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Baseball, the first carrier of American dream spirit | column

Sports Industry Ecosphere www.ecosports.cn

Basketball, ice hockey and rugby are all very hot. Why is baseball the only American national sport?

Why is it that MLB, which seems to have a slow pace, is deeply loved by American audiences today?

Behind this series of questions, Chen Shengyin, a columnist of the ecological circle and a senior reporter of five-star sports, brought us a story about American baseball culture and told us about the greatness of baseball.

Column | Chen Shengyin

Chen Shengyin, a columnist of Ecosphere, is a senior reporter of five-star sports. He started his career in 2002, and has reported many top-level events such as European Cup, Asian Games, NFL Super Bowl, NBA Finals and MLB World Series.

What is baseball culture like? Start with this story

Brother Quan invited me to tell you about American baseball culture. So, let’s start with the story of an 8-year-old girl.

Hailey Dawson was born in Henderson, Nevada in 2010. Xiao Haili is an unfortunate girl. She was born.Suffer fromPollan syndrome. PollanSyndromeIt is one of the most difficult diseases in the medical field at present. Up to now, its cause is still unclear. The main symptom is deformity of breast, chest wall and upper limbs. Xiao Haili lost three fingers in her right hand from the moment she was born, and the only thumb and little finger left were not fully developed.

Thanks to modern technology, with the help of engineering experts at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), Xiao Haili finally got her own right hand at the age of 5! Experts finally made a new type of prosthesis by using 3D printing technology. This 3D prosthesis, which has been precisely printed and made, is more perfect than traditional products. Xiao Haili wears it not as a decoration, but as a normal person.

When she first started training artificial limbs, Xiao Haili’s parents let her throw baseball. There are two reasons: first, baseball pitching can have a good training for the accuracy, strength and control of opponents, and second, because of the influence of Xiao Haili’s father Greg. Greg Dawson is from Maryland. The love of his life is not only his family, but also his hometown team Baltimore Orioles. In a subtle way, the whole Dawson family has now become an Orioles fan. Xiao Haili and her brother Zach usually like watching and playing baseball.

In the garden at home, when Xiao Haili threw the ball hard with her "mechanical right hand", Greg later recalled, "Yes, we all cried the moment the ball fell into my glove."

"Mom, I still want to pitch in Orioles Park!" That night, Xiao Haili made a wish before going to bed. At that time, she probably didn’t even think of it. In the next three years, she not only fulfilled this wish, but also created history.

Xiao Haili’s mother sent an email to the Baltimore Orioles, and she got a quick response. On August 17, 2015, she flew as far as Sleepless in Seattle, and the Dawsons came to the Orioles Park Stadium. Before the start of the game that day, more than 30,000 fans of the whole audience drummed together.ZhangjiaOil, Xiao Haili walked onto the pitcher’s hill and threw the first ball for the Orioles.

Because the 3D printed prosthesis is assembled from more than 30 parts and can be replaced at will, Xiao Haili changed all her "manipulator" into orange (oriole logo color) on that day. After the game that day, the reporter asked Xiao Haili, "What do you want to do next?" Xiao Haili replied timidly, "I want to be able to pitch at all courts."

From that day on, for three years and 30 days, on September 16th, 2018, when Xiao Haili threw the first ball of the competition in los angeles angels Stadium, history was written as follows: she became the first person on the planet to complete the kick-off ceremony in 30 MLB30 stadiums.

Derek kittel, the legendary captain of the new york Yankees and now the owner of Miami Marlins, blessed Little Haili: "Today, you are our angel, and you have inspired everyone, including me."

Sports bring us too much positive energy like Xiao Haili, but as far as Xiao Haili’s story is concerned, only baseball can write a script like her. Because in the United States, even though American football is the largest sport and basketball is the best in globalization, baseball will always be the first carrier of the American dream spirit.

Baseball is an important part of American culture-no, this statement is not accurate. It should be said that baseball has been completely integrated into American culture and into all aspects of Americans.

FIRST PITCH, the beginning of everything

From a fan’s point of view, there are many ways to let her participate in professional competitions in person. But in the United States, there is no way to go beyond the kick-off. There are KICK-OFF in American football, TIP-OFF in basketball and FIRST-PUCK in ice hockey, all of which are the signs of the official start of the game.

But none of them can match FIRST PITCH.

In fact, it is not difficult for fans who know the four major sports to imagine that American football, basketball and ice hockey are all coherent sports. If someone outside the game participates in the opening ceremony of the above games, the game can only be separated. Baseball, which is relatively static, will not have this problem. Although FIRST PITCH has nothing to do with the official game, fans prefer to regard this sacred ceremony as a signal to tell everyone that the game has started!

For Americans, especially in the northeast, this signal can even be regarded as the beginning of a year. Among the four major leagues, only baseball is a single-year event, and the season usually starts from the end of March to the beginning of April.

At this time, the northern cities are generally just in the spring. For Americans, on the Opening Day of MLB, the stadium is full of green eyes and the smell of soil in the nose. With the first ball thrown, this not only means the beginning of the baseball season, but also means: spring is here! The new year has really begun!

Of course, the kick-off ceremony can have such a high status in the minds of fans today, and thanks to Ronald Reagan, the most people-friendly president in American history. Before him, the guests who kicked off the ball were usually arranged in the first row of the stands behind home plate, and then stood up in their seats and threw the first ball. On the opening day of MLB in 1984, Mr. Reagan, then president of the United States, appeared at the Memorial Stadium, the home of Baltimore Orioles, without informing anyone.

Reagan’s excitement made the security guards at the scene have a headache. Because there was no preparation at home, Reagan’s seat was finally above the third base. This position is obviously not suitable for tee-off, and the action is relatively large when tee-off, and the surrounding environment looks unsafe. But since the president has arrived at the scene and it is the opening day, it is really unreasonable not to come to FIRST PITCH.

Finally, Reagan gave the solution. He finally walked onto the pitcher’s hill and threw the first ball of the 1984 season-at that moment, everyone found that the kick-off looked more integrated with the game in this position. Since then, the FIRST PITCH on the pitcher’s mound has formed a new practice.

The most symbolic of FIRST PITCH is undoubtedly October 30, 2001. New york Yankees and Arizona Diamondbacks played against each other in the World Series. In the third game, George W. Bush came to the scene. The significance of this game is that it is the first game of the highest level baseball decisive battle in new york City after the "911" incident. When George W. Bush threw the first ball in NYPD uniform, the whole Yankee Stadium stands shouted "U-S-A". All American media admit that only baseball can unite the whole of new york, no, the whole of America.

But this time FIRST PITCH has a lot of interesting tidbits.

After all, FIRST PITCH is a ceremony. Usually, the pitching guests are not professional players, so they will pitch at the front of the mound, but George W. Bush stood at the standard position of the pitching line that night and sent the pitch. For this reason, ESPN also specially produced a small feature, starting from Reagan, comparing the pitching actions of presidents, and Bush was indeed the best pitcher-after all, he used to be the owner of the MLB team Texas Rangers.

Despite his high level, Bush was criticized that night. After the aftermath of the terrorist incident, his preparations for this FIRST PITCH were a bit overdone. Except that the security in the stadium was upgraded to the highest level that day, NYPD’s coat was actually wearing a thick bulletproof vest, so it looked particularly bloated. In order to show his courage, Bush walked on the court alone, but in fact, a bodyguard followed him all the time, but no one noticed-because the bodyguard was wearing a referee’s uniform.

So this time FIRST PITCH is still quite controversial: no one wants this pitch, which represents American strength and unity, to be so timid.

Because FIRST PITCH is sacred and pure for Americans. As Hailey Dawson brought us: Every time I throw a ball, she tells the world that I don’t bow to fate, and my life really begins!

Baseball, everyone’s sport.

The inspiring thing about Xiao Haili is that she overcame physical obstacles and achieved the same things as ordinary people.

This is the hope that baseball has always brought. For Americans, the biggest special feature of baseball is that everyone, even if you have nothing special, can make achievements in baseball.

Needless to say, ice hockey is a sport that mainly belongs to its neighbors in the north and further north, even in the United States.

American football, which is "the sport of the strongest person in the world", must reach the peak of human beings in strength and speed in order to stand out from it.

Basketball, height is an insurmountable topic. Even if small ball tactics are popular nowadays, you should at least have a height of 1.8 meters-well, the average height of adult men in the United States today is 1.76 meters.

But baseball is different. Just like the United States as a melting pot of the world, this sport can accommodate everyone.

First of all, it doesn’t care about your physical fitness. You can have no speed, so practice your own blows and bring points to the team; You can have no strength, so improve your hitting accuracy and make yourself a guy with a high base rate; You may lack batting talent, but you may have a good sense of the ball and be an excellent defender …


In short, as long as you look for your talents and work hard to improve them, you will eventually be useful in baseball games. In 2008, when Dustin-Pedro, a second baseman with 75,80 kilograms of 1 meter, won the American League MVP, ESPN famous baseball commentator Buster Olney once pointed out in his column:

"When you watch a major league game, basically, you can always find a guy in the game who is very similar to you. You can’t be Kobe Bryant or Tom Brady, but you can see yourself in Pedro. He is too ordinary, not tall or strong. His parents run a tire shop in a small town in northern California. He was born there and grew up leisurely. As a child, Pedro played American football and baseball, as well as tennis. He kept practicing his hitting, and he didn’t strike out once for a whole season in high school. Then he was selected by the Red Sox and improved himself in the minor league until today. "

Baseball gives every boy the possibility to realize his heroic dream. Today, the tolerance of baseball is not only for Americans, but also for every immigrant. In American history, baseball has taken the most important step towards racial integration. Whenever you mention Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali, there is another name you can’t forget.

Jackie Robinson, a black boy from southern Georgia, signed a contract with Brooklyn Dodge (now Los Angeles Dodge) in 1947. When he made his major league debut on April 15 that year, it also represented that the colored barrier of baseball for more than 60 years was broken in one fell swoop.

At that time, even in Dodge’s locker room, there was racial discrimination, but the great Jackie was very calm: "I don’t care whether you like me or not. All I need is that you must give me respect for human beings."

Today, the whole MLB has also given Jackie Robinson the highest praise: in 2004, his number retired in the whole league, which of course does not mean that No.42 disappeared on the court. On April 15th every year, the day Jackie first stepped onto the major league stage, every player will wear number 42 in all the games that day. This day is Jackie Robinson Day. On this day every year, you will find that Jackie’s influence is not only in baseball.

Nowadays, on April 15th every year, on social networks, from Obama to JAY-Z to Jamie Foxx to LeBron, almost everyone pays tribute to this baseball player-without his efforts to break down barriers, the status of ethnic minorities in American society may not exist today. It is this step taken in the most traditional baseball game in the United States that the black civil rights movement has reached a new level.

Fifty years after Jackie Robinson entered MLB, a young man from Panama appeared. When he first arrived in new york at the age of 21, he didn’t even speak a word of English, but he clearly knew Jackie’s story.

So he also chose No.42, hoping to realize the same dream as his predecessors in this strange land. Later, this young Panamanian, Mariano Rivera, became the greatest finisher in history.

Rivera is Jackie Robinson of this era and the epitome of all Latin American descendants. In his 19-year career, he ended the game 652 times. Every American knows: "When Mariano walks onto the mound, it means the end of the game."

In 2004, the league retired No.42 as a whole, but it still made an opening: players who were still wearing No.42 jerseys at that time could keep their numbers. As a result, Rivera became the last player in the major leagues to use number 42. It is also gratifying that this number with special significance to baseball can have such a great ending.

Like Rivera, whether in Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela … or Cuba, many people rely on baseball to gain recognition and finally gain a foothold in the United States. On the opening day of the 2018 season, 236 of the 877 players from 30 teams were born in Latin America, accounting for 27% of the total.

Alex Cora, the coach of this year’s World Series champion Boston Red Sox, is a Puerto Rican. In order to appreciate his great contribution and achievements this season, the Red Sox specially let Cora return to his hometown of Caguas with the World Series championship trophy in these days.

Champion, waiting for every city

As a Baltimore Orioles fan, when Xiao Haili was asked what her next wish was, she replied, "I hope the Orioles can win the championship, so my father will be very happy."

Indeed, after the great success from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s, the Baltimore Orioles have not won the World Series for 35 years. Among the four major American leagues, MLB is probably the most difficult to win the championship.

The scarcity of playoff places and the changeable sports characteristics have led to the tragedy of many teams with a long tradition and a long history. Only in this background, the persistence of the fans is even more valuable. In many cities in the United States, it is the greatest wish of fans to live to see the baseball team in their region reach the top. We only look at the history of this century:

In 2002, Anaheim (now renamed Los Angeles) Angels won the championship. In 1994, Disney made a film "Angels in the Outfield".

The story tells a little boy named Roger. He lives in a single-parent family, his father is a truck driver, and he has to run long distances. Roger hoped that his father could spend more time with him, but the answer he waited for was: "Let’s wait until the Angels win the World Series."

Yes, it is precisely because the Angels are a traditional bad team in the history, so this sentence in the film represents: This is simply impossible.

In the film, the real angel came in Roger’s prayer, and he helped the angels win the championship miraculously. Two years after the film was released, Disney bought the Angel Team, and finally, 42 years after the Angel Team was founded, the fairy tale became a reality.

Incidentally, baseball and Hollywood are inextricably linked. Every year, the official documentary of MLB World Series will invite famous artists as narrators. In 1989, Matt Damon and his good friend Ben Affleck first appeared together in the movie Neverland, when they played baseball fans in Fenway Park. In 2007 and 2013, when the Red Sox won the championship, they were proud of being the narrators of the official documentaries in those two years.

In 2005, the Chicago White Sox not only won the championship, but also completed an 88-year persistence. In 1919, eight players of the Chicago White Sox were suspended for allegedly taking bribes and deliberately losing the game, so the White Sox were satirized by the world as "black socks" and never recovered. It was not until the championship in 2005 that the whole team was really proud.

Chicago white socks

In 2008, Philadelphia won MLB, and won it again after 38 years. Because of the team name, Philadelphia people can also beat the 76 ers, eagles and trapezes in the whole city and become a symbol of the city. The "P" in their team emblem tells the world: I am from Philadelphia-you will find that Iverson’s favorite hat is Philadelphia, indicating his identity as a "son of Philadelphia".

In 2010, the San Francisco Giants made the whole Bay Area proud. Giants were originally in new york, and moved to the west in 1957, which was their first championship since they came to San Francisco!

In 2015, Kansas City Royal showed the world what a "diaosi counterattack" was. As a small market team, Royal is really struggling in the professional league. In 1985, they won the world series championship, but from 1986 to 2013, they didn’t make the playoffs for 28 years. The champion after 30 years makes this city completely crazy.

In 2017, it was the turn of the Houston astronauts. Four years ago, they were still a bad team that lost 111 games and lost 100+ in the regular season for three consecutive seasons. This professional team with the longest history in Houston has finally tasted the championship for the first time after its 56th season.

Of course, all of the above are inferior to the Boston Red Sox breaking the "curse of the baby" in 2004. The Red Sox staged the greatest reversal in the history of American professional sports when they were 3-0 behind their arch-rival Yankees in the American League final, and finally ended the 86-year wait for the championship in the whole "Red Sox country".

But to say that the most touching thing for fans in this century is the 2016 World Series. The two teams that fought on the highest stage that year-Chicago Cubs and Cleveland Indians-have been together for 174 years (107 years for Cubs and 67 years for Indians).

After seven battles, the bear finally ended the "goat curse". On the night of winning the championship, many Chicagoans put a broadcast in the cemetery to let their deceased relatives witness the moment they have been looking forward to all their lives.

The joy of the bear’s championship marks that people in Cleveland will continue to wait. Although LeBron has comforted the city, I’m afraid it will be until the Indians win the championship.

So 35 years in Baltimore is really not too long, but it may be far more difficult for the Orioles to wait for the next championship than for Xiao Haili to finish pitching on 30 courses.

Ok, now, do you understand why baseball has such a lofty position in the eyes of the American people?

Behind what we see is a sports story related to baseball culture.

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Plant a football seed.

"Go to Beijing to play football." Xu Jiajia fulfilled a dream of her own.

On July 8, Beijing Workers Stadium, like many famous players who play football here, photos of Xu Jiajia and a group of small teammates were hung in the players’ locker room. On this day, the U13 youth football team in Southwest Guizhou Province and the U12 echelon in Beijing Guoan mixed the competition.

Four years ago, with the help of poverty alleviation cadres, Xu Jiajia entered Luguan Primary School in Xingren City with more than 1,200 students from a rural school in Southwest Guizhou Province. There, she met a teaching policeman from Beijing, was selected for the football team, played well, and was promoted to a key middle school in Southwest Guizhou under the leadership of a "police coach". Last week, she flew to Beijing for the first time and kicked the football into the Beijing Workers Stadium.

On July 8th, the youth football team in Southwest Guizhou took a group photo with the players from beijing guoan football club. Beijing News reporter Wang Fei photo

This is a story about a girl’s dream in an ordinary mountain village, but behind it is a story about a group of people helping another group to ignite hope.

In March 2021 and September 2022, the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau sent two groups of 40 policemen with professional expertise to Xingren City and Pu ‘an County in Southwest Guizhou Province to teach football and English for three years. Among them, two groups of 24 football teaching policemen (four remained) continued to popularize campus football, and a total of 22 campus football teams were formed, which led the campus football teams to achieve excellent results in competitions held in the country, Guizhou Province and their counties and cities.

Driven by the planning of the teaching team, the government of Southwest Guizhou established a youth football training base in Xingyi, the capital, and established a "full chain" promotion channel of "primary school-junior high school-high school-university-employment" for outstanding football talents in Southwest Guizhou.

Thirteen-year-old Xu Jiajia has a bigger dream, "Go out of the mountains and go to a better place to study." The teaching police planted a seed in the hearts of children.

On July 5, in the friendly match between the youth football team in Southwest Guizhou Province and the Beijing youth team, Xu Jiajia and his teammates embraced and cheered after the goal. Beijing News reporter Wang Ying photo

"I’m going to play football in Beijing."

In June in Guizhou, honey plums are in full season, and the branches and leaves of plum trees are pressed by fruits. When the wind blows, they sway gently with the rustling sound.

"I’m going to play football in Beijing." Children’s cheers came from the distance. Xu Jiajia, with neat short hair and a tanned face, ran home, followed by two "police coaches" from Beijing.

The yard was lively in an instant. Mother Lin Yi-fen rubbed her hands nervously, and her feet were busy, bringing washed plums for a while, touching eggs in the chicken coop, picking bacon from the beams, and then diving into the kitchen to get busy; Father Xu Shenggui told the two coaches that he had a strong accent and a fast speech, and repeatedly said, "Jia Jia has bothered you."

The 13-year-old Xu Jiajia is the only child in the village who went to Xingyi, the capital of Southwest Guizhou Province, to attend a public junior high school. She got good grades and was selected for the U13 women’s football team in Southwest Guizhou Province, and will soon go to Beijing to participate in the youth football summer camp. More than two years ago, she often skipped classes, was the "big sister" among children of the same age, and was also a "problem student" that made teachers have a headache.

In those days when she felt ashamed and regretted in retrospect, Jia Jia met Song Xiaochuan, a policeman who came to teach. He is like a light, shining into Jiajia’s life.

In 2021, the children who have just been elected to the football team are training. The former one in the picture is Xu Jiajia. Photo courtesy of respondents

On March 18th, 2021, the first batch of 18 teaching policemen from Beijing Public Security Bureau went to 6 schools (3 primary schools and 3 junior and senior high schools) in Xingren City and Pu ‘an County, Southwest Guizhou Province, and started the fixed-point assistance and teaching work. Song Xiaochuan and his partner set up a football team in Luguan Primary School in Xingren City.

Song Xiaochuan found that Jia Jia is a good prospect. In the fifth grade, she runs fast, has good physical fitness, is smart and has a strong understanding. She was not only selected for the team, but also selected as the captain.

After more than a year, these children, who didn’t even know what football was at first, sweated day after day on the training ground and learned to pass, dribble and shoot a little bit … They represented Luguan Primary School in Xingren Campus Football League and won many championships.

Xu Jiajia was selected for the training team in Southwest Guizhou, together with 15 male players and 11 female players brought by the teaching police. They can go to Xingyi, the capital of Southwest Guizhou, to attend junior high school.

The opportunity is just around the corner, but Jia Jia’s father is in trouble. When he received a phone call from his daughter, Xu Shenggui was blinded. He was working in a rubber factory in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, and he needed to do a good job.

The Xu family had five children, and Jia Jia was the youngest. Including her, three children were studying at that time. Reading needs money. His wife Lin Yifen has liver disease, and seeing a doctor needs more money. A family of seven lives by farming, raising pigs and Xu Shenggui doing odd jobs. And to go to Xingyi City to study, you have to spend an extra sum of money every month.

On July 1, Xu Jiajia’s mother Lin Yifen (first from the right) talked about Jiajia’s going to Beijing, smiling. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

Without hesitation for too long, Xu Shenggui quickly called Jia Jia back. "Go, you have to endure it at home no matter how difficult it is." In the depths of this mountain, reading is a top priority for ordinary farmers. Xu Shenggui has always regretted that she couldn’t go to junior high school because she couldn’t afford the tuition in 90 yuan, and felt even more sorry for her eldest daughter who was admitted to the university but voluntarily gave up choosing to work.

Xu Jiajia is very lucky. She met many "distinguished people" on her way to school. In the third grade, the resident poverty alleviation cadre and Xu Shenggui proposed to send Jiajia and her brother to Xingren City to study, and helped them contact the school. The two brothers and sisters just entered the city, and Jia Jia also had the opportunity to become a student of Song Xiaochuan.

"Go to a better place to study." It is the hope that the children of this family will walk out of the mountains. Jia Jia has gone further and further, and can go to Beijing to play football. Her parents are not at ease and keep telling her, "Listen to the coach and don’t get hurt during the game."

"Show them the outside world"

After teaching for more than two years, the "police coaches" from Beijing have established a football team from scratch in their respective schools, and they have also gained good results.

The police promoted the establishment of a football association in Pu ‘an County, achieving the goal of having a football association in the whole state of southwest Guizhou. Xingren Phoenix Middle School established the first high school women’s state-level team in Southwest Guizhou. At the 11th Sports Meeting of Guizhou Province held in August, 2022, it won the sixth place in women’s group A, which is the best result in Southwest Guizhou since the resumption of the provincial sports meeting in Guizhou Province. In the 2022 Youth Football Invitational Tournament in Central and Western China, two U12 football teams led by teaching police won all four games, and stood out among 20 teams from 9 provinces and won the first prize …

Walter WANG and Zhang Jinan led the women’s football team of Phoenix Middle School to participate in the competition on behalf of Southwest Guizhou. Photo courtesy of respondents

At the beginning, it was difficult to find a few children who had been exposed to football in the school. The brand-new playground, the newly-sodded standard football field and the shiny metal goal were just places to run and climbing tools in the eyes of children.

In order to set up the first high school women’s state-level team in Southwest Guizhou, Walter WANG, a policeman who teaches teaching, and his colleagues drove from place to place to find someone, and accumulated more than 5,000 kilometers of mountain roads. Finally, 28 junior high school graduates were selected in Xingyi, Xingren, Anlong, Zhenfeng, Wangmo and other counties (cities) and arranged for them to go to Phoenix Middle School for study and training.

Most of these children’s academic performance is not excellent, their family conditions are also very difficult, there are many brothers and sisters, their parents work outside the home all the year round, and even some children have taken on the burden of raising their brothers and sisters. Bellome is one of them. After being elected, her family didn’t allow her to play football.

"What’s the use of playing football?" Teaching police have been questioned more or less like this. They patiently explained, "There are many different paths in life, and football may open a window for children." When they have time, they will also visit their homes to persuade parents who are worried. With the joint efforts of the coach, the Wangmo county government and the staff of the Education Bureau, Bellome finally appeared in the training ground.

Walter WANG on the training ground is strict and unsmiling. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

Being a teacher is a big challenge for the police. Cai Shuo, a policeman who teaches at Longxi Shiyan School in Pu ‘an County, has a "headache" student named Chen Jinfang. The little girl is a versatile player with good physical fitness and strong explosive power, but she is too introverted and shy.

For a long time, Jin Fang never looked up, didn’t talk and didn’t respond to the coach during training. Cai Shuo was anxious to ask a few words, and she cried. Cai Shuo, who was less than 30 years old, was helpless in the face of such a small child.

When he first arrived at Longxi Shiyan School in Pu ‘an County in 2021, Cai Shuo was guiding the children to train. Photo courtesy of respondents

A year and a half later, Cai Shuo learned about her psychological state at that time in Chen Jinfang’s letter to him. "I don’t know anything about football, I don’t know how to play, how to stop the ball, and how to defend, just like a baby facing a fresh world …"

In this brand-new football world, coaches teach children the rules and skills of football hand in hand and take them into a broader world.

Walter WANG and his colleagues tried their best to "beg for alms", helping the children with clothes, football, backpacks and other subsidies, adding meals to them by stewing beef and chicken legs on weekends, and also raising various expenses such as transportation, accommodation and so on when going out for competitions. "Take them to see the outside world."

"I can do it!"

Football training is a hard job, and the ultimate pull of body and perseverance can be exchanged for progress.

Every training, Xu Jiajia tried her best to run on the court. "She dares to fight and rob," Song Xiaochuan said, which is Jia Jia’s advantage.

Xu Jiajia (right) and her teammates strengthened their training in order to welcome the friendly match of Beijing Summer Camp on July 4th. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

She still has an indomitable spirit. When she first entered junior high school, Jia Jia underwent two operations on gastroenteritis and appendicitis, and her training and study fell behind a lot. The former captain of Luguan Primary School was no longer conspicuous in the "master as a cloud" state team. Shi Miao, who is the physical fitness coach and life coach of this team, can see that Jia Jia is a little frustrated, but she is still trying to catch up.

On June 29th, in a training on the eve of going to Beijing for a youth football summer camp, Jia Jia started a low-grade fever, and her face was red and sweaty, but she still didn’t want to take time off. "I can’t delay any longer." After biting her teeth for two hours, she was still exhausted and almost fainted in the turn-back running event at the end of the training. When Miao forced her to have a rest, she sat on the sidelines and drank water to cool down. Jia Jia gasped and watched her teammates training, and her brow twisted tightly.

Xu Jiajia once said that since joining the football team, life has become more specific. "Fight hard and win."

Every time after training, Walter WANG is often hoarse and exhausted. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

But "winning" is by no means the only thing that the coach wants to pass on to the children. In addition, there are self-confidence, persistence and faith.

No team is sure to win or lose, especially for the newly formed team, losing is inevitable. Falling down and conceding goals again and again are all regarded by Bellome as a ditch on the road to success. If you get up and cross over, you will always make progress.

In the 2021 Guizhou Football Association Cup Youth Football League, the Phoenix Middle School Women’s Football Team won the eighth place, and seven players won the national second-class athletes’ places, including Bellome, which is a great help for her to get into a sports professional college in the future.

After Chen Jinfang was selected as the goalkeeper of the state team in Southwest Guizhou, it was like a different person. Cai Shuo was sure at that time that Jin Fang’s past performances came from his lack of self-confidence. "Until she participated in the selection in the state, she found that she was still the best, and she really never cried again. In the past, I made a detour, but now I dare to’ provoke’ me.’ Coach, you can’t run, so you’re not as fast as me.’ "

In the summer of 2022, Chen Jinfang (3 from the right in the back row) was selected to the Southwest Guizhou Women’s U12 Training Team, and the team members took a group photo with coach Tang Yongxin. Photo courtesy of respondents

The little girl crying on the football field is gone. Chen Jinfang is very hard-working in training, which she attributes to her childhood exercise. She has three sisters and a younger brother, who is born dumb. His parents take him everywhere for medical consultation. Young Chen Jinfang has to walk alone for more than an hour to go to school every day, from dawn to dawn. Since the third grade, she has to wash and cook, feed pigs and chickens when she comes home, until now.

In the past, Xu Jiajia would cry when she cut off her shoulder-length hair. Now, in order to facilitate running, she severely cut her ear’s short hair again, exposing her ears and forehead.

"I can bounce more than 500 balls in a row." "I got the seventh place in my class in this exam." Xu Jiajia constantly reported good news to Song Xiaochuan. "When she first started training, she couldn’t jump a ball. She had to practice for three or five consecutive times for a long time." Song Xiaochuan didn’t ask Jia Jia how she worked hard to reach this level, and Jia Jia wouldn’t pull him to complain and be tired.

"Look, I can do it!" The children proved themselves with solid achievements.

The baton of dreams

In July 2022, 14 of the first batch of 18 policemen returned to Beijing after teaching. Song Xiaochuan left, too. Before he left, he handed Xu Jiajia over to the remaining Walter WANG, Wang Haonan and the second batch of Shi Miao and Tong Jixiang who came to teach.

The coach was catching the bat, but the training never stopped. Walter WANG on the football field is a "tough character". He is uncompromising. He starts training at six o’clock in the morning, but the thunder can’t move. It rains in winter and turns into ice, and it is humid and sultry in summer. But he insists on "being late will be punished", and girls will be more demanding when they complain that they are tired. It seems that he will never be satisfied with their performance.

At 6 o’clock every morning, it is still dawn, and the girls have appeared on the playground of Xingyi No.5 Middle School. Beijing News reporter He Junyi photo

In Chen Jinfang’s eyes, Cai Shuo, her first coach, belongs to the type of "keeping things quiet", Walter WANG, the coach of "King", is like a strict "old father", and Wang Haonan, the coach of "Xiao Wang", can understand her without saying much, and always speaks a word in her heart at critical times … She sets the funny photos of the coaches as her own mobile phone screensaver.

Many of the concerns of "old fathers" are in places where children can’t see them. In private, Walter WANG talked about the difficulty of children when everyone met. "I learned to wash and cook when I was very young. I didn’t have parents to take care of me. My family’s conditions were not good, and my nutrition couldn’t keep up. Look at this calf muscle. Going out to compete is a lot worse than others."

After leaving southwest Guizhou, Song Xiaochuan was entrusted by his friend to deposit 300 yuan money in Walter WANG every month as a living allowance for Jia Jia. He repeatedly told Jia Jia, "Just rest assured, study hard, and don’t fall behind in football and culture classes."

Jia Jia couldn’t bear to part with him. She watched the video produced by Song Xiaochuan when he left after teaching. Every frame in it was a memory of training and competition together in the past. She buried herself in tears and made an agreement with her coach: "I’m going to Beijing to go to college, and we’ll see you there."

I didn’t expect to meet you so soon. On July 6th, just after the friendly match with the Beijing team, Xu Jiajia saw the coaches who were hiding off the court and wanted to surprise them. She rushed to Song Xiaochuan and asked him repeatedly, "Did you see that we won the game?"

July 6, Beijing,Song Xiaochuan (left), Tang Yongxin (middle) and Zhang Jinan watched the children nervously outside the stadium. Beijing News reporter Zhang Jingyu photo

Song Xiaochuan doesn’t talk much on weekdays, unlike children who express their emotions so enthusiastically, but he will still "break the defense" for such a moment. He looked at the child in front of him, who hadn’t been eager to "take credit" for him for a year, and saw that she had grown taller and made progress, which was very comforting.

On the title page of the English book for Xu Jiajia, Song Xiaochuan wrote the following sentence: "I hope you will stick to your dream and make efforts to realize our agreement. See you in Beijing in the future! "

He knows that the seeds of hope have been sown, and these seedlings are stubbornly absorbing nutrition and striving for progress.

From March 2021 to now, with the relay help of two groups of teaching policemen from Beijing Public Security Bureau, and with the strong support of physical education and public security departments in Guizhou Province and Southwest Guizhou, two players have been rated as national first-class athletes, 38 players have been rated as national second-class athletes, 6 players have been selected into Guizhou Youth Training Team and studied in Guiyang Experimental School, and 45 players have been selected into Southwest Guizhou Youth Training Team and studied in Xingyi No.5 Middle School.

Children’s dreams have taken on a more concrete shape. Cai Shuo’s students said to him, "Coach, my life has never been so wonderful before you came. I will go to college like you, be a policeman and teach football."


7月10日,夏令营临近结束,孩子们在天安门广场观看了升旗仪式。仪式结束后,一个女孩张开双臂迎接朝阳。新京报记者 王嘉宁 摄






新京报记者 张静姝 编辑 刘倩 校对 张彦君

Argentina confirmed that they would come to China to play the game, locked in the live broadcast of flying fish, and could cheer for Messi if they didn’t go to the scene.

The Beijing Football Association officially confirmed that Argentina’s men’s soccer team and Australia will play a friendly match at Beijing Workers Stadium at 20: 00 on June 15th. At that time, the flying fish live broadcast will broadcast the friendly match in a panoramic way, so that fans can enjoy the performances of many Argentine superstars headed by Messi for the first time. After Messi led the Argentine team to win the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 championship, the popularity and attention of the team remained high. This time, the Argentine team was invited to play in China, which also attracted the attention of many fans.

However, for most fans, it is not realistic to go to the stadium to watch the match between Argentina and Australia. First of all, the tickets for Argentina’s match with Australia are expensive, and some scalpers have speculated the price to around 10 thousand, and this is only the price of third-class tickets. It is still very difficult for fans of all ages to spend 10 thousand yuan to watch the match between Argentina and Australia. Therefore, most fans choose to wait for the live broadcast of flying fish to cheer for Messi and Argentina.

Flying fish live broadcast will provide fans with an authoritative data system. Through this authoritative data system, fans will have a more comprehensive understanding of Messi’s assists, passes and shots. Flying fish live broadcast is a senior platform that has been deeply involved in the field of live broadcast for many years, and has rich broadcast resources of events. In order to make up for the regret of fans who can’t go to the stadium to watch the ball, the flying fish live broadcast will create a personalized live broadcast room for them.

In the flying fish live broadcast room, there will be Argentine fans from all over the country to discuss the game together, so that everyone can feel immersive. For the fans, the result of the match between Argentina and Australia will not be taken seriously. In the match between Argentina and Australia, fans want to see whether Messi can show his talent and passion to the fullest. As we all know, Messi has encountered a trough during this time.

Messi was questioned by fans and even booed by home fans because he didn’t lead the team to win the Champions League. In this regard, many Messi fans are very distressed. They hope to cheer for Messi through the flying fish live broadcast room and let him get out of the trough as soon as possible. Finally, the commentary styles of flying fish live broadcast events are diversified, including He Wei and Zhan Jun, cute girls and gags. It is worth mentioning that the live broadcast of flying fish also includes basketball, e-sports and popular variety shows, so that fans can enjoy a one-stop watching experience.