be less affected by many storms and good luck will continue.
People who belong to the horse are full of blood, free and easy, have a compassionate heart, always think of others, like to help others, bear everything by themselves, and yearn for a free and unrestrained life.
As the saying goes, "Lyu3 bu4 among people, a red rabbit in a horse", and the ancients called outstanding talents "a swift horse". People who belong to a horse combine talent and courage. If they can persist in their ideals, Do not forget your initiative mind will surely meet Bole, and "the seven stars are hanging high outside the Milky Way, and the heaven and the earth will gallop".
If people who belong to the horse can guard against arrogance and rashness, act calmly, be modest and low-key, not only will they have the help of nobles, but their fortune will be smooth and smooth, and everything will be solved.
People who belong to the sheep are pure and kind, gentle and considerate, do not like to show off, are soft outside and rigid inside, and have a strong vitality and willpower inside.
Oracle Bone Inscriptions with the word "sheep" has two horns on it, which means "everyone" and is beneficial to everyone. In China culture, sheep is the most harmonious and beautiful animal, which benefits people.
People who belong to the sheep have a gentle personality, and have a self-sacrificing mind. They are blessed by God and have no great disasters in their lives.
"You can’t hurt others, and you can’t prevent others." People who belong to the sheep should learn to protect themselves, know others with their eyes, and not be used by malicious people.
Monkeys are lively and versatile, quick-witted, witty, chivalrous, caring for others, and have a good popularity.
"Monkey" and "Hou" are homonyms. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, the monkey has been a symbol of auspiciousness and nobility. In New Year pictures, a little monkey is often painted riding on a big monkey, which means "Hou will be sealed for generations". A monkey’s life is full of gold, and his life is full of good luck and extravagance.
If people who belong to monkeys can get rid of their impatient temper, endure in adversity, converge in prosperity, look down on gains and losses, and follow the fate wholeheartedly, they will live a happy and prosperous life.
Source: vision china
People who are chickens are frank and straightforward, say what they think in their hearts, have flexible minds, delicate minds, are hardworking and kind, have a sense of responsibility and care for their families very much.
Chickens are the animals of Sichen. "The cock crows all over the world." Chickens will crow at dawn, so the ancients thought that chickens had the ability to foresee. People born in the Year of the Rooster often have foresight and can seize the opportunity and win the initiative.
If people who are chickens can cultivate their patience and take every step of life in a down-to-earth manner, the future will be infinitely bright.
People who belong to dogs have sensitive insight, value human feelings and morality, have a sense of justice, are magnanimous and careless, generous and generous, have a strong sense of responsibility, and treat relatives and friends with affection and righteousness.
In ancient times, when night came, dogs kept watch at home and were the most loyal and reliable friends of people. People born in the year of the dog are sensitive and loyal, and can get the appreciation of the nobles and rise to the top.
If people who belong to dogs can not stick to the rules, learn to be flexible and not blindly persistent, life will be prosperous and smooth.
People who belong to the pig are simple and kind, easy-going, informal, optimistic and open-minded, sincere to friends and caring for their families in every possible way.
The word "home" covers a pig. In the eyes of the ancients, a pig at home can only be called a "home" if it has a certain living guarantee, so the pig also means wealth and happiness. People born in the year of the pig are blessed and well-fed.
If people who belong to pigs can have their own opinions, learn to refuse, don’t covet ease and enjoyment, and do more good deeds, they will be blessed with profound blessings and enjoy endless blessings throughout their lives.

Rural teachers issued a document pointing to formalism and were led to meet the local county government late at night to respond.

CCTV News:On October 10th, Li Tiantian, a female teacher of Taozixi School in Yongshun County, Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province, published an article entitled "A Group of Rural Children Being Destroyed" in her WeChat official account. The article mentioned: "Since the beginning of school, the school has conducted inspections almost every week, and we will take students to clean up every two days. It is common to suspend classes and sweep the floor. My Chinese class has stagnated. Sometimes it is even necessary to sweep the floor two or three days in advance, sweeping it around, treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. After the inspection, the students’ behavior habits are still the same. In addition, teachers have to visit to help the poor. I have five poor households, so I have to contact them frequently. No, this weekend, teachers will visit the team again, calculate the income of ordinary people, collect and sort out information, and fill in all kinds of materials. There were several times to check the emergency, and our teacher had to stop classes and go to the government to work overtime, leaving the classroom empty. "

The leader made an appointment late at night because he issued a document pointing to formalism.

On the evening of October 15th, Teacher Li Tiantian sent a message to a circle of friends, saying, "The bureau called and asked me to rush to the city immediately, because the director wanted to see me and discuss how to deal with the article, saying that it had brought them great losses! What should I do? "

Li Tiantian, female teacher of Taozixi School, Yongshun County, Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province:The county also gave me a job, which means that I wrote the truth, but it is detrimental to the image of teachers. As a public official, I can’t send it like this. Then, they kept urging me to delete it. The principal said that if you didn’t delete it, all major media reporters would come to the school to cover it, which was too stressful. I thought about it and deleted it.

With the heat of the incident escalating, the main leaders of the Xiangxi Municipal Committee affirmed Li Tiantian’s move and her personal situation improved. State leaders criticized the Yongshun County Education and Sports Bureau for using relatives to pressure and talk late at night, and promised that the county education and sports bureau would not make things difficult for Li Tiantian again, which would not affect its future development.

Li Tiantian, female teacher of Taozixi School, Yongshun County, Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province:The whole process of the incident is that after I wrote the article and posted it to myself in WeChat official account, there were thousands of readings, and many netizens added my WeChat at the beginning, saying that it was well written and true. Netizens from all over the country recognized that what I wrote was similar to their local situation, and they themselves were caught in this dilemma.

Reporter:Are you worried?

Li Tiantian:A little worried.

Reporter:Do you have any future plans, or do you want to stay in this school?

Li Tiantian:Yes, because I had thought about leaving here, but the parents in our class kept me, but they still didn’t want me to leave, hoping that I could take their students out of school. Now it’s the fourth grade, so I’m very reluctant. Besides, I’ve been teaching with that student for two or three years, and I have feelings for him.

Reporter:In fact, a lot of disappointment, this matter may have a certain impact on you these days.

Li Tiantian:These influences, which others will not know, are very subtle. Leaders always say, I will reassure you, what are your needs and requirements. Including the leaders above are very concerned about you, but in fact many changes are subtle.

On the 21st, the commentator of Half-monthly Talk published a comment entitled "Please leave a quiet desk for Li Tiantian", saying that as a grass-roots party and government leader, we should focus on solving problems, not solving people who reflect them.

Li Tiantian: It’s a bit lonely to go to work normally.

Recently, some media reported that teacher Li Tiantian was cut off from her job at school after posting a critical article on formalism. So, what is her situation now? Why did she post at that time?

Li Tiantian, a teacher at Taozixi School in Yongshun County, Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province:This is a report error, the workload is not reduced but adjusted, but the teachers in our school have adjusted. At present, my life has not been affected, and I go to work normally. I just say that you have such a thing, and everyone is afraid of being implicated. Maybe many people will not say how they want to play with you. Some people think that I have affected the year-end performance appraisal. Because of the pressure of public opinion, no one is embarrassed, but the situation is still relatively lonely.

For me, writing something like that is out of an instinct, and a subconscious is supporting me to do such a thing. This pressure is not borne by me alone. At that time, he asked me to sign and admit that my words were one-sided. I was only targeting a school. Recently, many netizens added me and sent me text messages, and they also confided in me, saying that you expressed our feelings, saying that it is the same here. There are countless inspections, large and small, and a lot of energy is spent on the inspection, various materials and forms. For example, netizens in Shandong, Henan and all over the country added me, and they all talked about this matter.

That article only put forward some suggestions on the current situation of education, why it caused such a sensation and made leaders so nervous. I think there are still many problems, that is, why it is true, and why many people don’t want to talk about it to our teachers, but they dare not talk about it, which is why it has become like this.

The local county government responded that an investigation team has been set up.

These days, a rural teacher in Yongshun County, Hunan Province, published a document criticizing the formalism of rural primary schools, which attracted many people’s attention. Although the article was issued on October 11 and was deleted that night, the development of the matter and related responses and responses have always made progress. The day before yesterday (20th), there was a response from the local county government office, which said: "Yongshun County has set up an investigation team led by the Supervision Committee of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate the problems reflected by Teacher Li Tiantian and the media, and the problems found in the investigation will be rectified in time and dealt with seriously, and the results will be announced in due course."

Lying at home for three years, not working, 0 socializing: Why don’t young people want to go to work?

Source: Business Insight
The punk in the world I recently experienced is a young man who has been lying dead at home for three years.
I lay dead at home for three years, tied to my bed, and didn’t go out more than 500 meters in Fiona Fang. I only went to supermarkets and small shops downstairs to replenish food.
In the past three years, he has no job, socializes, rents a room of eight square meters, eats a mountain of snacks and instant noodles, drinks three or four tons of cola, and his only companion is a mobile phone. He has watched more than 100 large-scale series.
What supports his corpse life is savings, flowers, online loans and credit cards from all walks of life. ….
For a while, there were quite a lot of people who were lying dead. Some of them were lying dead for two years, from 280 kg to 180 kg, and their desires were lost, and they could not feel the joys and sorrows.
Some people are slightly better. Although they are lying dead, they earn 300 yuan a day, 100 yuan for staying in hotels, 100 yuan for smoking, surfing the Internet in eat areca and eating in 100 yuan.
Some people have been lying dead for two years, owing 50 thousand, taking their girlfriends and ready to go out to work.
I remember, KnowYourself sent an article to analyze the unique "squatting clan" phenomenon in the north, Guangzhou and Shenzhen.
"This group of people is highly educated, unemployed, neither bloody nor struggling. They rent houses in first-tier cities, can’t go home, can’t stay, and do nothing all day."
The "squatting clan" is the product of this era. They fully verified the sentence "Efforts may not be successful, but it is really comfortable not to work hard".
I think, if it’s a wolf-like 996 enterprise, they will say lightly when they see the above "people lying dead and squatting". They are simply wasting their lives.
But when I see them, I will only think that they are really brave and really punk.
Speaking of it, I am also a "squatter". I haven’t been to work for more than a year. I tried to go to work in the middle, but I will run away in less than a day. My daily life is to stay in the rental house, sleep at dawn, get up at dark, and stay indoors for half a month at the longest.
The only difference with them is that I spent most of my time at home wondering how to make money, never giving up making money, and even more reluctant to give up socializing and turn myself into a real marginal person.
I spent a year in prison, reviewing and reflecting, but more often, I just felt so cool that I flew, and I didn’t have to fight the morning and evening peaks, and I didn’t have to see annoying leaders and colleagues, so I lived a super peace every day.
But what I really hate is work, and what I escape from is life?
Actually, it’s not. On the contrary, I love working more at home. What I hate is just going to work. As the Round Table School said, we just hate the environment and timetable under the organization, and it feels like a trapped animal.
Of course, squatting people like us, based on the society, are annoying anyway.
I will be accused of not working hard, not struggling, and living in vain. I have been squatting for a year, and many enthusiastic friends and former colleagues have come to introduce my work. Every time, the reason can’t escape: "If you go on like this, it will be abolished. You should return to the mainstream society."
Sometimes, our choice is not a way of life, but rather a kind of violation and resistance. As long as you don’t struggle, you will become a monster and waste in the eyes of normal people, so you are doomed to be forgotten and marginalized.
I can’t help it. The concept of "struggling all my life" is becoming popular among our young people. If anyone doesn’t abide by it, he is not worthy of being a young man in the 21st century, and is doomed to live only in a rented house.
The schedule of "Tsinghua Xueba", which was hotly searched some time ago, shows that there is almost no entertainment in their day.
Go to bed at 1 am, get up at 6 am every day, wash and eat breakfast for 40 minutes, and start a planned study at 6: 40. The time from 9 pm to 1 am is fully arranged.
In this regard, the official said: it is difficult to learn like this and not to be a tyrant.
Others directly say, "People who are better than you work harder than you." The subtext is: "What do you have that Bilian doesn’t struggle for? 」
Not long after this incident, many universities began to imitate it.
I think that since students can’t be self-disciplined, it’s simply mandatory: no sleeping in, and no one can be on the dormitory bed after nine o’clock.
The university was originally a free and inclusive place, but now it has been wrapped up in layers and turned into a wolf university.
To put it bluntly, they were forced to struggle every day, go to bed early and get up early when they should be naive and romantic.
With all due respect, why is society so cruel to young people like me?
At the beginning of junior high school, I vaguely remember that my family said that it would be easy to get into key days.
Initial promotion: getting into the key points is equal to half the threshold of entering the university.
Gao Shengda: It’s really easy to go to college after the college entrance examination, so you can play at will.
And then after entering the university?
Still have to go to bed early and get up early every day, and strive hard to learn from Tsinghua.
Some people will definitely say, sleep less and work harder today, so you can relax after work!
Sorry, at this time, Ma Yun will come out and tell you that the 996 job is a blessing that my generation has repaired.
Liu Qiangdong will tell you that you don’t deserve to be my brother if you don’t struggle.
Young people who die suddenly in the workplace will tell you that fighting all their lives is a fair death.
The above is the life of young people in the 21st century.
In this way, our young people are really miserable. The happy and free time of our life only stays in kindergarten (maybe not yet), and it is always far from happiness.
When you finally see through it and you can choose not to struggle in life, someone will tell you with their ears: a life without hard work and struggle is waste.
It’s not that I hate disapproving of efforts, but that I hate the urgency and anxiety of young people under this atmosphere.
When I was a child, I was forced to learn the laws of the jungle at once;
Mingming didn’t sleep well all his life, and he was accused of not working hard enough;
Obviously, I chose a lifestyle that makes me comfortable, or I was accused of wasting my life.
Think about the "squatters". What are they? It is necessary to be observed with a magnifying glass, because choosing to give up the struggle is considered to be a psychological problem.
I wonder if our times advocate "hard work" so much that everyone seems to be winding up, as if life without hard work is not worth living.
Obviously, some people are lazy by nature and are not interested in anything, but they are forced to make progress by the values of this society and try their best to find goals worth fighting for all their lives.
Chen Danqing, the Round Table School, said: Some people are born uninterested in this world, but they can’t choose to be born. They looked at the world and found nothing to live, so they chose to leave.
There is a real example in Japan. A 56-year-old man has been unemployed at home for a long time because he failed to study at a young age and repeatedly hit a wall when looking for a job, and he has stayed here for 30 years.
After his parents died, he was found starving to death at home.
The body was decomposed when it was found, and the house was full of rubbish.
Many people say that this person deserves it, but I just feel sad when I think that a group of people are living out of place in this shoulder-to-shoulder world.
This kind of tragedy is quite common in Japan, and the day when distance spreads among us is just around the corner.
But if we say that the social atmosphere at this time can be less anxious about selling, and we don’t exaggerate our efforts and squeeze the existence of young people, will they not feel that they are useless and unworthy to live in the world?
Instead, can you face life positively and really find other meanings of your life besides struggle?
I don’t object to the defensive lifestyle of "squatting people" who choose to escape and stay at home.
And those who are superior and advocate hard work and selling anxiety, please shut up, no one is nobler than anyone else.
Hard work is an achievement that everyone can achieve if they are enough, but it takes courage to let go of the secular lifestyle.
Too much emphasis on hard work and selling anxiety will only backfire, trigger the phenomenon of squatting and lead to tragedy.
Please don’t say anything: "Master xx skills, work hard and catch up with your peers with a monthly income of 10 million."
I just want to ask you why you should catch up with your peers. I’m not interested.
Can you just be yourself?
Under the phenomenon of squatting, it is because many people no longer believe in social stability, nor do they believe that success and class leap can be achieved by long-term diligent efforts.
Although we have the right to choose not to work hard and struggle, it is necessary to earn a decent money that will not cause trouble to others and parents.
There are also many young people around me who don’t go to work. Apart from writing articles for the media like me, there are also illustrators, photographers, screenwriters, craftsmen, pastry chefs, and even people who have nothing to do to run errands and walk dogs. ….
In today’s society, there are actually many choices to choose a career freely, work for yourself and not starve to death. Lying in bed waiting for death and bearing huge debts is the greatest support for "hard-working monsters".
The biggest problem of squatting people is that they confuse the concepts of "going to work" and "working".
Those who clamor for not going to work all day may just not want to work. Work has a strong driving force. Chen Danqing said that he didn’t like going to work either, but he could wake up like a bug and work until late at night.
Simply put, work is for others, and work is for yourself.
You don’t have to struggle and work hard, but you must live decently for what you like.
Whether we like it or not, we came here after all. Since we are here, we might as well go out of the rental house and see the sun.

The biggest match-fixing case in snooker history! The secret means have caused many people to take risks, and it will take time for the "China Legion" to get out of the shadows.

According to the news, on June 7th, Beijing time, the World Snooker Tour (WST) issued a statement that the disciplinary committee of the independent World Professional Billie and Snooker Association (WPBSA) had ruled on 10 players accused of match-fixing, and imposed life-long bans on Liang Wenbo and Li Hsing, and long-term bans on other related players. Liang Wenbo and Li Hsing were banned for life, which also set a precedent in snooker.
It is reported that the situation of this case is that after the warning issued by IBIA in August 2022, the integrity department of WPBSA cooperated closely with Sportradar Company to conduct a detailed investigation, and finally accused 10 snooker players of seriously violating the WPBSA code of conduct. The 10 players were suspended before these violations were decided.
The case was heard in London before, and the players attended the hearing in person or by video, with the free WPBSA players’ associations as legal representatives or assistance.
On June 6, 2023, local time, the disciplinary court announced its investigation results of controversial allegations and its decision on sanctions.
Life-long ban sets a precedent
Take Liang Wenbo as an example, he was accused of manipulating many games; Contact multiple players to manipulate multiple games; Trying to obstruct the investigation; Not cooperating with WPBSA’s investigation Li Hsing, another player who was banned for life, was charged with the same thing, and one more thing was added: betting in snooker. According to Beijing Youth Daily, this time Liang Wenbo and Li Hsing were sentenced to life ban, which set a precedent.
Some media analysts believe that because snooker requires high accuracy, it is relatively difficult to judge whether it is a mistake or a fake ball, which also causes the phenomenon that fake balls are repeatedly banned in snooker competitions to some extent.
▲ Liang Wenbo. Image source/network
On December 1, 2018, Cao Yupeng, a 28-year-old China player, was banned by WPBSA for six years because he made profits for himself and his relatives and friends by playing fake ball. In 2022, he returned to the ranks of professional players early because of his good performance, and he also entered the ranking match several times. Yu Delu, 31, was banned for 10 years, and now he can only hang out in Chinese billiards.
The most severe punishment in the international arena is Stephen Lee, a talented player who was banned for 12 years in 2013 because of his long-term match-fixing and match-fixing, which is the most severe punishment made by the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association before punishing China players.
The secrecy of trading has caused many players to take risks.
Earlier, according to the analysis of Li Xiaolong, a senior snooker media person quoted by Yangguang. com, due to the nature of snooker, it is difficult to define the performance of the players in the game, so the content of the game on the field is difficult to be used as evidence to judge the match-fixing. More cases of match-fixing are caused by the monitoring of abnormal bets by gambling companies and other off-site evidence.
Jinling Evening News had previously written that a snooker master can throw a ball in the dark, so that you can’t grasp the evidence completely. Only through the drastic changes in betting can you see some clues, but not every investigation has results, so many players will take risks.
According to Observer. com, as one of the latest international sports organizations in the world, the World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association, which was not established until 1968, has been established. Since its establishment, a large number of snooker players have been investigated and even banned for allegedly accepting benefits for gambling groups, including many world-class athletes. Scottish "wizard" john higgins, the four-time world champion and the holder of 31 world snooker titles, was even praised by the then famous British gossip newspaper News of the World "fishing law enforcement" in 2010.
In this "fishing law enforcement", Higgins and his agent, former director of the World Federation of Taiwan, Pat Mooney, agreed to lose the match in several different games in exchange for a total reward of 300,000 euros. They further discussed with the fishermen how to cover up the scam, which games and opponents to choose, and how Higgins would get money.
▲ Yan Bingtao. Image source/network
After the incident, Mooney had to resign from his post in the World Taiwan Federation, while Higgins was suspended for six months and fined 75,000 pounds. In addition, Ai Bodun, Maguire and many other famous players have also been investigated for gambling.
Many affected players have high hopes.
The incident had a great impact on China snooker. Among the 10 people punished, there were experienced veterans like Liang Wenbo, and young players like Yan Bingtao and Zhao Xintong who had high hopes. After Ding Junhui, the latter two are the only China players who have won the "three major competitions (British Championship, World Championship and Masters)" in snooker.
Zhao Xintong is 25 years old. In 2021, he defeated Belgian player Luca Brecel in the final of the snooker British Championship, and won the first "three competitions" championship in his career.
Followed by Yan Bingtao, the "post-00" player broke out in 2021, defeating neil robertson, Stephen Maguire, Stuart Bingham and john higgins to win the snooker Masters. He is the second youngest athlete to win the Masters Championship, second only to Ronnie O’Sullivan, who won the championship in 1995 at the age of 19.
▲ Zhao Xintong. Image source/network
Even Luning and Li Hsing, who are not ranked high, have reached the final of the ranking tournament when they are in excellent condition. Veteran Liang Wenbo won the English Open in 2016.
Media: Living in the UK is fragmented and loosely managed.
For this match-fixing case, Observer.com once commented that this incident reminded all China snooker players that no matter how bad the atmosphere in the international arena is and how good the immediate interests are, the behavior that violates sports ethics is the red line and cannot be touched. Like all other sports, only a healthy, positive and fair environment can help snooker develop better in China.
According to the analysis of Beijing Youth Daily, most of the China snooker players in their perennial life in the UK were originally on their own, and the management was relatively loose. Most of the players themselves bear the expenses of studying abroad, playing and living, and there are not too many strict constraints. In this case, some bad habits are bred in the hands of the ball, and even behaviors that violate morality and the rules of snooker are difficult to be detected in time, and they can only rely on self-discipline. Coupled with the fact that the prize money of the world snooker tournament is low in recent years, the harsh survival forces the players to take risks, which leads to sad results. The heavy penalty for them also sounded the alarm for other players.
Young man Si Jiahui: A glimmer of "the darkest hour"
According to Zhongxin. com, the 2023 World Snooker Championships closed on the 2nd Beijing time, and the latest world ranking of snooker was also released.
China’s Zhao Xintong ranked 11th, the highest in the China Legion, and Yan Bingtao ranked 23rd. Unfortunately, however, both players were banned for one year, eight months and five years for this accusation of match-fixing. China’s players, Ding Junhui can be called "the only one left" among the famous players, still ranked 17th, and is expected to return to TOP16 (the top 16 in the world) in the new season. However, China teenager Si Jiahui, who reached the semi-final of this World Championships, rose 44 places in a row, from the 80th place before the competition to the 36th place.
▲ Si Jiahui. Image source/Xinhua News Agency
In addition, the top 60 players from China are: Zhou Yuelong 27th, Fan Zhengyi 34th, Pang Junxu 35th, Cao Yupeng 42nd, Xiao Guodong 43rd, Lv Haotian 47th, Wu Yize 51st, Yuan Sijun 52nd, Tian Pengfei 55th and Zhang Anda 60th. It seems that it will take some time for these young players to rank among the top players in the world.
Attachment: Penalty decision made by WPBSA (partial)
Liang Wenbo was sentenced to a life-long ban on snooker and paid a fee of 43,000 pounds.
Liang Wenbo was found to have violated the code of conduct, as follows:
He manipulated or participated in manipulating five snooker matches from July 24th to September 28th, 2022.
From July 24 to December 13, 2022, he recruited, induced, lured, persuaded, encouraged or assisted players to manipulate 9 games.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
He threatened another player and asked him to delete the information on his mobile phone, which was corrupt.
He threatened another player and tried to persuade him not to assist WPBSA in the investigation.
On or after September 1, 2022, when he knew about WPBSA’s investigation, he covered up or tried to cover up his participation in match-fixing by deleting the information on his mobile phone and asking other players to delete the information on their mobile phones.
He didn’t cooperate with WPBSA investigation, didn’t attend the interview and provided the materials required by WPBSA investigation.
2. Li Hsing was sentenced to be banned from participating in snooker competitions for life and paid a fee of 43,000 pounds.
Li Hsing was found to have violated the code of conduct, as follows:
He manipulated or participated in manipulating five snooker matches from July 24th to September 29th, 2022.
During the period from July 24th to December 13th, 2022, he solicited, induced, lured, persuaded, encouraged or assisted players to manipulate seven snooker matches.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
On or after September 1, 2022, when he knew about WPBSA’s investigation, he covered up or tried to cover up his participation in match-fixing by deleting the information on his mobile phone and asking other players to delete the information on his mobile phone.
3. Luning was sentenced to an eight-year ban, which was reduced to five years and four months until April 6, 2028 after his cooperation and guilty plea, and he paid a fee of 7,500 pounds.
Luning was found not to be involved in inducing others to manipulate the game. He accepted the following charges:
In the 2014-2015 season, he manipulated three snooker competitions he participated in.
On July 23, 2022, he manipulated a snooker competition he participated in.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
On or after September 1, 2022, when he knew about WPBSA’s investigation, he covered up or tried to cover up his participation in game fixing by deleting the information on his mobile phone.
4. Yan Bingtao was sentenced to seven years and six months’ ban, which was reduced to five years until December 11, 2027 after his cooperation and guilty plea, and he paid a fee of 7,500 pounds.
Yan Bingtao accepted the following charges:
He manipulated a game he participated in on August 29, 2016.
He manipulated three snooker competitions he participated in between March 3, 2022 and September 29, 2022.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
5. Zhao Xintong was sentenced to a ban of 2 years and 6 months, which was reduced to 1 year and 8 months until September 1, 2024 after his cooperation and guilty plea, and he paid a fee of 7,500 pounds.
Zhao Xintong accepts the following charges:
On March 3 and March 11, 2022, he was the party of two snooker matches manipulated by another player.
During the period from September 1, 2019 to December 31, 2022, he made bets on the snooker competition in violation of regulations.
The defendant may appeal against the decision of the disciplinary court before June 20, 2023.
The upstream news is integrated from the news on Zhongxin. com, Beijing Youth Daily Observer Network and Jinling Evening News.
Editor: Xu Yuanzhe
Editor: Yang Li Guan Yi
Audit: Feng Fei