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Galaxy Aerospace’s first satellite completes 3-minute video call test – satellite Internet is here

  Figure ① The technology research and development team of the Galaxy Aerospace Launch Star is working. Figure ② On January 16, 2020, at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, the Galaxy Aerospace Launch Star is about to be launched. (Data picture) Figure ③ The "solar wing" of the Galaxy Aerospace Launch Star is in an unfolded state. (Data picture)

  Not long ago, the first satellite of Galaxy Aerospace (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Galaxy Aerospace") achieved a communication application test of more than 3 minutes for the first time. The staff used their mobile phones to connect to the WiFi hotspot provided by the end point of the Galaxy satellite, and realized a 3-minute video call through this 5G satellite.

  This call is destined to leave a strong mark in the history of China’s commercial aerospace. This shows that the first low-orbit 5G satellite independently developed by Chinese commercial companies is really coming. Previously, on February 16, Galaxy Aerospace successfully carried out a communication capability test after 30 days in orbit, and verified low-orbit Q/V/Ka and other frequency band communication for the first time in the world.

  China’s satellite Internet has taken a major step forward

  As a typical strategic emerging industry, commercial aerospace has significant technological traction and industrial driving role. In recent years, the United States has actively promoted the development of commercial aerospace. SpaceX (Space Exploration Company), Blue Origin and other commercial aerospace enterprises have developed rapidly, and satellite Internet and space tourism are on the horizon.

  In this "space race", China’s commercial aerospace has not been absent. On January 16, the first Galaxy Aerospace satellite was successfully launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. It is not only China’s first low-orbit broadband communications satellite with a communication capacity of 10Gbps, but also the world’s first low-orbit high-frequency millimeter wave satellite.

  On the day of the launch, Xu Ming, founder of Galaxy Aerospace (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., excitedly posted a set of pictures on Moments. The satellite in the picture was written with the words "Be a good company". Xu Ming said that "Be a good company" is the original intention of Galaxy Aerospace. A good company should not only show the power of technology, but also truly care about human nature and find the intersection of technology and humanities. "The successful launch of the first star means that the company has made a good start on this road."

  In fact, founding Galaxy Aerospace is the second time Xu Ming has started a business. Previously, he co-founded Cheetah Mobile with partners and drove the company to a successful listing.

  After his first successful start-up, Xu Ming has been looking forward to new challenges. In 2016, the State Council issued the "13th Five-Year" National Strategic Emerging Industry Development Plan and the "2016 China’s Aerospace" white paper, encouraging and guiding private capital to participate in aerospace scientific research and production, and vigorously developing commercial aerospace and satellite applications.

  The opportunity that Xu Ming had been waiting for for a long time finally came. In April 2018, Galaxy Aerospace, which had been brewing for a long time, was officially put into operation. In less than two years, it completed the whole process of low-orbit broadband communications satellite from design, research and development, launch to communication capability test, making Galaxy Aerospace one of the most valuable commercial aerospace enterprises in China.

  Cross-border talent structure solidifies the foundation for innovation

  A start-up company wants to build China’s first low-orbit broadband communications satellite with a communication capacity of 10Gbps from scratch, which seems like a "fantasy". However, Xu Ming is very confident. Because, unlike any traditional aerospace company, there are both Internet people and astronauts in the Galaxy Aerospace team, and this cross-border talent structure is Xu Ming’s confidence.

  In the past two years, talents from the traditional aerospace field have completely changed to a new way of working, and began to try the Internet-style "small steps" and "rapid iteration"; for talents who were previously engaged in Internet technology, this is equivalent to entering a new field, transforming obscure aerospace technology into "simple output" and giving it new vitality. Allowing different talents to look at the same problem from different angles is the inherent gene of Galaxy Aerospace’s successful innovation.

  Xu Ming said that the working mode of "small steps and fast iteration" of the Internet has allowed Galaxy Aerospace to carry out a large number of low-cost attempts in the development process of the first star, such as modular design, customized interface chips, industrial production and processing, etc., which has greatly reduced research and development costs and shortened the development cycle.

  As a start-up company, Galaxy Aerospace has been seeking opportunities for breakthroughs through innovative efforts since its inception. Especially at present, the Ku/Ka frequency band resources have become saturated, and with the increasing difficulty of frequency coordination, international commercial communications satellites are gradually developing into higher frequency bands. In this regard, Galaxy Aerospace has taken the lead and used the technically difficult Q/V/Ka frequency bands in the launch star. Since there is no technology and experience to learn from, this is undoubtedly a challenging journey.

  Q/V/Ka and other frequency bands, as the most suitable frequency bands for satellite communication services in the millimeter wave band, have wider bandwidth.

  "If the information transmitted by millimeter wave is understood as the traffic flow on the road, then using the bandwidth of frequency bands such as Q/V/Ka means that the car is faster, the road is wider, and the traffic flow is larger, which also means that we need more advanced road construction technology." Xu Ming said that in order to make more cars run on the road and build viaducts, it is a good solution to open the bridge and under the bridge at the same time. Therefore, in order to achieve the 10Gbps communication rate goal, Galaxy Aerospace has also built a "viaduct", that is, using the frequency band dual polarization technology implementation to double the communication rate.

  In addition, in order to improve system flexibility, Galaxy First Satellite also adopts multi-port amplifier (MPA) technology in the user transmission section, which can realize dynamic capacity allocation between multiple beams. This is also the first broadband Ka-band MPA on-orbit application in our country, and all components have been localized.

  Broadband satellite communication needs to be met urgently

  Nowadays, an era of commercial spaceflight is quietly approaching.

  At present, there are still about 80% of the world’s regions (including oceans and remote and underdeveloped areas, etc.) with nearly 50% of the population unable to access the Internet. On the one hand, these regions often have weak infrastructure, and large-scale construction of terrestrial network systems has a huge investment, and the input-output ratio is seriously unbalanced. Satellite communication will provide a low-cost solution for network coverage in these regions and populations. On the other hand, it is very difficult to connect sea areas, airspace and terrestrial networks, and space-based Internet is the only known solution. A representative data is that as of the end of 2018, our country had nearly 4,000 civil aviation aircraft, but because our country’s airborne communication business is still in its infancy, about 90% of them cannot achieve rear cabin network coverage.

  The huge Internet divide has put forward higher requirements for broadband satellite communication. It is predicted that the scale of China’s 5G industry will exceed 3 trillion yuan in 2025 and 6 trillion yuan in 2030, which is expected to drive the income of related industries on the scale of 10 trillion yuan. This means that in the future, 5G satellites will serve as an effective solution to complement the ground 5G network and create a 5G network that integrates heaven and earth.

  It is worth noting that, due to the wide range of satellite communication services and the absence of any impact from the earth’s surface geographical environment, satellite Internet, represented by low-orbit broadband satellite constellations, will not only become an important solution for achieving global satellite communication network coverage in the 5G and even 6G era, but also is expected to become an important trend and strategic commanding height for the integrated development of aerospace, communications, and Internet industries, providing new driving force for national and local economic development.

  Experts say that with the development of satellite communication technology, countries have upgraded satellite Internet construction to a national strategy in recent years, and attracted a number of aerospace and Internet Tech Giants. Take the United States as an example, SpaceX, Amazon and other companies have made arrangements. SpaceX took the lead in deploying giant constellations and has successfully launched 420 satellites, marking that the United States has entered a substantive construction stage in this field. In the current international environment, satellite Internet construction must be accelerated.

  Commercial aerospace ushers in huge industrial opportunities

  Today, Galaxy Aerospace’s pace of innovation is accelerating.

  "China’s aerospace start-up companies are actually very weak." Xu Ming said that only by breaking through hard core technology and being "reliable" in technology can we solve the fundamental problems that hinder the development of the company. "Because of this, we still insist on research and development during the epidemic, and have made progress in many key technologies."

  Xu Ming said that in the next step, the company will introduce Moore’s Law into the field of communications satellites through the digitalization of payloads, accelerate innovation, improve "on-board computing power", comprehensively accelerate the iteration of satellite technology, and promote the "seamless integration" of satellite networks and terrestrial 5G networks as soon as possible through the application level innovation of communications satellite systems.

  Xu Ming believes that with the overall progress of our country’s scientific and technological level and the gradual opening of policies and markets, huge business opportunities have emerged in many fields. "To some extent, aerospace may represent the future large-scale industrial system."

  The first star was the company’s first step, and Xu Ming is full of confidence in the future.

  "This is the era of commercial aerospace. In terms of market, China’s aerospace industry has an output value of 300 billion yuan; in terms of manufacturing, China has the world’s leading manufacturing capabilities. Take satellite production as an example. In the future, in the mass production of satellites, China’s high-quality skilled workers and the world’s leading manufacturing capabilities will show obvious advantages," Xu Ming said.

  In addition, the rapid development of China’s aerospace industry chain also provides strong support for commercial aerospace. "In the development and production process of the first satellite, many components are innovatively used industrial-grade or automotive-grade products, which can greatly reduce costs while achieving the same function." Xu Ming said, "In the future, Galaxy Aerospace will jointly explore new models of low-cost satellite component design and mass production with relevant domestic enterprises, and promote the gradual improvement of the entire ecological chain."

  "The inclusion of satellite Internet in the’new infrastructure ‘will undoubtedly further accelerate the development of the upstream and downstream of the entire industrial chain, which is of great significance for the construction of 5G network and the cultivation of digital space economy. Private commercial aerospace enterprises should give full play to their own advantages to help our country’s satellite Internet construction. It is foreseeable that with the further opening of our country’s aerospace industry policy, commercial aerospace is expected to usher in a new round of accelerated development." Xu Ming said. (Economic Daily · China Economic Network reporter, Wang Yichen)


[Xinhuanet Live Report] At 8: 20, the live broadcast personnel of Xinhuanet Tianjin Channel are in place.  [08:29]

[Xinhuanet Tianjin Channel]Everything is ready for the "2012 First International Anti-aging Life Science and Technology Industry Development Forum", and the atmosphere is warm.  [08:32]

[Xinhuanet Tianjin Channel] Leaders and guests attending this forum entered the venue one after another.  [08:34]

[Moderator]Dear leaders, distinguished guests, good morning! On this festive day, the signing ceremony of the cooperation project between Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Bioengineering Co., Ltd. and Sir Martin Evans, winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, will be held in this beautiful and peaceful Lingyun Hall. First of all, I would like to introduce the leaders who attended today’s signing awareness: Ms. Zhu Liping, member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Municipal Committee; Mr. Zhang Yuanlong, Deputy Director of Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress; Mr. Wei Jianguo, former Vice Minister of Commerce; Mr. Longchun Sun, former Vice Minister of Health; Mr. Lin Yanzhi, former executive vice chairman of Jilin Provincial Political Consultative Conference; Academician Wu Zuze of China Academy of Sciences; Mr. Li Guangwen, Party Secretary of Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce; Academician Hao Xishan, China Academy of Engineering; Mr. Feng Zhijiang, Director of Tianjin Airport Economic Zone Management Committee; Mr. Guo Jingping, deputy head of Tianjin Binhai New Area People’s Government; Mr. He Huiyu, former Director of Science and Education Department of state administration of traditional chinese medicine and Executive Director of Zhengda Medical Holdings; Mr. Liu Renfu, Deputy Director of the Preparatory Committee of China Anti-aging Association; Mr. Li Defu, Chairman of Yongtai Hung Hom Holding Group; Dr. Huang Jiaxue, Deputy Director of International Cell Therapy Association; Mr. Wang Yong, Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Bioengineering Co., Ltd.; Mr. Wang Xuejun, Vice President of Heze Bio; Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the distinguished guests for coming.  [09:00]

[Moderator]Next, I would like to introduce our protagonist Sir Martin Evans. Sir Martin Evans is the winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, the president of Cardiff University in England, and a world-renowned stem cell expert. The British Cell Therapy (CTL) Company, which he founded, is a biotechnology high-tech enterprise mainly engaged in stem cell research and clinical application. The company has the world-leading core technology in the fields of myocardial infarction, heart failure, knee meniscus repair, diabetes, skin ulcer and pulmonary fibrosis, and can provide highly differentiated cell products for clinic. Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Bioengineering Co., Ltd. is a bio-high-tech company specializing in biological resource conservation, stem cell and product research and development, beauty and anti-aging products, stem cell therapy, stem cell drug industrialization, biomedical testing and other businesses. The company undertakes the construction and operation of the National Stem Cell Engineering Product Industrialization Base, the National Stem Cell Engineering Technology Research Center and the National Cell Products Engineering Research Center, etc. It is the only listed company with stem cell industry as its main business in China stock market and the vice chairman of the National Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance. The company has successively undertaken a number of national 863, 973, national natural science foundation and other scientific research projects, and has a number of invention patents and utility model patents in the field of stem cells. After ten years of hard work, the company has become a leading enterprise in the field of stem cell industrialization in China. Sir Martin has a close relationship with Zhongyuan Concord. He has visited Zhongyuan Concord for many times and served as the chief technical consultant of Zhongyuan Concord Company.Years of cooperation have yielded fruitful results. Today, Zhongyuan Concord Co., Ltd. and CTL Co., Ltd. jointly signed a contract to set up a joint venture in Tianjin, China, and the combination of strength and strength will promote the industrial transformation of stem cell research achievements developed by Sir Martin for many years in China. Both sides will give full play to their respective advantages, provide us with advanced stem cell therapy technology, stem cell products and services, and make contributions to the health of the people in China. Now, first of all, please give the floor to Sir Martin Evans.  [09:05]

[Sir Martin Evans]Thank you very much. On behalf of CTL Company and Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Biotechnology Co., Ltd., I signed a contract for our cooperation project. I am very much looking forward to the beginning of our cooperation. Thank you.  [09:06]

[Moderator]Being able to cooperate with Nobel Prize winner Sir Martin, we believe that Mr. Li Defu, the chairman of Yongtai Hung Hom Group, as the leader of the stem cell industry in China, must be full of emotion and feelings at the moment. Next, let’s hear it for Chairman Li.  [09:08]

[Li Defu]Distinguished guests, good morning. It is a great honor for us to sign a cooperation contract with Sir Martin, the Nobel Prize winner in medicine. I hope that Sir Martin Evans can start from Britain to Europe with updated technology and better projects can be settled in Binhai New Area. Today, we signed a contract with Mr. Martin in our airport area. Thank you for your support and help.  [09:10]

[Moderator]Thank you, Mr. Li. Next, we invite Sir Martin and Mr. Wang Yong, the chairman of Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Biotechnology Co., Ltd., to sit at our signing desk. The signing ceremony of project cooperation is now officially started. Please sign the signing book and exchange texts. (Process omitted) [09:12]

[Moderator]Let’s witness this historic moment with warm applause, and ask our etiquette lady to present our champagne and raise a glass to celebrate! Today is a new beginning in the development history of Zhongyuan Xiehe Company, and also a new chapter in the development history of life and health industry in Tianjin, China. We sincerely wish the cooperation between the two parties. With the joint efforts of both parties and the strong support of friends from all walks of life and leaders of Tianjin governments at all levels, the project cooperation will be a complete success. The signing ceremony of the cooperation project ends here. Thank you to all the guests present, thank you to the leaders, thank you!  [09:18]

[Xinhuanet Tianjin Channel]The signing ceremony of project cooperation is over.  [09:19]

[Xinhuanet Tianjin Channel]At 9: 20, the opening ceremony of "2012 First International Anti-aging Life Science and Technology Industry Development Forum" was held.  [09:20]

[Moderator]Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, hello! Welcome to "2012 China Tianjin First International Forum on Anti-aging Technology and Industry Development". First of all, let’s give a warm applause to welcome the leaders and main guests! Next, let me introduce the leaders and guests attending today’s forum. Today, please welcome the leaders of Tianjin: [09:22]

[Moderator]Ms. Zhu Liping, member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Municipal Education Working Committee; Mr. Zhang Yuanlong, Deputy Director of Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress; Mr. Wei Jianguo, former Vice Minister of Commerce; Mr. Longchun Sun, former Vice Minister of Health; Mr. Lin Yanzhi, former executive vice chairman of Jilin Provincial Political Consultative Conference; Sir Martin John Evans, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 2007, president of Cardiff University, world-renowned stem cell biologist and professor of mammalian genetics; Academician Wu Zuze of China Academy of Sciences; Mr. Li Guangwen, Party Secretary of Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce; Academician Hao Xishan, China Academy of Engineering; Mr. Guo Jingping, deputy head of Tianjin Binhai New Area People’s Government; Mr. Feng Zhijiang, Director of Tianjin Airport Economic Zone Management Committee; Mr. He Huiyu, former Director of Science and Education Department of state administration of traditional chinese medicine and Executive Director of Zhengda Medical Holdings; Dr. Huang Jiaxue, Vice President of International Cell Therapy Association; Mr. Liu Renfu, Deputy Director of the Preparatory Committee of China Anti-aging Association; Mr. Li Defu, Chairman of Yongtai Hung Hom Holding Group; Mr. Wang Yong, Chairman of Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Bioengineering Co., Ltd.; Mr. Wang Xuejun, President of Heze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.; At the same time, the following guests from home and abroad attended the forum: Professor peking university health science center and Mr. Chen Liqi, executive vice president of China Medical Education Association; Professor Guan Youfei, Vice President of Peking University Institute of Basic Medical Sciences and Changjiang Scholar; Mr. Wu Mingyuan, MD, Secretary-General of the National Strategic Alliance for Technological Innovation of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Industry; Ms. Zhang Xiaomei, Vice President of the Beauty Chamber of Commerce of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce; Ms. Chen Li, former vice president and senior beauty expert of Procter & Gamble Group;Ms. Ye Jiajing, President of Beauty Chamber of Commerce of Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce; Ms. Tang Su Yang, founder of the Department of Skin Regenerative Medicine of the Armed Police General Hospital, head of the medical skin and hair regeneration group of the Regenerative Medicine Professional Committee of China Regenerative Medicine Biotechnology Association, and Mr. Jilin, director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Tianjin Airport Economic Zone Management Committee; Mr. Feng Dazheng, Secretary of Development and Reform Bureau, and other leaders and guests.  [09:25]

[Moderator]Today, leaders and guests took time out of their busy schedules to talk with you about the topic of international anti-aging technology and industrial development, which brought us brand-new knowledge and enlightenment. Let us once again express our heartfelt thanks to the leaders and guests for coming. Now I declare the opening ceremony of "2012 China Tianjin First International Anti-aging Technology and Industry Development Forum". First of all, Mr. Li Defu, Chairman of Yongtai Hung Hom Group, delivered a speech.  [09:28]

[Li Defu]Dear Secretary Li Ping, Minister Wei, Minister Sun, leaders, distinguished Sir Martin John Evans, Academician Hao Xishan, experts, distinguished guests and friends from the press, good morning. First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the organizer of this forum, to express my warmest welcome and heartfelt thanks to the leaders, experts, scholars and people from all walks of life who came to attend the meeting.  [09:32]

[Li Defu]At the same time, we would also like to thank the international cell therapy association, Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce and other organizers for their trust in hosting this event, and especially thank the competent departments at all levels in Tianjin and Binhai New Area for their strong support and guidance. Biotechnology is the most advanced biotechnology in the 21st century. With the popularization and application of new technologies, life science and technology has been widely used in the field of anti-aging. Pursuing the eternity of life has become an inexhaustible motive force to promote the rapid development of modern anti-aging industry. As a leading enterprise in the field of life science and technology in Tianjin and even the whole country, at the same time, it is also the only listed enterprise in China focusing on stem cell biotechnology. Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Bioengineering Co., Ltd. has always been committed to the research and industrial application of stem cell life science and technology, and actively promoted the development of anti-aging life science industry in China. At present, the systematic layout has been completed, forming seven business segments. We sincerely hope that there will be more opportunities like this in the future, fully communicate with people from all walks of life at home and abroad, strengthen cooperation, promote the transformation and application of science and technology, and jointly promote the healthy development of stem cell life science and technology industry and anti-aging cause. Finally, I wish the first international forum on anti-aging technology and industrial development a complete success. Thank you.  [09:35]

[Moderator]Thank you, Mr. Li, for your speech. Let’s give a round of applause to Dr. Huang Jiaxue, Vice President of the International Cell Therapy Association.  [09:37]

[Huang Jiaxue]Dear Sir Martin Evans, Dear Secretary Zhu Liping, Director Zhang Yuanlong, Secretary Longchun Sun, Academician Wu Zuze, Academician Hao Weishan, leaders, experts and friends from the media, good morning. After the intense and meticulous work of the International Cell Therapy Association and colleagues, we have welcomed distinguished guests in this vibrant coastal city in this harvest season to witness this grand event in the international anti-aging field. On behalf of the International Cell Therapy Association, the organizer of the conference, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.  [09:39]

[Huang Jiaxue]Headquartered in the United States, the International Cell Therapy Association is a non-profit professional association. Founded in 1992, the association has North American chapters, European chapters and Asian chapters, and has regular institutions such as industry and investment professional committees, industrial policy committees, product standards committees and academic committees. The International Cell Therapy Association is committed to promoting the basic theoretical research, product industrialization and technical standardization of innovative technologies with stem cell therapy, immune cell therapy and tissue engineering as the core. The International Cell Therapy Association is an industry organization composed of scientists, entrepreneurs and government regulators. Through academic discussion, the mechanism of cell therapy can be deepened, the product quality and standards of the whole industry can be improved through the popularization of production technology, and the development of innovative technologies and industries can be cared for through the direct exchange of policies and regulations between government agencies and scientists in various countries. The International Cell Therapy Association has always attached great importance to the work in Asia where China is an important member. Here, pluripotent stem cell technology has emerged, with the largest and most diverse stem cell resource bank in the world. In 2013, we will set up discipline branches and professional committees to hold regional annual meetings.  [09:41]

[Huang Jiaxue]Due to the development of gene detection technology, the field of anti-aging is increasingly showing personalized characteristics based on different individuals and from different mechanisms. Academia has always believed that aging is a natural process that cannot be intervened. Now we know that different individuals cause and participate in aging through different mechanisms. The aging process can be intervened and delayed, and anti-aging products begin to appear in the form of drugs. Stem cells and immune cells are being discovered and recognized in the field of anti-aging because of their activation of body components and the removal and replacement of aging tissues. Stem cell anti-aging and personal care products have been developed and manufactured, which has become a new field of international cell products application. As always, the International Cell Therapy Association will cooperate with scientists, entrepreneurs and government management agencies in this field, adhere to the scientific theory of basic research in product development, explore the forms of rich stem cell anti-aging products, and improve people’s quality of life by promoting the application of innovative products and technologies. Today, in this forum, we will share the research results of many internationally influential experts, understand the development trend of the discipline and get in touch with the latest beauty anti-aging products. I am convinced that your participation will make more people’s lives healthier and more beautiful. Finally, I wish this conference a complete success.  [09:42]

[Moderator]Thank you Dr. Huang for his wonderful speech. Next, please welcome Mr. Longchun Sun, former Vice Minister of Health.  [09:43]

[Longchun Sun]Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I am very happy to participate in this international summit forum on the development of anti-aging industry. With the rapid development of China’s economy and the great progress of people’s living standards in the past 30 years, China’s population structure has changed significantly, and people’s pursuit of health has shown more diversified characteristics. Aging is the root of frequently-occurring and common diseases. Therefore, anti-aging medicine faces not only middle-aged and elderly people, but also all adults. Anti-aging scientific research is not limited to geriatric medical care, but the process of delaying aging, which is an important scientific field related to the health of the whole people. China’s anti-aging products with independent property rights are relatively scarce, so we need all of us to make joint efforts, take Scientific Outlook on Development as the guide, introduce and absorb international advanced theories and technologies, and create anti-aging products with China characteristics and adapt to China’s national conditions for the benefit of the people. This international forum has a high academic level. I hope all experts can fully exchange ideas and suggestions for China’s anti-aging field and make our due contribution to China’s health cause. Finally, I wish this forum a complete success. Thank you.  [09:45]

[Moderator]Thank you, Minister Sun for your speech. Finally, please welcome Secretary Zhu Liping, member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, to make a speech.  [09:45]

[Zhu Liping]Dear Sir Martin Evans, Dear Vice Minister Wei Jianguo, Academician Wu Zuze, Academician Hao Xishan, Comrades and friends, in this beautiful season of golden autumn harvest, the 2012 International Anti-aging Technology and Industry Development Forum was grandly opened in Tianjin. Experts and scholars from home and abroad gather in Tianjin to jointly study the development achievements and future trends in the field of anti-aging, which is of great significance for the development of life science, improving the quality of life of the people and promoting social harmony and stability. On behalf of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, I would like to express my warm congratulations on the convening of the meeting.  [09:47]

[Zhu Liping]Anti-aging life science and technology industry is a new industry. At present, the research on anti-aging has become a hot issue in the field of scientific research in the world, and it is also an important field where scientific and technological innovations are constantly emerging. In particular, many remarkable achievements have been made in the prevention and intervention of human aging mechanism, which has produced good economic benefits. According to the report of the World Health Organization, due to the introduction of anti-aging products, the mortality rate has dropped by 35%. Especially in recent years, new products from various disciplines have been continuously applied in the field of anti-aging, and the emergence of cutting-edge biotechnology in the 21st century, represented by stem cells, has injected new vitality into the development of human anti-aging cause. Tianjin is the largest coastal open city and economic center in the north of China. In recent years, China has conscientiously implemented the national development strategy, accelerated the development and opening up of Binhai New Area, accelerated the transformation of economic development mode, accelerated the development of medical and health care and other social undertakings and improved people’s livelihood. While striving to achieve sound and rapid economic development, people’s quality of life has been significantly improved. In 2011, the average life expectancy of the city reached 81.46 years, and the number of elderly people over 60 exceeded 1.764 million. The anti-aging industry has a broad development space in Tianjin. We will take this meeting as an opportunity to learn from advanced experience, improve policies and measures, strengthen and cultivate biomedical industry, support the development of anti-aging life science and technology industry, and better safeguard people’s health and life safety. During this forum, experts and scholars will summarize their achievements around the development of anti-aging life science and technology industry.Exchange experiences, seek common cooperation and strengthen the interaction between scientific research and industry. Promote the healthy, sustained and rapid development of the anti-aging industry. At the same time, I also hope that the experts and scholars attending the meeting will take a look in Tianjin, further strengthen their understanding of Tianjin, enhance exchanges and cooperation with their counterparts in Tianjin, and give more valuable opinions and suggestions on the development of Tianjin. Finally, I wish this forum a complete success, and I wish all experts and scholars good health and smooth work. Thank you.  [09:50]

[Moderator]Thank you, Secretary Zhu for your wonderful speech. The opening ceremony of "2012 First International Anti-aging Life Science and Technology Industry Development Forum" ended. The forum entered the stage of thematic report.  [09:51]

[Xinhuanet Live Report]This is the end of the live broadcast of "2012 First International Forum on Anti-aging Life Science and Technology Industry Development". Thank you for your attention!  [09:55]

360 new streaming media rearview mirror opens the era of intelligent driving for the whole people

  On May 8, 360 mobile phone N series and 360 smart new product launch conference was held in Beijing. At the press conference, Deng Qiuwei, president of 360 Intelligent, presented the new product "360 intelligent cloud Mirror S800" with the driving recorder.

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  In the era of great security, smart cars deepen the 360IoT ecology.

  In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet of Things, everything related to human production and life is closely connected with the Internet, giving birth to wearable devices, smart homes, car networking and so on.

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  As an Internet company known for its "security", 360 has gradually expanded its development direction from online network security to the big security category of offline life scenes in recent years.

  Previously, in the 360 smart cameras introduced by 360, the artificial intelligence algorithm combined with image deep learning technology can accurately identify human-shaped changes, prompt users of dangerous situations in time, and ensure the personal and property safety of users.

  The 360 sweeping robot released at the end of 2017 is implanted with driverless technology to help housewives and urban white-collar workers free themselves from busy household cleaning work. The above-mentioned 360 smart products all implement artificial intelligence technology into the physical products and specific businesses, and constantly strengthen and expand the IoT ecological layout of 360.

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  Fundamentally solve the problems of blind spots in driving rear view and hidden dangers in manual control equipment, which is also a brand-new practice and exploration of IoT ecological layout in 360 under the background of great security trend.

  Streaming media rearview mirror, 360 driving recorder adds power.

  At the new product launch conference, the 360 intelligent cloud Mirror S800 attracted participants’ attention with its 8.8-inch high-definition screen and simple and atmospheric design appearance.

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  At the same time, it is equipped with HDR wide dynamic range imaging technology, intelligent voice interactive system with 100,000 deep learning trainings, ADAS advanced driver assistance with visual ability and 360 OS for Car operating system independently developed by 360, which further aroused the participants’ attention and hot discussion on the 360 intelligent cloud Mirror S800.

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  According to the report "2017 China Intelligent Driving Recorder Market Special Analysis" released by Analysys, from the second quarter of 2016 to the second quarter of 2017, 360 Driving Recorder occupied the leading position in the industry with its excellent user reputation and brand effect. In the whole year of 2017, the shipment of 360 driving recorders exceeded 2 million units, and the cumulative sales since 2015 has exceeded 6 million units.

  With the advent of the 360 intelligent cloud Mirror S800, the composition of 360 smart products has become richer and richer, and it can meet the needs of more users in different life scenarios. The development of 360 in the driving recorder industry will also open up a new runway under the leadership of new products.

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New quality productivity in China, talent+computing power+big model … Beijing builds the highland of artificial intelligence industry.

  In the just-concluded two sessions of the National People’s Congress, new quality productivity has become a hot word of concern to everyone. So what exactly is new quality productivity?

  Generally speaking, the new quality productivity is an advanced productivity that innovation plays a leading role, gets rid of the traditional economic growth mode and productivity development path, has the characteristics of high technology, high efficiency and high quality, and conforms to the new development concept. The characteristic is innovation, the key is high quality, and the essence is advanced productivity.

  Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new quality productivity. What is the ecology and development path of China’s new quality productivity at present? How to make the new quality productivity develop vigorously according to local conditions? Let’s see how the six science and technology innovation centers distributed in China’s east, west, north and south gather innovation resources, build service platforms, and break through industrial barriers, and become the source and incubator of new quality productivity in China.

  The layout of China’s "3+3" Science and Technology Innovation Center has basically taken shape.

  Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed: promoting the construction of international and regional science and technology innovation centers as a whole.

  How to understand the science and technology innovation center? To sum up, it is a city or urban agglomeration that occupies a leading and dominant position in scientific research, technological development and industrial innovation in the world or within a certain country. Their innovative resources are intensive and their innovative achievements are rich. Scientific and technological elements can play a key role in strategic emerging industries or future industrial development, and they are the integration of scientific centers, technological centers and industrial centers.

  From 2016 to 2022, the state has successively approved the construction plans of six science and technology innovation centers, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Chengdu-Chongqing, Wuhan and Xi ‘an. Up to now, the overall layout of China’s "3+3" science and technology innovation centers has basically taken shape, and the space has been fully deployed from the developed eastern regions to the central and western regions. The construction of three international science and technology innovation centers in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and three nationally influential science and technology innovation centers in Chengdu, Chongqing, Wuhan and Xi ‘an is progressing steadily.

  Beijing: Building the Highland of Artificial Intelligence Industry

  Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center has many national laboratories, national scientific research institutions, high-level research universities and leading scientific and technological enterprises, ranking first in the country in terms of R&D investment and scientific and technological innovation achievements in quantity and quality. It has continuously produced international leading achievements in the fields of brain science research, quantum technology and artificial intelligence model development, and won some major international awards in theoretical physics, life sciences and mathematics. At present, in Beijing, the construction of three new national laboratories, Zhongguancun, Changping and Huairou, is accelerating.

  This is Beijing, and an international science and technology innovation center is being built. The artificial intelligence industry is one of the leading industries in Beijing. In 2023, the core output value of Beijing’s artificial intelligence industry is expected to exceed 250 billion yuan, and the scale of radiation output value will exceed one trillion yuan, making it a leader in the development of artificial intelligence in China. Beijing has six national key laboratories in the field of artificial intelligence, and three national engineering research centers in video and visual technology, deep learning technology and application, forming a high-level scientific research base integrating basic research, personnel training and high-level academic exchanges. The number of artificial intelligence-related enterprises in Beijing is about 2,200, and 40% of the artificial intelligence enterprises in China gather here. In 2023, the total amount of financing in the field of artificial intelligence was about 22.3 billion yuan, accounting for about a quarter of the country.

  Visiting large model research institutions and entering Beijing Zhiyuan Research Institute

  From ChatGPT, a big language model that became popular in the field of artificial intelligence in 2022, to Sora, a big video generation model that appeared at the beginning of this year, "big model" has undoubtedly become a hot word in the current technology industry. How is Beijing’s research and development work in the field of large models progressing? In 2018, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology and Beijing Municipality, Beijing Zhiyuan Artificial Intelligence Research Institute was established as a new research institution jointly established by several superior units in the field of artificial intelligence in Beijing. What achievements have they made in recent years, what projects are they studying, and what are their plans for the future?

  In a laboratory, researchers are using large model technology to concentrate multimodal tasks such as semantic analysis, visual recognition and motion capture on a robot dog platform for testing and training. In another laboratory, researchers use large models to train and generate pictures and videos.

  Wang Xinlong, a researcher at Beijing Zhiyuan Research Institute:Multi-modal big model is to hope that it can be exposed to various modes like us, and at the same time, it can create new texts, new images, new videos and audio.

  From ChatGPT, a big language model that became popular in the field of artificial intelligence in 2022, to Sora, a big video generation model that appeared at the beginning of this year, "big model" has undoubtedly become a hot word in the technology industry. The origin of this technological innovation comes from a paper called BERT published by Google in 2018. BERT model has set 11 records for natural language processing. It can learn from massive unlabeled data of multiple tasks and perform various language tasks such as knowledge answering, context filling, text understanding, etc. This technology has opened a new artificial intelligence paradigm and brought brand-new inspiration to the founding team of Beijing Zhiyuan Research Institute, which was just established at that time.

  After careful analysis and preparation, in October 2020, Zhiyuan Research Institute identified the research direction as a new opportunity for artificial intelligence-big model, and soon gathered 100 top scientific research forces composed mainly of professors, doctors and graduate students from various disciplines. It took only five months to train and release the first big model of Chinese language in China, named "Enlightenment". In the following three months, Enlightenment 2.0 was released with 1.75 trillion parameters, which was the largest artificial intelligence model in the world at that time.

  At the same time that Zhiyuan Research Institute invested in large-scale model research, OpenAI of the United States released a large-scale model ChatGPT with larger parameters. In a larger-scale training, the large-scale model showed a more powerful emergence of intelligence, which further confirmed the arrival of a new intelligent era. As a new R&D institution, Beijing Zhiyuan Research Institute, with its early layout and early investment, has enabled China to rapidly iterate in the era of large models and accumulated a large number of technical and industrial talents. In 2021, they began to take the lead in the research and development of a new generation of artificial intelligence, aiming to build an open and open artificial intelligence model system.

  Huang Tiejun, Chairman of Beijing Zhiyuan Research Institute:Our new mission is whether we, as an institution, can provide an open-source technology system for the development of this industry and bring everyone’s innovative power into play under such a rapid development state. This system is that all codes are completely open, and our mission is to promote the development of this field.

  How is the new R&D institution new? Visiting Beijing Tongyan Institute

  Up to now, seven or eight large model industry transformation projects have been developed from the early team of Zhiyuan Institute, and related companies have been established, and the project transformation has been initially completed.

  The exploration of cutting-edge technology is uncertain, and the explosion of large-scale model is also an accident in technical iteration. In order to stay in the first echelon of global artificial intelligence research, Beijing gives full play to the advantages of scientific research resources and talents, and actively arranges new R&D institutions in the field of artificial intelligence around different paths such as large model, general agent and scientific intelligence. So how new are the new R&D institutions in this field? What is being developed now?

  Walking into Beijing Institute of General Intelligence is like walking into an artificial intelligence training base. They are building a general agent that is "value driven" rather than "data driven". Its name is "Tongtong", which can exist in the virtual world or be combined with robots to give them the ability to judge value. In the background, we can adjust the value dimension of "Tongtong", for example, let her be a clean child.

  Chen Hao, Deputy Director of Advanced Technology Center of Beijing General Institute of Artificial Intelligence:It can learn some new knowledge and value incrementally through multi-modal interaction, through its own exploration and interaction between people, so its difficulty first needs to have very strong abilities of vision, language, understanding, reasoning, induction and summary. On the basis of these abilities, it is possible for her to develop a higher level of real-time online learning ability.

  Although the large-scale model technology can emerge intelligence, it also consumes a huge amount of computing power. The technical team of the Institute hopes to explore a general agent driven by value, which can consume as little computing power as possible and realize intelligence.

  The technical route is unique, and the form of scientific research organization is also explored across borders. This is a robot named "very happy". To achieve such a technical effect, the team has crossed the boundaries of multimedia, machine learning, psychology and other disciplines.

  Director, Frontier Research Center, Beijing General Institute of Artificial Intelligence a surnamesongrandRobot includes cognition, reasoning, and then psychology, etc., which is a very cross-disciplinary talent. Then our entire research center has seven laboratories, including computer vision, natural language robots, etc., which is a very complex talent training system.

  In 2023, Beijing, the top scientific and technological innovation cluster in the world, ranked fourth.

  The foundation of innovation is talent. The data shows that there are more than 40,000 core technical talents in the field of artificial intelligence in Beijing, accounting for 60% of the country. A total of nine universities in Beijing have set up artificial intelligence colleges or research institutes, accounting for 20% of the country. Beijing is building a highland of artificial intelligence industry and plans to form a complete industrial ecology.

  From two perspectives, in terms of computing power, Beijing has deployed more than 10,000 P of intelligent computing power, effectively supporting the iteration of large-scale model development. You may not have a concept of this. Experts told us that the computing power of 1000P is equivalent to 500,000 PC computers. For example, for the data exploration of 200,000 stars, it would take an experienced scientist 169 days to complete it in the traditional way, but now it only takes 10.02 seconds.

  In terms of data, the first batch of "Chinese Internet Corpus" will be opened to build the first national data basic system pioneer area in China.

  In addition, in the Global Innovation Index 2023 released by the World Intellectual Property Organization, Beijing ranks fourth in the world in the ranking of the world’s top scientific and technological innovation clusters. In this ranking system, the concept of science and technology cluster is interpreted as "science and technology hub", which refers to the region with the largest number of inventors and scientific authors in the world. It can be said that the strength of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center can also be felt from this ranking.

  Expert analysis: What are the advantages and characteristics of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center?

  The Regulations on the Construction of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center came into effect in March.

  On March 1 this year, the Regulations on the Construction of Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center came into effect, which clarified the leadership system for the construction of international science and technology innovation centers, gave full play to the advantages of Beijing’s science and technology resources, and formed a strong joint effort. Clarify the strategic planning and construction layout of the international science and technology innovation center, and provide important guidance for future construction and development. We also look forward to Beijing International Science and Technology Innovation Center contributing more innovative R&D achievements to China and the world.

"Digital Baby" 20th Anniversary Carnival ended, and fans recalled their childhood with tears.

1905 movie network news On October 24th, the high-profile works commemorating the 20th anniversary of digital baby held a 20th anniversary carnival to watch movies. More than 1,000 fans from 11 cities across the country went to this 20-year-old adventure together, and personally expressed that "I will always love digital baby" was never just a talk!

Since the official announcement, the 20th Anniversary Carnival has received strong support from fans, and everyone has actively participated in the collection of registration, just to watch this sentimental work in the cinema for the first time. This enthusiasm extended from online to offline. As soon as the fans arrived at the event site, it was hard to hide their excitement. They took photos with the carefully set humanoid signboard and classic line KT board to record this reunion after 20 years.

As the 20th anniversary work of Digital Baby, Digital Baby: The Last Evolution invited the team that created the first generation of Digital Baby to make it personally, just to spare no effort to bring everyone back to the summer of 1999.

Therefore, the scene of the 20th anniversary carnival activities also followed this, and a message board was set up for the fans who came to watch the movie. Every "children" who grew up with digital baby can speak freely here, arouse their deep feelings and love, and meet their childhood selves again.

After the screening of the film, the greeting ID of seiyuu Natsuki Hanae, who voiced Yagami Taichi in the film, and seiyuu Chika Sakamoto, who voiced Yagu beast, were immediately played on the big screen. Later, there was a surprise VCR recorded by the film’s director Taniguchi for China’s chosen children, telling the psychological process of making this 20th anniversary work. I hope everyone can feel their respect for the previous work in this film and enjoy this work.

What pushed the atmosphere to the climax was the chorus of "Butter-fly". When the classic prelude sounded, every fan present couldn’t help blushing. When all the children in the audience sang "May we always embrace infinite dreams and cross the ruthless world", this adventure journey that was reopened after 20 years finally came to a satisfactory end.

"Digital Baby: The Last Evolution" mainly tells the story that Yagami Taichi and Ishida Yamato, the first protagonists of the digital baby series, have grown into 22-year-old adults accompanied by their respective digital babies, but their quiet lives have been broken by frequent coma incidents of "called children" around the world. In order to keep the world from falling into crisis, the first generation of grown-up protagonists and digital baby have started the "last evolution", and this 20-year adventure will come to an end.

Previously, the introduction and booking of this work have received great attention, frequently occupying the high position of hot search. Once the pre-sale was opened last week, fans and friends who had been waiting for a long time bought movie tickets early, which was enough to see the strong appeal of the film. After the carnival, fans expressed their true feelings for the film.

The 20th anniversary work "Digital Baby: The Last Evolution" will be released nationwide on October 30th, and the pre-sale of the film is now open.

1℃→22℃! Warm and humid air carries rain, so pay attention when you go out on Monday. ……

The weather in Zhejiang is good for two days on weekends.

All kinds of flowers are in bloom.

Travel to enjoy flowers and wash clothes to dry.

Everything can be arranged ~

But the sun shines

The temperature at 11 o’clock will reach above 10℃ in the whole province.

The cold and rainy weather some time ago

It’s completely over.

Temperature difference between morning and evening increases

Friends can use "onion dressing method"

Beware of catching a cold


The temperature rose steadily and reached its peak this day!

But the good weather only lasts until ……

Because Yu Yujun is going to work with us on Monday, it turned to rain in western Zhejiang this evening and spread to the whole province in the middle of the night. On Monday (11th), the whole province will be soaked in rain during the day. Remember to wear rain gear on Monday and go out early in the morning.

The rain will rest temporarily on the 12th-13th, and the temperature in some areas of our province will be above 20℃ on the 12th! The pace of spring is getting closer and closer, the weather changes are more unpredictable, and the rain will come to stay on the 14th to 17th. Friends cherish the sunshine these days.

Zhejiang weather forecast

Today: the western part of Zhejiang is cloudy, and there are showers in the cloudy part in the evening; Other areas are sunny to cloudy, and there are showers in the cloudy part after midnight.

Tomorrow: There will be light rain and some moderate rain in the whole province.

The lowest temperature this morning:

Northern Zhejiang: 1-3 degrees, with frost;

Other areas: 4-6 degrees.

Maximum temperature during the day today:

Coastal areas: 13-15 degrees;

Other areas: 16-18 degrees.

Warm and humid airflow entrains rainwater.

Be careful when you go out next Monday ……

Specific to the weather in Hangzhou, warm and humid air flows have quietly joined the battle. Under the influence of high-level wet areas, there are more clouds over Hangzhou, and the weather will be slightly cooler than yesterday.

March is also the season for the expansion and development of warm and humid air currents.

Although Hangzhou has not yet entered the meteorological spring, don’t worry, spring will always come, and maybe you will hear good news next Monday.

And you see, the charm of spring has gradually emerged, and the next weather process will focus on "short, flat and fast". Warm and humid air currents will bring rain in and out in a hurry, and frequently "send spring waves in secret" to the south of China, and the weather will also quietly bid farewell to winter under the constant attack of warm and humid air currents.

It is expected that there will be a light rain from tonight to tomorrow morning. Although the rainfall duration is not long and the rainfall is not large, it may collide with Monday morning peak.

Monday+morning rush hour+rainy day, friends who have a long commute may have to shake their heads again. Please continue to pay attention to the weather changes and get ready to go out early.

On the afternoon of the 11th, the weather will gradually improve, and it will be sunny again in the afternoon, and the temperature will obviously rise, reaching above 20℃ on the 12th. The next 13-14 days will be dominated by fine weather, and there will be a short shower around the 15th.

Generally speaking, the next week will be sunny and rainy, and the temperature will rise, which is conducive to spring ploughing, spring sowing and spring vegetable picking.

Hangzhou weather forecast

10th (Sunday): cloudy during the day, cloudy with light rain at night, 4 ~ 16℃, easterly wind 3 ~ 4;

11th (Monday): It was cloudy with light rain in the morning, and it stopped raining in the afternoon, with 8 ~ 14℃ and southerly winds of 3 ~ 4;

12th (Tuesday): sunny to cloudy, 7 ~ 21℃, northerly winds 3 ~ 4 and gusts 5;

13th (Wednesday): cloudy, 6 ~ 17℃, easterly wind 3 ~ 4;

14th (Thursday): cloudy to cloudy, 8 ~ 16℃, with a level 3 easterly wind;

15th (Friday): Cloudy to cloudy with occasional showers, 8 ~ 18℃, easterly winds of 3 ~ 4.

Hangzhou Meteorological Observatory released at 11: 00 on March 9.

It is said that "the face of a child in March" changes when it changes. In fact, a major feature of the weather in March is that the pace of weather change has obviously accelerated. After entering the spring in the meteorological sense, the characteristics will be more distinct.

Mao Yanjun, a senior engineer at Zhejiang Climate Center, said that spring is the transitional season between winter and summer. Especially in early spring, winter has just passed, and the cold air force is still very strong, and it erupts southward every few days. In spring, the influence of warm air in the south is increasing day by day. As long as the cold air is slightly weakened, warm air will take advantage of it and the weather will get warmer. This frequent intersection of cold and warm air often makes the weather show the characteristics of hot and cold, rainy and sunny.

The changeable weather is often easy to cause colds. In this season, everyone should add or subtract clothes according to the weather forecast in time.

Original title: "1 C → 22 C! Warm and humid air carries rain, so pay attention when you go out on Monday … "

Read the original text

Aauto Quicker Fashion Annual Festival ended 23 years ago, and the number of creators wearing content increased by 65% year on year.

On the evening of January 23rd, the annual Aauto Quicker Fashion Festival came to a successful conclusion next to Fuxian Lake in Yuxi, Yunnan. With the theme of "Flowers in Flowers", the event invited high-quality creators from Aauto Quicker in many fields, such as face value, music, dance, campus, fashion, beauty, parent-child and so on, to gather in the south of Caiyun to review the growth process of fashion in 2023, and to create a youth entertainment and fashion party belonging to Aauto Quicker Laotie, so that ordinary people can define fashion and let every fashion and beauty be seen.

Fashion, dance, beauty, music, facial features, parents and children, and campus dignitaries gathered together.

Multi-domain creators walk together to see every kind of beauty.

Advocated by Aauto Quicker’s values of equality, inclusiveness, truth and goodness, Aauto Quicker’s trendy videos have both a shining pace in the spotlight and an ordinary and simple fashion attitude. This year’s annual fashion festival will turn the traditional red carpet catwalk into a unique "beautifully dressed conference".

Fashion daren fashion grandma Tuan

Colorful flowers make up a beautiful "road of flowers". In addition to @ Shida Beauty, @ Xu Shan, @ Fashion Grandma Group and other head creators, they stepped onto the "busy road" catwalk, and @ Wu Xiaobei, @ 160kg Liuqi and other chubby girls and plus-size girls with little experience on the runway also boldly dressed up their own images and stepped out of different "flowers and flowers".

Beauty cosmetics daren Pangayu

In addition to Aauto Quicker’s fashion, beauty, and parent-child fields, @ Sang Na _, @ Wheat Color _, @ Su Xiaoxiao M, @ Uncle Sanpin, @ Liu Xuekun, and others who represent Aauto Quicker’s youth entertainment, are also well-versed, showing the "fashion" and "beauty" belonging to every ordinary Aauto Quicker.

Musicians @ Uncle Sanpin, @ Liu Xuekun

Aauto Quicker Annual Awards Promulgated to Show the Achievements of High-quality Creators

As an important part of this grand ceremony, the promulgation of "Aauto Quicker Award of the Year" can also be described as "letting a hundred flowers blossom". In addition to various wonderful performances such as singing, dancing and musical instruments, outstanding creators from different fields shared their creative experiences in 2023 on the stage, and more than 50 high-quality creators won 16 annual awards for Aauto Quicker Fashion.

Among the media organizations, China International Fashion Week, Fashion Media Group, Ruili Clothing Beauty, Watermelon Beauty, Front Teeth Video, Dayu, Meida Culture, Chengyi Media and other organizations won the "Partner of the Year" award, while other teams won the "Outstanding Beauty Brand of the Year" award, and @ Moshamaner won the "Popular Brand of the Year" award.

Personally, among them, @ 丞京京京京 won the "Fashion Pioneer of the Year" award; @ Lu Xianren won the "Fashion Person of the Year"; @ Xu Shan won the "Most Influential Fashion Person of the Year" award; @ Fashion Grandma Group won the "Silver Age Fashion Award of the Year" award; In the field of youth entertainment, @ Steel Bar Crab won the "Pink Saxophone Full Star" award; @ Xiao Li and @ Datousi won the "Campus Red Man Award of the Year" award; Five high-quality creators, such as @ Su Xiaoxiao and @ Wheat Skin, won the annual influence award; @ Beauty is not the same. Qi Nv, @ Wei Pin Gou ~ Da Mei Li, @ Tu Tu Mama, @ Bin Ge, @ Skin Future, @ Angela and @ Maiteyou won the "Breakthrough Award of the Year".

The content of dozens of award-winning high-quality creators is just like the theme of this grand ceremony, which is colorful and varied, including professional fashion sharing and humorous parent-child interaction; There are both the frozen goddess group and the dream-chasing uncle. It has truly influenced and promoted the aesthetic concepts of more users from the show to the field in a more grounded form.

Wu Rina (left), head of Aauto Quicker Trend Life Content Center, presented awards to the winners.

In an interview with the media, Wu Rina, the director of Aauto Quicker Trend Life Content Center, pointed out that the creator who won the annual honor not only grew up with Aauto Quicker, but also had his own unique characteristics, which recorded the real life of ordinary people, and was therefore deeply loved by the old irons. Aauto Quicker is willing to embrace those creators who are not limited by age and geographical factors and have their own characteristics. In the future, it will continue to pay attention to creators with Aauto Quicker community characteristics, create a more perfect service system for creators, and launch more activities with Aauto Quicker community mentality to help creators grow and develop better in Aauto Quicker.

In 2023, the search volume of "military coats" increased by 768% year-on-year

At this fashion festival, Aauto Quicker released the 2023 Aauto Quicker Fashion Beauty White Paper. According to the white paper, in 2023, there were more than 500,000 creators under the category of fashion+beauty in Aauto Quicker, among which the number of fashion wear content creators increased by 65% year-on-year, and the number of e-commerce live broadcasts broke through 10 million was as high as 800+; "Body tolerance, the rise of national tide, nostalgic fashion, durability and charm explosion" have become the five major trends of fashion wear in Aauto Quicker in 2023. Among them, the search volume of "plus size girl" increased by 79% year-on-year. Aauto Quicker creators and users bravely refused anxiety and became "girls who are not defined by size" and found that "self-confidence is beauty"; The search volume of "new Chinese style" increased by 142% year-on-year, and the search volume of "domestic products" increased by 138% year-on-year. Through the integration and innovation of tradition and modernity, Aauto Quicker creators planted flowers and made domestic products. The search volume of "military coat" increased by 76.8% year-on-year, and more classics and fireworks were presented on the platform of Aauto Quicker. The classic sense of the era such as military coat and northeast big flower was once again popular, redefining fashion; The search volume of "cost-effectiveness" increased by 88% and the search volume of "contrast" increased by 246% year-on-year, which means that the content creation in the field of fashion and beauty in Aauto Quicker has become more "rolled", not only rolling techniques and skills, but also rolling creativity, focusing on contrast, variety and high cost-effectiveness.

2024 traffic realization policy continues to escort outstanding creators.

"Thanks to each other’s two-way trip this year, we have this splendid gathering." Zhang Lanlan, the head of Aauto Quicker Author’s Business and Liquidation Center, said at the ceremony that Aauto Quicker Fashion has always been committed to let every ordinary person use his own voice to interpret diverse fashion concepts and see the beauty of fashion in different fields and different possibilities.

Zhang Lanlan also focused on commercial realization in 2024. She believes that Aauto Quicker Fashion’s first service user is Aauto Quicker Laotie, and at the same time, it will tilt more resources to the authors who are willing to take the initiative to operate in Aauto Quicker, encourage creators to interact more and create better original content, and Aauto Quicker will continue to provide rich and sustainable ways for high-quality creators to realize their cash.

Yin Chao, the head of Aauto Quicker Youth Entertainment Business, shared the status and prospect of youth entertainment business from three aspects: content ecology, creators and activities. According to him, at present, the youth entertainment business covering dance, music, face value and campus has 3 million+creators, of which 50% are young creators aged 18-30, with a daily publishing volume of 2 million+and an average daily consumption of more than 15 billion, which has become the backbone of Aauto Quicker’s creative ecology, and also reflects the positive yearning of the old iron people for a better life. In terms of activities, Aauto Quicker Youth Entertainment launched a number of special IP activities in 2023, such as Aauto Quicker Country Super Bowl, Campus Short Video Creation Competition, and Dialect Mai Ba Competition, which provided more stages for Aauto Quicker creators to show themselves.

Looking forward to 2024, Yin Chao mentioned that the existing rights and interests will be focused and integrated, and a more targeted and greater creator support plan will be carried out for key content tracks such as campuses, regional cities and featured content, providing creators with tens of billions of flows and recording Lao Tie’s most real interest content with the creators.

The presiding judge talks about the Beijing case in the work report of the Supreme Court.

Our reporter Feng Li reports from Beijing.

On the afternoon of March 7, the first session of the 14th National People’s Congress held its second plenary session in the Great Hall of the People, and Zhou Qiang, President of the Supreme People’s Court made a report on the Supreme People’s Court’s work to the General Assembly.

According to the reporter of China Business News, the report mentioned seven cases tried by the Beijing court, namely, the trademark right case of Wuchang Rice, the high-speed rail monopoly case, the pirated World Cup case, the bankruptcy reorganization case of Founder and Ziguang Group of Peking University, the case of collecting user information privately by social software, and the case of infringement of personality rights by AI companion software.

On the eve of the World Cup finals, the court ruled in time to stop the live broadcast of illegal matches.

The reporter of China Business News noted that the report mentioned that the healthy development of digital economy should be promoted according to law. The courts in Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai banned the piracy of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the World Cup in time to promote the optimization of the digital culture market environment.

On the eve of the final in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in 2022, an online company filed an application for behavior preservation, claiming that it was the copyright owner of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in China, and had the exclusive right to broadcast the programs involved in the case through the information network in the form of live broadcast, delayed broadcast and on-demand, and had the right to permit or prohibit others from exercising the above rights in whole or in part.

Since the opening of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, a network company has continuously found that the mobile phone APP operated by a company in Beijing provides live viewing service of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 football match in the competition area, and users can watch the live broadcast of the World Cup match by clicking the live video. The Beijing Internet Court made a ruling according to law on the day it received the APPlication for behavior preservation in this case, and delivered it on the spot on the same day. After receiving the ruling, the respondent automatically fulfilled the obligations specified in the ruling and stopped the live broadcast of the World Cup on the mobile app it operated.

Zhu Ge, vice president of the First Court of Comprehensive Trial of Beijing Internet Court, told the reporter of China Business News that in recent years, the economy of sports events in China has shown a trend of rapid development, and the number of cases in which sports event-related rights holders applied for behavior preservation before or during litigation has been increasing. This case upholds a positive and prudent judicial attitude, promptly handles the application for behavior preservation put forward by the right holders of World Cup events, and makes a decisive ruling on behavior preservation according to law, strictly protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the right holders of sports events. In this case, the specific factors that should be considered in the application review of behavior preservation involving sports programs are deeply analyzed, hoping to provide reference for the trial of behavior preservation cases involving sports events.

Seven companies, including Ziguang Group, merged and reorganized in substance to help enterprises regenerate with the power of law.

As mentioned in the work report of the Supreme Law, 2,801 bankruptcy and reorganization cases were concluded, 3.4 trillion yuan of assets were revitalized, 3,285 enterprises were helped out of difficulties, and 923,000 employees were stabilized. A number of valuable and promising enterprises such as Founder of Peking University and Ziguang Group have been reborn through bankruptcy reorganization.

Ziguang Group, a subsidiary of Tsinghua University, is a leading enterprise in China’s "core cloud" industry with cloud network industry and integrated circuit industry as its main business. In November 2020, due to business losses and deterioration of financial indicators, a serious debt crisis broke out. In order to promote debt resolution through marketization and rule of law, on July 16, 2021, Beijing No.1 Intermediate People’s Court ruled to accept the reorganization case of Ziguang Group. On August 27th of the same year, it was ruled that seven companies, including Ziguang Group, were substantially merged and reorganized.

On December 29th, 2021, at the second creditors’ meeting, each voting group passed the draft reorganization plan by a high vote. On January 14, 2022, Beijing No.1 Intermediate People’s Court ruled to approve the reorganization plan. Thereafter, during the implementation of the reorganization plan, the reorganization implementation period is 6 months. On July 12th, the administrator submitted the Supervision Report on the Implementation of Reorganization Plan to the court. On July 13, Beijing No.1 Intermediate People’s Court ruled that the reorganization plan of substantive merger and reorganization of seven companies including Ziguang Group was completed, and the reorganization procedures of seven companies including Ziguang Group were terminated.

Through this judicial reorganization, 60 billion yuan of investment was introduced for Ziguang Group, more than 150 billion debts were smoothly resolved according to law, 298 enterprises in the group system were maintained for continuous operation, and more than 50,000 employees were stabilized, thus achieving the dual effectiveness of relieving difficulties and empowering rebirth.

Wang Lingfang, the presiding judge of this case and a judge of the Beijing No.1 Intermediate People’s Court, said in an interview with the reporter of China Business News that law advocates justice and law also helps the needy. The substantive merger and reorganization of seven companies of Ziguang Group is a typical example of applying the bankruptcy reorganization system to help China’s 100 billion-level high-tech enterprise groups with great industry influence to achieve rebirth, optimizing the business environment and effectively resolving the debt crisis. Large enterprise groups need creditors, investors and investors to seek common interests, the government and all walks of life to help each other, and the people’s courts need to uphold justice with the power of law, accept supervision openly and promote win-win with goodwill! Let us continue to escort the development of enterprises by law and jointly help the business environment to have a "temperature".

APP forcibly collects user portrait information, and the court determines infringement.

It is mentioned in the report that the prohibition of infringement of personality rights and the order of personal safety protection should be improved in the judicial policy to make personality rights more secure. The judicial interpretation of face recognition was introduced, and cases such as visual doorbell infringing on neighborhood privacy, scanning code to order food infringing on personal information, and social software collecting user information privately were tried to build a "firewall" for privacy and personal information protection.

When Luo used a software, he found that the software required users to fill in the contents such as "name", "occupation" and "English level" before logging in. He thought that his personal information rights and interests were infringed, so he sued the software operator to the court to stop the infringement and compensate for the losses. Software operators argue that collecting relevant labels is necessary to recommend appropriate service content for different users’ needs.

The Beijing Internet Court held that the scope necessary to perform the contract should be limited to the basic service functions provided by the software or network operators or the additional functions added by users on a selective basis. The software collection involved is not necessary to perform the contract, and the user’s consent should be obtained. The software involved requires the user to submit portrait information in the user’s first login interface, and there are no ways such as "skip" and "reject", which leads to the user having to check "agree" or submit corresponding information for the purpose of using the software. Such consent or the provision of personal information is forced or forced in disguised form when the subject of information is not free or voluntary, and cannot be regarded as valid consent. The defendant’s act of collecting user portrait information is not "necessary to fulfill the contract" and does not obtain the effective consent of the user, so it constitutes infringement. In the end, the court ruled that the defendant stopped the infringement and compensated for the losses.

Yan Jun, vice president of the Third Comprehensive Trial Court of Beijing Internet Court, told the reporter of China Business News that with the intelligent upgrade of network applications, collecting user portraits for personalized information push has become a common form of personal information processing, and it has also had a wide impact on people’s online life. This case applies the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, explores the specific standards for the collection of personal information, and makes it clear that the "consent" for the collection of personal information needs to be made freely and voluntarily by users, so as to fully guarantee the users’ right to make their own decisions on personal information. As a judge, I hope to establish rules through case adjudication, strengthen the protection of citizens’ legitimate rights and interests of personal information, guide enterprises to standardize personal information processing behavior, and escort the healthy development of digital economy.

The case of "AI Companion" software infringing on personality rights, and the unauthorized use of other people’s images to create virtual characters constitutes infringement.

The report mentioned: comprehensively strengthen the protection of personality rights. 875,000 cases of disputes over personality rights were concluded. Hearing the case of "AI companion" software infringing on personality rights, it was found that unauthorized use of other people’s images to create virtual characters constituted infringement.

The defendant runs a mobile APP, and users can create or add "AI chaperones" by themselves, set their names, avatars, relationships with users, titles, and interactive content with users, which is called "training" by the system. Plaintiff He Mou is a public figure. Without his knowledge, an "AI Companion" marked by the plaintiff’s name and portrait appeared in the software. At the same time, the defendant allowed users to upload a large number of plaintiff’s "expression packs" through the application of algorithms, and made interactive graphic content to realize the function of "training" the "AI Companion" to chat with users. The plaintiff believed that the defendant had infringed the plaintiff’s right to name, portrait and general personality, and appealed to the court, demanding an apology and compensation for economic losses and mental damages.

After trial, the Beijing Internet Court held that the AI character formed the virtual image of the plaintiff, and the defendant’s behavior belonged to the use of the plaintiff’s overall personality image. At the same time, users can set the identity relationship with the AI character, set any title, and make materials to "train" the character to chat, thus forming a real interaction experience with the plaintiff. These functions infringe on the personal freedom and dignity of natural persons. The defendant’s product design and application of the algorithm directly determine the realization of the core functions of the software, and he is no longer just a neutral technical service provider, but should directly bear the tort liability. Therefore, the defendant constitutes an infringement on the plaintiff’s right to name, portrait and general personality, and should bear the responsibilities of apologizing and compensating for losses.

Sun Mingxi, president of the Third Court of Comprehensive Trial of Beijing Internet Court, told the reporter of China Business News that in the era of "Meta-Universe", the virtual and reality will be further integrated, and technology will be deeply involved in the provision of content services, so we will certainly face more legal protection problems of "virtual personality". In this case, in the name of providing technical services, the defendant organized users to participate in the production and distribution of content through software rules and algorithm design, which directly determined the pattern of infringement in software. The principle of "technology neutrality" should not be applied, but should bear the responsibility as a direct infringer. This case reflects the attitude of judicial judgment to actively regulate the application of algorithms, and also actively explores the protection of personality rights in the era of artificial intelligence.

Parisians left to contemplate familiar failure

Paris Saint-Germain were convinced that persuading Kylian Mbappe to stay would finally deliver them Champions League glory, but the failure to build a strong enough team around the France superstar has contributed to another early European exit.

A 2-0 loss to Bayern Munich in Germany saw the Qatar-owned club lose their last-16 tie 3-0 on aggregate, falling in the first knockout round for the fifth time in seven years.

There were celebrations last May when Mbappe agreed a new three-year contract to stay with Lionel Messi and Neymar in the French capital rather than join Real Madrid.

The appointments of super scout Luis Campos as head of recruitment and Christophe Galtier as coach to replace Mauricio Pochettino were supposed to be followed by the building of an exciting new team.

“It is not about the construction of the squad. It is just the story of the season,” said Galtier. “We were missing important players. The squad, over the two legs, was seriously weakened.”

He had a point, with Mbappe only able to make a cameo appearance off the bench after a thigh injury as PSG lost 1-0 in the first leg.

Neymar is missing with an ankle injury, while Presnel Kimpembe is out and fellow defenders Marquinhos and Nordi Mukiele both came off during yesterday’s game.

“It has been a very busy season. Players’ bodies have been asked to do a lot,” Galtier said.

“There was the World Cup, and obviously when you get to the last 16 it is good to have everyone available.”

PSG placed their hope in Mbappe and Messi turning the tie around in Munich, but the Argentine World Cup winner had little impact while the 24-year-old Mbappe saw just 32 touches of the ball.

“As I said in my first Champions League press conference this season, we were going to do our maximum. The truth is this is our maximum,” admitted Mbappe, whose own future will now again become the subject of increasing speculation

Tiger’s ex-girlfriend wants gag removed

Tiger Woods’ ex-girlfriend has filed a lawsuit seeking to be released from a nondisclosure agreement that she says the golf star made her sign in 2017, court filings showed.

Erica Herman, who lived with Woods at his Florida mansion until late 2022, filed the request in Florida court.

According to records, Herman’s attorneys are arguing that the NDA she signed is “invalid” under the Speak Out Act. It makes NDA unenforceable in cases involving sexual assault and harassment.

On the filing which reads “Does this case involve allegations of sexual abuse?” Herman’s attorneys have chosen “Yes.”