标签归档 苏州水磨会所

Original Hengchi 5 orders over 37,000, netizens: staff hard! Buy a house and buy a car

Not long ago, the Hengchi 5, which has been sewing and mending for three years, was finally launched. The new car is positioned as a compact pure electric SUV with a pre-sale price of 179,000 yuan. Compared with other "new forces in car building", whether it is Hengchi Automobile or Hengchi 5 itself, it can be said that it is full of "drama". Due to the crisis event of the parent company Evergrande Group, Hengchi Automobile, which was thought to have aborted and died, finally launched a new car.

On July 20, Hengchi Automobile announced at its first 720 Hengchi Festival event that as of about 18:04 on the same day, the number of Hengchi 5 pre-sale orders reached 37,000. Liu Yongzhuo, president of Hengchi Automobile, also said in an interview that after the pre-sale conference, the market response of Hengchi 5 was very good, which has exceeded expectations, and the big sale is a foregone conclusion.

This can’t help but make people wonder, after understanding such a "mess" of Evergrande Group, who is buying a car? Are you not afraid of being "rotten" like a house? At this time, some people will say that Evergrande Group has shown its sincerity and pioneered the "notary car purchase" method. Pay the full amount when the car is delivered, and the car can be returned and refunded within 15 days after pickup, and the money must go through the special account of the notary office. In addition, there are various rights and interests, and of course someone will buy it at such a good opportunity!

It can be seen that Evergrande has made great efforts to allay consumers’ concerns, but this "innovative" sales method will directly lead to Hengchi cars not being able to receive car payments for a period of time. You know, the lack of "self-hematopoietic" ability has always been a sword hanging over the heads of all "new power car companies". For Evergrande Group, which already has serious financial problems, it is questionable whether Hengchi 5 can be successfully mass-produced without a benign turnaround.

Take a look at the Hengchi 5 car has enough potential to become a hit? The plain appearance, unadorned configuration, and decent performance are enough to summarize this car. Besides the background of car building, a new energy vehicle made by a well-known real estate company does not have enough vehicle technology accumulation like traditional car companies, nor does it have advanced intelligence like Internet companies. The pre-sale price of 179,000 yuan, it did not choose to enter the price range of "drive DNU", the overall positioning is more embarrassing, and it seems to give people a sense of "high can’t make low".

Finally, an insider revealed that Hengda now relies on its own Hengda Property employees to sell cars. Hengda Property distributed the "Hengchi 5" new energy vehicle sales assessment task to its employees. And issued specific assessment task indicators to each region. According to the actual situation, each region will refine the sales target to each real estate project, and the number of sales depends on the number of owners in the real estate.

In fact, Evergrande’s marketing strategy is no problem. After all, the owner’s resources can be said to be Evergrande’s greatest advantage, and of course it must be used well. However, Evergrande still has to consider that problem.

However, in the final analysis, this pre-sale volume is essentially a relatively large indicator. Many manufacturers have falsely reported data when publishing pre-sale data, because only the manufacturers can see these data.

Regarding whether the Hengchi 5 can be bought, when can it be bought, or whether it needs to wait for the actual delivery of the Hengchi 5, without the endorsement of technology, software, and hardware, what is its overall product strength, reliability, and stability? After all, who can’t brag? Boss Jia’s cattle have already been blown to the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Nongfu Spring Huangshan Factory is under construction, and Anhui people will be able to drink the Huangshan version of Nongfu Spring next year

Recently, the Nongfu Spring Huangshan Base project officially started. It is reported that the total investment of the project is 1.25 billion yuan. After full operation, it is expected to generate about 150 million yuan in local taxes every year and provide more than 300 jobs. By the end of next year, Anhui consumers will be able to drink the Nongfu Spring from the depths of Huangshan Mountain.

It is understood that the Nongfu Spring Huangshan Project is a key investment attraction project in Huangshan City, Anhui Province. It not only meets the high-quality development goals of the natural drinking water industry in Huangshan City, but also relies on the base to carry out multi-field product discussions and cooperation to promote the upgrading of the ecological industry in Huangshan.

The new base of Nongfu Spring promotes the development and upgrading of Huangshan’s natural drinking water industry

In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for high-quality natural water in markets across the country. In particular, the expanding market demand in densely populated eastern and central China has prompted Nongfu Spring to continue to search for water sources and establish new production bases in the region. Huangshan has also entered the exploration scope of Nongfu Spring.

It is understood that in 2017, Huangshan City stated in the "Huangshan City Natural Drinking Water Industry Development Plan (2016-2025) " that it will vigorously develop the natural drinking water industry, and strive to achieve the goal of sales output value of 10 billion yuan in 2025. In 2020, the "Huangshan City Natural Drinking Water Industry High-Quality Development Implementation Plan" proposed that by 2022, the natural drinking water industry will become a new growth point for the city’s economic development. Huangshan City has become a well-known natural drinking water production base in China, influential in the eastern region, and well-known in Anhui.

Nongfu Spring Huangshan water source real map, the end of next year, Anhui people drink Nongfu Spring may be the mountain spring here.

In the process of promoting the implementation of the Nongfu Spring Huangshan Base project, the two levels of government in Huangshan City formed a special class for the project to closely track the service throughout the process and promote the preliminary work in parallel, so as to achieve the efficient implementation of the project. The project took 273 days from the contact to the signing, only 3 days from the enterprise registration to the project filing, and only more than 3 months from the land transfer to the completion of leveling. "The Nongfu Spring Huangshan project is the fastest project in our preliminary work in the past ten years, which can be described by the word’divine speed ‘!" The Nongfu Spring Huangshan project owner said that the good local business environment and the government’s service awareness are also one of the reasons why Nongfu Spring chose Huangshan.

Nongfu spring Huangshan water source environment.

Of course, under the policy, the high-quality water sources in Huangshan provide support for Nongfu Spring to establish a production base in Huangshan. According to the public data of the Anhui Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, in 2022, the water quality of surface water and drinking water sources in Huangshan City reached 100% of the standards, and the quality and improvement rate of surface water in the first three quarters reached the first place in the province. The ecological compensation index of the Anjiang street section has been better than the assessment standard for 11 consecutive years. Xin’an River (Huangshan Section) was awarded the first batch of excellent cases of beautiful rivers and lakes in the country and is the only one in Anhui Province.

Nongfu spring Huangshan water source real map.

Nongfu Spring Huangshan water source is located in the foothills of Huangshan Mountain. In 2021, more than 20 water sources were explored in the Huangshan area and three water sources in the foothills were finally confirmed after a long water quality tracking test.

These three water sources are located in the inaccessible hinterland of mountains and forests, with clear water bodies and balanced mineral elements, meeting the rigorous water selection standards of Nongfu Spring.

Nongfu spring Huangshan water source real map.

More than ten water sources cover the whole country, and Nongfu Spring continues to occupy a dominant position in the market

Since the announcement of the comprehensive transformation of natural water production in 2000, finding high-quality water sources has become the biggest issue for Nongfu Spring. It is understood that the Huangshan water source of Nongfu Spring is the 13th water source of Nongfu Spring in the country, which is also the third largest water source in East China after Qiandao Lake and Wuyi Mountain.

Nongfu Spring Huangshan water source real map, the end of next year, Anhui people drink Nongfu Spring may be the mountain spring here.

In July this year, Nongfu Spring announced the completion of a new water source in Daming Mountain, Guangxi. In addition to Huangshan Mountain, Nongfu Spring has also looked for water sources in Sangzhi, Hunan and Qingcheng Mountain, Sichuan. As of now, Nongfu Spring has put into production 12 water sources across the country, and has 3 water sources under construction. The number of water sources far exceeds that of other brands in the packaged drinking water industry. There are dozens of water intake pipes built alone, with a total length of more than 300 kilometers.

"One meter forward, the water quality will be better." In order to obtain better water from a higher source, most of the Nongfu Spring pipelines are located in the deep mountains and are inaccessible. The construction process has also overcome many difficulties and obstacles: The 11.8-kilometer water intake line in Daming Mountain, Guangxi is close to the cliff wall, and the pipeline can only be transported up the mountain by pure manual means. Nearly 2,200 water pipes, it took more than 60 personnel just to move up the mountain, took a month, and it took another four months to lay all of them. The Huangshan water source is faced with rough and bumpy mountain roads and river channels full of boulders. The local government and Nongfu Spring need to skillfully design the pipelines and bypass trees and boulders without affecting the pristine environment. Therefore, there are more bends in the water pipeline, which needs to be cut into 1-2 meters and carried up the mountain by manpower, which greatly increases the difficulty and cost of construction. In addition, the three pipelines are more than 50 kilometers long and travel along the original road as much as possible, achieving harmony with the natural environment.

Nongfu Spring Huangshan water source along the way.

In the water sources of Qiandao Lake and Wanlv Lake, Nongfu Spring needs to extract water at a depth of 30-60 meters without touching the bottom, shore, and surface of the lake. Through various technological breakthroughs such as bridge construction and underwater suspension devices, Nongfu Spring has created many "unique" in the industry. Similar construction processes have been replicated in almost all water sources, and some factories even took six years to complete.

"High-quality water sources often require a long time to find and accumulate, which in itself constitutes a physical barrier, and more importantly, the management ability behind Nongfu Spring. Natural water sources have their own characteristics, and management requires finer granularity. It involves water extraction, water quality, storage and many other aspects. The accumulation of a series of management knowledge will form a soft barrier, which cannot be imitated in a short time." Some industry experts have analyzed. For more than 20 years, Nongfu Spring has defined the standard of natural water through time-consuming water search and water source construction, and has continued to occupy a dominant position in the market with stable quality.  

Spring at 30℃! Will it be very hot this summer? Expert response

Recently, the weather has heated up violently, and many places have "run into the spring". On March 6, more than 20 national meteorological observatories broke through the historical extreme value of the highest temperature in early March. The National Climate Center predicts that this spring, compared with previous years, the temperature in most parts of China is generally higher and the precipitation is less, with the temperature in most parts of the north being 1 ~ 2℃ higher.

It’s so warm and hot in March, does it mean that this summer will encounter extreme high temperature as long as last year?

Screenshot source: The temperature of China Weather Network will soar to a recent high point, and the rare warm and hot weather in many places or in the central and eastern regions is continuing. On March 7, the temperature of 102 weather stations has exceeded the record in early March.

Today and tomorrow (March 9-10), the temperature in most parts of central and eastern China will rise to the recent high point, especially in the northeast to the south of the Yangtze River. Changchun, Shenyang, Hohhot, Jinan, Hefei and other cities may record the warmest in the same period in early March.

Before this, warm heat has already appeared. Since February, the average temperature in many parts of the country has been higher than normal. Recently, from March 1 to 7, the temperature in Northeast China, Northeast Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Henan and other places was also very high. Chengdu’s "heat rises to a new height"

On March 8, at 14: 30, the average temperature in Chengdu was 25.5℃. At 16: 00, the highest temperature in the city appeared at 28℃ in Qingbaijiang, a record high this year. From 9℃ in the morning to 28℃ in the afternoon, Chengdu ushered in the day of disorderly dressing.

Not only in Chengdu, at 14: 00 on March 8, the temperatures in Leshan, Ya ‘an, Ziyang, Guangyuan and Deyang all exceeded 25℃.

It’s so hot now, does it mean it will be very hot in summer? Last summer, it cast a shadow on many people. At the beginning of March this year, China experienced a rare warm heat. Looking at the current situation, some friends are worried that this means that this summer will also encounter extreme high temperatures for a long time.

"The current warmth and coldness are not necessarily directly related to the temperature in summer." Hu Xiao, chief meteorologist of China Weather Network, said. Simply put, we can’t judge the heat and cool in the longer summer by the abnormal hot and cold wave process now. Moreover, in summer, there will be high temperature in the area affected by subtropical high, and the edge of subtropical high is usually full of rain. For such a huge weather system as subtropical high, it is difficult for us to predict whether it will affect a place for a long time or whether it will swing, which is the difficulty of climate prediction.

However, we can also see from the recent abnormal warm heat that extreme weather and climate events are increasing under the background of climate warming, and this trend is irreversible. Take the La Ni? a event, which is the most important event affecting our climate, even though the "triple La Ni? a" appeared in the past three years, its impact fluctuated greatly. For example, last year, the Yangtze River basin suffered from extremely high temperature and little rain, but in 2020, the Yangtze River basin suffered from floods. This year is destined to be a year of change. According to the forecast of the World Meteorological Organization, La Nina will end in early spring, and it may even turn from neutral to El Ni? o event in May and June. "For this summer, we may encounter uneven distribution of droughts and floods, and extreme weather will still occur frequently." Everyone should pay attention to the latest news released by the National Climate Center. At the beginning of this year, the National Climate Center just organized a group of experts to make an annual forecast. According to the preliminary results, there may still be some persistent high temperature phenomena in the southern region this year, so the "hot" phenomenon will definitely exist. However, the specific intensity, scope and influence need to wait until the end of March and the beginning of April, and a group of experts will be specially organized to predict, analyze and judge the summer climate. The temperature in most areas such as Sichuan Basin will drop by 6~10℃. Whether there will be extreme high temperature this summer is unknown, but it is true that it will cool down this weekend! According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, from 10th to 12th, strong cold air will continue to move eastward, affecting most parts of China. There are 4~6 grades and 7~9 grades of northerly winds in the eastern part of northwest China and most parts of central and eastern China.There will be dust in the northwest and parts of North China; There is little to moderate rain and snow in northeastern Inner Mongolia, eastern and northern parts of Northeast China, small to moderate rain in Sichuan Basin, Huanghuai, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, northern South China, Guizhou and eastern Yunnan, and there is heavy rain or rainstorm in the local area; The temperature in most of the above areas will drop by 6~10℃, and the local temperature will drop by 12~16℃.

Trend of temperature in Sichuan in the next 7 days:

Rainfall in Sichuan in the next 3 days:

Tips: The cooling rain is coming, so please increase or decrease your clothes in time according to the actual weather conditions.

Cover News Synthesis @ China Weather, Central Meteorological Observatory, Chengdu Meteorology, @ Sichuan Meteorology


The price of New Year’s Eve dinner in Guangzhou has increased by 20% to 30% compared with previous years [Figure]

    Caption: Last New Year’s Eve, Li Lianghuan’s family had dinner at home. You can have a holiday on New Year’s Eve this year. Will many people go home to cook New Year’s Eve? Reporter/Sun Tao photo

    The price of New Year’s Eve dinner in Guangzhou has generally increased by 20% to 30% compared with previous years, and the reservations for New Year’s Eve dinner in major restaurants are basically full.

    "Moonlight, according to the hall; Picking betel nuts at the end of the year. " Nursery rhymes describe the scene of a family sitting around the house and enjoying a home-cooked New Year’s Eve dinner. For busy Guangzhou people, it seems that they have been away for many years. Since the beginning of this year, with the implementation of the Labor Contract Law and the rising price of ingredients, the cost of the catering industry is at an all-time high. The price of New Year’s Eve in Guangzhou has generally increased by 20% to 30% compared with previous years, and the reservations for New Year’s Eve in major restaurants have been basically full. Under such a background, the trend of going home for a reunion dinner is quietly returning.

    "Hot Booking" Booking starts from Mid-Autumn Festival.  

    Additional service charge, minimum consumption, no self-help dishes … Compared with weekdays, during the Spring Festival, Xiguan Family added a lot of "rules" to the banquet reservation, but it still could not stop the full business. The last two rounds of reunion dinner have been booked 93%, and the opening dinner on the second day of the new year has also been booked without a table left.  

    Yesterday afternoon at 2: 30, after the rice market, Deng Xiaoxiao, director of the business department of Guangzhou Xiguan Shijia Garden Restaurant, was still busy. A thick stack of orders for the reunion dinner was piled up in front of the table, and she looked through it carefully. According to Director Deng, Xiguan aristocratic family has set up more than 130 banquets, and the reunion dinner is divided into two rounds. At present, 93% of them have been booked.  

    "The booking tide began to appear after the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the private rooms were fully booked as early as one month ago," said Director Deng. In addition, the Xiguan family’s New Year’s dinner on the second day of the year was also fully booked. Yesterday, many guests still came to ask for reservations. Looking closely at the New Year menu launched by this restaurant, the lowest price for 10 people/seat reaches 900 yuan, plus a 10% service charge, and all discount cards will be stopped.

    In addition, many branches of Taihu Seafood Restaurant, Shiweitian (Xingang Store) and Lianxianglou have set the minimum consumption for the New Year’s Eve dinner.  

    The day before yesterday, Director Zhao of Guangzhou Restaurant Group said in an interview that the "reunion dinner" at noon on New Year’s Eve this year has also begun to flourish, and Tianhe and other new city branches have accepted nearly 50% of lunch reservations.

    "Generally, there are many people from other provinces who book lunch. They don’t care too much about time." According to director Zhao’s analysis, because of the holiday on New Year’s Eve, some citizens have begun to plan to travel or return home to visit relatives, so they should finish the reunion dinner early; In addition, the dinner reservation is not in place is also one of the influencing factors.

    It is understood that since last month, the reservation of group dinner in Guangzhou restaurants has been hot. As far as the evening market is concerned, all the branches in the city have been fully booked in the first round, and the second round has also been booked for about 50%.  

    Manager Huang Li of the sales department of Hongxing Seafood Restaurant said that this year’s reunion dinner was cancelled. "The main thing is to let the guests eat with peace of mind, without rushing to catch their lives. It is understood that the restaurant’s reunion dinner was fully booked as early as the beginning of January, and some citizens came to the restaurant to make reservations last November.

    "three jobs" in the annual festival of "price scanning" increases costs  

    As the prices of agricultural and sideline products such as pork, grain and oil and energy have all risen sharply this year, and the labor contract law stipulates that triple wages on holidays will increase labor costs, the price of this year’s reunion dinner has also risen accordingly. According to the reporter’s investigation, the quotation of group dinner in middle and high-end restaurants in Guangzhou has generally increased by 20% to 30%.

    The biggest price increase of this year’s New Year’s Eve dinner is the suckling pig. Director Zhao of Guangzhou Restaurant Office said, "The suckling pig that sold more than 200 yuan last year has doubled to more than 400 yuan this year. However, last year, the purchase price of suckling pigs was only 10 yuan/kg, and this year it actually rose to 50 yuan/kg, and the cost was nearly three times more expensive. " Director Zhao estimates that the overall cost will increase by 40%-50% this year. The person in charge of Hongxing Seafood Restaurant said that this year’s skinned suckling pigs rose from 388 yuan last year to 488 yuan each.

    "Last year’s package in 1000 yuan rose to 1,200 yuan this year, but the content remained unchanged." Director Zhao said that in order to make it acceptable to the public, Guangzhou restaurant tried to control the increase in the price of dishes. For example, in the collocation of dishes, we will pay attention to skills and avoid using too much raw materials with excessive increase.  

    Despite the sharp increase in prices, Director Zhao was pleasantly surprised to find that many citizens’ spending power has improved significantly. "Many guests are more generous and refreshing when ordering food than in previous years."  

    It is an indisputable fact that the price of reunion dinner has risen. In addition to the rising price of food raw materials, the increase in labor costs is also a major reason. 

    Starting this year, the legal holiday of the Lunar New Year will be advanced to the 30th. According to the newly implemented Labor Contract Law, you must pay three times the usual salary, commonly known as "three jobs". Xie Huixin, HR manager of Hongxing Catering Group, told reporters a few days ago that the contract employees who went to work at the age of 30 this year can get "three jobs", but there are still many employees asking for a holiday. At present, the company is still recruiting.

    "This has not affected the overall cost." Director Zhao of Guangzhou Restaurant Group Office introduced that although all the grass-roots employees in the restaurant had to come back to work overtime on New Year’s Eve, it did not affect the overall cost of paying employees three jobs on the same day. "The three-day holiday of the Spring Festival used to be from the first day to the third day, but this year it was advanced, which is equivalent to the three jobs of the third day being transferred to New Year’s Eve."

    Director Zhao also said that it will be individual small restaurants that will have a greater impact. "Many restaurants will consider the cost relationship and would rather not do it."

    "This year’s" Labor Contract Law "was promulgated, and we will definitely act in accordance with the legal provisions". Liang Weiming, executive deputy general manager of Xiguan Shijia Garden Restaurant, said that in the face of the rising cost of human resources and raw materials, it is really difficult to run a restaurant.

    The shrinking of "quality foresight" reunion dinner is worrying.

    In business, merchants will not lose money in doing business. Some citizens are worried that the dish head (weight) of the reunion dinner will shrink. According to relevant personages of the Consumer Council, the weight of the New Year’s Eve dinner is not enough and the materials used are not fresh, which has always been a hot issue of complaints.

    Master Liu, who has worked as a "kitchen boss" (executive chef) in many restaurants, told reporters that there are many ways for restaurants to reduce costs and customers’ satisfaction with dishes. For example, to make a white-cut chicken, the price of authentic Hainan Wenchang chicken is more than 30 yuan. If it is changed to Guangxi chicken, Ma chicken and the like, it only costs more than 20 yuan, or choose some smaller chickens and use seasoning to save it. Generally, people who don’t eat chicken will not find it.

    Often go "? Mr. Di Dan Liang of Guangzhou also complained that when he went to many restaurants to eat recently, he found that the head of the dish was small, and many dishes with vegetarian dishes reduced the weight of vegetarian dishes. Mr. Liang asked for a "red onion" in a restaurant in Panyu yesterday. Bone ",and found that there are more onions than ribs.

    "Everything is expensive now, and it is not unacceptable for you to raise the price." Mr. Liang said that this practice of insisting on prices on the surface, but raising prices in disguise in secret, is really difficult to feel at ease.  

    He Jian ‘an, director of the Complaints Department of Guangzhou Consumer Council, said that during the New Year’s Eve dinner last year, consumer complaints mainly focused on the following points: First, the weight of the dinner was not enough and the materials used were not fresh. Second, the scheduled reunion dinner was temporarily cancelled by the restaurant (default). Third, the weight is insufficient, and the materials used are smaller than usual. Fourth, it is difficult to guarantee the service and hygiene level of the reunion dinner.

    Director He reminded consumers that it is necessary to pay attention to hygiene when eating dinner in restaurants, and it is difficult to guarantee the hygiene of many restaurants during the dinner. In addition, we should take good care of the elderly and children.  

    ■ New Year’s Eve returns to the New Year’s Eve holiday to redo home cooking.

    According to the new holiday method, many people have been liberated since the 30 th of this year. "It is estimated that many people will go home to cook again." Director Liang of Xianzuiju Restaurant in Yuexiu District introduced that this may have a certain impact on small and medium-sized restaurants.

    Ms. Zeng, who lives in Dongshankou, chose her own reunion dinner this year. Talking about having a family reunion dinner in previous years, Ms. Zeng joked that it was really "annoying": in order to book a better position, Ms. Zeng had to ask an acquaintance to make a reservation several months in advance, and many times the dishes could not be decided in advance. "It’s all Italian dishes, sweet and sweet, and a hundred children and grandchildren. You really need to know what he gives you to eat, and you won’t know until New Year’s Eve." After the reunion dinner last year, Ms. Zeng’s family helped the elderly and took care of the young. They waited for more than an hour in Xiguan and couldn’t get a taxi. The old man almost incontinence on the side of the road.

    Ms. Zeng recalled that more than ten years ago, the family had a family reunion dinner in a warm home: the hand-made seaweed pig (getting rich) and boiled chicken were placed on the table, and the children lit incense sticks to worship their ancestors under the instruction of the old man. As a daughter-in-law, Ms. Zeng was responsible for cooking in the kitchen. "After the New Year’s Eve, adults will take their children to the Flower Street and return home at about 11 pm to welcome the new year with firecrackers."

Editor: Feng Ye

On New Year’s Day holiday, officers and men of the Armed Police Force stick to their positions all the time to ensure the safety of people’s travel.

CCTV News:During the New Year’s Day holiday, the passenger flow in many scenic spots and transportation hubs increased. Yesterday (December 30th), the national railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation are expected to send 41.768 million passengers, an increase of 73.3% over the first day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2023. The officers and men of the armed police stick to the battle position all the time to ensure the safety of passengers everywhere.
In view of the increase in passenger flow during the festival, officers and men of Tianjin Armed Police Corps used a combination of foot patrol and fixed-point alert to patrol scenic spots, important transportation hubs, crowded places and other places, so as to increase patrol density and ensure the safety of personnel travel.
Tourist Zhang Wenyujie:The scenery of the ancient cultural street is really beautiful, especially in such cold weather, it is really hard to see the patrolling armed police officers and soldiers, and I am very grateful to them.
As a popular tourist city, Kunming has attracted many tourists from all over the country to punch in, and the average daily traffic has increased by more than 70,000 people. A few days ago, the officers and men of Kunming detachment of Yunnan Armed Police Corps adopted a combination of fixed-point vigilance and armed patrol to strengthen the duty patrol at various stations of the railway station, maintain order at the scene in crowded areas such as the entrance, waiting room and exit, and also provide warm-hearted help for passing passengers to ensure safe and smooth travel of passengers.
As one of the largest transportation hubs in Asia, the average daily passenger volume in hangzhou east railway station during New Year’s Day was as high as 294,000. The officers and men of the Hangzhou detachment of the Armed Police Force and the public security department have strengthened the coordination between the military and the ground, established a comprehensive control network covering points, lines and areas, and made every effort to ensure the safe travel of passengers.
Chen Pengyu, Hangzhou detachment of Zhejiang Armed Police Corps:During the New Year’s Day holiday, the West Lake Scenic Area also attracted many foreign tourists. We adopted fixed-point vigilance and foot patrol, and added duty personnel to the sections with many people at the entrance and exit of the scenic area to escort passengers to travel safely.
(Source: CCTV)

Today’s Film Review | "China Ping Pong": A Ping Pong Journey from Low Valley to Nirvana

1905 movie network news The film, directed by and starring Deng Chao, recently released a preview, focusing on the Guoping Men’s Team in "Extraordinary Years"."China table tennis can beat Europe? Can China players still beat Waldner? Can China still reach the top of the world? Do you believe it? "

"China table tennis can beat Europe? Can China players still beat Waldner? Can China still reach the top of the world? Do you believe it? "

This sports movie, with four characters of "China Ping-Pong" that the audience are very familiar with, attracted many audiences’ expectations after the announcement. Hong Fan, an associate professor in the Literature Department of Beijing Film Academy, said: "Sports genre films are all about a champion in the final analysis, while" China Table Tennis "is a story about how the China men’s team once reached the peak, and how to get back to the peak when it fell into a desperate trough, which is more attractive than the conventional story of becoming a champion. The overall tone of the trailer is rather depressing. The head coach’s training methods, the arrangement of troops and even some of his personnel arrangements and management have also been questioned. The leaders are dissatisfied with him, and the media has put forward all kinds of particularly harsh opinions. The people are also very dissatisfied, and all kinds of heavy burdens have come to their faces. In this case, how to counterattack the Jedi constitutes a powerful and realistic drama conflict in the film. "

"Let me spell it again anyway."

This kind of story has really broken many people’s previous established impression of the king’s table tennis as "invincible" and made the audience more curious about the film. The compilation of "China Table Tennis" is based on real history. During that unforgettable period, the China table tennis team was in an absolute dominant position in the World Table Tennis Championships from 1981 to 1987, winning all the important awards and gold medals. However, in the 1988 Seoul Olympic Games and the 1989 World Table Tennis Championships, China lost to Sweden in five games. In the Chiba World Table Tennis Championships in 1991, the China Men’s Team had fallen to the seventh place, which was a very bad result. After the 42nd World Table Tennis Championships, China still failed to achieve good results as expected. It was at this time, under the leadership of Waldner, that the Swedish team won the World Table Tennis Championships for three consecutive years. It was not until 1995, as described in the film, that the China table tennis men’s team returned to its peak in the 43rd Tianjin World Table Tennis Championships, ending a depressed period of six years.

It can be seen that the development of table tennis in China is not smooth sailing. This history itself has the potential to become a good movie, and it is easy to hit the audience’s flash point. Sports-themed movies are special action movies, and China Ping Pong will show some very interesting action wonders, showing the beautiful movements of athletes and the state of the ball flying back and forth through different photography angles. Because of the particularity of table tennis, it not only pays attention to antagonism, but also includes some tactical arrangements. It is very likely that the film will focus on the China table tennis men’s team competition. This team competition will naturally have strategies similar to Tian Ji horse racing, so some people say that sports genre films are special war films in peacetime.

Hong Fan mentioned: "Movies are also very similar to kung fu movies. Each different athlete has different stunts, some are horizontal shots, some are vertical shots, some are near-table fast breaks, and some are far-table pulls. The men’s team was able to win an important victory in this World Table Tennis Championships because there was a secret weapon, a player named Ding Song, who played a special game of chopping, which made foreign athletes uncomfortable. Therefore, we see that the special skills of each athlete provided by the film are just like the Kunlun School and the Shaolin School in the martial arts film. In terms of audio and video, there are still many expectations. "

When it comes to China Ping-Pong, many people will bid for the first time the film that reflected the China women’s volleyball team, and the latter finally gained 836 million box office. In order to impress the audience in the end, sports films not only provide authenticity, mass base and drama, but also have emotional problems at the core. There is a very important reason for Leap’s success, which shaped the character Lang Ping. She finally succeeded under pressure and defeated foreign teams. This role can arouse the audience’s personal feelings, let them bring in coaches and athletes, and overcome all kinds of difficulties to make a comeback. Later, it also created a positive image of different industries and jobs under the background of China, and this spirit of struggle can infect everyone.

Leap, when the national flag of China was raised and the national anthem sounded, the sense of honor of the whole people made the film no longer a story of a sports team, and this spirit of women’s volleyball has become a major theme in sports. I hope "China Ping Pong" can continue to inherit and carry forward the success of the film Leap, from shaping the personal feelings of the characters so that the audience can resonate, to effectively build a sense of national honor, and even go further than Leap to create a different glory.

3 for 1! Cappella’s trading plan: Eagle Stud teenager+first round, 18+8 blocked Wang helped Trey Yang.

In the offseason this summer, the Hawks renewed Dezhangtai Murray, traded Corinth, introduced Fernando, Mills and Matthews, and adjusted the team lineup.

At present, the Hawks plan to rebuild the team around Treyan and Dezhangtai Murray, and the management is ready to continue to introduce and strengthen, so as to enhance the strength and depth of the lineup.

According to the report of Brett Siegel, Eagle has been evaluating the trading market in clint capela this summer, trying to trade cappella before the start of the new season.

Of course, the reality is that the Eagle’s intention to trade cappella is not groundless, and it can even be said that it has a long history.

After all, during this summer’s offseason, the Hawks did explore a potential deal about cappella, and cappella was once put on the shelf!

In this regard, the US media ClutchPoints recently re-analyzed and re-evaluated the idea that the Eagle intends to trade clint capela.

ClutchPoints, an American media, thinks that in the potential deal in cappella, a candidate worthy of eagle’s attention is Pacers insider myles turner!

With the emergence of this idea, the US media also gave their own opinions and suggestions, and envisaged a 3-for-1 trading scheme.

The specific 3-for-1 trading scheme is as follows:

Eagles sent clint capela+Jay Johnson +2024 first-round signing (from Kings) and traded from Pacers to myles turner.

Turner played for the Pacers last season, and his performance was remarkable. Turner played 62 games in the whole regular season, and his attendance rate was quite good.

At the same time, Turner averaged 18 points, 7.5 rebounds, 1.4 assists and 2.3 blocks per game when he played 29 minutes per game.

For the eagle, Turner is 2.11 meters tall, with a wingspan of 2.24 meters. He has excellent physical fitness and athletic ability. He was elected as the blocked shot king of the season, and the performance of the defensive end should not be underestimated.

Turner, who is 27 years old, has obviously not reached the peak of his career, and has the potential to become a DPOY in the league. He is a powerful space insider.

In addition, compared with cappella, Turner plays a more outstanding role on the offensive end, and has a good three-pointer, which is more practical and functional.

By the side of Treyan and Dezhangtai Murray, Turner’s improvement and promotion at both ends of the game will bring great help to the Hawks.

It is no exaggeration to say that with the combination of three giants: Treyan+Dezhangtai Murray+Turner, the Hawks will definitely have a chance to attack the playoffs in the East in the future!

In contrast, on the Pacers’ side, trading Turner’s team needs to be rewarded, and cappella and Jay Johnson are really worth betting on.

Last season, cappella averaged 12 points, 11 rebounds and 1.2 blocks in regular games, and 8.3 points, 8.3 rebounds and 1 steal in the playoffs.

Jay Johnson played for the Hawks last season, averaging 5.6 points, 4 rebounds and 1.2 assists in the regular game and 4.3 points, 2.5 rebounds and 1.3 assists in the playoffs.

For the Pacers, cappella, 29, is in his prime, and has rich playoff experience and personal ability.

However, Jay Johnson, who is only 21 years old, is young enough, his potential and talent have not been fully realized, and he has good training value and development space.

In the Pacers’ lineup, alongside halliburton and Hilde, cappella can be a qualified inside defense gate.

Young teenager Jay Johnson can provide good instant combat power, inject vitality and energy into the pacers, and enhance the strength and depth of the lineup!

More importantly, in this 3-for-1 trading scheme, the walkers can also get a first-round sign that may be valuable in the future, which is really an option worth considering for the walkers!

Finally, as a fan, are you optimistic that the Hawks will use the above 3-for-1 trading scheme to dig the corner and block Wang Turner? Welcome to leave your thoughts in the comments section!

Kangma "Rabbit" is freshly baked, come and watch!

Gansu Kangxian 2023 Qinglong Mountain Landscape Half Marathon

The gun will be fired on May 1st.

After careful selection by the organizing Committee

The official "rabbit" was officially released.

The "rabbit" in the marathon is the official speeder in plain words. As long as you can keep up with these official "rabbits", your grades will not be bad! This year, Kangma has set up 4 pace segments at 2:00, 2:30, 3:00 and 3:30, with 3 rabbits in each pace segment. The organizing committee has selected 12 "official rabbits". These "rabbits" are all runners with long legs, high face value and sprouting. Let’s meet them quickly!

how about

Our "rabbits" in Kangma

They are all handsome guys and beautiful women.

Kangma followed them this year.

Run healthy and run into the future!

Event information

Game time

May 1, 2023 (Labor Day) at 8:00.

institutional framework

Certification unit: China Athletics Association

Organizer: Longnan Municipal People’s Government

Organizer: Longnan Sports Bureau and Kangxian People’s Government.

Kang County, Longnan City, Gansu Province

Competition events and scale

(1) Half Marathon (21.0975km): 800 people (full, registration has been stopped).

(2) Healthy Run/Family Run (about 5km): 2,200 people.

Registration fee

(1) Half Marathon Runner: 100 yuan/person

(2) Healthy Run/Family Run: 60 yuan/person [Children under the age of 13 (born after January 1, 2010) who participate in family run are exempt from registration fees].

Registration channel

Consultation time: 9:00-12:00 and 14:00-18:00 on legal working days.

Email: KXMARATHON@163.com.