Nongfu Spring Huangshan Factory is under construction, and Anhui people will be able to drink the Huangshan version of Nongfu Spring next year

Nongfu Spring Huangshan Factory is under construction, and Anhui people will be able to drink the Huangshan version of Nongfu Spring next year

Recently, the Nongfu Spring Huangshan Base project officially started. It is reported that the total investment of the project is 1.25 billion yuan. After full operation, it is expected to generate about 150 million yuan in local taxes every year and provide more than 300 jobs. By the end of next year, Anhui consumers will be able to drink the Nongfu Spring from the depths of Huangshan Mountain.

It is understood that the Nongfu Spring Huangshan Project is a key investment attraction project in Huangshan City, Anhui Province. It not only meets the high-quality development goals of the natural drinking water industry in Huangshan City, but also relies on the base to carry out multi-field product discussions and cooperation to promote the upgrading of the ecological industry in Huangshan.

The new base of Nongfu Spring promotes the development and upgrading of Huangshan’s natural drinking water industry

In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for high-quality natural water in markets across the country. In particular, the expanding market demand in densely populated eastern and central China has prompted Nongfu Spring to continue to search for water sources and establish new production bases in the region. Huangshan has also entered the exploration scope of Nongfu Spring.

It is understood that in 2017, Huangshan City stated in the "Huangshan City Natural Drinking Water Industry Development Plan (2016-2025) " that it will vigorously develop the natural drinking water industry, and strive to achieve the goal of sales output value of 10 billion yuan in 2025. In 2020, the "Huangshan City Natural Drinking Water Industry High-Quality Development Implementation Plan" proposed that by 2022, the natural drinking water industry will become a new growth point for the city’s economic development. Huangshan City has become a well-known natural drinking water production base in China, influential in the eastern region, and well-known in Anhui.

Nongfu Spring Huangshan water source real map, the end of next year, Anhui people drink Nongfu Spring may be the mountain spring here.

In the process of promoting the implementation of the Nongfu Spring Huangshan Base project, the two levels of government in Huangshan City formed a special class for the project to closely track the service throughout the process and promote the preliminary work in parallel, so as to achieve the efficient implementation of the project. The project took 273 days from the contact to the signing, only 3 days from the enterprise registration to the project filing, and only more than 3 months from the land transfer to the completion of leveling. "The Nongfu Spring Huangshan project is the fastest project in our preliminary work in the past ten years, which can be described by the word’divine speed ‘!" The Nongfu Spring Huangshan project owner said that the good local business environment and the government’s service awareness are also one of the reasons why Nongfu Spring chose Huangshan.

Nongfu spring Huangshan water source environment.

Of course, under the policy, the high-quality water sources in Huangshan provide support for Nongfu Spring to establish a production base in Huangshan. According to the public data of the Anhui Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, in 2022, the water quality of surface water and drinking water sources in Huangshan City reached 100% of the standards, and the quality and improvement rate of surface water in the first three quarters reached the first place in the province. The ecological compensation index of the Anjiang street section has been better than the assessment standard for 11 consecutive years. Xin’an River (Huangshan Section) was awarded the first batch of excellent cases of beautiful rivers and lakes in the country and is the only one in Anhui Province.

Nongfu spring Huangshan water source real map.

Nongfu Spring Huangshan water source is located in the foothills of Huangshan Mountain. In 2021, more than 20 water sources were explored in the Huangshan area and three water sources in the foothills were finally confirmed after a long water quality tracking test.

These three water sources are located in the inaccessible hinterland of mountains and forests, with clear water bodies and balanced mineral elements, meeting the rigorous water selection standards of Nongfu Spring.

Nongfu spring Huangshan water source real map.

More than ten water sources cover the whole country, and Nongfu Spring continues to occupy a dominant position in the market

Since the announcement of the comprehensive transformation of natural water production in 2000, finding high-quality water sources has become the biggest issue for Nongfu Spring. It is understood that the Huangshan water source of Nongfu Spring is the 13th water source of Nongfu Spring in the country, which is also the third largest water source in East China after Qiandao Lake and Wuyi Mountain.

Nongfu Spring Huangshan water source real map, the end of next year, Anhui people drink Nongfu Spring may be the mountain spring here.

In July this year, Nongfu Spring announced the completion of a new water source in Daming Mountain, Guangxi. In addition to Huangshan Mountain, Nongfu Spring has also looked for water sources in Sangzhi, Hunan and Qingcheng Mountain, Sichuan. As of now, Nongfu Spring has put into production 12 water sources across the country, and has 3 water sources under construction. The number of water sources far exceeds that of other brands in the packaged drinking water industry. There are dozens of water intake pipes built alone, with a total length of more than 300 kilometers.

"One meter forward, the water quality will be better." In order to obtain better water from a higher source, most of the Nongfu Spring pipelines are located in the deep mountains and are inaccessible. The construction process has also overcome many difficulties and obstacles: The 11.8-kilometer water intake line in Daming Mountain, Guangxi is close to the cliff wall, and the pipeline can only be transported up the mountain by pure manual means. Nearly 2,200 water pipes, it took more than 60 personnel just to move up the mountain, took a month, and it took another four months to lay all of them. The Huangshan water source is faced with rough and bumpy mountain roads and river channels full of boulders. The local government and Nongfu Spring need to skillfully design the pipelines and bypass trees and boulders without affecting the pristine environment. Therefore, there are more bends in the water pipeline, which needs to be cut into 1-2 meters and carried up the mountain by manpower, which greatly increases the difficulty and cost of construction. In addition, the three pipelines are more than 50 kilometers long and travel along the original road as much as possible, achieving harmony with the natural environment.

Nongfu Spring Huangshan water source along the way.

In the water sources of Qiandao Lake and Wanlv Lake, Nongfu Spring needs to extract water at a depth of 30-60 meters without touching the bottom, shore, and surface of the lake. Through various technological breakthroughs such as bridge construction and underwater suspension devices, Nongfu Spring has created many "unique" in the industry. Similar construction processes have been replicated in almost all water sources, and some factories even took six years to complete.

"High-quality water sources often require a long time to find and accumulate, which in itself constitutes a physical barrier, and more importantly, the management ability behind Nongfu Spring. Natural water sources have their own characteristics, and management requires finer granularity. It involves water extraction, water quality, storage and many other aspects. The accumulation of a series of management knowledge will form a soft barrier, which cannot be imitated in a short time." Some industry experts have analyzed. For more than 20 years, Nongfu Spring has defined the standard of natural water through time-consuming water search and water source construction, and has continued to occupy a dominant position in the market with stable quality.  


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