标签归档 2021上海水磨实体店

"Hurricane" is not over? Not only does the mouth shape not match, Wu Gang is also very embarrassing

The hit drama "Hurricane", which triggered a national rush to follow dramas, made many people question whether the screenwriter had written a collapse. At the last moment, the level of many content was very different from the previous one.

First, look at the plot of Meng Yu poisoning the milk tea. You see Yang Jian and Ma Tao conspiring to use their wife Meng Yu, the ex-girlfriend of the male protagonist An Xin, to poison him in the milk tea in order to make him temporarily leave the task force and stop investigating them.

Originally, after this episode was released, everyone did not believe that Meng Yu would frame An Xin and ask him to leave the task force in order to protect his husband. However, when the episode was actually broadcast, Meng Yu did it, but at a critical moment, he suddenly turned against the water and refused to let An Xin drink the cup of milk tea and admitted that he had taken drugs. Tears fell, and people were puzzled and felt that this plot was embarrassing and abrupt.

On the other side of the timeline, Meng Yu’s husband, Yang Jian, was on his way to escape. At this time, there was a plot interspersed with him returning to his mother’s house to eat noodles. If it was to make Yang Jian decide to repent after seeing his mother, it would be reasonable.

However, the changes in this section were a little too blunt. On the way to escape in a hurry, there was a plot that seemed to be a bug hanging up. The fugitives ate a bowl of noodles slowly, and the arrest team waited quietly in a corner.

Then came the most terrifying scene! After Yang Jian and Ma Tao escaped, they were preparing to fight the task force on the dock. Because of the special status of the two people, the task force could not kill them with guns, and the two former police officers were still armed, so the situation was deadlocked.

At this time, Wu Gang’s role as the head of the anti-crime task force, Xu Zhong, let countless audiences experience the super embarrassment of "like a mountain on the back", "like a stick in the throat", and "like a needle and felt". I saw Wu Gang holding up a bottle of Moutai wine and waving it at Yang Jian, trying to understand it and move his feelings, and using his mouth to make the other party emotional.

In this regard, everyone’s reaction is that it can only be said that it is to pass the trial. There must be some highlight moments in the play, which is didactic in nature, in order to meet everyone.

The most critical problem was not that the plot didn’t make sense, but that the mouth patterns didn’t match.

Seeing the scene where An Xin persuaded his uncle Meng Dehai to surrender, did he always feel that something was strange? Why did it not make sense?

Also, why did Meng Yu, a journalist who had always insisted on justice, listen to her husband’s suggestion to poison her? Her mother had normal high blood pressure, so why did she suddenly collapse on the bed with a cerebral hemorrhage?

All kinds of doubts, in the mouth shape that did not match the actors and lines, kept the audience confused and lost. There was no way to force it, so the audience became lip readers one by one, and they couldn’t understand the plot and could only guess it by themselves.

It was said that Meng Dehai had reached a strategic cooperation when Gao Qiqiang was still the general manager of the Construction Engineering Group. In other words, in Jinghai City, Zhao Lidong and Meng Dehai were fighting, not Zhao Lidong alone.

However, with the current changes, Meng Dehai was forcibly changed to a good official who was just covering up for his son-in-law, which made most of the plot impossible to connect. If the original lines were followed, then Meng Yu’s behavior would make sense, and it was not surprising that An Xin asked him to turn himself in.

In short, although "Hurricane" has all kinds of problems, this is one of the best domestic dramas in recent years, and it has achieved a true national pursuit of dramas. Moreover, it is also because of the excellent plot in the early stage and more and more people pay attention to it, which makes everyone pay more attention to the plot. There are more picky people, and there will always be dissatisfaction.

Create a closed loop of STEAM "Learning, Research and Innovation" activities

Under the guidance of the national "double reduction" policy, the task and mission of science and technology education have become more prominent. In order to enable students to acquire scientific and technological literacy through systematic training, more and more teachers have introduced the concept of STEAM education, hoping that under the influence of interdisciplinary and project system, science and technology education can be more effective. However, the development cycle of STEAM projects is often relatively long, and teachers are prone to fall into the misunderstanding of focusing on knowledge over practice, strengthening discipline integration, lacking evaluation with goals, and focusing on form and sparing connotation when designing STEAM activities. In the final analysis, it is because there is no overall view of STEAM activities. Through the practice of STEAM education, we have found that as long as we open up the closed loop of STEAM education from learning, research, creation, display to reflection, the entire STEAM education will be full of vitality, and students will also improve their scientific literacy in the complete STEAM activities.

Designing a future city that responds to climate change is a very interesting and challenging STEAM project. Students need to analyze the impact of climate change on cities and design innovative and futuristic climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies to ensure the health and safety of future urban residents. By designing the curriculum from the perspective of creating a closed-loop STEAM activity, students will have a better learning experience in the activity, generate advanced knowledge and skills, and gain new experience. The following author uses the case of Daoxianghu School in Haidian District, Beijing to illustrate the STEAM activity.


    Building a knowledge system for STEAM activities

Unlike traditional classrooms, the STEAM learning system is not unilaterally set by teachers, but jointly generated by teachers and students. Therefore, when designing activities, teachers should fully consider the interdisciplinary nature of STEAM activities, jump out of the knowledge and cognitive limitations of their own subjects, attract teachers from more subject areas to join the activities, and enthusiastically embrace the various novel ideas of students. Therefore, creating a learning community that connects teachers, students, teachers and students, teachers and students, schools, and even schools and experts will maximize the efficiency of STEAM learning.

When designing future urban learning activities, we first combined the interdisciplinary nature of STEAM, contacted teachers in science, technology, art, and other fields, and jointly designed a learning list from the perspective of a learning guide.

At the same time, we also used parental resources to establish contact with architectural design experts outside the school, and organized the architectural knowledge recommended by the experts in the electronic learning platform and updated it at any time to ensure that students can learn relevant knowledge of architecture at any time during the progress of the project.

Of course, this knowledge is not instilled in the students at the beginning of the project, but integrated into the whole process of future urban design and production. In order to allow students to truly become masters of learning, we have consciously preserved the link of student-generated knowledge, opened an online forum for students to discover points of interest in the process of advancing the project, and guided students to self-study. For example, when we were selecting the site of the future city, a student showed a black and white photo of a valley in the Himalayas 100 years ago. Today, 100 years later, when humans come to the same location again, they are surprised to find that the former valley has become a lake. It turns out that in the past 100 years, the temperature of the earth has continued to rise, causing the glaciers in the Himalayas to melt and form a new water source. Inspired by this event, the students were bold and innovative, and quickly thought of whether the Tianshan glacier in Xinjiang would also melt in a few years. If the glacier melts, some former deserts will also become oases. After this novel idea was born, the students thought of the ancient city of Loulan, which is a splendid and mysterious city in history. But the knowledge of Loulan ancient city is poorly understood by both students and teachers. Therefore, while exploring, the students expanded their knowledge of Loulan’s history, culture and other humanities.


    Lay the theoretical foundation for STEAM activities

As another important activity of STEAM, research is of great significance. What we study, how we study it, and what effect we expect to achieve should be deeply considered in the activity design. The famous educator Dewey proposed a five-step method of inquiry teaching, which we combined with STEAM education practice, and gradually formed four main steps of research: setting goals, asking questions, researching materials, and forming reports.

Setting goals: teachers and students have discussed and agreed on goals around a common theme. For example, by analyzing the content of the project and combining our understanding of climate and future cities, we have formulated 4 goals: 1. Our city needs to cope with various extreme climates, such as very hot or very cold; 2. Find specific measures for each city to adapt to climate change or extreme weather; 3. Present the project in the best way within a limited time; 4. Let our design have more Chinese elements.

Ask questions: After the goal is clear, organize students to ask specific questions to facilitate further research. The questions raised by students may be imaginative or very focused. As the guide of learning activities, teachers should help students sort out and categorize the problems, and gradually combine the questions with the research content. We use online learning platforms to collect and organize various questions raised by students, such as: What is climate change? What is the problem of global warming? What problems will climate change bring to cities? What are some cases of cities addressing climate issues? What are the impacts of climate change in the cities we live in? Which infrastructure is vulnerable to climate change? Which groups of people in cities are vulnerable to climate change? In addition to climate change, what other development problems do cities face? What would be the main form of energy in the future? Where was Loulan? How could Loulan be made unique?… These questions were not preset by the teachers, but were constantly generated during the activities.

Research materials: Research materials help to solve problems more efficiently, and citing authoritative materials will make research more convincing. We guide students to use tools such as Baidu Academic and Wanfang Database to search for topics, issues and content that need to be researched, download relevant literature materials, extract valuable content for research, and form their own database. Standing on the shoulders of giants, research can be meaningful and generate their own innovations. The students found some famous climate change response cases by searching the data, such as Copenhagen’s liveable city, London’s green city, Rotterdam’s climate protection city, New York’s resilient city, Singapore’s sustainable development city… At the same time, when the students searched the response measures of various cities, they also found the powerful drainage system of the Forbidden City – Qianlong Spitting Water. Drawing on the wisdom of the ancients, the students introduced this concept into the design of drainage pipes in future cities, so that the designed city has both the resilience of a sponge city and strong Chinese elements in the face of severe rainstorms.

Form a report: The report is an important form of research and a vehicle for testing the quality of the research. The report can be a thesis, a manuscript with pictures and texts, or a vivid video. Considering the professionalism of this research, we asked the students to write a research paper in a collaborative manner, specifying how to plan and design this future Loulan New Town to deal with climate change. After thorough research and consensus, the students have laid a solid theoretical foundation and pointed out the direction for the next action.


    Exercise mobility for STEAM activities

Creation requires students to apply the concept of engineering management and put ideas into practice in combination with the presentation of goals, so as to form works that carry research ideas. Creation is also an important way to move from theory to practice. How to guide students to create scientifically tests the level of teachers’ activity design. Our usual practice is to be driven by project goals and ask students to make physical objects such as models, posters or display boards. In the process of creation, we use project reports as management tools to promote the orderly progress of the project. In the process of promoting future urban design, we use the form of making urban models, which can exercise students’ literacy in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics in all directions.

Making a model of a city requires students to master various tools, materials, and model-making techniques. In addition to providing students with various tool brackets during the learning process, students will also have various specific problems to analyze and solve in the actual creative process, such as students wanting to build complex terrain, want to make a technology-filled shuttle gate, want to design a rotating device, and so on. These specific problems require everyone to learn, explore, and explore together, and there is no existing plan for everyone to learn from. Therefore, teachers should pay special attention to the creative process and require students to strictly check the innovation, aesthetics, science, and technology of the work. Only through a rigorous creative process can students have a truly meaningful project experience and harvest.


    Verify the level of practice in STEAM activities

Presentation is an important form of sharing and evaluation of STEAM activities. Students present the project works, relevant background materials, project advancement process, ideas, plans, etc. in the form of drama, defense or demonstration. Display activities need to reserve enough time for students to fully prepare.

We mainly used the form of drama, and the students wrote their own scripts. After 100 years, a professor went to Loulan New Town to open a branch school, interacted with tour guides and waiters, and finally realized the city’s futuristic sense and the story of scientific design. The whole drama performance was close to 7 minutes, and the students not only refined the design highlights of the future city, but also fully expressed the ideas and ideas in the project, which played a crucial role in exercising and improving students’ comprehensive literacy and teachers mastering the specific gains of students in the activities.


    Sublimate the Knowledge Connotation of STEAM Activities

Demonstration is not the end of STEAM activities. To form a perfect closed loop, there should also be a reflection session. Reflection requires not only students to review and summarize the project, but also teachers to seriously reflect on the development of the entire activity, so that knowledge can be sublimated and students can think and act. Generally, we will strike while the iron is hot after the demonstration session, so that students can form written reflections, which will help to improve the connotation of knowledge.

In short, STEAM activities are carefully designed by teachers and generated by students. There must be a complete design process so that the activities can be carried out smoothly, and there must be independent generation by students to make the projects more creative. When teachers design activities from the perspective of complete closed-loop STEAM activities, students’ learning will become more autonomous and efficient, and most importantly, real learning will happen.

(The author’s unit is Daoxianghu School, Haidian District, Beijing)

"China Education News" September 8, 2023, 6th edition 

Autonavi map pioneered "good route" Shenzhen was the first to go online, and the optimal navigation received orders, effectively reducing empty driving

  On July 12, Shenzhen’s patrol network integration platform "Shenzhen Rental" recently launched the "Good Route" function, providing taxi drivers with higher predicted income route navigation. According to the recommended route, drivers can quickly connect to the service network to book orders and cruise orders, reducing the empty rate of taxis. It is estimated that using the "Good Route" recommended order route can reduce empty driving by up to 25 minutes per day.

  "Good Route" is an innovative feature developed by Autonavi Map for the taxi industry. Unlike traditional online booking routes, "Good Route" integrates the predicted order volume of online booking orders and recruitment orders. Based on the navigation ability of Autonavi map, it provides the taxi industry with the navigation ability of the optimal order route and improves the operation efficiency of the taxi industry. While increasing the income for drivers, it further unleashes the service advantage of car rental waving and stopping, and enhances the service ability of the industry. This function was first launched in Shenzhen, making "Shenzhen Rental" the first network integration platform in the country that uses digital technology to serve both online and offline taxi demand.

  At present, with the increasing popularity of mobile phone hailing, the taxi industry has gradually built online service entrances to achieve network reduction. However, taxis carry the function of urban public services, and the service characteristics of beckoning and stopping are still irreplaceable. Han Biao, director of the China Institute of Transportation Economics at Shenzhen University, believes that if the cruise car is only "online" but not "patrol", and the demand for disadvantaged group travel cannot be met, it will reduce the social auxiliary force of the cruise car. Good network integration should take into account the travel needs of online car-hailing and roadside recruitment.

  As the country’s first pilot city for taxi "patrol network integration", Shenzhen continues to upgrade the service capabilities of the taxi industry. In 2020, under the guidance of the Shenzhen Municipal Transportation Bureau, the Shenzhen Taxi Association and Autonavi Taxi jointly created the official platform for patrol network integration "Shenzhen Rental", which has served more than 22 million passengers.

  Zheng Yongzhi, executive vice president and secretary general of Shenzhen Taxi Association, introduced that since May 2020, when it was connected to the Autonavi platform, the digital transformation of Shenzhen’s taxi industry has been fruitful. Nearly 40,000 cruise taxi drivers have settled in "Shenzhen Rental", achieving 100% online. Online orders have increased drivers’ income and injected new impetus into the integrated development of Shenzhen cruise taxis. (Source: Shenzhen Business Daily)

Cai Zhenhua: The difficulty of foot reform does not hinder confidence to get out of the road of football with China characteristics

  BEIJING, Beijing, March 19 (Reporter Wang Muqing) On the occasion of the second anniversary of China’s football reform, the China Football Association organized an in-depth discussion among people in the football field. Facing the reporter, Cai Zhenhua, president of the Football Association, bluntly said that after the first step of the Overall Plan is basically completed, it will move towards the second step in the future. He said that when China’s football reform enters the deep water area, it will be confident that it can embark on a football road with China characteristics.

  The first step of foot reform has basically completed the goal of moving towards the second step in the future

  On March 8, 2015, the General Office of the State Council officially issued the Overall Plan for Football Reform and Development in China. In the past two years, the development of football in China has gone beyond the level of sports, including the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education, the National Development and Reform Commission and other ministries and commissions, which have been deeply involved in the reform of football in China.

  Li Yuyi, executive deputy director of the State Council Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office and vice chairman of China Football Association, concluded: "‘ Three steps ’ The first step of the strategy has achieved initial results. " The so-called first step is clearly defined in the Master Plan: improving the environment and atmosphere of football development, rationalizing the football management system, formulating the medium-and long-term development plan of football, innovating the football management mode with China characteristics, and forming a pattern of coordinated development of football career and football industry.

  Speaking of this achievement, Cai Zhenhua said: "The first step has been basically completed, and (in the future) it is necessary to move forward to the second step." According to the Plan, the second step includes a substantial increase in the youth football population, the organization and competition level of professional leagues reaching the first class in Asia, the national men’s soccer team being in the forefront of Asia, and the women’s soccer team returning to the ranks of world-class strong teams.

  "No matter the colleagues in the football field, the society and the media, everyone has given great affirmation to the football reform in the past two years. However, the new contradictions of new problems arising in the development process need to be solved one by one. " Cai Zhenhua said, "We are confident that as long as we are on the right track and stick to the football reform, we believe that the hope of football in China will surely emerge. We will work hard to speed up this pace. "

  Football reform has entered the deep water area and is confident of stepping out of the road of football with China characteristics

  Cai Zhenhua said frankly that the reform of football in China is not a certain field, but all-round. At present, 94% of the primary tasks have achieved phased results, which can be copied and popularized. However, when the reform enters the deep water area, the difficulty will surely increase.

  He bluntly pointed out: "From the China Football Association to the local football association to the sports department, this reform is to change your own life, so it is very difficult."

  However, Cai Zhenhua believes that the initial results of the reform will give you confidence in the determination to deepen the reform: "As long as we respect the laws of football development, social development and market development, and learn from the experience of world football powers, we will certainly be able to combine China’s national conditions and embark on a football road with China characteristics."

  In the face of people in the football world, Cai Zhenhua mentioned a lot of exciting information, such as the goal of adding 60,000 football venues in 2020; For example, according to the international football industry accounting for 40% of the sports industry, by 2025, the football industry in China should reach at least 2 trillion yuan. He bluntly said that how to achieve this goal will be an important symbol to measure the success of the reform.

The doctor tells you that crossing your legs and listening to jokes can affect your blood pressure.

This often happens in hospitals. Patients say that their blood pressure is high, but when they go to the hospital, their blood pressure is normal. Recently, 100 patients were investigated by the Department of Cardiology of the hospital, and less than 5% of them can correctly measure blood pressure. The director of the department said that the blood pressure of the same person is different at the same time because of the influence of posture and emotion, and the maximum difference can be 10mmhg, which causes some patients to misjudge their blood pressure, delay their illness or overuse drugs.
17th is World Hypertension Day, and this year’s theme is "Know Your Blood Pressure". The reporter interviewed the director of cardiology and asked the doctor to teach you how to measure your blood pressure.
Posture influence
Legs cocked, low blood pressure rose by 6mmhg. Doctor: Blood pressure is different with different force.
At 14: 00 on the 16th, the reporter measured his blood pressure in the cardiology clinic, and sat in the correct posture as instructed by the director. At this time, his blood pressure was 132/88. After rest, the left arm was measured in the same posture, and the blood pressure value was 132/86. The director said that the blood pressure values of the left and right arms are different. Normally, the blood pressure value of the right arm should be high. If the left side is high, arteriosclerosis may occur. When continuously measuring blood pressure, the interval should be more than 2 minutes to ensure vasodilation, otherwise the blood pressure value will be inaccurate.
Five minutes later, according to the director’s instructions, the reporter tilted his legs and left the back of the chair. At this time, the measured value is 130/94, the high pressure drops by 2mmhg, and the low pressure rises by 6mmhg. The director said that after changing posture, the degree of exertion changed, and the blood pressure also increased. This measurement is also inaccurate.
◎ Focus on the correct posture for measuring blood pressure: sitting upright, leaning back against the back of the chair, landing on both feet, putting your arms on the armrest and table, and measuring blood pressure with your right arm.
Emotional influence
The last time I went to the toilet, the pressure dropped by 4mmhg.
Doctor: If you hold your urine tight, your blood pressure will rise.
At 14: 20, after drinking a lot of water, the reporter measured the blood pressure again according to the director’s request. At this time, the blood pressure value of the right arm was 133/90. After taking a two-minute rest after going to the toilet, the blood pressure value was measured again, which was reduced to 130/86.
The doctor said that when people hold their urine, they are mentally nervous, so their blood pressure will rise accordingly. After emptying the bladder, people’s body and mind will unconsciously relax. At this time, taking a correct posture to measure blood pressure is the real blood pressure value.
◎ Focus on the correct measurement state: the self-measured blood pressure value is a reference value, and only when the posture and state are the same every time can blood pressure be effectively monitored. Therefore, to ensure the correct posture, rest quietly for 5 minutes, ban smoking or drinking coffee within 30 minutes, and empty the bladder, which is the standard measurement state.
Listen to a joke: high blood pressure rises by 5mmhg. Doctor: Blood pressure will rise regardless of sadness or joy.
"Blood pressure is controlled by emotions. Some people think that people who are irritable have high blood pressure. In fact, regardless of sadness or joy, people’s blood pressure will rise."
At 14: 40, the director told a joke when taking blood pressure. After the reporter laughed, the blood pressure value was 135/94, which was 5mmhg higher than before. Because it was not accurate, the blood pressure value was measured again within 1 minute, and it was 138/95, and then it was 141/95. People with normal blood pressure have detected high blood pressure.
People’s blood pressure is controlled by emotions, and it will fluctuate after emotions, and the blood pressure value will fluctuate by 2-10mmhg, which means that some people will have a cerebral infarction or myocardial infarction because of their high blood pressure after being overjoyed or furious.
◎ Focus on the correct measurement interval: blood pressure measurement should be repeated at intervals of more than 2 minutes, and the average of the two readings should be taken for record. If the interval is not enough, the blood vessels can’t relax effectively, which will make the blood pressure rise, and each time it is higher than the last time, which will easily make patients misjudge and take antihypertensive drugs excessively.
Life newspaper reporter Xu Riming

How did the National Open University exam come?

The undergraduate course of National Open University is recognized by the state. The undergraduate course of the National Open University is the undergraduate course of the Open University, including the undergraduate course of the National Open University and the undergraduate course of the open universities in various provinces and regions. It is an open education and a series of national education. So how did the National Open University exam come? If you have any doubts about this aspect of the National Open University, you can take a look at it with Xiaobian.

1. Written test

Some courses in the Open University may arrange traditional written tests, and candidates need to take the tests at the designated time and place, and complete multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions and short-answer questions on the test paper.

2. Online examination

With the development of technology, more and more open universities switch their examination methods to online examination. Candidates can log in to the online examination system within a specified period of time and complete the examination of the corresponding subjects. Online exams may take the form of multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions, short answers, etc., which are subject to the provisions of the Open University.

3. Practical assessment

Some professional open university courses may also involve practical assessment, such as experimental operation, demonstration, field trip and so on.

4. Paper report/homework

Some courses may require students to submit reports or assignments to assess students’ ability to understand, analyze and apply the course content.

1. Have People’s Republic of China (PRC) nationality, abide by the Constitution and laws, and have good conduct and professional ethics.

2. Persons with high school (including vocational high school, technical secondary school and technical school) and above.

3. At least 18 years old, in good health, with the basic learning ability needed to complete their studies.

4. Meet the requirements for applying for majors offered by the National Open University.

The above is related to the National Open University, and candidates can take it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about China Open University, such as registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the China Education Online Channel of China Open University.

Half a month after the implementation of the purchase tax law, 4S shop visits: How much can you save by buying a car?

  【Minsheng investigation bureau

  Editor’s note:

  This is the People’s Livelihood Investigation Bureau, which has never been seen before, investigating the changes in people’s livelihood. Pay attention to what you want to pay attention to and what you don’t, and investigate what you want to see and what you don’t see.

  Chinanews. com client Beijing, July 17 th:Half a month after the implementation of the purchase tax law, 4S shop visits: How much can you save by buying a car?

  Author Zhang Xu

  "There is a vehicle purchase tax concession for buying a car in July!"

  In July, many consumers received calls from 4S stores. The background was that the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law was officially implemented on July 1. Among them, the most striking thing is to cancel the minimum taxable value and pay the vehicle purchase tax according to the transaction price of naked cars.

  Now, half a month after the implementation of the policy, what changes have it brought to consumers’ car purchase?

  Buy 100,000 cars and pay less than 1,700 yuan in vehicle purchase tax.

  "I bought a car with a price of 100,000 yuan after the discount. Because I don’t have to pay the vehicle purchase tax at the guide price, I lost more than 1,700 yuan. Before the 4S shop said that there would be a discount when buying a car in July, it was true! "

  Mr. Chen from Zhengzhou, Henan Province, had heard from the sales of 4S stores that the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law was implemented on July 1, so he chose to hold money for purchase, and the less tax paid made him the first beneficiary of the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law.

  The Vehicle Purchase Tax Law clearly states that the tax payable by consumers to buy vehicles will depend on the actual amount paid, which is also commonly known as the transaction price of naked cars. The purchase tax rate is 10%, and taxable value does not include 13% value-added tax.

  A salesperson of a Buick 4S shop calculated an account for the reporter of Zhongxin. com: Take Buick Hideo 18T automatic elite as an example, the manufacturer’s guide price is 135,900 yuan, the store sales discount is 45,000 yuan, and the consumer actually pays 90,900 yuan.

  Before the implementation of the New Deal, consumers have to pay the vehicle purchase tax of 135,900 ÷ (1+13%) × 10% = 12,026 yuan, and after the New Deal, it is 90,900 ÷ (1+13%) × 10% = 8,044 yuan, which can save consumers 3,982 yuan.

  "Vehicles are generally sold at a price lower than the manufacturer’s guide price, but before paying taxes, they paid taxes according to the guide price. In fact, they paid more money." The salesperson said.

  Compared with the previous Provisional Regulations on Vehicle Purchase Tax, the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, which came into effect on July 1, canceled the collection of purchase tax for expenses other than consideration.

  What is the extra cost? Insiders explained that it mainly refers to the handling fee, transportation and loading and unloading fee, collection money, advance payment, etc. charged to the buyer outside the sales price.

  That is to say, "if these expenses are incurred in buying a car, they will also be taxed according to the previous provisional regulations. Now, canceling out-of-price fees can save money for consumers to a certain extent. "

  Can you save money by canceling the minimum taxable price?

  It is worth noting that the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law abolished the minimum taxable price.

  "Previously, the minimum taxable value was reported by the manufacturer, and State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China checked with reference to the average market transaction price. What is the minimum taxable value for each car? Consumers are not clear. After the implementation of the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, the tax payable is calculated according to the total price paid by consumers to dealers when buying a car. The specific cost is clear at a glance. " Some insiders said.

  Many times, consumers get a lot of discounts when buying a car, and the actual transaction price is lower than the lowest in taxable value, but they have to pay taxes according to the lowest taxable value, which makes consumers spend more money.

  Therefore, whether the New Deal can save money after implementation depends mainly on whether the preferential price of vehicles is lower than the previous lowest taxable value.

  "For example, the actual transaction price of the Mercedes-Benz ELA200 that I sold before July with a manufacturer’s guide price of 269,800 yuan was 209,800 yuan. If the tax was calculated according to the actual transaction price, I should pay 18,566 yuan, but the consumer actually paid 19,000 yuan. This is because before the implementation of the new tax law, if the transaction price is lower than the minimum taxable price, tax should also be paid at the minimum taxable price. After July 1 ST, the minimum taxable price was cancelled, and it is enough to pay taxes according to the actual transaction price. " Mr. Qin, manager of a Mercedes-Benz 4S store in Chaoyang, Beijing, introduced to the reporter.

  Refund of car can be refunded, and the car with 120,000 yuan can be refunded more than 8,000 yuan in two years.

  In order to better protect the interests of consumers, the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law has also added a tax refund clause. Taxpayers who return vehicles with vehicle purchase tax to vehicle production enterprises or sales enterprises may apply to the competent tax authorities for refund of vehicle purchase tax in accordance with relevant regulations, and the amount of tax refund shall not be negative.

  The amount of tax refund is based on the tax paid, and it will be deducted by 10% every full year from the date of tax payment to the date of applying for tax refund.

  For example, if a consumer buys a car with a price of 120,000 yuan and pays a vehicle purchase tax of 10,619 yuan, if he needs to return the car for some reason after using it for 2 years, he can also apply for a refund of part of the vehicle purchase tax, and the refund amount is 10,619× (1-2× 10%) = 8,495 yuan. This is a big plus for consumers.

  At the same time, the new regulations clarify that the vehicle purchase tax is levied once and only in the purchase process. For the purchase of vehicles that have been subject to vehicle purchase tax, that is, used cars, taxes are no longer levied. However, if the vehicle purchased is tax-free or tax-reduced, if it is no longer within the scope of tax exemption or tax reduction due to transfer or change of use, it shall pay the vehicle purchase tax before handling the vehicle transfer registration or change registration.

  The "cover-up method" of unreasonable charges in 4S stores is difficult to work.

  The incident of defending the rights of female owners of Mercedes-Benz in Xi ‘an before made the charging chaos of car dealers appear. One of them involves the "blind eye method" that merchants play when helping consumers pay the purchase tax.

  According to industry insiders, in the fierce market competition, many 4S stores will take the licensing procedures as value-added services, which is profitable. Take a car with a fare of 100,000 yuan as an example. When actually paying the purchase tax, you need to deduct 13% of the value-added tax. The purchase tax should be paid on the basis of 87,000 yuan, and the tax rate of 10% needs to pay 8,700 yuan.

  When the merchant collects and pays the vehicle purchase tax, it will be calculated at 100,000 yuan, and the consumer will be charged 10,000 yuan accordingly. "Consumers generally can’t see the tax payment invoice and don’t know how much they have paid. Many consumers don’t know how to calculate it, and the difference between them is taken away by dealers. " The sales manager of a 4S shop revealed.

  Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the All-China Passenger Transport Association, believes that the new vehicle purchase tax policy standardizes the formulation standards of taxable value, defines the taxable value when consumers buy cars, and effectively improves the problem of high taxable value in the past based on the actual price of cars, which is conducive to protecting consumers’ rights and interests and further reducing the cost of cars.

  However, it also brings a problem: the vehicle purchase tax in taxable value depends on the sales price indicated on the unified invoice for motor vehicle sales. Will there be tax evasion caused by the low invoice price?

  In this regard, the staff of Wuhan Municipal Taxation Bureau said that the collection of vehicle purchase tax has been upgraded from "provisional regulations" to "law", and there is illegal risk for dealers to deliberately write down sales invoices; At the same time, the implementation of the tax law itself means that the risk prevention and control work of the tax department will be more rigorous. The invoice amount paid by the taxpayer will be automatically compared in the system, and relevant risk data will be pushed. The tax department will analyze the risk data and deal with it according to the tax administration law.

  Will car sales increase under the influence of new purchase tax regulations?

  In addition to the implementation of the Vehicle Purchase Tax Law, another background of the automobile market in July was that after cleaning up the inventory of the national five vehicles in many places, the national six standard cars became the main products in the market.

  In a number of 4S stores in Beijing, the reporter saw that unlike the vehicles that were still being promoted at the end of June, the new cars are now labeled as meeting the national six standards. "We concentrated on cleaning up the inventory of the National Five in June, and it has been basically cleared. Now we sell all the models of the National Six." The salesperson told the reporter.

  Shi Jianhua, Deputy Secretary-General of China Automobile Industry Association, pointed out that from January to May, the automobile production and sales in China were at a low level, which was mainly manifested by weak market consumption, insufficient consumer confidence and obvious wait-and-see mood, due to the macro-economy and the early implementation of the national six emission standards in some areas.

  Shi Jianhua believes that in the second half of this year, with the increasing number of vehicles that meet the national six standards, as well as the effects of a series of policy measures such as tax reduction and fee reduction, and the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the Ministry of Commerce jointly announced the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the Updating and Upgrading of Key Consumer Goods and Smooth Resource Recycling" (2019— The implementation of the Notice of 2020 will play a positive role in promoting the passenger car market, and the production and sales of new energy vehicles will continue to maintain rapid growth. (End)

Douban 9.1, a high-scoring movie that watched millions of people cry, poked the biggest pain in our hearts.

Talking about psychology in the original building


It is said that the love of parents is the greatest love, but there is also a kind of love of relatives in this world. Whenever I think of her, many childhood memories will always emerge in my mind, and the softest place in my heart will feel warm. She is my grandmother.

The film love changes that I want to share with you today is a touching film about my grandmother.

This movie was released in South Korea in 2002, and it won the box office championship for four weeks in a row, becoming the highest-grossing movie of that year, and the netizens on Douban also scored 9.1.

Some netizens commented that watching the film reminds me of my grandmother, and every shot grandma appears is a tear …


Xiangyu, the hero of the story, is a little boy who grew up in a single-parent family.

Mother sent Xiangyu to her grandmother’s house in the country for a few days to facilitate her work.

On the way to grandma’s house, bumpy mountain roads, crowded buses and rustic country uncles and aunts chattered about chickens and ducks …

All these make Xiangyu, a city child, feel deeply disgusted and disgusted.

Xiangyu’s grandmother’s village is a very poor place. There are no entertainment facilities and places in the village, only a small grocery store, and grandma’s home is even more dilapidated.

Grandma is an old man in her seventies, her face is covered with wrinkles, and her back has been bent by perennial farm work.

Besides, grandma can’t read and is mute.

After her mother took Xiangyu to her grandmother’s house, she turned around and left.

Looking at this old and dumb grandmother, Xiangyu is full of disdain and disgust.

Grandma wanted to touch his head, and he was too dirty to avoid it. Grandma wanted to take his hand home, but he also forced it off and even made a gesture to hit someone.

There is no way, grandma hunched in front, followed by Xiangyu did not forget to scold: idiot.

Grandma just looked back at Xiangyu from time to time, for fear that he didn’t keep up.

This is the scene of the first meeting between grandparents and grandchildren, without a trace of warmth and touching.

In the evening, when having dinner, grandma brought Xiangyu food. He threw all the food into grandma’s bowl and only ate the canned food he brought.

Grandma’s eyesight is dim, and it is very laborious to thread the needle. She wants Xiangyu to help.

Xiangyu first pretended not to hear the video game, and after repeated requests from her grandmother, she got up impatiently to help.

Xiangyu’s game machine was out of power, so he pestered his grandmother to give him money to buy batteries, but her grandmother had no money, so she could only keep apologizing to Xiangyu.

He searched every corner of grandma’s house, but he didn’t find any money. He was so angry that he kicked the clay pot that grandma cherished and threw away her only pair of shoes.

Grandma without shoes can only walk barefoot on the rocky mountain road.

Xiangyu still refused to let it go. He took advantage of his grandmother’s sleep and pulled out her hairpins, hoping to exchange them for money to buy batteries.

When my grandmother woke up, she found that the hair clasp was missing, so she had to fix her hair with a spoon.

Xiangyu wanted to eat KFC, but grandma didn’t understand. He showed it to her like a rooster.

Grandma looked at Xiangyu’s cock and thought he wanted to eat chicken, so she braved the heavy rain and walked a long, long mountain road and bought a chicken.

After the stew, grandma brought the chicken to Xiangyu, but Xiangyu looked disgusted and cried and overturned his job, cursing grandma: you are a liar who knows nothing.

Grandma doesn’t know what to do, so she can only silently turn around and pick up the bowl that Xiangyu threw away, pick up the rice grains on the ground and stuff them into her mouth, for fear of wasting them.

Looking at Xiangyu who fell asleep in anger, grandma was full of guilt.

In the town, Xiangyu saw his little friend and was afraid that his grandmother would embarrass him, so he left his grandmother alone and went home by car with his partner.

Finally, in order to save money, grandma had to walk home alone.

Xiangyu’s personality is so capricious and stubborn, but grandma always only cares and tolerates him.

Grandma learns to ponder over his toys and wants to know more about her grandson’s world.

Xiangyu was afraid of going to the toilet alone at night, so grandma squatted barefoot and watched.

Grandma took Xiangyu to the town to sell melons, because grandma couldn’t speak. At the end of the day, none of them were sold.

But even if there is no income at the end of the day, grandma still takes Xiangyu to buy new shoes.

Take him to eat a meal in Zhajiang Noodles, and grandma only ordered one for Xiangyu, watching by herself.

In the face of her grandson’s unreasonable demands, my grandmother waved "I’m sorry" on her chest again and again and apologized to her grandson.


Grandma’s clumsy love made Xiangyu more headstrong at first, but as time went by, grandma’s love penetrated into Xiangyu’s heart, and he gradually changed, no longer just thinking about himself.

When grandma was not at home, it rained heavily. Xiangyu hurried to collect clothes. After collecting his own clothes, he saw that grandma’s clothes were still outside, and went out to collect grandma’s clothes.

Grandma got sick because she got wet in the rain. He would cover her with a quilt and put a towel on her forehead, hoping that she would get better soon.

On grandma’s sick day, he never cooked, and he prepared breakfast for grandma.

When grandma goes home, Xiangyu will take the initiative to take the bag in her hand.

Grandma bought him chocolate cakes, and he secretly stuffed one into her bag.

I accidentally fell down the hillside and was injured. When I saw my grandmother, Xiangyu jumped into her arms and cried bitterly.

Xiangyu’s dislike and complaint about his grandmother at first gradually turned into love and dependence. He is increasingly inseparable from his grandmother, and some even don’t want to return to the city.

Just when the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren improved, Xiangyu received a letter from his mother to take him home.

Xiangyu is full of sadness for his grandmother, and he doesn’t trust her to live alone. He teaches her to read and write letters.

He said to grandma:

Because you can’t talk on the phone, you should write to me.

Grandma, if you are sick, send me a blank piece of writing paper. I know it’s you, and I’ll be right back.

Speaking of which, Xiangyu has been sobbing, and grandma has secretly wiped her tears.

The day of parting still came, and Xiangyu helped grandma put on her needle and thread, which was enough for grandma to use for a while.

On the bus leaving, Xiangyu learned the gesture of grandma’s apology and gestured "I’m sorry" on his chest over and over again.

With the bus gone, grandma walked back to her hut alone.

After watching the movie, I remembered what Stefanie sang in the song "Good Youth":

Remember that someone is waiting at the end of the world, no matter how far away it is, don’t come back.

Affection is often the most easily overlooked emotion.

In many people’s childhood, there are always people who regard us as treasures in their hands and are willing to leave us the most precious things she has.

But because we are loved, we often have nothing to hide, dislike and blame them, and even never take the time to get to know them. It is not until we grow up that we find that the love we once ignored is so precious.

In the movie, my grandmother is old, and she is very indifferent to life and death. Even the old woman who runs a convenience store said flatly to her grandmother:

Come and see me again, before we die.

Xiangyu, on the other hand, didn’t understand grandma’s love until he left. Before he could figure out how to respond to grandma, he was about to leave her side.

In the future, how many opportunities will he have to repay his grandmother?

Don’t wait until it’s too late to try to make up for it.

Take advantage of this holiday, spend more time with them and listen to their stories when you have time. Only companionship is the longest confession.

Ten Heavy New Cars in 2023

The year 2023 is coming to an end, with less than a month left in the blink of an eye. Looking back on this year, using one word to describe the automobile industry is the flying of rolls and rolls. There are endless new products on the new energy track, and the field of fuel vehicles has also started price wars one after another. Car manufacturers have finished rolling up the price of products. For consumers, this year is indeed a year suitable for buying cars.

Today, let’s take a look at the products that surprised you in 2023 and are worth starting with. Here are 10 models, which are very heavy.

Byd seagull

It has been listed for more than 7 months, but it has won the championship for more than 6 months. This is BYD Seagull. From the appearance of BYD Seagull in April to October, it is the champion of this level of car sales every month, and even has a sales volume of more than 40,000, making it a popular candidate for the champion of car sales.

Recently, the 200,000th seagull officially rolled off the assembly line. Up to now, the cumulative sales volume has exceeded 180,000, and the results are not dazzling. This success, in addition to the blessing of BYD brand aura, is also indispensable to the outstanding strength of the model itself. The lower threshold, the better car cost performance, the upper-middle level seating space of the same class and the relatively sporty and fashionable appearance make Seagull very suitable for consumers who pay attention to economic applicability such as commuting.

Deep blue S7

The dark blue S7, known as the "King of Volume" of the 7-character generation, has only been listed for half a year. From the latest sales data, for example, in October, Deep Blue S7 also had data of over 8,000 vehicles, which was considered as a best-selling camp.

The advantage of Deep Blue S7 can roll lies in its price. It is positioned as a medium-sized SUV, and its price is less than 150,000. Its cost performance is outstanding, and its face value, space and configuration are online. The first car owner also enjoys the lifetime warranty policy of the battery pack. Under the premise of low car purchase threshold and low car use threshold, the maintenance cost is also invisibly lowered, which is just right for the modern young people’s psychology of "saving the flowers". The product strength is icing on the cake, and the price advantage is the last word.

Wen Jie M7

It is said that a M7 that is far ahead has revitalized the world, making the products with low sales suddenly come back to life. Less than 50 days after listing, the sales volume of Dading exceeded 80,000, which is dazzling in the whole high-end new energy field, and it really makes the ideal feel the pressure.

There is no doubt about Huawei’s brand power, and HarmonyOS’s intelligent ecosystem is also a bright spot. However, the success of the M7 is also inseparable from the model itself. For example, the improvement of the overall mechanical quality and configuration level is obvious for the enhancement of handling and comfort. Moreover, the price adjustment and positioning are more reasonable, and the opponent is reduced from L8 to L7. Relying on the price advantage, the brand influence and its own strength, it is not all the credit of being far ahead.

Feifan F7

In terms of sales volume, Feifan F7 did not achieve the expected popularity. However, judging from the model itself, Feifan F7 can still rank among the annual models.

At the beginning of the year, when Feifan F7 appeared to announce the selling price, there was also a real wave of enthusiasm. Some people feel sincere because of the low price threshold of the model, some people complain because of the unreasonable scheme of renting batteries and buying out batteries in Feifan F7 battery exchange mode, and some people are surprised because of the NVH of this car …

Nowadays, according to the data that the monthly sales volume is just over 2,000 vehicles, the purchasing power of heat conversion is limited. Moreover, SAIC, which is backed by Feifan, is not only betting on Feifan, but also the D7 model of Zhiji and Roewe itself. Although the overall price-performance ratio of Feifan F7 is excellent, now the 200,000+market segment is completely established as an explosion, and there are still some characteristics with higher recognition. Therefore, Feifan F7 will inevitably be listed less than one year. Under the impact of new products, the terminal will give a drop of about 20,000, and the price-performance ratio of the whole vehicle will be improved by price advantage.

Zhiji LS6

At the beginning of the year, Zhiji LS7 just made its debut. Near the end of the year, the sister model Zhiji LS6 made a strong attack.

Obviously, in order to start the brand of Zhiji, SAIC has also made great efforts, and the price has dropped again and again. From Zhiji L7 to Zhiji LS7 to Zhiji LS6, the terminal has given a limited-time discount of 15,000, and the threshold has been lowered to the early 210,000. Compared with Zhiji LS7, the performance-price ratio has been significantly improved. After all, in terms of size, Zhiji LS6 is only a little smaller, but it is a whole level lower in price.

Moreover, Zhiji LS6 quasi-900V dual silicon carbide platform not only ensures zero acceleration within 3.5S, but also pays more attention to the intelligent car experience of vehicles. For example, the elevated NOA capability comes standard with NVIDIA Orin-X chip and lidar to ensure convenient, comfortable and intelligent travel.

Zhijie S7

What sparks can Chery and Huawei collide? Just look at the intellectual S7.

At the end of November, Zhijie S7 officially debuted, with a price of 249,800 yuan. It is aimed at medium and large-sized cars, 800V silicon carbide high-voltage platform is standard, and Huawei empowers Turing intelligent chassis and other new technologies. It only takes 3.3S to accelerate 100 kilometers, and CLTC’s comprehensive cruising range can reach 855km, and it can last 215km in five minutes.

Judging from the current data, the reservation has exceeded 20,000 units. It is good news for Chery’s road to electrification transformation. The design of the front face of Zhijie S7, especially the headlights, is very Huawei’s style. From the perspective of positioning, the price of this car is actually not dominant in the auto market of 200,000+,and the so-called outstanding selling points are not clear. The so-called intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving and fast charging are basically standard in this market segment. The product characteristics of Zhijie S7 are not clear. Perhaps Huawei’s brand power and Chery’s influence can play a certain role, but if you want to win the first place, and

Haobo HT

In contrast, the niche attribute of Haobo HT is relatively clear.

Throughout the field of new energy, the explosion mode is nothing more than niche configuration and mass production positioning. In this mode, it is often the easiest to give birth to explosions, such as ideals and Tesla. Nowadays, Haobo HT has also grasped the key point, relying on popular positioning and niche configuration, and wants to stand out in the 200,000+camp.

Standard European wing door, with Dolby panoramic sound, has a memory point in terms of car experience and visual effects. Combined with the price of 213,900, the threshold is not high, and the performance in relatively balanced products can still occupy a place in the middle and large pure electric SUV camp. Judging from the current data, there are orders for more than 20,000 vehicles in less than one month of pre-sale, which is a great success for this new brand with a total of three models listed soon.

Lan tu Zhu guang

The 200,000+market has never lacked good cars. Under the shackles of classic benchmarks such as BYD Han and Tesla Model 3, if you want to gain a firm foothold quickly, you must rely on outstanding characteristics to attract potential and fixed audiences, that is to say, the labeling should be clear, and it should arouse the resonance and recognition of the audience, so that it can be truly transformed into purchasing power.

The pursuit of light like Lantu has set its sights on groups with business car needs. From the price point of view, the threshold of chasing light from 266,900 is not low in the same class, but it comes standard with electric four-wheel drive, with a million-level magic carpet chassis, air suspension and CDC blessing, which can be adjusted in advance to reduce the bumpy feeling. The rear row also has administrative push-off, the four-seat mode comes standard with massage ventilation and heating functions, and the intelligent auxiliary driving system of L2.9 level, and the driving quality is even better.

Byd song l

The price has not been officially announced, but it is not surprising that BYD Song L will also be an explosive product.

The positioning should be between Song PLUS and Tang Dynasty, which is considered as a B-class SUV product. Its shape is also different from that of Song PLUS and Tang Dynasty, and it is more sporty and fashionable, and its personality is towering. Hunting coupe SUV positioning, strong cross-border style, and more aggressive modeling, strong sports atmosphere, distinctive features, more like young audiences. Many people call it "the most beautiful BYD" in the SUV field.

The highlight of BYD Song L lies not only in the car itself, but also in the blessing of brand influence. With the endorsement of BYD, Song L has more outstanding advantages in terms of technology, word-of-mouth and stability and reliability. Thanks to BYD’s highly vertically integrated industry consolidation ability, Song L also has room for price reduction. No matter how the market changes, compared with the new power products, Song L has stronger pressure resistance.

Ideality MEGA

While the most beautiful BYD is on the scene, the ugliest ideal is about to go online.

This product with a strong sense of technology and futurity, which looks like a concept car, will be a formal production car. It is the ideal MEGA, and according to the official data, the number of orders has exceeded 10,000, and there are many people who spit it out, but obviously there are as many people who recognize it.

The price will be around 500,000-600,000. The new car will be unveiled in December and delivered in January of the following year. Although the appearance has changed to the ideal calm and atmospheric style, the interior still retains a lot of the same design, and the big screen is still very eye-catching. The unique design also brings excellent performance of wind resistance coefficient, which is only 0.215Cd. Although it is a 7-seat layout, the space utilization is reasonable, and various modes can be switched. Two rows of independent seats also ensure comfort. The 800V platform is built, and the acceleration of 100 kilometers is only 5.5S, and the travel quality and control are guaranteed.

What is culture and how to understand the word culture?

What is culture and how to understand the word culture?

What is culture? Let’s start with what is literature and what is culture.


"Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "Wen, wrong painting also. Xiang Jiaowen. " (Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s writing "

",with" people "above and" hey "below. "Man" and "Wa" are wrongly drawn and like essays. )

People: from the family, from the family.Hey.

Shuo Wen Jie Zi: "Hey, right. Like the shape of a left lead. All the genus is from the genus.”。

It is the paradigm of the word "Nuo" that the right is violent and the shape like the left is more like the shape of the male root.

"Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "Hey, left-handed. From reverse to reverse. Reading is the same as reading. " . It bends from left to right, so it is the paradigm of the word "Zi" that its character image is drawn from the right and is still like the shape of yin flowing out.

The two paradigms are superimposed. Youyin affects yang.Blind dateLovers are the paradigm of herringbone.

Because Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s "person" and "entry" are easily confused. Oracle Bone Inscriptions’s "human" writing (


"Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "Man, the nature of heaven and earth is the most expensive. This essay is like the shape of an arm and a shin. " . Its Oracle Bone Inscriptions shape is like the shape of a person saluting from the side. The form of the adult crown ceremony of the Jewish man is the essay (or Oracle Bone Inscriptions)

") The paradigm of the word" human ".

"Shuo Wen Jie Zi": "Hey, hey. From you, from you, intersect. " .

(See a picture "Hey")

(Hey: See a painting "Hey”)

The superposition of two paradigms: Yin and Yang.HeyIt is the paradigm of the word "Wa" to intersect with Yin and Yang and make friends with Thailand.

The two paradigms of "human" and "wa" are superimposed: the staggered painting still shows that the person who sends out the information of love and mating is the paradigm of "Wen"

(Person: See "Person" in one of the two paintings)


), the superposition of the two paradigms of human beings: Judaism teaches the exercise of human rebirth. If the person born is the paradigm of Chinese characters. Life is full of one head and one foot. From the fall of people, it means that what they are born into).

"Wen" is a message sent by interlaced paintings that still show love and seek mating.

change"Judaism teaches people to be born again if they are born.

"Culture" is the change caused by information orientation.

The Biography of Ben Gua in Zhouyi: "Rigid and soft are intertwined, and astronomy is also; Civilization stops, so does humanity. Observe astronomy, observe time changes, observe humanity, and turn it into the world. " .

The message of yin and yang is astronomy, and the message of civilization is humanity. Observing the information of yin and yang can tell the changes of the times. Observing the information sent by civilization and participating in it can make a world you like.

What people love now, then what the future world of mankind will be. This is the oldest and deepest understanding of "culture"

The definition of culture on the internet: culture is all human spiritual activities and their products relative to politics and economy. This is wrong. This is wrong. This is wrong. Say the important things three times.

"Culture" is the change caused by information orientation. It is not only human beings who have "culture". Everything in the world has "culture". For example, "fossils", from the information left in "fossils", we can refer to and study the changing process of paleontology. It’s just that we usually study the "culture" of human beings. Studying "culture" can let us know the past and the future. The Book of Changes was the earliest study of "culture". Unfortunately, our modern books classify it as a superstition of fortune telling.

"Text" is the information we get, or the information we send.

Information can deduce its predecessor source, what is happening now and its future development.

The "transformation" here refers to the changes after we accept the information. And the changes caused by the information we send.

The simplest and most practical understanding of "culture" is that what we love now will determine what our future will be. And everything we are suffering now is caused by our past kindness. Learning "culture" can help us to move forward towards the beauty in our hearts in the future. High-level "culture" can shape a world that one yearns for.

The "cultural" war is to confuse the beauty and ideals of the rival nation. Let its nation have no cohesion and combat effectiveness. So as to conquer the nation by using the deviant elements of the nation. Poison textbooks are an example, and the other party has already started. And we? ? ? ? ? ?


CIA’s Ten Commandments against China Youth

First, try to seduce and corrupt their youth with material things, encourage them to despise, despise and further openly oppose their original ideological education, especially communist dogma. Create interest and opportunities for them to be unrestrained in pornography, and then encourage them to have sexual promiscuity. Let them not be ashamed of shallowness and vanity. We must destroy the hard-working spirit they have emphasized.

Second, we must do everything possible to do a good job in communication, including movies, books, television, radio waves … and new religious communication. Making them yearn for our ways of clothing, food, housing, transportation, entertainment and education is half the battle.

Third, we must draw the attention of their youth away from the tradition of government-centered. Let their minds focus on sports performances, pornographic books, pleasures, games, criminal movies, and religious superstitions.

Fourth, they often create things that have nothing to do and let their people discuss them openly. This planted the seeds of division in their subconscious. In particular, it is necessary to find good opportunities among their ethnic minorities, split their regions, split their nationalities, split their feelings, and create new hatred and old hatred among them. This is a strategy that cannot be ignored at all.

5. We should constantly create news and vilify their leaders. Our reporters should find opportunities to interview them and then organize their own words to attack themselves.

6. Democracy should be promoted under all circumstances. Whenever there is an opportunity, whether it is large or small, tangible or intangible, we must seize the opportunity to launch a democratic movement. No matter on what occasions and under what circumstances, we must constantly demand democracy and human rights from them (the government). As long as each of us keeps saying the same thing, their people will surely believe that we are telling the truth. We catch a person is a person, we occupy a site is a site.

Seven, we should try to encourage them (the government) to spend and encourage them to borrow from us. In this way, we have full confidence to destroy their credit, devalue their currency and inflate it. As long as they lose control of prices, they will completely collapse in the people’s minds.

Eight, we should use our economic and technological advantages, tangible and intangible blow to their industries. As long as their industry is paralyzed unconsciously, we can encourage social unrest However, we must help and assist them very lovingly on the surface, so that they (the government) will appear weak. A weak government will bring greater turmoil.

Nine, to use all the resources, even gestures, a word and a smile, are enough to destroy their traditional values. We should use everything to destroy their moral hearts. The key to destroying their self-esteem and self-confidence is to hit their hard-working spirit as much as possible.

10. secretly transport all kinds of weapons and equip all their enemies and people who may become their enemies.