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Original Hengchi 5 orders over 37,000, netizens: staff hard! Buy a house and buy a car

Not long ago, the Hengchi 5, which has been sewing and mending for three years, was finally launched. The new car is positioned as a compact pure electric SUV with a pre-sale price of 179,000 yuan. Compared with other "new forces in car building", whether it is Hengchi Automobile or Hengchi 5 itself, it can be said that it is full of "drama". Due to the crisis event of the parent company Evergrande Group, Hengchi Automobile, which was thought to have aborted and died, finally launched a new car.

On July 20, Hengchi Automobile announced at its first 720 Hengchi Festival event that as of about 18:04 on the same day, the number of Hengchi 5 pre-sale orders reached 37,000. Liu Yongzhuo, president of Hengchi Automobile, also said in an interview that after the pre-sale conference, the market response of Hengchi 5 was very good, which has exceeded expectations, and the big sale is a foregone conclusion.

This can’t help but make people wonder, after understanding such a "mess" of Evergrande Group, who is buying a car? Are you not afraid of being "rotten" like a house? At this time, some people will say that Evergrande Group has shown its sincerity and pioneered the "notary car purchase" method. Pay the full amount when the car is delivered, and the car can be returned and refunded within 15 days after pickup, and the money must go through the special account of the notary office. In addition, there are various rights and interests, and of course someone will buy it at such a good opportunity!

It can be seen that Evergrande has made great efforts to allay consumers’ concerns, but this "innovative" sales method will directly lead to Hengchi cars not being able to receive car payments for a period of time. You know, the lack of "self-hematopoietic" ability has always been a sword hanging over the heads of all "new power car companies". For Evergrande Group, which already has serious financial problems, it is questionable whether Hengchi 5 can be successfully mass-produced without a benign turnaround.

Take a look at the Hengchi 5 car has enough potential to become a hit? The plain appearance, unadorned configuration, and decent performance are enough to summarize this car. Besides the background of car building, a new energy vehicle made by a well-known real estate company does not have enough vehicle technology accumulation like traditional car companies, nor does it have advanced intelligence like Internet companies. The pre-sale price of 179,000 yuan, it did not choose to enter the price range of "drive DNU", the overall positioning is more embarrassing, and it seems to give people a sense of "high can’t make low".

Finally, an insider revealed that Hengda now relies on its own Hengda Property employees to sell cars. Hengda Property distributed the "Hengchi 5" new energy vehicle sales assessment task to its employees. And issued specific assessment task indicators to each region. According to the actual situation, each region will refine the sales target to each real estate project, and the number of sales depends on the number of owners in the real estate.

In fact, Evergrande’s marketing strategy is no problem. After all, the owner’s resources can be said to be Evergrande’s greatest advantage, and of course it must be used well. However, Evergrande still has to consider that problem.

However, in the final analysis, this pre-sale volume is essentially a relatively large indicator. Many manufacturers have falsely reported data when publishing pre-sale data, because only the manufacturers can see these data.

Regarding whether the Hengchi 5 can be bought, when can it be bought, or whether it needs to wait for the actual delivery of the Hengchi 5, without the endorsement of technology, software, and hardware, what is its overall product strength, reliability, and stability? After all, who can’t brag? Boss Jia’s cattle have already been blown to the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Andy Lau revealed that he was a "nympho" and called Gong Li "Xiaomi".

group photo of the main creator

[Click to watch the exclusive video]

Gong Li was called "big sister" Andy Lau said "I know a woman’s heart"

        Movie Network News(Photo/Qian Jia’s memoir/Xie Yawei) On July 14, the remake of "I Know a Woman’s Heart" from the Hollywood movie held its first media meeting in Beijing. Director Chen Daming and two heavyweight stars, Andy Lau and Gong Li, as well as creators such as Yuan Li, Hu Jing, Chen Zhipeng, Anya, Pan Shuangshuang, and Zhu Zhu, all appeared. Andy Lau and Gong Li are collaborating for the first time, and they are already very familiar with each other. Andy Lau, who originally called Gong Li his sister, actually gave each other the nickname "Xiaomi". Andy Lau’s role this time has the magical "mind reading". For this reason, he kept chatting with every actress on the set to find a feeling for shaping the role. Self-deprecation was regarded as a "nympho" by others.

Gong Li

Andy Lau

Andy Lau revealed the means of chasing women, self-deprecating and becoming "nymphomaniac"

        Andy Lau played a man with a magical "mind reading" in "I Know Women’s Hearts", and he could hear the thoughts of any woman around him clearly. He dealt with several women, so he was nicknamed "Flower Heart Great Robb". However, for this title, Andy Lau did not agree. "In the film, I just divorced my wife and was in a very empty stage, so he wanted to find women to fill the void in his heart, but he was sincere to each one." Saying that, Andy Lau also accidentally revealed his means of chasing girls, "I think sincerity can impress women, and this is how I chase girls."

        Andy Lau can be called a "heartthrob", with female fans of all ages, and even many actresses are crazy about it. Unexpectedly, he mocked himself as a "nymphomaniac". It turned out that in order to find the feeling of the characters in the film, Andy Lau became a "talker", specializing in chatting with women. "In the film, I can read women’s minds. I keep chatting with actresses on the set every day, and I keep chatting. If I understand more, I can act like a nymphomaniac. Others almost treat me as a’nymphomaniac ‘." To Andy’s disappointment, although he was very enthusiastic, it was still difficult for everyone to tell him what was in their hearts, which made him feel that it was really difficult for girls to understand.

Andy Lau, Gong Li
Andy called Gong Li "Xiaomi" and couldn’t guess what was on her mind

        Andy Lau and Gong Li were working together for the first time. For Andy, it was very stressful to work with Gong Li, "I wanted to work with her for a long time, so I was very nervous when I first met her." When a media reporter asked why Andy was so reserved when standing with Gong Li at the scene, Andy Lau laughed, "Because there were so many people, when it was just the two of us, but she was afraid of me." Obviously, the cooperation for a period of time has made the two very familiar, and even the name has changed. "I used to call her Sister Gong Li, but now I have changed and call her’Xiaomi ‘."

        Playing a man who can "read minds", Andy Lau was asked to guess Gong Li’s mind at the scene, and Andy said without hesitation, "She definitely wants the press conference to end as soon as possible, so that she can continue filming." Unexpectedly, Gong Li said bluntly, "In fact, he guessed wrong, I want to go to the filming quickly, because Andy is leaving tonight, I have to hurry up and spend more time with him." A sentence made Andy Lau laugh and quickly said, "You didn’t give me your phone number, but I still asked the crew for your phone number, and I will contact you more in the future." The two of them said each other, which made the atmosphere of the press conference more relaxed.

Andy Lau, Gong Li

The film remakes a Hollywood classic, Andy Lau was "abandoned"

        In addition to joining the two superstars, the film also brings together Yuan Li, Hu Jing, Chen Zhipeng and other stars. Hu Jing, who plays Andy Lau’s ex-wife in the film, admits that the role is very enjoyable for her. "This character embodies a new concept, that love and marriage can be separated, and if the person you love cannot give a sense of security, two people do not have to get married. As a result, I’abandoned ‘Andy Lau in the film and found a foreigner to marry." Chen Zhipeng plays Andy Lau’s subordinate, who adores the countless "picking up girls" tricks of "idols". When it comes to the role, Yuan Li only revealed that she is a party in a love story with a triangular relationship. The person she loves loves someone else, and the other details insist that everyone go to the cinema to see what happens.

        "I Know a Woman’s Heart" remakes the Hollywood classic "100% Men" starring Mel Gibson and Helen Hunter, telling a wonderful love story from the office. Andy Lau plays a handsome, suave and conceited white-collar worker in the film. The typical male chauvinism makes him prejudiced against most women, and the new "boss" Gong Li, her bossy makes Andy Lau angry but unable to attack. There are many contradictions between the two. Lau Dehua, who was ruthlessly ridiculed by the female boss, is at a loss, but finds that he has a magical "mind reading" overnight, and he can hear the thoughts of any woman around him clearly… The film is a workplace magic love comedy, expected to be released on Valentine’s Day 2011.

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China’s second generation of new forces | Those girls dancing at the Parisian ladies’ ball.

  Article source: TheBund on the Bund

  The Paris Ladies’ Ball, where the world’s famous ladies broke their heads.

  Three China girls were selected this year.

  Not only beauty.

  Their brains and talents are more outstanding.

  Not long ago, three girls from China made their appearance at the 25th Le Bal des Débutantes.

  They are Shen Yue, the eldest daughter of Shen Jiawei, president of Chingmy Yau and Hongkong I T Group.

  Jane Li, the eldest daughter of famous movie stars Jet Li and Nina Li Chi.

  And Liao Minchong, the daughter of China’s famous baritone singer Liao Changyong.

  The Paris Celebrity Ball can be said to be the most prestigious social admission ticket for the upper class. It was founded by a Frenchman, Ms. Ophélie Renouard, and only the top celebrities in the world can be invited.

  Only the wealth of the family can not be favored by the organizing Committee. Girls must have their own talents, connotations and accomplishments, or be enthusiastic about public welfare undertakings.

  Trump’s two daughters, despite their prominent family background, were repeatedly rejected by the organizing Committee.

  The three China girls selected this year are all "the second generation of stars". Their parents have accumulated fame and wealth, and they have enough economic strength to give girls a good education and let them go their own way.

  Today, let’s get to know these three "second generation" celebrities with both talent and brains.


   Sweet and clever: Shen Yue

  With Chingmy Yau, the mother of the goddess star, Shen Yue’s popularity can be said to be the highest among the three China girls this year. Dad, as the president of I.T. Group, need not say much about her fashion resources.

  When Shen Yue was still in middle school, she was photographed when she attended Ku Kui Kei’s wedding with her mother Chingmy Yau, and was praised as "the most beautiful second generation" by the Hong Kong media. It was also rumored that she would enter the entertainment circle and take over the golden age of her mother.

  However, these remarks were quickly refuted by Chingmy Yau, who said that she didn’t want her daughter to enter the entertainment circle. Now she still focuses on her studies and doesn’t want her to grow up surrounded by the media.

  When Shen Yue was dressed in red, she could vaguely see the shadow of her mother, Chingmy Yau, dressed in red in Gambling God 2 when she was young. She also laughed off the comparison between her and her mother in the media, and said that her mother was the most beautiful in her heart, and no one could compare with her.

  Being a "second generation of stars" since childhood, Shen Yue said that he had to learn to avoid the paparazzi cameras since childhood, so he was afraid to go out with his friends because he didn’t want to be photographed. She also revealed in an interview that when she was a child, she wanted to go to South Korea to form a women’s group, but now she has no such idea at all.

  Before the dance began, she frequently posted her own fitting photos on Instagram and took a sweet and lovely route as a whole.

  At the dance, she wore Georges Hobeika pink haute couture dress and walked into the venue with British boyfriend Timon Greaves.

  Timon Greaves also gave a deep kiss on one knee, which is the princess dream of many little girls.

  Mother Chingmy Yau has been filming and recording the important moments of her daughter’s life.

  Shen Yue was very interested in fashion when he was a child. He read countless fashion magazines and loved to match clothes for himself and his sister. With this gift, father Shen Jiawei intends to let his daughter take over his own business, but he still insists that she must finish college.

  Shen Yue, who is slim now, is studying in Vancouver’s UBC, majoring in innovative writing and psychology. In her spare time, she has walked the show for her own brand izzue and frequently appeared in the front row of the show.

  Not long ago, she also appeared on the cover of the Hong Kong version of ELLE. Although she is still studying, she has already seen her ambition for the fashion circle.

  Being a star in the spotlight or going behind the scenes to "inherit the family business", I believe Shen Yue will have the choice to follow her heart after graduation.


  Learn to dominate the mind: Jane Li

  Jane Li, who has a healthy wheat complexion, is the eldest daughter of Jet Li and Nina Li Chi. She is a proper schoolmaster at Harvard University. She once had dinner with Ma Yun with her father, and the dinner was natural and graceful.

  Jane was born and raised abroad. Not only is her English comparable to her mother tongue, but Mr. and Mrs. Jet Li also ask her to speak Chinese fluently and remember her roots.

  As a famous star in the Chinese world, Jet Li and his children’s lives are naturally concerned. He has always encouraged his daughter to do what she wants, but he also told her to be brave and not care about the comments of netizens.

  On Jet Li’s 50th birthday, Jane painted 999 roses for him. He was particularly moved at that time, and this painting is still set in a frame for collection.

  He said that he and Jane get along more like friends, and the role of "tiger mother" is played by Nina Li Chi. However, he also told his daughters that not touching drugs and not looking down on life, let alone getting pregnant before graduating from college, is the principle of a father’s life for his daughters.

  At the dance, Jane wore a Christian Dior high-definition dress, and the wine red made her look mysterious and noble.

  In all the photos of celebrities, she still stands in position C.

  At the dance scene, dad Jet Li was so happy that he kept taking pictures of his daughter and danced together.

  Jane’s life with her father Jet Li is closely related to public welfare, which is a stepping stone for her to win the favor of the ladies’ ball.

  After the Indonesian tsunami in 2004, Jet Li set up the One Foundation on Jane’s birthday, and the LOGO of the One Foundation was also selected by Jane, who was 4 years old at that time.

  Before attending the celebrity dance, Jet Li and Ma Yun went to Africa to make a charity plan. Jane also took the initiative to ask her peers. She said that she had to go there to understand the actual situation before she could help others in a planned way.

  Looking through Jane’s Instagram, she looks like an ordinary international student, often posting photos with classmates and friends.

  In the future, Jane said that she would help others as much as possible like her father and continue to carry forward charity. Bund Jun likes Jane’s confident and sunny smile best. Please keep smiling like this.


  Touching voice: Liao Minchong

  Before this celebrity dance, you probably didn’t know Liao Minchong’s name, but you must have heard the song of her father, Liao Changyong, the "world’s first Chinese baritone". Since this year, Liao Changyong has also been the dean of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

  From an early age, Liao Minchong showed his extraordinary musical talent. At the age of 10, he began to perform on CCTV with his father, and often "grabbed" his father’s limelight in activities.

  When celebrating the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Party, Liao Changyong and Liao Minchong sang "Sing a Folk Song for the Party" with their father and daughter, which surprised the audience.

  The family background of a musical family and the experience of performing frequently when she was young made Liao Minchong pay attention to the celebrity dance. Because her father was busy with work, she went to Paris with her mother.

  Like many celebrity families, Liao Changyong and his wife want to live an ordinary life, but they have always protected their daughter well and kept her from doing anything other than going to school and singing.

  Liao Minchong, who is still a bit childish, may be the girl who came to Paris in the cheapest outfit. Her mother said that what she usually wears most is sportswear bought online for tens of dollars. She thinks that clothes just cover her body, so there is no need to be so extravagant.

  At the dance, she wore Guo Pei’s gray-purple high-cut dress and pretended to be serious with her partner for another second.

  Liao Minchong is only 17 years old this year, the youngest of the three girls in China. She is still in a high school in Shanghai, and you can even meet her in the iapm shopping mall-just like meeting an ordinary high school student.

  As of press time, there are only 209 fans on her Instagram, and a total of 5 pictures have been sent. Bund Jun only confirmed that this is not a counterfeiter by interacting with her message from Shen Yue.

  Liao Minchong is still in high school. In the future, she is likely to use her expertise to study music, and she is looking forward to her future development.

  In recent years, more and more China/Chinese celebrities have been invited to the Parisian Celebrity Ball.

  Last year, I.M. Pei’s granddaughter Anna Pei attended the dance.

  Yao Anna, daughter of Ren Zhengfei, president of Huawei Group.

  Angel Lee, daughter of Li Zhikang, general manager of PCG Group in Hong Kong.

  These Chinese girls are entrepreneurs or the "second generation of stars". They let the world see the brains and talents of the younger generation of women in China, and they also tell the world that although they have a prominent family background and outstanding appearance, good resources and education give them a smart and sexy mind, which others can never imitate.

  We can’t help but look forward to it. Which China celebrities will attend this dance next year?

Xiaomi’s performance in the third quarter returned to growth, "the whole ecology of people and cars" painted a new blueprint.

On November 20, Xiaomi handed over the first performance answer sheet after announcing the strategy of "people, cars and homes are all ecological".

In the third quarter of 2023, Xiaomi Group’s revenue was 70.9 billion yuan, achieving the first year-on-year growth in six quarters. The adjusted net profit was 6 billion yuan, up 182.9% year-on-year, setting a new high in the past two years.

The business strategy of "paying equal attention to scale and profit" has continued to land, and the high-end has made steady progress, making Xiaomi the first to pick up in the consumer electronics industry. With the announcement of the new strategy of "people, cars and homes are all ecological", Xiaomi is entering a new stage of development.

After six quarters, it returned to growth and the gross profit margin reached a new high.

The operating performance of Xiaomi in the third quarter continued the momentum of continuous recovery since 2023.

In terms of revenue, Xiaomi’s revenue in the third quarter was 70.9 billion yuan, a slight increase of 0.6% year-on-year and 5.3% quarter-on-quarter, and it resumed growth for the first time in six quarters. In terms of profitability, the adjusted net profit in the third quarter reached 6 billion yuan, up 182.9% year-on-year, and the gross profit margin reached 22.7%, which increased for four consecutive quarters and reached a new high.

The business strategy of "paying equal attention to scale and profit" put forward by Xiaomi at the beginning of the year has been further implemented. In addition to the Group’s record high gross profit margin, the gross profit margin of all business segments has also maintained growth. Among them, the gross profit margin of smartphone business reached 16.6%, up 7.7 percentage points year-on-year, the gross profit margin of IoT and consumer products business reached 17.8%, up 4.3 percentage points year-on-year, and the gross profit margin of Internet business reached 74.4%, up 2.3 percentage points year-on-year.

While improving profitability, Xiaomi’s shipments and user scale have also grown steadily.

On the mobile phone side, with the slowdown in the global smartphone market, Xiaomi took the lead in picking up. According to market research firm Canalys, the shipment of millet in the third quarter of 2023 increased by 2% year-on-year, and its market share was the same as that of the same period last year. In Chinese mainland, Europe, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and other major markets, the market share of Xiaomi smartphones has increased.

In terms of household appliances and IoT products, the market size of Xiaomi has also steadily increased. According to data from Aowei Cloud, Xiaomi TV ranked first in Chinese mainland in the third quarter, and refrigerator shipments also increased by 95%. Canalys data shows that in the third quarter, the shipment of millet flat products increased by 120% year-on-year, and entered the top five in the world for the first time.

The extensive layout of the global market has enabled the scale of Xiaomi’s Internet business to continue to grow. In the third quarter, the number of monthly active users of MIUI worldwide reached 623 million, up 10.5% year-on-year, and the income from Internet business reached 7.8 billion yuan, a record high, up 9.7% year-on-year. In particular, Xiaomi’s overseas Internet business income reached 2.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 35.8%, and its share in Internet business income increased to 30%.

The high-end capability has stabilized, and the sales volume of Xiaomi 14 series has reached a record.

The recovery of performance and the improvement of profitability are closely related to the progress made in Xiaomi’s high-end strategy.

One week before the financial report was released, Xiaomi announced in the official Weibo that the omni-channel payment amount of "double 11" Xiaomi reached a new high of 22.4 billion in 2023. Goldman Sachs pointed out in a research report that Xiaomi Double 11GMV increased by 32% year-on-year, thanks to the strong performance of Xiaomi 14 series, comprehensive product portfolio and rising average selling price.

As the latest high-end model of Xiaomi, the performance of Xiaomi 14 series is really surprising. During the period of double 11, Xiaomi 14 ranked first among domestic mobile phone brands in the price range of 4,000-6,000 yuan in JD.COM and Pinduoduo, and also took the lead in domestic mobile phone sales in Tmall and Tik Tok. Information from the supply chain shows that since the first sale, the sales volume of Xiaomi 14 series has reached 1,447,400 units within 10 days, setting a sales record for Xiaomi’s high-end flagship.

Since the launch of Xiaomi 12S series in July 2022, Xiaomi’s performance in the high-end market has become more and more stable.

In terms of word-of-mouth, six series of high-end models, such as Xiaomi 12S Ultra, Xiaomi MIX Fold2, Xiaomi 13 Series, Xiaomi 13Ultra, Xiaomi MIX Fold3 and Xiaomi 14 Series, all achieved a favorable rating of over 99% on the JD.COM platform in the first month of release. In terms of sales volume, third-party data show that in the second quarter of 2023, the proportion of Xiaomi’s shipments in the smart phone market of 3,000 yuan and above in Chinese mainland increased to 20.1%, which increased year-on-year for four consecutive quarters. The market share in the price segment of 4,000-6,000 yuan increased by 6.2 percentage points year-on-year to 12.7%, and the smartphone ASP in Chinese mainland increased by over 24% year-on-year.

While the high-end market continues to break through, Xiaomi’s R&D and innovation capabilities continue to improve. Taking Xiaomi 14 series as an example, the core components such as image sensors and screens are all equipped with products independently developed by Xiaomi and jointly developed with domestic supply chains, and the parameters and experience have reached or even exceeded the iPhone15Pro.

For example, the "Light Hunter 900" image sensor, which debuted for the first time, has a specification of 1/1.3 inch. From the actual performance, the light input of Xiaomi 14 is 20% higher than that of iPhone 15 Pro, and Xiaomi 14 Pro is 52% higher. On the screen side, the C8 material jointly developed by Xiaomi and Huaxing Optoelectronics has achieved the highest peak brightness of 3000nit in the industry. On Xiaomi 14Pro, Xiaomi also adopted the first full-depth micro-curved screen, which realized the continuous same bending radius at four sides and four corners, making the curved screen visually close to the straight screen.

R&D and innovation have created a better user experience for high-end products. With the help of Xiaomi 14 series, the share of Xiaomi in China smart phone market reached 21.9% in 2023W44(10.30-11.5), ranking the highest among domestic mobile phones.

The strong market performance of high-end machines has provided more ammunition for research and development. Such a virtuous circle has continuously consolidated the base of Xiaomi’s high-end strategy. In 2022, Xiaomi invested 16.2 billion yuan in R&D, equivalent to 0.53% of the total investment in R&D in China. According to the data disclosed in the financial report, in the third quarter of 2023, Xiaomi’s R&D expenditure was 5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22%. By September 30, 2023, Xiaomi had 17,563 R&D personnel, accounting for over 53%.

With the development of ecology, the territory of "people, cars and homes are all ecological" is formed.

While the high-end capability has stabilized, the ecological map of Xiaomi has also been expanding. According to the financial report data, as of September 2023, the number of IoT devices (excluding smartphones, tablets and laptops) connected to Xiaomi AIoT platform reached 699 million, up 25.2% year-on-year, and the number of monthly users of Mijia APP increased by 16% year-on-year, reaching 84 million.

With the release of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS in October, Xiaomi’s group strategy was officially upgraded to "the whole ecology of people and cars". Thanks to the long-term deep cultivation in the field of mobile phones and IoT, Xiaomi 澎湃 OS has integrated more than 200 categories, covered more than 95% of life scenes and connected 820 million devices since its birth, becoming the first operating system covering "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes".

Subsequently, Xiaomi announced the comprehensive opening-up plan of IoT eco-partners, and helped smart eco-partners, whole-house industry practitioners and individual developers to quickly join Xiaomi’s IoT ecosystem through Vela open source and the release of Xiaomi’s surging technology brands. At present, there are more than 9,000 Xiaomi IoT partners.

On October 15th, two products of Xiaomi Automobile appeared in the Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products (the 377th batch) issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile will be mass-produced in the first half of 2024. This also means that Xiaomi’s "all-ecological" map is infinitely close to the closed loop.

The upgrade from "mobile phone X AIoT" to "the whole ecology of people, cars and homes" means that Xiaomi’s coverage of users’ life scenes is further improved. In Xiaomi’s ecological map, the mobile phone is still the central device and computing center of the whole scene in series, and Xiaomi 澎湃 OS ensures the cross-end connectivity and experience consistency. As Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, said, it will be "the public base of the Internet of Everything".

The capital market responded positively to the new blueprint described by Xiaomi. Since October, Xiaomi’s share price has rebounded strongly, up about 50% from the beginning of the year.

Copyright and disclaimer: The copyright of the above works (including texts, drawings, audio and video) belongs to the publisher [Information]. This App provides information publishing platform services for publishers, and does not represent the viewpoint of economics and suggestions on investment.

Taiyuan Xingyue L Zhiqing has greatly reduced the price, and the latest offer is 152,700! limited in number

Recently, car home Taiyuan preferential promotion channel has brought heavy discounts to the majority of riders, among which the models are the most concerned. It is understood that this model is being promoted in Taiyuan, with a maximum discount of 7,000 yuan and a starting price of 152,700 yuan. If you are interested in this model, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.


Xingyue L Zhiqing is a stylish and dynamic SUV model. The car adopts a streamlined body design, the front face design is unique, and the air intake grille adopts an atmospheric family design, and the overall style is highly recognizable. The body lines are smooth and the roof lines are tilted backwards, creating a dynamic sports atmosphere. The side of the car body adopts a streamlined shape, and the lines are simple and smooth, which highlights the sense of movement and strength of the car. The tail design of the car is simple and generous, and the taillights are designed through, which makes the whole car look more fashionable. In terms of interior, the car adopts luxurious interior design and is equipped with rich configurations, providing drivers with a more comfortable driving experience. In a word, Xingyue L Zhiqing is a stylish and dynamic SUV model, which is highly recognizable and a new force in the automobile market.


The car is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4795*1895*1689 mm and a wheelbase of 2845 mm. The side lines of the car are smooth, the front and rear wheel tracks are 1610mm, and tyre size is 245/45 R20. The rim style is fashionable, which shows the sporty atmosphere of the car.


The interior design of Xingyue L Zhiqing is fashionable and simple, with a leather steering wheel and leather-like seats, giving people a high-quality feeling. The 12.3-inch central control screen has high definition and supports voice recognition control of multimedia systems, navigation, telephones, air conditioners, skylights and windows. There are two USB/Type-C interfaces in the front row, one in the back row, and the wireless charging function of the mobile phone in the front row. The main driver’s seat supports fore-and-aft adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment (4-way) and lumbar support (4-way), while the co-pilot’s seat supports fore-and-aft adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way). The front seats also have the functions of heating and ventilation (driver’s seat only), and the electric seat memory function supports the driver’s seat. The rear seats can be scaled down.


Xingyue L Zhiqing is equipped with a 1.5T 163 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 120kW and a maximum torque of 255n m.. This engine adopts advanced technology and can provide excellent power performance and fuel economy. At the same time, the equipped 3-speed DHT gearbox can provide a smooth shifting experience, making the driver more comfortable during driving. Whether driving in the city or traveling long distances, this engine can provide strong power support for vehicles and meet your various driving needs.

In the word-of-mouth evaluation of car home car owners, he spoke highly of the exterior design and interior space of Xingyue L Zhiqing, especially the white color of the bright moon and the white interior design of the East. At the same time, his driving experience after the test drive is also very good, his power performance is excellent, and his speed increase is quite stable. In addition, he mentioned that the fuel consumption of the test drive is six, which is also quite good. On the whole, Xingyue L Zhiqing has performed well in appearance, interior, driving experience and fuel consumption, which can be said to be a recommended model. If you are looking for a model with an atmospheric appearance, exquisite interior, strong power and excellent fuel consumption, you may wish to consider Xingyue L Zhiqing.

Keep the sunshine in your heart and send the warmth like spring to the hearts of the masses.

  "Spring, son … … Hang in there and stand up … … Spring will definitely stand up … …” Wang Chunchun in the emergency room has stopped breathing, and his father, who is nearly eighty years old, is still mumbling.

  In the first line of anti-epidemic, I fought continuously and went deep into the jurisdiction for more than 20 days without stopping. On February 11th, Wang Chunchun, the fourth-level police chief of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau, Heilongjiang Province, who has been sticking to his post for more than 20 days, collapsed in his post because of overwork when he was performing the task of sealing and controlling in the community. He was only 32 years old and died unfortunately after being rescued.

  On February 16th, Zhao Kezhi, State Councilor and Minister of Public Security, signed an order to posthumously award Wang Chunchun the title of second-class hero of the national public security system.

  At most, check more than 2,500 clues a day.

  Since joining the public security work in December 2014, Wang Chunchun has served as a member of the patrol special police detachment of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau and a member of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch. He is currently the fourth-level sheriff and deputy director of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau. In 2016, he was awarded by the Municipal Public Security Bureau. In 2017 and 2018, he won personal third-class merit for two consecutive years. In 2017, he was rated as an outstanding civil servant.

  "Wang Chunchun is the representative of the police who fought in the front line of epidemic prevention in Qiqihar City. Their spirit of selfless dedication and selfless dedication is awe-inspiring." Gao Deyi, deputy mayor of Qiqihar City and director of the Public Security Bureau, said.

Wang Chunchun was in the process of sealing and controlling before his death. (data picture)

  In 2019, Wang Chunchun, who has been a police officer for five years, became the fourth-level police chief and deputy director of the new site police station of Tiefeng Branch of Qiqihar Public Security Bureau, and was responsible for eight communities including Shangpin Park and Jingxin Garden in the jurisdiction of the new site police station. After the outbreak of COVID-19, Wang Chunchun was mainly responsible for the inspection of about 200 buildings in eight communities. The front-line police force is tight. Wang Chunchun has to be on a 24-hour regular shift every three days. He usually has to shoulder the duties of a deputy shift and patrol the "nine small" places in his jurisdiction.

  During the epidemic period, every day, different units will push a large number of personnel information to the police station for verification and landing. The information provided is only the name and ID number, and one person’s information will correspond to multiple phone numbers. The police need to call one by one to ask about the household registration, time, purpose, residence, action track, peers, trains, fever symptoms and other information. When not out of the field, Wang Chunchun has been sitting in front of the computer in the office, checking information one by one, and tirelessly repeating "check — — Call — — At most, more than 2,500 clues have to be checked in one day.

  On one occasion, when Cui Hongyu, an auxiliary police officer, assisted Wang Chunchun to verify the information, he was upset by various negative emotions of the people on the phone, but Wang Chunchun took the phone and carefully and patiently verified it, without any confusion.

  Wang Chunchun knows that as a people’s policeman, it is his duty and mission to curb the spread of the epidemic, safeguard the country’s political security and social stability, and protect the lives and health of the people. On January 23, he sent his wife and 16-month-old son to his mother-in-law in Zhaozhou, Daqing, and set foot on the front line of the war "epidemic". From that day on, he didn’t go home for more than 20 days and always worked in the police station. "So I have no worries. Please rest assured that I will do all the competent work. " He said to the director Zhang Tiejun.

  On the New Year’s Eve, the community aunt sent a steaming bowl of jiaozi to Wang Chunchun in the police car: "Son, eat jiaozi wrapped in aunt’s bag, just like the New Year’s Eve dinner that mom made for you." Wang Chunchun ate jiaozi, thinking of her old mother who was ill in bed at home and her father’s bony back. Wang Chunchun said with tears: "Aunt, this is the most fragrant and fragrant jiaozi I have ever eaten in the New Year."

  A versatile worker and a pillar of business.

  In the new construction site police station, Wang Chunchun is recognized as the most capable community policeman and public security policeman. He has a versatile job and is the pillar of his business. Whether in the security and stability work, the special struggle to eliminate evils, or in handling public security cases and basic work at the grassroots level, he is always ahead.

  There is a work log on Wang Chunchun’s desk, which is full of architectural plans of the jurisdiction. Director Zhang Tiejun introduced that every time Wang Chunchun went out to visit, he would take this notebook with him, draw the floor plan of the building, analyze whether there were any potential safety hazards, and eliminate them with the masses in time. There are more than 2,000 households in the area under Wang Chunchun’s jurisdiction. He has been to every household, and the people in the jurisdiction know him. He always rushes to the first place in his work, and he ranks in the top five in the overall situation for three consecutive years.

  The story of Wang Chuntian serving the masses is endless. In August 2018, when Wang Chuntian visited the hardware market in his jurisdiction, some merchants reported that the hardware of the wire box in front of his store was stolen from time to time. Although the loss was not great, he had to find professionals to cut off power for maintenance after each incident, and his daily operations were affected. Despite the hot weather, Wang Chunchun endured mosquito bites during the day and at night. After a week of staying around the clock, he decisively attacked and arrested the suspect when he committed the crime again. On December 16, 2018, when Wang Chunchun visited the community, he learned that the residents on the second floor of Unit 1 in a certain community changed their kitchens privately, which caused the oil smoke to flow to the residents’ homes on the first floor, and there were many disputes for this reason. Wang Chunchun patiently persuaded the two sides to resolve the contradictions and disputes.

  Since joining the public security work, Wang Chunchun has actively participated in reception and on-site mediation for more than 700 times, successfully mediating 387 contradictions and disputes, effectively avoiding more than 200 administrative and criminal cases. Due to outstanding work performance, in September 2019, the "Spring Police Office" named after him was set up in the construction community of the new site police station. From the day the police office was set up, people’s praise never stopped. Whether it is freezing in the cold or windy, this police office named "Spring" can always warm people’s hearts and bloom a flower of harmony between the police and the people.

  "Communist party member only feels when it takes root at the grassroots level."

  In 2019, Wang Chuntiancheng was preparing for party member. After returning home, he hugged his wife tightly and said that this was the most exciting thing since he joined the police. The expression on his face was even happier than being rewarded and commended.

  Wang Chunchun is proud to be a Communist party member, and he always demands himself according to party member’s standards in his work. Especially since the anti-epidemic work was carried out, the temperature in Qiqihar has been low, about MINUS 15 degrees Celsius during the day and as low as MINUS 20 degrees Celsius at night. The icy cold wind has not affected his and his comrades’ inspections.

  After more than 20 days of sticking to the front line of anti-epidemic, Wang Chunchun put the photo of his wife and son in the nearest place of the centrifugal mouth of his pocket on the police uniform. When he was tired and cold, he turned out the photo and took a look, as if he could dispel all the cold and fatigue in an instant and regain his strength.

  On the evening of January 27th, Wang Chunchun originally made an appointment with his parents to go home and have a look, but someone in the Shangpin owners’ group of the park in the jurisdiction sent a photo, saying that there was a private car with Hubei license that had never been seen before in the garage of the community, out of fear of the epidemic, the owners’ group exploded in an instant, and they were all worried about whether someone had come back from Hubei to hide their whereabouts. Wang Chunchun immediately took the initiative to investigate. After a night’s investigation, he learned that the owner of the car was in Hubei Province and originally planned to return to Qiqihar in April. The car has been in Qiqihar City. He immediately contacted the person in charge of the community and gave accurate information back to the owner, which promptly eliminated the panic of the people in the jurisdiction and gave the people a "reassuring". The next morning, Wang Chunchun started a new job and never went home again.

  For more than 20 days, Wang Chunchun had almost no rest. He is busy checking whether there are any privately operated shops in the jurisdiction, persuading residents who have to go out for a walk to go home quickly, checking the clues of people returning to Qiqihar from other places, and promoting the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control … … … Every day, Wang Chuntian will inspect the key communities within his jurisdiction at least once.

  "I feel distressed when I look at the child’s working state in spring. During the time when I worked together, I saw the duty and mission of a policeman in him, and I also saw the initial intention and belief of preparing party member. He set a benchmark for all our staff in the front line of epidemic prevention and control. " Sister Hui Fen, deputy secretary of Muhai Community who works with Wang Chunchun, said.

  Because of his good writing style, the sub-bureau asked Wang Chunchun to work in the office several times, but he didn’t agree. He always felt that only at the grassroots level could he exercise himself and temper himself.

  "The Communist party member took root at the grassroots level. This time, I saw that all walks of life were at the forefront of party member. Through this anti-epidemic, I really felt the vanguard and exemplary role of Communist party member." Wang Chunchun said to his good friend Han Qi.

  At noon on February 11th, Wang Chunchun received a phone call from Dong Lina, the head of a community in his jurisdiction, and agreed to work together to resolve conflicts, targeting several elderly people who have opinions on epidemic prevention and isolation. At that time, Wang Chunchun suddenly felt a little unwell. Without saying anything, he and the auxiliary police Cui Hongyu rushed to the community. "Sister Dong, which building are we going to?" At 14: 54, Wang Chuntian stopped the police car to meet Dong Lina. However, as soon as the voice just fell, he fainted. Cui Hongyu immediately called 120. At about 15 o’clock, Wang Chunchun was taken to a nearby hospital, and his father was later taken to the hospital by the police. However, despite all efforts, Wang Chunchun still failed to get out of the emergency room … …

  On Wang Chunchun’s desk, there was a box of yogurt and an orange quietly, which was sent by the community resident Lang Dajie on the morning of Wang Chunchun’s sacrifice. Before he could eat it in spring, the work log with the floor plan of the area was spread out, and the police uniforms were neatly hung in the closet … … Everything looks the same as usual, but only the policeman Wang Chunchun, who is always sunny, is missing.

Today’s Film Review | "China Ping Pong": A Ping Pong Journey from Low Valley to Nirvana

1905 movie network news The film, directed by and starring Deng Chao, recently released a preview, focusing on the Guoping Men’s Team in "Extraordinary Years"."China table tennis can beat Europe? Can China players still beat Waldner? Can China still reach the top of the world? Do you believe it? "

"China table tennis can beat Europe? Can China players still beat Waldner? Can China still reach the top of the world? Do you believe it? "

This sports movie, with four characters of "China Ping-Pong" that the audience are very familiar with, attracted many audiences’ expectations after the announcement. Hong Fan, an associate professor in the Literature Department of Beijing Film Academy, said: "Sports genre films are all about a champion in the final analysis, while" China Table Tennis "is a story about how the China men’s team once reached the peak, and how to get back to the peak when it fell into a desperate trough, which is more attractive than the conventional story of becoming a champion. The overall tone of the trailer is rather depressing. The head coach’s training methods, the arrangement of troops and even some of his personnel arrangements and management have also been questioned. The leaders are dissatisfied with him, and the media has put forward all kinds of particularly harsh opinions. The people are also very dissatisfied, and all kinds of heavy burdens have come to their faces. In this case, how to counterattack the Jedi constitutes a powerful and realistic drama conflict in the film. "

"Let me spell it again anyway."

This kind of story has really broken many people’s previous established impression of the king’s table tennis as "invincible" and made the audience more curious about the film. The compilation of "China Table Tennis" is based on real history. During that unforgettable period, the China table tennis team was in an absolute dominant position in the World Table Tennis Championships from 1981 to 1987, winning all the important awards and gold medals. However, in the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games and the 1989 World Table Tennis Championships, China lost to Sweden in five games. In the Chiba World Table Tennis Championships in 1991, the China Men’s Team had fallen to the seventh place, which was a very bad result. After the 42nd World Table Tennis Championships, China still failed to achieve good results as expected. It was at this time, under the leadership of Waldner, that the Swedish team won the World Table Tennis Championships for three consecutive years. It was not until 1995, as described in the film, that the China table tennis men’s team returned to its peak in the 43rd Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships, ending a depressed period of six years.

It can be seen that the development of table tennis in China is not smooth sailing. This history itself has the potential to become a good movie, and it is easy to hit the audience’s flash point. Sports-themed movies are special action movies, and China Ping Pong will show some very interesting action wonders, showing the beautiful movements of athletes and the state of the ball flying back and forth through different photography angles. Because of the particularity of table tennis, it not only pays attention to antagonism, but also includes some tactical arrangements. It is very likely that the film will focus on the China table tennis men’s team competition. This team competition will naturally have strategies similar to Tian Ji horse racing, so some people say that sports genre films are special war films in peacetime.

Hong Fan mentioned: "Movies are also very similar to kung fu movies. Each different athlete has different stunts, some are horizontal shots, some are vertical shots, some are near-table fast breaks, and some are far-table pulls. The men’s team was able to win an important victory in this World Table Tennis Championships because there was a secret weapon, a player named Ding Song, who played a special game of chopping, which made foreign athletes uncomfortable. Therefore, we see that the special skills of each athlete provided by the film are just like the Kunlun School and the Shaolin School in the martial arts film. In terms of audio and video, there are still many expectations. "

When it comes to China Ping-Pong, many people will bid for the first time the film that reflected the China women’s volleyball team, and the latter finally gained 836 million box office. In order to impress the audience in the end, sports films not only provide authenticity, mass base and drama, but also have emotional problems at the core. There is a very important reason for Leap’s success, which shaped the character Lang Ping. She finally succeeded under pressure and defeated foreign teams. This role can arouse the audience’s personal feelings, let them bring in coaches and athletes, and overcome all kinds of difficulties to make a comeback. Later, it also created a positive image of different industries and jobs under the background of China, and this spirit of struggle can infect everyone.

Leap, when the national flag of China was raised and the national anthem sounded, the sense of honor of the whole people made the film no longer a story of a sports team, and this spirit of women’s volleyball has become a major theme in sports. I hope "China Ping Pong" can continue to inherit and carry forward the success of the film Leap, from shaping the personal feelings of the characters so that the audience can resonate, to effectively build a sense of national honor, and even go further than Leap to create a different glory.

The fashion of "slowing down" is more advanced! 60+ Mom’s elegance is not lost, but her style is quite different.

I don’t know when the pace of the times has become faster and faster, especially for fashion. The style that was popular some time ago will soon be ignored, and the popularity will change. Even young people are tired of chasing it, not to mention mature women who love beauty. If they want to keep their fashionable image, they have to pay more attention.

Can you slow down the fashion? This question seems to contradict the concept of fashion, but as long as we observe it carefully, we can still find many elegant mature beauties, who seem to be independent of the fashion tide and gradually explore a kind of "slow fashion". Without being disturbed by the hurried style, they can not use fashionable items, but still make people feel advanced, such as fashion bloggers Miki and mom.

Compared with Miki’s exquisite elegance, the style of this fashion blogger to be introduced to you in this issue is more gentle, but also more pyrotechnic, simple and natural without losing advanced. Next, let’s take a look at what unique dressing cheats this 60+ fashionista has.

Step 1 choose a gentle and energetic color scheme

After entering the age of 50, many mature women will decorate themselves with colorful clothes, hoping to brighten themselves with bright colors, but the result often runs counter to our expectations, but it is easy to appear gaudy.

In order to show the sense of high class, we must first learn to choose the main color of clothes for ourselves.Mature and elegant women are more suitable for gentle and energetic colors.. For example, those with low saturationApricot pink, can be used as the main color of the coat, not noisy and not eye-catching.

For those colors with high saturation, there are also corresponding methods to deal with them. When you have a long ginger coat in your closet,If you don’t want to appear too ostentatious, remember to use dark colors to weaken the agitation caused by bright colors..

Because the coat is bright enough, the inner coat, hat and shoes will not look dim if they are all black. You can choose turtle neck and loafers with confidence, and you will be beautiful.

For colors that are already mature, such asDark brown, tea brown, cyan grayAnd other colors, more importantly, use collocation to add vitality and avoid appearing old-fashioned.

If the clothing is of the same color, then the accessories should not follow the rules. It is recommended to use a light-colored bag or hat to match it.

2. Add age-reducing elements

Women always want to look younger than their actual age, and the most important thing to reduce age is not to wear the same style as young people, but to fully express the beauty of this age with appropriate clothes.

Add classic decorative patterns to clothes.Can help us do this.Checked grainIt is a design that never tires of seeing. Nowadays, young people often wear plaid shirts, but the style of plaid is also exquisite. For women with gentle temperament,Large plaid is more suitable than small plaid, and light plaid is more suitable than dark plaid..

in additionWave pointIt is also a design that is very suitable for elegant women to reduce their age. Wearing a polka-dot shirt as an interior can wear a playful feeling even if the whole body is black.

When matching inside, let the exposed part keep the edge neat on the first day, so as not to destroy the overall dressing texture.

It is safer and more versatile to apply design induction to the bottom dress than the top, and the half-length polka-dot dress is a very versatile item. Among them, the key point to pay attention to is the size of the wave point.

In regular printing,Wavelet points look more dynamic.When matching shirts, you can use a doll collar as a backdrop, andLarge wave points have wider applicability.The gas field is more stable. Remember to outline the waistline when wearing it, and easily create a youthful state.

Irregular printing, with the jumping of wavelet points and the elegance of large wave points, should not forget to echo through the version of doll collar or the gas field of black and white color matching.

3. The layering of the upper and lower two-piece suit

In autumn and winter, it is the time for women with good clothes to play, and they can make amazing effects by overlapping and matching. Among them, the clever use of the long skirt can make the simple upper and lower two-piece suit wear a layered feeling.

The layering comes from the silhouette. If you have a pleated long skirt, remember to match the top according to the pleated style.The pleated skirt has a great sense of volume, and the top version should be designed with gorgeous outward expansion., such as bat sleeves and lantern sleeves, you can choose a solid color style.

If the pleated skirt is patterned, it will look fancy if it is exposed too much, so it is suitable for long coats., and use plain and clean colors to combine. The figure below follows this matching idea, and through appropriate proportion adjustment, the color of the skirt and the plain color inside form a natural sense of harmony.

When matching long coats and long skirts, it is suggested that they should be of the same color.As shown in the picture below, it is gray and black. If it is a color system, you can use a combination of light blue and purplish blue, light coffee color and dark coffee color, so as not to destroy the vertical lines of modeling, visually postpone the line of sight, and achieve a high decorative effect.

Ok, that’s it for this issue about 60+ fashion mom’s dressing sharing. Do you like her style? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share your opinion. See you next time ~Elise

# Brand Good # # Fashion Style Wear #

Sports lecture hall: a general inventory of baseball.

General knowledge of baseball

1) Name of the world amateur baseball governing body: The International Baseball Federation is the world amateur baseball governing body. IBA is short for International Baseball Federation.

2) Referees in baseball games: Referees include a referee (ball referee), three base referees and several scorers. The referee is responsible for shouting "ball" or "strike" with the prescribed gestures. The referee of the division judges safety and exit.

3) Composition of baseball team: A baseball team consists of 9 players. In fact, a team can have 20 players, but only 9 players can play. There is no limit to the number of substitutes. But the substitute can’t play for the second time)

4) Specification of baseball field: In short, the field is divided into infield and outfield. The infield is square. There is a base on the four corners, and the infield is also called "square". The infield is surrounded by two borderlines between the in-bound area and the out-of-bounds area and two other sides of the out-of-bounds area. [The infield is square, two sides of which are adjacent to the outfield (which belongs to the inside area) and the other two sides are adjacent to the outside area.

5) What kind of ball the batter hits is called a home run: A home run is when the batter can hit a ball that runs all bases and returns to home. Most home runs fly out of the fence from the infield.

6) Basic personal skills of baseball players: Basic personal skills include: hitting, throwing, defending, passing accurately, running and stealing bases.

7) How the pitcher throws the ball: You can use various methods of holding the ball, such as curve ball, slider ball, knuckle ball and fastball.

8) The essentials of successful hitting: The most important thing is the standing posture, backward pull, extension, swing, hitting the ball and subsequent actions.

9) What are the defensive positions in baseball games? Baseball defensive positions include pitcher, receiver, first baseman, second baseman, third baseman, shortstop, left fielder, center fielder and right fielder.

Frank! Thick eyebrows renewed the Lakers’ contract with 186 million yuan in advance for three years, and the average salary beat Brown to set a record.

In the early hours of the morning, according to ESPN’s famous story Wo Shen, agent Ricky Paul revealed that Anthony Davis and the Lakers reached a three-year, $186 million contract extension in advance.

The average salary of this contract reached $62 million, which is the highest average salary renewal contract in NBA. At present, there are two years left in the existing contract of Thick Eyebrow, and with the new contract, his total salary will exceed $270 million in the next five seasons. Among them, it was $40.6 million in 23-24 season, $43.2 million in 24-25 season, $57.6 million in 25-26 season, $62.2 million in 26-27 season and $66.8 million in 27-28 season.

Subsequently, Wo Shen disclosed the specific details of the signing of the contract between the two parties. He said that at 3: 30 Eastern Time, Pelinka, the general manager of the Lakers, telephoned Ricky Paul, the agent of Thick Eyebrow, and offered the Lakers an offer of $186 million for three years. Thick Eyebrow immediately agreed to the news.

In the 22-23 season, Thick Eyebrows played 56 times in the regular season, averaging 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.1 breaks and 2 hats. In the playoffs, thick eyebrows played in 16 games, averaging 22.6 points, 14.1 rebounds, 2.6 assists, 1.4 breaks and 3.1 hats.

Healthy thick eyebrows are definitely worth it, but throughout his career, injuries are his lingering shadow. The Lakers handed in a three-year maximum salary contract in the hope of grasping the peak period of Thick Eyebrows and continuing to compete for the championship. If James chooses to retire early, the Lakers can also build a team around Thick Eyebrows and take 10,000 steps back. In the era of big contracts flying all over the sky, the price-performance ratio of Thick Eyebrows contract will be very high.