标签归档 上海花千坊会所

Guangdong team news: The team will be renamed, Zhao Rui’s contract renewal is controversial, and Zhang Haojia will be reimbursed in the playoffs.

It is reported that the Guangdong team will change its name, Zhao Rui’s contract renewal is controversial, and Zhang Haojia will be reimbursed in the playoffs. We also know that whether qi zhou will join the CBA team now is always a topic worthy of people’s attention.

Zhou Qi can now say that his trading matters are a topic of concern, and even Chris Paul, a former teammate in the NBA, told him, brother, in fact, you can also consider coming to the Warriors. Our team system is also very suitable for you. After all, the Warriors are absent from players like qi zhou now.

Even after he returned to CBA, he also wanted to play basketball well. Now he has learned a lot in overseas leagues, and I heard that when he returned to the team, other players asked him for advice. He also didn’t have any shelf at all. He also wanted to play for other teams and learn something new. Guangdong Hongyuan Team in CBA also came to a new topic.

According to relevant sources, the Guangdong team will change the name of its own team, and the specific name is still unknown. In addition, Zhao Rui may also leave Guangdong Hongyuan team and join Xinjiang with high probability. What do you think of this?

Argentina confirmed that they would come to China to play the game, locked in the live broadcast of flying fish, and could cheer for Messi if they didn’t go to the scene.

The Beijing Football Association officially confirmed that Argentina’s men’s soccer team and Australia will play a friendly match at Beijing Workers Stadium at 20: 00 on June 15th. At that time, the flying fish live broadcast will broadcast the friendly match in a panoramic way, so that fans can enjoy the performances of many Argentine superstars headed by Messi for the first time. After Messi led the Argentine team to win the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship, the popularity and attention of the team remained high. This time, the Argentine team was invited to play in China, which also attracted the attention of many fans.

However, for most fans, it is not realistic to go to the stadium to watch the match between Argentina and Australia. First of all, the tickets for Argentina’s match with Australia are expensive, and some scalpers have speculated the price to around 10 thousand, and this is only the price of third-class tickets. It is still very difficult for fans of all ages to spend 10 thousand yuan to watch the match between Argentina and Australia. Therefore, most fans choose to wait for the live broadcast of flying fish to cheer for Messi and Argentina.

Flying fish live broadcast will provide fans with an authoritative data system. Through this authoritative data system, fans will have a more comprehensive understanding of Messi’s assists, passes and shots. Flying fish live broadcast is a senior platform that has been deeply involved in the field of live broadcast for many years, and has rich broadcast resources of events. In order to make up for the regret of fans who can’t go to the stadium to watch the ball, the flying fish live broadcast will create a personalized live broadcast room for them.

In the flying fish live broadcast room, there will be Argentine fans from all over the country to discuss the game together, so that everyone can feel immersive. For the fans, the result of the match between Argentina and Australia will not be taken seriously. In the match between Argentina and Australia, fans want to see whether Messi can show his talent and passion to the fullest. As we all know, Messi has encountered a trough during this time.

Messi was questioned by fans and even booed by home fans because he didn’t lead the team to win the Champions League. In this regard, many Messi fans are very distressed. They hope to cheer for Messi through the flying fish live broadcast room and let him get out of the trough as soon as possible. Finally, the commentary styles of flying fish live broadcast events are diversified, including He Wei and Zhan Jun, cute girls and gags. It is worth mentioning that the live broadcast of flying fish also includes basketball, e-sports and popular variety shows, so that fans can enjoy a one-stop watching experience.

Who says wild fishing can’t fly lead? As long as you can catch your mouth, you can catch big fish and small fish.

Lead-flying fishing is well known in the field of black pit and competitive fishing, but in the field of wild fishing, there are not many fishermen. The reason is that the movement of lead flying is too loud, but this fishing method is not useless in wild fishing. To put it bluntly, many fishermen don’t understand how to fly lead in wild fishing.

Flying lead fishing is actually very simple, that is, the distance between the lead drop and the hook bait is increased by moving the lead drop upward, and the sub-line is extended in disguised form. There is only one advantage. Compared with the original fishing group, the speed at which the hook bait falls to the bottom phase has obvious delay, which is very effective when the fish group floats, hits the upper-middle fish group, and even lures the bottom sliding fish.

There are two kinds of lead-flying fishing methods: full-flying lead and half-flying lead. Half-flying lead means that the lead-falling is pushed up and close to the drift seat, but it hasn’t reached the drift seat yet. Full flying lead means that all the lead weights are pushed to the vicinity of the drift seat. Because the position of the lead weights has changed, the center of gravity of the fishing group will also change, so that the speed at which the bait falls to the bottom will change differently. Correspondingly, we will have different effects when we hit different target fish.

Effect 1: The whole flying lead hits Shui Pi, specially hitting the upper water layer.

There are many fish species swimming in Shui Pi or the upper and middle waters. Small fish such as white stripes, pomfret, wheat ears, crucian carp, etc. are also swimming back and forth between half water and Shui Pi. At this time, we use the full-flying lead fishing method to push the lead pendant directly to the drift seat;

The advantage of this is that after the fishing group enters the water, the float has started to sink because the lead falls next to the float group, but the hook and bait are still falling freely because there is no extra external force. As long as the density of fish entering the nest is enough, as long as the float moves, whether it is top, bottom, shift or tilt, as long as it is not sinking, the rod can be lifted in time, and there must be fish when lifting the rod.

Effect 2: Half-flying lead hits crucian carp

Crucian carp is a benthic fish, and the normal fishing idea is mainly to keep the bottom. However, when we have no mouth for a long time, or the mouth of the fish is intermittent, at this time, the traditional practice is to fish from the bottom to find the mouth; However, it is relatively simple to use the flying lead fishing method;

We use semi-flying lead, first push the lead sinker for 20 ~ 30cm, and use baiting to hit the frequency, without worrying about where the crucian carp group is, because we push the lead sinker, so the main area of our fishing is the distance between the sub-line and the lead sinker. If there are many mouths in this area, then the fish group will be here. If the fish mouth is still not good, push it up for 20 ~ 30cm again, before pushing it to the full flying lead.

Half-flying lead hits the bottom crucian carp. If the fish is in a bad mood, then we only catch one kind of floating phase, that is, Dunkou. There is no need to lift the pole for other floating phases except Dunkou, even if it is black. If the fish is in a good mood, it is impossible to talk about floating news. Use the traditional counting method to lift the pole, that is, float and turn over and start counting, and lift the pole from one to three. If there are many empty poles, count from one to four, five and six, and the longest is no more than ten. As long as you hit the rhythm of this frequency, basically every pole can be lifted according to the rhythm;

Effect 3: Deep-water carp fishing is full of flying lead

Carp fishing is supposed to be based on keeping fishing, and the whole flying lead is relatively noisy, so it should not be the first choice. However, if there are signs that carp have entered the nest, such as fish stars, fish bubbles and baiting, at this time, you can do the opposite. Anyway, there is no mouth to fly lead, so it is better to try flying lead in the whole water layer;

The specific way is to change the fishing group into a full-flying lead fishing group, and then try to hit as far as possible, because the lead pendant is already close to the drift seat, the hook bait will fall freely, and because the distance between the hook bait and the lead pendant is extended, this fishing line cannot be in a tight state, and relatively speaking, it is relatively curved;

At this time, the carp has entered the nest, and the fishing water is deep. We might as well try to fly all the lead, and use the curiosity of the carp to hit a pole every 3 to 5 minutes. Because the lead falls next to the drift seat, the movement of the fishing group will not be so big, so there is no need to worry about scaring the fish.

Because we have changed the position of the lead pendant, the number of fishing eyes will be reduced by half an eye to one eye compared with the original fishing group. We mainly catch the sinking mouth, and we can lift the pole without black drift. Of course, the black drift can also be caught, because the distance between the hook bait and the lead pendant is very long, even if the bait is rubbed, rinsed and floated, there may be a false mouth of black drift, so as long as it is black drift, it is definitely a dead mouth, and the pole can be lifted;

Finally, fishing should not be dull, and long-term observance is not the purpose and fun of fishing. The so-called good fishermen seek fun, and those who are not good at fishing seek fish.