标签归档 乐上海 2021魔都新茶论坛

Global R & D Achievements "Global Boutique" Geely Galaxy’s First Pure Electric SUV New Car "Geely Galaxy E5" Exposed

  Recently, Geely Galaxy, the mid-to-high-end new energy series of Geely brand, announced that its first pure electric SUV was officially named "Geely Galaxy E5", and exposed a set of camouflage car pictures. It is reported that Geely Galaxy E5 is Geely Galaxy’s first blockbuster new product anchored to the global market. Left and right rudder vehicles are developed and tested at the same time, and will also be sold to global users in the future, bringing the value proposition of "Live a good life, everyone’s E5" to global users.

  Through years of global strategic layout and deep cultivation in the market, Geely Automobile currently has 5 major R & D centers and 4 major modeling centers around the world, with more than 30,000 R & D and design personnel, and has established factories in overseas countries such as Malaysia. Relying on Geely’s resources in global R & D, global standards, global intelligent manufacturing, and global services, Geely Galaxy E5 naturally has the advantage of becoming a boutique global car, and will share the high quality and high value of China’s new energy with the new generation of users around the world.

Global R & D Achievements "Global Boutique" Geely Galaxy's First Pure Electric SUV New Car "Geely Galaxy E5" Exposed _fororder_image001

  It is not difficult to see from the exposed camouflage car pictures that Geely Galaxy E5 is based on an international vision, comparable to first-line luxury brands, integrates global aesthetic trends to deduce the new aesthetic landscape of Galaxy family-style design, realizes the transformation from stunning to classic, and creates a classic symbol of the era of intelligent electric travel. The global landmark background in the camouflage car picture fully demonstrates Geely Galaxy E5’s firm determination to deeply participate in global competition and fully embrace the global market. The "hello" in the body pictures of various languages exudes the beauty of confidence from the openness and inclusiveness of Chinese cars in the era of intelligent electric vehicles.

Global R & D Achievements "Global Boutique" Geely Galaxy's First Pure Electric SUV New Car "Geely Galaxy E5" Exposed _fororder_image002

  Since its release in February 2023, Geely Galaxy has successively launched three products, Geely Galaxy L7, Geely Galaxy L6, and Geely Galaxy E8, forming a product layout of pure electric + electric hybrid, sedan + SUV in the mainstream new energy market. The cumulative sales volume has exceeded 110,000, the average price of bicycles has exceeded 160,000 yuan, and more than 650 Galaxy stores have been built.

Global R & D Achievements "Global Boutique" Geely Galaxy's First Pure Electric SUV New Car "Geely Galaxy E5" Exposed _fororder_image003

  As Geely Galaxy’s first strategic pure electric SUV in the global market, the addition of Geely Galaxy E5 will further enrich Geely Galaxy’s product matrix, continue to meet the needs of global users for high-value new energy vehicles, and help Geely Galaxy build a "mainstream new energy first brand". Geely Galaxy E5, a new model born around the world, will lead another wave of value war trends in the new energy vehicle market in 2024, and its official release is even more worth looking forward to. (Source: Geely Galaxy)

What’s Tik Tok’s intention to launch a PC web version?

Editor’s lead: Recently, Tik Tok launched a web version. This update has caused a lot of heated discussion. Some people cheered for the addition of an artifact to fishing at work, while others complained that the web version of Tik Tok was too crude in design and functional experience, which was inconvenient to use. So, why did Tik Tok do this?

A few days ago, on June 21, Tik Tok officially launched the pc web version, and Aauto Quicker also launched the web version a long time ago, but it was relatively low-key. Wechat also launched its efforts on the pc version recently, whether it was at the entrance of the online circle of friends on the PC version, it was even more powerful. It can be seen that more and more platforms have returned to the original, and more and more attention has been paid to the PC side. It can also be seen that the competition between mobile terminals has become fierce. For the extension of the scene, the PC side has once again ignited a war and become a.

Specifically, in the field of short video, in the past year, both Tik Tok, Aauto Quicker, bilibili, WeChat video number and other platforms launched fierce attacks in the field of short video and live broadcast. Especially in the field of live e-commerce, all short video platforms regard live e-commerce as the focus of commercialization in the future. So what is the purpose of launching PC web version in Tik Tok this time, and where is the short video platform to wait for the way out?

What's Tik Tok's intention to launch a PC web version?

From the screenshot above, do you find that the Tik Tok web version is very similar to bilibili? Of course, this is the most superficial feeling, but from this point, we can also see why Tik Tok entered the pc version.

As can be seen from the screenshot, most of the videos in the pc version are medium-sized videos over 1 minute, and many of them are horizontal videos. It is not difficult to see that the main scene of video recommendation in the web version is to meet the user’s demand for medium and long videos. After all, watching the horizontal version on the computer side is more experience.

Different from Aauto Quicker’s web version, many short videos on Aauto Quicker’s web version are still vertical screens, and the viewing experience is similar to that of the mobile terminal. However, Aauto Quicker does not classify according to the video tag area, but according to the types of short videos, live broadcasts, long videos, small theaters and movies, which is quite different from Tik Tok’s classification.

In my opinion, the layout of long videos, especially the web version, has provided new channels for office workers to fish, and in essence, it is more to seize the user’s time. Judging from the data released by Tik Tok before, the peak usage of Tik Tok app is at 12 noon and 19-21 pm, so it can be found that the long low peak periods are during working hours. For the fishing party, Tik Tok certainly hopes to compete for the usage time of this group of people. On the other hand,

What's Tik Tok's intention to launch a PC web version?

In fact, we can find this reason from the speech of the relevant person in charge of Tik Tok: "With the video-based creative expression becoming a daily life, Tik Tok has accumulated contents in different fields, and many professors and schools have also published knowledge and teaching contents on Tik Tok, which are often mainly horizontal screens and generally last more than 5 minutes, which is more suitable for viewing and consumption on the web version."

No matter any product, its launch is actually based on the three dimensions of users, scenarios and needs. Under the condition of meeting the different needs of users in different scenarios, it is the best solution to meet the company’s strategy and commercialization goals.

Another is that users in the web version can interact more easily. Here, it mainly refers to the form of barrage. The vertical comments on Tik Tok app are all put away, while the web version can make comments into barrage, so that users can interact better with up owners and users, and the atmosphere is better.

On the other hand, the web version also supports creators to publish videos. Many professional editors and mcn organizations use professional computer software to edit, and then send them to mobile phones after editing, and upload them again on Tik Tok app. Now Tik Tok supports publishing videos directly on the computer version, so it is more convenient for creators who use computer editing to publish videos, and the path is shorter and the experience is better.

Here are three commercial conjectures of Tik Tok layout web version:Pan-knowledge, live broadcast square, search,Let’s focus on why there are these three conjectures.

First of all, let’s look at the pan-knowledge field. It can be clearly seen from the speeches made by the relevant person in charge in Tik Tok. Many knowledge bloggers, schools, professors and creators in professional fields have released many knowledge-based videos, and a lot of pan-knowledge content has been accumulated in Tik Tok, which is more suitable for viewing on the web version.

Here you can see a data,In bilibili, as of May this year, more than 78 million users were studying on bilibili, accounting for 35% of the monthly life.From social sciences, humanities and history to science popularization and even health fields, the pan-knowledge videos on bilibili are widely welcomed by users, and among the 985 and 211 college students in China, bilibili’s penetration rate has reached 82%. Tik Tok certainly wants to seize such high-quality users.

Therefore, Tik Tok’s web version must be aimed at pan-knowledge videos, hoping to catch this part of users. In addition to making efforts on medium-and long-term knowledge videos, I think Tik Tok is aiming at the adult education market in the next bigger game, namely online education in the workplace.

Secondly, look at the live broadcast. The live broadcast is mainly aimed at three directions, one is live broadcast on the show, which is the reward mode, the other is live broadcast with goods, aiming at the direction of e-commerce, and the third is live broadcast of games. What I want to seize is platforms such as tiger teeth, fighting fish and penguin e-sports. Why do you want to launch live broadcast on the web version? The main reason is that the live broadcast on the web version has a larger screen and is easier to classify.

At present, several labels in Tik Tok include the classification of live broadcast. If we look closely, we will find that most of the live broadcasts on the current web pages are game-based live broadcasts, which coincides with my guess. The main target is the game market. Besides the live game scenes, we can also look forward to two steps. I think we will definitely aim at the release and distribution of games, and we can wait and see.

The last one is search. The headline has launched a search platform before. Why did I say that Tik Tok is also targeting the search market?

Here, the person in charge of them actually mentioned that there are a lot of high-quality content in Tik Tok, and many users are used to using Tik Tok to search when they have questions, especially some tutorial content, and the video is more intuitive and easy to understand. Although it is said that it wants to improve the user’s search experience, in the case of satisfying users’ search, search is actually a recognized commercial model. Search feed streams are inserted into advertisements, and hot search lists are also a big advertising space. Besides advertisements, the biggest purpose is actually to seize the search market.

Although Tik Tok has launched a web version at present, its function is still relatively rough compared with that of Tik Tok app: it is unable to view the concerned bloggers, the viewing experience is poor, there is no barrage, it is impossible to watch continuously, and the video classification is insufficient.

Generally speaking, Tik Tok has once again taken a step in the layout of medium and long videos. I don’t know if Aauto Quicker, bilibili and Youaiteng will be more worried when they see this news. As users, of course, they hope to have healthy competition among major platforms and bring better experience and content to users.

Harryli, WeChat WeChat official account: Notes of Harry Li, everyone is a product manager columnist. 3 years of product experience, mainly focusing on mutual funds, new retail and other fields, as well as industry hotspots related products and operational content.

This article was originally published by everyone as a product manager, and it is forbidden to reprint without permission.

The title map comes from Pexels and is based on CC0 protocol.

Strong cold air comes with snow and snow. It snows in many places in Zhejiang. What about you?

"Source of this article: Zhejiang Rong Media"
Zhejiang News Client Editor Fu Lingli Xu Ting
Snow is coming! Snow is coming!
She came to us in the expectation of everyone.
Known as the "coldest cold wave since this winter" arrived in Zhejiang, and a wide range of weather finally opened. It is this cold wave with strong strength, fierce cooling and wide influence that will make Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai feel zero-degree crit.
Snow-capped wonders appear in Daming Mountain in Lin ‘an.
Last night (December 24th)
It snowed lightly in the high mountain area of Daming Mountain in Lin ‘an, Hangzhou.
The branches formed a beautiful spectacle of snow.
Wan Ru walked into a white fairy tale world.
(The above picture was taken by the mountain sentry of Daming Mountain in Lin ‘an, at an altitude of 1483 meters.)
(Zhejiang news client reporter Liu Jian correspondent Chen Wencai Yang Qi)
Snowfall in many places in Chun ‘an County.
From the early morning of December 25th.
Snow fell in Yaoshan Township, Chun ‘an County.
In the early morning of December 25th, on the third day after the winter solstice, it was snowing in Banqiao Natural Village, Wenjia Village, Fu Wang Township, Chun ‘an County.
Fine snow covered the whole mountain, and the tourist attractions and facilities in Banqiao Natural Village and the houses near the distant mountains in the whole village became "gray-headed" and became the first movement to play in winter.
Banqiao Natural Village, with an average elevation of 1,100 meters, is the highest natural village in Chun ‘an County. Because of its topographical characteristics, the first snow in Chun ‘an County falls here every year, which is also the place where the snow scene lasts for the longest time.
On the morning of December 25th.
Zhongshan Township, Tonglu County, Hangzhou City
Jinglinsi Natural Village in Dashi Village ushered in the first snow this winter.
Shuangping Natural Village, Jinling Village, Pingmen Township, Chun ‘an County, with an altitude of more than 900 meters, is the highest village in Pingmen Township.
At about 4 am on December 25, the screen door ushered in bursts of snow.
So far, the snow is 1-2 cm, and the ground and crops have been covered with snow, adding beautiful colors to the earth.
Tortoise shell village in shilin town, Chun ‘an County, with an altitude of more than 600 meters, is the highest village in shilin town.
At about 6 o’clock in the morning on December 25, the hawksbill village ushered in new snow. At present, there is no snow on the ground, but the snow is still underground.
Tonglu Gaoliangting Village ushered in the first snow.
On the morning of December 25th, the Gaoliangting Village, the highest elevation in Hecun Township, Tonglu County, ushered in the first snow. The snow in the morning has reached a thickness of 3 cm. The Shengxianli International Ski Resort located in Gaoliangting Village will welcome more than 700 tourists that day.
(Zhejiang News Client Sharing Alliance Zhongshan Micro-Rong Station Zheng Zerui Wang Wei Micro-Rong Station Xu Liangjun Pingmen Micro-Rong Station Yu Rongxiao Shilin Micro-Rong Station Jiang Wenfan Hecun Micro-Rong Station Zhang Li Correspondent Yang Qi)
Main urban area
Did the friends in Hangzhou see it? Welcome friends from Zhejiang to bask in the snow ~ Video coordinates: West of Hangzhou.
(According to @ Zhejiang Weather)
Snowflakes are floating in Simingshan National Forest Park.
December 25th.
Snowflakes are floating in Simingshan National Forest Park in Ningbo.
A thin layer of snow has been faintly visible on the road and on the car.
(According to Yongpai client)
Many places ushered in the first snowfall this winter.
The cold wave affected the temperature greatly. On the morning of December 25th, the first snowfall this winter began in Huzhou.
This morning, there was light snow in mountainous areas such as Anji Shanchuan Township, Tianhuangping Town and Baofu Town, and the grassland scenic spot on the mountains and rivers was beautiful.
Correspondent Yin Jie photo
In Changxing County, it began to snow in Fangjiazhuang Village, heping town, Chaotuo Village, Xiaopu Town and Maoli Town of Si ‘an. As of 10: 00 am on the 25th, snow was still falling in some areas, and roofs, trees and vegetable fields were covered with a layer of snow.
Affected by the cold wave, from the night of December 24th to the early morning of 25th, there was sleet in some areas of Moganshan area in Deqing, and the temperature dropped to minus 4℃ in the morning. Due to the low temperature and moisture in the mountainous area, the mountains and trees are covered with layers of transparent ice crystals, and the rime scene of Yushu Qionghua appears. The white and glittering frost flowers are covered with branches, as if putting on a layer of white sweater for Moganshan.
Share Alliance Deqing Station Baiyu
(Reporter Li Shichao Ye Shilei Meng Lin Editor Xu Fang)
Snowflakes are floating in many places
On the morning of December 25th.
It began to snow in many places in Shaoxing
Shangyu Lingnan, Xinchang County shaxi town
Shihuang Town of Shengzhou, Changle Town of Shengzhou and other places.
Snowflakes are floating.
(Zhejiang News Client reporter Jin Hanqing Sun Liang Zhu Yinyan Gan Wei Sharing Alliance Shao Rong+)
Snowfall occurred in Wucheng District.
From 20: 00 on 24 December to 7: 00 on 25 December
Snowfall has occurred in Beishan Station, Luodian Town, Wucheng District, Jinhua.
Netizen who lives in Panqian Village, Jin Huashan
Photographed the world of snow and ice wrapped in white.
(According to Jinhua Daily)
The snow scene is picturesque
The first snow in Quzhou this winter fell early this morning!
Early in the morning, Xiaobian enjoyed the beautiful snow scene in the circle of friends!
Shimen Mountain, Dajuyuan Village, Liang Shi Town, Kecheng District. Ark photo
Longyou liuchun lake. Longyou release
(According to Pocket Quzhou)
Is it snowing in your place?

What is football? What are the advantages of playing football?

What is football? What are the advantages of playing football?

What is football?

Rugby, a kind of ball games, is popular in Britain, America, Australia, Japan and other countries. Originated in rugby, England in 1823, it was originally named Rugby Football, or rugby for short. It is called rugby in China because it is spherical like an olive. Rugby is a city in the middle of England, where there is a Rugby School, which is the birthplace of rugby.

What are the advantages of playing football?

More effectively improve that function of the respiratory system.

Rugby is a combination of running and leg sports. In the process of running, passing the ball, shooting the ball, etc., the depth of breathing will be strengthened, so that more oxygen will be inhaled and more carbon dioxide will be discharged, so that the vital capacity will be increased and the lung function will be strengthened. This is because the main respiratory muscle groups (diaphragm, intercostal muscle, levator costalis muscle, upper and lower serratus muscle, etc.) and respiratory auxiliary muscle groups (scalene muscle, sternocleidomastoid muscle, pectoralis minor muscle, pectoralis major muscle, etc.) strengthen contraction, and promote the development of these muscles, thoracic expansion, chest cavity volume increase, alveoli develop well, respiratory strength increase, vital capacity, lung ventilation and suction (photo) Studies have pointed out that people who exercise regularly have strong physical adaptability, and their breathing appears stable, deep and even, and the frequency is also slow. When they are quiet, their breathing frequency is 7-11 times/minute, while those who do not exercise have a breathing frequency of 12-18 times/minute, and women are 2-3 times faster than men.

Prolong life more effectively.

A ten-year study shows that people who don’t exercise are 42% more likely to die young than those who often play football. 5%。 The reason is that if you don’t exercise, you will accelerate aging in many places, and even get old before you get old. And these people who don’t exercise have lower resistance to cancer, heart and so on than those who play football.

Strengthen the bones of the legs.

Rugby is the best exercise for training legs. In the process of continuous leg exercise, the blood supply of bone is improved due to the promotion of metabolism, and the morphological structure and function of bone have undergone good changes: the bone density is thickened, which makes the bone thicker, the arrangement of bone trabeculae is more orderly and regular according to different pressures and tensions, and the protrusions attached to muscles on the bone surface are more obvious. These changes make the bone stronger and stronger, thus improving the functions of bone in bending, bending, compression and torsion. Insisting on physical exercise can also enhance the strength around the joint, and the joint capsule and ligament are also thickened, thus increasing the stability of the joint; At the same time, physical exercise makes the joint capsule, ligament and muscles around the joint stretch, thus improving the flexibility of the joint.

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Source: 360 Common Sense Daquan. com

China men’s basketball team is different.

Last night, the China men’s basketball team played a warm-up match in Italy and Cape Verde. Probably many people have never heard of Cape Verde, a tiny country in Africa with a population of less than 600,000, but it is a serious World Cup team, and there are also former NBA players like tavares (Cavaliers fans should have heard of it).

The men’s basketball team attached great importance to this game and warmed up on the sidelines very early. After the opponent hit 14-2 at the beginning and fell into a passive position, the men’s basketball team quickly adjusted and gave the opponent a wave of 15-1 to get back the advantage on the field, and kept it to the end.

This team in Cape Verde is similar to South Sudan, our opponent in the group stage. It relies on physical talent and three-point accuracy, and its tactical accomplishment is in a mess. We might have been afraid of such a team a few years ago, but now if we want to compete for physical advantage, we are not empty.

There are young new forces like Zhang Zhenlin and Cui Yongxi who can run and jump in our team. In the first half, Zhang Zhenlin’s breakthrough attempt broke the ground and almost succeeded. In the second half, it was Cui Yongxi’s turn to perform. First, he received Zhao Jiwei’s accurate pass and missed the dunk.

Then came a very amazing bottom line pull rod, turned around and took off against the defense, which was really confident and dared to do the action. The last quarter completely became Xiao Cui’s personal show, and the inside and outside flowers scored 10 points, and the men’s basketball team finally beat the opponent by 20 points.

In the whole game, Xiao Cui scored 18 points on 8-for-9 shooting and 2-for-3 shooting, with everything. Fans who stay up late to watch the ball should have such a feeling that everyone was sleepy in the second half, and Xiao Cui directly woke up a few goals in the second half. This boy is really fierce!

We have the physical talent. The biggest change of Old Joe’s men’s basketball team is the active sports ability and physical talent, at least in terms of hardware.Of course, the most amazing thing about the men’s basketball team last night was two words, fluency.

What was the most common picture we saw in the previous men’s basketball team? The defender dribbled the ball to wait for qi zhou to fall, shifted the ball to the front line at a 45-degree angle, then the front line dropped the ball to qi zhou, and then let qi zhou chisel hard. Is there a picture in his mind?

Of course, qi zhou and the defender will pick and roll, and finally qi zhou will handle the ball, lacking enough movement without the ball, and the attack will come to a standstill. Our previous inertia thinking was to rely on the inside height to revitalize the team. In fact, it has fallen far behind.

Old Joe’s national team, the biggest change is that more guards hold the ball and attack on the line, reducing the pressure of qi zhou’s holding the ball and letting qi zhou and other insiders eat cakes or score points in the second attack. The front line looks for opportunities to enter empty-cut, give full play to the physical qualities of people like Zhang Zhenlin and Xiao Cui, and play more on the basket.

In the past, we didn’t know what to do after the attack stopped. Now, once we stop the ball, someone will go up to cover it and look for opportunities in the other defense through some simple hand-to-hand cooperation.

The first goal in the opening game was qi zhou, whose inside line was empty when Zhao Rui passed the ball, and the latter scored easily. Of course, Zhao Rui didn’t play very well today. Today, he started, and the series was almost boring. Then in the second half, Old Joe let Zhao Jiwei start with Zhao Rui, which was much better.

Zhao Jiwei scored only 4 points today, but he had 9 assists at the same time. The positive and negative values were the highest +30. The reason why the men’s basketball team can play so smoothly is that Zhao Jiwei takes the lead, and his passing is the most comfortable. You can see that the empty catch for Xiao Cui is full of tacit understanding.

The men’s basketball team sent out 21 assists. Surprisingly, Fang Shuo had 4 assists. While serving as a nerve knife shooter, Fang Shuo could also pass some good balls, which was a pleasant surprise. Maybe Fang Chaoju will finally make the big list.

Old Joe, after all, is a famous European coach. He has brought a player of Jokic’s level and must have several brushes. We didn’t expect qi zhou to be a skinny version of Jokic, but we can expect Old Joe to bring more advanced basketball concepts to the men’s basketball team and make it more modern and smoother.

This is still the men’s basketball team without Li Kaier, and the next game will face Italy. Not surprisingly, Li Kaier will welcome his first show in the China men’s basketball team. If the reference value against Cape Verde is not great, then we can always see something against Italy in the next game.

Guoping needs attention! Malone was so worried that he was lucky to win, praising the 19-year-old dark horse for his great progress.

Guoping needs attention! Malone had a lingering fear, calling it lucky to win, and praised the 19-year-old dark horse for its great progress. In the WTT Macau Championship in 2023, Wang Chuqin and Malone successively defeated their opponents in the semi-finals, successfully joined the men’s singles finals, and Guoping locked the championship and runner-up. After the game, Malone was full of praise for French 19-year-old Alex in an interview, calling himself lucky.

In the men’s singles semi-final, Wang Chuqin took the lead in playing against Japan’s core Zhang Benzhihe. Originally, everyone thought that the game would be fierce, but the actual situation was that Wang Chuqin easily defeated Zhang Benzhihe 4-0 and took the lead in advancing to the final.

Then Malone, the winner of the Grand Slam of Table Tennis, came out at the finale and played against Alex, a 19-year-old French teenager. This was their first match. Alex beat top seed Fan Zhendong in the previous match, so this match attracted a lot of attention. After the start of the game, Malone took the lead in 4-1, but then Alex tied 5-5, but Malone quickly stabilized the situation and won the first game with 11-8. In the second game, the competition between the two men in the first half was still fierce. When the score was 7-7, Malone made a mistake, and Alex scored 4 points and pulled back the game with 11-7. Alex led by 8-4, then Malone fired all the way, scored 7 points in a row, and won the game by 11-8. In the fifth game, Malone finished the reversal in the backward situation, and finally sealed the victory by 11-8, thus winning by 4-1.

After the game, Malone summed up the game in an interview. Malone’s first remark was that he was a little scared. Later, Malone said that Alex had made great progress in the past two years and his world ranking had also improved greatly. This was the first time to play against him, and I felt particularly great pressure, especially in the last two games, which were very difficult to win and finally won by luck. From Malone’s statement, it is not difficult to see that he was surprised by Alex’s performance. Perhaps he didn’t think that Alex could play like this before the game. Fortunately, Malone had rich experience in the competition and withstood the impact of Alex. Before Fan Zhendong was out of the game, he was probably not prepared. I hope the table tennis coaching staff can pay attention to Alex. In addition, Malone also talked about the final against Wang Chuqin. Malone said that he lost to Wang Chuqin several times last year, and this time he hoped that he could prepare in the best state.

Many fans also expressed their views on this: "Alex and Malone lost in experience!" Malone is the most experienced player in active service, no one! Fan Zhendong lost to Alex and relaxed after leading, giving Alex a chance and the last luck. " "I see it this way. Fan Zhendong is a master of attack, but he may lose when his physical strength drops and his attack is not smooth. Malone is both offensive and defensive. When his attack is blocked, he can use defense to limit his opponent’s play to win." "Malone’s experience makes Alex unable to exert his own backhand advantage, which is the key to Malone’s victory. On the other hand, Fan Zhendong doesn’t understand the change of placement, and his tactics are simple and his strength is insufficient. This is the difference between the two!" "The French rising star served strangely and played fiercely. Fortunately, Malone was experienced, played steadily and beat him 4-1 with excellent skills." This article was originally written by Xiao Lizi. Please don’t copy or carry it. # Hundreds of teams #

Can humans really live forever?

Human beings’ longing for eternal life has a long history, and different cultures and religions have their longing and pursuit for eternal life. However, so far, whether human beings can live forever is still an unknown mystery. Starting with the problems of biological cells, genes and mechanical soaring, this paper discusses whether human beings can live forever and the possible ways to live forever.

1. Biological cells: Are there "immortal cells"?

The human body is composed of cells, and in the process of cell division, growth, aging and death, human beings are getting old, sick and dying. If we can find an "immortal cell", can human beings achieve eternal life?

In fact, no real "immortal cells" have been found yet. However, scientists have discovered a cell with certain "immortal" characteristics-cancer cells. Cancer cells can divide constantly and proliferate indefinitely, but at the same time, they will also destroy healthy tissues and organs, leading to cancer. Therefore, cancer cells are not an ideal way to realize human immortality.

In addition to cancer cells, some organisms also have certain "not old" characteristics. For example, turtles can live to be over 200 years old, and whales can live to be hundreds of years. However, even these creatures will eventually die, but they will live longer than other species.

2. Genes: Is there a "longevity gene"?

In recent years, the development of genetic science has led people to believe that the goal of human immortality may be achieved through gene repair and transformation. In fact, scientists have discovered some genes that may be related to longevity, such as SIRT1, FOXO, mTOR and so on. These genes are involved in important processes such as cell repair and metabolism, and are closely related to the length of life.

For example, scientists found through experiments that by activating SIRT1 gene, the life span of experimental animals can be extended by more than 30%. At the same time, researchers are constantly looking for other genes that may be related to life span, trying to extend human life span through gene editing technology.

However, genetic science is still in the exploratory stage, and the development of related technologies is also facing various difficulties. At the same time, gene editing and repair may also bring some unexpected consequences. Four, other possible ways

In addition to the possible ways mentioned above, there are also some other scientific technologies and theories that may have an impact on human beings’ realization of eternal life.

Stem cell technology

Stem cells are cells that can differentiate into many different cell types, and the development of stem cell technology is considered to be a field with great potential. Scientists are exploring how to use stem cell technology to repair and replace human organs and tissues, thus prolonging life.

cloning technology

The development of cloning technology is also considered as a possible way to achieve immortality. Through cloning technology, human beings can copy an identical individual, thus achieving the goal of eternal life. However, there are still many ethical and moral problems in this technology, such as whether it will lead to human beings becoming commodities and so on.

artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing technology, and its potential has attracted people’s extensive attention. Through artificial intelligence, human beings can better understand their own life process and mechanism, discover new treatment methods and drugs, and thus prolong their life.

For example, artificial intelligence can help doctors predict the disease risk and treatment effect of patients more accurately, thus improving the treatment efficiency and success rate. At the same time, artificial intelligence can also help scientists analyze and understand life science data faster, thus accelerating the development of new drugs.

However, artificial intelligence technology is still in the stage of continuous development, and more research and exploration are needed.

V. Conclusion

Although the realization of immortality is still an unknown mystery, the continuous development and breakthrough of science and technology make us full of expectations and hopes for the future. From biological cells, genes, mechanical soaring, stem cell technology, cloning technology, artificial intelligence and many other fields, human beings have been looking for possible ways to live forever.

However, we also need to maintain a cautious and awe-inspiring attitude, and consider its possible impact and consequences while exploring and studying. We need to seriously think about how to balance scientific and technological progress and moral norms and find a suitable balance point. Only in this way can we explore better.

Refuse to make the same mistake as Ronaldo! Messi or "forced" to renew his contract with Paris: 3 reasons for rushing to the Champions League+America’s Cup

On March 11th, Beijing time, according to Ole newspaper, Messi has decided to renew his contract with Grand Paris and continue to play for the French giants next season. So, why is Mei Qiu Wang willing to stay?

Messi’s contract with Greater Paris expired this summer, and the two sides started contract renewal negotiations after the World Cup, but they were once deadlocked. However, according to the Argentine media, he has only negotiated with Grand Paris at present, and Dali is also the only club that offers Messi, so the two sides are expected to continue to work together.

"The only quotation" reminds people of Cristiano Ronaldo. Last summer, Cristiano Ronaldo wanted to leave Manchester United, and Mendes looked around for a big family, but he was repeatedly rejected. No Champions League team was willing to make an offer for him. Until the break with Manchester United last November, Cristiano Ronaldo’s situation was the same, and he could only leave Europe and go far to Saudi Arabia.

For Messi, it seems that no other team wants him. With his age and high salary, the Premier League may not be able to adapt. Serie A and Bundesliga can’t afford it. In La Liga, the only way is to return to Barcelona, but laporta is only speculating and has not made an offer.

However, unlike Cristiano Ronaldo, Messi has at least not fallen out with the club, so he can choose to stay in Paris and continue to play in the five major leagues in Europe. This is the first point.

Secondly, Messi still hopes to play in the Champions League and win the fifth Champions League title to tie the historical record maintained by Cristiano Ronaldo and Real Madrid. The last time he won the championship, it was already in 2015. This is the biggest regret left by Mei Qiuwang’s career, and he will try his best to complete it before leaving Europe.

Although Greater Paris has stopped in the top 16 for two consecutive seasons, Qataris are reluctant to let Mbappé go, and Neymar, who has a longer contract, may stay. If we continue to introduce reinforcements and strengthen the lineup this summer, it will undoubtedly be an important stage for the Champions League, and at least the French champion will be guaranteed, won’t it?

Third, Messi also hopes to participate in the 2024 America’s Cup and strive to lead Argentina to successfully defend its title. Cristiano Ronaldo has become a substitute in the World Cup, and his position and importance in the Portuguese national team have declined. The Five Shield Corps has changed its coach, so he can go to Saudi Arabia to "self-destruct" after winning the 2016 European Cup.

Messi is different. He is still the number one core in Argentina. Without him, the strength of the Pampas Eagle will be greatly reduced, and Scalogni will be there. Therefore, in the last competition of the national team’s career, we must go all out, and only by staying in Europe and staying in the giants can we maintain our current excellent state.

Therefore, in the absence of other better options, Messi is likely to be "forced" to renew his contract with Greater Paris, play at the Prince Park Stadium for at least another year, and then follow Cristiano Ronaldo and go to the United States, Saudi Arabia or other places to support the elderly.