标签归档 西安品茶

Is "Longing for Life 6" still desirable?

  The slow life variety show "Always Life" with Huang Lei, He Jiong, Zhang Yixing, Peng Yuchang and Zhang Zifeng as the main guests has officially returned for the sixth season. Before this season’s show went LIVE, the warm-up derivative variety show "Welcome to Mushroom House" with "0713 Fast Man" as the guest has exploded on social media several times, which also filled everyone’s expectations for "Yearning Life 6".

  Unfortunately, the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. Last Friday, after the second episode of the show was broadcast with Liu Haoran, Wen Qi, and Zhang Youhao as flying guests, the audience ruthlessly complained, and the topic #longing for life, boring #once climbed to the first place on Weibo’s trending topic list, which is very embarrassing.

  On the one hand, it is the eagerness of the old fans, on the other hand, it is the constantly disappearing freshness… In the sixth year of "The Life of Yearning", is it still yearning for?

  Embarrassing situation:

  The derivative became popular, and the positive film was even more difficult

  Less than a month before the launch of the sixth season, a five-episode "warm-up derivative variety show" unexpectedly became popular – based on the concept of "sharing", "Yearning for Life" opened the Peach Blossom Garden Mushroom House in the fifth season of the show to guests who were looking forward to rural life to live by themselves, thus creating "Welcome to the Mushroom House".

  The first guests of "Welcome to Mushroom House" are the "0713 Fast Men’s Re-employment Men’s Troupe" composed of Chen Chusheng, Xingxing, Land Rover, Wang Yixin, Zhang Yuan, and Wang Jieliang. Unexpectedly, with the production team of the first-time director, the props pieced together, and only 48,000 yuan of publicity funds, the "Re-employment Men’s Troupe" pulled "Welcome to Mushroom House" out of the circle. In the end, "Welcome to Mushroom House" exceeded the task of warming up for "Zhengzhu" and "Yearning Life" with a score of 8.7 on Douban. At the same time, it also received good news – the tailor-made group for the "Re-employment Men’s Troupe" has begun to prepare.

  However, the momentum of the warm-up derivative variety show was too great, the audience’s expectations were obviously raised, and the requirements for the sixth season of "Yearning Life" became more and more strict. This led to the embarrassing scene of the sixth season going LIVE and being on the top of the hot search due to "boredom".

  On May 17, according to the cat’s eye full network heat list, the sixth season of "Yearning Life", which has gone LIVE for 19 days, only ranked fifth in the variety show full network heat list, losing to "Ace to Ace 7", "Run 10", "Sound Live" and "New Travels".

  In fact, the decline in word-of-mouth ratings is the biggest test facing this veteran slow variety show. Looking back at the first five seasons of the show, in the first to third seasons, "Yearning Life" won 7.5, 8.0, and 7.3 Douban ratings respectively, and the number of ratings also exceeded 80,000 twice, which can be called a win-win situation for word-of-mouth and ratings. However, the fourth and fifth seasons of Douban ratings not only fell to 6.9 and 6.6, but also fell sharply to around 50,000.

  Mode is limited:

  The content did not break through

  Internet users called it "boring"

  Since the program went LIVE, "The Life of Yearning" has made slogans such as "What the city can’t give you, the mountains can!" "Together, we are the life of yearning" and "Live well every day" to carry out the slow life to the end.

  One of the biggest highlights of this season is the opening of the "island season" for the first time. Previously, the "Mushroom House Family" has visited Miyun Garden Village in Beijing, Heling Village in Tonglu County, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Xiangxi, Hunan, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, and Bailinzhou Village in Changde Taohuayuan, Hunan. This time, the program team will record the location in Changjiang Shatang Village, Hainan, which is comfortable and quiet, and looks out to the sea. The island season starts here.

  Visiting houses, eating, sleeping, welcoming guests, working, chatting, and playing games, the content settings of the sixth season have not changed much. In the first installment, the program spent 100 minutes to complete the reunion of the mushroom house family, allocating rooms, making a fire to cook, and introducing a few rules. In the evening, the guests played card games leisurely. In the second installment, welcoming flying guests, going out to sea to fish, and picking up garbage by the sea became the main content. Liu Haoran and other guests have limited space to play, and they have become tool people who pull nets and pull ropes behind real fishermen. It is no wonder that netizens complained of "boredom".

  The particularity of slow variety shows has caused viewers who have lost their novelty to polarize their evaluation of the show – those who like it can feel the taste of life from the clouds and the wind; those who are not interested are confused and lack interest.

  Difficult to solve:

  Is there a spark

  Too dependent on guests

  The lack of a clear story line, competition mechanism, and drama and suspense make the viewability of "Yearning for Life" extremely dependent on the variety show sense of the guests and the chemistry they inspire with each other.

  In previous seasons, Song Dandan, Chen He, Huang Bo, Yang Zi, and Huang Yali had all brought a good response to the show. They were either senior seniors in the entertainment industry with super field control ability, or frequent variety show guests full of laughs, or social experts who could mingle with the guests, or who had the courage to self-destruct and get married in the show…

  It can be seen that the sixth season has also put a lot of thought into the selection of guests: Wen Qi, Zhang Youhao, Peng Yuchang, and Zhang Zifeng have all cooperated with Liu Haoran, and the show has become "Liu Haoran’s Friend Bureau". As soon as they met, Liu Haoran unceremoniously told Zhang Youhao "You are a fan", and the latter responded with "eye shit", which became one of the laughs of the show. Unfortunately, these interesting interactions did not last, limited by the depth of communication, and the atmosphere between the guests was still polite and flat.

  The age difference also hindered the in-depth communication of the guests: as soon as he arrived in the fishing village, Zhang Youhao, who was born in 1995, greatly lamented the age difference between himself and post-00s Wen Qi, who was 8 years old. Huang Lei, who was already 51 years old, also lamented that Zhang Zifeng had just turned 20.

  The chemistry between the guests is not only the premise of the establishment of Slow Variety, but also the "trap" in its long-term development process. In the fourth season, the program team once invited many young idols in the same program. Although the room was full of people, the atmosphere was stiff and awkward. It was not until the arrival of Zheng Jun and Lao Lang, two old friends with close personal relations, that the once black-faced Huang Lei "passed the rain". From then on, the program team also intended to avoid similar scenes from happening again, and invited as many members who were familiar with the resident guests as flying guests as possible. The members of the entertainment industry who can have a chemical reaction with the resident guests are limited. In the first five seasons of the program, Chen He, Li Dan and other guests have come to the mushroom house more than once. In the future, the repeated appearance of flying guests may be more frequent. No, at the beginning of the sixth season, Peng Yuchang has already begun to ask, "Is Brother He (Chen He) still coming this time?" Huang Lei also muttered from time to time: "This job is suitable for Huang Bo"…

  The law is hard to break.

  The novelty has passed

  Can’t keep the audience

  The decline in word-of-mouth and ratings is almost an inevitable problem for longevity variety shows. The once-explosive phenomenon variety show "Where Are You Going, Dad" ended in its fifth season, and the benchmark of music competition variety shows "I Am a Singer" ended in its eighth season. The same is true for slow variety shows.

  In the sixth season of the broadcast, some viewers summed up a set of "The Life of Yearning" "Universal Textbook": First, He Jiong Huang Lei bargained with the program team to get the ingredients; secondly, when the guests came to the mushroom house, everyone said hello and exchanged pleasantries, visited like a tour group, and interacted with the animal members of the mushroom house; secondly, Huang Lei began to cook in the kitchen, and the guests worked under the leadership of Zhang Yixing, Peng Yuchang, Zhang Zifeng and others; the fourth step, the people who came back from work sat around the table, ate, and chatted and blew water; the fifth step, returned to the room after dinner, played games and chatted, and rested and slept…

  "Yearning for Life", which has gradually become a big investment buyer, has been repeatedly criticized for "implanting too much" and "being reduced to advertising", which is also one of the reasons for the decline in the reputation of the show – in the most implanted season, there are even as many as 14 sponsors. In the sixth season, guests picked up garbage at the beach and found the implantation method of "drift bottles sent by cows". They also complained: "The creative starting point is good, but a good environmental action has become not simple."

  Objectively, in recent years, the emergence of slow variety shows with production standards and different entry points, such as "Can’t Forget the Restaurant", "Adventure Life", "Friends," Hello Life ", has also diverted audiences who love this type of show.

  Although there are still longevity variety shows such as "Run", "The Voice of China", "Ace vs. Ace", "Happy Comedian" and "Star Detective", none of them belong to the category of slow variety shows. With its "flat as water" content to persist until the sixth season, "Yearning for Life" is already a leader in slow variety shows. Therefore, it is no wonder that there are Yearning fans who call for more tolerance and space for the show: "Now everyone complains of’boredom ‘without mercy. When it is time to say goodbye, the’boredom’ you complain of will become a kind and classic memory again"! (Reporter, Ai Xiuyu)

What is Vanke Guanhu like? In April, the latest dynamic real estate consultant will broadcast live for you!

Disclaimer: All texts, pictures and other materials marked "Source: Fang Tianxia" are copyrighted by Fang Tianxia, please indicate the source for reprinting; The content of the article is for reference only and does not constitute investment advice; Unless otherwise specified, the areas involved in this paper are all construction areas; The pictures in the article are for reference only, subject to the actual situation of the sales office.

There are only five countries in the world that can build aero-engines. How can China achieve "parallel running"?

  Cartography: Zhang Fangman

  In the vast desert, soldiers were stationed on the battlefield. At the grand military parade held at the Zhu Rihe Joint Training Base not long ago, nearly 600 sets of engines, including turbofans, turbojets, turboshafts and turboprops, two types of auxiliary power devices and two types of transmission systems developed and produced by China Aviation Engine Group participated in the review.

  The collective appearance of the "heart" of these aviation equipment is inspiring. At present, seven series of aero-engines, auxiliary power devices and transmission systems have been widely installed on various military aircraft and helicopters in China. More people are concerned, when will China’s independently developed large aircraft be able to use the independently developed "China Heart"? What are the breakthroughs and difficulties in the development of aero-engines in China? With these questions, the reporter conducted an interview.

  How is the development going?

  Improve manufacturing efficiency and strive to achieve "parallel running" in about 20 years.

  Aero-engines play a decisive role in the whole aviation industry, are the "heart" of aviation weapons and equipment to ensure national security and show the status of a powerful country, and are also an important driving force for the development of civil aviation. Moreover, because of the long industrial chain involved and wide coverage, they have a huge driving effect and industrial radiation effect on the development of basic industries and science and technology.

  Different from previous years, the aero-engine development has been done quietly. At present, the "two engines" project of aero-engine and gas turbine has been included in the 100 major projects and projects planned to be implemented in China in the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" and ranked first. It is imperative to develop China’s own aero-engine. On August 28th last year, China Aviation Engine Group, which was jointly funded by the State Council, Beijing Municipal People’s Government, aviation industry corporation of china and China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd., came into being, raising the innovation and development of aviation engines to the national will.

  What progress has been made in aero-engine development in the past year? The reporter learned that in the first half of 2017, the delivery rate of new aero-engines in China increased significantly, which was 8 percentage points higher than that in the first half of last year. When the output of a key model product increased by 34%, the year-on-year product delivery rate increased by 10 percentage points.

  In addition to the improvement of manufacturing efficiency, the reliability and quality of aero-engine products have also been steadily improved. Li Ping, director of the Production and Supply Chain Office of China Hangfa Production Department, said: "At present, the product field integrity rate is above 90%."

  At present, the scientific research tasks of China Hangfa are full: there are several engines, auxiliary power units and gas turbines.

  Dry aero-engines, when can China "run" or even "lead" with the world advanced level? It is understood that the countries that can build aero-engines in the world are the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. Although China ranks among them, its overall manufacturing level is relatively backward. "Strive to achieve it in about 20 years ‘ Run side by side ’ 。” Cao Jianguo, Party Secretary and Chairman of China Hangfa, explained that everything is difficult at the beginning, and so is the engine. We must finish one or two or three models and go through a complete R&D process to form a complete system of design, manufacturing, testing and talent team, and then develop new models. There is a foundation. "The products independently developed by the first generation may not be advanced, but we will continue to work on the second and third generations, or we may become advanced, increasing with generations.

  What is the difficulty in current development?

  The biggest shortcoming is the engine design, and the magic weapon for winning is the "national system"

  According to statistics, it takes more than 20 years to develop a new type of trans-generation aero-engine, which is twice as long as that of the same generation aircraft. It can be said that it is the most complex and multidisciplinary engineering machinery system in the world today, and it is known as "the pearl on the crown of modern industry". Picking the pearl is extremely difficult.

  First of all, the aero-engine should meet many demanding and contradictory requirements: it should not only work under the harsh conditions of high temperature, high pressure, high speed and high load, but also meet the requirements of large thrust, light weight, high reliability, good safety, long life, low fuel consumption, low noise and low development and maintenance costs. For example, at present, the average on-board life of civil aviation engines should reach more than 20,000 hours, and if they fly for 6 hours every day, they can be used for 10 years.

  Secondly, the operating space of aero-engine is narrow and the operating environment is harsh, which puts forward higher requirements for design, manufacture and test. A turbofan engine for supersonic fighters is generally only about 1 meter in diameter and 4 meters in length. Such a small cylindrical object has to be stuffed into more than ten stages of fans, compressors, turbines, combustion chambers, afterburner and other components. What’s more serious is that the temperature of the engine combustion chamber and turbine is very high, reaching 1600— At 1700 degrees Celsius, the temperature in the afterburner is as high as 1800— 1900 degrees Celsius, while the highest tolerance temperature of superalloy materials at present is only 1100 degrees Celsius. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt a complex cooling system in the engine and set a labyrinth-like cooling channel.

  Great technical difficulty also brings huge investment demand. The development cost of a large and medium-sized advanced engine is 2 billion-— 3 billion dollars, more advanced up to 5 billion dollars.

  Among all the difficulties, where is the biggest shortcoming?

  "The biggest shortcoming is design." Yin Zeyong, director of China Aerospace Science and Technology Committee and academician of China Academy of Engineering, said frankly that we often say that aero-engines have a long development cycle and large capital investment because they are not only designed and manufactured, but also tested and flown. But only by strengthening the design can we reduce "experiments — Modify the design — Remanufacturing — In the process of trial and error, the backward design ability is the main factor restricting the development of aero-engines in China, which prolongs the research and development cycle.

  Lack of standards and accumulation is also a big shortcoming. "To build an aero-engine, in addition to the craftsman spirit, there must be a set of standardized design criteria." Yin Zeyong said that the parts that can be made by masters cannot be made by ordinary employees, and the technical reliability is weak. Wang Yingjie, director of the Management Innovation Division of the Quality and Technology Department of the Group, said that the core secret of the world’s advanced engine manufacturers is hundreds of sets of design and manufacturing guidelines. They have accumulated a set of standard systems with years of R&D and manufacturing experience. "In this respect, we still have a big gap."

  Make up the short board, and the airman is very confident. In their view, the magic weapon to win is the "national system" and the development mechanism of "small core and big cooperation". "China Hangfa is a state-owned super-large enterprise managed by the central government and the only aero-engine development enterprise in China. Its birth itself shows that it is necessary to engage in aero-engines with the power of the whole country." Luo Ronghuai, deputy secretary and general manager of China Hangfa Party Group, said that the state has provided a strong institutional mechanism and financial guarantee for the development of Hangfa industry. "Relevant enterprises have given their full support, and some central enterprises have produced special steel products for us, but the demand is very small, and losing money also supports us." "Industry-University-Research has close cooperation, and our enterprises have established common basic research platforms with universities and Chinese Academy of Sciences to carry out technical research and frontier technology exploration" … …

  How to climb the hill in the future

  Information technology means grasping design, and basically establishing an aero-engine R&D system at the end of the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan"

  What should China aero-engine do in the future?

  "At present, the first thing to grasp should be design, otherwise it will be difficult to catch up with the world advanced level." Yin Zeyong said.

  To do a good job in design, we should not only establish standards and solidification processes, but also make good use of information means. Yin Zeyong, for example, used computers to realize three-dimensional design drawings in the design process; The simulation link should be simulated by using three-dimensional information platform, and the design scheme should be simulated and installed in the computer to see if there is interference between the systems and the assembly sequence is correct; In the manufacturing process, the three-dimensional information of the engine should be transmitted to the factory, and the workshop workers use the three-dimensional model to directly manufacture and process.

  From the top-level design, China will basically establish an aero-engine R&D system at the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan. Wang Yingjie introduced that China Hangfa is building a complete set of operation management system, including product research and development, manufacturing, supplier management and service guarantee, in which product research and development system is at the core, and independent research and development and manufacturing criteria should be accumulated through system construction in the future.

  "This system is currently ‘ Bones ’ It’s put up, but it needs to be full ‘ Flesh and blood ’ 。” Wang Yingjie said. For example, the product development stage should provide a technical definition for the development of the whole engine life cycle; In the manufacturing process, the application of advanced management methods such as lean manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing should be realized; Supplier management should not only abide by the rules of market economy, but also strengthen macro-control at the group level; The service guarantee link must not only meet the use demand of weapons and equipment, but also realize the value-added service.

  At the same time, China Hangfa will strengthen the independent research and development of civil engines that started late, and strive to make civil aircraft such as C919 use "China Heart" as soon as possible.

  Since 2017, China Hangfa has implemented the "casting heart" project in the whole group. Heart, not only represents the engine is the heart of aviation power, but also represents the concerted efforts of aviation developers. The hard power of the former cannot be separated from the soft power of the latter. Chang Longshu, Party Construction Department of China Aviation Development Party Group Work Department, said that the improvement of new aircraft delivery rate and the shortening of manufacturing cycle can not be separated from the "casting heart" project that gathers wisdom and strength, and will keep in mind the mission and wholeheartedly support the "China heart" of aviation power in the future.

Going north and going south-the exchange between Hong Kong and mainland youth has narrowed their spiritual distance

  Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, June 21st (Reporter Chen Ji Zhan Yan) Since he went to Beijing to work in Internet advertising in 2000, Zhang Longhua, a Hong Kong native, has experienced several entrepreneurial stories spanning Beijing, Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

  His latest entrepreneurial project is the mobile Internet video teaching platform "Xiumiao". This platform was released in Hong Kong at the end of 2015 and landed in the mainland at the beginning of the following year. Zhang Longhua set up the company in Hong Kong Science Park and the mainland branch in Shenzhen Qianhai Youth DreamWorks, and went back and forth to the two places once a week as usual.

  Xiu Miaoduo invited a Hong Kong tutor to teach the course, covering life skills such as speech skills, social etiquette, love and marriage. "Not only the first-tier cities in the mainland have demand for these courses, but many second-and third-tier cities have wine tasting classes, etiquette classes, etc., and there are many people attending classes." Zhang Longhua said, "Because people are striving for progress, and they are constantly pursuing the enrichment of social skills and the improvement of their self-cultivation."

  At the end of 2014, Qianhai Administration, Shenzhen Youth Federation and Hong Kong Youth Federation initiated the establishment of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth DreamWorks, and so far 77 Hong Kong entrepreneurial teams including Xiumiao have been hatched. Qianhai also provided 666 internship positions for young people in Hong Kong, received 8,000 students from Hong Kong colleges and universities for study and exchange, and attracted more than 100 Hong Kong youth entrepreneurial teams to participate in the first Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

  Going north to start a business is behind the enthusiastic struggle of young people in Hong Kong and the help of government departments. It is understood that in the past three academic years, more than 170,000 Hong Kong students participated in the mainland exchange program. In April 2014, the Hong Kong SAR Government launched the Youth Internship and Exchange Funding Scheme in the Mainland, which further promoted Hong Kong young people’s understanding of the job market and development opportunities in the Mainland.

  Close to the water tower, Qianhai has opened a channel for the flow of talents between Shenzhen and Hong Kong. In addition to promoting more than 10 kinds of Hong Kong professionals such as certified tax agents, certified accountants and housing managers to practice directly in Qianhai, it also levies personal income tax on overseas talents including high-end talents from Hong Kong at a rate of only 15%.

  After starting a business, Zhang Longhua is still infatuated with the strong historical and humanistic atmosphere in the north, which is also one of the reasons why the vast mainland attracts him. "I like history very much. At that time, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, I would go to the Great Wall every month and visit Shichahai every week or two." He said.

  Multi-culture, international vision and open concept … … A "Pearl of the Orient", which blends East and West, has also attracted many young people from the mainland to show their great ambitions during the 20 years since returning to the motherland.

  Unlike Zhang Longhua, Zhao Xiaoshuang, a mainland exchange student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, prefers to go into nature and "see the sea through the mountains". "Hong Kong’s natural environment is well protected. It’s not very troublesome to go to an island by boat. The scenery is beautiful and natural. This is a particularly good place in Hong Kong. " She said.

  The year after Hong Kong’s return, Hong Kong universities began to recruit mainland students by entrusting 10 mainland universities. In 2003, the Ministry of Education officially agreed that Hong Kong universities should recruit self-funded undergraduates in six provinces and cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Fujian. Over the past decade or so, the scope of enrollment has gradually expanded.

  In 2009, after graduating from Beijing Foreign Studies University, Zhao Xiaoshuang was admitted to the Department of Social Work of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, worked in Hong Kong for more than four years, returned from studying abroad for one year, and worked as an exchange student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Zhao Xiaoshuang, who originally went south, claimed to be "led by curiosity". She said that there are many advanced things in social work and charity in Hong Kong, and I want to learn about them myself.

  Mr. Wang, from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, chose the multimedia major of the School of Design of Hong Kong Polytechnic University to further study and improve himself after graduating from a creative cartoon in Hong Kong.

  After living in Hong Kong for more than five years, Mr. Wang has been able to skillfully hear Cantonese and got married here. In cafes in Hong Kong, he has taught Mandarin one-on-one with Hong Kong friends for countless times. "More and more Hong Kong people have this will because their business is related to the mainland and they have to speak Mandarin." Mr. Wang said.

  In 2011, as a financial consultant, Chen Zhihao, a Hong Kong resident, was still fluent in Mandarin when he came to meet his first mainland client in Longgang, Shenzhen. This mainland customer is a primary school teacher with a monthly income of 5,000 yuan. Although the business was not concluded, she became good friends with Chen Zhihao.

  During the past six years, Chen Zhihao’s clients were mainly mainland youths, who were distributed in Shenzhen, Guangzhou and other places. His life was like a pendulum, and he frequently traveled between Hong Kong and Shenzhen. He met his girlfriend in Shenzhen, a Guiyang girl who graduated from Hong Kong University.

  "The biggest feeling of working and living in the mainland is that people have a positive attitude towards work and life and work hard. I learned a lot from my girlfriend. " Chen Zhihao said.

  The Chief Secretary for Administration of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, said that apart from politics and economy, the mainland and Hong Kong are also closely related to social and livelihood issues. Cultural exchanges between the two places are becoming more and more frequent. At present, there are more than 520,000 Hong Kong people living, working and studying in Guangdong Province for a long time.

  Many customers at work have become friends in Chen Zhihao’s life. "Basically, they eat together, watch movies together and chat together. I often recommend them to watch some good movies in Hong Kong." Chen Zhihao said, "I am doing myself well, in fact, I am promoting Hong Kong well."

A complete collection of four common swimming styles

First, breaststroke formula

1, one of the breaststroke formula (total formula):

(1) Breaststroke kicks like frogs, pushing back and sliding forward. Close your legs and feet with your hips, and your knees are shoulder-width apart.
  Slowly retract your legs while retracting, and turn your toes to both sides. Push the water back hard and float your feet together for a while.
(2) The breaststroke arm strokes symmetrically, and the peach stroke strokes sideways. Bend your wrists with both hands to catch the water, and bend your arms and elbows back.
  Row under your shoulders, stop quickly, and clamp your elbows in hard. Stretch your hands forward in parallel, straighten and relax and move forward.
(3) Attention should be paid to breaststroke coordination, and the legs and arms should breathe properly. The two-arm paddling legs are relaxed, and the legs are closed at the same time.
  Stretch your legs forward and push the water, and slide your arms and legs straight for a while. Pull your head up slowly, slide your hand and exhale slowly.
(4) Two arms are paddling at the same time, and the head is raised and inhaled closely. Close your legs, turn your ankles to catch water, and exhale water with your nose.
  Close your hands and slowly retract your legs, and stretch your arms forward before kicking. This kind of cooperation should be kept in mind, and coordination should be learned.

2. The second formula of breaststroke (four-word key):

Break up and press the wrist, pull the fiber with double anchors, hold the water with high elbows, and turn your hands and shoulders. The stem neck comes out of the water, the snake waist drags the hip, the knees are lowered, and the feet are everted. Into the water, hide your head, gather your arms and hide your shoulders, turn your inner ankle backwards, and turn down the pedal clip. The front is low and the back is high, the sand slides and stretches, the legs are stretched and the abdomen is closed, and the water rises.

Interpretation of the four-word key of breaststroke;

Breaking up and pressing the wrist is the preparatory action to start paddling, and it is also the key to make paddling effective. You have to press your hands down into a dovetail shape before you can enter the drawing stage.

Different from the traditional wiper stroke, [double anchor drawing] tends to be similar to the butterfly stroke, emphasizing the stroke mode of resistance propulsion. When the hands are pressed down into a Y- shape, the hands are like two anchors stuck in the water, and they are pulling at an accelerated speed until the elbows are completely out of sight. The power of pulling makes the body jump out of the water under the guidance of the head.

When holding water with high elbows, the elbows should always be higher than the hands to pull water, so that the hands and forearms form a paddling surface together, and the body is pulled forward until the elbows are always in a state of tension.

[Stem neck water] is to say that water should not be held high, and the neck ridge should be kept in a straight line, rising and falling together.

[snake waist dragging hip] means that when pulling up, the waist and back must be arched, and then they can rush forward and rebound. The back bow should be erected like a cobra, ready to attack; The forward bounce is like a snake’s attack, and it is asserted. The former uses the waist, and the latter abdomen, falling together.

[Fold your knees]. When folding your legs, you just need to fold your knees and turn your legs into a [W] shape.

[Hip valgus] means that toes should point to both sides. Turn your feet from [the outer figure of eight] to [the inner figure of eight] and whip them backward and downward.

[Hidden head in water] means to hide your head after entering the water, and to be completely immersed in the water, preferably below the horizontal line of your body.

[Close your arms and hide your shoulders], keep your arms as close as possible, as if to squeeze your head from between your arms.

[medial malleolus backward], the medial malleolus should be facing the rear, which is the initial phase of kicking and the key to the success or failure of the kicking process.

[Pedal clamp downward rotation], the folding is upward rotation and the pedal clamp is downward rotation; Spin up until the toes point to both sides, and spin down until the soles of the feet are closed.

[The front is low and the back is high, and the sand slides and stretches] is a sliding phase when entering the water, until [breaking up and pressing the wrist], during which the feeling is as smooth as falling down from the sand mountain with head down; In the meantime, it seems that all the discs between cones have been released.

[Stretch your legs and abdomen, float to the surface], which means that in the second half of the slide, you should prepare for the initial position of the subsequent stroke [break up and press your wrist] and approach the surface of the water with inertia. If the body is still far from the water, [drawing fiber] will have to be replaced by pressing water, and the forward power will be halved. Therefore, when [sliding sand stretching], the body can neither bend back nor relax, but must [stretch the legs and abdomen] and still be streamlined, using the buoyancy of the chest to float to the surface at a small angle.

3. The third formula of breaststroke (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of breaststroke

The legs are curved to hold water, and the mouth and nose are used to exhale in the water.

Paddling combined with slow leg retraction, two arms stretched forward and then pedaled,

The breaststroke posture is like a frog, and the arms stroke symmetrically on the side.

Slowly retract your legs while retracting, and turn your feet outwards to aim at the water.

Push your legs back and hold the water, and slide your arms and legs straight for a while.

Push the water backwards in an arc, straighten and float together for a while.

(2) Leg movements

Bend your knees slowly close to your hips, and the distance between your knees is shoulder-wide.

The rower’s legs don’t move, and the legs are closed after the hand is closed.

Slowly retract your legs while retracting, and flip your feet to both sides.

Stretch your arms first, then kick, and straighten your arms and legs for a while.

Push the water back hard and float your legs together for a while.

(3) arm movements

Press the water with both hands to the outside, raise your elbow and bend your arm and row back.

The parting is slightly wider than the shoulder, and the elbow is turned inward and stretched forward.

Pull under the shoulder and stop. Pull and stop.

Draw your arms back from side to side, straighten and float together for a while.

(4) Breathing action

When holding water on your arms, raise your head slightly and suck the air.

Lower your head and stretch your arms and exhale slowly. Row your arms, raise your head, and breathe in.

When your arms slide forward, your nose and mouth slowly exhale.

(5) Coordination of breathing with leg and arm movements

Pull your arms apart, raise your head and inhale closely,

This method is called late breathing, which is perfect for reducing resistance.

(6) Complete coordination action

Two arms paddling without moving legs, closing hands and closing legs at the same time,

Stretch your hand halfway to pinch the water, stretch your arm and kick for a while,

Pull your head up and suck in half, and reach out and shout slowly.

Second, the freestyle formula

1. One of the freestyle formulas (general formula):

(1) freestyle body must be horizontal, with arms crossed forward. Put your fingers into the water before your shoulders, and stretch your shoulders and bend your wrists to catch the water.
  Bend your elbows and palms to the water, and do the "S" route correctly. Finish paddling to the hip, turn your shoulders and lift your elbows to get out of the water quickly.
(2) The body is prone and streamlined, and the water appears in the brain. Stroke with both hands, and alternately hit your legs six times.
  Exhale slowly under the shoulder, push the water, lift the elbow and turn to suck. The legs and arms are breathing well, and the freestyle speed is incredible.

2. The second formula of freestyle (four-word key):

Wipe the head on the water, the neck ridge is flat, the chin converges, and breathe. The whole body should be rigid, the waist and abdomen should be tense, the logs should roll, and the umbilicus should look at both sides. Put your arm into the sleeve, turn your shoulder into the frame, draw straight close to your body, pull soft and push hard. The thigh is clamped, the calf is like a spring, and the ankle is relaxed, with relaxation and tension.

Interpretation of four key words of freestyle;

[Wipe your head on the water]. When swimming in, try to immerse your head in the water as much as possible, and the part exposed on the water should not exceed 1/4 of your head, so that your head can slightly brush the water.

[The neck and spine are horizontal]. The cervical spine and spine should be pulled into a straight line and kept horizontal.

[chin convergence], look at the bottom of the pool, the chin should be retracted and squeezed into a double chin.

[Breathe Moang], when breathing, the head should roll with the extension line of the neck ridge as the axis, and it is forbidden to breathe with the head held high.

[Perfect], imagine the whole body, especially the trunk, like a hard and full torpedo.

[Tension in the waist and abdomen], the waist and abdomen should be tightened, and the abdomen should be lifted.

[Log Rolling] means that the body should be like a torpedo and a log, and it should roll on the long axis as a whole with rhythm.

[Look at both sides of the navel], the rolling angle is just right for the navel to see both sides, or the audience on both sides can just see the swimmer’s navel.

[Put your arm into the sleeve]. When you enter the water, you should put your hand forward as far as possible, as if it were in a slender and soft silk sleeve.

[Turn your shoulders into the frame]. Imagine that your body is going through a narrow frame in the front, so the lateral amplitude of the action should be as small as possible.

[Close-body straight stroke], the stroke hand should be under the long axis of the body, close to the body and walk in a straight line.

[Pull soft and push hard], start accurately, grasp the water steadily, and gradually accelerate the stroke, pushing the water under your feet, but don’t bump into your thighs.

[Legs clamped], when kicking, the thighs can’t be separated, and it plays the role of connecting the preceding with the following, that is, transmitting the strength of the hip to the toe.

[The calf is like a spring], the calf should be elastic, and the range of kicking up and down should be controlled at about one foot.

[Relax your ankles]. Your ankles should follow the pressure of water and move with the trend, just like the tail of a fish, so don’t be stiff. Legs from hip to toe should be loose and unremitting, tight and not stiff, and the water should be strong and well-controlled.

3. The third formula of freestyle (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of crawl (freestyle)

Crawl, such as crawling in water, alternately paddling with both arms,

Keep your body steady and lie prone in the water, crossing your arms and rowing in turn.

Keep your body level, and your legs are whipped up and down.

Whip your legs up and down, breathe slowly and suck quickly and row forward.

(2) Leg movements

The thigh forces the calf, and the legs alternately whip the water.

The thigh is forced to bring the calf, and the legs alternate to fetch water.

Draw water shallowly and quickly, and relax your ankles slightly and turn inward.
(3) arm movements

The palm enters the water first before the shoulder, and the arm slides down to hold the water.

Move the arm, relax the shoulder and insert it forward, and aim the palm of the forearm at the water.

The power of bending the arm and paddling is great, and turning the shoulder and lifting the elbow can get out of the water quickly.

Speed up along the center line, and alternate strokes with both arms.

The two arms cooperate with each other to paddle hard, and the thrust is gradually increased after holding forward.

(4) Breathing action

Row to the shoulder and exhale slowly, push the water, lift the elbow and suck up.

Breathe out slowly with your head in the water, turn your head and open your mouth to inhale quickly.

(5) Coordination of breathing with leg and arm movements.

Paddle with both hands, and hit the legs at will.

Hit two, hit four or hit six, or suck left or right once.

(6) Body position

The body is prone and streamlined, and the chest is slightly shoulders high.

The water is flush with the forehead and the brain is exposed, and the hips and abdomen should be flat and eyes open.

(7) Stroke arm type

There are three types of arm strokes, namely, front crossing, middle crossing and rear crossing.

It is old and long to travel before making friends, and the effect of making friends after making friends in China is good.

Third, backstroke formula

1. One of the backstroke formulas (general formula):

(1) Put your hand into the water on the shoulder extension line, and stretch your arms to hold the water. The palm bends to the water, and the stroke route should be kept in mind.
  Push the water behind the palm and forearm, and push the thumb out first. Turn your shoulders and lift your arm straps, and relax your arm movement in the air.
(2) Backstroke coordination is easy, with six kicks and two arms. Breathe two strokes at a time, and breathe in with your mouth.
  Push the water and exhale quickly, turn your shoulders and move your arms to hold your chest. Suck your legs three times, kick them three times and exhale.

2. The second formula of backstroke (four-word key):
The water overflows the cheeks, the nose refers to the blue sky, the breath sinks and floats, and the side slip does not turn.
Shoulder-lifting and hand-pulling, double-spoke rotation, sharp blade to cut water, arm extension to send hips.
With water in the palm of your hand, bend your elbow and collapse your shoulders, push the front line, caress your legs and stick to the edge.
Straighten your ankles, bend your feet inward, kick up and press down, and wave your toes.

Interpretation of the four-word backstroke;

[Water overflows your cheeks]. When swimming backstroke, you should straighten your head, neither accept your chin nor lean back, so it is advisable to let the water flow through your cheeks.

[Nose refers to the sky], although the body rolls, the head should not rotate with it, and always face upwards.

[Breathe, sink, suck and float], because the front of the body will be a little ups and downs after the hand enters the water, so breathing should be carried out rhythmically to avoid choking.

[Don’t turn when sideslip], when rolling sideslip, the head can’t rotate left and right.

[Lift the shoulder and draw the hand], after the hand strokes, it is necessary to lift the shoulder to complete the water; From shoulder-elbow-wrist-finger, out of the water in turn, use the big joint to drive the small joint, and pull the arm out of the water.

[Double spoke rotation], the arms are like spokes of a wheel, alternating at an angle of 180 degrees. The outer side of the little finger is called the [blade], and [cutting the water with a sharp blade] means that the little finger leads into the water, so that the upper arm is close to the cheek, and the arm is extended with the hip. Follow up when the little finger enters the water.

[reaching out to send hips], that is, something that seems to stand on tiptoe to reach high enough; And the [torque] of turning the hip comes from the downward leg press on the other side.

[Horizontal palm with water] is the first phase after the hand enters the water, that is, the palm is horizontal in the forward direction; Otherwise, if you don’t bring water with you, paddling will have no effect.

[Elbow down and shoulder collapse], start paddling, especially when paddling to the shoulder line, the elbow tip should be vertical to the bottom of the pool, and the shoulder should sink into the water, so that the paddling route is closer to the vertical plane of the longitudinal axis of the body.

[Push the first line], push the water all the way back. When the rower crosses the shoulder line, turn his palm to the bottom of the pool to press the water.

[Touching the leg and sticking the edge], after pressing the water, the arm should be close to the body, and the tiger’s mouth should slightly wipe the thigh.

[Ankle Straightened], both supine and prone kicking require ankle straightening, which is the key to effective water fetching.

[Feet are flexed inward], because the hips should roll about 45 degrees, in order to prevent the feet from crossing too wide when fetching water, each other can meet the water flow driven by kicking on the other side, so as to obtain greater propulsion power, so it is necessary to bend inward slightly.

[Kick up and press down], because the upper kick is limited by the knee joint, the lower press has a wide degree of freedom, so it is necessary to limit the amplitude. It is better for the waves to roll at the toe, and it is subject to no splash, that is, [Wave rolls the toe].

3. The third formula of backstroke (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of backstroke

There are two kinds of backstroke postures, both of which are backstroke.

Lying on your back in the water naturally, your abdomen is slightly contracted and your chest is slightly expanded.

The reverse frog backstroke has been eliminated, and the reverse crawl backstroke has the upper hand.

Kick the water with your legs up and down, and paddle with your arms in turn.

(2) Leg movements

The thigh is forced to take the hip as the axis, and the downward pressure and upward kick are alternately played.

Exert your strength with your thighs and kick hard with your calves.

Knees and toes don’t get out of the water, and the movements should be consistent and natural.

The toes are inclined inward, and the whips alternate.

(3) arm movements

The shoulder extension line is cut in by the outside hand, and the arm is extended to hold the water and the palm is facing the water.

Water enters the side of the air moving arm. Bend your arms and sink your elbows at the water,

The curved arm paddles to the waist, and the forearm palm pushes and presses.

Accelerate backward and push the water quickly, and take turns paddling with both arms.

Pull and push the body to row sideways, press first and then lift the water quickly,

Lift the shoulder to drive the upper forearm, move forward in the air and extend the arm forward.

(4) Breathing action

It’s easier to breathe in backstroke. Breathe in through your mouth instead of your nose.

Push underwater and exhale quickly, lift your shoulders and move your arms to hold your chest,

Take a breath after kicking three times, and exhale after kicking three times.

(5) Coordination of breathing with leg and arm movements

Six kicks, two arms, one breath and two strokes,

Three kicks, one arm, and so on.

Four, butterfly stroke formula

1, one of the butterfly formula (total formula):

(1) Butterfly kicks like a dolphin, whipping water with his belt and legs. Draw water with your legs together and remember your hips.
  Turn your ankles inside your legs to relax, close your legs, lift your hips and straighten your waist and abdomen.
(2) The butterfly moves its arm like a butterfly, lowering its head and sending its shoulder arm forward. Reach into the water, spread your shoulders and grab the water, with your high elbow paddling and your arm bending inward.
  Aim your hands at the water at the same time, and push the water hard with both arms. Lift your elbows quickly after pushing the water, and spread your wings with your arms out of the water.
(3) Push the water head with both arms to lift, and inhale quickly and lower the head. Push the water and hit your legs at the same time, and put your feet together to exert your strength.
  Go into the water and whip your legs twice. Don’t forget to rotate your feet internally. Breathe out slowly with your arms in the water, and move forward like waves.

2. The second formula of butterfly stroke (four-word key):

Chest and armpit pressure, elbow tips apart, abdomen and buttocks, iron law of entering water. Side pressure stroke, internal sweep force, tiger’s back rising, back swing arm. Shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, move your wings leisurely, take and put down gently, and your elbows are high and low. Legs rise and fall, originating from the back of the waist, snake-shaped, and the first item is the flag.

Interpretation of the key words of butterfly stroke;

[Chest and armpit pressure] is the first step to start the body wave state in butterfly stroke, and its amplitude depends on the flexibility of the shoulder blade. If the chest and armpits are not pressed down, it is difficult to get up with elbows, and it is impossible to hold water with high elbows.

The purpose of [elbow tip separation] is to ensure that the water is cut under the thumb, the water is held with the elbow high, and the side pressure is connected. When the front half of the body is pressed down, it will inevitably lead to the core part lifting up, showing the trend of [abdomen and buttocks], which is a counterweight to the kicking of the back half. This is the law of chain transmission of the body, so it is called [iron law of entering the water].

[Side pressure stroke] is the initial phase of stroke, which is the same as [breaking up and pressing the wrist] in breaststroke.

[Internal scanning force] is the later stage of pulling water phase, and it is also the stage of starting to exert force. In the process of pulling water, with the surge of water flow and the balance of legs, the body leaps up and forward, and the water comes out with the shoulder as the highest point of rising, that is, [the tiger’s back rises].

In order to push the water phase, the [swing arm] must accelerate the whole process, in which [swing arm] refers to the sudden return when the momentum reaches the maximum, that is, the arm returns at the original speed before pushing the water to the crotch; This not only pushes the water into place, but also allows the arm to bounce out of the water by pushing.

When moving your arms, you should [shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, and move your wings leisurely], and throw your arms forward as far as possible, as far as possible from the water entry point, so as to fully drive your body. [Shrugging your shoulders, swinging your wrists and moving your wings leisurely] starts with [swinging your arms back], and the depth of your kung fu can be seen from the whole process of [moving your arms]. The butterfly stroke is the only stroke named after the feature of [moving the arm], so four sentences are used in the formula to describe the whole process of moving the arm: [shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, move your wings leisurely, take and put down gently, and your elbow is superior and low], among which [taking and putting down gently] is particularly difficult, and [taking] and [putting] can reflect the control ability of your waist and abdomen when leaping.

[Legs rise and fall from the waist], the main power source of butterfly swimming is the chest, followed by the waist, and then the legs. Therefore, when playing butterfly leg, you need to forget the leg, so that the vibration of the chest can be naturally transmitted to the toe. When the chest is pressed down, the forehead is forward and the top of the head is close to the water; When the shoulders are lifted, the forehead is still forward and the hips are close to the water.

[Snake-shaped wave, the first item is the flag], which means that the butterfly looks like a dolphin and a snake eel from side to side. From beginning to end, all joints of the trunk and legs participate in the jitter. Bow your head when you come out of the water, lift it slightly when you enter the water, and always rush to the other side with your head, guiding the whole body forward like a flagship, that is, [the first item is the flag].

3. The third formula of butterfly stroke (detailed formula):

(1) Introduction of butterfly stroke

Butterfly swimming is like flying in butterfly water, whipping the water with your legs together,

Lie on your stomach horizontally to streamline, lower your head and move your arms forward.

Both arms are paddling at the same time, imitating dolphins flying in waves.

Waves draw water, push hands to suck, stretch your chest, lift your hips and waist to exert strength.

(2) Trunk and leg movements

Hips sink to straighten the waist and abdomen, legs move up and legs bend,
Retract your legs, lift your hips and waist, and your thighs drive your calves to kick.

(3) arm movements

Bow your head and send your shoulders forward, stretch your shoulders and hook your hands to catch the water.

The arms are wider than the shoulders when entering the water, and the shoulders should be extended when entering the water.

Bend your arms inward and paddle hard, push the water and lift your elbows to get out of the water quickly.

Do not separate your arms from each other when holding water, and row with the front wide and the back wide to accelerate the row.

(4) Breathing action

Breathe slowly with your arms in the water, push the water, stretch your neck and look up.

(5) Breathing is coordinated with leg and arm movements.

The butterfly position is not fixed, and the trunk waves move forward.

Kick your arm into the water for the first time, and then kick it under your chest.

The legs are combined like whipping, and the waist, abdomen and legs vibrate in turn.

Lower your head and stretch your arms to exhale slowly, accelerate the push of water and raise your head to suck.

Five, four common swimming methods of four-word tips summary

1. Breaststroke: break up and press the wrist, pull the fiber with double anchors, hold the water with high elbows, and turn your hands and shoulders. The stem neck comes out of the water, the snake waist drags the hip, the knees are lowered, and the feet are everted. Into the water, hide your head, gather your arms and hide your shoulders, turn your inner ankle backwards, and turn down the pedal clip. The front is low and the back is high, the sand slides and stretches, the legs are stretched and the abdomen is closed, and the water rises.

2, crawl: the head rubs the water, the neck ridge is flat and long, the chin converges, and the air is ventilated. The whole body should be rigid, the waist and abdomen should be tense, the logs should roll, and the umbilicus should look at both sides. Put your arm into the sleeve, turn your shoulder into the frame, draw straight close to your body, pull soft and push hard. The thigh is clamped, the calf is like a spring, and the ankle is relaxed, with relaxation and tension.

3, backstroke: the water overflows the cheeks, the nose refers to the blue sky, the breath sinks and floats, and the side slips. Shoulder-lifting and hand-pulling, double-spoke rotation, sharp blade to cut water, arm extension to send hips. With water in the palm of your hand, bend your elbow and collapse your shoulders, push the front line, caress your legs and stick to the edge. Straighten your ankles, bend your feet inward, kick up and press down, and wave your toes.

4, butterfly stroke: chest and armpit pressure, elbow tips apart, abdomen and hips, into the water iron law. Side pressure stroke, internal sweep force, tiger’s back rising, back swing arm. Shrug your shoulders and swing your wrists, move your wings leisurely, take and put down gently, and your elbows are high and low. Legs rise and fall, originating from the back of the waist, snake-shaped, and the first item is the flag.

Premier League-Arsenal lost 0-1 to Nottingham Forest and sent Manchester City to win the championship without a fight+completed three consecutive championships.

At 0: 30am on May 21st, Beijing time, in the 37th round of the Premier League in 2022-23, the second-ranked Arsenal away to Nottingham Forest. In the first half, Odegard made a pass mistake and Awoniyi scored to break the deadlock. In the second half, the gunman countered but failed to score. In the end, Arsenal lost 0-1 to Nottingham Forest. With only one round left in the league, the Gunners were 4 points behind Manchester City, sending their opponents to win the Premier League title ahead of schedule, and the Blue Moon also won the Premier League title for three consecutive times.

Before this round, Arsenal were four points behind Manchester City, which topped the list, and still had a glimmer of hope of winning the championship. In the last round, Arsenal lost 3-0 to Brighton at home, which made it even more difficult for the team to win the championship. Nottingham Forest scored 34 points, only 3 points higher than the relegation zone.

In the 11th minute, Odegard made a cross on the right in the frontcourt. Trossat caught the ball and plugged it directly into the right of the restricted area. Jesus kept up with the catch and shot at a small angle. The goalkeeper had sealed the angle and confiscated the ball. In the 17th minute, Saka drove the right corner to the restricted area, and hollier headed the ball back, and Jesus headed the ball back slightly higher than the crossbar.

In the 20th minute, Odegard made a mistake in passing the ball back in the frontcourt. He passed it directly to Gibbs White, who pushed the ball from his own half and sent a straight plug to the restricted area. Avonii, who followed him, succeeded in pushing a long shot before attacking Ramsdale, and Forest led Arsenal 1-0.

In the 22nd minute, Thomas sent a ground ball to the right rib in the frontcourt. Jesus on the right side of the restricted area caught the ball and turned low. navas fell to the ground and saved the ball. In the 27th minute, Saka took the right corner kick to the top of the arc, and Trossat’s unguarded left foot volley missed.

In the 29th minute, Thomas went straight to the right of the frontcourt, and Jesus and Odegard hit the wall to cooperate. After that, they made a long-range shot with their right feet in front of the restricted area, and the ball went to the stands. In the 35th minute, the road on the left side of the forest frontcourt was blocked, and Awoniyi was cut off by the attacking Ramsdale after receiving the ball, and the former was offside first.

In the 45th+5th minute, Saka took the penalty and the right corner kicked to the top of the arc again. Trossat had to catch volley, and the ball was higher than the crossbar. At the end of the first half, Arsenal were temporarily behind.

In the second half, it was easy to fight again. In the 48th minute, a free kick from forest’s frontcourt was hoisted into the gunners’ restricted area, causing chaos, and Felipe’s push was saved by Ramsdale. In the 54th minute, Ben White made a cross from the right in the frontcourt. Jesus in the penalty area tried to grab the point but was pulled down by his opponent. The referee didn’t award a penalty. The Brazilian complained about the referee’s penalty and got a yellow card.

In the 61st minute, Ben White sent a cross on the right, and Saka, who was inserted into the restricted area, shot at a small angle with his right foot. navas blocked the near corner and saved the ball from the baseline. Then Saka kicked the right corner, and the forest player was not far from the clearance. jorginho pushed and missed at the top of the arc.

In the 67th minute, the forest backcourt made a long pass to the left of the frontcourt. Thomas broke the ball and returned it to Ben White, who made a mistake in stopping the ball in the restricted area. After Gibbs White stole the ball, he pushed it from a small angle and hit the side net. In the 72nd minute, the forest fought back, and Lodi received Danilo’s wonderful pass in front of the restricted area, and the former pushed the far corner and missed.

In the 87th minute, Saka and Jesus hit the wall in the opponent’s restricted area. The former fell to the ground after contacting the opponent’s defender with the ball, and the referee did not award a penalty.

In the 90th minute, Gibbs-White passed in front of Arsenal’s restricted area like a Hua Hudie. After entering the restricted area, he shot low with his right foot, and Ramsdale saved the ball. In the 97th minute, navas, the forest goalkeeper, jumped up to catch the ball and was injured. Hennessy replaced him.

In the end, at the end of the game, Arsenal lost 0-1 to Nottingham Forest and sent Manchester City to win the championship in advance.

Chongning Institute successfully completed the security work of the 2023 Chongning Town Rural Mini Marathon.

On April 16th, the first Chongning Town "Inheriting Red Genes and Cohesing Endeavour" 2023 Chongning Village Mini Marathon was held in Chongning Street, Chongning Town, Linwei District, Weinan City. More than 600 professional athletes and runners from all over the world participated in the competition. This marathon is the first grand event in the history of Chongning Town. In order to complete the security work with high standards and high quality, under the overall arrangement of the public security brigade, Chongning of Linwei Public Security Bureau, in close cooperation with the patrol special police brigade and Linwei traffic police brigade, carefully explored the scene, scientifically distributed police force, adhered to the whole process of the event, and made every effort to ensure the smooth progress of the event.

On the day before the competition, the police of Chongning Institute carefully surveyed the site, actively communicated with the heads of various departments, studied the traffic situation of the site and surrounding roads in detail, scientifically set up posts along the route and surrounding intersections, distributed police forces, and tried their best to eliminate all kinds of unsafe hidden factors. During the competition, all the police officers on duty in the institute arrived at their posts at 7: 00 a.m. to maintain the order at the event site and around the track, guide the crowd in time, patiently answer the questions about road control during the competition, and actively publicize the knowledge of public security prevention to the people around the venue and along the road, urging the people to do a good job of self-prevention to avoid property losses and prevent various accidents.

During the security period, the auxiliary police officers of the whole institute were full of energy, strict in police appearance, obedient to orders and standardized in duty. With the strong cooperation of the volunteers, they gave full play to the spirit of dedication and courage to take responsibility, adhered to civilized duty and enthusiastic service, and provided real-time guidance, guidance and diversion to the masses. The stadium was orderly, effectively ensuring the safety of the event site and the personal and property safety of the masses, fully demonstrating the good mental outlook and team image of the public security organs, and successfully completing the security of the marathon.

After 3-0, 1-2, the Serie A champion team became worse, shooting 28 goals, making it the first defeat in history, and Milan had a good chance.

In the 26th round of Serie A, Naples won 2-0, which means that they are back on the right track after the last round of defeat. They scored 68 points and were far ahead in the championship, which also shows that the other four teams can only reach the second place at most. From the point of view of points, originally Inter Milan was most likely to hold the second place in the standings. After all, after the first 25 rounds, their points reached 50 points, temporarily ahead of Lazio, AC Milan and other teams!

However, with the end of the 26th round, Inter Milan, the 19th champion of Serie A, almost ruined its advantage. In this round of competition, the Nerazzurri played against spezia, and in the first round, Inzaghi led a 3-0 victory. In addition, the starting price of Vispe Zia of Inter Milan is 278.1 million euros, which shows that the Nerazzurri have won completely. Even the Nerazzurri are considered to have the strongest lineup in Serie A, and it seems that they deserve to win again. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out, and the "Nerazzurri" finally faced defeat under the frequent waste of opportunities.

From the 5th minute when lautaro got the chance to play, to the end of the first half, Inter Milan launched more than 5 attacks, but all failed, including a penalty. However, lautaro missed the penalty in the first half and became the player who missed the penalty the second time since the 2021-2022 season: 8 penalty kicks and 4 penalties. In the second half, Inter Milan stepped up their offensive. From the 46th minute to the 83rd minute, lautaro and brozovic launched attacks in vain, and finally the score was rewritten with the help of Lu Kaku’s penalty.

However, spezia’s luck was even better. In the 55th minute, Danielle Maldini was unguarded and scored from the front of the restricted area. In the 87th minute, Spezia relied on a penalty to kill the game directly, and Inter Milan lost 1-2. What we need to know is that the possession rate of the "Nerazzurri" in this battle is 38 percentage points higher than that of the opponent, and the number of shots reached 28 times, which is 7 times that of the opponent. However, it is still embarrassing that it is still impossible to win.

Interestingly, the defeat of this game is also the first defeat of Inter Milan against spezia. In the previous nine games, the Nerazzurri won eight games. It seems that the team’s instability has seriously affected a series of records! Of course, the defeat of Inter Milan is undoubtedly a good thing for AC Milan in the same city. After the first 25 rounds, the Rossoneri accumulated 47 points.

In other words, if we win this round, then AC Milan points can also reach 50 points, which is consistent with Inter Milan, and then better compete for the second place. You know, in the first 18 rounds, AC Milan beat Inter Milan and held the second place in the standings. Now it seems that Pioli is expected to lead the team to restore the victory!