
Short videos and live broadcasts share traditional skills, and Pu ‘er tea merchants accelerate their growth in Tik Tok e-commerce.

Light gray walls, log-colored tables and chairs, metallic lamps and doorframes, and bare cement ceiling … Is it hard to imagine that this is an office of a Pu ‘er tea brand?

Jeep’s office

In my impression, Pu ‘er tea was drunk after the 60s and 70s. It pays attention to tasting, collecting, investing and giving gifts. It has strong nonstandard attributes, a lot of knowledge and a high cognitive threshold. It is the talk of those rich enthusiasts. And a Pu ‘er tea company should have a lot of dark wooden furniture, including wood carvings and screens, which will burn incense.

But this Pu ‘er tea brand — — Jeep — — The office is very young, not only in decoration, but also in product color matching and design.

Zhang Yu, the founder of Jeep, was born after 1985. He was very young and energetic. In our interview, he not only talked about Kan Kan, a tea industry, but also often mentioned many favorite categories and brands of young people, such as new tea and coffee. It is obvious that he is thinking about how to make more young consumers fall in love with tea.

I learned from my communication with Zhang Yu that, in his view, the Pu ‘er tea collection market dominated by the post-60s and post-70s is gradually shrinking, but the younger generation of post-80s and post-90s gradually developed the habit of drinking tea. The main consumption of Pu ‘er tea is shifting to the younger generation of mass consumers, just like the style presented by this company.

However, Pu ‘er tea formed the threshold of cognition, purchase and drinking in the last stage, which made mass consumers flinch from Pu ‘er tea for a long time.

How to reduce the threshold and information gap of Pu ‘er tea, let more mass consumers drink Pu ‘er tea, and let Pu ‘er tea, an intangible craft, be passed down? Zhang Yu has gradually explored the answer in the past 10 years.

Zhang Yu, a native of Kunming, Yunnan, helped his classmates to buy tea at the tea market for the first time 10 years ago, which became an opportunity for him to get started in the tea industry. In the process of learning Pu ‘er tea, Zhang Yu gradually perceived the cultural connotation and charm of Pu ‘er tea, and founded Jeep in 2012. In the early days of its establishment, she also emphasized the interest of Pu ‘er tea tasting and collection, and called on young people to become Pu ‘er tea players. At that time, slogan was called "player Pu ‘er".

After predicting the trend change of consumer groups, Zhang Yu decided to break through the circle of Pu ‘er tea enthusiasts and push Pu ‘er tea to the younger generation of mass consumers.

He began to improve the fermentation technology of Pu ‘er tea, and changed the prohibitive "heap taste" of traditional cooked tea. Establish a product identification system to reduce the difficulty for consumers to identify products. Only by simplifying these two ends can Pu ‘er tea penetrate into the public, just like Suntory, Oriental Leaf and other ready-to-drink tea brands.

In terms of channel selection, Jeep laid out online channels closer to mass consumers from the beginning, and insisted on exporting popular science content in the tea industry.

In 2020, Jeep entered Tik Tok E-commerce as the core content export platform and main sales channel. Through the strong content attributes of Tik Tok e-commerce and the ability to undertake live broadcasts and shelves, Jeep can not only popularize science and show the products, origin and cultural charm of Pu ‘er tea to more mass consumers through short videos, but also undertake consumers’ purchasing needs through live broadcasts and shelf scenes, so that more consumers can fall in love with and drink Pu ‘er tea.

Push Pu ‘er tea to the mass market through standardization.

Although the history of Pu ‘er tea can be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty, it has been popularized in the mass market for nearly 20 years.

In ancient times, Pu ‘er tea was mainly used for court enjoyment and gifts to foreign missions. In modern times, it has been run by Yunnan state-owned enterprises, with export as the core sales model. For a long time, even Yunnan locals did not drink Pu ‘er tea. Until the state-owned enterprises were restructured in 2004, Yunnan Menghai, Lincang, Xiaguan and other Pu ‘er tea factories were transformed into private enterprises, and more self-employed and capital entered the Pu ‘er tea industry. In addition, under the influence of caravan entering Beijing and celebrity auction in 2005, Pu ‘er tea gradually entered the mass market.

In the first five years, Pu ‘er tea experienced a national tea drinking craze, and it was favored by fat-reducing people around 2010 and ushered in a wave of dividends in the mass consumer market. But what really made Pu ‘er tea develop at a high speed was the "Shantou Tea" culture that rose in 2008.

Shantou tea is a special name of Pu ‘er tea ancient tea tree, which grows on many hills in four major producing areas of Yunnan. Because of the differences in microclimate and tea farmers’ initial processing technology, it forms "one mountain blindly". The mountains are also divided into grades because of different factors such as altitude, tea tree year and scarcity.

Pu ‘er tea at this stage, like wenwan and wine, has formed several major characteristics in everyone’s cognition — — Products are non-standard, expensive and opaque, with value-added properties and high learning threshold. It coincides with the rise of the middle class after 1960s and 1970s, and Shantou tea has become their product to establish identity labels because of its nonstandard and scarcity.

In the eyes of these old tea drinkers, non-standard is the charm of Pu ‘er tea, but since 2017, the main consumption of Pu ‘er tea has gradually changed, and after 80 s and 90 s, tea is slowly started. These consumers’ pursuit of value-added and collection of Pu ‘er tea is weak, and they care more about cost performance, taste and brand identity. Shantou culture has become the threshold for their consumption of Pu ‘er tea.

In 2017, Jeep changed slogan into a "rational Pu ‘er tea player". In those years, Zhang Yu has been studying how to standardize the production and products, so as to lower the cognitive and consumption threshold of Pu ‘er tea and lay the foundation for the popularization of Pu ‘er tea.

On the production side, Jeep has gradually standardized the initial production, fermentation and storage of Pu ‘er tea in the past 10 years.

For example, the traditional fermentation process of Pu ‘er cooked tea is limited by the fermentation environment and industrial development, and the tea produced by the same fermentation process may have different tastes and is prone to odor (heap taste). In 2016, Jeep introduced the meta-cooked fermentation process to improve the fermentation environment and conditions, and reduce the non-standard and odor problems caused by the fermentation process.

Zhang Yu is introducing the upgrade of meta-cooked fermentation technology.

On the consumer side, Jeep established a digital system in 2019 based on the name of the mountain. According to the degree of entry, the producing area of main ingredients, the tenderness of raw leaves, and the grade of main ingredients, even novices can easily find out the right tea. They also gradually improved the product form. Apart from the traditional big tea cakes, they also introduced small tea cakes, 7 grams of sprouted cakes, 2 grams of "daily tea" camellia oleifera abel. and teabags. Since 2021, they have also opened 10 tea shops in Kunming to "drink tea in the mountains".

Digital System of Jeep’s Products

Jeep makes "drinking tea" more and more convenient, which is more suitable for mass consumers, especially young people. These products let us see the whole process of a consumer from beginner to enthusiast, similar to the advanced journey from ready-made coffee, instant coffee to coffee beans.

Reach the mass consumers online.

From the first day of brand establishment, Jeep has been based on online channels, which is also a more efficient way to reach mass consumers.

Traditional offline tea shops are engaged in tasting business, and the daily average flow of people is not high. Therefore, it is necessary to enlarge the customer unit price of a single transaction to balance the expenses of the store. Therefore, many Pu ‘er tea shops have high prices, and they are not priced, and they are completely priced by people. Non-standard, opaque and humanized sales model has become an obstacle for mass consumers to spend in stores. Online channels can reduce intermediate costs, unify products and pricing throughout the network, and remove the information difference of prices.

However, there are also problems such as high trust cost and difficulty for users to taste drinks online. Therefore, from the very beginning, Jeep tried to reduce the information gap in the industry, build trust and brand awareness through sales model innovation and content science popularization, and let more mass consumers know about Pu ‘er tea and Jeep.

In 2013, Jeep pioneered the online pre-sale of spring tea (several batches of Pu ‘er tea newly sprouted in spring). By broadcasting the pictures and videos of Chashan in the store, it showed the whole process of Pu ‘er tea from germination to suppression, allowing users to see the birth process of tea cakes in real time. In 2016, Jeep launched the popular science program "Chashan slang" on several video platforms. By introducing the knowledge of Chashan, Yunnan tea and the founder’s thinking on the tea industry, consumers can know more about Pu ‘er tea and Jeep.

After switching to multiple content platforms, Jeep began to synchronize short videos of popular science in Tik Tok in 2019, and laid out e-commerce in Tik Tok in 2022. Nowadays, e-commerce in Tik Tok has become the core content channel and one of the most important sales channels of Jeep, which makes Jeep reach more relatively young consumers.

Jeep’s Chashan slang has been serialized for more than 1000 issues.

The core reason why Jeep is deeply involved in e-commerce in Tik Tok is that in an e-commerce platform that started with content, good content can play a greater role, which not only plays the role of popular science, but also incites natural traffic, so that potential users can understand and buy products more conveniently and directly through the collaboration between live broadcast rooms. The pre-sale mode of spring tea mentioned above can also be presented to consumers more timely and comprehensively through short videos and live broadcasts.

Focusing on the category, Zhang Yu believes that the efficiency improvement brought by the combination of product and effect will be more obvious than other categories. Because Pu ‘er tea is a category with low maturity and the mass consumption is still in the training stage, there are no head brands and explosive items, but there are more long tail brands and products. Through the content and the mechanism of Tik Tok e-commerce, Pu ‘er tea merchants can more accurately match their products to personalized consumers with potential needs.

This mechanism has also driven the growth of Pu ‘er tea industry in Tik Tok. According to official data, since 2021, the scale of Pu ‘er tea business in Tik Tok has increased 15 times.

Zhang Zhiwei, the ceramic tea operation manager of Tik Tok e-commerce comprehensive business, also mentioned at the Yunnan Industrial Belt Forum that many of the 10 million users who bought Pu ‘er tea in Tik Tok e-commerce in the past year were not overlapping users of offline tea merchants. "What do Pu ‘er tea merchants think is the most valuable for Tik Tok e-commerce? It’s not sales, the most important thing is new customers. 」

Interest in e-commerce growth in Tik Tok

In Tik Tok e-commerce, Jeep continues to play the team’s content, achieving the integration of product and effect based on the linkage of short video and live broadcast, and carrying the repurchase with shelf scenes, which is also the core of many industrial belt merchants we have interviewed in the past to produce explosive products and brand voices in Tik Tok e-commerce.

In the content scene, in addition to exporting brand values and tea industry thinking, Jeep now has more content based on products.

Focusing on a product, Jeep will trace back to the production process of the product, explain the taste and brewing method of the product, and brew and taste tea soup in the user’s tea drinking scene through the scene content.

In Jeep’s daily topic "What do employees of tea enterprises drink", employees of different departments will brew or drink Jeep’s products in real office scenes such as workstations, tea rooms and tea tables. As Pu ‘er tea lovers, they will output the flavor characteristics, drinking methods, suitable scenes/seasons, product characteristics and so on during the sharing process, which are all dimensions that consumers are more interested in.

Daily topic "What do employees of tea enterprises drink"

In some products, Jeep will also export brand values through the thinking behind the products. Zhang Yu also hopes to increase the proportion of this part in the future and form a value resonance with users.

Through short videos and live broadcasts, Jeep’s efficiency in obtaining market feedback is also improving. After a new product is launched for three days, they can evaluate the product volume in the future through the content and the efficiency of product transaction, and make better product planning. After the content is released, the brand team of Jeep will quickly adjust the focus and rhythm of the content and optimize the products according to the data and comments of the content. "Basically, the results and feedback can be run in one week. 」

After Tik Tok e-commerce was upgraded to a global interest e-commerce, Jeep also began to lay out shelf scenes, put on shelves products, decorated shops, titles and details pages, and optimized shelf details such as product display on the home page through data analysis.

Jeep’s shop in Tik Tok e-commerce

In Zhang Yu’s view, when users repurchase, the most efficient way is to enter the shelf instead of entering the live broadcast room. Therefore, merchants must set up the shelf e-commerce to serve the user’s purchase link. In 2023, the proportion of Jeep’s shelf sales has increased from 13% at the beginning of the year to 27%, effectively undertaking the search and repurchase of old users.

The Jeep team said that they will continue to optimize the shelf e-commerce, especially the keywords, and use shopping malls and search keywords to obtain natural traffic. "This is the most obvious way to improve sales in the past six months, and it is also worth continuing to invest in the layout section. 」

Looking back on the past ten years, Jeep has promoted the standardization of technology and products step by step, and promoted the spread and inheritance of Pu ‘er tea among more mass consumers through the innovation of online sales model. On December 20th this year, Tik Tok E-commerce also launched a special support activity for revitalizing the industrial belt in Yunnan, attracting more Tik Tok E-commerce users to pay attention to and buy Yunnan Pu ‘er tea through special tracing, marketing support and publicity.

Jeep’s team told Narrow Broadcast that Tik Tok Electric Chamber of Commerce joined forces with high-quality authors to trace the origin and lead consumers to understand the origin, technology and industrial belt brand. The special event of Huanxin Intangible Cultural Heritage Yunnan Station will join KOL such as @ Yuqianpu, @ JiaoyouTea Teaset, @ Chi Rui to introduce intangible cultural heritage tea making skills and promote Yunnan Pu ‘er tea through short videos and live broadcasts.

In addition to content support, Tik Tok E-commerce also continues to provide live training for businesses in Yunnan Pu ‘er tea industry belt. In the past two years, the platform has been trained in product selection and live broadcast skills, and Jeep has also participated. Tik Tok e-commerce will also regularly explain the new policies of the platform to merchants, so as to help brands better follow the trends and play changes.

Since its launch in August this year, "Huanxin Intangible Cultural Heritage" has been carried out in Jingdezhen Ceramics, Yixing Zisha, Donghai Crystal and other industrial belts, helping more industrial belt brands, like Jeep, and rejuvenating intangible cultural heritage industries through multi-field collaboration of global interest e-commerce.

Every piece of tea is a treasure! "Little Tea Man" opens the experience tour of "tea culture" in Jiangnan tea industry!

Chao News Client Reporter Yang Yuan
As a special activity created by "Grateful 30 Years 2023 Famous Products Shopping Festival" with the theme of "Brand Quality Linping Intelligent Creation", the little reporter Linping Factory Study Tour was deeply loved by children and parents once it was launched. On the afternoon of January 6th, following the successful conclusion of the first stop of the boss’s electric appliance research tour, 15 reporters from Niu 1 o’clock, led by their teachers and parents, started the "Little Tea Man" experience tour in Yijiangnan Tea Industry, Linping District, Hangzhou.
Under the introduction of the tea culture instructor of Yi Jiangnan Tea Industry, the children learned about the historical origin, development and evolution of tea varieties, production technology, tasting methods and other aspects, and participated in the "tea knowledge contest" question and answer. "Where did the earliest tea trees originate?" "Yunnan!" "In addition to the most famous West Lake Longjing, do we have a representative of Zen tea in Hangzhou?" "Jingshan tea!" "What’s the name of Cha Sheng?" "Lu Yu!" Every tea culture-related question thrown by the tutor, the children firmly caught it and answered it correctly.
In the tasting session, the children become "little tea tasters", and their task is to identify substitute tea and original leaf tea. The tutor told them that substitute tea generally consists of one or more items in the two categories of "medicine and food homology" and "health care products" in the prescribed food classification. Tea products made from the roots, stems, leaves or fruits of these plants are common, such as persimmon leaf tea, rose, honeysuckle, barley tea, boat-fruited Sterculia and Siraitia grosvenorii.
Every piece of tea has become a treasure in the eyes of "little tea tasters"! They carefully observed the shape and color of tea, gently touched it with their fingers, and felt the texture and texture of tea. Children full of curiosity and thirst for knowledge did not forget to raise their hands and ask their tutors for advice. They absorbed in the aroma of tea, closed their eyes and took a deep breath, and their concentration made the tutor nod again and again. The parents present also joined the activities one after another, and together with the children, they carefully identified the shape of tea, felt the aroma of tea soup, tasted the taste of tea soup, and observed the freshness of the bottom of leaves.
Known as the "king of flavonoids", strawberry tea does not contain theophylline and caffeine, and will not get excited after drinking, which can improve and improve the quality of sleep, and is suitable for all ages. After the on-site tea artist taught the brewing skills and precautions in detail, the "little tea tasters" appeared! They personally brewed and tasted the unique flavor of strawberry tea.
Bi Jianwen, the second grade of Maiyuqiao Primary School, was absorbed in observing the tea soup. The eight-year-old girl’s favorite drink is tea! "The father’s hometown is in Jingde County, Anhui Province. There is a custom of making tea eggs in the New Year. Children love tea eggs and love the unique fragrance of tea in eggs, so they have the complex of drinking tea." Bi Jianwen’s mother drove for 40 minutes to take her children to participate in the activities, just because "tea" is good for children. "Adults at home have a hobby of drinking tea. This year, the child asked herself to make tea, and we also respected her hobby. She sometimes soaks a small cup of green tea when she does her homework. " Mom said with a smile, in tea tasting, children can learn concentration, self-discipline and etiquette, and feel beautiful and warm.
"I don’t have the opportunity to be with my mother in my usual activities. Today, I will learn tea culture together, and my mother can accompany me!" Sun Jinglou, a fifth-grade student at Hangzhou Tianhang Experimental School, told reporters. Tide journalists noticed that Sun Jinglou was always the first one to raise his hand and answer quickly and accurately, and he also took notes carefully. "I listened carefully to the teacher’s lecture on tea culture, and I was very interested." According to Sun Jinglou’s mother, tea culture, as an important part of China’s traditional culture, also contains profound humanistic feelings and life wisdom. By experiencing tea culture, children can learn to respect tradition, feel the richness of history and the charm of culture, cultivate their love and pride in traditional culture, and let them know how to get along with others and how to respect and care for others.
It is reported that on the morning of January 27th and 28th, New Hope Shuangfeng Dairy, a big-name factory in Linping Economic and Technological Development Zone, specially opened the future factory experience tour to the fans of Chaoxin News, and the registration is currently in full swing! Interested readers please leave a message in the background, the quota is limited, first come, first served!
"Reprint please indicate the source"

On the first day of New Year’s Day holiday, Sichuan A-level scenic spot received 2,650,200 tourists, and the literature and art were renewed in Vientiane.

Chuan Guan journalist Wu Menglin
On December 30th, the first day of the New Year’s Day holiday, the reporter learned from the Office of the Leading Group for Culture and Tourism Industry of Sichuan Province that by 15: 00 that day, 832 A-level tourist attractions included in the statistics in the province had received 2,650,200 tourists, and the ticket income was 22,113,800 yuan, which was 81.83% and 103.23% higher than that of the New Year’s Day holiday in 2023.
Five-year-level tourist attractions in the province (16 parks opened normally) received 152,500 tourists and realized ticket income of 5,103,900 yuan, which increased by 88.78% and 113.6% respectively compared with the same caliber of New Year’s Day holiday in 2023. Libraries, cultural centers and museums in the province received 712,000 people.
The holiday travel market continues to heat up. With the launch of the "Winter Tour to Sichuan Consumption Season" activity, the cultural tourism market in all parts of the province showed a "hot trend" on the first day of the New Year holiday. The number of visitors and ticket income of A-level scenic spots in Luzhou, Aba, Nanchong, Ganzi, Suining, Chengdu, Yibin and Mianyang more than doubled compared with the New Year holiday in 2023. Compared with the New Year’s Day holiday in 2023, the reception volume of cultural and sports venues in the province has tripled.
Nanchong Jialing River Marathon starts. Photo courtesy of Nanchong Wenguang Tourism Bureau
The New Year’s cultural tourism activities are splendid. Many cultural tourism activities, such as New Year’s Concert, Electronic Music Party, Immersive Carnival, Spring Festival Garden, Art Calligraphy Exhibition, Non-legacy into scenic spots, and issuing coupons for Huimin, have been launched in many places in the province. In Nanchong, the opening of the Jialing River Marathon and the Nanchong Station of "Running All over Sichuan" started with a gunshot, and 15,000 people gathered along the Jialing River, which started the pace of welcoming the new year together. There were also the 2024 New Year’s Eve concert and the New Year’s National Concert, which allowed tourists to experience the beauty of music. Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha, as popular scenic spots, attract a large number of citizens and tourists to climb the mountain to pray and make wishes for the New Year.
Jiuhuangshan playing with snow was provided by Mianyang Wenguang Tourism Bureau at that time.
There is a strong demand for snow and sunshine tourism. Focusing on the theme of "enjoying the snow in Shushan and enjoying the warm sunshine in Panxi", Ganzi Prefecture, Aba Prefecture, Liangshan Prefecture, Panzhihua and Chengdu Metropolitan Area and other key snow and sunshine tourist destinations have launched a number of boutique tourist routes, such as snow and ice sightseeing, snow and ice sports, sunshine recreation and rural holidays, and held festivals such as Panzhihua Happy Sunshine Festival, Emei Mountain Ice and Snow Hot Spring Festival and Xiling Snow Mountain South China Ice and Snow Festival, and tourists from Emei Mountain, Xiling Snow Mountain, Bashan Grand Canyon, Zengjiashan and other scenic spots on New Year’s Day. The Jiuhuang Mountain Scenic Area in Beichuan, Mianyang combines the winter ice and snow tourism resources with the unique culture of the Qiang people, and specially launches the welcome ceremony of the Qiang people, the unique IP Chen Zhan of the Qiang people, and of course, there are also a series of interesting activities such as snowman contest, pony running, cool ice and snow show, as well as children’s favorite ski cars and pony ice carts … Visitors can also play with the monkey in the ski resort and enjoy the fun of playing with snow.
The popularity of cultural tourism has not diminished. Many museums in our province bring new experiences to tourists by means of "immersion+personalization". On the first day of New Year’s Day, Guanghan Sanxingdui Museum received 19,800 tourists, an increase of 339.8% compared with the New Year’s Day holiday in 2023. Sansu Temple Museum held Dongpo Poetry Competition, Guangyuan Museum held a series of traditional cultural experience activities of "National Style and Elegant Rhyme", and ziyang Museum was fully opened on December 29th, becoming a new punching point for citizens.

Baihe county, Shaanxi province: nightlife changes in a poor county

Night in Qiaoergou Scenic Area of Baihe County. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Hanshe
Xinhua News Agency, Xi ‘an, November 26th (Reporter Zhang Bin, Xu Han) At 90: 00 pm, a county town is often cut into completely different shapes. Wang Yinchun, who lives in Baihe County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, is deeply touched by this.
"Before this time, the noise of pedestrians on the street, the hawking in shops and the horn of cars will make it very lively. But after this point, people suddenly dispersed, and the county town suddenly calmed down and there was a sense of’ emptiness’. " Wang Yinchun grew up, worked and lived here.
There was no nightlife in the small town in the past, especially in Baihe County, deep in Qinba Mountain.
Baihe County, located in the depths of the mountains at the junction of Shaanxi and Hubei, is a typical mountainous county and a deep poverty-stricken county in China.
In the past, after dark, the local people’s night life was all in front of the TV, in the mahjong room and by the river bank. Cinemas, bookstores, stadiums … The "standard" in these cities was once a "scarce product" for a poor county. Watching a movie, Baihe people have to go across the province to Shiyan City, Hubei Province, and the round trip is nearly 200 kilometers.
From a piece of data, we can also see one or two reasons for the lack of nightlife in Baihe County: "The soil is not three inches thick and the land is not 100 acres flat", and the poor industrial base forces many people to go out to work, among which Baihe County, with a population of 210,000, once accounted for 60,000 people.
"People are out, how can we get busy?" Lu Chuanzhen, director of Baihe County Cultural Center, said that when it came to organizing cultural activities, the first difficulty was to find someone, and it was even more difficult to find the right person.
Change is happening quietly.
Since the launch of poverty alleviation, Baihe County has created employment opportunities for more and more fellow villagers based on the actual situation in the region, through ex situ poverty alleviation and relocation, development of characteristic industries and establishment of community factories.
In a toy factory not far from the county seat, workers are processing toy parts. They used to be "drifting in the north (Beijing)" and "drifting in the deep (Shenzhen)", but now these wanderers have become "returning geese".
This is a new latitude aesthetics bookstore in the county. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Bin photo
Now, at 90 o’clock in the evening, in Qiaoergou, a local cultural and tourist scenic spot, red lanterns light up the silent ancient city along Qingshiban Road, which has become a preferred punching place for locals and tourists. In the "latitude aesthetics" book bar, the cultural complex composed of books, coffee and handicrafts makes the small town have an urban style; In the newly-built cinema, domestic and international blockbusters are released simultaneously.
"When we first opened, most of them were young people. Now more and more young people are bringing their parents. We have become a new place for family gatherings." Li Xing, the person in charge of Baihe Cinema, said, "In summer, some fellow villagers have to hurry to see a movie after finishing their work."
Gao Fuhong, director of the Propaganda Department of Baihe County Committee, said that in the past, industries were sluggish and cultural life was lacking. Counties and towns were unattractive, making it difficult to keep local people, let alone attract foreigners. Nowadays, the county has vigorously developed a variety of industries and created a variety of cultural places, giving fellow villagers a place to pursue spiritual and cultural life, and the county towns and villages are gradually full of vitality.
In Baihe cinema, two children are waiting for a movie. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Hanshe
This kind of scene not only appears in Baihe County, but also in many places in Qinba Mountain. Many places are constantly consolidating industries, providing employment, and constantly creating colorful entertainment methods to add vitality to the countryside and seek happiness for fellow villagers.
Soon, the celebration party starring local people in Baihe County will begin. Lu Chuanzhen said: "Now all kinds of cultural activities are doing very well. In the past, we had to rely on the cultural backbones of towns to ask for programs everywhere. Now there are many programs organized by fellow villagers themselves, and we have to cut some as appropriate. "

Hubei’s ice and snow tourism has become a hot spot for cultural tourism consumption during the New Year holiday.

Wuhan, Wuhan, December 31 (Reporter Zhang Zhuo trainee reporter Zhao Ling correspondent Ewen Travel) During the New Year’s Day, the curtain of winter tourism in Hubei slowly opened, and ice and snow tours became a "hot" choice for winter. The weather is fine on New Year’s Day holiday this year, which is suitable for tourists to travel. Hubei has a variety of ice and snow sports venues, allowing tourists to enjoy skiing, enjoying snow and playing with snow, and enjoying close contact with snow and ice. It is estimated that about 100,000 tourists will participate in skiing and playing with snow.
In order to meet the needs of tourists, Hubei has continuously enriched the winter tourism products mainly based on skiing. Visitors can fully experience the characteristics of Hubei winter tourism in Shennongjia, Yichang, Huanggang and Xianning, and have a beautiful encounter with ice and snow.
Shennongjia has made great efforts to build a big IP for ice and snow, enriching the format and increasing the experience with night skating products, promoting the culture of ice and snow sports, and letting more people know and experience the fun of ice and snow sports. According to statistics, two days before New Year’s Day, Shennongjia International, Zhonghe and Longjiangping ski resorts received a total of 15,000 tourists, an increase of 129.1% compared with the same period of New Year’s Day in 2023.
Huanggang City held the 7th Hubei Yingshan Hot Spring Skiing Festival "Dream Back to Datang and Meet Bi Sheng Millennium Tangquan Frozen", which received 14,000 tourists in a single day. Enshi Badong Lvcongpo Ski Resort received 5100 people. Xianning Jihua Ice and Snow Xiangcheng Ski Museum received 3330 tourists.
In addition, Hubei Province is rich in all kinds of ice and snow activities. During New Year’s Day, Shennongjia International Ski Resort took "Skiing with Olympic Champion" as the theme, allowing tourists to play around Shennongjia International Ski Resort with Olympic Champion Liao Hui, and at the same time holding the activity of "Cultural Travel Vouchers to Help Study", which attracted more than a thousand students who came to study skiing in winter. Wuhan East Lake Scenic Area has launched 6,000 square meters of "Looking for the Ice and Snow Egg Island", covering eight major snow-themed games such as snowball fights, ice dragon boat races and ice sculpture exhibitions, so that tourists can have a "snow addiction" during the New Year holiday; Liuzhuya Scenic Area in Baokang, Xiangyang held the 2023 Ice and Snow Tourism Festival and the "Winter Tour in Baokang" activity, and promoted the ice and snow tourism in Baokang through on-site promotion, folk programs and ski performances.
In recent years, Hubei cultural tourism department and sports department have made joint efforts to implement the "North Snow South Exhibition" project, actively promote mass ice and snow sports and guide ice and snow consumption. At present, there are 18 ski resorts officially operating in the province. In the early stage, Hubei issued the "Welcome to the Dragon Year, Welcome to Hubei in Winter Fun" 2023 Hubei Winter Tourism Consumption Season Preferential Policy Gift Package, Shennongjia launched the 18th Ice and Snow Festival, and Yichang launched a series of activities such as "Hot Snow Boils, It’s Appropriate to Start-Yichang’s First Popular Ice and Snow Season", which added color to the ice and snow tour during the New Year holiday.
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On New Year’s Day holiday, officers and men of the Armed Police Force stick to their positions all the time to ensure the safety of people’s travel.

CCTV News:During the New Year’s Day holiday, the passenger flow in many scenic spots and transportation hubs increased. Yesterday (December 30th), the national railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation are expected to send 41.768 million passengers, an increase of 73.3% over the first day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2023. The officers and men of the armed police stick to the battle position all the time to ensure the safety of passengers everywhere.
In view of the increase in passenger flow during the festival, officers and men of Tianjin Armed Police Corps used a combination of foot patrol and fixed-point alert to patrol scenic spots, important transportation hubs, crowded places and other places, so as to increase patrol density and ensure the safety of personnel travel.
Tourist Zhang Wenyujie:The scenery of the ancient cultural street is really beautiful, especially in such cold weather, it is really hard to see the patrolling armed police officers and soldiers, and I am very grateful to them.
As a popular tourist city, Kunming has attracted many tourists from all over the country to punch in, and the average daily traffic has increased by more than 70,000 people. A few days ago, the officers and men of Kunming detachment of Yunnan Armed Police Corps adopted a combination of fixed-point vigilance and armed patrol to strengthen the duty patrol at various stations of the railway station, maintain order at the scene in crowded areas such as the entrance, waiting room and exit, and also provide warm-hearted help for passing passengers to ensure safe and smooth travel of passengers.
As one of the largest transportation hubs in Asia, the average daily passenger volume in hangzhou east railway station during New Year’s Day was as high as 294,000. The officers and men of the Hangzhou detachment of the Armed Police Force and the public security department have strengthened the coordination between the military and the ground, established a comprehensive control network covering points, lines and areas, and made every effort to ensure the safe travel of passengers.
Chen Pengyu, Hangzhou detachment of Zhejiang Armed Police Corps:During the New Year’s Day holiday, the West Lake Scenic Area also attracted many foreign tourists. We adopted fixed-point vigilance and foot patrol, and added duty personnel to the sections with many people at the entrance and exit of the scenic area to escort passengers to travel safely.
(Source: CCTV)

Douban 9.1, a high-scoring movie that watched millions of people cry, poked the biggest pain in our hearts.

Talking about psychology in the original building


It is said that the love of parents is the greatest love, but there is also a kind of love of relatives in this world. Whenever I think of her, many childhood memories will always emerge in my mind, and the softest place in my heart will feel warm. She is my grandmother.

The film love changes that I want to share with you today is a touching film about my grandmother.

This movie was released in South Korea in 2002, and it won the box office championship for four weeks in a row, becoming the highest-grossing movie of that year, and the netizens on Douban also scored 9.1.

Some netizens commented that watching the film reminds me of my grandmother, and every shot grandma appears is a tear …


Xiangyu, the hero of the story, is a little boy who grew up in a single-parent family.

Mother sent Xiangyu to her grandmother’s house in the country for a few days to facilitate her work.

On the way to grandma’s house, bumpy mountain roads, crowded buses and rustic country uncles and aunts chattered about chickens and ducks …

All these make Xiangyu, a city child, feel deeply disgusted and disgusted.

Xiangyu’s grandmother’s village is a very poor place. There are no entertainment facilities and places in the village, only a small grocery store, and grandma’s home is even more dilapidated.

Grandma is an old man in her seventies, her face is covered with wrinkles, and her back has been bent by perennial farm work.

Besides, grandma can’t read and is mute.

After her mother took Xiangyu to her grandmother’s house, she turned around and left.

Looking at this old and dumb grandmother, Xiangyu is full of disdain and disgust.

Grandma wanted to touch his head, and he was too dirty to avoid it. Grandma wanted to take his hand home, but he also forced it off and even made a gesture to hit someone.

There is no way, grandma hunched in front, followed by Xiangyu did not forget to scold: idiot.

Grandma just looked back at Xiangyu from time to time, for fear that he didn’t keep up.

This is the scene of the first meeting between grandparents and grandchildren, without a trace of warmth and touching.

In the evening, when having dinner, grandma brought Xiangyu food. He threw all the food into grandma’s bowl and only ate the canned food he brought.

Grandma’s eyesight is dim, and it is very laborious to thread the needle. She wants Xiangyu to help.

Xiangyu first pretended not to hear the video game, and after repeated requests from her grandmother, she got up impatiently to help.

Xiangyu’s game machine was out of power, so he pestered his grandmother to give him money to buy batteries, but her grandmother had no money, so she could only keep apologizing to Xiangyu.

He searched every corner of grandma’s house, but he didn’t find any money. He was so angry that he kicked the clay pot that grandma cherished and threw away her only pair of shoes.

Grandma without shoes can only walk barefoot on the rocky mountain road.

Xiangyu still refused to let it go. He took advantage of his grandmother’s sleep and pulled out her hairpins, hoping to exchange them for money to buy batteries.

When my grandmother woke up, she found that the hair clasp was missing, so she had to fix her hair with a spoon.

Xiangyu wanted to eat KFC, but grandma didn’t understand. He showed it to her like a rooster.

Grandma looked at Xiangyu’s cock and thought he wanted to eat chicken, so she braved the heavy rain and walked a long, long mountain road and bought a chicken.

After the stew, grandma brought the chicken to Xiangyu, but Xiangyu looked disgusted and cried and overturned his job, cursing grandma: you are a liar who knows nothing.

Grandma doesn’t know what to do, so she can only silently turn around and pick up the bowl that Xiangyu threw away, pick up the rice grains on the ground and stuff them into her mouth, for fear of wasting them.

Looking at Xiangyu who fell asleep in anger, grandma was full of guilt.

In the town, Xiangyu saw his little friend and was afraid that his grandmother would embarrass him, so he left his grandmother alone and went home by car with his partner.

Finally, in order to save money, grandma had to walk home alone.

Xiangyu’s personality is so capricious and stubborn, but grandma always only cares and tolerates him.

Grandma learns to ponder over his toys and wants to know more about her grandson’s world.

Xiangyu was afraid of going to the toilet alone at night, so grandma squatted barefoot and watched.

Grandma took Xiangyu to the town to sell melons, because grandma couldn’t speak. At the end of the day, none of them were sold.

But even if there is no income at the end of the day, grandma still takes Xiangyu to buy new shoes.

Take him to eat a meal in Zhajiang Noodles, and grandma only ordered one for Xiangyu, watching by herself.

In the face of her grandson’s unreasonable demands, my grandmother waved "I’m sorry" on her chest again and again and apologized to her grandson.


Grandma’s clumsy love made Xiangyu more headstrong at first, but as time went by, grandma’s love penetrated into Xiangyu’s heart, and he gradually changed, no longer just thinking about himself.

When grandma was not at home, it rained heavily. Xiangyu hurried to collect clothes. After collecting his own clothes, he saw that grandma’s clothes were still outside, and went out to collect grandma’s clothes.

Grandma got sick because she got wet in the rain. He would cover her with a quilt and put a towel on her forehead, hoping that she would get better soon.

On grandma’s sick day, he never cooked, and he prepared breakfast for grandma.

When grandma goes home, Xiangyu will take the initiative to take the bag in her hand.

Grandma bought him chocolate cakes, and he secretly stuffed one into her bag.

I accidentally fell down the hillside and was injured. When I saw my grandmother, Xiangyu jumped into her arms and cried bitterly.

Xiangyu’s dislike and complaint about his grandmother at first gradually turned into love and dependence. He is increasingly inseparable from his grandmother, and some even don’t want to return to the city.

Just when the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren improved, Xiangyu received a letter from his mother to take him home.

Xiangyu is full of sadness for his grandmother, and he doesn’t trust her to live alone. He teaches her to read and write letters.

He said to grandma:

Because you can’t talk on the phone, you should write to me.

Grandma, if you are sick, send me a blank piece of writing paper. I know it’s you, and I’ll be right back.

Speaking of which, Xiangyu has been sobbing, and grandma has secretly wiped her tears.

The day of parting still came, and Xiangyu helped grandma put on her needle and thread, which was enough for grandma to use for a while.

On the bus leaving, Xiangyu learned the gesture of grandma’s apology and gestured "I’m sorry" on his chest over and over again.

With the bus gone, grandma walked back to her hut alone.

After watching the movie, I remembered what Stefanie sang in the song "Good Youth":

Remember that someone is waiting at the end of the world, no matter how far away it is, don’t come back.

Affection is often the most easily overlooked emotion.

In many people’s childhood, there are always people who regard us as treasures in their hands and are willing to leave us the most precious things she has.

But because we are loved, we often have nothing to hide, dislike and blame them, and even never take the time to get to know them. It is not until we grow up that we find that the love we once ignored is so precious.

In the movie, my grandmother is old, and she is very indifferent to life and death. Even the old woman who runs a convenience store said flatly to her grandmother:

Come and see me again, before we die.

Xiangyu, on the other hand, didn’t understand grandma’s love until he left. Before he could figure out how to respond to grandma, he was about to leave her side.

In the future, how many opportunities will he have to repay his grandmother?

Don’t wait until it’s too late to try to make up for it.

Take advantage of this holiday, spend more time with them and listen to their stories when you have time. Only companionship is the longest confession.

Yunnan hosts the 5th International Students’ Cultural Exchange Week.

Original title: The 5th International Student Cultural Exchange Week was held in our province.

Recently, the 5th International Students’ Cultural Exchange Week in Yunnan Province was held in Kunming and Yuxi.

The theme of this exchange week is "Youth without Borders Developing to the Future", and 60 teachers and students from 19 countries participated in five universities: Yunnan University, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine, Dali University and Yuxi Normal University. The campers visited Yunnan Provincial Museum, yunnan military academy, Dounan Flower Shooting Center, Yuxi Happy Town, Chengjiang Fossil Land Natural Museum, Mafang Village, Fuxian Lake, and other places to experience the charm of Yunnan’s excellent traditional culture and the achievements of rural revitalization, national unity, scientific and technological innovation and ecological civilization.

Through cultural exchange, campers have a deeper understanding of "there is a life called Yunnan" Li Hongchang, a Myanmar student at Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that this activity gave him a more comprehensive and three-dimensional understanding of China and Yunnan, and he would learn more about China culture during his next study abroad. Tai Longkang, an international student from Laos in Yunnan University, said that after returning to school, he will be a folk messenger to promote friendly exchanges between China and Laos.

It is understood that the cultural exchange week for overseas students in Yunnan Province has been successfully held for five times, aiming at building a learning exchange platform for young students at home and abroad, spreading culture, enhancing friendship and promoting the communication between the people. There are more than 80 countries of international students, and the number exceeds 10,000.

The event was hosted by Yunnan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Yunnan People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Yuxi Municipal Government, Yunnan Youth Federation and Yunnan Student Federation.

The picture shows the campers experiencing the making of non-legacy handmade kites. (Reporter Deng Qingwen)

Going north and going south-the exchange between Hong Kong and mainland youth has narrowed their spiritual distance

  Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, June 21st (Reporter Chen Ji Zhan Yan) Since he went to Beijing to work in Internet advertising in 2000, Zhang Longhua, a Hong Kong native, has experienced several entrepreneurial stories spanning Beijing, Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

  His latest entrepreneurial project is the mobile Internet video teaching platform "Xiumiao". This platform was released in Hong Kong at the end of 2015 and landed in the mainland at the beginning of the following year. Zhang Longhua set up the company in Hong Kong Science Park and the mainland branch in Shenzhen Qianhai Youth DreamWorks, and went back and forth to the two places once a week as usual.

  Xiu Miaoduo invited a Hong Kong tutor to teach the course, covering life skills such as speech skills, social etiquette, love and marriage. "Not only the first-tier cities in the mainland have demand for these courses, but many second-and third-tier cities have wine tasting classes, etiquette classes, etc., and there are many people attending classes." Zhang Longhua said, "Because people are striving for progress, and they are constantly pursuing the enrichment of social skills and the improvement of their self-cultivation."

  At the end of 2014, Qianhai Administration, Shenzhen Youth Federation and Hong Kong Youth Federation initiated the establishment of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth DreamWorks, and so far 77 Hong Kong entrepreneurial teams including Xiumiao have been hatched. Qianhai also provided 666 internship positions for young people in Hong Kong, received 8,000 students from Hong Kong colleges and universities for study and exchange, and attracted more than 100 Hong Kong youth entrepreneurial teams to participate in the first Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

  Going north to start a business is behind the enthusiastic struggle of young people in Hong Kong and the help of government departments. It is understood that in the past three academic years, more than 170,000 Hong Kong students participated in the mainland exchange program. In April 2014, the Hong Kong SAR Government launched the Youth Internship and Exchange Funding Scheme in the Mainland, which further promoted Hong Kong young people’s understanding of the job market and development opportunities in the Mainland.

  Close to the water tower, Qianhai has opened a channel for the flow of talents between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. In addition to promoting more than 10 kinds of Hong Kong professionals such as certified tax agents, certified accountants and housing managers to practice directly in Qianhai, it also levies personal income tax on overseas talents including high-end talents from Hong Kong at a rate of only 15%.

  After starting a business, Zhang Longhua is still infatuated with the strong historical and humanistic atmosphere in the north, which is also one of the reasons why the vast mainland attracts him. "I like history very much. At that time, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, I would go to the Great Wall every month and visit Shichahai every week or two." He said.

  Multi-culture, international vision and open concept … … A "Pearl of the Orient", which blends East and West, has also attracted many young people from the mainland to show their great ambitions during the 20 years since returning to the motherland.

  Unlike Zhang Longhua, Zhao Xiaoshuang, a mainland exchange student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, prefers to go into nature and "see the sea through the mountains". "Hong Kong’s natural environment is well protected. It’s not very troublesome to go to an island by boat. The scenery is beautiful and natural. This is a particularly good place in Hong Kong. " She said.

  The year after Hong Kong’s return, Hong Kong universities began to recruit mainland students by entrusting 10 mainland universities. In 2003, the Ministry of Education officially agreed that Hong Kong universities should recruit self-funded undergraduates in six provinces and cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Fujian. Over the past decade or so, the scope of enrollment has gradually expanded.

  In 2009, after graduating from Beijing Foreign Studies University, Zhao Xiaoshuang was admitted to the Department of Social Work of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, worked in Hong Kong for more than four years, returned from studying abroad for one year, and worked as an exchange student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Zhao Xiaoshuang, who originally went south, claimed to be "led by curiosity". She said that there are many advanced things in social work and charity in Hong Kong, and I want to learn about them myself.

  Mr. Wang, from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, chose the multimedia major of the School of Design of Hong Kong Polytechnic University to further study and improve himself after graduating from a creative cartoon in Hong Kong.

  After living in Hong Kong for more than five years, Mr. Wang has been able to skillfully hear Cantonese and got married here. In cafes in Hong Kong, he has taught Mandarin one-on-one with Hong Kong friends for countless times. "More and more Hong Kong people have this will because their business is related to the mainland and they have to speak Mandarin." Mr. Wang said.

  In 2011, as a financial consultant, Chen Zhihao, a Hong Kong resident, was still fluent in Mandarin when he came to meet his first mainland client in Longgang, Shenzhen. This mainland customer is a primary school teacher with a monthly income of 5,000 yuan. Although the business was not concluded, she became good friends with Chen Zhihao.

  During the past six years, Chen Zhihao’s clients were mainly mainland youths, who were distributed in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other places. His life was like a pendulum, and he frequently traveled between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. He met his girlfriend in Shenzhen, a Guiyang girl who graduated from Hong Kong University.

  "The biggest feeling of working and living in the mainland is that people have a positive attitude towards work and life and work hard. I learned a lot from my girlfriend. " Chen Zhihao said.

  The Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, said that apart from politics and economy, the mainland and Hong Kong are also closely related to social and livelihood issues. Cultural exchanges between the two places are becoming more and more frequent. At present, there are more than 520,000 Hong Kong people living, working and studying in Guangdong Province for a long time.

  Many customers at work have become friends in Chen Zhihao’s life. "Basically, they eat together, watch movies together and chat together. I often recommend them to watch some good movies in Hong Kong." Chen Zhihao said, "I am doing myself well, in fact, I am promoting Hong Kong well."

81 movies get together for the 40-day Lunar New Year, waiting for the "head work"

  Zhong Han Jian gong bo

  "Is it a New Year’s Eve file now?" Not long ago, Hu Youqi, a citizen, found on the ticketing platform that the platform and the cinema had already marked the Lunar New Year file early, and many recently released films also used it as a label for publicity.

  Data from Cat’s Eye Professional Edition shows that this year’s Lunar New Year file runs from November 24th to December 31st. As of 16: 00 on December 18th, 81 films (including reruns) have been locked in this schedule, and the national box office this year has exceeded 52.906 billion yuan. With the further promotion of the Lunar New Year file, people in the industry generally believe that this year’s movie box office will hit 55 billion yuan, which is the same as 2017.

  Many viewers found that, unlike the impression that the New Year’s Eve files are mainly comedic family movies, this year’s New Year’s Eve files are not only rich in types, but also have a good reputation. However, compared with previous Chinese New Year’s Eve movies, which have produced many annual box office champions and box office masterpieces that broke 1 billion yuan, Across the Furious Sea, which topped this year’s Chinese New Year’s Eve movie, currently has a box office of only 546 million yuan, lacking a "head work" matrix with a double harvest of box office reputation to drive the film market to by going up one flight of stairs.

  Has the New Year’s Eve changed?

  There is no standard answer as to when the Lunar New Year file will start. Usually, a movie is a hit around December, even if the Lunar New Year file is opened.

  On November 30th, the film "Hot Search" starring Zhou Dongyu, Song Yang and Justin was released, saying that it was "the first to open the curtain of the year-end Lunar New Year"; On December 1st, NI YAN and Seven starred in the film Goodbye, Li Kele, which is also called "the first shot of Chinese New Year". Hu Youqi has some doubts: "Isn’t the New Year’s Day to the Spring Festival?"

  In fact, with the development of the film market in China, the time of the New Year’s Eve is quietly changing.

  When will the Lunar New Year file become a schedule? The reporter interviewed a number of people in the industry, and almost everyone agreed that this concept entered the film industry in China, which originated from the film Party A and Party B, which was released at the end of 1997 and was dubbed as the "New Year’s Film", which made a box office story at that time. Since then, more and more films have chosen to be released during this period, among which the head films are often star-studded and commercial.

  Previously, the industry once divided New Year’s Eve files into broad and narrow sense. The broad New Year’s Eve files include two major festivals, New Year’s Day and Spring Festival, which last for about one and a half months. There is no standard answer as to when the Lunar New Year file will start. "Usually, a movie is popular around December, even if the Lunar New Year file is opened".

  Wang Ce, a member of the Shanghai Film Criticism Society and a senior screenwriter, said that the Lunar New Year file continued the idea that many lively comedies in China and Hong Kong were shown together during New Year’s Day and Spring Festival. "But at that time, the film supply was small, and the cycle of a film was as long as one to two months. With the increase in film supply, it has now been subdivided into multiple schedules. "

  On the movie data platforms such as Cat’s Eye and Lighthouse, the New Year’s Eve file is different from the New Year’s Eve file, New Year’s Day file and Spring Festival file. The New Year’s Eve file refers to more than one month from late November to December 31, while the New Year’s Eve file only refers to a day on December 31. There are still many cases of "stalls" in one day, such as Tanabata stalls and 520 stalls, which have emerged in recent years. According to insiders, the film market is now well supplied and the film screening cycle is shortened. Often, the first week or even the first day of the box office determines the follow-up trend of a film box office. In this case, it is not unexpected to subdivide the schedule. The film will arrange the release time according to the theme, investment and market expectation. Wang Ce said that the Spring Festival is a big schedule. Usually, films with larger investment and higher expectations will be released, and films with less competitiveness will be released on New Year’s Day.

  A few days ago, the reporter saw in Daguangming Cinema that the December News posted at the gate of the cinema was a collection of 13 films such as Hot Search and Wonka from Aquaman 2, and posters of recently released films such as Three Battalions, Crossing the Sea and Breaking Point were placed in the hall, but the words "New Year’s Eve File" did not appear. The staff of Daguangming Cinema introduced that in the past, the concept of New Year’s Eve was relatively broad, basically starting from the end of November and early December until the Spring Festival, but now it is gradually subdivided into New Year’s Day and Spring Festival. "We usually say New Year’s Eve, which generally means that when the New Year is approaching, at least after the end of December, it will start with Party A and Party B at the earliest, and then a series of films such as Let Bullets Fly, It’s too embarrassing for people to travel again have good box office output in this period. After the breakdown of the schedule in recent years, the atmosphere of the Lunar New Year file is not as strong as before, and the explosion point is more concentrated in the Spring Festival file. "

  "The concept of the schedule is more of a B-end concept. For the audience, the centralized release of the demand for watching movies is often accompanied by legal holidays, and the main box office output of the Lunar New Year file is still on New Year’s Day and other festivals." Zhang Tong, a senior analyst at Cat’s Eye Research Institute, said that in 2010, 2011 and 2012, domestic box office champions, Let Bullets Fly, flowers of war, and The Way of Water, were all released in the New Year’s Eve file. In recent years, the New Year’s Eve file also produced Sheep Without A Shepherd’s Ip Man 4, Shock Wave 2’s manslaughter 2 and Avatar: The Way of Water. "Famous in 2021 and Nobody in 2018 were both released in mid-November, and both of them have achieved good box office results in the traditional off-season of the film market."

  Can it hit 55 billion yuan?

  This year is the year with the most and most lively New Year movies, but there is still a lack of "head works" with a double harvest at the box office.

  The film market in China has recovered strongly this year. Data from Cat’s Eye Professional Edition shows that this year’s Spring Festival file became the second in history with 6.765 billion yuan; After that, the box office of the "May 1 ST" file was second only to the same period in 2019 and 2021; The box office of the summer file exceeded 20.62 billion yuan, breaking the record of the highest box office, the highest number of people and the total number of times in the summer file of China Film History. With the release of many films for the Lunar New Year, the industry is optimistic that the total box office of this year’s films will hit 55 billion yuan.

  "In 2023, the overall performance of the China film market was remarkable, and the market quickly recovered its vitality." In Zhang Tong’s view, many masterpieces have emerged during the Spring Festival, summer vacation, National Day and other holiday periods, and new audiences continue to enter the market. "This year’s head films generally have a strong family viewing attribute, and the proportion of older audiences has increased compared with previous years."

  This year, there are 81 movies in the Lunar New Year, which is not surprising to some people in the industry. In 2019, there are also 70 movies in the Lunar New Year. The staff of Daguangming Cinema said: "This year’s Lunar New Year’s files have diverse styles and themes to meet the needs of audiences of different ages." Ma Ye, president of Baiying (Beijing) Cinema Management Co., Ltd., believes that this year is the year with the most and most lively New Year movies.

  However, at present, Across the Furious Sea, which was released on November 25th, is still the leading movie at the box office, with a cumulative box office of 546 million yuan. Compared with this year’s Spring Festival movie "Man Jiang Hong" and "Wandering Earth 2", and the summer movie "Put all your eggs in one basket", "Disappeared She" and "Goddess the First Part", there is still a lack of "head movies" with strong box office, topics and reputation.

  "Up to now, this year’s Lunar New Year file has indeed not seen a large-scale film to incite the market to watch movies." Zhang Tong said that the highlight is the films released at the end of the year. Apart from Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars, two Hong Kong films, Goldfinger, Sneak, and the workplace satirical comedy The Annual Meeting can’t stop! ",New Year’s classic IP" If You Are the One 3 "are all worth looking forward to. The staff of Daguangming Cinema also revealed that, according to the usual practice, "hot movies are basically released in the last two days of the year, and it is difficult to predict whether the annual box office can reach 55 billion yuan, but the overall momentum of the film market is good".

  Rui Cui, Liu Xiang and bid for the Olympic Games, directors of "Lost She" and "Put All Your Eggs", which achieved good box office results this summer, are all young directors who have not been well known by the public, and many films released recently have a good reputation. "The number of bad films has decreased this year, which is a good phenomenon." Wang Ce said that with the recent survival of the fittest in the industry, what remains is a relatively mature professional force. In his view, the current audience has "changed a batch" compared with a few years ago, the attraction of big-name directors and famous actors has declined, and the audience pays more attention to themes and stories. For creators, it is necessary to think about why the audience comes to see and create more viewing motives for the audience; On the other hand, the audience is also diverted, and the market is more subdivided. Different types of films such as suspense, science fiction and pure love have their own audience groups. Focusing on a niche type can also have a good market return. "The establishment of the film industrialization system is not only aimed at technology, special effects and service, but also includes R&D planning, script creation, process management, etc. In the past, screenwriters could create with their heads closed, and now they may have to consider the market more. When the entire large industrial system is perfect, no link can be built behind closed doors. "

  People in the industry generally have confidence in the China film market next year. "Next year, a large number of domestic films with rich and diverse types will be reserved." Wang Ce revealed that at present, the film industry has maintained a good development momentum, and the audience need not worry about the "film shortage" next year. Next, films such as Mr. Red Carpet will be shown in the Spring Festival, and a large number of films such as "Feng Shen II" are expected to meet the audience next year.

  Ritual sense attracts young people?

  Movies have social attributes. Watching movies on special holidays is a cost-effective entertainment consumption for young audiences.

  Recently, the movie "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" has attracted the attention of people in the industry and the public: the director is a newcomer, the actor is not a flow star, and the theme is the fantasy love of the minority. However, the pre-sale box office exceeded 100 million yuan 23 days before the release, making it the earliest pre-sale movie and the fastest pre-sale movie for the New Year.

  "In my impression, the Lunar New Year files and movies are all family fun types." Hu Youqi found that there are many suspense and crime themes in recent Lunar New Year movies, as well as Goodbye, Li Ke Le and Dog God with pet themes. In the past, the typical Lunar New Year movies only had the traditional blockbuster Neptune 2: The Lost Kingdom and the established IP If You Are the One 3. According to the data from Taobao Film, there are more than 100,000 movies "wanted to see", among which "plot crime" accounts for 3 movies.

  "Suspense movies are a niche theme for the industry and the audience. These films have a small investment and a low box office ceiling, and usually choose a small schedule or a cold schedule." Wang Ce believes that although there are suspense films such as "Disappeared She" and "Put All Your Eggs on One Egg" exploding in the market this year, they rely more on the topic heat and are unrepeatable. "In the future, suspense films may not become a popular theme, but at present, as a mature market type and insurance investment theme, it may form a fixed output ratio in the domestic film market."

  In the eyes of the industry, with the renewal of movie audiences, young moviegoers are more willing to choose niche and personalized themes. The change of the New Year’s Eve schedule also makes more movies with rich themes and relatively small investment willing to choose this schedule. "Judging from the distribution of the schedule and its impact on the whole year’s market, the Lunar New Year file is expected to continue the heat at the end of the year until the beginning of next year before the Spring Festival file next year, which will play an important role in preheating and undertaking the Spring Festival file next year." Zhang Tong said.

  In addition to the quality of the film, the film side has also begun to exert its strength in marketing and distribution, enriching the movie-watching experience of fans. "Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, bright stars" released on December 30, 1314 cinemas across the country will hold "snow field" activities at 13: 14 on the same day, which is considered by the industry as an important reason for the film’s pre-sale box office to outshine others. According to the data of Cat’s Eye Professional Edition, among the users who buy pre-sale tickets for "Twinkle, Twinkle and Bright Stars", the population under 25 is over 80%. On social media, many viewers who bought advance tickets showed their ticket purchase records, expecting the movie to "snow" when it was released.

  "As a kind of entertainment consumption content, movies not only have commodity attributes, but also have social attributes. Young audiences are the main consumers of social activities. They are more active and pay more attention to the sense of ceremony. On some special holidays, watching movies is a cost-effective entertainment consumption for young audiences. " Zhang Tong said.

  In order to create such a sense of ceremony, many cinemas have made innovations. Located on the first floor of Jing ‘an MOHO, Baiying Sanke Yinghua is a compound space combining a cinema and a restaurant. Ma Ye introduced that this year’s summer file was very busy during the National Day holiday, and the film market was relatively weak in November. Everyone took the opportunity to thoroughly clean the interior and carpets of the cinema, and carried out equipment maintenance, maintenance and staff training, so as to welcome the movie-watching craze with a better look after the opening of the Lunar New Year file.

  Bai Ying San Ke Ying Hua also designed a series of activities to create a sense of ceremony. For example, on December 16, Shanghai ushered in a cooling down, and the cinema chose to hold the "Winter Night Jazz Trio" on the same day to attract the audience with movie music; From December 20th to 25th, the stamp-stamping activity sought after by young people was introduced. With the ticket stubs exchanged for stamp-collecting cards on that day, the stamps of Wonka, Aquaman 2 and Detective Conan were hidden in the cinema space for the audience to find and stamp, and there would be staff dressed as NPC (non-player role) to interact with the audience. "We left these activities to create a sense of theater ceremony to young employees to plan independently, to attract the audience to stay in the theater for a while and leave an impression outside the film. When the audience has memories and emotional connections with the cinema, it is difficult for them to leave. "

(Liberation Daily)
