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Chen He’s 38th Birthday Party: Five Haas Gather Together, Deng Chao is younger and more handsome than Luhan!

Recently, our country’s popular actor Chen He ushered in his 38th birthday. This time, he chose to celebrate this special day with five friends from the entertainment industry on his birthday. The five friends are Deng Chao, Lu Han and other five people. They came together to make this birthday party a five-ha gathering.

This time, the birthday party was held in an upscale restaurant, with a luxurious scene and a warm atmosphere. Chen He wore a suit that night, looking handsome and refreshed. Deng Chao, on the other hand, highlighted his decadent coolness and showed his unique personality style. Some even praised Deng Chao as younger and more handsome than Lu Han, which shocked the female fans at the scene.

Chen He received many blessings and gifts from his friends on his birthday, and he felt his luck and the warmth of being loved. He posted photos of the party on Weibo and thanked all those who sent blessings. This move made people feel more happy and satisfied in his heart.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Han has also brought surprises to people. His recent hard work in the gym has made him more robust. Although there is still a gap between Chen He and Deng Chao, his refreshed state and healthy physique have been praised by people. Their interaction and tacit understanding are also envied.

This birthday party was not just a celebration of Chen He, but also a reunion and reunion between the five friends. Chen He, Deng Chao, Lu Han and others all have high popularity and popularity in the entertainment industry, and their friendship is even more enviable. This party not only allowed everyone to witness their friendship, but also showed their respective growth and progress.

Chen He’s 38th birthday party is certainly a moment to celebrate. His success in his career and happiness in his personal life are enviable. He has proved with practical actions that age is not an obstacle to one’s pursuit of dreams and success. With passion and enthusiasm, every day can be a new beginning.

Chen He’s birthday party made people feel the warmth and happiness of friendship, and also gave them more expectations and courage as they grew older. I believe that in the days to come, Chen He and his friends will continue to move forward hand in hand and pursue more dreams and successes together. Let us wish Chen He a happy 38th birthday, and wish him a better career and a happier life in the days to come!

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The Supreme Court announced a typical case of consumer rights protection on June 15


1. Yin Chongyi v. Wuhan Hanfu Supermarket Co., Ltd. Hanyang Branch Sales Contract Dispute

2. Liu Xin v. Shaanxi Lixin Pharmacy Sales Contract Dispute

3. Wang Xin v. Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. Online shopping contract dispute

4. Li Xiaodong v. Jiuxian.com e-commerce joint stock company online shopping contract dispute case

5. Yang Bo v. Bayannaoer Hezhong Yuantong Express Co., Ltd. Wulat Qianqi Branch and Fu Yingchun Online Shopping Contract Dispute

6. Fan Jianwu v. Guangdong Provincial Cultural Relics General Store Sales Contract Dispute

7. Yu Aoyong v. Bi Liping Product Seller Liability Dispute

8. Wang v. Beijing Yiluyou Baby Products Co., Ltd. Service Contract Dispute

9. Wu Junmei v. Zhejiang Pingyun Commercial Trading Co., Ltd. Sale and Purchase Contract Dispute Case

10. Wang Yi v. Tianjin Zhongjin Peixian Automotive Service Co., Ltd. Dispute over the sale contract

I. Yin Chongyi v. Wuhan Hanfu Supermarket Co., Ltd. Hanyang Branch for a dispute over a sales contract

– An operator selling expired food is an act of selling it knowing that the food is unsafe. Consumers have the right to request a refund of the payment and pay ten times the price for compensation.

(1) Basic case

On June 17, 2013, Yin Chongyi paid 251 yuan to Wuhan Hanfu Supermarket Co., Ltd. Hanyang Branch (hereinafter referred to as Hanfu Supermarket) to buy a box of Taohuaji Ejiao cakes. The production date stated on the outer packaging of the food was August 7, 2012, and the shelf life was 10 months. After purchasing, Yin Chongyi found that the food had passed the shelf life, and asked the supermarket to return the goods to no avail. He then sued the People’s Court of Hanyang District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, requesting Hanfu Supermarket to refund the payment of 251 yuan, compensate 2510 yuan ten times the payment, pay 3,000 yuan for transportation and 3,000 yuan for spiritual comfort.

(2) Referee results

The court of first instance held that the shopping invoice provided by Yin Chongyi could prove that he had established a sales contract relationship with Hanfu Supermarket. It was determined whether the Taohuaji Ejiao cake that Yin Chongyi now held that had expired and based on which he filed a lawsuit was the product sold by Hanfu Supermarket at that time. First of all, Yin Chongyi provided the actual product and the shopping invoice, which completed the burden of proof to prove that consumers shopped, and Yin Chongyi reported the situation to Hanfu Supermarket on the day of purchase and requested a return. The two parties failed to negotiate and appealed to the Hanyang Branch of Wuhan Administration for Industry and Commerce on the same day. Yin Chongyi reported the product quality problem in a timely manner. Although Hanfu Supermarket argued that the expired Peach Blossom Ji Ejiao Cake that Yin Chongyi requested to return was not provided by Hanfu Supermarket, it did not submit to the court the evidence of purchase at the same time to prove that it was not sold by Hanfu Supermarket, and the Peach Blossom Ji Ejiao Cake provided by Yin Chongyi was not a batch of products. Hanfu Supermarket cannot provide complete food purchase inspection records and should bear the burden of proof. Its sale of food beyond the shelf life is prohibited by law. Accordingly, the court of first instance, in accordance with Article 96 of the Food Safety Law, ordered Hanfu Supermarket to refund the payment of 251 yuan, compensate 2510 yuan ten times the payment, and compensate Yin Chongyi 500 yuan for transportation expenses. Hanfu Supermarket appealed on the grounds that the facts found in the original trial and the applicable law were wrong. Wuhan Intermediate People’s Court 2nd-round Moderation held that Hanfu Supermarket’s claim that the goods involved in this case were not sold by it, but it could not provide sufficient evidence to prove it, and it had no objection to the shopping invoice issued by Yin Chongyi, so it did not support its claim. Hanfu Supermarket’s sale of expired food is prohibited by law and should be liable for compensation according to law. The court did not support the claim that it did not deliberately sell expired food and should not be liable for compensation, and the judgment upheld the original judgment.

Liu Xin v. Shaanxi Lixin Pharmacy Sales Contract Dispute

– The operator sells health food with counterfeit other batches, which is the sale of food that is known to be unsafe. Consumers have the right to request a refund of the payment and pay ten times the price for compensation.

(1) Basic case

On October 19, 2012, Liu Xin paid 280 yuan to Shaanxi Lixin Pharmacy (hereinafter referred to as Lixin Pharmacy) to buy 4 boxes of "Fast Slimming and Weight Loss Capsules". The product packaging indicated that the approval number was Weishijianzi (2003) No. 0129. After Liu Xin purchased it, it was unopened and uneaten. After logging on to the website of the State Food and Drug Administration, he found no relevant information on the product. According to the approval number Weishijianzi (2003) No. 0129 indicated on the product packaging, it was found that the name of the health product under this number approved by the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China was: "Qiaomei Brand Weight Loss Capsules". Liu Xin believed that the health food he purchased was not registered with the State Food and Drug Administration and should be an unqualified counterfeit product. Therefore, he sued the People’s Court of Lianhu District, Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, requesting Lixin Pharmacy to refund 280 yuan and ten times the purchase price of 2,800 yuan.

(2) Referee results

After trial, the court held that the "fast slimming and weight loss capsules" sold by Lixin Pharmacy were health food, and the approval number marked on the food was inconsistent with the product name "Qiaomei brand weight loss capsules" of the same approval number on the website of the State Food and Drug Administration. Lixin Pharmacy also failed to provide supporting documents for the production of the product. Article 5 of the "Health Food Management Measures" stipulates: "All foods claiming to have health care functions must be reviewed and confirmed by the Ministry of Health"; Article 21, Item 5 of the Measures stipulates: "Health food labels and instructions must comply with relevant national standards and requirements, and indicate the health food approval number". The health food "Quick Slimming and Weight Loss Capsules" sold by Lixin Pharmacy is a product with a fraudulent approval number, and its behavior violates the above provisions. Lixin Pharmacy, as a seller, failed to review the relevant approval certificate when purchasing, so that the product entered the circulation link. Its behavior constitutes the second paragraph of Article 96 of the Food Safety Law "Selling food that is knowingly not in line with food safety standards", and should be returned and refunded according to law and paid compensation. The court then ruled that Lixin Pharmacy should refund Liu Xin 280 yuan for the goods and compensate Liu Xin ten times the shopping price of 2,800 yuan. Lixin Pharmacy did not appeal.

III. Wang Xin v. Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. Online shopping contract dispute

– If the seller sells goods online with price fraud and induces consumers to buy the goods, even if the quality of the goods is qualified, the consumer has the right to request the seller to "refund one to three" and guarantee compensation.

(1) Basic case

On April 8, 2014, Xiaomi Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Xiaomi) published an advertisement on its official website showing: 10400mAh mobile power supply, with a special price of 49 yuan for the "Rice Noodles Festival". On the same day, Wang Xin ordered the following two mobile power supplies on the website: Xiaomi Metal Mobile Power 10400mAh silver 69 yuan, Xiaomi Mobile Power 5200mAh silver 39 yuan. After Wang Xin submitted the order, he paid 108 yuan to Xiaomi through Alipay on the same day. On the 12th of the same month, Wang Xin received the above two mobile power supplies and matching data cables. On the 17th of the same month, Wang Xin found that the original data cable using the 5200mAh mobile power supply could not fully charge the mobile phone, so he contacted Xiaomi’s customer service and asked to exchange the data cable. Xiaomi agreed to exchange and has received the data cable. Afterwards, Wang Xin sued the People’s Court of Haidian District, Beijing, on the grounds that Xiaomi had committed price fraud against him, requesting the cancellation of the online shopping contract. Wang Xin returned two sets of mobile power supplies involved in the case to Xiaomi, and requested Xiaomi to: 1. Compensation for Wang Xin 500 yuan; 2. Refund Wang Xin’s purchase price of 108 yuan; 3. Pay Wang Xin’s courier fee of 15 yuan; 4. Compensation for Wang Xin’s transportation, printing, and copying fees of 100 yuan.

(2) Referee results

The court of first instance held that the online shopping contract involved in the case was valid, Xiaomi’s behavior did not constitute fraud, and Wang Xin’s lawsuit request was insufficient, so the judgment rejected his lawsuit request. Wang Xin refused to accept it and appealed to the Beijing First Intermediate People’s Court, claiming that Xiaomi had advertised the original price of 69 yuan a week in advance for the "Rice Noodles Festival" to sell for 49 yuan, deceiving consumers to queue up to buy. The advertisement was still there on the day of sale, but the goods were sold for 69 yuan. Xiaomi set a regular panic buying for online shopping, and the panic buying time was less than 20 minutes, which constituted price fraud. The 2nd-round Moderation Court held that the online shopping contract involved was valid, and consumers had the right to arm’s length transaction and the right to know about the goods. Due to the particularity of Xiaomi’s online panic buying sales method, the advertisement is directly linked to the panic buying interface of the product and consumers need to express their intention to buy in a short period of time. Wang Xin agreed with Xiaomi’s advertising price of 49 yuan, so the price of panic buying on the day of the "Rice Noodles Festival" should be 49 yuan. However, as can be seen from the order details on Xiaomi’s website, Wang Xin placed an order at 14:30 on April 8, 2014, and the price of the 10400mAh mobile power supply in the order was 69 yuan instead of 49 yuan. Xiaomi now acknowledges that there is an error displayed on the activity interface of Xiaomi Mall, and there is an inconsistency between the advertising price and the actual settlement price, but it is interpreted as an error in the computer background system. Since Xiaomi did not make a statement to consumers on the Internet about the error in its background after the fact, and it had no evidence to prove that its computer background failed on the day of the "Rice Noodles Festival", the 2nd-round Moderation Court found that Xiaomi had deliberately defrauded consumers. Wang Xin’s request for fraudulent request to revoke the contract for the 10400mAh mobile power supply was reasonable. For the other power supply, both parties agreed to terminate the contract, and the 2nd-round Moderation Court granted it. Accordingly, the court ruled that Wang Xin returned the above two mobile power supplies to Xiaomi Company according to law, and Xiaomi Company guaranteed compensation to Wang Xin of 500 yuan, refunded Wang Xin’s payment of 108 yuan, and rejected Wang Xin’s other claims.

Four, Li Xiaodong v. Jiuxian.com e-commerce joint stock company online shopping contract dispute case

– The e-commerce company, as a seller, has fraudulent behavior in the process of using other people’s networks to sell goods. After the transaction, it reaches a compensation agreement with the consumer and fails to fulfill it. The consumer has the right to request the seller to bear compensation liability in accordance with the agreement.

(1) Basic case

On August 9, 2012, Li Xiaodong bought 6 bottles of Baijiu sold by Jiuxian.com e-commerce joint stock company (hereinafter referred to as Jiuxian.com) on Taobao. The online product page described it as [Baijiu China Famous Brand 52 Degrees Wuliangye (1618) 500ml Special Price], and the transaction price was 8349 yuan. After the transaction was completed, Li Xiaodong checked the above webpage and found that the Baijiu purchased in Jiuxian.com’s Taobao store won the bidding of the product "special price and original price" equal, so he reported it to the Beijing Price Reporting Center. Afterwards, Li Xiaodong and Jiuxian Company reached a "Understanding Agreement", agreeing that the two parties would complete the return and refund procedures within 5 days after the signing of the agreement. Jiuxian Company compensated Li Xiaodong 8,394 yuan, and if one party breached the contract, it would bear 20% of the total amount of liquidated damages. Because Jiuxian Company failed to fulfill the agreement, Li Xiaodong sued to the People’s Court of Binhai County, Jiangsu Province, requesting Jiuxian Company to compensate 8,394 yuan and bear liquidated damages of 1678.8 yuan.

(2) Referee results

The court under suit held that business operators should follow the principles of voluntary, equal, fair, and good faith when conducting transactions with consumers. In the course of transactions, business operators should provide consumers with true information about the goods and must not make false propaganda. In the course of online transactions in this case, Jiuxian Company misled consumers by selling special goods online. Its behavior constituted fraud and should bear legal responsibility according to law. Li Xiaodong reached an understanding agreement with Jiuxian Company in the process of claiming compensation. Because Jiuxian Company failed to perform its obligations in accordance with the agreement, its behavior constituted a breach of contract and should bear the liability for breach of contract. Therefore, Li Xiaodong’s lawsuit request for Jiuxian Company to perform its compensation obligations in accordance with the agreement complies with the law and should be supported according to law. After being legally summoned by the court of appeal, Jiuxian Company refused to appear in court to participate in the lawsuit without justifiable reasons, which was regarded as giving up its right to defend and should bear the unfavorable legal consequences. The court ordered Jiuxian Company to pay Li Xiaodong 8,394 yuan in compensation and 1,678.8 yuan in liquidated damages, totaling 10,072.8 yuan. Jiuxian Company did not appeal.

V. Yang Bo v. Bayannaoer Hezhong Yuantong Express Co., Ltd. Wulat Qianqi Branch and Fu Yingchun Online Shopping Contract Dispute

– If the goods purchased online by the consumer are falsely claimed by others during the delivery process, and the consumer claims that the seller and the deliveryman jointly bear the liability for compensation, the seller shall bear the liability for compensation according to the principle of relativity of contract.

(1) Basic case

On March 19, 2013, Yang Bo purchased a computer worth 15,123 yuan from Fu Yingchun’s electronic business department in the form of online shopping. After placing the order, the payment and postage of 95 yuan have been paid to Yingchun. On the same day, Fu Yingchun entrusted Wulateqianqi Branch of Bayannaoer Hezhong Yuantong Express Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the courier company) to deliver the goods. The goods arrived at the delivery place on the 24th of the same month and were falsely claimed by others. To this end, Yang Bo repeatedly asked Fu Yingchun to deliver the goods unsuccessfully, and then sued the People’s Court of Wulateqianqi, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, requesting that the courier company and Fu Yingchun compensate 15,123 yuan for the computer payment and 95 yuan for the postage.

(2) Referee results

The court held that Yang Bo purchased goods from Fu Yingchun in the form of online shopping, and paid the payment and postage to Fu Yingchun. Fu Yingchun, as the shipper, entrusted the courier company to deliver the goods to Yang Bo, forming the online shopping contract relationship and the transportation contract relationship respectively. From the perspective of the respective rights and obligations of the parties, in the online shopping contract, Yang Bo has paid the payment and postage through online banking, fulfilled the consumer’s payment obligation, and Fu Yingchun, as the seller, has the obligation to deliver the goods to Yang Bo according to the contract. Although Fu Yingchun has handed over the goods to the courier company for shipment, during the transportation process, the courier company’s staff handed over the goods to others for receipt without verifying the identity information of the other party during delivery. The seller Fu Yingchun has not completed the delivery obligation of the goods, which constitutes a breach of contract. Therefore, Yang Bo’s request for Fu Yingchun to compensate 15,123 yuan for the paid computer payment and 95 yuan for postage should be supported. According to the principle of relativity of the contract, the contract only binds the parties to the contract. The courier company’s wrong delivery of the goods to others belongs to the transportation relationship between Fu Yingchun and the courier company. The courier company should not be liable for compensation in this case, so Yang Bo’s request that the courier company should be liable for compensation is not supported. The court ordered Yingchun to compensate Yang Bo 15,123 yuan for the computer payment and 95 yuan for the postage. None of the parties appealed.

Fan Jianwu v. Guangdong Provincial Cultural Relics General Store over a dispute over a sales contract

– The seller sells the ordinary pomegranate jade bracelet as a jadeite bracelet, which constitutes a fraud to the consumer. The consumer has the right to request a return to the seller, and the seller refunds the money to the consumer and pays three times the price compensation.

(1) Basic case

On April 17, 2014, Fan Jianwu bought a bracelet at the Guangdong Provincial Cultural Relics General Store (hereinafter referred to as the Cultural Relics General Store) for 17,100 yuan. The store issued an invoice to him. The invoice stated that the goods were "yqgda-0765 jade bracelet" and the amount was 17,100 yuan. On the 24th of the same month, Fan Jianwu went to the store again to ask for a replacement invoice. The store then withdrew the original invoice and issued a new invoice for Fan Jianwu. The invoice stated that the goods were "yqgda-0765 jadeite bracelet". The purchased bracelet was identified as "water calcium aluminous garnet bracelet" by the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Geological Sciences. Later, at the request of the store, the parties jointly entrusted the Guangdong Provincial Jewelry, Jade and Precious Metals Testing Center to re-identify the bracelet, and the appraisal result was "garnet jade bracelet". Fan Jianwu believed that the Cultural Relics General Store sold ordinary garnet bracelets as jadeite bracelets as fake ones, which constituted fraud. Therefore, he sued the People’s Court of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, requesting the Cultural Relics General Store to refund him 17,100 yuan and compensate him 51,300 yuan according to law.

(2) Referee results

After trial, the court of first instance held that the sales invoice issued by the Cultural Heritage Store to Fan Jianwu showed that it was a "jadeite bracelet", but it was identified as a "garnet jade bracelet". Although the store argued that it changed the first invoice item "jade bracelet" to "jadeite bracelet" after repeated pleas by Fan Jianwu, from the audio recording evidence provided by Fan Jianwu, the store claimed that the bracelet it sold to Fan Jianwu was made of jadeite, and clearly informed Fan Jianwu that the jade bracelet purchased was made of jadeite. As the operator of the store, the "garnet jade bracelet" was sold to Fan Jianwu as a "jadeite bracelet", which was fake and could be identified as a fraudulent consumer. In accordance with Article 55 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, the court of first instance ruled that Fan Jianwu returned the bracelet purchased to the main cultural relics store, and the store refunded Fan Jianwu 17,100 yuan for the goods; the main cultural relics store compensated Fan Jianwu 51,300 yuan for three times the price of the bracelet. The Cultural Relics General Store refused to accept it and appealed on the grounds that the facts found in the original trial and the application of law were wrong. The Intermediate People’s Court of Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, 2nd-round Moderation held that according to the invoice issued by the Cultural Relics General Store and the recording of the conversation provided by Fan Jianwu, it has been fully confirmed that the "jadeite bracelet" it sold to Fan Jianwu has been determined to be a "garnet jade bracelet" after being jointly commissioned by both parties. There is a significant difference in the quality of the goods claimed by the Cultural Relics General Store during the sales process. Therefore, the original court found that its behavior constituted fraud and was not improper. The Cultural Relics General Store argued that its behavior did not constitute fraud on the grounds that the bracelet in dispute had cultural relic value, and Fan Jianwu did not suffer losses, and the reasons were not established. Accordingly, the court upheld the original judgment.

VII. Yu Aoyong v. Bi Liping Product Seller Liability Dispute

– The operator falsely advertises its health care products and induces consumers to buy them, which constitutes commercial fraud. Consumers have the right to ask the operator to refund the payment and pay three times the compensation.

(1) Basic case

On April 16, 2014, Yu Aoyong purchased two sets of Shuangning brand functional health mattresses at the price of 14,100 yuan in Bi Liping, with a specification of 2 meters × 1.5 meters × 0.12 meters. After use, the mattress did not have the functions of preventing cancer, inhibiting cancer cell growth, treating diseases and preventing diseases as advertised by Bi Liping. To this end, Yu Aoyong sued the People’s Court of Weihai Torch High-tech Industrial Development Zone in Shandong Province, claiming that Bi Liping’s behavior constituted fraud, and requested that Bi Liping be ordered to refund the payment of 28,200 yuan and compensate him 84,600 yuan three times the purchase price.

(2) Referee results

After hearing, the court held that Bi Liping recognized the facts claimed by Yu Aoyong, and his behavior constituted commercial fraud, and admitted that he should return the money and pay three times the compensation as requested by the plaintiff. In accordance with Article 55 of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, the court ruled that Bi Liping returned 28,200 yuan for the goods in Aoyong and compensated 84,600 yuan for three times the price of the goods purchased by Aoyong. Bi Liping did not appeal.

Eight, Wang v. Beijing Yiluyou Baby Products Co., Ltd. Service Contract Dispute

– – During the consumption process of using the prepaid card, the consumer card cannot be used because the operator is not operating at the original address, and he has the right to request to cancel the contract and refund the balance of the prepaid card.

(1) Basic case

On September 3, 2013, the baby Wang experienced a swim at Beijing Yilu Tour Baby Products Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Yilu Tour Company), and his mother paid the Yilu Tour Company a deposit of 100 yuan for the swimming card. On the 5th of the same month, his mother paid the Yilu Tour Company the balance of 2498 yuan for 40 swimming cards (the period is from September 5, 2013 to September 5, 2014). After applying for the card, Wang swam once, but there was no crying phenomenon. During the third and fourth swims, Yilu Tour Company no longer operates at the original address, and Wang’s swimming card can no longer be used. Wang on the grounds that the services provided by Yilu Tour Company did not meet the contract agreement and Wang could not achieve the purpose of the contract, he requested to terminate the contract with Yilu Tour Company and refund the remaining money, but was rejected, and then sued the People’s Court of Fengtai District, Beijing, requesting Yilu Tour Company to return its deposit of 100 yuan and the balance of the swimming card 2387.55 yuan.

(2) Referee results

The court of first instance held that the service contract signed orally between Wang and Yilu Tour Company was valid. The business scope, address and invoice issues of Yilu Tour Company that Wang complained about were irrelevant to the purpose of the contract; the alleged violation of relevant management regulations and the services provided by Yilu Tour Company did not conform to the agreement, and the evidence was insufficient to prove that the purpose of the contract could not be achieved and the actions of Yilu Tour Company had a causal relationship, so the judgment rejected Wang’s lawsuit. Wang appealed that Yilu Tour Company had breached the contract and the contract should be cancelled. The 2nd-round Moderation of the Second Intermediate People’s Court of Beijing held that during the 2nd-round Moderation of this case, Yilu Tour Company failed to appear in court to respond to the lawsuit after being legally summoned, nor did it operate in its place of business and registration, so that the swimming card purchased by Wang could not continue to be used, and the contract could no longer be performed in fact. Wang’s appeal claim for termination of the contract is in line with the circumstances of termination of the contract stipulated in Article 93 of the Contract Law. Accordingly, the court ruled: revoke the judgment of first instance, terminate the service contract between Wang and Yilu Tour Company, and Yilu Tour Company returns Wang’s swimming card fee of 2262.65 yuan and deposit of 100 yuan.

Nine, Wu Junmei v. Zhejiang Pingyun Commercial Trading Co., Ltd. Dispute over sales contract

– The seller installs the air conditioner he sells according to the contract. During the installation process, due to safety hazards that occur inadvertently and cause losses to consumers, he shall bear corresponding compensation liabilities.

(1) Basic case

On April 30, 2008, Wu Junmei purchased a big gold medal air conditioner from Zhejiang Shuangyun Commercial Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shuangshi Company), with a total price of 8,051 yuan. The company issued an installation order to Wu Junmei, and sent someone to install an air conditioner at Wu Junmei’s home on May 11, 2008. In August 2013, the floor and wall of Wu Junmei’s living room and adjacent rooms were eroded by water. After inspection by the after-sales staff of Dajin Air Conditioning, it was confirmed that the wall hole where the drain pipe of the air conditioner passed through was not blocked, and the drain pipe at the hole where the mouse bit the wall hole leaked. Wu Junmei repaired the damaged floor, wall and related areas, and the repair cost was not compensated. Wu Junmei then sued the People’s Court of Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, requesting that the company be ordered to compensate 14,104 yuan for its losses and pay 10,000 yuan for mental damage.

(2) Referee results

The court heard that the sales contract relationship between Wu Junmei and Ning Company was established and legal and valid. The air conditioner is a kind of refrigeration equipment with high installation specifications. As the seller, Ning Company should not only provide machinery and equipment that meet the quality requirements, but also provide installation services that meet the requirements of the specifications. Whether the air conditioner purchased by Wu Junmei was actually installed by the manufacturer or by the seller, it cannot be excluded that the seller, as the counterparty to the contract, has the obligation to ensure that the air conditioner is in normal use and does not cause damage to personal property. The company failed to exercise reasonable care and failed to ensure that the wall hole through which the air conditioner drain pipe passes is blocked, so that mice can enter the wall hole and bite off the drain pipe, causing water leakage and causing damage to the walls and floors of the house. There was a causal relationship between his failure to properly perform his contractual obligations and the damage results, and he was responsible for the losses suffered by Wu Junmei. As a consumer, Wu Junmei asked the company to compensate for the cost of repairing the floor and wall, and the court supported it. The missed work fee and mental damage consolation money claimed by Wu Junmei lacked basis, and the court did not support it. The court ruled that the company should compensate Wu Junmei for the actual repair cost of 12,175 yuan. The company did not appeal.

X. Wang Yi v. Tianjin Zhongjin Peixian Automotive Service Co., Ltd. Dispute over the sale contract

– The operator sells the recalled car, which constitutes commercial fraud. Consumers have the right to request the refund of the purchased car, and the operator will refund the purchase price and compensate double the purchase price.

(1) Basic case

On September 28, 2013, Wang Yi purchased a small off-road bus of Outlander JE3A2693 from Tianjin Zhongjin Pei Xian Automobile Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhongjin Automobile Company) at a price of 249,800 yuan. Zhongjin Automobile Company paid 22,700 yuan for vehicle purchase tax, 225 yuan for vehicle and vessel tax, 1,100 yuan for compulsory motor vehicle traffic accident insurance, and 10,752 yuan for comprehensive motor vehicle insurance, totaling 34,777 yuan. A license fee of 900 yuan was charged. On October 15, 2013, Zhongjin Automobile Company delivered the vehicle to Wang Yi. On February 7, 2014, Zhongjin Automobile Company informed Wang Yi that the vehicle should be recalled. On June 4, 2013, Mitsubishi Motors Sales (China) Co., Ltd. issued a recall notice for some imported Outlander vehicles. The recall period is from June 5, 2013 to June 4, 2014. The scope of the recalled vehicles includes the vehicles purchased by Wang Yi. The defect is caused by the supplier’s manufacturing reasons, resulting in the failure of the components that monitor the internal microcomputer power supply of the electric power steering cgroup parts. There may be consequences such as wrong start of the power monitoring circuit, and there are potential safety hazards. The maintenance measures are to replace the electric power steering cgroup parts (EPS-ECU). Wang Yi then sued the People’s Court of Tianjin Binhai New Area, requesting the return of the car. Zhongjin Automobile Company returned the purchase price of 285,477 yuan and tripled the compensation of 749,400 yuan.

(2) Referee results

The court of first instance held that in this case, the producer had informed the public of the fact that some imported Outlander cars had product defects that should be recalled and the scope of the recall by means of a media announcement. Therefore, the fact that the vehicles in dispute belonged to the vehicles that should be recalled was a matter that had been informed to the public, and there was no concealment. In addition, according to the recall announcement issued by the producer, the defects of the vehicles in dispute could be eliminated by replacing the electric power steering cgroup unit (EPS-ECU) with an improved process, and afterward, Zhongjin Automobile Company took the initiative to inform Wang Yi that the defects of the vehicles in dispute had not been eliminated and that components needed to be replaced, so Zhongjin Automobile Company did not have the intention to conceal this. In summary, Zhongjin Automobile Company’s behavior did not constitute fraud, so the judgment rejected Wang Yi’s lawsuit. Wang Yi appealed on the grounds that the facts of the original judgment were unclear and the application of law was wrong. 2nd-round Moderation of Tianjin Second Intermediate People’s Court held that Zhongjin Automobile Company, as an operator, should know whether the vehicle was within the scope of the recall, and its defense could not be established because it was unaware of the recall of the vehicle involved. Zhongjin Automobile Company concealed the defects of the vehicle and sold it, which constituted commercial fraud. The vehicle sales in this case took place before the amendment of the Consumer Rights Protection Law, so Zhongjin Automobile Company should bear the legal responsibility of "one refund and one compensation". The court’s 2nd-round Moderation judgment: Revoking the first-instance judgment in this case, Wang Yi returned the car to Zhongjin Automobile Company, Zhongjin Automobile Company refunded Wang Yi 249,800 yuan for the purchase of the car, doubled the compensation to Wang Yi 249,800 yuan, and compensated Wang Yi for vehicle purchase tax, etc. A total of 35,677 yuan.

Zuckerberg talks about Tik Tok’s overseas version: It is doing very well and will push independent apps to compete with it.

  On October 1st, The Verge, an American technology news website, published the recorded manuscripts of two internal meetings of Facebook in July. Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, talked deeply about the difficulties and challenges faced by the company. Notably, in the Q&A session with employees, Zuckerberg mentioned TikTok, a competitor from China. Zuckerberg said that he was developing a product called Lasso to compete with TikTok.

  TikTok is the overseas version of ByteDance’s popular short video App Tik Tok. In the past, China’s Internet products were often concentrated in emerging markets such as Southeast Asia, but TikTok successfully swept the mature markets including the United States and Japan.

TikTok IC diagram

  The employee’s question is: "Are we worried about the growing cultural influence of TikTok among young people and Generation Z (people born between the mid-1990s and 2000)? What is our blocking plan for this? "

  Zuckerberg said, "TikTok has done a very good job. One thing that deserves special attention is that in the past, the picture of the Internet world was that American companies mainly provided various services, while China companies mainly provided similar services in China. For example, Tencent is trying to bring some products to Southeast Asia, and Alibaba is also expanding payment services in Southeast Asia, but overall, this global expansion is very limited. "

  "TikTok, founded by ByteDance, is really the first consumer Internet product launched by a China technology giant that can achieve worldwide success. And it began to get good results in America, especially among young people. It has also grown very fast in India, and in terms of scale, Instagram is a thing of the past in India. So this is a very interesting phenomenon. " Zuckerberg said.

  "We think so: TikTok is a combination of short, immersive short videos and browsing. Just like the Explore Tab we use on Instagram, this function is mainly about displaying and highlighting different feed posts. TikTok is like exploring a story, which is the whole application. Then there are creators who are committed to creating content. "

  Zuckerberg revealed, "Therefore, we have many measures to develop in this area. We are developing an App product called Lasso, hoping to adapt to the markets of Mexico and other countries. This is the earliest one. Next, we will see if it can be launched in countries and regions where TikTok is not particularly influential (referring to Lasso), and then compete with it in countries and regions where TikTok has a large market. "

  Comprehensive report by The Paper reporter Chen Yuxi

Unveiling the mystery of the Easy Team, Hollywood’s top entertainment companies participated.

  From Yi Jianlian’s participation in the draft, to the signing of the contract by the United Arab Emirates and his landing in Milwaukee in early October, he started his career as a rookie season. There is always a China man standing beside the United Arab Emirates who is in great contrast with his height.

  After a period of study, Yi Jianlian’s English has basically passed the test, and his listening and speaking skills are very strong. Only in some formal occasions, he still needs to translate for emergency. As a member of his agent team, Lu Yu temporarily took on the role of translator, but his duties are far greater than translation. He must work closely with Bucks, arrange food, clothing, housing and training for the United Arab League, and keep close contact with Guangdong Hongyuan Club. More importantly, he and the company he represents are responsible for the commercial development of Yi Jianlian.

  Just like Yao Ming has a powerful "Yao Team" behind him, Yi Jianlian, who has just entered the NBA, also has a huge team of brokers behind him. Team Yi consists of two main parts. One is basketball affairs, and the person in charge is Dan Fagan, the fourth agent in NBA. Besides the United Arab League, Fagan’s NBA stars are Marion, Richardson, Terry and Alston. Fagan is an independent agent in NBA, and he owns a company.

  In the Yi Team, Fagan and his company are mainly responsible for the basketball affairs of the United Arab League, and the United Arab League also has a Chinese agent, Zhao Gang. In the last 15 years, Fagan is one of the strongest agents in the NBA. Fagan, who graduated from Yale Law School, personally negotiated a player contract worth 750 million dollars in the last five years. He is the pioneer of "one-year player selection" contract and "sign first and then change" in NBA. Fagan and his agent team once suffered great pressure on Yi Jianlian’s rookie contract signing, but as a result, the Bucks paid unprecedented attention to Yi Jianlian.

  In addition, the Easy Team also has an important component, the commercial development team, and an important force leading the commercial development of the United Arab League is Curtain Company, which is one of the three major film and television entertainment brokerage companies in Hollywood, with a history of 109 years in film, television and other media. Curtain company gathers the elites of the business broker team, and its strength involves sports, television, movies, music and other aspects. Yi Jianlian came to Los Angeles in early April. In three months, he attended the premieres of Pirates of the Caribbean III and Shrek II, and made his appearance in front of mainstream American media and audiences, thanks to the powerful influence of Curtain Company in the film and television industry. Lu Yu, a member of Yizhi Team, is the representative of Curtain Company in charge of Yi Jianlian’s market and business development. He graduated from Shanghai International Studies University, worked for the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) and the British BBC and Channel 4. He holds a master’s degree from the London School of Economics and a master’s degree from the University of Southern California, and won the New America Media Award in the United States.

  "Yi Jianlian has great market value. He joined the NBA in the crucial year of preparing for the Olympic Games in China, and his growth has received great attention. Bucks attach great importance to him and will also focus on developing the China market. " A senior sports brand expert said, "As long as he can perform well in the NBA and develop well, his commercial value can even refer to Yao Ming."

  Yizhi team has been discussing the signing of Yi Jianlian with many famous brands, and Yi Jianlian will also use his performance on the court to win the future for himself. (Zhang Yi)


Editor: Jia Wenguo

Mad Max 5 will be launched in 2021 without digital age reduction technology.

1905 movie network news As a sequel in 2015, Mad Max: Freosa is actually a prequel movie. According to the plan, Anja Taylor-Joy, an actress who has successfully appeared in The Witch, The Witch and The Witch, is expected to play the heroine in the film. And this role is Charlize Theron’s role in Furious Road.

When talking about the reasons for changing actors, george miller, director of the whole series, said, "All along, we have been considering whether to use digital age-reducing technology to age Cylons. However, I don’t think this is a good idea. Because of this film, it still makes people feel uncomfortable. After all, the horror valley theory still applies. Everyone is trying to solve this problem, including some Japanese game designers, but I think it will still make people feel uncomfortable. " 

What george miller said is true. Although the digital age reduction in The Irishman has reached the peak of technology, it still has a strong sense of CG. Earlier, in an interview, director george miller said: "The story is not over yet, and I believe the follow-up will continue. We are preparing the film. "

Mad Max 4: The Road to Fury tells the story that Max, a former highway patrolman, becomes the driver of a chariot in Ferriosa and takes five women across the desert. Mad Max is a series of films with apocalyptic and dystopian characteristics initiated by george miller. The film originated in the late 1970s. The first episode focused on revenge, the second episode focused on hope, and the subsequent film production was even more grand.

In the film, Max resists the violence and suspicion in the uncivilized world by himself, and gives people love and confidence like a savior. The film depicts the world in the post-nuclear war era in a realistic way. The director does not exaggerate violence, but he does not mince it. The miserable world and human beings who are fighting for the right to exist like animals have also become the "reserved elements" in this kind of movies. It can be said that all the post-nuclear war literary works of later generations have been influenced by this film.

At present, the film is tentatively scheduled to start shooting in 2021.

Strong cold air comes with snow and snow. It snows in many places in Zhejiang. What about you?

"Source of this article: Zhejiang Rong Media"
Zhejiang News Client Editor Fu Lingli Xu Ting
Snow is coming! Snow is coming!
She came to us in the expectation of everyone.
Known as the "coldest cold wave since this winter" arrived in Zhejiang, and a wide range of weather finally opened. It is this cold wave with strong strength, fierce cooling and wide influence that will make Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai feel zero-degree crit.
Snow-capped wonders appear in Daming Mountain in Lin ‘an.
Last night (December 24th)
It snowed lightly in the high mountain area of Daming Mountain in Lin ‘an, Hangzhou.
The branches formed a beautiful spectacle of snow.
Wan Ru walked into a white fairy tale world.
(The above picture was taken by the mountain sentry of Daming Mountain in Lin ‘an, at an altitude of 1483 meters.)
(Zhejiang news client reporter Liu Jian correspondent Chen Wencai Yang Qi)
Snowfall in many places in Chun ‘an County.
From the early morning of December 25th.
Snow fell in Yaoshan Township, Chun ‘an County.
In the early morning of December 25th, on the third day after the winter solstice, it was snowing in Banqiao Natural Village, Wenjia Village, Fu Wang Township, Chun ‘an County.
Fine snow covered the whole mountain, and the tourist attractions and facilities in Banqiao Natural Village and the houses near the distant mountains in the whole village became "gray-headed" and became the first movement to play in winter.
Banqiao Natural Village, with an average elevation of 1,100 meters, is the highest natural village in Chun ‘an County. Because of its topographical characteristics, the first snow in Chun ‘an County falls here every year, which is also the place where the snow scene lasts for the longest time.
On the morning of December 25th.
Zhongshan Township, Tonglu County, Hangzhou City
Jinglinsi Natural Village in Dashi Village ushered in the first snow this winter.
Shuangping Natural Village, Jinling Village, Pingmen Township, Chun ‘an County, with an altitude of more than 900 meters, is the highest village in Pingmen Township.
At about 4 am on December 25, the screen door ushered in bursts of snow.
So far, the snow is 1-2 cm, and the ground and crops have been covered with snow, adding beautiful colors to the earth.
Tortoise shell village in shilin town, Chun ‘an County, with an altitude of more than 600 meters, is the highest village in shilin town.
At about 6 o’clock in the morning on December 25, the hawksbill village ushered in new snow. At present, there is no snow on the ground, but the snow is still underground.
Tonglu Gaoliangting Village ushered in the first snow.
On the morning of December 25th, the Gaoliangting Village, the highest elevation in Hecun Township, Tonglu County, ushered in the first snow. The snow in the morning has reached a thickness of 3 cm. The Shengxianli International Ski Resort located in Gaoliangting Village will welcome more than 700 tourists that day.
(Zhejiang News Client Sharing Alliance Zhongshan Micro-Rong Station Zheng Zerui Wang Wei Micro-Rong Station Xu Liangjun Pingmen Micro-Rong Station Yu Rongxiao Shilin Micro-Rong Station Jiang Wenfan Hecun Micro-Rong Station Zhang Li Correspondent Yang Qi)
Main urban area
Did the friends in Hangzhou see it? Welcome friends from Zhejiang to bask in the snow ~ Video coordinates: West of Hangzhou.
(According to @ Zhejiang Weather)
Snowflakes are floating in Simingshan National Forest Park.
December 25th.
Snowflakes are floating in Simingshan National Forest Park in Ningbo.
A thin layer of snow has been faintly visible on the road and on the car.
(According to Yongpai client)
Many places ushered in the first snowfall this winter.
The cold wave affected the temperature greatly. On the morning of December 25th, the first snowfall this winter began in Huzhou.
This morning, there was light snow in mountainous areas such as Anji Shanchuan Township, Tianhuangping Town and Baofu Town, and the grassland scenic spot on the mountains and rivers was beautiful.
Correspondent Yin Jie photo
In Changxing County, it began to snow in Fangjiazhuang Village, heping town, Chaotuo Village, Xiaopu Town and Maoli Town of Si ‘an. As of 10: 00 am on the 25th, snow was still falling in some areas, and roofs, trees and vegetable fields were covered with a layer of snow.
Affected by the cold wave, from the night of December 24th to the early morning of 25th, there was sleet in some areas of Moganshan area in Deqing, and the temperature dropped to minus 4℃ in the morning. Due to the low temperature and moisture in the mountainous area, the mountains and trees are covered with layers of transparent ice crystals, and the rime scene of Yushu Qionghua appears. The white and glittering frost flowers are covered with branches, as if putting on a layer of white sweater for Moganshan.
Share Alliance Deqing Station Baiyu
(Reporter Li Shichao Ye Shilei Meng Lin Editor Xu Fang)
Snowflakes are floating in many places
On the morning of December 25th.
It began to snow in many places in Shaoxing
Shangyu Lingnan, Xinchang County shaxi town
Shihuang Town of Shengzhou, Changle Town of Shengzhou and other places.
Snowflakes are floating.
(Zhejiang News Client reporter Jin Hanqing Sun Liang Zhu Yinyan Gan Wei Sharing Alliance Shao Rong+)
Snowfall occurred in Wucheng District.
From 20: 00 on 24 December to 7: 00 on 25 December
Snowfall has occurred in Beishan Station, Luodian Town, Wucheng District, Jinhua.
Netizen who lives in Panqian Village, Jin Huashan
Photographed the world of snow and ice wrapped in white.
(According to Jinhua Daily)
The snow scene is picturesque
The first snow in Quzhou this winter fell early this morning!
Early in the morning, Xiaobian enjoyed the beautiful snow scene in the circle of friends!
Shimen Mountain, Dajuyuan Village, Liang Shi Town, Kecheng District. Ark photo
Longyou liuchun lake. Longyou release
(According to Pocket Quzhou)
Is it snowing in your place?


If online celebrity’s beauty cosmetics want to develop sustainably, it has to enter the real stage of industrialization, specialization and capitalization competition.

Online celebrity beauty brands, which are in the limelight, will eventually return to the essence of beauty business.

According to the latest news of new york Post, after American cosmetics retailer Ulta Beauty became the exclusive cooperative retailer of Kylie Cosmetics, a reality show star, in November last year, its sales in Ulta Beauty were not satisfactory. According to Rakuten, a website that tracks online shopping, about 60% of consumers who bought Kylie Cosmetics only bought the brand once from June 2016 to May 2019, and almost all consumers who tried to buy Kylie Cosmetics products in recent months had no repurchase plan.

Rakuten, a subsidiary of the Japanese Internet service company of the same name, has 1.5 million online consumption records. However, since Rakuten did not track the physical store of Ulta Beauty, the data only reflected the online sales of Kylie Cosmetics.

Kylie Cosmetics’ revenue peaked in November 2016, the year after the first product was launched. The Kyshadow suit sold out quickly in less than 60 seconds when it debuted in August 2016. In February 2016, the lipstick set released by Kylie Cosmetics was auctioned on eBay, and even ended the auction for $225, which is almost 10 times the original price of $29.

Kylie Cosmetics helped Kylie Jenner break through $1 billion.

According to the latest statistics of Forbes, with the great success of Kylie Cosmetics, Kylie Jenner has officially surpassed the founder of Facebook to become the youngest self-made billionaire in history, with assets exceeding $1 billion and officially joining the Billionaire Club.

However, the growth rate of Kylie Cosmetics has shown signs of slowing down recently. Last year, sales only increased by 9% to $360 million. The cooperation with Ulta Beauty was originally intended to further enhance the brand’s market share, but it seems that the situation is not as expected.

On the one hand, the overall beauty market in the United States is weak. According to the data released by NPD Group earlier, the sales of cosmetics in the first quarter of the United States decreased by 4% to 1.8 billion US dollars compared with the same period of last year. Estee Lauder Group also mentioned the economic slowdown in the United States in the latest quarter.

On the other hand, there are indications that after the short-term consumption boom, Kylie Cosmetics has to face the real brand management problems. According to Rakuten data, as of November 2018, the company’s online revenue has dropped by 62%. Some analysts believe that the decline in revenue is mainly due to the inability of Kylie Cosmetics to maintain customer loyalty and the continuous loss of consumers.

Recently, some consumers have begun to complain about poor customer service, refund policy and order confusion. Some consumers reported that they spent $250 on the website to buy products, and finally only received 7 of the 12 items, while Kylie Cosmetics customer service failed to handle complaints. Kylie Jenner’s suit for her mother Kris Jenner received a lot of 1-star negative comments on Ulta official website.

According to Rakuten, Kylie Cosmetics’ star lip glaze products are still strong, accounting for 69% of its sales, and its sales performance far exceeds other categories. From June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2019, the sales of Kylie Cosmetics lip products only decreased by 2.3%, while the sales of lipstick products in the US market decreased by 5.3% in the same period. But the performance of other categories is not satisfactory. Some complaints point to product quality problems, criticizing the color development and product texture of eye shadow tray, and consumers have mixed opinions on the brand’s latest skin care product line.

The cooperation between Kylie Cosmetics and Ulta Beauty was originally intended to further enhance the brand’s market share, but it seems that the situation is not as expected.

Some critics say that online celebrity’s beauty cosmetics may just be a gust of wind, which will soon lose power. Although many online celebrity beauty brands are thriving, it is still too early to draw this conclusion. However, people are well aware that traffic and topicality cannot support the long-term development of beauty brands.

With more and more full market competition, if online celebrity beauty brands want to develop sustainably, they will eventually enter the real stage of industrialization, specialization and capitalization competition. They will not only compete with online celebrity beauty brands for market share, but also have to compete with powerful traditional beauty brands.

According to a source quoted by The Wall Street Journal, the negotiation of beauty giant Coty Group’s plan to acquire a majority stake in Kylie Cosmetics for $600 million is still going on. In order to show its importance, the transaction was personally followed up by Chairman Peter Harf. Up to now, Coty Group and Kylie Cosmetics refused to respond to the news.

As early as 2017, buyers showed interest in Kylie Cosmetics and discussed with them how to reduce the brand’s dependence on the manufacturer Seed Beauty. According to a source, the case that a friend of the Kardashian family and the founder of the beauty brand Anastasia Beverly Hills sold his personal brand equity for $3 billion in 2018 provided a commercial reference for the Kardashian family.

With the increasingly fierce market competition, as millennials and Z-generation groups began to favor niche brands with higher cost performance and social media topics, the track of online celebrity beauty brands became very crowded. Huda Beauty, a personal beauty brand launched by beauty blogger Huda Kattan in 2013, has gained a large number of fans. Especially in China, due to the development of shopping sharing community and social media, Huda Beauty’s star eye shadow tray products still set off a wave among young consumers, even though it has not officially entered China.

However, Huda Beauty has not been spared from the quality control problem. Some consumers complained that the brand’s eye shadow tray was fluorescent or allergic. Although the product was labeled with the eye shadow tray "Not recommended for eyes", the label was hard to notice.

Fenty Beauty, launched by singer Rihanna, has always been regarded as a rival of Kylie Cosmetics, and fans of both sides often even set off a battle on platforms such as Instagram. Unlike beauty brands from grassroots beauty bloggers such as Huda Kattan, Rihanna and Kylie Jenner are both celebrities and have a high appeal on social media. Kylie Jenner has 140 million followers on Instagram, while Rihanna has 73.7 million.

In 2016, KENDO, a beauty incubator under LVMH Group, invested 10 million US dollars to help Rihanna launch Fenty Beauty.

The competition between the two brands is very tight. At the beginning of this year, Fenty Beauty expanded to skin care products almost at the same time as Kylie Cosmetics, and launched skin care products such as lip balm "Pro Kissr Balm" and lip scrub, which was regarded by the industry as a signal of its strength in the skin care market. In addition, Rihanna applied to the US Patent and Trademark Office for registration of Fenty Skin trademark at the beginning of this year. The application content includes soap, skin care and personal care products.

Different from Kylie Cosmetics’ single category, Fenty Beauty is more balanced in all categories. Behind this is the difference in "hard power" of R&D and production.

Kylie Cosmetics outsourced R&D and production to Spatz Laboratories, a subsidiary of Seed Beauty Group. This supplier is a typical private brand manufacturer, which has been providing cosmetics R&D, manufacturing and packaging services for various personal brands for a long time. It has factories in Ornard, California and China. In addition to Kylie Cosmetics, Seed Beauty also manufactures another amazing internet beauty brand, Colourpop, which currently has 5.9 million fans on Instagram. However, the brand is often criticized for its product quality, which makes the market question the quality control of Seed Beauty.

It can be said that the Seed Beauty behind Kylie Cosmetics is the fast fashion in the field of beauty. As online celebrity’s economy became more and more fierce, such manufacturers began to increase. From product design to production, it can take no more than one week at most. All the work processes of private brand manufacturers have ready-made models to keep abreast of the current beauty trends.

Judging from the capital background behind the two brands, Fenty Beauty is obviously better.

In 2016, KENDO, a beauty incubator under LVMH Group, invested 10 million US dollars to help Rihanna launch Fenty Beauty. KENDO was founded in 2010 by David Suliteanu, who was the CEO of Sephora Americas. Subsequently, KENDO became a brand independent of Sephora and joined the perfume and cosmetics department of LVMH Group. KENDO’s makeup business includes Kat Von D Beauty, Marc Jacobs Beauty, Formula X Nail, OleHenriksen and Bite Beauty.

Fenty Beauty is the third largest makeup project that KENDO is responsible for. The latter plays a key role in the development of Fenty Beauty business. It can not only provide high-quality R&D talents, but also have global distribution channels, which can reach the terminal sales even in the market without Sephora and other professional makeup retailers.

At present, Fenty Beauty has taken the lead in global expansion. Earlier, Fenty Beauty announced that it would land in the Asian market in September and sell it in Seoul and Jeju Island of South Korea, as well as Hong Kong and Macau of China. The main sales channels include DFS Global Duty Free Shop, Harvey Nichols, beautyavenue and lottedfs.

Although Fenty Beauty has not announced the specific time to enter the mainland market in China, according to the current movement rhythm of the brand in China, there may be an official announcement before the end of this year at the earliest. Fenty Beauty started to open official accounts of Sina Weibo, WeChat and Xiaohongshu in May this year, and completed the authentication of FentyBeautyOfficial in WeChat official account on July 2. The brand also announced Naomi, a singer who became famous for the variety show Creation 101, as the latest spokesperson, which reflected the brand’s determination to localize to some extent.

Fenty Beauty has successively opened social media accounts in China and announced singer Naomi as the latest spokesperson.

This week, Fenty Beauty is suspected of opening an overseas flagship store in Tmall. At present, no products have been released, and the number of fans has exceeded 18,000. According to the basic information of the store, the company name of the store is KENDO HONG KONG LIMITED, which is the incubator of Fenty Beauty.

Whether from R&D and production, marketing and public relations, or channel layout, Fenty Beauty has initially possessed the ability to compete with traditional beauty brands. This will also be the inevitable development direction of online celebrity beauty cosmetics in the future. From the perspective of the global beauty market, although online celebrity Beauty has had a short-term impact on traditional beauty brands with its excellent online marketing capabilities, the advantages of online celebrity Beauty brand have been weakened as traditional beauty brands have also started to use KOL marketing strategies in large quantities. However, the traditional beauty brands have accumulated a lot in the channel layout of the global market, which makes the new online celebrity beauty brands hard to match.

In recent years, traditional beauty giants have continuously acquired emerging brands to enhance their appeal to young consumers. In the past ten years, Estee Lauder Group has successfully ranked among the top four beauty retail giants in the world by acquiring emerging brands such as Becca and Too Faced. Earlier, it was reported that Estee Lauder Group intended to bid $1 billion for the luxury beauty brand of the same name founded by celebrity makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury. The brand focuses on star products such as lipstick and eye shadow. Its current annual sales are between $150 million and $200 million, and it was supported by venture capital firm Sequoia Capital in 2017.

In fact, not only traditional beauty brands have begun to regain consumers’ attention, but even luxury brands also want to share a piece of it.

In May this year, Gucci announced that it had fully entered the beauty market, and officially launched its first lipstick series in official website, which was headed by creative director Alessandro Michele. There were 58 products in this series. Different from the main competitors such as Chanel and DIOR, Gucci didn’t set foot in the cosmetics market for the first time until 2014. It was jointly launched by former creative director Frida Giannini and legendary makeup artist Pat McGrath. The series of products, including lipstick, eye shadow and foundation, were still on sale in the market after Frida Giannini left her job, but no new products were launched in the past two years, which was gradually concealed by the limelight of emerging brands such as Charlotte Tilbury.

Li Jiaqi, a well-known beauty blogger and "king of live broadcast", recently released a new Gucci lipstick series Rouge à Lèvres Voile Lipstick evaluation video in Sina Weibo, which attracted a lot of attention. Up to now, the video has been played 2.56 million times, with 17,645 likes, 890 reposts and 1,601 comments. According to the latest data of WeChat WeChat official account Madmen, the price of a single advertisement in Tik Tok, Li Jiaqi is as high as 950,000 yuan, which is a huge marketing budget that only a few luxury brands and beauty cosmetics giants can support.

The data shows that the price of a single advertisement in Tik Tok, Li Jiaqi is as high as 950,000 yuan.

In March of this year, the French luxury brand Hermes suddenly announced that it would fully enter the beauty market, and planned to launch beauty products on a large scale in 2020. In an interview with French media Le Monde, CEO Axel Dumas revealed that it is very necessary for brands to comprehensively lay out the cosmetics, perfume and personal care markets in order to enhance their competitiveness.

Burberry, whose performance has been sluggish in recent years, is also determined to regain its beauty business, and will take back the management right of the beauty business from Coty Group this year. After appointing Riccardo Tisici of Givenchy as the creative director at the beginning of last year, the brand has carried out a series of innovative measures, including launching a new monthly "B Series".

According to public information, in order to attract young consumers, Burberry added makeup business as early as 2010, and launched products such as lipstick, eye shadow and foundation, which were represented by Interparfums, a perfume manufacturer that had cooperated for more than 20 years, and then it was taken back in 2013 and handed over to Coty Group in 2015.

Although Burberry once thought that the annual income growth rate of its beauty business could reach 25%, and it aimed at the top ten luxury beauty brands in the world, the constant change of management rights made the brands unable to concentrate on making good products and failed to launch good product ideas and marketing strategies. Even within two years of Burberry’s own operation, the beauty business was the only sector in which the income declined.

Chanel, which has the most successful beauty business layout, spends a large amount of budget on the marketing of beauty business every year, and its product layout and promotion ideas have become more and more bold, and successively landed pop-up shop projects that young people like, such as "COCO CAFE" and "Miss COCO Game Hall". In August last year, Chanel took the lead in launching the men’s beauty series "Boy de CHANEL".

Although LVMH has never disclosed the specific sales figures of DIOR’s beauty business, industry insiders predict that the annual wholesale sales of the brand’s beauty department is about 2.5 billion euros, with perfume accounting for half, cosmetics accounting for about 30%, and skin care products accounting for about 20%. The largest markets are China, the United States, French, Japanese and British.

The specialty of beauty category is that it is highly tied to marketing, and the professionalism of products is basically linked to R&D investment. After the short-term fluctuation of beauty cosmetics in online celebrity, the market is returning to rationality. The "basic skills" of the beauty business have not changed, and the fight is still product professionalism and high-input marketing.

This means that if online celebrity beauty brands are not willing to cash out in the short term, it seems that there is only one way to rely on beauty giants.

The lone ranger wants to be a sharpshooter, and it is urgent to smash the team and train new people.

Chemical reaction is very important in NBA. Stars need to learn how to play together. Just ask the Dallas Rangers. This team traded to kyrie irving at the closing date last year. The Lone Rangers are expected to win a great victory after this transaction. They didn’t meet these transaction requirements.

However, the Mavericks kept Owen this summer. This is the right thing to do. The team gave up their assets to bring in Owen. They need to see what he can do with Luka Doncic.

Considering this, they also need to strengthen other positions in the team. The Lone Rangers did well this summer, but they can use a better third option behind a vibrant backcourt. What about bojan bogdanovic of Detroit Pistons?

Trading scheme

Detroit Pistons won: G/F Tim Hardaway Jr., C JaVale McGee, 2027 first-round draft pick (DAL).

The Dallas Mavericks got: F bojan bogdanovic, G killian Hayes.

Of course, the Pistons themselves need to establish some chemical reactions. This team has one of the youngest core groups in the NBA. Unfortunately, last season, they failed to bring them together as they hoped.

After all, Cade Cunningham has been absent for most of this season. He should be a privileged player in Detroit. Without him, the Pistons can’t understand everything they have.

With this in mind, the Pistons traded Bogdanovic as an elite player to supplement their young core. It would be a bold decision to break up with Cunningham before he spends a full season with him. Is this correct?

Why did the Detroit Pistons make this deal?

I think so. Otherwise, I would not have written this article. The thing is, Little Hardaway provided enough floor space. He can perform the role the Pistons envisioned for Bogdanovic at a basic level. He is also a reliable veteran of this young team.

Giving up Hayes can also be painful. Nevertheless, it seems unlikely that he will achieve good results in the lottery selection. At the same time, because Cunningham and Jaden Ivey are in the backcourt, there is not much room for him in Motown.

Therefore, it is meaningful for him to get the first round draft pick. This is the driving force of Detroit. They can keep an experienced floor gasket and increase their draft funds. Should the Mavericks provide a draft pick for Bogdanovic?

Why did the Dallas Mavericks make this deal?

Absolutely. This is a matter of course for Dallas. After all, they are firmly in a win-win mode. This team doesn’t need to keep their draft funds. What they really need is the third scorer after Dancsics and Owen.

Bogdanovic will be perfect. There is one main difference between him and Hardaway Jr. Bogdanovic can create shooting opportunities by himself.

At the same time, the Mavericks should not miss McKee. This team kept Dwight Powell and bought Richaun Holmes this summer. They are in the middle-they just need a third choice. Of course, there is a little chemical reaction.

Why did Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team only give Yi Jianlian a one-year Class C contract? Many considerations behind the renewal of contract

Why did Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team only give Yi Jianlian a one-year Class C contract? Many considerations behind the renewal of contract

Guangdong men’s basketball team and Yi Jianlian completed the contract renewal, but the contract period is only one year, and it belongs to the C contract. There are many considerations behind this decision. Although Yi Jianlian has achieved great success for the team in the past, the team must face the reality that his age and physical fitness are gradually declining. In order to maintain the team’s long-term competitiveness, Guangdong men’s basketball team had to handle the contract renewal with caution, and restricted Yi Jianlian’s contract selection. In the past few years, Yi Jianlian has been one of the core players of Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team. His joining has brought outstanding performance to the team, helped the team win the league championship many times and won a series of personal honors. His skill and leadership make him an indispensable part of the team.

However, with the passage of time, Yi Jianlian inevitably faces the problems of age and physical fitness. In the past few seasons, his performance on the court has gradually declined, which has aroused the concern of the team management. As a top basketball club, Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team must always remain competitive. With the rise of a new generation of players and the strengthening of other teams, the team must constantly adjust its tactics and lineup. For Yi Jianlian’s contract renewal, the management must carefully consider the long-term development of the team. His contract period is limited to one year, precisely for greater flexibility in the future, so as to make strategic adjustments and reconstruction when necessary. However, restricting Yi Jianlian’s contract choice is not a simple decision.

As a team leader and senior player, Yi Jianlian’s influence and experience on the court are irreplaceable. His guidance and leadership on the court is very important for the growth of young players. Teams must balance the relationship between maintaining competitiveness and cultivating new people. Therefore, the management must find a suitable way to keep Yi Jianlian’s leading position and prepare for the team’s future. In addition to the stadium performance, the team’s financial situation is also one of the factors to consider renewing the contract. As a top star, Yi Jianlian’s salary is naturally higher. The team must carefully consider the salary structure and budget in the contract renewal to ensure the overall financial health. The restriction of class C contracts can also help the team avoid the potential risks brought by long-term contracts.

Although Yi Jianlian only won a class C contract for one year, it does not mean that the team does not attach importance to his value and contribution. On the contrary, it is recognition and respect for his past performance. At the same time, this is also to adapt to the ever-changing basketball environment, so that the team can better cope with challenges in the future. Generally speaking, Guangdong men’s basketball team is faced with many considerations when renewing Yi Jianlian’s contract. His past contribution, the reality of declining age and physical fitness, and the long-term competitiveness and financial situation of the team have all become important factors affecting the decision-making. Restricting Yi Jianlian’s contract term and type reflects the team’s cautious attitude towards future strategic planning and development. As fans, we are looking forward to the arrival of the new season and believe that the Guangdong men’s basketball team can continue to achieve brilliant results in the new challenges.

Just want to win every game. Tenghage: The team has proved that it can bottom out.

In an official interview, Tenhage said that Manchester United have proved that they can bottom out this season and that the Red Devils will not care about the results of other teams.

What do you think of the players’ personalities in the past three or four days? How they continue to perform for the rest of the season has a greater impact on your attempt to build a long-term future?

I think as the season draws to a close, it will be more difficult for every team, because the pressure will get bigger and bigger. So you need to show your character, you need a firm team, and you need an elastic team. You need a team with personality. I think we have shown many times this season that this team can cope with setbacks. We have seen this fact today, but it was the same before. For example, after the game against brentford, after the game against Arsenal and after the game against Manchester City, we can all bottom out and bounce back.

Are they trying to show resilience to prove that they are worthy of being part of the cause you are trying to build?

"If you want to win the trophy, it’s a big challenge. As I said, as the season goes on, you will get your place in the league. For the trophy, the challenge will be higher. You need a strong team to win the game."

Did last week’s game change your mind? What kind of players do you need this summer?

"No. This will not change after a game, but it is a continuous process. At this moment, the main focus is on one game after another, and the next game is always the most important. This is the case against Southampton on Sunday. "

You are still in the top four, but do you need to look at the opponents you are catching up with now, or can you still catch up with Arsenal and Manchester City?

"We have one game after another, and we have to focus on our process, and we don’t care what others do. We must improve our game level, every player must improve, we must win the game and do it in one game after another. "