标签归档 苏州夜生活

Fan Bingbing was banned after life is bleak? by mask annual income 800 million was recently prosecuted

Fan Bingbing creates its own brand and supports Zhuozhou

Fan Bingbing, who was "banned" in people’s impression, may have lost his main job and lived a miserable life. But in fact, Fan Bingbing founded his own beauty and skin care brand, Fanbeauty, in 2019, which mainly launched facial mask products, and the development momentum is very good. In 2022, its sales reached 850 million amazing results; this year alone, its sales exceeded 200 million during the 618 period, which can be described as the leader of the entire industry.

In this way, although Fan Bingbing cannot become a female star, he has opened up a new path and made a big impact in the business field, just like a successful female entrepreneur.

Fan Bingbing recent photo

However, in July this year, Fan Bingbing’s entrepreneurial journey seemed to have run into some trouble: Fan Bingbing and his beauty brand were sued.

At present, it appears that it should be a brand name infringement issue, and the outcome of the lawsuit is currently unknown.

Fan Bingbing, who was forced to give up his acting career, unexpectedly achieved success in the business field. I wonder if Fan Bingbing really repented, and what will happen to his future development?

Behind the "Yin" Huawei’s HSBC is unreliable. There is a precedent for leaking customer information.

  On June 24th, Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, said in an exclusive interview with the Financial Times that HSBC knew about SKYCOM and its business in Iran from the beginning, and also knew about SKYCOM’s relationship with Huawei. It is impossible for a bank to legally say that it has been cheated and doesn’t know about this matter. The evidence is all there, and this is inescapable. "HSBC has stopped all our trading cooperation, not us." Ren Zhengfei said.

  The evidence against Meng Wanzhou in the United States is a PPT. What does Ren Zhengfei think of how the United States got this PPT? On June 27th, Ren Zhengfei said in an interview with Canada’s Globe and Mail that because Skycom had been in contact with Huawei from beginning to end during the trade with Iran, the bank knew about Skycom’s business in Iran and its relationship with Huawei. After several years of operation, they invited Meng Wanzhou to a coffee shop. When having coffee, Meng Wanzhou gave some PPT, which was not misleading. "Why did the bank take these PPT? We don’t know, I hope that after the trial of the Eastern District Court of new york is completed, we can be more clear. " Ren Zhengfei said.

  According to the Global Times, in February this year, Reuters reported that HSBC had obtained a material for the US Department of Justice to sue Huawei through an "internal investigation", which helped the US Department of Justice Luo Zhi with the "crime" of attacking Huawei, and eventually led to the arrest of Huawei executives in Canada.

  Shen Yi, an associate professor in the Department of International Politics of Fudan University, said that if the foreign media reports are true, the role played by HSBC in this matter is indeed very problematic. Such banks and financial institutions are unreliable and unreliable in a sense.

  An expert who wishes to remain anonymous said that the essence of this case is that HSBC cooperated with the "long-arm jurisdiction" of the U.S. government, and transferred the personnel and data located in China overseas without the permission of the China government for the cross-border investigation and evidence collection of Huawei by the U.S. Department of Justice.

  It is reported that HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services institutions in the world. Founded in Hong Kong and Shanghai in 1865, HSBC is a founding member of HSBC Group and its flagship in the Asia-Pacific region. In 1991, HSBC established a new holding company — — HSBC Holdings Limited, and in 1992, it completely acquired Midland Bank. Subsequently, HSBC will be headquartered in London.

  HSBC will pay a fine of $1.9 billion to the United States on money laundering charges. On December 11, 2012, HSBC announced that it had reached a settlement agreement with the US government, and would pay a sky-high fine of $1.921 billion for the bank’s ineffective prevention of money laundering.

  HSBC’s image has been damaged in recent years. In November 2014, HSBC was fined $618 million by the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission for manipulating the global foreign exchange market. In February 2015, HSBC was once again caught in a scandal because it helped customers evade taxes. According to a survey by the American Association of International Investigative Journalists, from 2005 to 2007, HSBC Switzerland Branch helped 100,000 heavyweight customers to avoid taxes and hide assets as high as hundreds of billions of dollars.

  It is worth noting that HSBC has exposed four major incidents of leaking customer information. On April 26th, 2008, the server of Kwun Tong Branch of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was stolen during the renovation, and nearly 160,000 customer data were lost. In July, 2008, HSBC said that it lost an encoded digital audio tape, which recorded the telephone conversation between the bank and its customers, and was a backup tape containing 25,000 telephone conversations. On April 13, 2010, the French prosecutor said that 127,000 accounts of 79,000 customers of HSBC were leaked and exposed. Jelf farsi Yani, a former IT consultant of HSBC Private Bank, a Swiss subsidiary of HSBC, was accused of stealing the data of tens of thousands of bank customers from the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2007. In 2018, HSBC was exposed that its customer accounts were attacked from October 4 to October 14, and the personal information of about 1% American customers was leaked.

  HSBC Bank (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "HSBC China") officially opened on April 2, 2007. Headquartered in Shanghai, it is a locally registered foreign-funded corporate bank wholly owned by HSBC.

  In March this year, HSBC China Wuhan Branch violated the law and regulations by not using the specified subjects in the paper payment form. According to Article 41 of the Administrative Measures for Commercial Banks and Credit Cooperatives’ Acting Treasury Business, the Business Management Department of Wuhan Branch of the People’s Bank of China imposed a fine of RMB 1000 yuan.

  In May this year, the post-event management of independent payment of HSBC China loan seriously violated prudent business rules, and part of credit card funds were used for non-consumption areas, which resulted in a fine of 1 million yuan.

  Foreign media said that HSBC helped the US government "engage" Huawei in order to get rid of the crime.

  According to the Global Times, recently, the Financial Times revealed that HSBC, which was targeted by the US Department of Justice for a series of problems such as money laundering and violation of the sanctions bill, agreed to "cooperate" with the investigation of the US Department of Justice in other cases in order to escape punishment. Huawei in China became the victim of this "cooperation", which eventually led to the arrest of Huawei executives. The Financial Times report also revealed that HSBC had explained to China earlier this year that it was "forced".

  Regarding the role of HSBC in the case involving Huawei, Reuters, UK, had a detailed round of reports in February this year. According to Reuters’s report at that time, HSBC began to "cooperate" with the "investigation" initiated by the U.S. Department of Justice against Huawei from the end of 2016 to 2017, in exchange for the U.S. Department of Justice’s forgiveness for HSBC, because HSBC itself was involved in other cases that violated the U.S. sanctions ban.

  Reuters said that through "internal investigation", HSBC helped the U.S. Department of Justice to obtain a material that could be used to sue Huawei, which helped the U.S. Department of Justice Luo Zhi to "accuse" Huawei, and eventually led to the arrest of Huawei executives in Canada.

  The executive of Huawei, who is now detained by the Canadian government, communicated face to face with an executive of HSBC, saying that Huawei did not have any non-compliance and provided the HSBC executive with a PPT document to explain the situation. But what Huawei didn’t expect was that in 2017, when HSBC faced a lawsuit from the U.S. Department of Justice for its alleged illegal behavior, in exchange for forgiveness from the U.S. Department of Justice, HSBC handed over the PPT to the U.S. Department of Justice, which had been trying to bring down Huawei in the past few years, and ended its cooperative relationship with Huawei.

  Judging from Reuters’s report and the indictment of the US government against Huawei, such a small PPT file was quickly used by the US Department of Justice as the "core" basis for suing Huawei and arresting the Huawei executive last year. HSBC has also been described by the U.S. Department of Justice as a "victim" of fraud by the Huawei executive and her PPT. Reuters also revealed that HSBC has never been sued by the US government for other cases involved.

  The Financial Times also revealed some information that Reuters didn’t mention. For example, HSBC was targeted by the US Department of Justice as early as 2012 for laundering money for Mexican drug lords. At that time, in addition to paying a huge fine of $1.9 billion, the US Department of Justice also sent a group of "monitors" to HSBC to review its business. Insiders of HSBC said that their explanation at that time was that because the US government sent monitors to HSBC and a team of 200-400 people could get all the information of the bank at any time, it was impossible for HSBC to resist the request and investigation of the US Department of Justice.

  Ren Zhengfei: HSBC knows about Skycom’s relationship with Huawei.

  Recently, Huawei Heartfelt Community announced the minutes of Ren Zhengfei’s interview with the Financial Times and the Canadian Globe and Mail.

  James Kynge, a reporter from the Financial Times, asked: Recently, hearing about the cooperation between HSBC and the US government will bring great difficulties to Huawei. What do you think of the future cooperation between Huawei and HSBC?

  Ren Zhengfei: First of all, HSBC has long stopped its cooperation with Huawei.

  Second, Meng Wanzhou has no criminal facts. This bank knew about SKYCOM and its business in Iran from the very beginning, and also knew about SKYCOM’s relationship with Huawei. The mail can prove that there are shipping marks in the mail, and it is impossible for the bank to legally say that it was cheated and didn’t know about this matter. The evidence is all there, which cannot be relied on. Meng Wanzhou said a word while drinking coffee in the coffee shop, which can’t be the evidence of Meng Wanzhou’s crime. It’s just that during the long-term transaction with Iran from beginning to end for many years, she intervened to have a coffee in the coffee shop and said a word, there is no crime. American courts can investigate prosecutors, who report crimes in Meng Wanzhou. Where are the facts?

  Under the current circumstances, we should first clarify the process of Meng Wanzhou’s incident and show all the evidence. Moreover, Meng Wanzhou has not committed a crime in Canada, and Canada has violated the law in law enforcement procedures. Canada is a country ruled by law, so it should give up its violation of constitutional rights and not fall on the side of the United States. If people don’t believe that Canada is a country ruled by law, it will have a greater impact on its image.

  We have always trusted western countries ruled by law, focusing on facts and evidence. First of all, there must be facts and evidence to judge whether this person is wrong. Of course, this will not affect our cooperation with other banks in the future. After this link is solved, everyone will still cooperate. World finance is an integrated system.

  "Financial Times" reporter Huang Shulin asked: HSBC does not cooperate with Huawei. Did they give you an explanation?

  Ren Zhengfei: HSBC has stopped all our trading cooperation, not us. They didn’t explain, that is, they wouldn’t provide us with services, so we would cooperate with other banks.

  Huang Shulin: Do you think this treatment is fair? If these problems are solved, will you continue to cooperate with HSBC in the future?

  Ren Zhengfei: There is no word "fairness" in this world. It is all about strength. We have the strength to solve the problem and don’t care how the other party treats us. Now is not the time to discuss cooperation. The most important thing is to finish the lawsuit first.

  A reporter from Canada’s Globe and Mail asked: What do you think of how the United States got this PPT? Is it through legal channels? Do you think this PPT can be presented to the court as evidence?

  Ren Zhengfei: Because during the trade between Skycom and Iran, this bank has been in contact with Huawei from beginning to end. It knows Skycom’s business in Iran and its relationship with Huawei. After several years of operation, they invited Meng Wanzhou to a coffee shop. When having coffee, Meng Wanzhou gave some PPT, which was not misleading. Why did the bank take these PPT away? We don’t know. I hope we can know more after the trial in new york Eastern District Court.

  HSBC paid a fine of $1.9 billion to the United States for money laundering charges.

  According to Xinhua News Agency, on December 11, 2012, HSBC Holdings, the largest bank in Europe, issued a statement saying that it had reached an agreement with relevant US institutions to pay a total fine of 1.921 billion US dollars, of which a record 1.256 billion was a fine for delaying prosecution agreement and 665 million was a civil fine.

  Ou Zhihua, president of HSBC, said in a statement that HSBC "admitted responsibility for past mistakes" and once again "deeply apologized".

  According to the deferred prosecution agreement, the prosecution allows the sued party to avoid prosecution under certain conditions, including paying a fine or being punished, and promising to make specific reforms under the supervision and guidance.

  HSBC said it had spent $290 million to improve its money laundering prevention mechanism and recovered some bonuses previously won by senior executives. The statement also said that HSBC expects to sign a letter of commitment with the UK Financial Services Authority on money laundering soon.

  In July, 2013, china securities journal reported that Reuters reported on the 3rd that John Grayson, a judge of Brooklyn District Court in new york, USA, approved the settlement agreement reached between HSBC and the US government on the investigation of not fully complying with the anti-money laundering and sanctions laws. According to this agreement, HSBC will pay 1.92 billion US dollars in fines and compensation. The fine of $1.92 billion is by far the largest fine issued by the US regulatory authorities to banks.

  According to the report, in addition to paying fines, there are other conditions to be met. As part of the agreement, HSBC also needs to restrain the bonuses of bank executives in order to comply with relevant regulations. In addition, HSBC will face up to five years of court supervision.

  Previously, in July 2012, the US Senate issued an investigation report saying that HSBC had become the "preferred financial institution" for drug dealers, money launderers and other criminals in Mexico and Colombia, and it ignored the US sanctions against Iran, Myanmar, Cuba, Libya and Sudan and illegally transferred funds for customers in these countries.

  HSBC’s image has been damaged in recent years: helping customers evade taxes and getting caught in a scandal.

  According to China News Service, the image of HSBC has been damaged in recent years. In November 2014, HSBC was fined $618 million by the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission for manipulating the global foreign exchange market.

  In February 2015, HSBC was once again caught in a scandal because it helped customers evade taxes. According to a survey by the American Association of International Investigative Journalists, from 2005 to 2007, HSBC Switzerland Branch helped 100,000 heavyweight customers to avoid taxes and hide assets as high as hundreds of billions of dollars.

  According to the People’s Daily, the BBC reported on February 9, 2015 that HSBC, the largest bank in the UK, has done everything possible to help wealthy depositors hide their real assets from the British government in the past few years, with tax evasion amounting to hundreds of millions of pounds. Analysts pointed out that if acts such as helping depositors evade taxes are proved to be true, then HSBC will become a terrible "tax haven" and its reputation and prestige will be dealt a heavy blow.

  Some analysts believe that the lack of financial supervision, the decline of professional ethics and the numbness of social responsibility are several key factors that cannot be ignored.

  HSBC’s alleged behavior of helping depositors evade taxes has been strongly criticized by the media and public opinion. Brooks, the author of "Tax Robbery", pointed out, "I think HSBC is a tax avoidance and tax evasion company, and I think they are providing such services".

  Since then, Guangming Daily reported on February 26, 2015 that two top executives of HSBC recently apologized here for the "improper" practice of their Swiss private banks to help customers avoid taxes. Stuart Gulliver, CEO of HSBC Group, and Douglas Flint, Chairman of HSBC Group, said when questioned by the Parliamentary Finance Committee in the British Parliament that this move damaged people’s "trust and confidence" in HSBC Group, and he was ashamed of it and would "take corresponding responsibility". However, he also accused those in the management of HSBC Swiss Bank who stole and leaked customer information of "great sin".

  HSBC has exposed four major incidents of leaking customer information. Engineers turned into "data thieves"

  According to Southern Metropolis Daily, on April 26th, 2008, the server of Kwun Tong Branch of Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was stolen, and nearly 160,000 customer data were lost. Under the pressure of public opinion, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority requires banks to take remedial measures and submit detailed reports. Zheng Haiquan, chairman of HSBC Asia Pacific, apologized for the loss of customer information, but he said that it was a theft and HSBC itself was a victim, but the bank would still be responsible. Zheng Haiquan said that he would review the bank’s security measures.

  According to Economic Observer, on July 4, 2008, HSBC issued a notice and found that it had lost an encoded digital audio tape, which recorded the telephone conversation between the bank and its customers. According to reports, the incident originated from the service center of HSBC Guangzhou Group. On June 17, the courier company was entrusted to transport a total of 55 tapes to Hong Kong, but only 54 tapes were delivered to the Hong Kong office of the bank. The unrecovered audio tape is a backup tape containing 25,000 telephone conversations, which recorded the telephone conversations between the bank and customers and callers from April 18 to 24, 2008. Most of the contents involved credit card service inquiries, calls related to business online wealth management services for industrial and commercial customers, and calls made by the bank to customers.

  According to Agence France-Presse, on April 13, 2010, the French prosecutor said that 127,000 accounts of 79,000 customers of HSBC were leaked and exposed, which means that more people may be prosecuted by the tax bureau of their own country for alleged tax evasion. Jelf farsi Yani, a former IT consultant of HSBC Private Bank, a Swiss subsidiary of HSBC, was accused of stealing the data of tens of thousands of bank customers from the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2007.

  Jelf Fasiani changed from a security engineer to a "data thief". He was born in Monaco and has a degree in computer programming. In 2000, at the age of 28, he entered the IT department of HSBC and wrote security software for the bank. Six years later, he was transferred to the Geneva headquarters of HSBC Private Bank in Switzerland, responsible for the system security of the database. In 2008, this system security engineer, who has always performed well, unexpectedly "ran away" from the headquarters building of HSBC with 130,000 "top secret" customer information. In 2013, according to Jinling Evening News, at the trial of Spanish National Court in 2013, Jelf Fasiani defended himself, saying that banks were corrupt, and they condoned tax evasion, and sometimes even helped customers to launder money. He admitted that he had tried to expose HSBC’s "misconduct" to the Swiss government.

  Jelf Fasiani told the media, "I grew up in Monaco, where people wanted to work in financial institutions. When I was young, I thought that banks were places to protect the property of the upright. But at HSBC, I found that everything is completely another matter. "

  In November 2018, according to the China Business News, it was revealed that HSBC’s customer accounts were attacked from October 4 to October 14, and the personal information of about 1% American customers was leaked. According to foreign media reports, on November 8, HSBC announced that its customer accounts were attacked from October 4 to October 14, and about 1% of American customers’ names, birth dates, telephone numbers, email addresses and other information were leaked. According to HSBC, the hacking incident was caused by a login voucher attack, that is, hackers invaded HSBC accounts through personal information of customers obtained from other sources. In response, HSBC suspended online access to some accounts. At the same time, additional security protection is added to the authentication process of personal online banking platform to protect its customers from future attacks.


[Xinhuanet Live Report] At 8: 20, the live broadcast personnel of Xinhuanet Tianjin Channel are in place.  [08:29]

[Xinhuanet Tianjin Channel]Everything is ready for the "2012 First International Anti-aging Life Science and Technology Industry Development Forum", and the atmosphere is warm.  [08:32]

[Xinhuanet Tianjin Channel] Leaders and guests attending this forum entered the venue one after another.  [08:34]

[Moderator]Dear leaders, distinguished guests, good morning! On this festive day, the signing ceremony of the cooperation project between Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Bioengineering Co., Ltd. and Sir Martin Evans, winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, will be held in this beautiful and peaceful Lingyun Hall. First of all, I would like to introduce the leaders who attended today’s signing awareness: Ms. Zhu Liping, member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Municipal Committee; Mr. Zhang Yuanlong, Deputy Director of Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress; Mr. Wei Jianguo, former Vice Minister of Commerce; Mr. Longchun Sun, former Vice Minister of Health; Mr. Lin Yanzhi, former executive vice chairman of Jilin Provincial Political Consultative Conference; Academician Wu Zuze of China Academy of Sciences; Mr. Li Guangwen, Party Secretary of Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce; Academician Hao Xishan, China Academy of Engineering; Mr. Feng Zhijiang, Director of Tianjin Airport Economic Zone Management Committee; Mr. Guo Jingping, deputy head of Tianjin Binhai New Area People’s Government; Mr. He Huiyu, former Director of Science and Education Department of state administration of traditional chinese medicine and Executive Director of Zhengda Medical Holdings; Mr. Liu Renfu, Deputy Director of the Preparatory Committee of China Anti-aging Association; Mr. Li Defu, Chairman of Yongtai Hung Hom Holding Group; Dr. Huang Jiaxue, Deputy Director of International Cell Therapy Association; Mr. Wang Yong, Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Bioengineering Co., Ltd.; Mr. Wang Xuejun, Vice President of Heze Bio; Once again, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all the distinguished guests for coming.  [09:00]

[Moderator]Next, I would like to introduce our protagonist Sir Martin Evans. Sir Martin Evans is the winner of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, the president of Cardiff University in England, and a world-renowned stem cell expert. The British Cell Therapy (CTL) Company, which he founded, is a biotechnology high-tech enterprise mainly engaged in stem cell research and clinical application. The company has the world-leading core technology in the fields of myocardial infarction, heart failure, knee meniscus repair, diabetes, skin ulcer and pulmonary fibrosis, and can provide highly differentiated cell products for clinic. Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Bioengineering Co., Ltd. is a bio-high-tech company specializing in biological resource conservation, stem cell and product research and development, beauty and anti-aging products, stem cell therapy, stem cell drug industrialization, biomedical testing and other businesses. The company undertakes the construction and operation of the National Stem Cell Engineering Product Industrialization Base, the National Stem Cell Engineering Technology Research Center and the National Cell Products Engineering Research Center, etc. It is the only listed company with stem cell industry as its main business in China stock market and the vice chairman of the National Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Industry Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance. The company has successively undertaken a number of national 863, 973, national natural science foundation and other scientific research projects, and has a number of invention patents and utility model patents in the field of stem cells. After ten years of hard work, the company has become a leading enterprise in the field of stem cell industrialization in China. Sir Martin has a close relationship with Zhongyuan Concord. He has visited Zhongyuan Concord for many times and served as the chief technical consultant of Zhongyuan Concord Company.Years of cooperation have yielded fruitful results. Today, Zhongyuan Concord Co., Ltd. and CTL Co., Ltd. jointly signed a contract to set up a joint venture in Tianjin, China, and the combination of strength and strength will promote the industrial transformation of stem cell research achievements developed by Sir Martin for many years in China. Both sides will give full play to their respective advantages, provide us with advanced stem cell therapy technology, stem cell products and services, and make contributions to the health of the people in China. Now, first of all, please give the floor to Sir Martin Evans.  [09:05]

[Sir Martin Evans]Thank you very much. On behalf of CTL Company and Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Biotechnology Co., Ltd., I signed a contract for our cooperation project. I am very much looking forward to the beginning of our cooperation. Thank you.  [09:06]

[Moderator]Being able to cooperate with Nobel Prize winner Sir Martin, we believe that Mr. Li Defu, the chairman of Yongtai Hung Hom Group, as the leader of the stem cell industry in China, must be full of emotion and feelings at the moment. Next, let’s hear it for Chairman Li.  [09:08]

[Li Defu]Distinguished guests, good morning. It is a great honor for us to sign a cooperation contract with Sir Martin, the Nobel Prize winner in medicine. I hope that Sir Martin Evans can start from Britain to Europe with updated technology and better projects can be settled in Binhai New Area. Today, we signed a contract with Mr. Martin in our airport area. Thank you for your support and help.  [09:10]

[Moderator]Thank you, Mr. Li. Next, we invite Sir Martin and Mr. Wang Yong, the chairman of Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Biotechnology Co., Ltd., to sit at our signing desk. The signing ceremony of project cooperation is now officially started. Please sign the signing book and exchange texts. (Process omitted) [09:12]

[Moderator]Let’s witness this historic moment with warm applause, and ask our etiquette lady to present our champagne and raise a glass to celebrate! Today is a new beginning in the development history of Zhongyuan Xiehe Company, and also a new chapter in the development history of life and health industry in Tianjin, China. We sincerely wish the cooperation between the two parties. With the joint efforts of both parties and the strong support of friends from all walks of life and leaders of Tianjin governments at all levels, the project cooperation will be a complete success. The signing ceremony of the cooperation project ends here. Thank you to all the guests present, thank you to the leaders, thank you!  [09:18]

[Xinhuanet Tianjin Channel]The signing ceremony of project cooperation is over.  [09:19]

[Xinhuanet Tianjin Channel]At 9: 20, the opening ceremony of "2012 First International Anti-aging Life Science and Technology Industry Development Forum" was held.  [09:20]

[Moderator]Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, hello! Welcome to "2012 China Tianjin First International Forum on Anti-aging Technology and Industry Development". First of all, let’s give a warm applause to welcome the leaders and main guests! Next, let me introduce the leaders and guests attending today’s forum. Today, please welcome the leaders of Tianjin: [09:22]

[Moderator]Ms. Zhu Liping, member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and secretary of the Municipal Education Working Committee; Mr. Zhang Yuanlong, Deputy Director of Tianjin Municipal People’s Congress; Mr. Wei Jianguo, former Vice Minister of Commerce; Mr. Longchun Sun, former Vice Minister of Health; Mr. Lin Yanzhi, former executive vice chairman of Jilin Provincial Political Consultative Conference; Sir Martin John Evans, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 2007, president of Cardiff University, world-renowned stem cell biologist and professor of mammalian genetics; Academician Wu Zuze of China Academy of Sciences; Mr. Li Guangwen, Party Secretary of Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce; Academician Hao Xishan, China Academy of Engineering; Mr. Guo Jingping, deputy head of Tianjin Binhai New Area People’s Government; Mr. Feng Zhijiang, Director of Tianjin Airport Economic Zone Management Committee; Mr. He Huiyu, former Director of Science and Education Department of state administration of traditional chinese medicine and Executive Director of Zhengda Medical Holdings; Dr. Huang Jiaxue, Vice President of International Cell Therapy Association; Mr. Liu Renfu, Deputy Director of the Preparatory Committee of China Anti-aging Association; Mr. Li Defu, Chairman of Yongtai Hung Hom Holding Group; Mr. Wang Yong, Chairman of Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Bioengineering Co., Ltd.; Mr. Wang Xuejun, President of Heze Biotechnology Co., Ltd.; At the same time, the following guests from home and abroad attended the forum: Professor peking university health science center and Mr. Chen Liqi, executive vice president of China Medical Education Association; Professor Guan Youfei, Vice President of Peking University Institute of Basic Medical Sciences and Changjiang Scholar; Mr. Wu Mingyuan, MD, Secretary-General of the National Strategic Alliance for Technological Innovation of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Industry; Ms. Zhang Xiaomei, Vice President of the Beauty Chamber of Commerce of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce; Ms. Chen Li, former vice president and senior beauty expert of Procter & Gamble Group;Ms. Ye Jiajing, President of Beauty Chamber of Commerce of Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce; Ms. Tang Su Yang, founder of the Department of Skin Regenerative Medicine of the Armed Police General Hospital, head of the medical skin and hair regeneration group of the Regenerative Medicine Professional Committee of China Regenerative Medicine Biotechnology Association, and Mr. Jilin, director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Tianjin Airport Economic Zone Management Committee; Mr. Feng Dazheng, Secretary of Development and Reform Bureau, and other leaders and guests.  [09:25]

[Moderator]Today, leaders and guests took time out of their busy schedules to talk with you about the topic of international anti-aging technology and industrial development, which brought us brand-new knowledge and enlightenment. Let us once again express our heartfelt thanks to the leaders and guests for coming. Now I declare the opening ceremony of "2012 China Tianjin First International Anti-aging Technology and Industry Development Forum". First of all, Mr. Li Defu, Chairman of Yongtai Hung Hom Group, delivered a speech.  [09:28]

[Li Defu]Dear Secretary Li Ping, Minister Wei, Minister Sun, leaders, distinguished Sir Martin John Evans, Academician Hao Xishan, experts, distinguished guests and friends from the press, good morning. First of all, please allow me, on behalf of the organizer of this forum, to express my warmest welcome and heartfelt thanks to the leaders, experts, scholars and people from all walks of life who came to attend the meeting.  [09:32]

[Li Defu]At the same time, we would also like to thank the international cell therapy association, Tianjin Federation of Industry and Commerce and other organizers for their trust in hosting this event, and especially thank the competent departments at all levels in Tianjin and Binhai New Area for their strong support and guidance. Biotechnology is the most advanced biotechnology in the 21st century. With the popularization and application of new technologies, life science and technology has been widely used in the field of anti-aging. Pursuing the eternity of life has become an inexhaustible motive force to promote the rapid development of modern anti-aging industry. As a leading enterprise in the field of life science and technology in Tianjin and even the whole country, at the same time, it is also the only listed enterprise in China focusing on stem cell biotechnology. Zhongyuan Xiehe Stem Cell Bioengineering Co., Ltd. has always been committed to the research and industrial application of stem cell life science and technology, and actively promoted the development of anti-aging life science industry in China. At present, the systematic layout has been completed, forming seven business segments. We sincerely hope that there will be more opportunities like this in the future, fully communicate with people from all walks of life at home and abroad, strengthen cooperation, promote the transformation and application of science and technology, and jointly promote the healthy development of stem cell life science and technology industry and anti-aging cause. Finally, I wish the first international forum on anti-aging technology and industrial development a complete success. Thank you.  [09:35]

[Moderator]Thank you, Mr. Li, for your speech. Let’s give a round of applause to Dr. Huang Jiaxue, Vice President of the International Cell Therapy Association.  [09:37]

[Huang Jiaxue]Dear Sir Martin Evans, Dear Secretary Zhu Liping, Director Zhang Yuanlong, Secretary Longchun Sun, Academician Wu Zuze, Academician Hao Weishan, leaders, experts and friends from the media, good morning. After the intense and meticulous work of the International Cell Therapy Association and colleagues, we have welcomed distinguished guests in this vibrant coastal city in this harvest season to witness this grand event in the international anti-aging field. On behalf of the International Cell Therapy Association, the organizer of the conference, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.  [09:39]

[Huang Jiaxue]Headquartered in the United States, the International Cell Therapy Association is a non-profit professional association. Founded in 1992, the association has North American chapters, European chapters and Asian chapters, and has regular institutions such as industry and investment professional committees, industrial policy committees, product standards committees and academic committees. The International Cell Therapy Association is committed to promoting the basic theoretical research, product industrialization and technical standardization of innovative technologies with stem cell therapy, immune cell therapy and tissue engineering as the core. The International Cell Therapy Association is an industry organization composed of scientists, entrepreneurs and government regulators. Through academic discussion, the mechanism of cell therapy can be deepened, the product quality and standards of the whole industry can be improved through the popularization of production technology, and the development of innovative technologies and industries can be cared for through the direct exchange of policies and regulations between government agencies and scientists in various countries. The International Cell Therapy Association has always attached great importance to the work in Asia where China is an important member. Here, pluripotent stem cell technology has emerged, with the largest and most diverse stem cell resource bank in the world. In 2013, we will set up discipline branches and professional committees to hold regional annual meetings.  [09:41]

[Huang Jiaxue]Due to the development of gene detection technology, the field of anti-aging is increasingly showing personalized characteristics based on different individuals and from different mechanisms. Academia has always believed that aging is a natural process that cannot be intervened. Now we know that different individuals cause and participate in aging through different mechanisms. The aging process can be intervened and delayed, and anti-aging products begin to appear in the form of drugs. Stem cells and immune cells are being discovered and recognized in the field of anti-aging because of their activation of body components and the removal and replacement of aging tissues. Stem cell anti-aging and personal care products have been developed and manufactured, which has become a new field of international cell products application. As always, the International Cell Therapy Association will cooperate with scientists, entrepreneurs and government management agencies in this field, adhere to the scientific theory of basic research in product development, explore the forms of rich stem cell anti-aging products, and improve people’s quality of life by promoting the application of innovative products and technologies. Today, in this forum, we will share the research results of many internationally influential experts, understand the development trend of the discipline and get in touch with the latest beauty anti-aging products. I am convinced that your participation will make more people’s lives healthier and more beautiful. Finally, I wish this conference a complete success.  [09:42]

[Moderator]Thank you Dr. Huang for his wonderful speech. Next, please welcome Mr. Longchun Sun, former Vice Minister of Health.  [09:43]

[Longchun Sun]Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I am very happy to participate in this international summit forum on the development of anti-aging industry. With the rapid development of China’s economy and the great progress of people’s living standards in the past 30 years, China’s population structure has changed significantly, and people’s pursuit of health has shown more diversified characteristics. Aging is the root of frequently-occurring and common diseases. Therefore, anti-aging medicine faces not only middle-aged and elderly people, but also all adults. Anti-aging scientific research is not limited to geriatric medical care, but the process of delaying aging, which is an important scientific field related to the health of the whole people. China’s anti-aging products with independent property rights are relatively scarce, so we need all of us to make joint efforts, take Scientific Outlook on Development as the guide, introduce and absorb international advanced theories and technologies, and create anti-aging products with China characteristics and adapt to China’s national conditions for the benefit of the people. This international forum has a high academic level. I hope all experts can fully exchange ideas and suggestions for China’s anti-aging field and make our due contribution to China’s health cause. Finally, I wish this forum a complete success. Thank you.  [09:45]

[Moderator]Thank you, Minister Sun for your speech. Finally, please welcome Secretary Zhu Liping, member of the Standing Committee of Tianjin Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, to make a speech.  [09:45]

[Zhu Liping]Dear Sir Martin Evans, Dear Vice Minister Wei Jianguo, Academician Wu Zuze, Academician Hao Xishan, Comrades and friends, in this beautiful season of golden autumn harvest, the 2012 International Anti-aging Technology and Industry Development Forum was grandly opened in Tianjin. Experts and scholars from home and abroad gather in Tianjin to jointly study the development achievements and future trends in the field of anti-aging, which is of great significance for the development of life science, improving the quality of life of the people and promoting social harmony and stability. On behalf of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, I would like to express my warm congratulations on the convening of the meeting.  [09:47]

[Zhu Liping]Anti-aging life science and technology industry is a new industry. At present, the research on anti-aging has become a hot issue in the field of scientific research in the world, and it is also an important field where scientific and technological innovations are constantly emerging. In particular, many remarkable achievements have been made in the prevention and intervention of human aging mechanism, which has produced good economic benefits. According to the report of the World Health Organization, due to the introduction of anti-aging products, the mortality rate has dropped by 35%. Especially in recent years, new products from various disciplines have been continuously applied in the field of anti-aging, and the emergence of cutting-edge biotechnology in the 21st century, represented by stem cells, has injected new vitality into the development of human anti-aging cause. Tianjin is the largest coastal open city and economic center in the north of China. In recent years, China has conscientiously implemented the national development strategy, accelerated the development and opening up of Binhai New Area, accelerated the transformation of economic development mode, accelerated the development of medical and health care and other social undertakings and improved people’s livelihood. While striving to achieve sound and rapid economic development, people’s quality of life has been significantly improved. In 2011, the average life expectancy of the city reached 81.46 years, and the number of elderly people over 60 exceeded 1.764 million. The anti-aging industry has a broad development space in Tianjin. We will take this meeting as an opportunity to learn from advanced experience, improve policies and measures, strengthen and cultivate biomedical industry, support the development of anti-aging life science and technology industry, and better safeguard people’s health and life safety. During this forum, experts and scholars will summarize their achievements around the development of anti-aging life science and technology industry.Exchange experiences, seek common cooperation and strengthen the interaction between scientific research and industry. Promote the healthy, sustained and rapid development of the anti-aging industry. At the same time, I also hope that the experts and scholars attending the meeting will take a look in Tianjin, further strengthen their understanding of Tianjin, enhance exchanges and cooperation with their counterparts in Tianjin, and give more valuable opinions and suggestions on the development of Tianjin. Finally, I wish this forum a complete success, and I wish all experts and scholars good health and smooth work. Thank you.  [09:50]

[Moderator]Thank you, Secretary Zhu for your wonderful speech. The opening ceremony of "2012 First International Anti-aging Life Science and Technology Industry Development Forum" ended. The forum entered the stage of thematic report.  [09:51]

[Xinhuanet Live Report]This is the end of the live broadcast of "2012 First International Forum on Anti-aging Life Science and Technology Industry Development". Thank you for your attention!  [09:55]

Qingming is a good place to go for a spring outing. These places hide the beautiful spring in Yantian!

Qingming Festival


spring outing

Grave-sweeping is one of the traditional customs in Tomb-Sweeping Day, in order to express people’s yearning and admiration for their ancestors. In the past two years, due to the need of epidemic prevention and control and forest fire prevention, Shenzhen has advocated "cloud sacrifice sweeping" for citizens and friends.

Another custom in Tomb-Sweeping Day, hiking, is becoming a travel choice for more and more Shenzhen people. The sense of ceremony in spring lies in going green and embracing nature. Seeing that the small holiday is coming, Xiao Bian has carefully selected three scenic spots close to the mountains and seas, and invited everyone to visit the beauty of Shan Ye in Shenzhen in spring!

Content of this issue

01 Sanzhoutian Scenery

02 Maluan Mountain Wild Interest

03 Mid-Levels Park Belt


Sanzhoutian scenery

Where exactly is Sanzhoutian mentioned by Shenzhen people?

Sanzhoutian, which we often talk about, is located.Yantian districtLonggang DistrictandPingshan districtAn area at the junction. There are 6 reservoirs and large and small peaks in the area, withNatural scenery of reservoirandCha chan Tian yuan styleFamous. You can not only breathe through it.High negative oxygen ionThe concentration of fresh air, you can also overlook the sea and see the mountains and seas!

Recommended scenic spots

First choice for mountaineering and hiking:Meishajian

Parent-child education through fun:Gengzi Shouyi sculpture garden

Rite Buddha and Zen life:Dahuaxing temple

Recommended reason

Of course, the most famous scenic spot in Sanzhoutian isoct eastBesides, OCT in the east has beautiful scenery, which benefits from the natural nature of Sanzhoutian scenery. These scenic spots recommended by Xiaobian today are all in the OCT area in the east.Free scenic spotsDo you want to spend a penny?Enjoy the 360 scenery of Sanzhoutian without dead ends.Come to these places!

Climb high and overlook

There is a panoramic view of the mountain.

Feel the majestic spirit of Sanzhoutian.

Let’s experience the wildness of hiking on Maluan Mountain again.

Green field pursuit

It’s even more emotional ~


Maluanshan wild interest

(Source: Xiaohongshu @ Udon who loves to eat)

How many entrances are there in Maluan Mountain?

(Source: Shenzhen Local Treasure)

There are 7 entrances to Maluanshan Country Park, in clockwise order.BilingEntrance (northwest gate),HuangzhukengEntrance,MaluanEntrance,ChiaoEntrance,XiaomeishaEntrance,dameisha beach parkEntrance andoct eastEntrance. The scenery of each entrance is very different, so you can choose the nearest entrance according to your location.

Recommended entrance

(Source: Xiaohongshu @ 嗮嗮嗮嗮嗮)

The first choice for watching waterfalls and going upstream:Biling entrance (northwest gate)

Meiyuan leisure flower viewing:Xiaomeisha entrance

Visiting Hakka villages:Maluan entrance

Recommended reason

(Source: Xiaohongshu @ 嗮嗮嗮嗮嗮)

Maluanshan Country ParkThe average altitude is 300-590 metersSurrounded by green plants, waterfalls and streams, the temperature is perennial.It is 3℃ lower than the urban area.If the weather in Shenzhen recently makes you feel hot and clear.Summer resortIt must be Maluanshan Country Park!

What? Do you think Maluan Mountain is too far away?

Ask Xiaobian if there is.Through subwayXanadu?

Of course there is!

Reservoirs, waterfalls, bridges and streams

Hiking, sea watching, flower viewing and camping.

Mid-level park belt

Can satisfy all your fantasies about hiking!


Mid-level park belt

What are the scenic spots in the Mid-Levels Park Belt?

The Mid-Levels Park Belt is a total length.69 kilometersMid-levels fire patrol trail network, includingThree waterfallsFour reservoirs6 parksand13 viewing platformsThere are as many as 23 entrances! The scenic spots recommended by Xiaobian "Wall Crack" are:Mandarin Duck Valley Scenic Area, Enshang Reservoir and Enshang Wetland Park.And along the wayViewing platform.

Recommended scenic spots

Secret state of Chengche Reservoir:Enshang reservoir

Small bridges and flowing water in the forest garden:Mandarin Duck Valley scenic spot

Overlooking the beautiful mountains and seas:Sightseeing platform along the way

Recommended reason

The Mid-Levels Park Belt, which was just fully opened during the Spring Festival this year, only took more than a month to go from obscurity.Small transparent"Become a newcomer in Yantian District"Internet celebrity",the coexistence of face value and strength is the most important reason. During the Qingming holiday, bring friends and family, and stroll through the Woods and flowers together. The Mid-Levels Park Belt is the best choice!

Green can not only bring people a good mood, but also represent hope. The Qingming Festival has a pleasant climate, and the spring rain moistens everything, which is the best time to enter Shan Ye.Climb high and overlook, watch the waterfall go upstream, and see the forest among the flowers.The limited scenery in spring is ready. Keep up with the pace of Xiaobian and set off for these hidden beautiful scenery!

Source: Changyou Yantian, Xiaohongshu, Shenzhen Local Treasure, Yantian District Media Center.

Overall production: Yantian District Media Center

Eat glutinous rice balls or Yuanxiao on Lantern Festival? Visiting: Handmade Lantern Festival is shaken out like this.

"When making Yuanxiao, you should first make the stuffing, dip it in water, and then throw it into a basket full of glutinous rice flour and shake it. <a

When making Yuanxiao, you should first make the stuffing, dip it in water, and then throw it into a basket full of glutinous rice flour and shake it. Zhongxin. com Wu Tao photo

  Beijing, March 1 (Reporter Qiu Yu) The Lantern Festival is the first important festival after the Spring Festival. People enjoy lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns, and of course, they eat Yuanxiao or Tangyuan.

  Some people like to make homemade Yuanxiao or glutinous rice balls, eat them fresh, and have more choices in the taste of stuffing. So, how is Yuanxiao made? What’s the difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan?

  How is Yuanxiao made?

  On February 27th, Master Yu Bojun of Daoxiang Village in Beijing showed the process of shaking Yuanxiao in a sales department.

  When making Yuanxiao, you should first make the stuffing, dip it in water, and then throw it into a basket full of glutinous rice flour and shake it. Then dip it in water, continue to roll the glutinous rice flour, and repeat it many times to make it gradually round and bigger.

Yu Bojun dipped the stuffing in water and prepared to throw it into a basket filled with glutinous rice flour. Zhongxin. com Li Jinlei photo

  "In the process of shaking, let the Yuanxiao fully collide, so that the glutinous rice flour can stick more firmly. The whole process takes about 15 minutes when making by hand, and the weight of each Yuanxiao is about 25 grams." Yu Bojun said.

  According to him, the glutinous rice flour used to shake Yuanxiao is made of stone grinding technology, which can retain the nutrients and natural fragrance of glutinous rice to the maximum extent. The glutinous rice dumplings shaken out have high viscosity and are soft and strong to eat.

  Homemade dumplings and sweet dumplings are favored.

  Yu Bojun’s live show attracted many Beijing residents to watch.

  "Now shake Yuanxiao see less and less. This kind of Lantern Festival is fresh. I want to buy some and try it to see if it has an old flavor. " A woman in her fifties and sixties said.

"Yu Bojun's live show attracted many Beijing residents to watch. <a

Yu Bojun’s live show attracted many Beijing residents to watch. Zhongxin. com Li Jinlei photo

  This Lantern Festival, everyone’s enthusiasm for making Yuanxiao and Tangyuan is not low. According to the data provided by JD.COM to the reporter of Zhongxin. com, the sales amount of glutinous rice flour increased by more than 80% in the early period of Lantern Festival.

  The data shows that young and middle-aged people and female users prefer homemade Yuanxiao and glutinous rice balls, and the consumption of glutinous rice flour accounts for a high proportion. Specifically, the consumption amount of female consumers accounts for 69%, and the consumption amount of the 26-45 age group accounts for 77%.

  New tastes are more popular with young people.

  The tastes of Yuanxiao and Tangyuan are getting richer and richer. The reporter visited a number of supermarkets in Xicheng District of Beijing and found that in addition to traditional fillings such as red bean paste and black sesame, new flavors such as roses, blueberries and chocolate are not uncommon.

  "Most of the people who buy new flavors of Yuanxiao or Tangyuan are young people. From the perspective of sales, traditional tastes still dominate." A supermarket staff member said.

"The stuffing used in making Yuanxiao. <a

Stuffing used in making Yuanxiao. Zhongxin. com Wu Tao photo

  Yu Bojun said that sweet-scented osmanthus, hawthorn and buttered cocoa are more popular among young people, and yellow rice and calcium milk, yellow rice and red dates, longan and yellow rice, brown sugar and walnut fillings are the new flavors this year.

  According to the data of JD.COM, post-90s prefer fruit stuffing, mixed flavor and fresh meat stuffing, post-80s prefer mixed flavor, fruit stuffing and peanut stuffing, post-70s like bean paste, black sesame stuffing and peanut stuffing, while post-60s like bean paste, fresh meat stuffing and black sesame stuffing.

  Extension &mdash; &mdash;

  What’s the difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan?

  China is known as "Yuanxiao in the north and Tangyuan in the south". What’s the difference between Yuanxiao and Tangyuan?

  Guo Yaping, deputy director of the food factory of Beijing Daoxiangcun Food Co., Ltd., told the reporter of Zhongxin.com that the production technology of Yuanxiao and Tangyuan is different. Yuanxiao is "shaken" and Tangyuan is "wrapped".

"Data Map: After the boiled dumplings, the surface is smoother than Yuanxiao, and the soup is relatively clear.

Data map: After boiled, the surface of glutinous rice balls is smoother than Yuanxiao, and the soup water is relatively clear. Zhongxin. com Qiu Yu

  They also have different appearances. After the Lantern Festival is cooked, there will be a "velvet head" on the surface, that is, there will be floating powder on the surface. When the rice flour is cooked in the pot, the soup will be milky white. Yuanxiao expands rapidly after cooking, and its size is bigger than glutinous rice balls. The dumpling skin is made of dry glutinous rice flour and water into dough, and then wrapped with stuffing, which has better cohesion, smoother surface and clear boiled soup.

  In addition, from the taste point of view, Yuanxiao is more biting and has a prominent glutinous rice noodle flavor; Tangyuan is tender, smooth and soft, and the smell of glutinous rice is not obvious. (End)

On New Year’s Day holiday, officers and men of the Armed Police Force stick to their positions all the time to ensure the safety of people’s travel.

CCTV News:During the New Year’s Day holiday, the passenger flow in many scenic spots and transportation hubs increased. Yesterday (December 30th), the national railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation are expected to send 41.768 million passengers, an increase of 73.3% over the first day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2023. The officers and men of the armed police stick to the battle position all the time to ensure the safety of passengers everywhere.
In view of the increase in passenger flow during the festival, officers and men of Tianjin Armed Police Corps used a combination of foot patrol and fixed-point alert to patrol scenic spots, important transportation hubs, crowded places and other places, so as to increase patrol density and ensure the safety of personnel travel.
Tourist Zhang Wenyujie:The scenery of the ancient cultural street is really beautiful, especially in such cold weather, it is really hard to see the patrolling armed police officers and soldiers, and I am very grateful to them.
As a popular tourist city, Kunming has attracted many tourists from all over the country to punch in, and the average daily traffic has increased by more than 70,000 people. A few days ago, the officers and men of Kunming detachment of Yunnan Armed Police Corps adopted a combination of fixed-point vigilance and armed patrol to strengthen the duty patrol at various stations of the railway station, maintain order at the scene in crowded areas such as the entrance, waiting room and exit, and also provide warm-hearted help for passing passengers to ensure safe and smooth travel of passengers.
As one of the largest transportation hubs in Asia, the average daily passenger volume in hangzhou east railway station during New Year’s Day was as high as 294,000. The officers and men of the Hangzhou detachment of the Armed Police Force and the public security department have strengthened the coordination between the military and the ground, established a comprehensive control network covering points, lines and areas, and made every effort to ensure the safe travel of passengers.
Chen Pengyu, Hangzhou detachment of Zhejiang Armed Police Corps:During the New Year’s Day holiday, the West Lake Scenic Area also attracted many foreign tourists. We adopted fixed-point vigilance and foot patrol, and added duty personnel to the sections with many people at the entrance and exit of the scenic area to escort passengers to travel safely.
(Source: CCTV)

Does life lie in exercise or rest? Investigated 100,000 people, and the research gave the answer.

Lao Li is 65 years old this year. Since his retirement, his life has been very comfortable and his diet is healthy. But in his wife’s view, he has a very bad habit-that is, he doesn’t like sports.

Every time my wife wants to drag him to do morning exercises, she will be pushed off by him in every way. One minute, she says, "Life lies in rest. What if I get injured in sports?" Another minute, she says, "Look at the tortoise crawling so slowly, but its life span is so long." My wife is very helpless about this.

Is the exercise for the elderly good or not? Does life lie in exercise or rest?

A new study published by the School of Public Health of Harvard University in the United States in the American Heart Association analyzes two large-scale prospective studies, involving the mortality poems and medical records of 100,000 adults, and has been followed up for 30 years. The final result found that:

  • Do 2-4 times the recommended amount of exercise per week, with the lowest risk of death.;
  • 15-300 minutes of strenuous exercise every week can reduce the risk of death by 21%-23%;
  • 300-600 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week can reduce the risk of death by 26-31%.

Besides, persisting in exercise can not only reduce the risk of death and prolong life, but also play an anti-cancer role.

A study published in the National Journal of Cancer in 2022 found that when individuals persist in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise several times a week, more anticancer molecules can be released in the body, which can inhibit abnormal cells, promote DNA repair and have a positive effect on inhibiting the occurrence of cancer.

Recently, the video of an 80-year-old teacher on the Internet who is still playing basketball flexibly in colleges and universities was praised. Many netizens said that it would be nice if they were still so flexible when they were 80 …

When people are old, there is always a feeling that they are unable to do their job. Their athletic ability will weaken with age, and it may even be related to the speed of life decline.

A research team led by French scholar Benjamin Landray, published in the British Medical Journal, shows that,Once a person is over 65 years old, his athletic ability will get worse and worse.Subsequently, the risk of death has also increased, and from the first 10 years of death, there will be signs of decline in sports ability.

Judging whether a person is aging generally includes four sports indicators, namely:

Walking speedIf the walking speed of the elderly is lower than 0.6 m/s, the risk of death will increase;

Grip strengthThe risk of death from cardiovascular disease will increase by 17% for every 5 kg drop in grip strength;

Standing ability: The elderly have difficulty in standing, which indicates that the muscle decline is serious;

daily life: daily activities such as dressing, cooking and going to the toilet are limited, indicating that muscle mass is decreasing sharply.

Some middle-aged and elderly people may think that "rest is better than exercise" when they get old. Is this really the case? Many studies have found that after the age of 60, the elderly who insist on exercising can reap the following benefits:

1. Reduce the risk of dementia

A team of Ding Qian, a neurologist at Huashan Hospital of Fudan University, has conducted a study on the relationship between physical exercise and dementia risk in conjunction with multi-country and multi-research teams.

The results show that people who exercise for 3.1-6.0 hours/week have a 38% lower risk of dementia than those who don’t exercise.

2. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

A large-scale study of more than 1 million people in South Korea found that with the increase of age, the risk of cardiovascular disease decreased by 11%. That is, maintaining moderate exercise can effectively prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

3. Increase bone density

According to some surveys, elderly people who play Tai Chi for a long time have a lower risk of suffering from spinal osteoporosis than those who don’t exercise much.

Regular exercise can improve bone blood circulation, enhance substance metabolism, prevent muscle atrophy, and help the elderly to prevent arthritis.

4, improve the digestion and absorption function

The digestive function of the elderly is weakened, and if the exercise is insufficient, the appetite will become very little, leading to a vicious circle of difficulty in digestion and absorption.

Moderate exercise can consume excess calories, stimulate the body to "get hungry", and at the same time promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and improve digestion and absorption function.

The benefits of exercise are self-evident, but not all exercises are suitable for the elderly. Some excessive and intense exercises will damage the cardiovascular system or joints. So what kind of exercise is most suitable for middle-aged and elderly people?

  • "The best sport in the world": walking

Academician Zhong Nanshan once said that walking is the best sport in the world. A set of data from the World Health Organization is also, that is,Walking for more than 4 hours a week for the elderly can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases by 69%..

For the elderly, various functions of the body decline, and walking exercise is suitable for most people. China Dietary Guidelines also recommend that it is more appropriate to walk more than 6,000 steps a day.

Don’t walk too much for patients with obesity and arthritis and weak physical fitness.Keep proper walking exercise.

matters need attentionThe elderly should not exercise for more than one hour. Because of the weakening of body balance, it is best to avoid walking sideways, backwards and slopes during exercise.

  • "the most life-prolonging sport": playing ball

A study published by the National Cancer Institute in the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity found that,The sport that can help middle-aged and elderly people live longer is playing ball..

When playing ball, it is not only a simple swing, but also mobilizes the muscles of the whole body; When chasing the ball, you need strength such as legs and cervical vertebrae; When watching the ball, you will also exercise your eyesight, and running and jumping will also help you lose fat, and whether it is singles or doubles, it will give people a sense of participation and enhance communication.

matters need attentionBefore playing ball, you should be prepared to exercise and stretch the heel, ankle and other easily injured parts. Playing ball for too little time is easy to cause arthritis. Therefore, pay attention to controlling time and stretching and relaxing joints after exercise.

No matter what kind of exercise, as long as you move, it is better than lying and sitting. For middle-aged and elderly people, it is necessary to pay more attention to weekly exercise and choose appropriate, moderate and timely exercise to prolong life.


[1] "Harvard University found that the best time for sports to" continue life ",this amount per week, the lowest risk of death". Medical Novi.2022-10-06

[2] "After 65 years old, your life depends on this" ability ",and there are four ways to test your strength". Life Times .2021-08-24

[3] "I studied 270,000 people in 12 years: See which sports can best help middle-aged and elderly people live longer! Health Times. 2022-09-07

Reprinting is prohibited without the permission and authorization of the author.

3 for 1! Cappella’s trading plan: Eagle Stud teenager+first round, 18+8 blocked Wang helped Trey Yang.

In the offseason this summer, the Hawks renewed Dezhangtai Murray, traded Corinth, introduced Fernando, Mills and Matthews, and adjusted the team lineup.

At present, the Hawks plan to rebuild the team around Treyan and Dezhangtai Murray, and the management is ready to continue to introduce and strengthen, so as to enhance the strength and depth of the lineup.

According to the report of Brett Siegel, Eagle has been evaluating the trading market in clint capela this summer, trying to trade cappella before the start of the new season.

Of course, the reality is that the Eagle’s intention to trade cappella is not groundless, and it can even be said that it has a long history.

After all, during this summer’s offseason, the Hawks did explore a potential deal about cappella, and cappella was once put on the shelf!

In this regard, the US media ClutchPoints recently re-analyzed and re-evaluated the idea that the Eagle intends to trade clint capela.

ClutchPoints, an American media, thinks that in the potential deal in cappella, a candidate worthy of eagle’s attention is Pacers insider myles turner!

With the emergence of this idea, the US media also gave their own opinions and suggestions, and envisaged a 3-for-1 trading scheme.

The specific 3-for-1 trading scheme is as follows:

Eagles sent clint capela+Jay Johnson +2024 first-round signing (from Kings) and traded from Pacers to myles turner.

Turner played for the Pacers last season, and his performance was remarkable. Turner played 62 games in the whole regular season, and his attendance rate was quite good.

At the same time, Turner averaged 18 points, 7.5 rebounds, 1.4 assists and 2.3 blocks per game when he played 29 minutes per game.

For the eagle, Turner is 2.11 meters tall, with a wingspan of 2.24 meters. He has excellent physical fitness and athletic ability. He was elected as the blocked shot king of the season, and the performance of the defensive end should not be underestimated.

Turner, who is 27 years old, has obviously not reached the peak of his career, and has the potential to become a DPOY in the league. He is a powerful space insider.

In addition, compared with cappella, Turner plays a more outstanding role on the offensive end, and has a good three-pointer, which is more practical and functional.

By the side of Treyan and Dezhangtai Murray, Turner’s improvement and promotion at both ends of the game will bring great help to the Hawks.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the combination of three giants: Treyan+Dezhangtai Murray+Turner, the Hawks will definitely have a chance to attack the playoffs in the East in the future!

In contrast, on the Pacers’ side, trading Turner’s team needs to be rewarded, and cappella and Jay Johnson are really worth betting on.

Last season, cappella averaged 12 points, 11 rebounds and 1.2 blocks in regular games, and 8.3 points, 8.3 rebounds and 1 steal in the playoffs.

Jay Johnson played for the Hawks last season, averaging 5.6 points, 4 rebounds and 1.2 assists in the regular game and 4.3 points, 2.5 rebounds and 1.3 assists in the playoffs.

For the Pacers, cappella, 29, is in his prime, and has rich playoff experience and personal ability.

However, Jay Johnson, who is only 21 years old, is young enough, his potential and talent have not been fully realized, and he has good training value and development space.

In the Pacers’ lineup, alongside halliburton and Hilde, cappella can be a qualified inside defense gate.

Young teenager Jay Johnson can provide good instant combat power, inject vitality and energy into the pacers, and enhance the strength and depth of the lineup!

More importantly, in this 3-for-1 trading scheme, the walkers can also get a first-round sign that may be valuable in the future, which is really an option worth considering for the walkers!

Finally, as a fan, are you optimistic that the Hawks will use the above 3-for-1 trading scheme to dig the corner and block Wang Turner? Welcome to leave your thoughts in the comments section!

Burn! Strong military cup basketball final


  Recently, the final of the third "Strong Military Cup" in the Eastern Division of the Navy came to a successful conclusion in the indoor basketball hall of a naval detachment in the theater. This is not only a "trump card confrontation" between the needle tip and Maimang, but also a "deep exchange" to enhance the friendship between comrades. Inside and outside the stadium, the officers and men honed their skills in the game by making friends and helping each other, and enhanced their feelings in exchanges. (Chang Le, Li Kai, Chen Zesheng
, Li Henghui)


As the times require, it is obvious that you can make a circle by being cute, but Liu Yutong, the "big baby", has to rely on strength.

Liu Yutong’s great welcome reflects the new aesthetics of fans in the internet plus era. People pay more attention to the real-time interaction on and off the field, and pay more attention to the performance of sports stars "both inside and outside"

In the women’s basketball competition of Chengdu Universiade, Liu Yutong of China team was so angry that she had no friends.

With a height of 201cm and a weight of 200 kg, she helped the China team win all the way with the absolute pressure from inside.

On the court, Liu Yutong, a big man, often bounces his opponent with a slight force in physical confrontation, which is vividly compared by netizens as "bouncing music".

There are many players in the sports world who have the ability to "kill the game", and most of them are "terrorist". However, Liu Yutong on and off the court is cute, and his gestures are cute. In the face of the interview, she will tell you without affectation that the title of "Big Baby" was given by a little brother. Should be the old saying-clearly can rely on cute out of the circle, but depends on strength. Some people call her "female O ‘Neill", but she is her and our big baby.

Liu Yutong is reminiscent of Zheng Haixia. Choosing "tower" players is a direct way to increase the right to speak on the court. Yao Ming and Zheng Haixia in those days gave us many wonderful memories. It is quite rare to play well and be cute. Liu Yutong’s great welcome reflects the new aesthetics of fans in the internet plus era. People pay more attention to the real-time interaction on and off the field, and pay more attention to the performance of sports stars "both inside and outside". When the whole network shouted Liu Yutong’s "big baby", Liu Yutong readily responded, saying that anything can be shouted. This shows that the new sports forces in China also know the Internet language very well.

On the field, there are "blue prince", "smiling angel", "Dr. Dunk" and "Li Mochou" butcher. The existence of diversified roles makes the game exciting and exciting.

An athlete is given a well-known nickname by the whole network, which is not only the embodiment of his strength, but also the embodiment of the progress of sports culture.

It’s different from sitting in a tight seat and watching the game nervously. It’s different from looking at the faces on the field like the printed names on the table. When we shouted out "Big Devil" and "Big Baby", we felt unprecedented happiness.

Wu Lichuan, Special Commentator of Red Star News

Editor Zhao Yu

Red Star Review Submission Email: hxpl2020@qq.com

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