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Trillions of Aerospace run out of a super unicorn

Original, Liu Bo, investment community

This is an epic journey to the sea of stars.

Author I Liu Bo

Report I Investment Community PEdaily

The future has arrived.

In December, the Central Economic Work Conference emphasized that next year will focus on promoting high-quality development and leading the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation. The conference pointed out that it is necessary to build a number of strategic emerging industries such as bio-manufacturing, commercial aerospace, and low-altitude economy, and open up new tracks for future industries such as quantum and life sciences.

As a strategic emerging industry, commercial aerospace is becoming increasingly important.

With MIIT’s disclosure, China will accelerate the development and innovation of 6G technology, and achieve commercial use around 2030. This also means that another new node of mobile communication is coming soon. In other words, 6G network will form a fully connected world of ground wireless and satellite communication integration. It is not difficult to find that satellites will play a key role in it, which also gives a number of commercial aerospace companies the opportunity to show their strength. Space-time Daoyu is the leader among them.

What is the origin of Spacetime Daoyu? Established in 2018, Spacetime Daoyu is a technology innovation enterprise under Geely Holding Group. After five years of completing the layout of the whole industrial chain covering satellite research and development, manufacturing, measurement and control, application, etc., Spacetime Daoyu has now become the first commercial aerospace enterprise in China to achieve a commercial closed loop, with a valuation of over 10 billion yuan, ranking among the top echelons of commercial aerospace unicorns.

There has always been a view in the VC/PE circle that the unknown space is the last new continent for mankind. In the words of investors, the Chinese who missed the "era of great navigation" must not miss the upcoming "era of great aerospace". This is a truly epic journey to the sea of stars.

After 10 years of preparation, commercial spaceflight has exploded

Charge out a super unicorn

Looking back at 2014, China’s commercial aerospace industry ushered in an important juncture –

The "Guiding Opinions on Innovating Investment and Financing Mechanisms in Key Areas to Encourage Social Investment" was issued, which clearly stated that "private capital should be encouraged to develop, launch and operate commercial remote sensing satellites, provide market-oriented and professional services; guide private capital to participate in the construction of satellite navigation ground application systems." Since then, China’s commercial aerospace has begun.

Then in 2018, Spacetime Daoyu was established. At that time, Spacetime Daoyu founder and CEO Wang Yang had anticipated that commercial aerospace would become a strategic emerging industry in the information age and an important driving force for the development of global technology and digital economy.

How is the quality of the Space-Time Daoyu team? According to reports, since 2000, there have been no more than 100 important satellite models in China, of which engineers from Space-Time Daoyu have participated in the completion of at least 50 satellites, and each person has complete experience in more than 5 national key satellite models.

But Wang Yang knows that a more important prerequisite than having a strong technical team is to choose the right direction and track. Looking at the commercial satellite industry chain, high thresholds, many links, and strong complexity are significant characteristics. Therefore, start-up companies focus on a certain sub-field, and few have the layout of the whole industry chain, until the emergence of space and time.

Space-Time Daoyu is positioned as a provider of aerospace information and communication infrastructure and application solutions, covering the entire industrial chain from satellite R & D, manufacturing to application. "To use a popular analogy, Huawei provides ground-based information and communication products (ICT), while Space-Time Daoyu provides space-based information and communication products (AICT), both of which are dedicated to technological innovation and commercial applications in the field of human information and communication."

The rapidly rising space-time universe has been recognized by the capital markets in just five years, and it is reported that the latest valuation has exceeded 10 billion yuan. There is no doubt that a commercial aerospace super unicorn is rushing all the way.

Look at the product early, look at the mass production in the long run

At present, satellite commercialization is entering the era of mass delivery.

Let’s take a look at a set of intuitive data – the Blue Book of China’s Aerospace Science and Technology Activities (2022) revealed that in 2022, China completed 64 launch missions and developed and launched 188 spacecraft. At present, there is still a big gap between the number of 2,067 spacecraft launched by the United States in the whole year.

At the same time, industry data show that 100,000 satellites are expected to be deployed in low-Earth orbit in the future, and China has 30,000-40,000 satellites. Under the influence of factors such as the timeliness limit of ITU frequency declaration, the continuous increase of domestic policy support, and the continuous decline in rocket launch costs and satellite manufacturing costs, the manufacturing and launch of low-orbit satellites in our country is expected to enter an "exponential" growth period in the next five years. However, there is still a gap of 90% in the annual production capacity of domestic micro-satellites. Obviously, satellite manufacturing has become a key link in the development of China’s satellite industry chain.

With the inclusion of satellite Internet in the "new infrastructure", satellite manufacturing has been forced to enter the "industrialization" stage. The traditional production model is difficult to meet the huge demand for capacity for rapid networking, and short-cycle, low-cost, and mass production have become the prerequisites for the industry to accelerate.

Spacetime Daoyu Satellite Super Factory Production Line

"Look at the product in the early stage, look at the mass production in the long run", this is a profound lesson left by the development path of new energy vehicles to the market. The reason is not difficult to understand: in the early days of a segment, the product concept and product positioning determine whether it can be successfully launched into the market, and when the product competition gradually intensifies, the mass production speed and mass production capacity determine whether it can solidly occupy the market.

In today’s era of intelligent travel with integrated heaven and earth, commercial satellites are no exception. The last word for success lies in mass production capabilities. However, it should be noted that commercial satellites still face multiple challenges in large-scale manufacturing, including complex technology, high cost, vertical integration of supply chains, and extremely high quality and reliability requirements.

Among them, the cost has become the first question in front of commercial aerospace companies. According to Morgan Stanley estimates, the manufacturing cost of Starlink satellites is 1 million US dollars/piece, and founder Musk has publicly disclosed that the cost of a single satellite can be reduced to 500,000 US dollars. In contrast, according to the Zhejiang Securities Research Report, the average cost of our country’s low-orbit communications satellites is about 30 million yuan, of which labor costs + manufacturing costs account for about 50%.

The "2022 China Commercial Aerospace Industry Investment Report" shows that since 2015, the number of domestic commercial aerospace enterprises that have been registered and effectively operated has reached 433. Obviously, if you want to break through, you have to master the word "cost", and low-cost satellite manufacturing is the top priority.

The key to low-cost and fast mass production lies in: first, modular design, improve versatility and reuse rate, and shorten the delivery cycle of satellites; second, industrial-grade component replacement and core component self-development can reduce satellite manufacturing costs and simplify the development process; third, flexible pulsation production, taking the production of automobiles as an example, flexible production lines can produce both small-size economy cars and large-size luxury cars. The same is true for flexible production satellites, which can enhance the batch production capacity of satellites.

At present, Spacetime Daoyu may be the industry’s breaker. Compared with OneWeb, which is located in the first echelon of the global commercial aerospace industry, it is learning from the Airbus Group’s aircraft production line and assembling production in an assembly line to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Relying on Geely, Spacetime Daoyu was born with automobile manufacturing genes and took the lead in building a satellite super factory. It is the world’s first satellite mass production factory that deeply integrates aerospace manufacturing and automobile manufacturing. Through satellite mass production and intelligent manufacturing, it can help the global constellation network quickly.

It is understood that the Spacetime Daoyu Satellite Super Factory draws on the large-scale mass production manufacturing models such as intelligence and automation in the automotive industry to realize the disruptive innovation of satellite mass production AIT. Through modular design, flexible production, intelligent manufacturing and other technologies, and the use of parallel production in assembly lines, the design and production cycle of satellites can be greatly reduced, while the manufacturing cost of satellites can be greatly reduced.

As a fruitful integration of engineering capabilities in the aerospace and automotive industries, the effect is equally obvious. At present, the factory has broken through the production capacity limit of traditional satellite manufacturing, and can achieve a satellite production cost reduction of about 45% per day, which helps the constellation rapid networking construction. At the same time, by adopting a flexible production method, the factory can flexibly meet the final assembly, integration and testing of satellites of different models and specifications such as communication, navigation, and remote sensing satellites, and meet the needs of different types of constellation rapid networking construction.

With its strong mass production and delivery capabilities, Spacetime Daoyu also successfully fired the first shot of "heaven". In April 2022, Spacetime Daoyu completed the development of the first orbital surface satellite of the low-orbit future travel constellation. And in June of that year, it was successfully launched into orbit with a single arrow of 9 stars at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, becoming another milestone in the history of China’s commercial satellites.

It is reported that in addition to manufacturing satellites for the future travel constellation of Spacetime Daoyu, its satellite super factory is also providing satellite batch production and one-stop in-orbit delivery services for industry partners, helping to rapidly build China’s satellite constellation and accelerate the rapid development of the satellite industry chain.

Without a doubt, facing the challenge of global satellite large-scale manufacturing, Space-Time Daoyu has already broken the industry boundaries by fully borrowing from the mature mass manufacturing concept of automobiles, thus achieving cost reduction and efficiency increase, and promoting China’s satellite manufacturing into the era of industrialized large-scale production.

Here comes another trillion-dollar race track

As the upstream of the commercial aerospace industry chain, satellite manufacturing will benefit first, and the next stop will definitely return to the "commercial" essence.

According to iiMedia consulting data, since 2015, China’s commercial aerospace market has grown rapidly, with an annual growth rate of more than 20% from 2017 to 2024. At the same time, according to Tabor Think Tank, the size of China’s commercial aerospace market will reach 2.80 trillion yuan by 2025. How can start-up companies get a share of the pie?

As we all know, commercial aerospace is a hard technology. In order to survive and develop, it is necessary to break the tradition and achieve disruptive innovation. And innovation is not only technology, but also business models and mechanisms. Therefore, in addition to building business systems based on satellite constellations, there is a need for practical commercial scenarios, which must be enough to cover the huge constellation construction costs.

More generally, for commercial aerospace, if technology is the foundation, then the construction of the industrial chain and the construction of the business ecosystem are the driving force for the development of the industry. Only when technology and business "walk on two legs" can enterprises go further.

Wang Yang has previously mentioned that the market-oriented mechanism has put forward higher requirements for private commercial aerospace, not only to achieve technological innovation, but also to make aerospace technology serve human production and life, and promote the economic development of human society. "Policies, market demand and other favorable factors are promoting our country’s commercial aerospace from manufacturing-driven to an era of comprehensive application traction."

Looking back at the history of commercial aerospace development, there are many losers. For example, Motorola’s Iridium plan, which lacks a correct judgment of the development potential of mobile communications, has suffered bankruptcy. In addition to Iridium, OneWeb also filed for bankruptcy in 2020 due to the impact of the epidemic on the normal operation of the company, unable to obtain financing. The reason is that due to the lack of large-scale commercial application scenarios, it is difficult to support its huge constellation construction and operating costs.

Because of this, what the Spacetime Daoyu team is doing is a commercial practice, not a scientific engineering experiment. What they want to do is to make the application of aerospace technology more simple and friendly, adapt to user requests, and make products more affordable. To be more straightforward, it is affordable for everyone. To this end, Spacetime Daoyu has made great efforts in satellite applications and has become the first commercial aerospace enterprise in China to achieve commercial closed-loop.

Among the many application scenarios, mobile phone satellite communication is detonating the industry trend. In recent years, Huawei and Apple have launched mobile phones with satellite communication functions. The reason why these consumer products can directly connect to satellites is to conform to the upcoming 6G era. 6G will have a new application scenario of "ubiquitous connection", and satellites will enable mobile communication to truly realize all-terrain and all-space three-dimensional coverage connection. CCTV previously reported that according to incomplete statistics, as of September 2023, the size of our country’s satellite communication market is around 80 billion yuan.

Space-time Dao Yu has also been forward-looking layout.

With its excellent satellite mass manufacturing capabilities, Space-Time Daoyu will have the ability to form network constellations faster than other commercial aerospace companies. They are building the world’s first low-orbit future travel constellation to serve the future travel ecosystem by deploying the whole orbit, and it is the world’s first commercial communication, navigation and remote sensing integrated constellation. The first orbit has been deployed, and nine satellites have been in orbit for more than one year. It plans to launch 02 sets of satellites in the constellation in early 2024 to complete the deployment of the second orbital plane. In 2025, the launch and deployment of 72 satellites in the first phase of the constellation will be completed, providing satellite application services for global users.

In addition, the "Space-Time Daoyu – Peking University Advanced Communication Joint Laboratory" was jointly established with Peking University, and the two sides are committed to conquering the core technology in the future communication field – while the same-frequency full-duplex communication technology. The satellite network is an important part of the future 6G. The two sides will jointly develop full-duplex communication low-orbit satellites, promote the on-orbit verification of this technology, synchronously promote the formulation of industry standards, and accelerate the implementation of industrial applications.

Of course, in the era of intelligent travel with the integration of heaven and earth, the car is the scene that cannot be ignored the most. Space-time Daoyu also gave a bright transcript – it is the first domestic aerospace product to achieve the standard R & D and mass production of vehicles, and the first commercial aerospace company to realize the large-scale application of vehicle satellite communication and high-precision positioning at the same time.

Specifically, Space-Time Daoyu innovatively introduced satellite communication services into new energy mass-produced vehicles, and launched the world’s first mass-produced satellite communication passenger car in conjunction with Polar Krypton to provide two-way satellite messaging and satellite call services. Its satellite-based high-precision positioning service (PPP-RTK) also achieved the world’s first large-scale on-board. During the Hangzhou Asian Games, Space-Time Daoyu provided high-precision positioning, satellite communication, and remote sensing technical support. By equipping nearly 2,000 officially designated vehicles for the Asian Games with Space-Time Daoyu high-precision positioning products and services, it realized accurate vehicle management and scheduling, and the cumulative guarantee mileage exceeded 2.02 million kilometers.

For the space-time universe that aspires to space, the pace of exploration cannot be stopped. Looking to the future, commercial aerospace is a global industry, so domestic commercial aerospace enterprises must take the initiative to go out and improve their international competitiveness. Only in this way can we promote the globalization of China’s commercial aerospace industry.

In fact, many commercial space companies and even countries around the world do not have the ability to independently build satellite constellations and carry out satellite internet services. Therefore, if Chinese commercial space companies can actively expand overseas business by building their own constellations, they will inevitably achieve new business growth.

It will not only provide satellite application data services for SCO countries and countries along the "Belt and Road Initiative", but also cooperate with Malaysian telecom operator Altel to promote high-tech research and development and system application, accelerate the implementation of solutions in smart ports, smart agriculture and other fields, and promote the globalization of satellite applications.

From building its own constellation and ground systems, to mass manufacturing of satellites, large-scale application of satellites, and rapid expansion of overseas markets. The purpose of Space-Time Daoyu is to close the loop of commercial applications in the aerospace industry, from completing the layout of the entire industrial chain to having continuous self-hematopoietic capabilities.

Today, Spacetime Daoyu has formed a R & D system with Shanghai Research Institute as the core and R & D centers in Nanjing, Xi’an and Wuhan as the support; has two business operation headquarters in Guangzhou and Qingdao; established business centers in Beijing and New York; established a satellite super factory in Taizhou, Zhejiang as a satellite manufacturing base; and laid out a global constellation measurement and operation control network. At the same time, we have implemented the global "Belt and Road Initiative" strategy and continued to promote the business implementation of "Belt and Road Initiative" countries and regions such as the Middle East and South East Asia.

Write at the end

Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the Soviet rocket pioneer, once said: "The earth is the cradle of mankind, but mankind cannot be bound to the cradle forever, but will constantly explore new celestial bodies and spaces, and will begin to carefully penetrate the atmosphere and then conquer the solar system."

Looking back at history, in 1957, the world’s first man-made earth satellite was successfully launched, marking the official start of the human space age; and then in 1970, our country’s first satellite "Dongfanghong No. 1" was launched, playing music in space, and creating countless people’s indelible memories; today, a group of new space blood, like space and time, are still embarking on an unknown journey in the vast universe.

As Wang Yang, CEO of Spacetime Daoyu, said, "Aerospace is the most romantic industry, and it carries the dream of human beings to explore the universe."

The original title: "Trillion Aerospace Runs Out of a Super Unicorn"

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Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center officially put into use.

    On October 20th, 2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecology Conference, the frontier dialogue session of the 2023 World Internet of Things Expo, was held in Wuxi Economic Development Zone. At the meeting, Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory were officially put into use. Many experts in the field of intelligent sensors and representatives of upstream and downstream ecological enterprises in the industrial chain discussed new technologies, new applications and industrial development ideas around the development trend of intelligent networked automobile and automobile semiconductor industry, innovation and application of key technologies of sensors, chip technology breakthroughs and other related topics.

    In recent years, Wuxi has deeply implemented the leading strategy of strengthening the city by industry and the core strategy of innovation-driven, taking the Internet of Vehicles and intelligent networked vehicles as the main direction in the field of Internet of Things, built the first national-level vehicle networking pilot area in China, and won the first batch of pilot cities for the coordinated development of smart city infrastructure and intelligent networked vehicles in China.

    Wuxi Economic Development Zone, as the core plate of Wuxi intelligent networked automobile application and industrial development, actively seized the "new track" for the development of intelligent networked automobile industry, focused on "333+5" modern industrial clusters such as Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, targeted the intelligent networked automobile and car networking industry, and successively released a number of industrial plans such as intelligent networked automobile, energy storage and new energy, and integrated circuits, and gathered a number of industrial ecological enterprises such as Cheliantianxia, Iflytek and Konoway.

(2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecology Conference Site)

  At the meeting, Ding Rongjun, academician of China Academy of Engineering, chief scientist of CRRC and dean of School of Mechanical and Transportation Engineering of Hunan University, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Coordinated Development of Power Semiconductor and System Technology for Intelligent New Energy Vehicles", sharing new ideas around the demand of new energy vehicles for electric drive systems, technical characteristics and applications of power devices, and technical trends of power semiconductors in the future.

(Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory officially put into use)

  Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center and Intelligent Networked Automobile and Vehicle Networking Joint Laboratory were officially put into use at the meeting, injecting new development momentum into Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automobile Eco-industry.

  It is reported that Wuxi Zhijia Operation Service Center plans to build four centers: Intelligent Networked Business Service Center, Intelligent Networked Supervision and Operation Center, Intelligent Networked Car Parking and Maintenance Center and Intelligent Networked Simulation Test Center, so as to build a full chain service system of intelligent networked industrial chain. The intelligent networked automobile and vehicle networking joint laboratory will focus on building the world’s leading component-level antenna test system, the first domestic test system supporting 5G-V2X, the C-V2X test system with independent intellectual property rights, and the electromagnetic darkroom supporting millimeter waves, aiming at serving intelligent networked automobile and vehicle networking enterprises and promoting industrial development.

  In the release of intelligent networked automobile new products, the Automobile Sensor Branch of China Automotive Engineering Society released the report framework of sensor series selection, Wuxi Chelian Tianxia Information Technology Co., Ltd. released the remote Xinghan H-X9 intelligent cockpit domain controller, and Wuxi Intelligent Control Research Institute of Hunan University released the mine intelligent driving system.

(Signing Ceremony of Intelligent Networked Automobile Ecological Project in Wuxi Economic Development Zone)

  During the conference, 12 intelligent networked automobile eco-chain projects, such as leading microelectronic vehicle-level communication chip project, automotive acoustics intelligent electronics project and Moji Zhixing two-wheeled vehicle intelligent project, were officially signed, covering vehicle-level chip, active noise reduction, sensor product testing and other sub-industrial fields.

  "This conference will share development experience and discuss development plans, which will promote the comprehensive construction of a higher energy level, better quality and more distinctive car networking industry ecology, and lead the accelerated development of the intelligent networked automobile industry. Wuxi will vigorously support cutting-edge teams and key enterprises at home and abroad to settle down and take root in Wuxi with stronger and more comprehensive policy support, more intimate and professional government services, and warmer and more personalized talent services. " Jang Jin, vice mayor of Wuxi, said.

  The theme of the 2023 Wuxi Intelligent Networked Automotive Ecology Conference is "Networked Intelligence, Sensing the Future". There is an ecological conference and two sub-forums on intelligent electric vehicle sensors, domain controllers and intelligent cockpits, attracting more than 300 representatives from universities and research institutes, intelligent networked automotive eco-enterprises and investment institutions to attend the conference. (Yin Qing)

Liu Xiaolan, Vice President of TCL Huaxing: Panel demand recovery continues to lay out folding screens and car screens.

China Securities Network News (Reporter Wan Yu) Liu Xiaolan, vice president of TCL Huaxing, a subsidiary of TCL Technology, said in an interview with china securities journal recently that on the whole, the panel industry will continue to recover in demand this year, and TCL Huaxing will need to fix production, maintain healthy inventory and optimize the supply chain system to ensure delivery when the market changes. At the same time, TCL Huaxing will continue to lay out and maintain a high growth rate in the fields of fast-growing folding screens and car screens.    

Since the fourth quarter of last year, panel prices have continued to rise, and the panel industry has attracted the attention of investors. According to the research report of Huaxi Securities, the price of TV panels in early March is close to the high price in September last year. Due to the better downstream demand expectation and the early stocking of the whole machine factory, the current supply and demand are still tight. Huaxi Securities expects that the price of TV panels will still rise in the second quarter, and the price of TV panels is expected to break through the high level last year.    

Regarding the trend of the panel industry, Liu Xiaolan thinks that with the moderate economic recovery in China and the downward inflation in Europe and America, the overall purchasing power of consumers is rising, and the sales of TV, notebook computers, monitors and other products will be driven by the superposition of domestic "618" and summer holidays. On the demand side of the panel, she predicts that this year will be more optimistic than last year. On the supply side, panel enterprises have generally changed their business philosophy, from pursuing full production and full sales to fixing production according to demand. As a whole, the inventory of the panel industry is relatively healthy, and the panel price is relatively stable, so there is no more ups and downs.  

She introduced that TCL Huaxing will pay close attention to the changes in demand and ensure the flexibility of factory production, so that it can timely respond to the adjustment of production brought about by changes in the market. As a head enterprise, TCL Huaxing has built its own moat in the upstream supply chain. The company will also give full play to this advantage, continue to strengthen cooperation with the upstream supply chain, especially the strategic partners of key materials, establish strong links, share information, optimize the supply chain system, and ensure that TCL Huaxing’s factory can respond to uncertain situations in time and ensure the delivery of the whole supply chain.    

TCL Huaxing is also actively deploying in the fast-growing sub-categories such as folding screens and car screens. Liu Xiaolan said that folding screen mobile phones have become a fast-growing segment of mobile phone products in recent years. TCL Huaxing has launched a number of folding screen products, and has industry-leading technologies such as LTPO and PLP. On the one hand, the company will continue to make breakthroughs in folding screen technology in the future, reducing the weight and thickness of the screen, extending the battery life and service life. On the other hand, it will start with materials and design, reduce the cost of folding screens, and make folding screens more widely used in mobile phones, tablets, laptops and other products.    

TCL Huaxing’s shipments of in-vehicle screens also maintained a high growth trend. TCL Huaxing did not enter the in-vehicle field for a long time. Last year, the shipments were about 5 million pieces. Although the shipments were not large, the growth rate was large, which doubled and reached the first place in the industry. "In the past, we only made efforts on high-end car screens. At that time, we didn’t have a production line of amorphous silicon," Liu Xiaolan said. "After the mass production of t9 production line last year, we developed a lot of amorphous silicon car displays, and we will catch up with them at a very fast speed."    

Japanese publisher: Three-body is out of stock, which makes more readers understand China’s novels.

  As soon as it was listed, it sold out of stock, and "Three-body" was greatly loved by Japanese readers.

  On July 4th, the Japanese version of "Three-body" went on sale, and some bookstores quickly sold out, ranking first in the list of Japanese Amazon literary works. To this end, the largest science fiction publishing house in Japan, which is responsible for the Japanese version of Three-body — — Hayakawa’s study room had to quickly explain on social media that "we are grasping the third printing, please wait a little".

  "Earth-shattering science fiction covering all aspects of human history", "Once you start reading, you can’t stop, please translate the sequel quickly" and "unparalleled imagination is really amazing" … … As early as the previous trial reading meeting, Japanese writers and screenwriters, including Hideo Kojima, Hiroki Azuma and Y? Irie, the top game designers in Japan, gave high praise, and the waist cover of the novel was full of recommendations from big coffee in the industry.

  With the Japanese version of Three-body released, Hayakawa Study also held exhibitions and sales meetings of Chinese science fiction and reasoning works in major bookstores, involving works such as short masterpieces 1-3 and Rebirth by China science fiction writer Liu Yukun, Sacrifice of Spring in the First Year by Lu Qiucha, Beijing Folding-Selected Works of Modern China Science Fiction, and Variations by Diogenes by Chen Haoji.

  SF magazine, a science fiction magazine owned by Hayakawa Study, will also publish some works of China science fiction writers and articles written by three scholars on Three-body and China science fiction in its August issue with the theme of "Three-body and China science fiction writers".

  Can the popularity of "Three-body" open the China science fiction craze in the Japanese market? The Paper interviewed Yamaguchi, editor-in-chief of the "Three-body" project team in Hayakawa Study Room, and talked about the development and present situation of Japanese science fiction and his understanding of China’s science fiction.


  The PaperHow did you feel when you first read Three-body?

  Yamaguchi crystalI once read Liu Cixin’s short stories and thought that the author might be a genius. After watching "Three-body", I believe he is a real, real genius! Reminds me of my feelings when I read The End of Childhood by Arthur C. Clarke (Arthur C. Clarke) or Base Series by Isaac Asimov (isaac asimov) when I was young. Three-body is what I want to see.

  The Paper: What touched you? How do you understand the "naokou" in the novel?

  Yamaguchi crystalExcellent storytelling ability and the author’s deep understanding of history, science and philosophy, and the perfect combination of the three. The beauty of Three-body is not only technology and knowledge, but also Liu Cixin’s powerful imagination, which constantly surprises readers and always exceeds our expectations. After Three-body won the Hugo Award in 2015, it took us three years to win the copyright of this novel in Japan.

  "Naoko" is like a metaphor against progress, rationality and peace in the real world. There are always things like Naoko in our society.

  The PaperHow do you interpret the relationship between "earthlings" and "threesomes"?

  Yamaguchi crystalI am not in favor of parallelizing or comparing the relationship between "earthman" and "three-person" with the relationship between China (or Asian) culture and western culture. It has a more universal meaning, which can be "new and old", "poor and rich", "small and big", or just "human and aliens". It is precisely because of this universality that "Three-body" is more entertaining and meaningful and has become a global bestseller.

  The PaperDo you have any expectations for sales?

  Yamaguchi crystalWe hope to sell 1 million copies of the first volume, but the goal at this stage is 100 thousand copies.

  The PaperCan you introduce SF magazine and its influence on Japanese science fiction?

  Yamaguchi crystalAs early as 1959, Hayakawa study room founded SF magazine, which is the second oldest science fiction magazine in the world. For decades, it has trained a large number of Japanese science fiction writers.

  Japanese science fiction began to sprout and develop under the influence of American science fiction. The first issue of SF magazine published the works of Arthur C. Clarke (Arthur C. Clarke), Issac Asimov (isaac asimov), Philip K. Dick (Philip K. Dick) and Robert Sheckley (Robert Sheckley), which inspired and enlightened many young people who wanted to be novelists. In addition, writers such as Robert A. Heinlein (Robert A. Heinlein), Kurt Vonnegut (Kurt Vonnegut Jr.), Ray Bradbury (ray bradbury) and William Gibson (William Gibson) are often introduced and mentioned, thus influencing a group of Japanese science fiction writers, whose works and influence are still popular and exist among readers.

  The PaperWhat is the development of Japanese science fiction? What are its characteristics?

  Yamaguchi crystalThe characteristics of Japanese science fiction are very diverse, and each generation of authors has its own distinctive characteristics. For example, the first generation of science fiction writers in 1960s, such as Sakyo Komatsu (Komatsu sakyo), Shinichi Hoshi (hoshi shinichi) and Yasutaka Tsutsui, Yasutaka Tsutsui, will surprise you when reading their works. Komatsu sakyo is famous for hard science fiction, while hoshi shinichi’s stories have fable-like flashes. Yasutaka Tsutsui is characterized by experimental novels that play abuse.

  Most of the first-generation writers have passed away. The second-generation writers in the 1970s, the third-generation writers in the 1980s, and the fourth-generation writers in the late 1980s and 1990s are still active in the literary world, publishing various types of works, such as hard science fiction, space opera, fantasy, military adventure, humor, Cyberpunk, literary science fiction and light novels.

  Japanese science fiction experienced what we call the "severe winter" in the 1990s, but in the 21st century, a new generation of writers such as Project Itoh (Project Itoh), Hitotaka Tobi (Fei Haolong), Ogawa Yishui and Toh Ubukata (Tou Ubukata) appeared, and Japanese science fiction became popular again. In particular, Project Itoh’s "Killing Organs" and "Harmony" are the milestones of the revival of Japanese science fiction.

  In addition, Japanese science fiction is closely related to comics, animation and video game industries, and classic cartoonists such as Osamu Tezuka and Reiji Matsumoto were influenced by the early science fiction movement. Even in this century, film directors such as Makoto Shinkai (Makoto Shinkai, masterpiece Your Name) and Sunao Katabuchi (film must be straight), and game producers such as Hideo Kojima (Hideo Kojima, masterpiece Metal Gear Series) are also loyal fans of science fiction.

  The PaperWhat is the popularity of Japanese science fiction in the market at present?

  Yamaguchi crystalIf we only talk about the publication of science fiction books, we can’t say that it is very big. The sales volume has been relatively stable and there are fixed readers and fans. However, if anime and animation are included, the market is huge. Many cartoons and animated films and TV programs have sci-fi elements, such as robots, time travel, future world and so on.

  However, these readers are very loyal to science fiction. They have their own reading and study groups, and they also organize activities and vote for awards. Every year, the fan group votes for the Seiun Award (the most sci-fi work and novel award in Japan), which is equivalent to the nebula award in the United States. It is also very active on social media.

  The Paper: which countries and themes of science fiction are more popular? What are the criteria you choose?

  Yamaguchi crystalScience fiction in China is very popular, and we expect that science fiction in non-English speaking areas will be the next trend. Asian science fiction mainly comes from China, and it will be a development window in the next two to three years. I hope so. There are many themes, and it is hard to say which ones are the most popular, but topics such as artificial intelligence, feminism, brain-computer interface, human-computer interface, dystopia, monitoring, robotics, information pollution, thinking uploading, genetic modification and space exploration will all have great attention and importance.

  We always pay attention to sales data and marketing data, but these figures can only explain what readers want now, not next year or five years later, which requires our professional to judge and predict the future trend. In the selection of works, in addition to Japanese local science fiction, we have also established a good cooperative relationship with Science Fiction World in Chengdu, China. Science Fiction World will also recommend some short science fiction novels from China to us, and we will also consult some of our own science fiction writers.

  The PaperWhat impression did China’s science fiction leave on you? Are there obvious characteristics differences between Chinese and Japanese sci-fi works?

  Yamaguchi crystalThe three most obvious characteristics that China’s science fiction gave me are: first, a strong imagination; Second, anxiety about the rapid growth of economy and technology; The third is the nameless fear for the future. As for the differences between the two countries, I haven’t read enough China science fiction novels to discuss the differences, but in my opinion, Cyberpunk has a greater influence on Japan, while the proportion of hard science fiction in China’s science fiction novels will be larger.

  The PaperJapanese science fiction writer Rihara Toye once said that "Japanese science fiction can’t be as influential as China’s science fiction because we don’t have Liu Yukun (English translator of Three-body)". What do you think of this statement?

  Yamaguchi crystalThat’s for sure. Japanese science fiction needs translators like Liu Yukun too much. In addition, I am very sure that the level of some Japanese writers has reached the standard of the world’s top science fiction writers, but for now, we really haven’t seen any science fiction writer who has such a great influence in the world like Liu Cixin.

  The PaperWhat impact will the hot sale of "Three-body" in Japan have?

  Yamaguchi crystalThere is no doubt that Japanese readers will want to read more China novels. We also firmly believe that Three-body will become a best seller. Hayakawa Study also plans to invest more money to develop the China book market. We hope that not only readers of science fiction, but also other engineers, scientists, researchers, scholars and intellectuals will learn about China’s novels. (The Paper reporter Xu Minghui intern Xu Hangyan)

Rural teachers issued a document pointing to formalism and were led to meet the local county government late at night to respond.

CCTV News:On October 10th, Li Tiantian, a female teacher of Taozixi School in Yongshun County, Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province, published an article entitled "A Group of Rural Children Being Destroyed" in her WeChat official account. The article mentioned: "Since the beginning of school, the school has conducted inspections almost every week, and we will take students to clean up every two days. It is common to suspend classes and sweep the floor. My Chinese class has stagnated. Sometimes it is even necessary to sweep the floor two or three days in advance, sweeping it around, treating the symptoms rather than the root cause. After the inspection, the students’ behavior habits are still the same. In addition, teachers have to visit to help the poor. I have five poor households, so I have to contact them frequently. No, this weekend, teachers will visit the team again, calculate the income of ordinary people, collect and sort out information, and fill in all kinds of materials. There were several times to check the emergency, and our teacher had to stop classes and go to the government to work overtime, leaving the classroom empty. "

The leader made an appointment late at night because he issued a document pointing to formalism.

On the evening of October 15th, Teacher Li Tiantian sent a message to a circle of friends, saying, "The bureau called and asked me to rush to the city immediately, because the director wanted to see me and discuss how to deal with the article, saying that it had brought them great losses! What should I do? "

Li Tiantian, female teacher of Taozixi School, Yongshun County, Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province:The county also gave me a job, which means that I wrote the truth, but it is detrimental to the image of teachers. As a public official, I can’t send it like this. Then, they kept urging me to delete it. The principal said that if you didn’t delete it, all major media reporters would come to the school to cover it, which was too stressful. I thought about it and deleted it.

With the heat of the incident escalating, the main leaders of the Xiangxi Municipal Committee affirmed Li Tiantian’s move and her personal situation improved. State leaders criticized the Yongshun County Education and Sports Bureau for using relatives to pressure and talk late at night, and promised that the county education and sports bureau would not make things difficult for Li Tiantian again, which would not affect its future development.

Li Tiantian, female teacher of Taozixi School, Yongshun County, Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province:The whole process of the incident is that after I wrote the article and posted it to myself in WeChat official account, there were thousands of readings, and many netizens added my WeChat at the beginning, saying that it was well written and true. Netizens from all over the country recognized that what I wrote was similar to their local situation, and they themselves were caught in this dilemma.

Reporter:Are you worried?

Li Tiantian:A little worried.

Reporter:Do you have any future plans, or do you want to stay in this school?

Li Tiantian:Yes, because I had thought about leaving here, but the parents in our class kept me, but they still didn’t want me to leave, hoping that I could take their students out of school. Now it’s the fourth grade, so I’m very reluctant. Besides, I’ve been teaching with that student for two or three years, and I have feelings for him.

Reporter:In fact, a lot of disappointment, this matter may have a certain impact on you these days.

Li Tiantian:These influences, which others will not know, are very subtle. Leaders always say, I will reassure you, what are your needs and requirements. Including the leaders above are very concerned about you, but in fact many changes are subtle.

On the 21st, the commentator of Half-monthly Talk published a comment entitled "Please leave a quiet desk for Li Tiantian", saying that as a grass-roots party and government leader, we should focus on solving problems, not solving people who reflect them.

Li Tiantian: It’s a bit lonely to go to work normally.

Recently, some media reported that teacher Li Tiantian was cut off from her job at school after posting a critical article on formalism. So, what is her situation now? Why did she post at that time?

Li Tiantian, a teacher at Taozixi School in Yongshun County, Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province:This is a report error, the workload is not reduced but adjusted, but the teachers in our school have adjusted. At present, my life has not been affected, and I go to work normally. I just say that you have such a thing, and everyone is afraid of being implicated. Maybe many people will not say how they want to play with you. Some people think that I have affected the year-end performance appraisal. Because of the pressure of public opinion, no one is embarrassed, but the situation is still relatively lonely.

For me, writing something like that is out of an instinct, and a subconscious is supporting me to do such a thing. This pressure is not borne by me alone. At that time, he asked me to sign and admit that my words were one-sided. I was only targeting a school. Recently, many netizens added me and sent me text messages, and they also confided in me, saying that you expressed our feelings, saying that it is the same here. There are countless inspections, large and small, and a lot of energy is spent on the inspection, various materials and forms. For example, netizens in Shandong, Henan and all over the country added me, and they all talked about this matter.

That article only put forward some suggestions on the current situation of education, why it caused such a sensation and made leaders so nervous. I think there are still many problems, that is, why it is true, and why many people don’t want to talk about it to our teachers, but they dare not talk about it, which is why it has become like this.

The local county government responded that an investigation team has been set up.

These days, a rural teacher in Yongshun County, Hunan Province, published a document criticizing the formalism of rural primary schools, which attracted many people’s attention. Although the article was issued on October 11 and was deleted that night, the development of the matter and related responses and responses have always made progress. The day before yesterday (20th), there was a response from the local county government office, which said: "Yongshun County has set up an investigation team led by the Supervision Committee of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection to investigate the problems reflected by Teacher Li Tiantian and the media, and the problems found in the investigation will be rectified in time and dealt with seriously, and the results will be announced in due course."

Two major beauty giants bet on China, making beauty technology a "battleground"?

A few days ago, Shiseido (China) Investment Co., Ltd. added an investment enterprise-Xiamen Ziyue Equity Investment Partnership (hereinafter referred to as "Xiamen Ziyue"). It is understood that the registered capital of the company is 501 million yuan, and its business scope includes engaging in equity investment, investment management, asset management and other activities with private funds. It is noteworthy that on May 8th, L ‘Oré al Group officially announced the establishment of its first investment company in China market-Shanghai Meicifang Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Meidifang Investment") with a registered capital of 100 million yuan.

Beauty cosmetics technology leads the new wave

Although the L ‘Oré al Group and Shiseido have not disclosed the investment plans and targets, L ‘Oré al once said: "The strategic transformation of beauty technology is very important to us." According to official website, the beauty technology strategy refers to making changes in product innovation, omni-channel marketing, and enhancing enterprise agility by using technology and digital innovation. In addition, Bai Pu Le, Chief Financial Officer of L ‘Oré al Group, said that China is strategically important to L ‘Oré al Group, which is not only the key growth engine of the Group, but also one of the sources of inspiration for leading future innovation.

With the rapid development of online consumption channels and the impact of the epidemic on physical channels, AI/AR virtual makeup test, smart beauty mirror, smart skin tester, 3D printed lipstick and other products have attracted the curiosity of many consumers.

In 2014, L ‘Oré al launched the virtual makeup mirror Makeup Genius. With the help of augmented reality technology, users can see the makeup effect after using the product before buying it. This is the first test of AR technology in the beauty industry. Subsequently, major beauty brands at home and abroad began to try "beauty+technology". Shiseido has developed the invisible VR project "caico", which makes use of the interactive features brought by virtual reality, so that consumers can get the immersive experience of product interaction when they can’t directly touch the product, for example, they can smell the smell directly and satisfy consumers’ understanding of product information. In addition, at the 2020 China International Import Expo(CIIE), Estee Lauder launched an expert skin diagnostic instrument, which can make a comprehensive skin diagnosis for consumers with the help of AI technology.

It is worth noting that before the "Double Eleven" in 2019, Alibaba Tmall Beauty Channel launched the AR beauty function. The data shows that after trying AR beauty cosmetics, the customer conversion rate of makeup testers has increased by four times, compared with only two times that of pictures and videos. According to the Foresight Report on the Application of Science and Technology in Beauty Industry in 2025, under the traditional format, the beauty industry in China will develop steadily and reach a market scale of 620.35 billion yuan in 2025. If there is technology empowerment, the industry scale will reach about 1 trillion yuan in 2025.

Jean-Paul Agon, chairman of L ‘Oré al Group, once said that digital technology is compatible with the beauty business. "Beauty products are very expressive, and consumers are also very young. They like to take selfies with their mobile phones, broadcast live, virtual hair dyeing and color testing. These new services that incorporate technology are very suitable in the field of beauty." He also said that the L ‘Oré al Group’s digital budget is growing rapidly, and "digitalization" has become one of the key words of the Group’s development.

Collision with technology, the "magic weapon" for beauty companies?

With the increasing penetration of digital and virtual technology into every scene of daily life, beauty technology is gradually becoming the "magic weapon" of the industry.

In 2019, Neutrogena, a skin care brand under Johnson & Johnson Group, released a miniature 3D mask printer-Mask ID. According to reports, this mask printer uses the function of 3D camera, and users can create an accurate multi-dimensional face model by taking selfies. The 3D printing process can print nutrients on the precise area of the mask, providing an accurate skin care experience.

In 2021, Kose also brought a "customized mask" to China International Import Expo(CIIE). By scanning consumers’ faces, the customized mask can be printed on the spot, and different brands of lotions can be adjusted and matched according to everyone’s different needs, so as to achieve differentiated and fine services. At the same time, Kose also launched a Nail Printer jointly developed with CASIO. This device can identify the shape, bending degree, outline and other information of nails and directly print out the fitted nails. Consumers just need to put their fingers into the machine, choose a pattern they like, and press the button, and the machine can spray the pattern on their nails.

YSL, a brand of L ‘Oré al Group, displayed PERSO, the world’s first concept product of customized cosmetics for home use, at China International Import Expo(CIIE). Users can mix lipstick colors according to their own preferences. Today, PERSO has been commercialized, and the "YSL ROUGE SUR MESURE" Saint Laurent beauty cosmetics "lipstick printer" is officially on sale. It is reported that the price of "machine+two-color system" products is 3910 yuan.

Nowadays, the collision between beauty and new technologies is becoming more and more fierce, and AR/VR, AI and 3D printing technologies are more widely used. Improving the experience and meeting the individual needs of consumers have become areas that beauty companies are actively exploring.

Beijing News Shell Finance reporter Yu Menger

Editor Jake

Proofread Chen Biyan

IC photo with closed picture

US media: Without Damian Lillard, the Heat would be fine!

Will star guard Damian Lillard finally join the Heat? This is his first choice to leave Portland. Although this situation has been delayed for two months, it is still possible to reach this deal sometime this summer.

However, although it seems only a matter of time, all expectations and rumors are to send him to Miami, there is still reason to doubt what the defending Eastern Conference champion Heat will look like if Lillard unfortunately goes elsewhere at the beginning of the 2023-24 season.

First of all, I want to ask what the players who have been rumored to be involved as chips, such as Tyler Herro and Kyle Lowry, will think when the trade comes out all summer. (It is widely reported that a tripartite transaction is almost certainly needed to facilitate the Lillard transaction between Miami and Portland. ) Lori performed well in the playoffs, and the Heat ranked eighth all the way to the NBA Finals. But apart from starting the new season at the age of 37, Lori’s efficiency in the regular season is his worst since the 2014-15 season. As for Hiro, he can explode occasionally, and of course he can score by himself. But no one will doubt his value to the team. Miami was a tough defensive team at its best. Even after the first game of the first round of the playoffs, they reached the finals as a weak team.

We should expect Eric Spoelstra’s team to maintain a tough defense, as they have always done, using defense tactics much more than other teams. However, it is obviously worth pointing out that some key players in the Miami system, such as Max Strus and Gabe Vincent, are now members of the Cavaliers and the Lakers respectively, and they are both important rotation players. Except that they fully understand and adapt to the Heat’s system, they are all 3D players and never question their resilience and defense. Miami has received endless praise for its internal player development-the Heat have seven players on their NBA Finals list who have not been selected-but it is doubtful whether Josh Richardson or Jamie hax Jr. can replace these two players. Having said that, at least Miami is familiar with Richardson, whose career started with this team. )

If the Heat don’t sign Lillard, perhaps the most noteworthy thing is that it may mean that they will still have to rely on Jimmy Butler next season. He will be 34 years old next month. He went to the Eastern Conference semifinals in the playoffs. After spraining his ankle against the Knicks, his speed slowed down obviously. If the lineup stays the same for six weeks, Hiro and Lori will have a lot of ball control responsibilities. If Adebayor makes greater progress on the offensive end, the team will be happy. (Small forward Caleb Martin made a leap forward last season, and his future self-creation ability may become a factor to change the game. ) But if Lillard didn’t come to Miami, Butler would have to shoulder the responsibility of the best scoring organizer again. To some extent, this is not ideal, because if he has a superstar teammate with scoring and organizational talent, his physical strength may at least be preserved.

It’s hard to imagine that the Heat won’t complete the Lillard deal, considering the fact that the All-Star guard openly asked to go there. Despite being the eighth seed, Miami just won the Eastern Conference championship! Most of the core members of this team remain unchanged. Therefore, the club will almost think that they are trading for Lillard, or not, the team still has a lot of good chips. All these circumstances, but it is still worth considering, if the team does not make a large-scale transaction after this transaction, but continues to fight with the existing lineup.

The Xinjiang team brought in the insider, and Fan Ziming was traded to Li Muhao to join Shenzhen, with poor performance.

Xinjiang team is about to introduce a No.4 inside foreign aid, which is undoubtedly a great improvement to the team’s strength. As one of the most competitive teams in CBA, Xinjiang team has always been famous for its strong rebounding ability. This time, the introduction of foreign aid in the No.4 position has injected a boost into the team’s rebounding performance. In modern basketball games, the importance of rebounding is self-evident. Rebound can not only improve the team’s scoring efficiency, but also limit the opponent’s second attack opportunity and strive for more attack opportunities for the team. The addition of foreign aid in the fourth position means that the Xinjiang team will have greater advantages in rebounding. First of all, the height and wingspan of the foreign aid inside the fourth position are usually longer, which makes them have a stronger advantage in rebounding competition. They can take advantage of their height and wingspan to better seize offensive and defensive rebounds, increase scoring opportunities for the team and reduce opponents’ scoring opportunities. Secondly, the foreign aid inside the fourth position usually has excellent physical fitness and strong physical confrontation ability. They can engage in fierce hand-to-hand combat with their opponents in the rebounding competition and win more rebounds. At the same time, they can also limit their opponents’ scoring opportunities in the basket through physical confrontation and provide solid defensive support for the team. In addition, the addition of foreign aid in the No.4 position will also bring more tactical choices to the Xinjiang team. They can play an excellent low-post scoring ability on the offensive end and provide a variety of scoring methods for the team. On the defensive end, their presence can effectively block the opponent’s inside scoring route and improve the overall defensive strength of the team.It is a wise decision for Xinjiang team to introduce a foreign aid inside the No.4 position. This will not only enhance the team’s competitiveness in rebounding, but also bring more tactical choices to the team.

Xinjiang team has strong foreign aid ability, and Farr left to join the NBA. Recently, the news that China basketball community is excited came. Farr, a foreign aid of Xinjiang Blue Team, successfully joined the NBA, becoming the first player to land in the American professional basketball league in the history of China basketball. This news not only cheered the basketball fans in Xinjiang and China, but also injected new impetus into the development of basketball in China. As a foreign aid of Xinjiang team, Farr showed excellent basketball skills and strong personal ability. His performance in CBA has attracted much attention, averaging more than 25 points per game, and his assists and steals are also in the forefront of the league. His departure will undoubtedly bring some troubles to the Xinjiang team, but it also proves the strength of Xinjiang’s foreign aid. Xinjiang team has always attached great importance to the introduction of high-level foreign aid, and their ability and experience have played a vital role in the development of the team. Through the exchange and study with foreign players, the young players of Xinjiang team have got great growth and improvement. This is also one of the reasons why the Xinjiang team can remain competitive in the domestic league. Farr’s joining the NBA is an important milestone for China basketball. This is not only a breakthrough for China players on the international stage, but also an important symbol of the development of basketball in China. I hope Farr can continue to play an outstanding role in the NBA and set up a better image for China basketball. At the same time, the Xinjiang team also needs to find a suitable replacement to fill the vacancy of Farr. This is a great challenge for the team, but it is also an opportunity. By introducing new foreign aid,Xinjiang team has the opportunity to train more excellent players and enhance the strength and competitiveness of the whole team. Xinjiang team has strong foreign aid ability. The news that Farr left to join the NBA brought good news to the basketball circle in China, and also injected new impetus into the development of Xinjiang team and China basketball.

Fan Ziming would have been traded to Beijing Shougang team, but it didn’t happen in the end. This news has aroused widespread concern and discussion. As one of the important teams in CBA league, Beijing Shougang team has always attracted much attention. Fan Ziming is a young and promising player, and his joining will undoubtedly bring new vitality and opportunities to Shougang team. Fan Ziming performed well last season, and his average score and rebounds were significantly improved. His shooting skill is exquisite, his breakthrough ability is strong, and he also shows excellent ability on the defensive end. These advantages make him the object of chasing by various teams. However, the deal failed to be reached, which is undoubtedly a pity for Fan Ziming. Why didn’t Fan Ziming join Shougang team? There may be many reasons for this. First of all, there may be some bottlenecks in the negotiations between teams. The transaction involves many levels of interests and contract issues, which requires in-depth discussion and consultation between all parties. Secondly, the team may have made a decision considering other players. Each team has its own development plan and strategy, and they need to comprehensively consider the overall strength of the team and the matching of players. Finally, Fan Ziming’s personal will is also an important factor. As a player, he has the right to choose his next home, which does not depend entirely on the wishes of the team. In any case, Fan Ziming’s failure to join Shougang doesn’t mean that his career is over. On the contrary, it may be a new starting point. Fan Ziming can continue to improve his technical level and team value through harder training and competition. He can look for other opportunities,Strive for better development space for yourself. For the fans, although they lost an excellent player, they can still look forward to Fan Ziming’s wonderful performance in other teams. It is a regrettable news that Fan Ziming failed to join the Beijing Shougang team. However, this is also a common situation in sports. In competitive sports, every decision will affect the future of the team, and these decisions often need to be weighed between the interests of all parties.

Fan Ziming: The contract amount gap is not my focus. Recently, the transaction between Beijing Shougang Team and Xinjiang Team has attracted wide attention. In this transaction, Fan Ziming became the focus. Interestingly, however, Fan Ziming didn’t care too much about the difference in contract amount. On the contrary, he pays more attention to his playing time and opportunities. In Fan Ziming’s view, staying in Beijing Shougang team will give him more opportunities to play. As a player, getting enough exercise and playing time is very important for personal development. In Shougang team, Fan Ziming has established his own position and played an important role in the team. He is also very familiar with the team’s tactical system and coaching team, which makes it easier for him to adapt to the needs of the team. On the other hand, the Xinjiang team’s signing efforts are very strong, and it is possible to introduce more inside players. Although this means that Fan Ziming’s competition in the team will become more intense, he is not afraid of challenges. Fan Ziming believes in his own strength and ability, and he is willing to improve himself by competing with other players. In addition, the Xinjiang team also has a potential young inside player Qu Xiaoyu. The young player showed excellent performance last season and is expected to become a rotation player of the team. Fan Ziming is full of expectations for training and playing with such excellent players, and he believes that this will have a positive impact on his growth. Fan Ziming doesn’t care much about the difference in contract amount, but pays more attention to his playing time and opportunities. Stay in Beijing Shougang team, he can get more exercise and development opportunities;Joining the Xinjiang team, despite greater competitive pressure, can grow together with excellent players.

Fan Ziming was traded to Xinjiang team, which was undoubtedly a major turning point for him. However, this does not mean that he will stay in Xinjiang for a long time. For a young player, frequent trading is undoubtedly a tiring thing. As a potential basketball player, Fan Ziming’s career has just begun. However, due to various reasons, he has experienced many transactions. This undoubtedly brought him great pressure and confusion. First of all, frequent transactions make it difficult for Fan Ziming to adapt to the new environment and team culture. Every time he joins a new team, he needs to adapt to a new coach, new teammates and new ways of playing. This undoubtedly has a negative impact on a player’s development, because he can’t settle down and concentrate on improving his skills and abilities. In addition, frequent transactions have also brought a mental burden to Fan Ziming. He needs to face the pain of leaving his old teammates and coaches, and at the same time meet new challenges. This uncertainty and instability will undoubtedly make him feel anxious and uneasy. However, Fan Ziming can also learn some valuable lessons from this experience. First of all, he can learn to adapt to changes and quickly adapt to the new environment. This will be a crucial skill for his career development. Secondly, he can learn to keep a positive attitude and stick to it no matter what difficulties and challenges he faces. Fan Ziming’s being traded to Xinjiang team may continue to be traded, which is undoubtedly a heart-wrenching thing for him. However, by learning to adapt to changes and keep a positive attitude, he can overcome these difficulties and succeed in his basketball career.

Li Muhao left Beijing Shougang to join Shenzhen team, which attracted wide attention in CBA league. As a new star in the domestic basketball field, Li Muhao’s transfer is not only an important decision for him personally, but also has a far-reaching impact on the two teams and the whole league. First of all, Li Muhao’s departure from Beijing Shougang means that the Beijing team will lose an excellent defender. In the past few seasons, Li Muhao has shown excellent skills and talents, and has become the scoring weapon and organizational core of the team. His departure will bring certain challenges to the Beijing team, and it is necessary to readjust the tactical system and team lineup. However, for Li Muhao personally, joining the Shenzhen team is undoubtedly a better choice. Shenzhen team has always performed well in the league, with strong strength and excellent coaching team. Joining the Shenzhen team will provide Li Muhao with more development opportunities and challenges, which will help him to further improve his strength and level. Secondly, the transfer of Li Muhao has also had a certain impact on the league pattern. As a member of CBA league, the transfer of each player will have an impact on the competitiveness and strength distribution of each team. Li Muhao’s joining the Shenzhen team will further strengthen the team’s strength in the backcourt and enhance its competitiveness. At the same time, it also brings some pressure to other teams, and it is necessary to introduce new players or readjust tactics to cope with the rise of Shenzhen team. It is a wise choice for Li Muhao to leave Beijing Shougang and join Shenzhen team, which is not only beneficial to his personal development, but also has a positive impact on the league pattern.I believe that with his joining, Shenzhen team will achieve better results in future competitions and inject new vitality and competitiveness into CBA league.

Li Muhao’s transaction value is low, and no team has taken over. Recently, rumors about Li Muhao’s transaction are endless. However, surprisingly, his trading value has fallen into a trough, resulting in no team willing to take over him. This phenomenon has aroused extensive discussion and thinking. First of all, we need to realize the impact of Li Muhao’s poor performance in the past competitions. As a professional basketball player, his performance is directly related to the team’s performance and reputation. However, in recent seasons, Li Muhao’s technical level has not been significantly improved, and he often makes mistakes at critical moments, which greatly reduces the team’s trust in him. Therefore, even if a team is interested in him, they will worry about whether he can play his due role in the team. Secondly, Li Muhao’s low transaction value is also related to his contract. It is reported that there are some problems in the remaining years and salary of his contract. Teams tend to choose players whose contracts are flexible and meet the needs of the team, rather than choosing a player with many contract problems. This is one of the reasons why no team has taken over Li Muhao at present. In addition, we can’t ignore the influence of the highly competitive trading market on the trading value of Li Muhao. Nowadays, the competition in the basketball world is extremely fierce. In order to enhance their strength, teams often choose to trade players who can have an immediate impact. As a substitute player, Li Muhao’s trading value is relatively underestimated. The team is more inclined to bring in star players who can change the trend of the game, rather than a substitute with limited trading value.To sum up, Li Muhao’s low transaction value and no team to take over is not caused by a single reason. His technical performance, contract situation and fierce competition in the trading market have all affected him. However, we should also see that Li Muhao still has the potential and opportunities to improve itself.

Shenzhen team will sign Li Muhao, whose performance in Beijing Shougang team is average. The news caused heated discussion and doubts among the fans. As a young player, there is no doubt that Li Muhao has potential for development, but his performance in Shougang did not meet people’s expectations. First of all, we can’t judge Li Muhao’s ability solely by his performance in Shougang. Every player needs to adapt to the new environment and tactical system, especially when he moves from one team to another. There may be differences between Shenzhen team and Shougang team, so we can’t draw conclusions too early. Secondly, Li Muhao’s age and experience is also an important consideration. He is only 23 years old and has a lot of room for growth. Although his performance in Shougang team is average, it doesn’t mean that he has no potential for improvement. Shenzhen team may have seen his potential, and hope that by training and training him, he can play a greater role in the team. Finally, we can’t ignore the overall strategic arrangement of the team. The Shenzhen team may have their own plans and strategies, and they may have signed Li Muhao for some consideration. They may take a fancy to some of his characteristics, or think he can play a unique role in the team. We can’t know the specific plans of the Shenzhen team, but we can believe that they have their own considerations and decisions. Li Muhao’s decision to join the Shenzhen team has aroused people’s concern and controversy. However, we can’t jump to conclusions too early. We should give him some time and opportunities to adapt to the new environment. Only when he really integrates into the team and shows his strength,We can make an accurate evaluation of this signing.

Li Muhao’s contract is too big and his performance is not good. This is a question that puzzles fans and media. As a top player, he was expected, but failed to live up to his expectations. No matter on or off the court, he seems to have not found a way to adapt himself. First, let’s look at the scale of his contract. Li Muhao’s contract amount is huge, which makes the fans more critical of his performance. After all, a high-paying contract usually brings people higher expectations. However, this does not mean that he should bear excessive pressure. Every player has ups and downs, especially when they are in a new environment. Secondly, we need to realize that Li Muhao may face some challenges. Moving to a new team often takes some time to adapt to the new tactical system, teammates and coaches. This adjustment period is necessary for any player, but it is especially important for an international player. Therefore, we cannot easily deny his talent and potential. In addition, Li Muhao’s performance may also be influenced by other factors. Physical condition, injury problems or the pressure of personal life may have a negative impact on his play. As fans, we should give him enough understanding and support, not excessive criticism. Finally, we can’t ignore the value brought by Li Muhao. He is an excellent player and role model both on and off the court. His skills and experience can have a positive impact on the team. Despite his poor performance at present, we must believe that he has the ability to rally and show his strength.To sum up, Li Muhao’s contract amount is huge, but we can’t just measure his performance by it. The difficulties and challenges he faces also need to be fully understood and tolerated. As fans and media, we should give him support and encouragement, believing that he can overcome difficulties and show his true strength.

Welcome to read this article. The introduction of No.4 inside foreign aid by Xinjiang team will bring great improvement to the team. The importance of rebounding in modern basketball games is self-evident. This introduction will enhance the competitiveness of the team in rebounding competition and bring more tactical choices to the team. Thank you for reading!

Allegri: Stick to the teaching position of Juventus, 100%.

When talking about his personal future, Juventus coach allegri firmly reiterated his determination to stick to the troubled Bianconeri: "I will stay here, 100%-I still have a contract here. After the expiration of the contract, all decisions will no longer depend on me. " Allegri’s contract runs until the summer of 2025. Meanwhile, Romano said that Juventus are waiting for the green light from Napoli to complete the official appointment of new director Giuntoli.

Kangma "Rabbit" is freshly baked, come and watch!

Gansu Kangxian 2023 Qinglong Mountain Landscape Half Marathon

The gun will be fired on May 1st.

After careful selection by the organizing Committee

The official "rabbit" was officially released.

The "rabbit" in the marathon is the official speeder in plain words. As long as you can keep up with these official "rabbits", your grades will not be bad! This year, Kangma has set up 4 pace segments at 2:00, 2:30, 3:00 and 3:30, with 3 rabbits in each pace segment. The organizing committee has selected 12 "official rabbits". These "rabbits" are all runners with long legs, high face value and sprouting. Let’s meet them quickly!

how about

Our "rabbits" in Kangma

They are all handsome guys and beautiful women.

Kangma followed them this year.

Run healthy and run into the future!

Event information

Game time

May 1, 2023 (Labor Day) at 8:00.

institutional framework

Certification unit: China Athletics Association

Organizer: Longnan Municipal People’s Government

Organizer: Longnan Sports Bureau and Kangxian People’s Government.

Kang County, Longnan City, Gansu Province

Competition events and scale

(1) Half Marathon (21.0975km): 800 people (full, registration has been stopped).

(2) Healthy Run/Family Run (about 5km): 2,200 people.

Registration fee

(1) Half Marathon Runner: 100 yuan/person

(2) Healthy Run/Family Run: 60 yuan/person [Children under the age of 13 (born after January 1, 2010) who participate in family run are exempt from registration fees].

Registration channel

Consultation time: 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:00 on legal working days.

Email: KXMARATHON@163.com.