标签归档 阿拉上海后花园

On New Year’s Day holiday, officers and men of the Armed Police Force stick to their positions all the time to ensure the safety of people’s travel.

CCTV News:During the New Year’s Day holiday, the passenger flow in many scenic spots and transportation hubs increased. Yesterday (December 30th), the national railways, highways, waterways and civil aviation are expected to send 41.768 million passengers, an increase of 73.3% over the first day of New Year’s Day holiday in 2023. The officers and men of the armed police stick to the battle position all the time to ensure the safety of passengers everywhere.
In view of the increase in passenger flow during the festival, officers and men of Tianjin Armed Police Corps used a combination of foot patrol and fixed-point alert to patrol scenic spots, important transportation hubs, crowded places and other places, so as to increase patrol density and ensure the safety of personnel travel.
Tourist Zhang Wenyujie:The scenery of the ancient cultural street is really beautiful, especially in such cold weather, it is really hard to see the patrolling armed police officers and soldiers, and I am very grateful to them.
As a popular tourist city, Kunming has attracted many tourists from all over the country to punch in, and the average daily traffic has increased by more than 70,000 people. A few days ago, the officers and men of Kunming detachment of Yunnan Armed Police Corps adopted a combination of fixed-point vigilance and armed patrol to strengthen the duty patrol at various stations of the railway station, maintain order at the scene in crowded areas such as the entrance, waiting room and exit, and also provide warm-hearted help for passing passengers to ensure safe and smooth travel of passengers.
As one of the largest transportation hubs in Asia, the average daily passenger volume in hangzhou east railway station during New Year’s Day was as high as 294,000. The officers and men of the Hangzhou detachment of the Armed Police Force and the public security department have strengthened the coordination between the military and the ground, established a comprehensive control network covering points, lines and areas, and made every effort to ensure the safe travel of passengers.
Chen Pengyu, Hangzhou detachment of Zhejiang Armed Police Corps:During the New Year’s Day holiday, the West Lake Scenic Area also attracted many foreign tourists. We adopted fixed-point vigilance and foot patrol, and added duty personnel to the sections with many people at the entrance and exit of the scenic area to escort passengers to travel safely.
(Source: CCTV)

The new president of the Football Association must be responsible! The first goal was finished, and China football took the Korean team to the end.

On November 1st, Beijing time, China drew 1-1 with Korean women’s football team in the third round of Group B of the Asian Women’s Football Qualifiers for the Paris Olympic Games, and finally ranked third in the group, and missed the Paris Olympic Games! This is the failure of China football, and it is also the failure of Song Kai, the new president of the Football Association!

It can be said that China women’s football team and South Korean women’s football team didn’t win. Both sides died together and went out together, and they didn’t wait for a miracle. This is the second time in the history of China women’s football team that they missed the Olympic Games! Moreover, all the competition tasks of China Women’s Football Team have ended this year, which is a great loss of face for the players, and many people don’t even have a chance to make up for it!

After the game, many women’s football players in China shed tears. In the Xie Chang session of the whole team, Dou Jiaxing cried very sadly in Shui Qingxia’s arms. Wang Shanshan, the eldest sister, choked up several times after the interview, and finally she couldn’t help crying. It can be seen that women football girls are very unwilling to lose, but what’s the use? After all, even if the China women’s football team wins the Korean women’s football team, it will still miss the best second place! As early as losing to the Korean women’s football team, the ending has been decided!

In another group match, Uzbekistan beat the Indian women’s football team 3-0, and became the second best team with 6 points and 2 goal difference, and advanced to the next stage together with the first Australian women’s football team, the Korean women’s football team and the Japanese women’s football team! It can be said that after Uzbekistan men’s soccer team let China men’s soccer team see their weight, their women’s soccer team let China women’s soccer team despair in the end!

The most embarrassing thing is that Song Kai just took office as the president of the China Football Association. The first goal he shouted was to ensure that the China women’s football team advanced to the Paris Olympic Games, and he also strengthened the leadership team for this purpose! Now, China’s women’s football team dreams of breaking the Paris Olympics, and Song Kai is humiliated. He was finished as soon as he took office. Will his leading bodies be responsible for this?

Coach Spool looks more like the coach of the new American Dream Team, and Cordao is the shopkeeper of cutting.

Coach Spool looks more like the coach of the new American Dream Team, and Cordao became the shopkeeper of cutting.

After Popovich withdrew from the men’s basketball team of dreams, Cole, the former assistant coach of the dream team, replaced the upper position. This is something that has been predicted for a long time, and there is not much controversy. After all, the coach of the dream team mainly depends on prestige and contribution.

However, according to the coach’s ability, it is estimated that Cole can only work as an assistant coach, and the real coach is Cole.

When Tarun Lu painted a tactical board for the members of the dream team, many people joked that the real coach was off, and Cole was overhead.

Now the Heat officially released a photo of Coach Spool in the Dream Team. On the surface, it congratulated Coach Spool on becoming the assistant coach of the Dream Team, but it seems a bit like guiding others to see that he is the real coach.

When the three coaches gathered in the training ground, Coach Spool stood in the middle position to explain the tactics to Tyrone Lu and Cole. Tyrone Lu was able to conduct business discussions and was more serious, and Cole was the one who obviously played soy sauce. He couldn’t understand the latest tactical ideas.

Therefore, the luxury coaching staff of this dream team, Cole is actually a shopkeeper of cutting and cutting, and the people who really work are Tyrone Lu and Coach Spool.

The Lakers are firmly committed to the post-James era. After the continuous show operation, it is both now and in the future.

After Anthony Davis’ early contract renewal window was opened, Lakers President Pelinka immediately put a three-year $186 million maximum salary contract in front of Davis. Davis readily accepted and tied his peak period to the Lakers completely.

For Davis, who has hidden dangers of injury, renewing his contract in advance adds security to his future. In the next five seasons, Davis’ total salary will reach $270 million, of which the average annual salary of the new contract for three years will be $62 million, breaking the record set by Jay Brown not long ago.

For the Lakers, this is a key part of Pelinka’s layout for the post-James era.

The 38-year-old James has player options in the offseason in 2024, and his choices are very diverse. After keeping Austin Reeves, Yasunari and Vincent on 3-4 year contracts, the Lakers renewed their contracts with Davis in advance. No matter how James chooses in the future, the Lakers can ensure that they have Davis and depth, and there is still room to chase other big-name stars in the free market.

Ironically, after the Lakers won the championship season, when it was most necessary to be steady and strive for progress, Pelinka chose to be aggressive. Coupled with the injuries of James and Davis, the Lakers wasted more than two years.

Before the trading deadline in 2023, Pelinka finally completed the "blocking operation" and successfully corrected the error. In the offseason, Pelinka learned a lesson this time and stopped rushing forward. Pelinka’s series of operations show that the Lakers are not only striving to win in the present, but also planning for the post-James era. After all, James will be 39 years old at the end of December and will have the player option in the summer of 2024.

In the draft, the Lakers chose Jaron Hood Schifino with No.17 and Maxwell Lewis with No.40.. Together with last year’s No.35 show, Christie, the Lakers hoarded three potential new stars under the age of 22.

In the free market, the Lakers gave Bacamura $51 million for three years, gave Reeves $56 million for four years, and hired the Heat to introduce Vincent for three years $33 million. All three of them are in the long-term planning of the Lakers. Russell signed a 1+1 contract, and whether he is in the long-term planning is still unknown.

Vanderbilt has not renewed its contract in advance, but from September 7, local time until June 30, 2024, Vanderbilt is eligible to sign an early renewal contract of up to four years and 75 million US dollars. Considering Vanderbilt’s age and characteristics, it is highly possible for him to renew his contract in advance.

Three new stars have good potential, and four of them are high-quality puzzles, so the depth of the Lakers now and in the future is guaranteed. The next step is to establish the leader of the post-James era. Davis is the undisputed star of the Lakers.

Last season, the world has seen the horror of Davis, who plays center. In the regular season, he averaged 25.9 points, 12.5 rebounds and 2 blocks, and his shooting percentage was a career high of 56.3%. In the playoffs, Davis has shortcomings, but the data of averaging 22.6 points, 14.1 rebounds and 3.1 blocks per game is still scary enough, especially his defensive performance.

Buha, a reporter with The Athletic Lakers team, also believes that James’ career is running out, whether the fans are willing to accept it or not, and the Lakers need to make plans early. Whether James retires or leaves the Lakers for other teams in the future, Davis will be the facade of the Lakers’ new era, and he will also be the key for the Lakers to attract other superstars to join.

Aside from the Lakers’ backing in Los Angeles, there is room for salary in the future. Davis’s top defensive ability and offensive ability without the ball make him compatible with any outside star. In the era of Jamey, Davis also proved that he was willing to accept the role of the second master.

The only thing that can affect Davis’ prospects is injuries, but the hidden dangers of injuries have to be looked at separately. It is true that Davis’ attendance is not high, but since the 2016-17 season, Davis has played 400 games. In the same period, Joel Embiid only played 394 games, Curry only played 387 games, Owen only played 362 games and Durant only played 345 games. When Davis’ team entered the playoffs, except for the 2021 playoffs, Davis’ attendance and performance were almost impeccable, and he was absolutely reliable in big scenes.

In addition, regarding Davis’ injury, both Pelinka and Ricky Paul believe that Davis’ injury frequency is more due to his bad luck, and they both believe that Davis’ luck will turn.

Earlier, Paul said: "Davis’s experience in the past two years is very strange. Other players hit his knee and injured him. He stepped on his opponent’s foot when he landed, and he pulled his hamstring or groin before. Any athlete engaged in sports may encounter these injuries, but the outside world described it as if Davis was injured as soon as he played."

Pelinka didn’t expect Davis to avoid injury only by transshipment. He was also trying to help Davis reduce the risk of injury. He signed center Hayes and compared Hayes with Dwight Howard and McKee in the championship season. Pelinka is still planning to sign another center to further lighten Davis’ burden. In the new season, Davis will probably still play as the starting center, but according to the opponent’s counterpoint, the Lakers will be flexible, instead of locking Davis in the fifth position 99% of the time like last season.

The Lakers’ early renewal of Davis is also releasing two signals.

In the Bath family era, the Lakers were a team famous for being kind to the heroes. From Jerry West, Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Kobe Bryant, James and Davis, the Lakers gave enough respect and treatment to the heroes. "Human touch" is the label of the Lakers, and it is also their strategy to recruit superstars to join.

In recent years, the operation of the Lakers has always been inseparable from Paul, a super agent. James is undoubtedly Paul’s most heavyweight customer. Even if James retires in the future, the Lakers will not give up Paul’s line. After all, Paul still holds stars such as Garland and Zach Lavin. Davis renewed his contract in advance, and Vanderbilt (whose agent is also Paul) is likely to renew his contract in advance. In the next few years, the line between the Lakers and Paul will not be broken.

Overall, this is an offseason that can satisfy the Lakers. What should be left is left, and what should be renewed in advance is also signed, and most of the contracts are signed at reasonable prices. The Lakers have both the present and the future, and the remaining problems caused by operational mistakes in 2021 will be basically solved.

In the new season, the Lakers can rely on their depth to help James and Davis reduce their burdens and strive for a better regular season ranking. As for whether the Lakers can compete for the championship in the new season and in the future, it depends on whether Davis can improve attendance, get back the feel of jump shot and really carry the banner.

170 million in 3 years! Davis refused to renew his contract because he was dissatisfied with the team and the team’s shortcomings in the new season were exposed.

Pelinka, the Lakers’ manager who has been questioned for several seasons, finally became a recognized manager through the operation of last season and this summer.

The Lakers added a lot of new recruits this summer, such as Vincent, Prince, Reddish and Hayes, and successfully retained the backbones of Russell, Reeves and Bacamura. The most important thing is that Pelinka managed to keep the Lakers’ total salary within the luxury tax line by signing contracts or signing signings. I have to admire his actions.

After the lineup was confirmed, the Lakers management began to think about the future. It has been reported that the Lakers began to contact Davis to discuss the renewal of the contract. Davis currently has two years left in his contract with the Lakers, which is $40.6 million and $43.22 million respectively. Now Davis is eligible to sign a contract renewal with the Lakers for up to three years and $170 million.

Brian Windhorst, a famous ESPN player, revealed that the contact between the Lakers and Davis was not smooth. Davis said that he was not in a hurry to discuss the contract renewal with the Lakers and refused the current negotiation request with the Lakers. The reason is that Davis needs to seriously consider whether to stay with the Lakers all the time.

Brian Windhorst said that the source revealed that Davis was dissatisfied with his status in the Lakers last season. At the critical time of many games, Davis thought that he was not respected on the court, had no sense of participation and could not get the ball. And the coach Hamm has been flaunting Davis as the leader of the team, which is just a sentence, and it has not been implemented in daily life and competition.

However, Davis still has two years left on his contract, and there is still a lot of time left for the Lakers. They can use one season next season to get rid of Davis.

It’s a bit surprising that the Lakers signed Vincent this summer. Although Pelinka’s operation has been evaluated very well by the outside world, Vincent’s position in the team is rather awkward under the circumstances of vigorously cultivating Reeves and the team renewed Russell’s contract.

Judging from the current Lakers lineup, the inside line is slightly weak. Judging from Hamm’s coaching style last season, it is debatable whether Hayes can take on the heavy responsibility of rotating the center, even though Davis has been playing the center. In fact, the Lakers can keep castleton, who performed very well in the summer league, and a small version of Jokic may surprise the Lakers. Castleton has a soft shooting feel, good organization and rebounding ability.

Judging from the Lakers’ previous games, many games are easy to fall into scoring drought. Although they once led by a big score, they can all be caught up or even overtaken by the other side, and their ability to score continuously is not strong. Many times, they are easy to fall into scoring drought. Nowadays, the lineup has not been greatly improved compared with last season. In the past, James was able to undertake this ice-breaking task, but now James is not as good as before in both physical strength and explosive power. Last season, Reeves stood up for many times, which made this teenager.

From this point of view, the Lakers need Davis and Russell to stand up and take on more responsibilities in the new season, and Reeves, Bacamura and Vincent also need to have stable performance. Only by uniting, the Lakers will achieve better results in the new season.

Curry is not the greatest shooter.

Looking at this title alone, it is estimated that it will attract a large number of people’s refutation, and even the siege of Curry fans. Because, since Curry was born and succeeded, when it comes to the greatest shooter in history, many people will say it is the Golden State Warriors, Stephen Curry.

There is no doubt that Curry’s epoch-making unparalleled archery and his series of shocking performances and achievements make him deserve to be considered by many people. Curry is the strongest and greatest shooter in history, no one, no doubt! But in fact, Curry should not be defined as a shooter, even if the word greatest is added in front, it is still not suitable. Not because he is not qualified to be the greatest shooter, but because his performance has already surpassed the realm of a shooter.

Let’s see, what was the previous definition of a shooter? Of course, most of his scores come from shooting, and he often shoots at fixed points, or throws after catching the ball, even if there are not many jump shots. Why? Because most shooters used to rely on people to feed the ball, and their function was relatively simple, that is, shooting. Besides, they didn’t do much work. Therefore, in fact, the shooter is not valued by everyone. Even if there are Ray Allen and Miller, they are also not among the top players. In short, their independent attack with the ball is not strong enough, their performance is limited, and their influence on the game is limited. Of course, this is relatively top-notch.

Curry, on the other hand, is completely different. He broke people’s inherent impression of the shooter. He not only has the advantages of traditional shooters, but also has many weaknesses that traditional shooters don’t have, or lack. He can drive the game by holding the ball himself, and his independent scoring ability is super strong, and his scoring explosive power is also historical. His deterrent power to the opponent’s team can start from half-time. His influence on the game and the team, his dribbling ability, field vision and scoring skills all made him rise to the discussion of the greatest players in history.

And the achievements he has made in leading the team have made him no longer in the ranks of shooters. All-vote MVP, four championships, and his influence on the basketball game have brought about changes that have promoted him to the ranks of the greatest players. So, stop saying that Curry is a shooter, even the greatest.

Eight teams involved in the Super League were investigated for match-fixing, and the Shanghai seaport in Taishan, Shandong Province was among them.

Eight teams involved in the Super League were investigated for match-fixing, and the Shanghai seaport in Taishan, Shandong Province was among them.

Text/Jiang Shihua

At present, there is no definite time when the Super League will kick off in the new season, but the anti-corruption wave in China football triggered by Li Tie’s investigation shows no sign of abating. In particular, the news of match-fixing and gambling involved in the Xinghan Wu incident may not be an individual phenomenon. According to a well-known domestic football media source, as many as eight Chinese Super Clubs have begun to be investigated by relevant departments, among which the Shanghai Harbour in Taishan, Shandong Province is one.

Recently, a football media person surnamed M posted a message on social media that investigators had gone to Guangzhou and Jiaying to investigate the local gambling situation in the last two years. As we all know, there used to be four Super League teams in Guangdong, and the clubs in Guangzhou are Guangzhou City and Guangzhou Team. It is inevitable that one of these two teams will be investigated by the relevant departments this time. The Shenzhen team has been mentioned many times before. The most typical case is: in the 2019 season, the Shenzhen team drew 4-4 with Wuhan Zall at home, and the head coach of Wuhan team at that time was Li Tie, who is now in prison.

After Chen Xiaoyuan was investigated, because of his relationship with Chen Xiaoyuan, the Harbour Club is likely to be investigated by relevant departments. During Chen Xiaoyuan’s tenure as chairman of the Harbour Club, some accounts and other issues were the focus of investigation by relevant departments. Previously, the news of match-fixing involved in the Xinghan Wu incident made Shandong Taishan deeply involved. If nothing else, in the final stage of last season, Shandong Taishan team beat Shenzhen 8-0 at home, and this game was questioned by many fans. If it’s not a match-fixing, it’s at least a tacit match.

Mr. Mo Yan’s writing style is magical realism, so is China football?