The rise of domestic beauty cosmetics China beauty market ushered in a new pattern.

The rise of domestic beauty cosmetics China beauty market ushered in a new pattern.

Cover journalist Guo Kexin

In the just-concluded Double Eleven War, domestic beauty brands represented by Polaiya, Winona, Nature Hall, etc. have made outstanding achievements, and domestic beauty can be said to usher in a new pattern. Among them, Polaiya won TOP1 in the dual-platform beauty industry of Tmall and Tik Tok. This is also the first time that domestic beauty products have won the championship in the fierce competition with foreign beauty products in recent years. Proya, who has achieved outstanding results, also officially entered its 20th anniversary on November 18th. At the same time, Proya’s 20th anniversary strategy conference was held in Hangzhou International Expo Center, and a new vision for the future was released, aiming at becoming an international China beauty company with consumers as the core, technology as the foundation.

40 Years’ Innovation of Domestic Beauty in China Cosmetics Industry

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the China market, which opened its doors for the first time, welcomed a large number of foreign brands. Beauty brands from the United States, South Korea, Japan, France and other countries have successively occupied a large share of the cosmetics market in China, and domestic brands have struggled in the "dark moment". However, 40 years later, in the cosmetics market in China, domestic brands gained the trust of consumers by iteratively upgrading and building the core competitiveness of scientific research. Yan Jiangying, chairman of China Flavor Cosmetics Industry Association, said at the 20th anniversary strategy conference of Polaiya that in the past two decades, the cosmetics industry in China has gone through the wholesale era, the channel era and the new brand era. From its birth, listing, brand building to the 20th anniversary, Polaiya echoed the development process of the industry, led the development with strategic and technological innovation, led the sustainable development with ESG construction, followed the industry regulations with responsibility, and became a China cosmetics company facing the public and leading China.

The new future of domestic beauty cosmetics China market has become the source of global innovation

At the strategy conference of Polaiya’s 20th anniversary, Franckie, vice chairman of French Cosmetics Valley, shared the frontier trend of global beauty. She said that China’s innovation is attracting the world’s attention and showing the world the beauty power of China. At the global scientific research event, not only international brands but also China brands attended. For many years, Polaiya Company has been invited to participate in the "Cosmetic360" exhibition of the international innovation fair of French perfume and cosmetics industry, which is hosted by French Cosmetics Valley and integrates global innovation technologies, and share Polaiya’s vision of technological innovation; In 2020, Polaiya brought eight scientific research achievements to this IFSCC conference. At this conference, which is known as the "Nobel Prize in Cosmetics" and represents the highest level of international cosmetic technology research and development, Polaiya’s scientific research achievements appeared and became the China cosmetics brand with the largest number of academic achievements published at this conference.

Hou Juncheng, chairman of Polaiya Cosmetics Co., Ltd. also said that Polaiya’s development vision is "standing at the peak of China’s beauty industry, Polaiya’s vision has been extended to a broader international stage, and its goal will be more ambitious and longer-term. We must learn from the top international outstanding enterprises, and strive to become an outstanding century-old enterprise like L ‘Oré al and LVMH, and be’ Polaiya in China and Polaiya in the world’. "

The rise of domestic beauty cosmetics China cosmetics market ushered in a new pattern.

With the rapid development of China cosmetics market, China brand and international brand, China brand and international brand will compete on the same stage. As the representative of "China brand", Polaiya keeps climbing the peak of scientific research, so that "China Science and Technology" belonging to Polaiya can compete with "international brands" on the same stage; With the spirit of unlimited exploration, Polaiya keeps creating an infinite future, and further moves towards a China beauty company with consumers as the core and technology as the foundation. It is understood that in the six years since the listing of Polaiya, the company has developed steadily, with a market value of 10 times and a performance of more than 4 times. Polaiya is leading the brand development industry. This year’s Double Eleven won the first place in the beauty industry of Tmall and Tik Tok, and the first place in domestic beauty products of JD.COM. This is the first time that domestic brands have won the first place in the industry in the past five years. Fang Yuyou, co-founder and CEO of Polaiya, mentioned in his speech, "This’ phased achievement’ is hard-won, which makes us more confident.’ Being a China brand of our own’-this is not just a beautiful wish, but a future we can see."

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